Teaching Brother A Lesson Pt 2

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#2 of Teaching Brother A Lesson

Enjoy this?  Try my collection of short stories out!


Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .



For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.


(((First off I was really daunted writing part two because of the massive feed back on part one. I tried to do my best and hope folks enjoy. There WILL be a continuation coming up as the commissioner wants us to keep going with it. Comments are welcome, but please keep them constructive and reactions a bit civil. ;) Excessive curse words are bad, mm'kay?

Story is commissioned by Solerum))

Dan had never had a day like this in her life. It was beyond her worst nightmare, she had thought nightmares could only exist in the form of being naked in the class room or something chasing her in the night. Kat took her brother away after the knot had finally deflated and left her newly ravaged folds splayed and aching. Worst of all she felt satisfied somehow by what had happened and her ears darkened into a beat red coloration. How could this be happening to her? Her own sister!

"Stay, girl, stay." Her sister's voice stated firmly before she left the living room leading the german shepherd that had been her brother from the room.

Had it only been yesterday that she had been a two legged male human? Now she was some freakish hybrid of both! She tried to stand up on her two legs but something about them made the compact foot paws refuse to take the weight for long and she was back on her knees again. She felt the slow drool of seed sliding from her blood gorged folds and squirmed in disgust. She twisted her head down and found her back able to curve better then she had expected. Her leg lifted up and for the first time she got a good look at what her sister's magic had given her.

Dan's folds were a dark black color, they were swollen and slightly spread and seemed far larger then she thought a dog's should be. The vulva parted slightly to show the glossy inner skin that seemed to be a dark almost red color. There was just a smattering of fur around the edges and her large ears dropped back at the most shocking part about it! There was a water dribble of pearly white seed leaking from her folds. It slid down along the Y shaped sex and started to mix in with the already slick mess of her sex. The scent of raw male hit her nostrils and made them quiver slightly.

She still ached, could still feel the aftershocks of having the knot drug from her body. Without a thought she suddenly moved her tongue out to lather over her aching folds. The broad red appendage lathered over her swollen folds slowly in a single swipe. A hairs breath from the moment she realized she was doing it she tasted the slightly salty dog cum left behind. She tried to stop herself, she really did. But the moment her tongue ran over her folds something like relief welled up inside of her, the ache seemed less and her tongue immediately went back to smooth over the aching abused folds again and again.

Hot tears started to roll down her canine muzzle as she cleaned herself, she didn't seem to be able to help herself. The tongue stroked and curled even between the folds as it reached in to pull out the watery seed that kept leaking out of her. The humiliation was almost too much to bear! Each lick made a horrible slurping noise as her muzzle was pushed in tight against her mound. Her nose thick with the scents of her own heat and her brothers cum, the latter had started to make her grow slick once again. She didn't even realize her tongue was driving some of the seed deeper inside of her while ensuring she was tightening up to keep it there.


Kat led her four legged brother upstairs by a grip on his scruff. She'd almost forgotten to grab his clothes on her way out, but thankfully at the last moment she'd remembered. It was both awkward and strangely erotic to have her brother pad along beside her with the vivid red shaft still half hanging out from his sheath still. The bulge of the knot kept the sheath pushed back around the very base of it and to her surprise the tip was still dripping out a watery dribble of what might have been cum. How much did dogs cum?

She led Patrick into his bedroom before crouched down next to him and looked over the slimy well used shaft. She found an old shirt without too much difficulty and slipped her hand up to feel the smooth length and wrapped her fingers just behind the knot. She tried to be gentle as she cleaned off the girth with slow steady movements. Each time she pulled down towards the tip her youngest brothers hips jerked forward and he whined at the sensations. She finally had to move the shirt down to cover the tip completely before she could get the last of the slippery juices from him.

She tossed the shirt under Dan's bed and used a foot to push it deeper underneath so that Pat wouldn't find it and question what had happened. Finally his girth was being drawn back into his sheath and she felt a stab of disappointment. Some small part of her had wanted to explore the feel of the completely unsheathed cock, to feel it growing and how the knot would swell open. She finally swallowed and just stood up and started to turn her mind towards her changed brother. The dog had settled on his haunches and stared up at her with a strange tilt to his head as he regarded her.

It took Kat a moment to find the strength to wrap her magic around the four legged form at her feet. She was startled by how hard it was to actually manage to find the energy, but as she mentally felt the warmth wrap around her changed brother she let out a sigh of relief. She didn't want to trap him as a dog, or worse remember that he'd been this way in the first place. She could only imagine what he'd do if he remembered what he'd done to Dan.

She watched in almost amazement as the dogs form started to change. The muzzle started to draw back against the face and the form seemed to waver as if it were melting. The plush heavy coat grew thinner as it drew back into his body and a line of pink flesh was revealed right along the line of his spine. The broad ears shrank down and the dog let out a whimper before he moved his paw up as if trying to reach an itch. As the ears grew smaller, the hair on his head started to darken and grow. It curled into locks along his head and the more familiar chestnut color that most of their family had.

The soft brown eyes showed the whites as their shape changed and the muzzle slipped further back until the nose faded into a perfect pink once again. The dark edged lips turned into the reddish more supple lip of a human and as the former canine opened his jaws she saw the teeth turn back into blunt teeth of a human. She flicked her eyes down as if they were drawn by an unseen force to see how the legs started to change. The claws pulled back into nails on the toes and more intriguing the sheath rolled back away from his cock. It faded away as the red boned girth grew flaccid and started to sag down to the ground. The skin wrinkled slightly as it draped over the balls, thankfully clean of any trace of Dan's arousal.

After what seemed like several long moments her younger brother was seated on his knees at her feet, his eyes still as blank as the canines had been. She leaned down and with a few whispered commands had Pat raise his arms up as she pulled on his shirt. When he stood it seemed unbalance before she had him sit on the bed and returned his pants as well. Now that he was human she found herself averting her eyes from the sight of his softened shaft, an uncomfortable feeling in her stomach formed. Should she really have done that to him? Her conscience pricked at her even as she backed away from the door and let his mind come back into the control. Had she gone too far?


