Thunder In Paradise. (Chapter 3)
It's December and everyone is excited that today is the last day until Christmas Break. The school halls and classrooms are decorated fairly with projects and some Chistmas ornaments. It's lunch time and the group is loud along with the other students, glowing with excitment. "So, what're you guys gonna do for break?" Sandra asks Bryan and Thunder, Thunder shaking the ball of her Santa hat out of her eyes before she shrugs,"Not so sure, probably gonna lay around." "Psh, the hell if you are, you're gonna be eeeverywhere with me." Bryan smiles with his arm around Thunder's shoulders,"Aww.. you just had to ask." Thunder laughs and Sandra grins at them, making eyes in her taunting way,"Daww, you guys are so cuuute." "Oh my gosh, I knooow." Destiny chimes in agreement with her, Thunder looking down as she blushes,"Guys, shut up." she grumbles under her breath as Bryan kisses at her cheek, making her blush more. Thunder smiles and rolls her eyes, turning over to Viktor as he is eating quietly,"Hey Vik, what're you gonna do over break?" Viktor jumps slightly and looks to her, smiling politely,"I dunno.. probably going to stay home and play my games." Thunder tilted her head a bit, focusing hard on him,"Well.. maybe you'd want to come over a couple times and hang out? You know my Mom li-" she suddenly stops at feeling the tugging at her ear and turns around as Bryan is nomming on her ear, she chuckles,"You always go for the ears." Conversations continue, the two girls talking about Facebook, Henry and Leo setting up a football game.
After lunch the kids go to their usual class, Spanish, that seeming to be the mood killer of the day. After what seems forever, the last bell rings, kids bolting out of the classroom so fast they forgot their things. Sandra hummed and swung her hips slightly as she gathered her belongings from her locker, picking up the last book and slipping it into her bag. "Sandra!" Destiny skidded to her over the tilted floor, her face reddened and grinning widely,"Henry asked me out!" "Oh my God, no way, congrats!" Sandra exclaimed as Thunder's ear flicked in their direction, her turning her head," Hrm?" Destiny smiled and squealed softly,"Henry asked me out!" "Oh gosh, that's so cute, congratdulations!" Thunder smiled back and gave her a hug that turned into a group hug amoungst the girls. Bryan moved over to Leo and Henry still talking about the game as he patted his back playfully,"Heard you got Destiny." Henry grinned and even blushed a little,"Shut up, man, I wanted to give it a try, she seems like my type." Bryan grinned,"Well, you test that out, have fun with that." Henry rolled his eyes still grinning and turned back to Leo.
The group moved along outside, all somewhat bundled together in the cold air. A horn breaks the little talk they had, a red b2300 mazda truck pulls up next to them on the sidewalk, Maria, Thunder's mother smiling and rolling down the window,"Oh well what a cute little bunch of kids, want some candy?" She laughs and Thunder groans softly, sinking to the back of the group and buries her face in Viktor's arm. "Wanna ride? Thought we'd all have a pizza night?" She says as Lucas, a sandy dingo grins at the kids from over Maria's shoulder,"I like the idea." Sandra's eyes grow wide slightly then she grins,"Luke!" She runs to the passenger side of the truck, hugging her boyfriend around the neck. "Hop in." Maria said, the rest of the kids swinging their backpacks into the back of the truck and hopping in with them, sitting on the floor, humps or the sides of the bed. Even though it was freezing out the kids enjoyed the ride, Sandra had squeezed into the front between Maria and Lucas. Leo and Henry attempted to throw the sticks that were left over from getting firewood out of the truck while Destiny and Thunder stuck their heads out of the side of the truck, giggling with their tongues lolling out of their mouths. Bryan and Viktor layed back against the tail gate, watching everyone quietly.
Maria gets three pepperoni pizzas for the kids, pulling up at the park and eating as much as they can get as they sit in the truck. Thunder and Viktor swing and slides around on the children's playground, them eventually testing out the spring animals. Destiny and Bryan swung high on the swings, Bryan attempting to jump off and face-planting into the sand, Destiny being afraid to jump after that. Afterwards, Maria drives everyone home, dropping Sandra off with Lucas and the rest at their own houses. Bryan goes home with Thunder, they go out into the front to have a look at the night sky. They both sit quietly ontop of the roof of the small truck, side to side and holding paws. Thunder looks up at the brightest star, a pained expression across her face then is broken by Bryan's long sigh. She turns to him and say quietly,"Are you okay?" Bryan looks down for a moment then back up to Thunder, his eyes giving off that he wasn't okay. Thunder layed her ears back and leaned her head on his shoulder, moving closer to him. "I'm leaving..." Bryan says after a while. Thunder's head moves up to look at him, her so confused,"..what?" He looks her softly in the eyes, holding her paw tight,"We're moving.. we can't stay here, my Mom got a job up in Colorado.. better then what she has here.. we need the money.." He looks up to the sky slowly. Thunder's eyes wonder off, her deep in though, tears slowly forming at the corner of her eyes. She buries her face into his shoulder as she sniffles, him adjusting himself to move and wrap his arms tightly around her,"I don't want to leave, you know I don't.. but we need this.. you need this, too." Thunder lifts her face from his shoulder, the circles around her eyes damp with tears,"How do I need this?" Bryan moves his paw up, using his thumb to wipe at her tears,"If we can be together in the future.. things could be easier for us, I won't have to be worrying too much about my family.." Thunder smiled softly and hugging him tightly around his waist, him holding her tightly against his chest in the hug. "I didn't know that you were thinking of us in the future.. about how today could affect seven years from now.. heh, I thought I was the only one to do that.." she chuckles at herself, feeling Bryan smile against the top of her head,"You don't even know how much I think about these things.. you're the first person I'd want in my life, regardless what you are.. eeeven though I'd prefer you being with me." They both smiles and laugh, holding the hug tight. "..Just know that I'll miss you.. more then anything.." Thunder pulls back to look up at him. "You don't know how much I'll miss this.." Bryan leaned down slowly and kisses Thunder lightly but needingly; lovingly.