Lachrymatia-Chapter 5:I'm with you

Story by Binx0013 on SoFurry

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*Authors Note: The scene in the park is actually based on a date I had while I lived in downtown Denver. Since then I haven't had a more perfect date. Writing the scene made me a little emotional but everything that transpires actually happened between the two of us. I'll always love you Ben. Rest in Peace *

It's a damn cold night

Trying to figure out this life

Won't you take me by the hand

Take me somewhere new

I don't know who you are

But I... I'm with you

I'm with you

-Avril Lavigne

Pulling Travis into his dressing room, Frost slammed Travis against the cold steel wall and slid his tongue into the eager bulls mouth. As they caressed the others body Travis pulled away and said,

"Is this how you always show your gratitude?"

Smiling and leaning his head to the side Frost giggled,

"Only to the hot ones," glancing the bull over he stated, "I guess you'll be needing some clothes." Frost said remembering the ribbons of Travis's clothes left on the stage.

"Well, only if you think I need them."

"I didn't say that you had to have clothes, I wouldn't mind if you stayed like this all the time. It's just your cop buddies might have a problem with you walking around naked."

Wrapping his massive arms around the feline that was staring deep into his eyes, the bull leaned in and kissed him again. His massive and tender lips sent Frost into a state of euphoria as he breathed Travis's heavy musk deep into his lungs. He quivered as the bulls massive hands slowly slid across his soft fur, making their way to the base of his tail. Purring softly he wrapped his tail between the bulls wrists, binding him slightly. The two held each close before squeezing slightly and letting go. Turning around and playfully smacking his tail against the bulls nose, Frost walked into a closet and returned with pile of clothes.

"I've always had a thing for leather," he said tossing them Travis's way. "I think these will suit you well."

The night air cooled and relaxed them both as they walked out of the club. As they headed to Travis's car he stopped and looked at his reflection in the drivers window, for once somebody had actually picked out an ensemble that met his taste. His leather trench coat draped above his hooves at just the right height, the leather pants enhanced every feature and made his massive bullhood look even larger then his regular slacks. But what he really enjoyed the most was the fishnet top that gave the perfect glimpse into his washboard torso and he loved every inch of it.

"The night is still young," Frost said watching Travis watch himself.

The bull moved his head and said, "Your right, you in the mood for ice cream?"

"I was never one to turn down any cream." Frost said giggling as he got into the car.

As the two drove off into the city that gleamed and shimmered in the full moon over head Frost couldn't imagine a more perfect moment, everything seemed so right being with Travis and he could never picture being anywhere except at his side always. Little did the feline know that both their worlds were about to take a turn from pure bliss into a satanic nightmare. The same was to be said about the Naga as he rode up the elevator to the office of the tallest building that hung over the city. He narrowed his eyes and lit a cigarette as he watched the floor lights slowly grow larger, dreading the 66 that was coming up. When he finally reached the top floor a slight twinge of fear raced up his spine as the golden doors slid open. He walked into the office and glanced out the windows that overlooked the sinful city below. The clicking of a keyboard pulled him away from his trance and he smiled at the fox that was busily working at her desk.

"Working late?" Angel asked.

The fox jumped and adjusted her glasses before slidding a piece of her blond hair behind her ears.

"Oh, you scared me. I never hear the elevator," she giggled nervously as the Naga eyed her.

"Yeah?" Angel laughed. "Better be careful, you never known if some psycho is gonna walk in here and take advantage of you." He said sliding a claw under her chin, staring into her fear filled eyes.

"Jenny! You tell that son of a bitch to get his faggot ass in here!" a voice yelled from behind the doors next to Jenny.

"I think the mayor would like a word with you." She said gulping as Angel traced his claw across her greatly exposed cleavage.

"I think your right, I wouldn't want to keep the old man waiting." He said as he sliced her top button off, sending it bouncing across the marble floor. "See you later Foxxy."

The Naga stood and pushed open the doors that lead into the mayor's office. Inside, sitting in a large velvet chair laid another Naga. In right hand he held a glass of wine and in the other a large Doberman Pinscherskull.

"You done fucked up boy," the mayor said staring at Angel in disgust.

"Look dad it wasn't my fault. Some hero cop sprung my ass and fucked everything up."

"Does it look like I give a shit! That mess you left at the hospital is gonna cause me all kinds of hell tomorrow! THE FUCKING PHONES BEEN RINGING OFF THE HOOK ALL NIGHT!"

"I'm sorry...."Angel said looking down.

The mayor shot up from desk and threw his wine glass into Angels head, spilling shards of glass onto the floor below.

"You get your retarded ass home and fix this shit. I want that little sluts head on a pedestal by tomorrow night or you'll be one who ends up dead. JENNY! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE NOW!" the mayor hissed.

The scared busty fox ran in and stared at the mayor as he lowered himself back into his chair.

"Yes sir?" she asked trembling.

"Get over here," he motioned as she walked around his desk. Sliding onto her knees she began to unzip the mayor's pants. As she wrapped her tongue around the massive Naga cock the mayor let out a moan.

"You see this son, this how a real man handles his bitches."

Angel stared at his converse shoes as he tried to block out Jenny's slurping on his fathers pulsating cock.

"Whats a matter boy? You don't like watching whores servicing your dad's dick! Answer me!"