Dan's tongue kept working over her aching sex, the feel of it seemed to sooth the worst of the itches and heat from herself. She wanted to stop though. She hated the taste of herself, but she couldn't wrestle against whatever instinct her body had formed that made her want to clean herself up. Engrossed in her own emotional wrestling, she didn't hear the foot step come into the family room until it was too late. Her keen ears heard something like a clearing of a throat and only then did she manage to jerk her head up with a rush of humiliation to stare at her sister. Kat stood in the door way with a handful of damp paper towels, her face as red as the dog's ears.

"Well I guess I won't need to clean you up, will I girl?" She said after several moments and without a word dropped the unused towels into the waste basket.

"C'mere, Misha." She called as she sat down on the end of the couch and pat her leg.

Dan wanted to resist, she wanted to turn her back on her tormenter and slink away. But at the command she felt her paws jerk and then move as she padded forward towards the couch. Her ears went back against her head and her tail curled itself between her legs. She moved one of her paws up to the cushions of the couch and started to pull herself up to sit down when she was stopped. Her sister's hand moved to grip the collar that wrapped around her furred throat and gave it a pull back. The anthro dog shot an angry look upwards at her and flattened her ears to either side of her head.

"No, Misha, dogs don't get on the furniture you'd shed all over the place." Kat stated and made a gesture with her free hand. "Sit!"

Dan was compelled to settle back on her haunches with a soft whine, her knees ached from having to kneel on them all the time. It felt strange and wrong. Though at the moment she couldn't tell why it made her feel that way exactly. One part of her wanted to stand up on two legs and a new part that was swiftly starting to override the other wanted to sit in a more classic fashion like a dog. Both parts of her agreed that it felt almost painful to kneel like this but she couldn't find a better position. Her sister's hand moved down and absently started rubbing her ears with one hand while the other picked up the portable phone and dialed a number.

"Hey, Mr. Hanson!" Dan's ears went up at the mention of his sister's manager. Oh god, was she going to call off just to torment her further? She whined softly only to feel a hand tug lightly at her ears.

"No no, I'm coming in. I just wanted to know if I could bring my new dog into work? I don't want to leave her home alone since it's her first day here." Dan felt her heart sink, Kat worked at the small pet store in town. She'd never gone there, she just knew about it from Kat's long winded stories about such and such animals. She did not want to spend the day in a pet store! She waited for her manager to tell her no. Who the hell would let their employee bring in their dog? "Oh yeah, shots and everything, she's a sweet heart. Okay. Okay yeah. I will. I'll see you in a bit, Mr. Hanson!"

Her sister hung up the phone and leaned back for a minute while fondling Dan's ears. Despite how much she wanted to jerk her head away from the touch, it did feel sort of good. She leaned into the touch as the fingers started to work just behind the ears and then down to the rise of her neck. The dog's tense muscles started to relax themselves and before she knew it she was leaning against her sister's legs for the attention. The fingers curled a bit more firmly against her neck and she heard a soft laugh.

"See, Dan? It's not so bad is it?" The moment those words left her mouth the moment was broken and the dog yanked her head back to glare at her sister. Not so bad?! She was a dog! A female dog! How could it not be bad? "Fine, have it your way, but you're coming to work with me. Stay."

Kat pushed herself up from the couch and Dan watched her with outrage in her eyes. Damn Kat. Why was she doing this to her own brother? She tried to make that term stick in her mind, even if her body was stuck being a female, she was still a male inside! Kat, it was all Princess Kat's fault. As if she didn't' already have all the world at her beck and call she wanted to torture her as an added spice. As her sister walked away she flopped herself down onto her stomach and laid her head on her hands. Her ears pulled flat back against her head and tried to suppress the urge to start crying.

The former boy listened to her sister getting ready for work with a sense of dread. Every time she walked by her reclining form the dog suppressed the urge to snap out and bite one of her ankles. The older girl would deserve it too! First born, only girl, the reason her life had been miserable from the get go. There wasn't anything she could do that Kat hadn't already done. She heaved a sigh just as her sister's hand dropped down to wrap under the collar, "C'mon girl, let's get going. Dad doesn't have my car back yet, but it's a great day to go for a walk."

"I can't walk!" She had forgotten momentarily she couldn't speak any longer, instead a garbled bark came out of her throat that made her feel a stab of humiliation for her own inability to even do a simple task.

"Calm down, hmmm...well I guess I can make sure you can keep up." Kat's voice was contemplative and Dan peered and thought for a moment that she looked as if she had circles under her eyes. Good! Maybe her conscience last night had kept her up!

Before the former humans thought could go any further she let out a whining cry as her legs started to twitch and then to burn! It was as if someone has poured molten fire into her veins. The muscles twitched and jerked until she was forced to roll onto her sides. After the first rush of painful fire it dulled down to the feeling of pins and needles. Her feet, no her paws, god she still couldn't believe she had paws, prickled and the sensation started to roll upwards towards her knees. The sensations that rose up made her kick her legs out.

Dan could vaguely feel her sister crouched down next to her side, but her attention was devoted more towards watching her foot start to change. Her toes seemed to pull together while the pinky pulled upwards along the side of the foot. Wait, her foot itself was looking odd. Her toes became stiffer and more boney and she tried to move a hand down to grip one of them. She scrabbled and got a paw around one to pull upwards a moment before her ankle started to move upwards and the foot itself to grow longer. Her fingers felt around at the tips of her toes as the flesh thickened and the fur disappeared. She was getting paw pads! Paw pads!

Her knee started to change from humanoid to something more like a canines, it was hire up on her body and she felt what had been her foot become just a portion of her leg instead. She moved the leg awkwardly as she felt the way the toes had limited movements. She tried to stand up, she kept staring. They couldn't be shorter? Could they? She couldn't quite compare to want she knew about how long her legs should have been and she moved her hands down... Oh god, they were tingling too. Her fingers were starting to prickle and she glared up at Kat with suppressed rage in her eyes. Hadn't she done enough as it was?

