Convicts - Part 6

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#7 of Convicts

Warning: The following piece contains scenes of dragon cub incest. Several scenes, in fact. Though, you should keep in mind that it is not underage sex, because dragons would reach sexual maturity much faster than humans do. So, our concept of age of consent doesn't really apply. Still, if "cub" sex bothers you, you don't have to read. To be honest, you'd leave biased comments if you did. But, if you are one of the people who understand why cub sex based in different species doesn't really change anything, then go ahead and enjoy.

"How's he doing?" Vera asked.

"He seems well enough," Drake replied. "He's certainly become more attached to the kids after Vanessa left."

"That must have been hard for him, to having that link torn away like that." Vera added. "Are you sure he's all right?"

"He doesn't act like he has a problem with it," Drake replied. "I'd be able to see if something was bothering him."

"Well, you do know him the best," Vera said. "Inside and out,"

Drake chuckled. "Hey, I only give him what he wants," he said. "I just wish we had more time alone together."

"You don't want to be disturbed by anyone?" Vera asked. "Afraid I might walk in on you?"

"I'm afraid that Farek or Kale will walk in on us," Drake replied. "Farek would force us apart, and Kale would force his way in."

"Any of the males would want to join in," Vera said, her eyes turning back to the rowdy muddle of dragons that surged before them. "It's only a month before mating season."

"But we're infertile this year," he said. "We should be allowed to have as much sex as we want to."

"After this mating season, we can," Vera replied, nuzzling under his chest slowly and deliberately. "Farek will have his one-week grace period, where he's satisfied and we can all have sex whenever and with almost anyone without him making a fuss about it."

"Jack and I will be heading back to our cave down south after mating season," Drake replied. "We could both use some time away from the rest of the world."

"So you're leaving me again?" she asked.

"If you want to be with me so bad, why not come down and visit?" he asked.

"But how could I possibly find you in all of that jungle?" she asked.

"You're a great tracker. I'm sure you could do it," Drake said, and licked her forehead affectionately. She smiled, and then turned back to the children again. They had reached that age where they liked to play physically. Yaris and Laris were always the best at pinning the smaller males, and the females, but Jack and Wesh could hold their own in the fray. Right now it was an innocent game, but Vera was sure that after this first mating season, an extra step would be added to the end-game.

"Where's Jack?" She asked, glancing around the cave for a moment. "He didn't get stuck in there, did he?"

"Probably," Drake replied as he stood. "He should probably be more careful around these guys. They don't know their own strength, and will likely snap him in half one day."

Drake waded his way into the rolling group, doing his best to avoid the young ones, but it was more difficult than it looked. The young dragons were getting big now. The smallest female, Nell, was thirteen feet long, while Yaris was nearly nineteen feet long. They were certainly going to be a large group when they were fully grown.

"Jack, are you down there?" Drake called when he neared the center of the group.

"Help...He's got me!" Jack sputtered from somewhere beneath him. Drake could smell the man from where he stood, and it wasn't hard to pick him out in the crowd. He was dead center, directly beneath the belly of his son, Jack. And on top of him was Laris, with Yaris just to one side.

"Alright, boys, get off your uncle," Drake said. There was a moment while the boys tried to find a new space to occupy before Jack was finally freed of the surely crushing weight. He didn't look deformed in any way, which left Drake chuckling at his friend. Jack's clothes had been pulled every which-way by the friction of the dragons on top of him, and his pants had been entirely pulled off. His penis now stood erect for all to see. "Are you feeling pent up, Jack?" Drake chuckled.

Jack only groaned, and rubbed his head.

"Dad, what's that thing?" Jack asked, and made his way to Jack's side. By this point, all of the children had stopped, and were now staring towards Jack and the naked human. Jack's snout slid slowly towards the man's member, bumping it once. He watched in surprise as it bounced away and then came back to strike him between the nostrils. "It smells so...strange. I feel a little funny."

