Burglar's Misfortune

Story by Akiru on SoFurry

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Burglar's Misfortune

"Both of you are hereby declared guilty of treason for stealing gold from high class citizens, the sentence will be executed by the highest commander of the police force, Rewierd", a quite fearful looking jackal judge ordered, looking at the two shivering fox brothers below him, before slamming his hammer down to make the sentence official.

"No, you can't do this," the slightly taller of the thieving brothers cries out... they both were normal anthro foxes, just of different colour. The older and taller brother had an acorn striped white coat of fur covering his whole body, except for his black tail, while his younger brother, who was a bit chubby, sprouts an orange to red shade. "We haven't done anything, it's a conspiracy against us," Exo, the younger of the two fixes cries out... though he knows that they took the job out of desperation, having no money, no home and no food wasn't exactly easy. Standing all naked in front of an expensive dressed judge, his court guards and a fierce looking canine prosecutor didn't help much either.

Argonir, the older fox brother, had a pleading look in his eyes as he focused all of his attention on the commander who stood proudly next to the judge, a fire burning in his eyes as he responds, "As you wish, your highness. They both shall be executed by my very paws. You both know what kind of capital punishment awaits for you, right?"

Exo and Argonir look at each other, before gulping heavily... they know many of the secrets of this corrupt and run down country they lived in, none of them pleasant stories to listen to. The constitution doesn't allow any blood to be shed, so the court works together with alchemists in order to develop and test new kinds of execution on criminals who don't have any might, money or organisations in the background. Those two just came right for the newest method the guild of alchemists developed a few days ago... what kinky bastards they were, but nothing could be done against the force of a corrupt government.

"P-please, just give us a lifelong stay in prison instead," Exo rumbles in an unsteady shaking voice, looking at Rewierd, then the judge... just to repeat that motion with pleading puppy eyes, unable to get clear thoughts in his mind. "Yes, don't use us as science experiments, that's inhumane and illegal to speak of, what happened to this country after our king died. Everybody of you let us no other chance but to steal in order to survive," Aronir adds with swift words, not yet broken and shivering like his younger brother, though he knows their time had come.

"Request denied," the judge ordered, nodding to Reweird, "Take them away, and execute them immediately... I wish you fun, my dear friend," he adds with a giggle in his voice. Both of them know each other since a long time... since they both conspired against the king, to lure him out of the country and overtake the throne in the meantime. The quite fat and chubby husky with the weird name groans happily and steps down from the podium, some heavily armed forces following him in shiny, yet stained and at the joints rusty armours. "Of course, I can't wait to try that new potion the prepared," he responds with an eager grin, taking the scared fox brothers by their handcuffed paws, bumping them in the direction of the door into the chamber of final justice, downwards a spiral staircase, the stench of urine and sweat coming from down below, as well as an earthy note which tickles in all of the canine's sensitive noses.

"Get in there you two worthless burglars," Reweird groans in his low voice, his strange musk filling a chamber, that was nothing more but stone walls, with an incredible strong smell of faeces and fear coming from the muddy ground, Exo and Argonir laying shivering on the ground, both with pleading and scared look on their faces, the fat, tall and yet incredible strong husky leaving them both no means of possible escape. They were trapped, unable to move and to talk anymore, heavy chains constricting them to the ground. Just a moment earlier they were forced to drink a white liquid which made them both totally weak and exhausted, they couldn't even stand up anymore, not even if they wanted.

Smirking happily as the husky took a big gulp out of a leathery bottle, he groans out with a delicate look on his face, having lots of fun right now it seems. Nobody but those brothers, himself, and the guards in front of the door will know what will happen to them, where they will vanish to... what their excruciating fate will be. "The least I can do is to explain you both your fate in each and every detail. The potion I just took is the new execution method our alchemists developed. Making my body quite stretchy for a while... of well, I guess it would be better if I just show you. I will start with the smaller one, you look quite eager to eat something, do I hear a growling stomach?" he asks and explains mockingly, padding over with heavy steps, all naked and with a musk that could kill everybody in a radius of a mile, a strong and firm erection standing from his grey coloured crotch and white belly, all dirty with smegma and yellow stains of urine.

