An Unlikely Relationship: Chapter 3

Story by kody180 on SoFurry

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#3 of An Unlikely Relationship

Another chapter already!? Me and Shadow are spoiling you guys i swear but please leave comments and tell us what you think!


Aaron and Cody pulled into the club parking lot. Looking over to Cody, Aaron noticed the fox started to get really nervous. Cody pulled his tail back into his lap and started playing with it.

"What's up babe?" Aaron asked as they pulled into a parking spot, then putting an arm around Cody.

"Um nothing I've just never been to a place like this." Cody said still playing with his tail. "Its okay babe you gots me." Aaron said as he kissed Cody making him blush, Cody returned the kiss and seemed to relax. "Thanks wuff that makes it all better."

"Good, the fact that you look amazing is really helping you." Aaron said as he got out and ran over to Cody's side and opened his door. Cody was flattered at how nice the wolf was being to him. "Thanks Aaron, no one has ever treated me as good as you do." Cody said Giving Aaron a quick kiss on the lips as he got out of the car.

"No problem babe." Aaron said returning the kiss and he grabbed Cody's paw then they walked towards the club.

Cody took his paw but then looked at him. "Wait no one knows that we're, together, yet."

"So, they're bound to find out eventually and I don't care what they think, as long as I have you." Aaron said as he opened the club door. Cody held Aaron's paw tighter, happy that Aaron gave him the courage to come out publicly with their relationship. "I don't care what they think either, I only care for you."

Aaron just smiled at that, when they walked in almost every fur there looked to see who it was and in that split moment Aaron pulled Cody in for a kiss and dropped him backwards while still kissing him. When he pulled him back up Cody just looked at Aaron in a mixed face of shock and lust, then standing back up blushing blood red as everyone stared. "You're too cute." Aaron said as he grabbed Cody's paw and let him through the club and found an empty table, then Aaron ordered them both drinks. What neither of them knew was that Seth, a tall, muscular, Bengal tiger, was in the back watching them. "That's fucking sick, he's a damn tail raiser." Seth said when he realized the wolf was Aaron. "He had better hope I don't catch that mixed mutt of his alone tonight."

A few other furs came up to them, most of them just wanted to talk to the fur that has caught the eye of the school's 'bad ass'. Then "Boten Anna" by Basshunter came on "I love this song." Aaron said as he grabbed Cody's paw and dragged him to the dance floor. Cody was trying to get Aaron's attention, but before he knew it they were already on the dance floor. "Aaron I have no idea how to dance." Cody said blushing. "Here there is no right way, just do what feels right." Aaron said grabbing Cody's paw and started dancing with him. "I..Um. Ok?" Cody said holding Aaron's paw and started shaking his hips. "That's it babe." Aaron said moving along with Cody.

"Heh I think I'm getting the hang of it." Furs were gathered around Aaron and Cody chanting "GO GO GO GO!" Cody was really getting into it and started moving his tail in sync with his hips. What Cody didn't realize that Aaron had let go of his paws and stepped back and was watching him. "Damn, I wander if he's this active in the bedroom?" Aaron asked him self. Cody kept dancing away, running his paws through his head fur seductively. As Aaron watched the fox dance like that, he had to put his tail over his crotch because his cock was slowly sliding out of its sheath. "Damn." was all Aaron could really manage to say.

The song finally ended and Cody walked over to Aaron slightly sweating. "Wow that was really fun." Cody said panting. "Says the foxy who claimed he couldn't dance, are you sure you aren't a stripper?" Aaron asked seductively as he wrapped and arm around Cody and grabbed his ass making him yip and blush. "I was dancing like a stripper?" Cody asked slightly embarrassed. "Kind-of, unless doing this is normal." Aaron said attempting to copy what Cody was doing. Cody watched as Aaron copied what he was just doing . "Oh my gosh I didn't realized I was doing all that!"