"Oh boy," Drake thought. "Now it begins,"

As Jack nudged and sniffed at the stunned human's member, his own phallus began to emerge for the first time. As the heavy scent of arousal began to rise, the other subs began to become aroused, as did the doms. And he could only assume that the females were also going mad with lust at that point, though they surely had no idea what it was.

"Alright, kids, time to break it up and go to sleep," Drake called out suddenly. "Back to back tonight, just to mix things up,"

The children didn't seem to realize what he was doing, and complied as if nothing was different. But Drake and Vera knew what he was preventing. From this moment on, those children would be fixated on that feeling. And they would start 'experimenting' with it. And once they figured out which hole the plug went in, the females might get pregnant early. And if that happened, then their genetic diversity would plummet. So all the children lay down, strewn across the floor with their backs to each other. Drake still remembered the first time he and his brothers had felt that feeling. It had taken a long time for them to go down, and they had been able to 'experiment'. Experiment on him.

"We're going to have to do something about this," Drake whispered to Vera. "Back when we were young, this wasn't a problem. But with our numbers so low, we can't afford to have inbreeding."

"So we need a way to calm them down, without having them impregnate their sisters? That seems easy enough, we just split them up. The boys can play around with it like they always do, and the girls will learn to ignore it, like we do."

"No, I have a better idea. One that will solve all of our problems," Drake replied. "Everyone's feeling pent up right now, even Jack. So, let's dump the kids with Jack, and he can 'teach' them how to do it right. That way, everyone gets a good orgasm every once and a while, and it leaves us time alone to do what we want to."

"Like a good orgasm every once and a while?" Vera asked.

"That's not out of the question," Drake chuckled. "Let me go set Jack up,"

"Drake, are you manipulating your best friend for your own needs?" Vera asked with mock disappointment.

"Somehow, I think he'll like the idea," Drake replied with a smile, and then made his way towards his friend, who was leaning against the wall, rubbing his temples.

"Damn, I have the biggest headache," he groaned.

"That's not the only thing you had. And now all the kids are sexually active," Drake replied. "Listen, I want to ask you something. A favor."

"Sure, anything," Jack replied.

"Follow me," Drake instructed, and led the way out of the cave and down the hall. He settled on a random cave on their right, and turned into it. As nearly all the caves in the massive complex were empty now, it made it easy to escape from one room for a chat. "So, the kids are all sexually active, but we can't let them have sex with each other, especially not the females."

"Why not?" Jack asked. "It's only been eleven months, can they even make semen yet?"

"Of course they can. Dragon's mature a lot faster than humans do," Drake replied. "Anyway, we've got to curb their lust for another month, and then they can be turned loose. So, Vera and I thought that you could take them."

"You want me to have sex with all your kids?" Jack asked.

"That's the plan, yep," he said.

"Every day," Jack asked.


"Isn't that a little slutty?" Jack asked.

"That does not exist among dragons," Drake replied.

"So no one will care?"

"I think I could talk Farek down if he disapproved," Drake replied.

"Alright then," Jack said with a nod. "When do I start?"

"Tomorrow would be the best," Drake replied. "We don't want to give them too much time to play around with it. Once they associate that the feelings come from you, and they come often, they shouldn't try it amongst themselves."

"But what about after the mating season?" Jack asked. "How will we let them down?"

"Everyone is sated after mating season, no matter how pent up or curious they are," Drake replied. "The kids will be ready for a break for about a week, and we can escape back to our cave."

Jack smiled. "I missed that, just the two of us."

"I know, I know," Drake replied, and wrapped Jack in a tight embrace against his leg. "We'll be alone again, soon."

Jack hugged back, his arms only barely long enough to wrap all the way around his leg. Drake let it last for a long moment before releasing the man, and leading the way back to their cave. All the while, Jack was busy thinking about the next day. He had always wanted to have some one on one time with all of the children, but especially with Jack. He would have to take him last, so they had as much time as they wanted. When Drake lay him down in the bed, he could imagine being spooned by his best friend, but as he felt Drake's stomach press against his back, the image disappeared. It was replaced by reality, something that felt so utterly wonderful at that moment.