"Easy, Misha, we don't want you getting hurt paws do we?" Came the matter of fact voice.

Dan lifted her fingers up and watched as they became shorter, thicker. The dark claws curled even more until it became harder to really move them all the way to curl into a fist. Even the thumb started to pull backwards along her wrist so that her view of her hands became distorted and wrong. They shouldn't look like that! She moved her fingers again and turned them over in time to watch thick black pads start to form at her palm and then at the tip of each finger. They were smooth and soft at first, but as she watched they became rougher and more textured. Dog paws. They looked like dog paws! Only a passing resemblance was left to the human hands she used to have!


Kat wanted nothing more than to curl up and take a nap, her hands positively shook with her own exhaustion. Her Grandmother had been right, there were limits and she thought she'd just reached her own. Even modifying Dan's hands into paws had made her strain. She had wanted to make her into a full dog, it would have been easier to walk him to work. Yet the moment she had tried her powers had started to drain her more then she could deal with and she was left with just enough to continue with the legs and hands. She reeled backwards a little as Dan's whines and whimpers filled the room, and very distantly she heard Patricks video games going on upstairs.

At least Patrick was conscious again and didn't seem to know what happened. She stood up with a slight tremor and made her way to the kitchen, maybe if she got some food in her she'd feel better. She still had a half shift today to get through. It took a few moments before she found the protein bars she normally saved for her morning workouts and started in on it. The chocolate and even the slightly chalky texture tasted amazing. Just that hint of sugar started to revive her enough that she was able to stop the tremors in her hands. She'd better not try anything more today with her magic, she didn't want to pass or worse mess up.

She snagged up the leash from the counter and walked over to Dan who was shakily getting onto all fours. The shortened more dog like legs matched up well with her arms, she was able to stand on all fours without any problems it seemed. The position made the dog-human just look that much more like a real canine. A bit more of her brother's humanity having been stripped away by that act. She clipped the lead on the collar and looked down at the angry accusing brown eyes and felt a slight pang of guilt before she gave a tug.

"Heel, girl." She said and to her relief Dan padded next to her somewhat awkwardly, the long tail held down against her rump cheeks in a clear sign of unhappiness.

As they left the house and started out onto the side walk she started to wonder if she was going too far. Sure Dan annoyed her, but she had taken this to levels she hadn't even thought of! She just wanted him to behave and to learn a lesson. She thought back to all the times he'd just been downright nasty to her. One time came to mind almost too vividly. They had been out back working on Patrick's club house together. Their parents had thought it would be a good project when they were younger to bring them closer together. She knew how the directions had read, she always read them before she opened up anything. From a pair of headphones to new electronics.

Dan had spent the time ignoring her when she said he had to put it together a certain way. She'd tried to tell him that the directions called for putting the frame up and then the floor but he'd wanted to add his own flare to it. They'd ended up arguing more heatedly then she'd ever remembered and she'd finally walked away from him and the project. She didn't want to do a half-ass job just because her brother felt it would look more awesome with his little additions. Didn't he care that the instructions were there for a reason? That they only had enough materials to make what the instructions called for?

That night her parents had called her in and given her a lecture while Dan looked on smugly at the entire scene. About how she shouldn't have agreed to help out Dan if she didn't know what she was doing. It was one of the few times she'd seen her father look disappointed as he pointed out the window at the half collapsed club house where some of the boards had clearly snapped from being placed wrong or forced into too tight spaces. The entire while Dan had just look vindicated and she remembered his added comment quite clearly.

"Don't worry, Dad, we can fix it. Most girls don't know how to read the actual instructions." The superior tone and outright lie had made her gape her mouth ready to defend herself, but something in his eyes had stopped her. It might have been that moment that made her think that her brother didn't actually like her, did he even love her?

She hadn't stood up for herself then. She'd felt shocked and hurt he'd lied and then made such a comment. From then on she'd watched little things happen with him. It was as if he enjoyed making her hurt. How many times had he jostled her in a 'playful' manner that had left bruises? Or he'd made embarrassing comments to their friends about things that had happened when they were younger? The more she thought on those times, the harder her resolve came. She'd overlooked most of the times as him being a teenager, but the more she thought on them, the more she came to realize that perhaps Dan didn't really love her. That all he thought about was himself and getting back at her for imagined slights.


Dan wanted to dig a hole and bury herself in it. She walked along the side walk beside Kat completely naked and exposed. Not just naked, but female! So what if she was a female dog, she was still naked and her tail could only cover so much. The neighbors didn't look twice at her, what did they see? A real dog walking at Kat's side? Or did they see nothing at all? She certainly didn't look like a real dog! Her torso and body were still human, but her head and legs seemed more like a real dogs. Her hands paw like and that horrible tail kept moving behind her.

As they made it the half mile into town she soon found a new level of humiliation as people they knew stopped and praised her. Kat seemed to lap up the attention like the princess she was. She'd pull on the lead and make Dan stop so that whoever had commented on the pretty dog could rub along the broad ears and back. She tolerated it with her skin burning in an embarrassed flush, not even the sound of how they praised her made it any better. The last was an older gentleman she knew her sister often picked up groceries for when it was winter and the stooped elderly body crouched down and started to roughly scruffle her chest fur and neck.

"Aww who's a good gal, eh? That's a good gal, takin' walkies with your owner! Just look how pretty you walk!" The crooning baby talk made her wince and want to shrink back before he addressed Kat, "She's a beauty! You take good care of her alright? Used to have a shepherd myself when I was younger, wonderful dogs."

"Oh I will, Mr. Martin, she's coming to work with me today, aren't you, Misha?" Kat grinned down at her changed brother and rubbed along her ears as well. She wanted to die.

