Guardians 01: The Tiger, Rabbit, & Wolf (Re-edit)

Story by Ramea on SoFurry

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*Note: This story contains gay furry smut. If you do not care any of these three things, then stop and leave. Otherwise read on.

P.S. ~ This is a major re-edit of another series [still titled 'Guardians'] that I found was dying and lacking in substance. This is my attempt at breathing life back into it. The major changes for those who might not have read [and probably have not] the original guardians are that character personalities have been changed [The wolf is not dumber than a pile of shit and mindlessly aggressive to everything, as well as a few tweaks to Kaseel and Kale (Once Grimnog)]

For the most part, characters are the same [except I have removed the dragons entirely from the series.] and Grimnog mentioned earlier is no longer a dragon with a horrible name, but Kale, a Tiger. I feel, among the largest issue with Guardians Version 1, is that there is no substance to the culture, and I hope here to build one.

Guardians: Part 1

"Kaseel. I want you on your best behavior." Warned Kale lightly, meeting the rabbit's eyes to show he meant it. The rabbit bowed his head.

"Of course master Kale." He giggled. The tiger frowned and pulled at his chin fur.

"You say of course, but you always have a hard time of It." he stated. The rabbit unbuckled from his seat and moved across to the tiger, grinning widely with a hint of mischief sparkling in his eyes.

"I only do what I can get away with..." Kaseel answered nuzzling the tiger's shoulder. "And I know that you don't really want me to behave perfectly." Kale cleared his throat as the rabbit's paw gripped his crotch.

"Not now Kaseel" Kale pulled the rabbit's paw away.

"Why not now? We aren't in public yet Master." Kaseel shot back as nibbled at the crook of his master's neck.

"Fine. Then not when I'm on business... Business that includes you too." Kaseel beamed.

"I can't wait!" He shifted about, forgetting about his previous advances and biting his lower lip. "I don't want a bull though... they're ugly..." Kaseel commented. "And smelly... You should make Guard Harry bathe more often too."

"Kaseel. I can't control what Guard Harry does with his body... You know that. And as far as a bull, I want usefulness. You are the looks. So if it is a bull I choose, I want no arguments. You get a small voice, but I will ultimately decide." Kale replied, his ear twitching with annoyance. The rabbit looked down and nuzzled his master's neck.

"Back to your seat Kaseel. We are nearly there."

"Yes master." Kaseel moped, scooting back to his spot and buckling back up. Kale ignored the dejected rabbit who was sitting with his arms folded and head turned. He was moping because he didn't want a bull. Not because he was hurt, and Kale was determined not to let Kaseel get to him this time.

The limo stopped by the front door of the stadium. The driver's door opened and a coyote stepped out, moved to the passenger side back door and opened it. Kaseel bounded out, stretching briefly before he aided his master with a paw.

Kale stepped out, pulling his glasses from his breast pocket and setting them on his muzzle, the lenses transitioning from clear to black as they adjusted to the light. The coyote closed the door, then walked back into the limo and drove off. Kale started walking to the doors; Kaseel following close behind, with his paws clasped behind his back. He took in the outside of the arena casually. It was old, and much more worn than the one back in Carcel City. The concrete walls were cracked, faded, and in need of new paint. There was a faded mural of gladiators fighting; hinting at a once bright past. Kaseel found he had to stop his examination there as, there was nothing else to the building. It reminded him of the low class adult shops they drove by sometimes. They were done simply with either no windows or something covering them, and one sign that read something along the lines of 'adult shop.' Compared to Carcel City's, this arena was pathetic.

"Why are we coming to this arena?" Kaseel asked, scrunching his nose in disapproval. As they stepped through the doors Kaseel was still unimpressed. The inside was lit with old fluorescent lights, and the hallways were concrete just like the outside.

"This is where my father bought my first guard." Kale answered.

"You mean this is where Master Frued bought Harlem? This dump?"


"I miss Harlem." Kaseel sighed. Kale didn't comment further.