"I know it sounds corny, but I there's nowhere I'd rather be than right here." Jack said, pushing his way back against Drake's stomach. The tough scales and muscles gave him no quarter, but getting closer to the warm center of the dragon was worth the effort.

"Sure there is," Drake replied as he dropped his arm over Jack. "Down south, with no one around for miles. And we are much, much closer."

"Can we be closer here?" Jack asked.

Drake chuckled. "We'd better not," he said. "I don't want to wear out my kid's new plaything."

"Hey, I thought I was-"

"Don't worry about it, Jack," he interrupted. "Let's just get some sleep."

Jack nodded, and with the warmth and booming heartbeat around him, he quickly fell asleep.


"Good morning, everyone. Gather around!" Jack called to the waking youth. When they were alert enough to realize that the human was shouting at them, they stumbled sleepily towards him and lay down on their bellies, watching him with half-lidded eyes. Jack was still amazed that he could so easily assemble the group of nine dragons, considering their recently gained size advantage. Jack was honestly surprised that Yaris had taken him on a flight around the main shaft, dangling him upside down by his feet and threatening to drop him.

"What do you want, Jack?" Yaris asked groggily. "Do you have any idea how early it is? Don't make me throw you down the shaft."

There it was.

"Actually, Yaris, I'm not wearing a watch," Jack replied casually. "But I'm sure that once you hear what I'm about to say, you won't be thinking about sleeping."

"Well, spit it out then." Yaris grumbled.

"I'm sure you all remember what happened yesterday night, when you all felt that achy, tingly, sensation for the first time. Today, and for the next few weeks, I'm going to be teaching you all you need to know about it. Starting with what it's called. What you all felt yesterday was a feeling known as 'arousal'. Now, does anyone know what is happening next month?"


"Next month, the mating season begins. That is the one day when dragons get to release all of the arousal that has built up all year, and mate with a dragon of the opposite gender. Now, there are three classes in dragon mating, does anyone know any of them?"

Still nothing.

"Okay, they are females, doms, and subs," Jack replied. "They are defined by your physical build, so I'll split you up into your class groups now. First off, Isa, Wesh, and Nell, come and sit over here."

The three females stood up and made their way to Jack's left, and sat in a muddled triangle.

"Next, the doms. Yaris and Laris, you're over here."

The two moved to Jack's Right.

"And the rest of you are subs. Now, each class plays a different role during mating, and I'll be going into more detail with each group later. All the males will mate all the females, in order, as arranged by the councilman. Surely you've all met or heard of councilman Farek?"

They all nodded to some degree.

"Good, generally, the doms will go first, followed by the subs in order of size. Once everyone has had a turn, the females will be dismissed, and you can go and rest. And trust me, girls, you will be tired afterwards. Now, after the females have left, everyone is allowed to relieve any more arousal that they have. The doms will mate with the subs, and the subs can mate with other subs, until you are satisfied. Does everyone have a rough idea of what I'm getting at?"

Most of them nodded, or asked one or two questions of the sibling beside them before nodding.

"Good, and like I said, I'll be going into more detail with each of your classes individually." Jack added. "Speaking of which, we might as well start on that. Doms, we'll start with you. Everyone else, do as you will. I'll send for the next group in a while."

Jack turned and headed towards the exit, checking the edges of his view to make sure that the two were following him. They may be about to dominate him, but he need to show that he was in charge here. This was hands-on learning, but he was still the teacher.

He led the two doms into the farthest room away, so as to not attract any attention. The last thing he wanted was for one of the adult doms to suddenly join in. When they stood in the center of the wide room, Jack began to strip from his clothing and soon stood naked before the two doms.

"Alright, so as the dominate members of mating, you will be primarily relieving yourself with other people. That can include anything that you find pleasurable. The three most commonly found ways that others can relieve you are anal sex, oral sex, or rimming. I'm going to show you all three, in detail, one at a time. Yaris, sense you're the leader of this pair, you can go first. Come over here."

As the young dom stepped up to his side, Jack lay down on his back.

"Now stand over me," Jack instructed. "And turn around."