"If you move like that on the dance floor, I wander what you're like in the bed room." Aaron said teasingly as they sat at their table. "At least we know if we need to make some money I could probably find you a nice strip club." Aaron said even more teasingly. "Wouldn't you like to know." Cody said seductively then just giving him a fake angry face at the stripper comment. "You know it my little foxy." Aaron said, then Aaron gave a fake scarred face. "Mhm well that's good to know hehe." Cody said in a teasing voice. "Is a certain foxie a bit excited?" Aaron asked as he ran his paw over the top of Cody's paw. "Maaybe, maybe not." Cody said still trying to mess with the wolf. "Is that so?" Aaron said as he ran his tail under the table, over Cody's lap and when it got to his crotch Aaron just smiled. Cody jumped and smiled back at Aaron trying not to murr when the tail brushed against his crotch. "I think someone is excited." Aaron said giving a sly smile. "Well its getting late. Do you think your parents would mind if I stayed the night?" Aaron asked. "I have no idea what your talking about hehe." Cody said with an innocent voice. " Alright, I'll go out side real fast and call her to ask."

"Sure. Okay, I'm going to pay and I'll meet you out side." Aaron said then he kissed Cody.

"Ok wuff." Cody returned the kiss and walked out side to call his mother.

As Cody stepped out to call his mother he didn't notice Seth following him. When he got out side he started dialing the numbers into his cell phone. Seth went up behind the fox. "Hey fosky." Seth said. Cody turned around and saw the hulking tiger. "Um, hi and please don't call me fosky." Cody said looking at Seth. "I don't listen to what a fucking tail raiser says." Seth said in a growling tone .Cody's ears laid back against his head as he started getting nervous. "Ta...Tail raiser?" Cody asked confused. "You know what I mean you fucking faggot." Seth said shoving Cody back making him back on his tail and letting out a loud yelp as Seth put his foot down on Cody's chest knocking the wind out of him. Seth then moved his foot so it was on Cody's side, and he put his other foot next to him and was squatting over him. "Hm, you must like the feeling of another man over you." Seth said. Cody looked away coughing, with tears running down his cheeks. "Why are you doing this to me?" Cody whimpered trying to squirm free. "Mostly because watching you kiss that wolf made me want to throw up." Seth said as he raised his arm and was about bring it down. Cody covered his face as Seth grunted, when he didn't feel anything he removed his hands and saw that Aaron had Seth's arm, he looked at Cody who quickly got out from under the tiger. Then Aaron pulled Seth back and made him fall on his back, then Aaron got on top of Seth still holding his arm "I swear by every holy if I ever see or hear about you touching him again I'll make you wish you were never born." Aaron said throwing the tigers arm on the ground then he stepped on the tiger's arm making him roar, but Aaron went straight to Cody who was curled up "Its okay babe, I'm here." Aaron said as he put his arm around the fox. Cody tensed up at first but when he realized it was Aaron he quickly latched on to him, giving him a tight hug while still crying. "Shhh, its okay, its okay." Aaron kept softly repeating in Cody's ear while rubbing his back. "I shouldn't have left you alone." Aaron said. "I..It's ok Aaron I just want to go." Cody said still holding on to Aaron. "Okay, we can go." Aaron said helping Cody up and walked him to his car and put him in the seat and buckled him up. Then Aaron got in the car then drove off. "I'm so sorry." Aaron said to him self as he looked over at Cody and saw he had his legs pulled up to his chest. Cody sat quietly staring out the passenger window, sobbing. He eventually broke the silence. "Don't blame your self Aaron. It wasn't your fault." He said quietly not looking at Aaron.

They pulled into Cody's drive way. "I know babe but I still feel responsible." Aaron said putting an arm around Cody and pulling him close. "I meant what I told him, next time he won't get away." Aaron said.