It was with some form of relief that they made it to the pet store and Dan's nose was assaulted with scents the moment she padded into the cramped shop. All the scents seemed to attack her at once so that she couldn't even sort them all out. She could smell various animals, the neck ruffling smell of lizards and snakes, there was also a mix of food and stale dust on the air. The rich scent of leather from the collars and leashes. She froze and her nose twitched rapidly, she'd never realized just how strongly a dog could smell!

"And who's this lovely lady?" Came a rich bass voice and she swung her head to spy the owner of the shop coming over from behind the counter. "I thought you meant a stray, Kat! Did you adopt her from the pound? What a gorgeous dog!"

"Oh no, Mr. Hanson, Dan got her for me as a birthday gift. I think he got her from a breeder down in Mills Creek." There was no mistaking the pride in her sisters tone and despite herself Dan felt her tail starting to wag back and forth in reaction. "Do you mind holding her leash a minute, I'm gonna clock in."

"Sure, c'mere..what's her name Kat?" Mr. Hanson took the leash and gave it a little tug until Dan realized her only options were to struggle and probably get drug or just pad towards him.

"I named her Misha!" Kat called back as she moved into the back room leaving him alone with the elderly man.

"Well, Misha, aren't you a prize."

To Dan's ever lasting horror instead of starting to pet him, the man ran his hand down along the curve of her spine. The deft touch moved up to lift her head higher and peeled back her gums to look at the sharp changed teeth. What was he doing? She whined out in protest only to feel the hand drop down to move under her belly and start to position her legs. The man gave a soothing murmur of nonsense as the touch ran along her chest and the sudden realization she was being examined came to her. She was being looked over like a real dog!

Mr. Hanson stroked down to her tail base and forced her tail up to raise up high and for a moment she felt her heat swollen sex exposed to the entire world. The mild air of the shop made it almost a torture before her tail was dropped again. He stood up and both of his hands moved to either side and ran along her rib cage from the point just behind her shoulders all the way down to the curve of her hips. The impersonal touches continued as her head was tilted up and the man looked into her eyes and even her ears. The entire examination finished up with a ruffling of her ears and his hand going fishing into his pocket.

"Not sure what your brother paid, but it was worth it, Kat. She's just about perfect. Fine conformation, good set of teeth, beautiful posture. I'm surprised the breeders didn't keep her. Here ya go, girl." The last phrase was addressed towards her and she saw a dark treat between the man's fingers.

"I know, I couldn't believe it! I just couldn't leave her at home!" Kat called back as she came out of the back room and tied an apron around her waist. "Aww it's okay, Misha, you can take the treat."

It had been a long time since she'd eaten the kibble, she was still hungry and the scent of the treat made her nose twitch faster. It was rich with the scents of meat and she extended her head to try and take it from the pet store owner's hand. He laid it flat down on his palm so that her tongue swiped over the skin before she got her reward. The texture was almost gummy against her tongue and her teeth sank in easily to mash it up. It was nothing like the food she was used to, it was salty and just vaguely tasted like meat. Her eyes watered a little as she realized she was also eating a good portion of lint from the man's pocket. It wasn't even completely clean! The hands rubbed her ears again before Mr. Hanson stood up and went back towards the animal cages.


Kat settled behind the register and carefully made sure she'd tied Dan's leash to the edge of the counter. She was pretty sure that the dog wouldn't bolt, but she had to make sure. If she lost her brother she wasn't sure she could find them again. Dan dropped down onto the ground and gave her a heart broken look while her tongue worked in her muzzle. The way she wrinkled her lips back showed her distaste for the treat she'd had earlier.

The day at least wasn't that busy, she was mostly able to sneak bites of her protein bar where she could get them and felt marginally better. She never forgot how tired she had been though and at odd times she realized she wasn't even near completely recovered. She'd take it easy for today and she could deal with what to do with her brother tomorrow. She still wasn't positive what she'd do. The way she kept glaring at her promised the moment she got her voice back she'd be raising hell. The canine face somehow had mastered the art of looking both accusing and angry at once. At least no one else noticed the looks.

Most customers that came in seemed to rather taken with her new dog, full of praise for how beautiful she looked. Each time she told them that Misha had been a gift from Dan she got one of two reactions. The people who didn't know them well grinned and commented she was lucky to have such a brother. The ones that did know the pair of them well and how Dan could be had another reaction entirely. When one of her classmates heard he'd outright laughed about it.

"Seriously? Dan got you the dog? Did you check to make sure she's not rabid or something?" He'd made a show of backing away from the laying canine, not realizing it was actually Dan.

"He wouldn't do that, he probably just wanted to do something really nice for the last birthday I was going to have at home." She brushed her hairs from her eyes, not even thinking about defending him.

"Yeah, right. Your brother would pull you out of the road if a car was coming from you and he spent his money on a purebred dog as a gift. I don't buy it. She's probably from your parents and they just said Dan got her to cover up the little punk forgetting your birthday." Nick's lips twitched a little in a smile and Kat shifted uncomfortably. Dan had forgotten.

"He wouldn't forget, Nick. He's just like all of you guys, his minds on other things." She leaned down to stroke Dan's ears only to feel them lay flat.

"Sure. How can you say that after what he did to you and Todd? I mean seriously, that wasn't a prank that was just him being a little asshole." Her hand froze against the dog's ears and she looked up at their classmate and she blinked.

"What? What about me and Todd?" She felt a stab of hurt even though it had been three months since they'd broken up. She was still confused about what had happened. It was the only time in high school she'd had a messy break up, and the insults he'd yelled at her in the school hallway still stung. Even if they weren't true.


Dan only half listened to some of the compliments she kept receiving. Part of her wanted to wag her tail at being talked about and fussed over, the other part was mortified by the way they just talked right over her head. Her attention only truly came into focus when Nick walked in. She'd liked Nick, the guy was a good tight end and before this would have said he was one of her friends. The way the football player talked though made it clear that the friendship was one sided. She'd listened to Kat's defense uncomfortably all until the last comment Nick had made. She froze and silently begged Nick not to answer.