Yaris did as he was told, and soon that virgin tail hole was hovering three feet above his head.

"Alright, the first way to get relief is called 'rimming'. It's generally used as a warm-up, in order to get you ready for oral or anal sex. It's very simple, and will require little work on your part. Come closer, Laris, and watch what your brother and I are doing. You're going to be above me next."

Laris seemed hesitant, but eventually got his head next to Jack's and had a clear view of the following event.

"Alright, now Yaris. I want you to put your hind legs on either side of me hind. Then raise you tail, and lower your rear end onto me."

"Really?" Yaris asked.

"Really, but be careful to regulate your weight," Jack added. "You don't want to crush whoever is doing this for you."

Yaris cast him an incredulous look, but complied nonetheless. Jack watched the quivering hole inch closer to him, and suddenly wondered whether he was clean or not.

"Have you gone to the bathroom recently?" Jack asked quickly.

"No, and I cleaned up after the last one, anyway," Yaris replied, halting his descent.

"You did? Did your father teach you that?"

"Yeah, he told us all to do it, but he never told us why."

"Well, this is why," Jack replied. "You should keep doing it, okay?"

"Got it. Should I keep going?"


The hole dropped again, and was soon settled just above Jack's nose. The dragon's rump was pressing comfortably against his cheeks, and just as he should, the young dragon lowered his tail to the floor. This left Jack all alone with the warm hole, and while it still smelled like an ass, that wasn't all bad.

"Is that good?" Jack heard Yaris' voice call.

In response, Jack's tongue left his mouth and touched the top edge of his hole. But instead of the response Jack had expected, which was pleasure, the hole leapt away from him, with Yaris' tail suddenly pulled tightly against it.

"What was that?" Yaris asked. "You licked me?"

"That's what rimming is," Jack replied. "If you let me do it right, I'm sure that you'll feel something good from it."

Yaris looked at him nervously, but decided to follow his directions. He repositioned his ass on Jack's face, and although he was a lot tenser than he had been before, he didn't jerk away when it began. Jack ran his tongue around the hole slowly, feeling it begin to loosen and flex. And as soon as it felt loose enough, Jack plunged right in. This elicited a tight clench from Yaris, but more importantly, a loud and satisfying moan. They were getting somewhere.

"Hey, Jack. It's coming out again." Yaris called after about a minute more of Jack's deep rimming. Jack pushed against the dragon's thighs, signaling him to get up, and took his first breath of fresh air in what felt like a long time. Although, the smell of feces still lingered in his nostrils.

"Okay, that's good. That's what we want. Now you are ready for the next part, oral sex," Jack said. "This one is also mainly done by your partner. Just to show you how this is going to work, I want you to lie on your back, but prop yourself up so that you can see me."

Yaris did as he was told, and splayed his wings across the floor as he lay down on his back. When his shoulders were touching the floor, he raised his neck up so he had a good view of Jack, who was now standing between his spread legs, and leaning just to the side of his semi-erect member.

"So, in case you didn't know, this thing is called your penis," Jack said, pointing towards the leaning tower of flesh. "You might have seen the tip of it while you were peeing, but it can get much bigger than that. It also serves another purpose, besides peeing. You use this to mate with other dragons, and is a source of great pleasure, as I am about to show you. Now, first of all, I am going to lick you again. Don't be alarmed. Also, this should feel really good. You're going to feel the urge to push up with your hips. That's natural, but I want you to try and suppress it. Don't thrust at me, because you'll probably break something. Got it?"

"Got it," Yaris nodded.

With the explanations out of the way, Jack could focus on what came next. Sex. A step to the right put him directly behind the leaning tower, though he was sure that it would take no effort to stiffen it up. He leaned forward and wrapped his hands all the way around the base of the foot-long shaft, and began to slowly pull his right hand up towards the head. As he did, he could feel Yaris' heartbeat quickening in his phallus, and blood began to fill his member. It stiffened up, the small ridges becoming a little more pronounce. Every time Jack looked at one of these massive creature's genitalia, it made him marvel at just how well-endowed they were. Yaris might have been big, but he wasn't as big as any of the adults. And if Jack could take two fully-grown doms at once, then he could take the adolescent just fine.