"Guardian Kale," A voice spoke, "Good day. I am the Quarters Master, Jálim. Captain Meink is currently dealing with an issue with the gladiators, but if you would follow me I will lead you to your section." Kaseel peeked around his master's shoulder, curious to see the source of the deep voice. Standing on the first step was a large panther. His black fur freshly brushed, and he wore what appeared to be a military officer's uniform, though Kaseel wasn't sure. It looked just like Kale's private guard wore, except the panther's suit was black with red and not black and gold. His eyes drifted up and stopped at a patch over Jálim's right eye.

"How did you lose your eye Sir?" He blurted, as he stepped fully into sight.

"Ha, didn't see you had a slave with you Guardian Kale." Jálim chuckled in an attempt at small talk. Kale nodded. "I don't understand why you would dress him if you're just going to show him off..." Kale looked at his slave. Kaseel was dressed in translucent blue clothing, showing his entire body and the white fur throughout. The fabric was reminiscent of India, with poofed out sleeves and legs that left nothing to the imagination.

"He enjoys showing his body." Kale answered simply.

"I enjoy the comments I get." Kaseel stated, proudly spreading his arms out and smiling broadly. "What about your eye?" Kaseel insisted.

"I did not lose it if that's what you think. I have 'Tossis'."


"'Tossis' my eye won't open all the way. See?" Jálim lifted his patch to reveal a perfectly fine eye, but his eyelid was drooped, giving the impression he was tired. "I couldn't open it any further for the life of me." he chuckled good-naturedly. "But it's hard to get respect when you look constantly tired.' Kaseel made an 'O' with his mouth, then smiled and bowed.

"Thank you Sir."

"It is fine slave."

"Jálim. I would like to be shown to my section." Kale stated as he pushed his glasses back up his muzzle.

"If you would follow me Guardian?" Jálim started up the stairs, Kale and Kaseel following close behind. "Captain Meink has sectioned off a large portion of the second level seating for your use. It has been curtained off so you shall have privacy, as well as a wonderful view of the fights." Jálim commented.

"Very good." Kale nodded, his tail flicking impatiently. "May I inquire into the match pairing?"

"There will be at least eight matches. Starting at noon. The first three are lightweights: A weasel versus Raccoon, Bobcat versus another weasel, and a fox versus a rat. Then will come three middle weight rounds: Wolf versus Cougar, Tiger versus Coyote, and Wolf versus wolf... Heavy weight rounds will be between two Bull versus Bull and a Bear versus Bull."

"What do you mean by at least?"

"We could be having a grudge match between a wolf and bull..." Jálim answered with a shrug.

"A wolf fighting a bull hardly sounds even." Kale rumbled in disapproval.

"I am sorry Guardian Kale. But if Captain Meink has ordered it then we do it. Besides, the wolf is quite the opponent. He is one of the few to have been raised in our Gladiatorial cells." Kale lifted his eyebrows in surprise.

"How long has he been fighting then?" Kaseel blurted before his own master.

"Four years for profit. His entire life brawling just to outlast the other gladiator children. And he's still alive. That says something about him." The panther answered to Kale, ignoring the rabbit. "Here. All fights are to the death. So a gladiator that is able to last for such a long time within our system is unique." Jálim turned left and started walking down a short hallway. It lead into the Guardian's Section. The area was blocked off by curtains on either side, and contained a large sofa to sit on, as well as a padded mat for Kaseel, and table for food and drinks. "Is their anything else I can do Guardian Kale?" The panther bowed. Kale furrowed his brow before deferring to the energetic rabbit now beside him.

"I believe he has an order."

"What do you wish Slave?" Jálim asked lightly, turning his attention to Kaseel.

"Vegetables, wine for my master, an order of duck marinated in sweet Asian sauce, and..." Kaseel tapped his master's elbow and whispered into his ear excitedly. Kale nodded. "A fox and a lion. Both male."

"Very well. I shall have everything sent up quickly Guardian Kale." Jálim bowed and left, his heavy steps slowly fading away. Kaseel turned to his master and squirmed excitedly.

"I can't wait master. Are there any pictures of the gladiators fighting today?"

"I do not know Kaseel. If this arena was anything like ours I'd imagine so. However. I seriously doubt it is." Kale answered, his muzzle curving up slightly in a small smile at the rabbit's mood. Kaseel walked to the edge of the room to look out over the arena.