She remembered months ago she'd had two unpleasant surprises in one go. The first had been when their old rec room had been renovated and he and Pat had been excited at the prospect of possibly getting a larger TV to hook up with their gaming consoles. Before it had been the remnants of their old play room and filled with old toys, they'd never gone in there. Yet once again Princess Kat and her dominion over the house had come into play. Instead of putting in a larger TV and making it a place they could actually game without having to sit five inches in front of the screen it was turned into a study. And not just any study!

Kat had started tutoring some of the under classman for volunteer credit hours and their Father had explained that she needed a place she could work that wasn't in the middle of the living room. Oh he'd made it sound as if it was for all of them. That he'd have the computer set up in there and they could do homework in peace and quiet. But Dan knew it was all for Kat. What had been something that had he and his brother bouncing turned into nothing more than another part of the house that Kat owned completely. He and his brother were just afterthoughts when compared with her needs. Then his parents had started up on her college applications.

He'd overheard her one day talking to her boyfriend about college. He'd gotten into Yale and she was positively gushing over it. The almost squeal in her voice had made him sick and as she had gone on to talk about applying as well to make sure they could go to college together he'd wanted to punch something. Of course she'd get into Yale, she always got whatever she wanted out of life. All she had to do was bat her eyes and pout a little and people would fall all over themselves to make sure she got what she wanted. He knew his parents would never let him hear the end of it if she went there. He'd have to somehow get into Harvard to get more than a pat on his head and a smile if Kat got into Yale!

He'd waited a couple of weeks before he'd made his move. Kat had been tutoring an underclassman named Jake. The boy was nice enough looking, but dumb as a post. So he'd been over four times a week and locked in Kat's study working over homework. He'd found time to get Todd alone and told him that he should be the first to know. How he'd been going into the study to grab his books when he saw Jake's hand up under Kat's blouse and how they'd obviously been making out. A few hints here and there about how often the guy was over was enough to set Todd off. Hell there was even confirmation in the form of Jake telling Todd himself he was getting tutored by Kat.

The next day Dan had heard Kat sobbing in her room and the school was ripe with rumors how her boyfriend had broken up with her in front of the whole senior class. It had been one of the more dramatic moments in the school year since it had been so public. He'd felt completely vindicated a few weeks later when he saw the Yale acceptance letter in the trash can and she'd said she was going to Cornell. It was one of the few times he'd managed to really get back at her for everything she'd done.


"Jeez, I thought you knew! That little asshole told Todd you were messing around with Jake when you supposed to be tutoring him." Nick shifted uncomfortably as Kat felt a moment of complete incomprehension. "Sorry, I mean sorry about you and Todd. The rumor was Dan told him what you were doing and Todd went to Jake and asked him about it. Jake said he was over your house getting tutored but I don't think he bought it."

"D-Dan told Todd that?" She pushed the stool she was sitting on back as she stood up. "Are you sure? I mean it could just be a rumor like you said."

"Yeah, Todd told me in the locker room a week or so later. Said you were just leading him along." Nick looked even more uncomfortable and she realized that her eyes were threatening to tear up. "Listen, I'm sorry Kat. I thought you knew, I mean who else would spread a rumor like that?"

"I..no I didn't. Todd just said..." she shook her head, she didn't want to think about what all her ex had told her. Suddenly the insults made more sense and she felt her cheeks burn. And the entire school thought this about her.

"Umm, I should be going." Nick looked more than uncomfortable now and she blinked back a few tears, "I'll, uh, catch you at school next week."

As her classmate beat a hasty retreat she dropped back down onto the stool. Her mind felt clogged with too many thoughts at once. Why would her brother do that to her? She'd loved Todd, she still did love him. She knew he'd never caught her at anything, she'd never done anything in the first place! The only reason he'd possibly have to do that was pure spitefulness. She looked down at the tan and black body that was sprawled on the ground and the guilty expression in those dark brown eyes. No not guilty, scared. He didn't feel bad! He was just upset he was caught.

"How could you?" She asked in a low whisper.


Dan stared up at her sisters eyes and watched the first tears roll down her cheeks and felt her stomach turn. What was she going to do to her now? What could she do? The whispered words and her newly keen ears left little doubt as to the hurt in her voice. She shifted a little and made a move to slink backwards, but the movement tightened to leash attached to her collar so it was drawn tight. Kat kept staring at her accusingly, another tear rolled down her face. She opened up her muzzle and tried to talk only to hear a whine spill out.

The bell rang as the door to the shop open and she was saved having to stare at those accusing eyes any further. What did her sister want? She could have any guy she wanted in the world, she didn't even have to work for it. She just had to smile at them and they were instantly under her spell. She hadn't done anything really wrong, Kat had it coming! She was always ruining things for her brothers, always getting in the way and showing off. She had it coming to her! Dan dropped her head down to rest on her arms so that she missed the familiar voice.

"Hey, I just came in to get a new harness for Jackson." The voice was higher pitched then his sisters and had the sweetest hint of an English accent to it. She'd know that voice anywhere and her eyes jerked up as she forced herself to sit back on her haunches.

"Oh, hey Lisa." Kat's voice was still slightly thick and she rubbed her cheeks a little, "Sure, do you have him here? It'd be easier to fit him."

"Yeah, I left him outside since I wasn't sure I could bring him in."

Dan leaned against her leash and watched around the edge of the counter as Lisa left and felt her heart speed up. Lisa was in her own grade and she'd been trying to get her to out on a date for the last two years. She was almost pixie like. She stood barely five feet tall, slender and had long bright red hair that came all the way to her waist. Add in the fact she was one of the nicest girls she'd ever met and the English accent and Dan had found herself as smitten as the rest of the boys in her class. She moved to stand up on all fours to try and get a better look around the corner.