"Thank you, just don't beat your self up for it, I'm ok really." Cody said gently hugging Aaron. "Okay babe, well you better get inside before your parents get worried." Aaron said as he leaned over and undid Cody's seat belt and opened his door. "Okay but I want you to stay with me tonight." Cody said kissing Aaron before he leaned back over. "Okay, babe." Aaron said as he shut the car off and got out and went over to Cody's side to help him out. "Lets go babe." Aaron said. "Alright." Cody said leaning on Aaron, his chest still a little sore. Cody opened the door and walked inside. "Hey we're back from the club." Cody said walking into the living room were his parents were setting. "Hi Kate." Aaron said as he helped Cody in to a chair. "Hello sir." Aaron said to Cody's father. "Hi Aaron.. Oh my gosh, Cody what happened to you?" Kate yelled realizing Cody holding his chest. "While we were out Cody accidentally bumped into this tiger, Seth, and caused him to spill his drink. Cody offered to buy him another one but Seth over reacted and punched Cody right in the chest, I got him away from Seth as quickly as I could." Aaron lied right on the spot. Cody looked up at Aaron with a thankful face and then back to his parents. "Yea I'm fine, Aaron got me out before it got too out of hand." Cody said to his parents, Cody's father looked up to Aaron and stood to shake his paw. "I have to thank you for being so good to Cody. We haven't been introduced yet, my name is Jack."

"I had to Cody did do any thing wrong." Aaron said taking Jack's paw and shook it. "Nice to meet you sir." Aaron said, then he look down at Cody and smiled at him then he took the seat next to Cody.

Cody wanted to take Aaron's paw in his own and come out to his parents right there but he couldn't get up the courage. Aaron saw Cody's hand move so he gave it a quick fist bump so Cody didn't look weird to his parents, Then it got really quiet. "I see where Cody gets his neat coat from." Aaron said breaking the silence. Cody gave a quiet whimper and looked down. "Yes, Cody's fur came out so cute but he seems to hate it." Kate replied. I don't see why? I wish my fur had a neat pattern to it." Aaron said "I think some is just a bit nervous from all the attention he gets from it." Aaron said playfully nudging Cody with his elbow. Heh well Id be lying if I said it's hasn't brought on some great things for me." Cody said blushing. Aaron just smiled. "What are you talking about honey?" His mom asked excitedly, Aaron just looked at Cody and lipped "If you want to." Cody nodded to Aaron and took a deep breath. "Mom, Dad. I have to tell you something very important." His parents moved a bit closer. "You can tell us any thing honey." Kate said. "Yeah, son." Jack said. Aaron just looked at Cody and moved his paw closer. Cody took Aaron's paw in his own squeezing it tight and looked at his parents. "Um well I'm.. gay and Aaron is my mate."

Aaron squeezed Cody's paw. "Oh my." Kate said as she covered her mouth with her paw. Jack sat back in his chair put his elbow on the armrest and put his forehead in paw and let out a long sigh. They were silent for a bit. "If you kick him out I'm taking him to my place." Aaron said after a few minutes. Cody sat holding Aaron's paw not knowing what to do. After a few minutes Jack broke the silence. "Are you sure about this?" he asked. "Yes I've never been more sure about any thing." Cody said nervously. Kate, stood up and left the room, Cody was about to go after her but Jack shook his head and Cody sat down. "I need to talk with you boys." he said sternly.