"It does look like ours. Well, a little..." He chirped as he took in the arena. In a large oval was the fighting ring, nothing more than dirt, surrounded by a circular concrete wall ten feet tall, and two heavy iron gates on either side for the gladiators to walk through.

"Looks like we were just early enough." Kale noted as the first few patrons trickled in.

"I can't wait!" Kaseel squeaked moving back to the tiger and grabbing onto his arm.

* * *

The gate was so loud. The way it groaned as it was pulled up, metal grinding against metal screeched into the wolf's ears. But it was nothing compared to the roar of the crowd outside which cheered for death. They wouldn't stop. The gate would go silent as soon as it was lifted all the way up, unlike the crowd.

"Get out there!" Ordered the captain, shoving the disorientated wolf roughly towards the gate. The wolf pushed back, pressing his paws firmly against the ground and using his back to resist. The cougar, who on the surface appeared fat, pushed again, easily shoving the wolf outside and into the arena.

His eyes closed in reflex to the sudden blinding light of the sun and constant pounding in his ears from the crowd. Just as the bloodthirsty patrons barraged his hearing with their voices so did the sun's light upon his eyes. He stumbled forwards and struggled to stay upright.

Slowly his eyes adjusted and he found his opponent in the center of the arena, waiting for the wolf to move to his marked spot on the dirt. He forced his body to move forwards, towards the line. At his hip was a short sword. The bull was wielding a large axe. The wolf drew his weapon, small and weak looking by comparison. but he stood defiantly with the tip of the blade tilted towards the bull both paws on the hilt. Somewhere a voice was just barely speaking over the crowd, and then the shot rang through and the bull lunged, swinging the axe above its head and down. The wolf watched the movement.

On the down swing, he stepped aside and swung the sword, aiming for the bull's stomach. The bull lurched back, dodging the blade with a wide birth. He brought his axe to bear again, swinging across. The wolf ducked and rolled, coming up against the bull's chest, his nose hitting against the leather chest armor. He was too close to swing. He stepped back to get distance. The bull backhanded the wolf with one hand, knocking him onto his back and sending the sword flying. The wolf was dazed and lay still, waiting for the stars swimming around his eyes to cease their dance. The bull meanwhile, had stepped forwards, raising the axe with one hand, bellowing "I win!" and swinging down.

The wolf rolled away and to its paws, and then lunged. The bull's axe had dug into the dry dirt to deep to easilly pull out. He yelled in surprise as the wolf plowed into him, digging its claws into his arms, and clamping down on the crook of its neck with his muzzle. The bull toppled backwards as he flailed his arms about for balance. He landed with a thud. In a frenzy, he searched for some sort of purchase on the wolf and found it in the form an ear. He yanked roughly, pulling the wolf off, along with a chunk of his [lats?]. The wolf yipped in pain, but kept up its assault, clawing at anything within reach. The bull twisted the wolf's ear and pulled, yanking the canine's head to the side roughly. Then the wolf found the arm holding him and started tearing away flesh and muscle with its grungy claws. The bull bellowed pitifully which only encouraged the crowd to yell for more.

The bull's grip faltered, then slipped, and like a magnet the wolf pulled pulled back onto the bull's throat, biting down on its windpipe. As blood flowed from the wounds into the wolf's dry maw and the parched ground, the wolf clamped down harder. The bull found itself incapable of uttering anything more than a deep gurgling as his lungs cried for air and his arms flailed pathetically about; now too weak to pull the wolf off and becoming a mass of flopping weakly pulling at the smaller canine atop him.

The wolf pulled back, keeping its grip on the bull's throat and tore the windpipe free. Slowly, the need for air, and the loss of blood caused the bull's body to go limp. The wolf released the chunk of neck within its muzzle and stood, staring at its own bloody body, then at the bull's. The bull's eyes stared back at him; pale orbs glossed over with fear. He licked his chops clean of blood then walked back into the Gladiator prep chamber, the door closing behind him; the crowd's approval of the fight still echoing in his ears.