Now that the dragon was ready for sex, Jack slid his hands back down the shaft to the base and leaned forward further. He put his nose right above the dragon's musky genital slit and inhaled, marveling in the rich scent that exuded from it. Drake's musk was still his favorite, but this one was close. Jack loved all of their musks, and while it wasn't as potent as straight-up aphrodisiac, it served the same purpose. Jack could feel his other senses dimming, and all that was left was the overwhelming smell of musk and the feeling of the velvety phallus an inch from his face. After another deep whiff of the stuff, Jack's mouth opened and his placed the top of his tongue flat against the base of Yaris' shaft, and slowly slid it up his urethra towards the head.

When Jack reached the top, he removed his tongue and looked up at Yaris. His eyes were wide as he starred down in between his legs at the human. Jack almost smirked as the enormous teenager quivered and shook as if he were a deer caught in the headlights. But it certainly wasn't fear that Yaris was feeling, it was quite the opposite. That dragon's hips were a loaded spring, and when he wrapped that member in his mouth, it might just release and go through his spine.

"Relax," Jack said soothingly. "The tension will only make you thrust harder."

Yaris nodded quickly and gulped. Jack should have felt worried at that point, but he didn't. He could be seriously hurt, or even killed, by this young dragon. But they were having sex, so there wasn't much room for negative emotions. The fear blended with the pleasure, as did everything else. Sex made things simple.

"I'm going to keep going, are you ready?" Jack asked.

Yaris released a deep sigh, and Jack saw his hips drop an inch as the muscles loosened. After another deep breath, the dragon nodded.

Jack nodded back, and then opened his mouth wide. He took a moment to watch the tapered tip of the phallus bounce with the dragon's racing heartbeat before dropping his lips over it. He felt the dragon instantly jerk forwards an inch from the contact. Jack didn't even have time to react before it was finished, but a noticeable shot of anxiety jumped through his brain before mixing back into the pleasure. That small jerk hadn't done anything, but when he went deeper, it could hurt him. Regardless, he only waited for a second before continuing. The warm, smooth member felt good as it slid against all sides of his mouth, and quickly the tip bumped to the back of his throat. With about five inches of the dragon's phallus still uncovered, Jack wrapped his hands around what was left, and then began to remove his head and slide his top hand up after it. His stiffened lips hugged the curve of each ridge as they ran over it, until his lips touched again at the pointed tip. At that point, Jack dropped back down, and then repeated.

"How does it feel, Yaris?" Laris asked.

"It's the best thing ever," Yaris replied, leaning his head back so he was completely relaxed under Jack's ministration. "You've got to try this. Oh, there's this pressure that builds up down there, and it just keep going up and up, and getting better and better, until..."

Yaris' sentence quickly degraded into a loud moan as his member suddenly twitched and his hips shook. Clearly on the verge of orgasm, Yaris could no longer contain his urges, and thrust forward to meet Jack's lips. The movement took Jack by surprise, and he barely had enough time to move his hands before the wall of musky scales suddenly pressed against his face. The pointed tip of the member jabbed painfully at the back of his throat before being deflected downwards, making Jack gag from surprise as the length slid into his throat. He had never gagged before, neither when he was being forcefully taken or pleasuring Drake. It must be the sudden change of speed that set it off. The member twitched again, making his throat visibly bulge before an eruption ripped down his throat. The young dragon's first orgasm was powerful by any standard, and Jack took it with little discomfort. The only thing he hated about it, though, was that it was too deep for him to taste any of it. Yaris' orgasm lasted for a good half-minute, and even after he couldn't feel the semen running down his throat, Jack wasn't sure if the dragon was quite finished. His member was quivering and bulging like mad, but Jack guessed that it was just some post-orgasm twitching. He slowly pulled himself off the member, making sure to lick the tip clean before it left his mouth.

"So, how was it?" Jack asked, licking his lips for any lingering juices.

"People will do that for me, whenever I want it?" Yaris panted.