"Um. Sure, ok dad." Cody said setting back down a little closer to Aaron now. Aaron then stood up and pulled Cody out of his seat then sat down and pulled Cody into his lap. "Since I know kicking you would draw you guys closer I have really but no chose to accept it, I don't really approve of it. Get what I'm saying?" Jack asked. "I don't." Cody looked aggravated at his father. "So your not keeping me here because I'm your son, but because you just don't want us getting closer?" Cody said setting in Aaron's lap almost snarling at his father. "Well," Jack said before Aaron cut him off. "Pretty much, he hates the fact that your gay but he knows there is nothing he can do, if he kicks you out we'd pretty much already be getting a house together." Aaron said. "So.. I don't care if he hates it or not, if that's the only reason he want me here then I have no reason to stay!" Cody said tearing up. Aaron then gave Cody this look that said go along with me "Well babe, I hope you don't mind not really having parents around because you know my parents are stupid drunks that are rarely home." Aaron said. Cody nodded. "Actually I would really enjoy that wuff." Cody said sinking back into Aaron's lap. "Yeah, we'd be living free, some how my parents always pay the bills and always keep food stocked, and we could have all the FUN we wanted." Aaron said putting extra emphasis on fun. Cody silently giggled. "Oh my yes, it sounds like the life to live."

"Okay just stop it." Jack said. "I shouldn't have said that, just.. Just give me time okay." he said as he stood up and as he passed them he dropped something on Cody's lap "Not sure why I gave that to you, just be careful." Jack said then he walked away. Both boys looked in Cody's lap and saw a condom, the boys looked at each other and blushed. "Me too. Should I bring this?" Aaron said as he stood up and got the condom. Cody took the condom from Aaron and threw it on the couch. "Hmm I don't think we would use it even if I did let you do anything hehe." Cody said teasingly. Aaron gave a seductive growl "You're such a naughty fox." Cody blushed. "Oh you don't know the half of it." Cody said turning around making his tail brush against Aaron's nose, then walking into his room with his tail held high in the air. Aaron tried to nip at Cody's tail but Cody pulled it way at the last second, when they got into Cody's room Aaron took off his shirt and tossed it to his side and closed the door. "Come here my prey." Aaron said in a lustful way. Cody looked at him with a surprised look then walked up to him and kissed him. "You're prey huh?" Cody said putting his arms around Aaron's neck. "Oh yeah." Aaron said then he looked at Cody and kissed him, he slowly slid his hand down Cody's back till he reach his ass and gave it a good squeeze making him yip then slowly murr. Cody's heart was pounding at this moment, knowing exactly what this was going to lead too.

Aaron could tell Cody was getting nervous. "It's okay, we can wait." Aaron said holding Cody close. Cody gently pushed Aaron onto the bed and sat down beside him holding him close. "Aaron, no one has ever been as nice to me as you are, you showed me who I really was, protected me, offered me a place to live if my parents kicked me out, took up for me when I needed it. You make me happier than I have ever been. That's why I'm overjoyed to lose my virginity to you." Cody said looking Aaron in the eyes. Aaron then snuggled close to Cody. "You're the first person I ever opened up too, you accepted me for me. I tried to open up to my parents but they didn't care, I tried to tell my friends, they figured I was kidding. I'd go to the end of the world, to the bottom of the deepest oceans, I'd do what ever I could do to make you happy. I'm glad I'm losing mine to you and I'm over joyed that you want to give it to me." Aaron said looking back at Cody then kissed him. "I'm so glad that I met you Aaron. You give my life meaning." Cody said kissing Aaron again, rubbing a paw over Aaron's chest. "I'm glad I met you, you make my life thousands of times better." Aaron said then returned the kiss and murred as Cody his paw over his chest. "That's so good to know Aaron. So um I don't know if Ill be the best at this." Cody said blushing and putting his ears back. "You'll do fine, first question is do you want to bottom or top?" Aaron asked. "I..Is it ok if I bottom?" Cody said looking at Aaron. "Okay, but you do realize what that means right?" Aaron asked. No, what does it mean?" Cody asked tilting his head. Youre too innocent it's cute. It means that you get on all fours or you can be on your back. Either way, I'm putting my cock in your ass." Aaron said teasingly. "I just wanted to make sure you under stood what bottoming meant." he said. Cody blushed turning his fur blood red. "I understand what bottoming means silly. I guess that I want to be on my back, that way we can be closer." Cody said with a hint of excitement. Okay and okay. Do you have any lotion or anything?" Aaron asked. "Well.. I don't think that I do." Cody said looking around. "I'm just asking because I've heard the first few times it hurts like hell going in." Aaron said sliding off his pants. Cody's ears went back. "Oh.." Was all he said.