Back in the comforting darkness and silence of the prep chamber, the wolf collapsed in a corner.

Slowly he awoke to the sound of his cage being tampered with. Two guards were unlocking the bindings that kept his small cell bound to its slot. He was pulled from the mass of other cells like a book from a library and whisked away on a dolly. He watched listlessly as he passed other gladiators, all in cells that required them to either lie down or sit in order to be relatively comfortable. His entire body ached; all he wanted was sleep, but the intrigue he felt at being pulled away for an unknown reason kept him from fading back into the dream world. So, instead, he watched quietly as he was pushed through the holding hall; ears back, tail tucked tightly between his legs and up against his chest.

His short journey stopped at a door, one he was unfamiliar with. It didn't lead to the arena or to the feeding hall or even the punishment chamber. This door was across form the others; on the other side of the giant room that was the gladiatorial cell. Two guards stood at attention on either side of the door. He watched them for a moment before the door started to open and his ears perked with dark curiosity at what could emerge from the other side. A tiger stepped through, looking down at the wolf within the tiny cage and frowning.

"He is a pathetic creature isn't he?" The tiger noted, crouching down to look the wolf directly in the eyes. "Ballsy bugger." He commented when the wolf held his gaze for a minute before laying his head down and looking away. "He could be in better shape though."

"He could. But it's the Captain's orders. He hopes it will help level the playing field." A guard explained. "Every hour we wake him. We give him less portions... We even give him half the adrenaline shots... but he's still won every match... But then again, he wouldn't be alive if he had lost a match."

"Well. He's not going to be fighting everyday anymore. Only when necessary." Kale replied, tapping the top of the cage and then turning. "I'll have him picked up tonight."

"Very good Guardian." The guard spoke, bowing and wheeling the wolf to an open corner. The tiger passed back through the door and the wolf quickly faded back to sleep, his mind racing from the appearance of the tiger.

The bodies pressed in around him, some held his arms akimbo pressed against the floor, others bound his legs. Another pried his muzzle open while a metal ring was shoved in and fabric was wrapped around his muzzle to keep it in. He whimpered and shook his head, trying to worm the ring out, pressing his tongue against the cold metal and trying to shove it through his teeth. The bodies around him laughed darkly at his attempts. Then one climbed onto his chest and something slick, warm and hard pressed against his chin. Reflexively he shut his eyes and doubled his thrashing, using the remainder of his energy, but the body atop his was too heavy. The dark mass above him moved up, positioning itself so its member slid into the ring, its slick, lukewarm length pressing against his tongue and to the back of his throat.

The wolf's nostrils flared as he breathed in ragged breaths, now reticent. In the back of his mind, he'd made the connections; struggling only encouraged them. Playing dead made it go quicker. A new body shifted, and his rear was lifted slightly while his head was pulled so his chin rested on his chest and the first body started to push in and out.

The new body pressed against his rear, shoving its own member into his bowels and evoking a sharp whimper muffled by the cock pressing in and out of his mouth.

He woke suddenly, his eyes snapping open. But instead of finding himself in the holding cells with the other gladiators he was in a metal room, laid out on a large pillow. His body ached still, and the lingering taste of the cougar reminded him that he had not been entirely dreaming. But the memory was pushed back with the others like it as he set to deciding if the change of scenery was good or bad. The floor below him shook and he was thrown to the side as the room seemed to turn. He yipped in fright and hunkered down against the side of his cell and closed his eyes tightly, fear overwhelming him.

"You got him?" Kaseel chirped immediately as Kale climbed into the limo. Kale took his time, buckling up, telling the coyote to take them home, then checking his watch.

"He wasn't cheap. But he wasn't a fortune either." Kale answered. Kaseel squeaked happily, clapping his hands together and rubbing them. "Thank you master!"

"Be gentle with him though Kaseel. I'm unsure as to how he will act." Kale warned, reclining back and spreading his arms across the back.

"Vignet. Take us to a nice restaurant." He spoke to the coyote through the intercom.

"Yes Guardian." He replied after starting the engine. Kale nodded and rested his head back.

"How hard was he to buy?"