Then it hit her, for a moment she'd forgotten what had happened in the musical notes of Lisa's voice. She was a dog! She pulled back behind the counter to hunch down out of sight. She didn't want to risk the smallest possibility that she'd be recognized like this. Her haunches bumped up against her sisters legs and there was another fear. Kat knew what she'd done to break up her and Todd, what if she set out to get her brother back? How easy would it be for her to just tell the other girl why she'd been crying a few moments ago?


Kat smiled as Lisa came back in with a leather and chain leash in her hand and a heavy bodied Belgian shepherd on the other end. She forced herself to stop crying, the last thing she needed was to have people ask questions. Though she did wonder why Dan was cringing against her leg as if she wanted to bolt away completely. Maybe her brother felt guilty for what she'd done. She wanted to believe that, that Dan didn't hate her so badly that she could do something like that and not feel remorse.

"Here he is, I don't bring him in many shops. He used to be Dad's partner, but he's retired now." The girl rubbed the big dog's neck. "Still makes people nervous though."

"Aww he's fine. Police dogs are well trained. I'm more worried about the pampered purse dogs we get in here! They can be nasty." Kat grinned as she stepped out from behind the counter and went towards the rack of leashes, harnesses and collars.

Lisa followed along and amazingly the dog stayed sitting near the front counter as if he'd been told to. It wasn't often Kat saw a dog that she immediately thought of as imposing, but the dog certainly was one that hit the marker. He was muscular and heavily built, his fur immaculately groomed and there was a watchfulness in his eyes when she went closer to his owner's daughter. It was almost as if he were judging if she were a risk or not. She forced herself to look away and started to guide Lisa through some of the larger harnesses so they could try them on him.


Dan let out a sigh of relief when both of the girls walked away and stopped cringing backwards. She hadn't been spotted, that at least was a relief. She stretched herself out on the floor and went back to trying to just get through the day. Or at least trying to block out the memory of Kat's hurt eyes. It was her own fault! She had it coming! The changed human sighed a little bit and strained her ears to listen to Lisa's voice instead. It was even more beautiful to keener ears. So soft and edged with an exotic accent, even if they were discussing nylon and leather.

"JACKSON! Sit!" The sudden loud cry that came from her love interest made her jerk in surprise.

"Oh it's fine, he's alright with other dogs right?" Kat asked, "I have my dog back there, Dan got me her for my birthday and I didn't want to leave her at home."

"Oh, well yes, he'll be okay. He's just normally better at staying."

Dan found herself staring at a pair of huge black paws in front of her and as she scrambled up into a sitting position, a dog. It looked like a shepherd like herself, but it was heavier in some ways and the body type seemed off. The male stuck his head out towards her and started to sniff along the edges of her muzzle making her back up. The rank heavy musk of the male flooded her nose until she wanted to sneeze it back out. It seemed to linger on her tongue until each time she moved her muzzle she could taste it, and it smelled good on some level. Like Patrick's scent had. She felt a moment of blind panic when the dog took another step forward and started to nose at her neck before Kat rescued her.

"Here let's try this one on him." The girls had returned and to his horror Lisa was coming behind the counter to get her dog and they met face to face.

Dan wanted nothing more than to slink behind her sister's legs and hide herself. It was too late, Lisa crouched down and had started to pull the harness over the larger dogs head just a few inches from her. Oh the scent of her! She smelled warm and sweet, almost like vanilla and under that her own unique smell. She hadn't realized just how wonderful the girl had smelled until just that moment and felt a pang of envy as she was adjusting her dog's harness. She felt hands rubbing her ears and glanced up fearfully at Kat.

"Hey what are your plans this afternoon?" Kat asked and almost sounded innocent.

"Well I was going to take Jackson out to the park to let him have a run. Since he doesn't work anymore he starts to chew things if he doesn't have a good run." Lisa gave a shy smile, obviously a bit intimidated by the older girl. "Your dog looks lovely by the way. I like the Belgians, but the German shepherd's are always so personable looking."

"Thanks, I'm still getting used to her." Kat answered and moved her hand when Lisa's fingers brushed over her head. Ohhh it was lovely, they were so gentle, so light against the fur and ears. Dan could almost forget she was a dog and just revel in the feeling of the girl touching her. "You mind if we tag along? I get off in half an hour. Dan's told me a lot about you and well, I don't really know where I can let her get some exercise."

"I-oh! Sure! Jackson would love to have a playmate wouldn't you boy?" There was a startled quality to her voice at having been asked and she clipped her lead to the new leather harness.

Dan stared at the massive dog in front of her and felt her stomach sink down to his legs. There could only be one reason Kat wanted to talk to Lisa. And that was to get her revenge on her even more. Why couldn't her sister just leave her alone for once?!


Dan walked beside Kat as if she were going to the electric chair. Her paws felt heavy beneath her and all she wanted to do was flop down and refuse to move. The park itself was one she hadn't been to before. It wasn't as large as most of the ones in town were, instead it was set back behind some buildings and seemed to have one large open area with two picnic benches and a lot of woods surrounding it. Kat didn't talk to her again, she didn't even look down except to clip the lead in place and help shoo her out the door.

Jackson came bounding up to the pair of them the moment they passed into the park, the large dog parked and gamboled around both of them as if he wanted to play. Dan didn't care, she didn't want to play, she wanted to find out what Kat was going to do. Maybe she could bite her sister and stop it from happening? She looked at the jean clad legs contemplatively before yelping when the large furred bulk of the male jostled her and there was a nip against her shoulder.

"JACKSON! Play nice! Hey, Kat!" Lisa was perched on a picnic bench with her dogs leash beside her. "He's excited I think. I never take him to the dog park so he doesn't get a lot of time to play with other dogs."

"I can see that!" Kat laughed and leaned down to unclip the leash from around her brother's neck. "Go on, Misha, go say hi to Jackson." In an undertone there was a whisper, "No eavesdropping."