"Yeah, I'm not trying to scare you, I just don't want to hurt you to bad." Aaron said.

"No I'm not scared I still want to do this, and thanks."

"Well, how about we start." Aaron said as he pulled off Cody's shirt and pants and left him in the purple thong.

"Ok let's." Cody said moving so Aaron could slide his pants all the way off. When he did that, Aaron pulled his boxers off and leaned back on to his elbows "I think you know what to do." he said playfully. "Heh yea I think I do too." Cody said setting up on the bed and sliding between Aaron's legs. Aaron then spread out his legs just a bit so Cody could get to his sheath, Cody rubbed his nose on Aaron's sac taking in his musk "Oh yeah." Aaron said.

"Mmm I love your smell." Cody said running his nose along Aaron's sheath, he stuck his tongue out licking all the way up his sheath making his pink cock head slip out the end. "That's it babe." Aaron said in a slight moan. Cody let out a murr as he licked at the wolf's tip making it slide out further. Aaron just laid his head back and moaned as he felt the fox's tongue run over him. Now that all of Aaron's cock has come out of it's sheath Cody took all he could fit into his mouth wrapping his tongue around it and bobbing his head up and down.

"Oh yeah, you know how to work that mouth." Aaron said as he put his hand on the back of Cody's head. Cody's ears twitched. "Mhm." Cody murred from around Aaron's cock. "Okay, I think its good enough." Aaron said. "Hmm?" Cody murred slowly sliding Aaron's cock out of his mouth. "It wet enough, I was about to cum right down your throat." Aaron said. "Heh oh right, I got carried away." Cody said setting up.

"Its okay." Aaron said as he sat up then he gently pushed Cody's shoulder making him fall back, Aaron then took the thong into his mouth and pulled it off Cody, who's cock was all the way out of its sheath. Aaron then started licking Cody's tailhole while he pushed in one finger, pulling it in and out, then slowly added another. Cody gasped and shuddered at this new feeling. "Oh my gosh, I..It feels so weird." Aaron then licked up from Cody's hole to the tip of his cock. Aaron kneeled in front of Cody pulling his legs on his hips. Cody locked his legs together around Aaron's hips. "Let me have your paws." Aaron said to Cody. "O..Ok Aaron." Cody said nervously putting his paws out to Aaron. Aaron grabbed Cody's paws with his own, so they were lock together "Just squeeze if it starts to hurt to much." Aaron said as he slowly slid his cock into Cody's tail hole. Cody shut his eyes tight and whimpered as Aaron pushed into his tight tail hole. Aaron grunted as he tried not force his cock into Cody "Loosen up just a bit babe." Aaron said. "Ok wuff. I never realized how big you actually were." Cody said trying to relax. "Thanks babe." Aaron said sliding in his cock into Cody and eventually hilting him. Cody let out a loud yelp and squeezed Aaron's paws when Aaron finally hilted him. "Okay, let me know when you want me to stop or slow down." Aaron said as he slowly pulled his cock out and pushed back in, slowly getting faster. "I will just keep going." Cody said moaning as Aaron picked up a steady pace pumping in and out of him. Okay babe.. Oh yeah, such a tight ass." Aaron moaned. Cody let out a whimper which quickly turned into a moan. Letting go of Aaron's paws he wrapped his arms around Aaron's neck and tightly squeezed his tail around Aaron's leg.