His permanently raised and curled tail exposes the exit to his bowels, a shit crusted and heavily smelling pucker of great proportions, looking almost like a greedy black void as he bends over to show it off to them both. "Urgh... p-please no, d-don't do it," Exo coughs weakly, yet unable to hold his own erection back which starts to grow between his legs, rubbing over the chains and spreading his precum over the cold steel. It seems the potion he and his brother got were an aphrodisiac at the same time, making them both incredibly horny... Argonir fighting his own erection as well. Indeed, they both thought that the chubby naked husky was the most sexy creature they have ever seen in their life so far, looking with needy, yet scared eyes, onto his shit covered rump and tail-hole.

"I will have my fun with you two, and I am sure you will both enjoy your punishment... to death, hehe," Reweird giggles cheerfully, turning around one more time to give Exo and Argonir a slap on their firmly standing erections, which were greeted with a yelp by them both, squirting precum over themselves and gasping heavily... their mind being bent by the poison in their veins. Being quite out of themselves, the crave to be pleased grows stronger in them, shaking in their chains as the heavy musk of the husky falls over them like a curtain, chubby skin under the naked sweaty fur sloshing up and down with each step Reweird takes, before gently petting over the cheek of Exo, the little grey fox having tears in his eyes, the fear of execution being replaced by the strong need for sexual pleasure, something his body fights against with little of a chance, his immune system weakened by the strong poison.

"I will start with you little one, and let your brother watch what will happen to you... isn't that nice of me?" he asks, looking deeply in the fox's eyes, enjoying the power over him, the helpless state he dwelled in, his need for release with a throbbing cock and twitching tail. Turning around with a smirk on his face, he suddenly forces his rump cheeks onto the head of the sitting gasping exo, his tail-hole smothering the ears of the vulpine, smearing his crusty shit all over him while moaning and gasping in delight as his pucker slowly opens with moist squishy sounds, easily plopping the head of the overwhelmed Exo into the depths of his pucker, the muzzle of the fox rubbing against the rancy shit filled interior, over Reweirds anal gland and prostate. "F-fuck, w-what are you .d-doing," Argonir responds to that strange, yet uttermost arousing sight of his brother's head getting stuck in the extremely stretched tail-hole of the fat musky husky.

"I'm helping him inside myself, obviously," the chubby canine teases him, while sitting down onto the shoulders of the choking and coughing fox, who's head was forced into the smooth shit he hold back for quite a while. Not being able to breath much, he holds his air in, sheer arousal making him quite voluntarily slither deeper inside the soft and hot gripping walls of the husky's internals, shivering and moaning as his neck slides past the point of no return, the strong anal muscles compressing around of his shoulders, almost sucking him inside the depths as he wiggles and accommodates to the strong pressure around of him. Soon his head was bent back by a blocking wall of pure shit, corny and filled with bone fragments which poke and stick into his already totally messy and stained fur.

"Hehe, seems like he is stuck," Reweird chuckles, standing up while his tail-hole grips the vulpine firmly, making him wiggle and sway his already stuck arms in the air. "I should have taken a shit before, but like this, it is much better. At least... he will clean my insides out now if he wants to survive longer." Groaning in pleasure, he starts to paw himself, shoving his spread butt with the lower half of the fox out to the terrified, yet utterly aroused Argonir, who desperately tried to reach for his cock in order to stroke it, the scent of arousal, shit and sweat making his instincts go wild... yet the care for his brother who experienced this strange fate deepened his psychosis and awe.

Exo, in the meantime, needed air... breathing the foul gasses in which make him almost vomit, he opens his maw up because his nostrils were soon filled with nasty smelling bits of shit... just to be welcomed by another push of the husky who layed down onto his back, using his paws and feet in order to force the helpless Exo deeper inside of him. Not long after that push, the vulpine's maw was filled up with shit... logs of the tastiest treat he has ever eaten before. Flavour of strong spicy nature, mixed with an heavy earthy note, completed by fancy saltiness. As he took the first bite, his arousal got the best of him, pleasure spreading through his body with each further bite he takes, muffling and swallowing more of the shit while being pressured inside, licking over the smooching moist anal walls which secret natural lubricant in order to make it easer to slide Exo inside the deep anal cavern. Chewing and swallowing, before breathing the intoxicating farts and foulness inside of his lungs again which already burn due to the loss of energy, he was up inside the widely spread, yet incredibly tight hole to his crotch, his throbbing member getting bent back by the force he was sucked and pushed inside... the moment his member rubs over the internal parts of the tail-hole, his knot inflates and he cums hard, some ropes of his cum shooting outside the pucker of the groaning husky, hitting his brother in the face and over the chest, combined with some sticky bits of fresh brown shit.