"Well, at least whenever the councilman says it's okay," Jack replied.

"There's nothing better," Yaris sighed, flopping back against the stone floor as all of his muscles relaxed at once.

"We'll see about that," Jack replied. "You look pretty beat, so I'll give you a few minutes to rest before I show you anal sex. Laris, on the other hand, is completely ready to try it, right?"

"Right," Laris replied, an enthusiastic gleam in his eyes.

Jack leaned down and took a look between Laris' legs. The head of his member was sticking out, but he wasn't completely erect, despite the scene that had just taken place in front of him.

"In the interests of saving time, we'll skip the rimming for something a little more effective. Is that alright?" Jack asked.

Laris nodded.

Jack nodded back, and then stepped beneath the dragon. He wasn't able to stand at his full height, but leaning over put him at a better angle with the phallus' head. Jack wrapped his lips around the peeking head and gave it a firm suck, as if he were trying to pull the member out like a noodle. And with all the pent-up sexual desire that Laris' must have been feeling, it didn't take long for that member to expand to about the same size as his brother's.

"Okay, you're all set, Laris," Jack called, and then lowered himself down onto his hands and knees. The stone floor felt rough against his hands, and he suddenly wondered if they should use Drake's nest so he wouldn't be grated on the rocks. But he dismissed the thought, as having sex in their bed with other people, even his children, would only make Jack think of him. "Okay Laris, now lower your hips towards the floor."

Laris' entire body tilted as the dragon lowered his rear-end towards him. Jack kept his eyes forward until he felt the heavy rod slap against the small of his back. At that point, he looked up to it so as to better judge where to position himself. He crawled a few inches forward, and then reached up to grab the head of Laris' member.

"Just followed my guidance, Laris," Jack said. "I'll show you where to go."

The dragon did not respond, but did as he was instructed as Jack pulled the heavy member up to his ass. He slid his hand back an inch, leaving the tip untouched, as he brought it into his crack. After some slight sliding and prodding, he managed to find the best entry angle, and then released the member.

"Do you feel the flesh around just the tip of your penis?" Jack asked.

"Yeah," Laris replied.

"Okay, when I'm finished talking, you're going to push yourself forward, and into me. When you're slit touches me, you pull out. Don't come all the way out, only back to the tip. I'm sure there's some instinctual aspects too it, but during anal sex, you're in control. That's it. Go."

"Jack, I'm three times your size. Won't I screw you up inside?" Laris asked, with a level of concern that surprised Jack.

"I've taken two fully-grown doms. That's much more than you can dish out, so don't worry about it," Jack replied.

"But how?" Laris asked. "How could you have possibly taken both those doms without tearing in half?"

"I don't know. It just happened, okay?" Jack replied. He was starting to get antsy, too, though not for the same reason. He wanted some hard sex, and while he may not be able to get it from Laris, he wanted something from him. "One of the first things you need to understand about being a dom is that the other male's well-being is not your concern. Especially not while mating."

"But why not?" Laris asked. "I don't really want to hurt anyone,"

"For god's sake, Laris. Do you want to do this or not?" Jack snapped back. He was sure that if Yaris had enough energy to move, he would've smacked his brother by this point. "If you don't want to have sex, then fine. But I promise you, you will feel no greater pleasure, and in one month you're going to be doing it with someone, whether your brain wants you to or not. At some point your instincts are going to kick in, and no matter how worried you are about the person under you, you'll be slamming at their ass nonetheless."

"Hey Jack, take it easy," Yaris said through his exhausted panting. Again, Jack was taken aback by the calm demeanor of the two doms. Jack had been sure that they both would've exploded with carnal lust. But they were so level-headed, and apparently, it pissed him off. He took a deep breath, involuntarily flexing his anus against the very tip of the shaft behind him. It made him shudder with need, but he wouldn't snap like that again.

"Just take your time, Laris," Jack said calmly. "I promise you, I'll be fine. Just go slowly, and I'll show you."