After a while Aaron had set a steady rhythm and speed. Oh yeah. You're such a little slut, your my slut. Say it now." Aaron said in dominate voice. Cody moaned pushing against Aaron's cock with every thrust. "I..I'm your little slut!" Cody yelled while letting out a loud girly moan. Cody's cock was pressed between him and Aaron and was about to be pushed over the edge from all that was going on. "That's right and don't you forget it. God you moan like the little girl you really are." Aaron said thrusting harder. "I'm about to make you mine." he moaned thrusting in half of his knot then pulled it out. Cody started yipping very loud and uncontrollably as Aaron's knot hitting his hole. "Tie me Aaron! Make me yours!" Cody yelled, still yipping. YES!" Aaron said then he bit down on Cody's neck and tied the fox filling him with his cum. Aaron's knot being pushed into him and the feeling of cum filling him sent Cody over the edge, letting out a very loud moan mixed with a yelp Cody came all over him self sending strings of cum all the way up and hitting his muzzle after Aaron let go of his neck. When Cody finished cumming, Aaron leaned forward and laid in Cody's cum. "So good." Aaron said simply. Cody laid in the after glow of it all licking the cum off his muzzle and murring. Aaron helped Cody by licking the cum off his neck.

Cody laid under Aaron still tied to him, with his legs tightly wrapped around Aaron's hips. "A..Aaron I think someone is walking this way." Cody said panting not being able to react to the seriousness of someone walking in on them. "Its probably just the bed creaking from us." Aaron said. "I don't think so. Was I too loud?"

"Nah, you we're good." Aaron said still in the afterglow.

"Aaron seriously some one is walking this way." Cody stated, snapping back into reality."Oka.." was all Aaron said before Cody's mother walked in. "Mom?!" Cody said shocked as he tried to pull away from Aaron but was still tied to him. "Hi Kate." Aaron said bluntly.

"Whats going on?!" Kate asked shocked.

"Nothing at all, just a bit stuck." Aaron said.

"Aaron! Shut up!" Cody yelled then looking back over to his mother. "Mom I can expl..Ahhh god!" Cody moaned as he was cut off by Aaron pulling out of his tail hole.

Aaron just fell back as his cock slid free from Cody and cum spilled out of Cody and all over the bed. "Oh yeah."

Cody stood up covering his crotch as best as he could with his tail. "My god Cody your covered in..!" Kate yelled before running down the hall away from Cody's room. Jack walked in right after she left. "What's going on in here." Jack asked before seeing the naked fox covered in cum."Hi Jack." Aaron said lifting his head and looking at Jack. "What the fuck!" Jack growled angrily as he stood in the door way.

"You guessed it my good sir." Aaron said looking at Jack.

"Aaron stop it!" Cody said tearing up and looking back at his father. "Dad I.." Jack put up his paw. "Stop. I don't care what you have to say, I was willing to put up you two being together, but I will not put up with this filth under my roof. Now get clean and get out." Jack said with a stern voice. "Dad.. no." Cody had started crying. "I dont want to hear it!" Jack yelled slamming the door. Aaron then sat up and looked at Cody "At least wuff didn't see it." Aaron said pointing to the stuffed wolf facing the wall. Cody walked into his bathroom and slammed the door not saying a word to Aaron.

Aaron then cocked his head in confusion, the it hit. "Oh my god." He said as he ran to the bathroom door. "Babe I'm so sorry, let me in, please." He said as he tried to open it up. Cody didn't respond, as he looked himself over in the mirror, he stood covered in cum and crying. "Why?" He sniffled to himself.

"Damn it, I'm such an idiot." Aaron said as he went to get his clothes and pulled them on not caring that he was covered in cum, he looked back at the door "I'm sorry babe." Aaron said starting to leave and turned the door knob. Cody walked out of his room still crying, not paying any attention that Aaron had left. He packed all his things and began to walk out of the house stopping in the door way to hear his mother crying. "God I've really screwed up." Aaron stood waiting by his car, when he saw Cody leaving the house he asked. "Are you ready?" Cody put his head down and his tail between his legs, Ignoring Aaron, he began to walk down the street. "Babe, babe." Aaron said calling for the fox, when Cody didn't answer him he got in his car and drove up next to him. "Babe, please talk to me." Aaron said pleading. Go away Aaron." Cody said bluntly not looking up from the ground.