Argonir yelps out as the shots of shit and cum hits him, his cock jumping with his beating hart as he watches the wiggling toes of his beloved brother sliding inside the greedy hole of the grinning husky, who already pats the bulge on his abdomen, before his shit smeared pucker closes up, leaving no trace of Exp behind. "G-god, w-what have you done?", he asks the grinning canine with his sweaty fur, who stands up and wags his tail, jerking his erection while he gets closer to the fox. "I helped your brother to a better place, don't you see how much he likes it inside of me? How much he adores my foul shit? Too bad... that this isn't the only thing he will experience. Yet you shouldn't think too much about it, your own fate is quite different, yet still almost the same as his," he giggles, moaning hard due to the wiggling movements and licks over his inner walls, Exo digging himself further inside the smooth shit, eating and gobbling it up while trying to find new ways to get new oxygen, each heavy fart which washes over him being breathed with lust and pleasure.

At last, the husky couldn't hold it any longer, growling out as he cums hard from the pressing sensation onto his prostate, and the feeling of being totally stuffed, the fox plugging his tail-hole almost perfectly, while cleaning it up with a rough tongue... a chubbier growing stomach feeling just like a knot while Exo forces and gulps more of the tasty earthy shit down his gullet, his eyes closed while he dwells in the warmth. Shooting ropes of thick creamy cum that had a light stench to it over the already covered body of Argonir, he rumbles deeply as he paints the red fur of the vulpine in white more white stains.

Yet before the orgasm of the husky ends, he forces the tip of his almost hyper sized cock onto the head of the kneeing fox, his urethra spreading widely open in order to welcome the fox inside of his cum filled shaft, the pressure being quite intense as the head of the wiggling gasping Argonir slides inside with a moist plop. Cum forces itself into his ears, nostrils and half opened gasping maw as his throat and neck was suckles on by spread urethral walls, his arms being forced to both sides of his cum covered fur, the few bits of shit gluing patches of his coat together. Being overwhelmed by the strange yet arousing situation, he greedily gulps the cum down which was forced into his maw, to the back of his throat and down into his belly.

"What a great sounding toy you are, feels damn nice you little worthless fox," the chubby husky groaned, pushing his stiff swollen erection further over the body of the helpless wiggling fox, soon letting him slide past his chest and belly, the throbbing erection of Argonir's member squirting precum into the entrance, the little critter being so close to orgasm himself as he was dragged into the rippled inside, the metal chains being pressed over his body as they drag smoothly over the sensitive walls of the cock, making the husky dwell in deep pleasure, the combined sensations of tickling fur and rubbing metal bringing him almost over the edge again. But he has to wait for that, not that the vulpine shoot outside of his cock again... just his wiggling foot paws still outside, behind which the urethra closes down, trapping Argonir as a moving bulge inside the husky's cock.

Yelping and mumbling while he drinks more and more of the salty, creamy cum, Argonir couldn't hold it any longer, his body being too aroused by the strange situation, the cum all round him, the hot constricting walls around him, the burning in his chest due to lack of air, and the uttermost pleasant feelings due to quivering rippled walls around his cock. Forgetting almost everything about his brother and himself, he cums hard, shooting his foxy seed deeply inside the urethra of Reweird, who just coos and sits down onto his fat cheeks, pressuring the bulge further down his member, until the head of the fox squishes itself inside the turning point of its way... incredibly tight and smelling strongly of urine. Seems the orgasm of his punisher died down before he reached his balls, letting him being sucked deeper inside the body, bending upwards towards the piss filled bladder.