"I bought him for much more than he's worth." Kale answered tiredly. "That cougar wanted to keep him."

"So how'd you do it then master?"

"I offered enough money."

"When will I get to see him?"

"Tomorrow. But he'll be heavily sedated from the trip... and from what I learned, a whole myriad of other things."

"Can he speak?"

"I don't know."

"He didn't say anything?"

"Not a word."

"I don't want to have to teach him." Kaseel frowned.

"If it's too terrible then I will get him a tutor. I cannot allow my slaves to be dimwits."

"Oh... I can't wait master..." Kaseel repeated, unbuckling and moving over to his master. The rabbit stared at the tiger, chewing his lower lip.


"You aren't on business anymore." Kaseel answered, leaning and resting on his master's chest. Kale scoffed and shook his head.

"Maybe I don't want to."

"And maybe I'm a skunk." Kaseel smiled, moving down his master's chest and closer to his crotch.

"Smartass." Kale chuckled, reclining his head back and sighing. Kaseel undid the tiger's pants, easily sliding the zipper down and undoing the button. He wormed his fingers into Kale's underwear, kneading the hardening cock still within his sheath.

"But you love it master." He murmured, sticking his nose into the tiger's boxer's slit and inhaling the familiar musky scent. The tip of the tiger's dick pressed against his muzzle lightly as it slid from the protection of its sheath.

"That I do..." Kale responded, stretching his arms out across the back of the seats. Kaseel responded with a kiss to the sensitive feline cock prodding his muzzle. The rabbit parted his lips and took the tip into his mouth and using his tongue to tease the barb hairs on his master's hardening member. A slow purr began to emanate from Kale's chest as he enjoyed his slave's attentions.

Once Kale's feline hood was fully erect, Kaseel slowly bobbed his head, taking time to press against every sensitive hair on his master's dick. Kale drifted a paw down to Kaseel's head and pulled gently at an ear. Kale's hips jerked as Kaseel flicked his tongue across his slit getting a small glob of pre in the process.

"Just like that Kaseel." He sighed, trying to hold his hips steady. The slow warmth of orgasm was creeping upon him and he was determined to hold out for more pleasure. Kaseel thrummed in delight at the praise and started to bob faster.

Kale's resistance failed, and he started to thrust into the willing muzzle of his slave and hold his head still with a paw. Kaseel relinquished control easily, letting his master do as he pleased, and using his tongue to flick at Kale's member as it pressed in and cradled it as it was pulled out.

The tiger's paw tightened for a moment, giving Kaseel enough warning to prepare for his master's release. Kale grunted, thrust roughly in one last time to the back of the rabbit's throat, and sent a wave of cum splashing into his mouth, followed by another much weaker. Kaseel swallowed and his master released another spurt, then a trickle. Kale withdrew from Kaseel's muzzle and scratched the rabbit's head affectionately. Kaseel gulped the last of his master's seed and set to cleaning off the now limp cock.

"Thank you Kaseel." Kale murmured, still scratching the rabbit's head. "I needed that..."

* * *

The scent that reached the wolf's nose as he awoke was not the familiar blood and filth he was accustomed to. Rather, it was sweet and tangy and triggered a rare reaction within his maw; salivation. His nose twitched as it pulled his head up and eyes open, searching the air for the origin of the delectable smell and picking it apart from the various other scents all unlike his home.

"Are you hungry?" came Kaseel's voice as he held out a small platter of chicken. The wolf snapped to the rabbit, then the food. Then his eyes drifted around the room in anticipation of finding the captain, or another gladiator to fight with. But despite how huge it was and filled with various trinkets, tables, and object, it was empty except for himself and the rabbit. The room smelled nice too, so unlike the arena holding cells where it reeked of rotting flesh and waste, but then the scent of the food pulled his nose back to attention and he fixed his eyes on the platter, but made no attempt to grab a piece. "Are you hungry?" Kaseel repeated warmly.

"Y-yes." The wolf murmured, dipping his head slightly in a nod.