"Why babe? I didn't mean to. I swear." Aaron said. Cody stopped walking and turned towards the car. Aaron then stopped the car next to him. "Please talk to me." Aaron said trying not cry. Cody looked up to Aaron, tears running down his face. "What was that back there?" Cody asked quietly.

"I don't know, I didn't even realize what was happening." Aaron said crying seeing Cody cry.

"What is that supposed to mean! I stood there covered in cum listening to my dad scream at me and you were nowhere to be found!"

"I don't know! Maybe the fact that parents getting mad at you doesn't really process with me considering I didn't grow up with any real authority figures in my life!" Aaron said raising his voice higher than he meant to. Cody's ears went back as he dropped to his knees crying even harder now. "DAMN IT!" Aaron said hitting his steering wheel "Why do I have to fuck up every thing good that happens to me." he said putting his face in his paw and started crying. "I don't know what to do anymore." Cody whimpered looking into his paws. Come on babe, just get in the car and we'll figure this out tomorrow." Aaron said wiping his eyes. "This isn't something I can just, put off till tomorrow!" Cody said frustrated. Aaron the got out of the car and went over and got on his knees beside Cody. "Babe I know." Cody buried his muzzle into Aaron's chest, crying. "You said you would be there to protect me when I needed you but you left me standing alone in front of my parents. you didn't do anything." Cody muffled out, now holding Aaron tightly. I know and I feel like a total ass hole." Aaron said holding Cody tight and he put his head on Cody's head. "I shouldn't have done that babe, I can never forgive myself for this. I'll do anything and I mean anything so I don't have to lose you. You're the best thing to ever happen to me." Aaron said crying.

Cody sniffled and looked up to Aaron, seeing he was sincerely sorry. "I believe you Aaron and I forgive you. Whats done is done, we just need to move on." Cody said hugging Aaron tightly. Okay babe, stay there for a second." Aaron said then he went over to the car and pulled out something and put it behind his back and walked over to Cody. What is that?" Cody asked looking over to Aaron and wiping the tears from his eyes. Then from behind his back Aaron gave Cody wuff. "I didn't want him to get left behind." Aaron said holding out the stuffed wolf. Cody took the wolf and look at it weakly and smiling. "Aaron.. Thank you." Cody said standing and hugging Aaron.

"No problem babe." Aaron said hugging Cody tightly.

"So what do we do now?"

"I don't know, lets just go to my house, go to bed and try to figure it out tomorrow." Aaron said.

"Ok wuff, that sounds good to me." Cody said yawning. Okay, lets go then." Aaron said as he took Cody's stuff then lead him to the other side of the car and opened his door, Aaron went to the driver's side and the left for their new home. As He pulled into the driveway of his house Aaron looked over to Cody was leaned against the window fast asleep. Aaron just smile as he got out of the car and picked up the sleeping fox and carrying him inside the house. Cody wrapped his arms around Aaron's neck still slightly asleep. "I love you Aaron.." Cody whispered before falling back to sleep in Aaron's arms. Aaron's ears perked up. "I love you too." He said then he kissed Cody's head laying him down in his bed then laying beside him and falling asleep.

An Unlikely Relationship: Chapter 4

Yay! Another chapter! This took a little while to post mainly because my upload page wouldn't come up and I have been to sick to try and fix it. Any ways I hope you guys enjoy it and please comment on what you...

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An Unlikely Relationship: Chapter 2

Ok you furs out their me and Shadow finished another chapter. I hope you guys like it, we got carried away and it's really long. Please comment on what you...

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An Unlikely Relationship

Alright you furs me and shadowfist18 wrote this story together and its very special to me for that reason. It's the beggining of a series so there shall be more. please leave comments on what you think of it. ...

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