Dan stared up at her sister with a startled hurt look and then over towards Lisa. She wanted to cry, she'd never even had a date with the girl! Now she never would, all because Kat had lost one thing in her life. One thing out of all the things she had handed to her. She wanted to pad over anyway but Jackson was suddenly bumping into her and nipping at her ankles in an attempt to play. She stumbled a little and then started trying to trot away from his attention when the bites grew firmer and almost hurt.

"Hey, Lisa. Now that the dogs are off playing, I wanted to talk to you a bit about Dan." Those were the last words she heard before Jackson's bites grew bruising against her ankles.

Dan snapped back once and took off at a run trying to get away from the dog. If she could just slip around she could hear what was being said and maybe find a way to prove her sister wrong. She didn't recognize the herding nips of the former police dog, the way his body bumped and forced her to run ahead of him. She wasn't positive this was how dog's played, but it was annoying and she finally flopped down on her belly with a growl to try and get him to stop it. They were just out of ear shot of the girls, she could hear a few murmured words but nothing more and felt a stab of frustration.

Jackson didn't seem to care that she'd lain down, his head dropped and started to sniff at her side avidly. The hot breath rushed against her side as he let out short snorts here and there when he came across something he liked. Dan flattened her ears against her head and tried to just ignore the big animal and his persistent attention. She did a fine job of it as well until the nose poked right beneath her tail and the dog sucked in a deep breath of the female scent found there. The release of it sent the point breath against the swollen mons so that she whined out and then whirled around to snap her jaws at him.

"GO ON! GET!" She tried to yell out and instead the garbled snarl spilled out of her mouth.

She expected the dog to back off, but to her surprise Jackson's playful nature seemed to turn off like the flip on a switch. The black dog's lips wrinkled back to show sharp white teeth and he slammed his chest against her side with a baritone growl of warning. The hackles on his back rose up so that he looked even larger than before and she stumbled backwards a step and tried to bolt around him. The male blocked her again and this time grabbed her scruff with his jaws and gave a harsh pull that sent her almost tumbling down with a yelping cry. What did the beast want?!

The moment she was half on the ground his nose dropped down again and one heavy paw crashed against her back to shove his weight down onto it. A hot slimy tongue rolled out and started to lick against the painfully swollen mons so that Dan shuddered in disgust. Oh god, Jackson wasn't trying to fight him, he was trying to mate him. He jerked his eyes down and confirmed the fact the former police dog had a heavy set of balls between his legs. Both of them swollen and heavy looking as if they'd gone quite a while without being used. Did they even allow dogs like this to breed? The hot slurping and wet noises made her wince and darken in disgust as the tongue lapped and dragged along the puffy outer lips.

She could feel the way they were forced apart and she wanted to fight her way away from it, but the moment she tried to crawl forward to claws dug in harder against her back in silent warning. The rank scent of male grew thicker on the air as she saw the leathery lips of the sheath start to peel open and reveal the tapered cock. No, no, no, getting fucked by her younger brother was bad enough! She didn't want to get mounted by an actual animal, not the pet of someone he had a crush on. She squirmed and writhed as the impossibly long tongue plunged between her folds and made her whimper out in forced pleasure.

Jackson knew a bitch in heat when he smelled on, even if she was a funny looking dog and it was enough to make him break his training. Each whine and squirm of her body seemed to make him want her more. Dan watched as the hips started to swing down and hump the air and a solid inch of crimson dog cock was forced out onto the air. A splatter of watery pre cum hit against her muzzle as an added humiliation and she jerked her head back. It rolled down either side of her lips so the next time she opened her mouth she tasted the salty bitter taste of it on the tongue. Despite herself she felt herself growing wetter, slicker, her body clenching itself around the tongue.

A snap of the jaws against her side made her stumble up onto all fours again and stare back at the larger dog in horror. She had just enough time to instinctively brace her legs when the scrabbling feel of the dog's forepaws could be felt and his weight crashed against her back. He was nothing like Patrick, the male snarled out and grabbed a hold of her scruff and used the grip there and on her hips to pull her roughly back against him. The feel of the sharp stabs against her haunches made her shudder and tremble before she yelped out a series of sharp high pitched cries in her panic.


"He does like you." Kat continued quietly, as she leaned back against the edge of the picnic bench. "I mean I know he can be a pain sometimes, but I don't know, sometimes I think he's just after attention. I've heard him talk about you though, he really likes you. I just think he's too shy to say anything himself."

"I know, I kinda guessed the way he'd sit closer to my table away from his friends at lunch." Lisa moved the leash up into circles, "I just heard he's trouble is all. He's always so angry looking."

Kat sighed a little bit. She didn't know why she was having this conversation. She had half thought that she'd get Dan back for the stunt he'd pulled against her and Todd. Part of her realized she couldn't blame him that much. He was an obnoxious toad a lot, but he didn't deserve to always be in so much trouble. Part of it was guilt, she was starting to realize she'd taken things too far with him, a lot farther then she'd meant too. She'd only set out to teach him to stop being so sullen and angry all the time and that it wasn't all about who got the most attention.

"Yeah, but he's not a bad kid. I mean hell, he's my little brother, I know he can be a little ass, but I think his heart is mostly in the right place. He just needs a chance." She offered and gave a slight encouraging smile.

Lisa opened her mouth to answer when a horrible yelping cry reached them, it was almost a shriek. The other girl reacted faster as she leapt up from her seat at the picnic table with an exclamation of, "Jackson!" Kat was a breath behind her as she started running off after the sound of the yelp and she felt her own stab of fear. What if Dan had managed to hurt himself? She knew she'd gone too far! She'd never forgive herself if something had happened to him, she didn't mean for it to go this far!

The pair of them pushed through the bushes and she almost hit right against the younger girl as she froze and stared out at the pair of dogs in front of them. The black Belgian Shepherd had pinned Dan beneath him and his forelegs were wrapped securely just under the curve of the belly pulling her back. Dan was yelping out and writhing as she tried to get her way out from under him and just as the two girls watched the red hard tip hit against the exposed sex and the male drove himself in almost violently.