Feeling violated and weak, though in deep pleasure of an orgasm afterglow, the head of Argonir pops into the opening of the husky's piss filled stretched bladder... he was unable to breath anymore, yet needed oxygen so badly. Having no other chance but to start drinking the terribly salty and musky piss which pushes against his maw, the red fox swallowed the yellow fluid in big gulps, getting more and more inflated, his tummy stretching out... not even controlling his body, it seems to act on it's own as the piss burns in his wide open eyes, soon being able to breath again as the squishy sack closes down around his fat piss inflated belly, finally popping all the way into the bladder of the husky, creating a bulge close to his wiggling brother who was still deeply inside the tail-hole of the heavily breathing husky.

"Urgh... finally inside... that felt so good, and still does, f-fuck," Rewierd comments as he presses both of the bulges on his abdomen, the squirming foxes having still some air left to experience what will happen to them once the second stage of the red fluid begins to work in the body of the husky.

"I better gonna rest now, that was quite exhausting... hope this new method won't be used too often," he groans and scratches his butt, before standing up and walking up to the door with really heavy steps. "Guards, open the door and help me to my room.

Reweird lays quite sleepily on his bed, exhausted as gurgling and groaning sounds come from both of the bulges of the fox brothers, the liquid having changed the body of the husky to the next stage of the punishment.

The wiggling bulge which represents Exo who was deeply snug deeply inside the tail-hole of the laying and resting canine felt more and more strange, as if his body gets lighter over time. It was too dark to see anything, his lungs crying for oxygen for a few minutes already... before he suddenly lost his need to breath, panicking and shaking as his fur turns into a more and more brown colour, smearing against the anal gland and inside walls of the husky's intestines, which grip and smooch very tightly around of him. Soon, the a pleasurable feeling spreads through his whole body again... the alchemical potion Rewierd drunk making his tail-hole and bladder able to digest anything which might slip inside of them... including the two fox brothers. Loosing the feeling in his arms and legs, they turn into pure shit from the outside to the inside, being smeared on the longer growing body of the fox, his skin turning into the same rancy smelling brown smearing shit, Exo's internal organs liquefying into smoother faeces. He cums hard for the last time before he stopped thinking, fading away as strings of brown shit shoot from his breaking member, breaking the flesh, muscles down into nothing but pure earthy waste, digesting everything of Exo but his bones into smooth, uttermost tasty shit, which sloshes and moves closer to the tail-hole of the fat husky again, some foul farts rippling outside as Reweird groans and turns around.

At the same time, the fate of Argonir was sealed as well, the clenching walls of the tight bladder covering his whole body, quivering in steady pumps as digestion enzyme work over the fur and body of the surprised vulpine. He could hear the dampened moans and coughs of his brother, he himself not having enough air anymore to produce more but muffled groans. All of a sudden though, he choked and opened his maw wide, gagging as he vomits a yellow fluid, which tasted just like the piss he just drunk... the same strange sensation coming from his tail-hole and uretha, both forcing themselves open widely, gushing the same yellow liquid out. Muffling with tearing eyes, he knows that this will be the end of him... and he couldn't help himself but cum hard for a last time with the thoughts, "Goodbye, cruel world," in burnt in his mind. White cum mix with the yellow piss shooting out of his cock, while his insides liquefy, his organs turning into salty piss which was expelled through his orifices, soon sweating it out from his pores, oozing out of his nostrils, melting eyes and ears. Loosing his consciousness due to the extreme pleasure, his skin bulges out more and more, before he pops loudly and audibly in the bladder of the husky. The mess soon cleared down, pure musky, salty and tasty piss sloshing and spreading the bladder of Rewierd, who seemingly huffs out and stands up, the need to release himself growing stronger, and making him unable to sleep any further.