Angel said nothing and continued staring at his feet as his father moaned in ecstasy as Jenny slid his entire member down her throat. Sliding his claws into her hair he lifted her up and jammed her face harder into his cock, enjoying ever gag the fox choked out as she struggled to breathe. Tears slid down her face as he dug his claws into her skull, her blood trailing down her forehead. The Naga giggled and faced his son,

"The bitch loves it rough. Don't you?!"

The fox moaned as he forced her face deeper, making her take him all. He bucked his hips and slid across her tongue sending waves of pleasure up his spine. He breathed heavily as thrusting increased, sweat pouring from his head onto his suit. The fox slid his head in and out of her maw, sending a popping echo through the office that made Angels left eye twitch. He loved fucking his whores in front of his son, the little bitch needed to see what a real fur could do. He would teach him to be a man if it meant fucking every cheap whore in this city, because that's what men do, they fuck their whores then leave them out to dry. The Naga smiled in content as he watched his son grow more and more uneasy as Jenny moaned into the invading member that was ravaging her throat.

"Ahh, good girl." The older Naga moaned.

The fox bobbed her head faster and faster and his thrusting grew more erratic as he fucked her maw again and again, filling her stomach with pre, as she savored every last drop. With a final thrust the Naga flared his hood and moaned as he blew his massive load into the eager muzzle of the fox whore that swallowed every drop. When he was finished he grabbed her hair and ripped her to the floor.

"Jenny, escort the little faggot to the elevator."

The fox stood and motioned Angel to the door, "Don't forget what I said boy. You better not fuck this one up again!" he said picking the skull back up, tracing his claw against its barred fangs. "This pup is missing his mate."

Licking the tip of his ice cream, Frost smiled at Travis as they walked over the bridge in the cities central park. Stopping and leaning on the rail the two sat in silence and enjoyed the sound of the cool water that flowed below. Smiling to himself, Travis recalled his days growing up on a ranch: the sweet smell of grass, the flow of a quiet brook, laying in a field making love for hours under the pale moonlight. He turned and looked at the feline that was staring back at him and he wondered what Frost may have been like if he had lived the life he grew up on. Struggling to picture it while shaking his head, the feline turned and leaned into his chest. Slowly closing his eyes, Frost breathed in a deep breath and purred in synch with the pounding of the bull's chest, he was perfect and above all else he was his. Pulling him in closer Travis laid his chin onto Frosts head and the two stood in a silent embrace that both wished could never end. As Frost stood in the arms of the fur he knew he wanted to be with forever a tear silently slid through his fur, he hadn't been this happy in a long time.

As they silently pulled away Travis extended his hand and lifted Frost's head up to his. Wiping the tear away he stared deeply into the golden eyes that longed to never leave him, to stay with him, and support him forever and for always. He knew right then and there that he would never leave Frost.


"Yes Travis?"


The Feline reached his paw up to bulls mouth and whispered,

"I know, you don't have to say it."

They leaned into each other and slowly locked their lips together, both of their stomachs filled with butterflies and for a moment nothing else in the world mattered. Nothing could hurt them, nothing could scorn them, and nothing could ever stop them from ever loving one another. As Travis pulled away Frost slid his paw into his hand and smiled, gathering their balance the two walked further into the park and stopped once they had reached the center fountain. Sitting on a bench facing it the two admired the streaming water that flowed against the group of flying griffins that stood so gracefully in the pool of water. Still sitting in silence Frost laid his head on Travis shoulder and sighed.



"I've been meaning to talk to you about your case." He laughed. "I guess I've been to distracted."

"Oh? Am I distracting you from your work?" Frost giggled.

"Well...hmmm....I guess you have, you have to admit that any fur that looks at you can't think about anything except how to get you out of those pants." Travis remarked.

"I wouldn't say that's entirely my fault, wouldn't you agree detective?" Frost laughed.

"No, not your fault at all, you can't help being beautiful. But in all seriousness do you know anything about that creepy mother fucker?"

"No, I've never seen him before, not even in the club." Frost said trying to think if maybe he once had seen him.

"Any idea's on why he's trying to kill you?"

"Not a clue, I figured that he must be some crazed fan that thinks if he can't have me then nobody can, or he could be some religious nut that's trying to purge the world of furs like me."

"Like you?" Travis asked puzzled.

"Queer. He may be trying to purge the world of Queers."

"I suppose that's possible, but there are thousands of queers in this city. Why the fuck would he choose you?"

"Well it's not like I'm in hiding, you've seen my picture on billboards, bus stops, and even the paper when they advertise the club."

"Hey your pretty good at figuring things out, you sure your not a cop?"

Frost laughed and lowered his head,

"Pretty sure, I think I'd remember if I was."

The two laughed quietly and looked back at each other. As the scent of Frosts perfume circled his horns, Travis found it more and more difficult to stay focused on his little interrogation. He struggled with each question as he continued to look the feline up and down, wanting to touch and caress him one more time. Leaping forward suddenly, Frost landed on all fours and stretched. The echo of the cities clock tower signaled him that it was time to head home and as he glanced back at Travis over his raised rump he asked while flicking his tail,

"Its getting late lover, are you ready to go home?"

Both Travis's eyes and cock bulged. As Frost raised himself and stared at him the bull smiled and said,

"Yes lover, I'm ready to go home."