Dan had a heartbeat of seeing two female faces staring at her as her sister and Lisa came up running. A stab of hope and then utter humiliation rolled through her, Kat had brought her to watch her get mounted! She'd planned this! All other thoughts were driven out of her head as the slippery dog cock pushed up against her swollen mound and parted it open. There was no easing of the girth, it pushed straight from Jackson's sheath and into the tender slick passage so that her back arched up and her jaws gaped in reaction.

She could feel how wet she was, and the male was far larger the Patrick had been. Her wall strained open to hold him inside of her and there was a rush of pain as she felt the prickle of the guide hairs on the sheath abrade against her outer lips. Vaguely he could hear the girls excited voices and Lisa's voice yelling her dogs name over and over again. One of them must have come up closer because the jaws left the scruff of her neck to snap to the side with a violent snarl. The dark hips started to pump and stir the cock inside of her. It drug backwards and pulled along her inner folds before jabbing in so deeply it made her cry out again.

Lisa stood just to the side with a frantic expression on her face and Dan felt her eyes water. She couldn't ask Lisa out, not ever, not after knowing she'd watched him being raped by her own dog. The male slammed his hips in with a frantic pace that rocked against her haunches. Barely two inches pulled outwards before her walls were forced wide open around the base again. The former police dogs head dropped down against her shoulder as he grunted and panted heavily, ensuring each inch of him would rub and pull inside of her. The furred body stroked and rubbed upon her back until she felt unwilling stabs of pleasure run through her.

The tip seemed to constantly erupt out hot drops of precum inside of her body, it mingled with her own arousal until it was forced out and dribbled around the swollen expanse of her mound. Everything seemed in the background of her mind, she couldn't even understand what the girls were saying in their high pitched voice. Her world was narrowed down to the thrusts that sent the tapered tip battering against her cervix and the balls slapping against her inner hind legs. Each time they did she wanted to squirm and yank herself away only to feel Jackson's paws clench down and force her back against him.

Wet lewd noises could be heard to her sharp ears, the clap of flesh on flesh as each thrust forward was accompanied by a soft grunt from the male. She could feel his back arch upwards to put as much power as he could into his movements and his frantic need to breed her. She spread her legs a bit wider and after the aching pain of the penetration had passed she could feel her body respond to him. Her powerful inner walls clutched around the animal and squeezed as if trying to suckle him in deeper. The glassy smooth shaft pushed in and pulled out until she could feel the base of him starting to grow wider inside of her.

Her outer lips yawned open even wider to try and hold him, he had to struggle to push himself in each time so that the tight entrance snapped shut behind the growing knot only to have him pull back outwards again. The way the knot stroked inside of her made her whine and whimper out, it pushed against sensitive places that had her tongue out and lolling down, she could feel her hips pushing back against him. The humiliation was almost too much, each time her eyes opened she saw Lisa and Kat staring with wide almost frightened eyes as she was raped. All through it jolts of pleasure kept sparking down her spine and made her whimper out her in pleasure.

Jackson strained and pushed as his knot started to swell to it's peak, it opened up wide enough that Dan let out a screeching yelp as her folds were pried apart to their very limits. The knot sank into her completely with a wet popping noise and still the dog thrust inside of her. He pulled against his own knot and sank in as it kept growing wider and wider inside of her passage. Her walls clenched down and immediately locked around it as she felt her stomach tense and she keened out a noise of forced pleasure at the feel of it. Her body opened up to him and she started to contract her muscles around his cock in her need for him.

Jackson gave a final thrust and shudder before she felt the splatter of water seed spilling out from his tip, it hit against her cervix and rolled into her body while her own muscles tried to pull it into her womb. Her legs started to shake under her while the shepherd's hips ground against her own haunches slowly and his movements slowed entirely on top of her. The harsh breathing that spilled out of him blasted against the back of her neck so that she wanted to writhe away from it. And when she opened her eyes she stared straight into her sister's shocked and wide eyed face beside Lisa's. She hoped she was happy now, she'd ruined her life completely.


Lisa tried to grab Jackson off of Dan but the dog turned on his own with a snarl and snap of his teeth, his furious pace not even stopping when he drove her away. The girl stepped back a little and her wide eyes stared back at Kat and she babbled something like an apology as both of them watched the larger male rut into Dan. The thrusts were brutal and hard enough that she heard the yelps and cries of pain coming out of the smaller dog.

"C-can't we grab water?" Kat got out, even she was slightly horrified, she didn't mean for this to happen, "I thought he was fixed!"

"I don't have any! I thought Misha was! Oh god, we can't pull him off." Lisa sounded like she was ready to cry. "he's never done this!"

They couldn't do anything, every time one of them came near to Jackson he snapped his jaws and bared his teeth as he continued the thrusting. She could see the slash of red pumping in and out of the abused sex of her brother and she swallowed roughly. She knew this had gone too far, way too far. This was an actual animal, she'd only meant to scare him with Patrick! She'd never meant anything like this to happen to him, no matter how badly he treated her sometimes. The quiet was worse, they could hear each whimper and yelp and the lewd slick noises as the dog's cock hammered into the smaller female.

When the dogs finally came to a shuddering halt she watched as Jackson swung his leg up and over Dan's haunches and came to rest ass to ass to the female. She could see the dark folds bulging with the knot locked inside of her and she went down towards Dan's head while Lisa carefully edged her way towards Jackson.

"I-I'll pay for any vet bills, I'm so sorry! I didn't know Misha was in heat!" Lisa's eyes were wide and scared at once.

Kat moved to grab a hold of Dan's head. She wanted to say something reassuring but she looked down and raw fury in the dark brown dog like eyes. The hurt was barely covered up by it as she glared at her sister in accusation. She opened her mouth to say she was sorry when Dan's head snaked in a sudden motion and she heard a snarl a moment before the jaws snapped out to slice at her arm in a viciously so that she fell back. She stared at Dan in disbelief as she held her arm and realized she had gone well past too far. She had to call Grandma Sophie and ask for help...

(To be continued)

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