"So full... damn... and the toilet is so far away. Those foxes filled me up... quite well, damn," he swears... and it was already too late for him to go on. Breaking down on all fours onto the ground, he farts heavily, his tail-hole opening wide to shoot the first log of the digested Argonir onto the wall facing the fat husky's rump, sloshing down while leaving a brown trail behind. His cock jumps, a current of piss shooting outside, looking like a river as the flow intensifies, soaking into his fur and the wooden floor... more logs of shit rippling outside, exchanging wet sloshing sounds with heavy farts. A pile of brown smooth faeces built up below Reweird, who was helpless due to the force his waste was expelled, moaning in pleasure as he arches his back, something big forcing itself out of his spread pucker. The white, yet shit stained skull of the fox flops down into the waist, more white bone fragments being mixed under the more corny growing shit. His bladder in the meantime, struggled to release more of the yellow musky piss, which flooded the whole floor of his room already, making the pillar of shit and bones look like a lonely island... standing proudly above a raging salty sea of piss.

After a around ten minutes of shitting and pissing, Reweird lays exhausted on his back, all messy and surrounded by the piss and shit of digested, transformed brothers Exo and Argonir... the punishment executed and finished.

Suddenly, the door swings open, the flow of piss moving outside into the corridor as the jackal judge entered, looking down onto the messy commander of police, Reweird. "I see you are done, my friend. And, what did you think of this new method?", he asks with a smirk all over his face... being naked as well with a raging erection due to the smell and dirtiness around him, his eyes focusing on the pile of shit and pool of piss. "Well... it's a quite messy kind of execution... oh god, and I feel so horny still, yet exhausted. We shouldn't do this too often, the conventional methods are less demanding," he groans, winking to the black furred judge, who slips down onto his knees, moving behind the heavily breathing canine who still had a raging erection, which throbs along his stomach as he spreads his legs for his friend, showing his shit covered tail-hole, which still gapes a little, the dirty insides releasing a foul smell that was unbelievable strong.

Cracking the skull of the digested fox with his strong foot paws, the judge places himself into the pile of shit, rubbing his slick black rump into it, all while placing the tip of his enormous black canine cock onto the gaping pucker of Reweird, who looks into the other's eyes with a pleading look. "What are you waiting for, fuck my dirty hole already, slip your cock deeply inside of my shitty boy pussy, fuck me like you always do, dirty whore," the fat husky groans out and snickers... moaning in deep pleasure as the thick musky member pierces into his spent... yet tightly gripping rippled insides. A mix of shit, piss and precum made a pretty good lubricant, the jackal gripping both of the husky's legs, spreading them wider and heaving him up a little, before thrusting deeply and strongly into the great feeling pucker, warmth and heat rolling through his body as his heavy ball sack slaps repeatedly into the smooching, yet loose pucker. Growing steadily faster, inhaling the scent of sweat, musk, shit, piss and farts deeply, he growls in feral desire as he moves his upper body forward, taking a paw full of faeces dampened with piss and smearing it onto the lips of Reweird, who licks and swallows some, leaning up to give his close friend a deep shit tasting kiss, tongues wrapping around each other as they suckle on each other's maws.

What a strange pair they resembled... one which abuses their high status for lewd sex with each other, sacrificing the life of others in order to get into new exciting and uttermost kinky situations. Both of them breath deeply in and out, the judge humping the ass of his canine friend really hard, focusing his thrusts onto his shit stained prostate, before eagerly forcing his knot inside with a moist plop. It inflates almost instantly, growing to the size of almost four inches, pressing hard on the other male's prostate, making him release his sticky cum during a hard orgasm, receiving creamy blows of cum deeply into his ass as well... which grips firmly around the intruding cock. Breaking the kiss, the jackal flops onto his friend with an exhausted look in his eyes, cuddling sweetly and licking affectionately over Reweird's cheeks. "Your ass is still the best... so slippery and hot. Don't worry about the execution, my cum had the antidote to the red potion inside, no shit and piss digesting from you anymore. Guess I will force other prisoners for that from now on... they are so, exposable.

Both of them laugh and chuckle happily, cuddling themselves in the pool of cum, shit and piss while chatting casually still, "You are still as dirty as always, my kinky judge... can't wait to see what those alchemists will come up with next.

"We will see, we will see," the jackal answers, before giving his friend another lewd kiss... tightly knotted in his tail-hole as they both stumble into bed, hugging themselves into sleep... already having forgotten everything about Exo and Argonir.

~The End

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