"Well, sit up and have something to eat then." Kaseel ordered. The wolf uncurled itself and sat up, resting his legs beneath his buttocks. Kaseel gave him the plate and watched as the wolf smelled it, then carefully picked a piece with his grungy fingers and took a bite. His ears perked up in surprise and he quickly popped the rest of the piece into his muzzle.

The wolf hurried through the rest of the meal, his tail gaining life the more he ate until it was thumping lightly against the pillow below him. Once the food was gone, he set to licking the plate clean in a desperate attempt at tasting the food again.

"W-where I?" The wolf asked once he was sure the plate offered nothing more in ways of flavor and sustenance.

"My master bought you." Kaseel answered, "thought it was a shame that you had to fight like that. And he wanted another slave, but one to keep me company and act as a guard for himself."

"I don't fight anymore?" The wolf asked, his voice cracking from disuse.

"Hopefully. Not unless my Master needed to be protected." Kaseel nodded. "Though you are going to need to learn how to speak correctly..." Kaseel examined the wolf, pity welling within his chest at the poor canine. Up close he looked starved, beaten, and weak. It was hard to think of the pathetic creature before him as the same wolf who had ripped a bull's throat out the night before.

"Why." His voice cracked from disuse and he winced noticeably.

"My master wants another slave. To replace one that died a few months ago." The rabbit stretched and stood. "I forgot drinks. Stay here. I will be right back." he spoke and then walked out the door, locking it behind him.

The wolf stayed, and after licking the plate in a final attempt at tasting once again the food, he tried to reason what classified as 'staying'. Was he allowed to stand and look at the various trinkets and objects, or was he supposed to stay on the pillow? Then he focused back on the plate with hungry eyes. If he was allowed to eat a meal like that everyday, he did not want to risk such a privilege being taken away because he misinterpreted a command such as 'stay.'

The door swung open and Kaseel walked through, followed by a large snow leopard. The wolf's ears laid back and he growled in warning at the feline. The snow leopard was dressed as the Captain, Jalím, and other guards at the arena had. A crisp military uniform, only the leopard's was black and gold.

"This is him Kaseel?" The leopard smiled looking at the wolf. I expected him to be bigger."

"Yes Noah." Kaseel nodded handing the wolf a glass of water. "Poor guy's been through hell I imagine." The wolf took the glass, drank it in one gulp, and wiped his muzzle with the back of his paw.

"Get his name yet?"

"I forgot to ask."

"I doubt he has one... but how did you forget to ask?"

"He might... and look at him. Poor thing needed food more than conversation!"

"I guess... A few names pop to my mind." Noah chuckled back, "none of them names he would want to have permanently though... If he even understands their meaning."

"Do you have a name?" Kaseel asked, falling to his haunches and looking the wolf in the eyes.

"No." He answered.

"That's not right."

"Well. We'll have to fix that." Noah commented.

"I'm thinking..." Kaseel murmured, biting his lower lip in thought.

"You'll chew that off one day Kaseel."

"Shush..." Kaseel joked, "How about... Mave?"

"He doesn't look like a Mave... He looks like shit honestly."

"He is dirty... That pillow will have to be washed."

"Throw that wolf in with it." Noah covered his nose and waved a paw back and forth. "Not sure how much longer I can stand him."


"Definitely not."

"Any ideas then?" Noah looked at the wolf steadily. The wolf locked eyes and growled.

"Kale." He chuckled. "He's ballsy and aggressive. Just like him."

"I don't think Master Kale would appreciate that."

"Probably not..." Noah sighed and walked to a chair in the corner. "I think it's too early Kaseel. We don't know his personality."

"He'll be wolf for now then. Until I find something better." Kaseel sighed in disappointment. "Okay? You're wolf for now."

"Yes." Wolf answered with a nod.

"Good. Now we just have to clean you up." Kaseel beamed as he stood up and spun towards the door. "C'mon Wolf."

~ H.Ramea


So, I have changed the story line and characters, but I hope this series will work better than the original. If there are those who would like to comment on what they liked about the earlier version or this one more than the other feel free to comment, or just send a PM if you're feeling self conscious. I'd really appreciate any comments so I can improve on the story.

Acceptance: His Last Letter

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The Architect's Image

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Guardians 02: Ever Blurring Lines

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