There was a moment of hesitation from Laris, but Jack's patience was rewarded when he finally felt the thick length slide slowly into him. His arms because to quake along with Laris' as they were both racked with pleasure. Their moans blended into each other as two needs were satisfied at once. It took a whole minute for Laris to hilt himself completely in Jack, but every moment was worth it.

"See, everything is fine," Jack gasped.

"I'm sorry I doubted you," Laris chuckled, and the end of his sentence degraded into a moan as he began to pull out. Jack clenched his anal walls down around his guest, urging him to stay, but the dragon was too strong. The member pulled nearly all the way out, and Jack was left feeling empty and twice as needy as before.

"Harder this time," Jack said, closing his eyes as the phallus pushed back into him. He groaned as it tickled the edge of his prostate, but then was gone again.




It didn't take Laris to descend from a clean, precise push to a rough, carnal thrust. It felt great, too, for both of them. The feeling of smooth, velvety flesh against wet, pulsing walls brought great pleasure to both of them. It was a first time for both of them, or at least the first time in a while for Jack. He only wished that it had been with Drake.

"Jack, I can feel that pressure," Laris sputtered with what Jack knew was his last vestige of sentient thought. The rest of him would have been completely consumed by lust-fuelled instinct.

"Good, just let it build," Jack replied. His eyes clamped shut more, and he focused on only the feeling in the lower half of his body. The weight of the dragon pressing against his back. The force of each heavy thrust. And the scratching of groin scales against his bare back. It was so great, and he knew that it was about to get even better.

Laris' moans began to roughen around the edges, transitioning into quiet growls, and then built in volume until each thrust was punctuated by a quick roar. There were, in total, three of these quick roars, before Jack was suddenly shoved forward on his face by the immense force behind Laris' final thrust. A deafening roar rose from the young dragon's throat as his first load of semen burst through his shaft and into Jack's eager bowels. Jack just lay there and enjoyed it, missing the feeling of the hot juice inside him. Once again, he wished that it was Drake's.

"That was good, Laris," Jack panted. "Very dominant,"

He crawled forward, the shaft inside him sliding smoothly out his anus and slipped back up inside Laris' slit. The dragon looked tired, and not particularly stable anymore, so Jack decided that it was time to leave. And not a moment too soon, for as he cleared the dragon, his front legs buckled, causing him to collapse and crush Jack if he'd still been beneath him.

"I guess we'll have to build up your endurance," Jack commented as he looked back at the two young dragons, sprawled out and on the verge of passing out. "You can't sleep in here, I have two other groups to run through. Go home, and tell your sisters to come over here."

They both nodded, and after a few failed attempted to stand, finally rose to their feet and stumbled wearily out of the room. Jack watched them go with a smile, and then sat down to wait until the next three young bodies arrived.


"Hello, ladies. How are you feeling today?" Jack asked, feeling very excited for this group. Oddly enough, Drake's daughters would be the first female dragons he'd ever had sex with, and he hoped that they would enjoy it as much as he hoped to.

"Jack, what is this?" Isa asked.

"I'm kinda scared," Nell added, huddling in tightly against her much larger sister. Wesh was as stony as ever, completely unaffected by everything around her. These days, she had been the one who protected her sisters, and even brothers, against Yaris and Laris, so it made sense that she'd seal herself up like that.

"There's no need for any of you to be scared," Jack said calmly. "We'll do this slowly, at your own pace."

"But what are we doing?" Isa asked.

"Well, I figure that we can get you used to having sex before mating season next month. There will be some pretty big males there, and while I can't give you quite the same feeling that they will, I can help prepare you for it."

"What kind of feeling?" Nell asked. "Pain?"

"No, Nell, not pain," Jack replied. "It feels great, I promise. It's like someone took all of the things you love the most, put them together and gave it to you over and over again. Come on, why don't you go first?"

"Oh, Jack, I don't know," she insisted. "I'm still a little scared."

"It's okay, Nell, we'll go very slowly," Jack replied, and held his hand out towards her. "You trust me, don't you?"

"Of course I do, but this is all happening so fast,"

"Not this, not yet," Jack replied. He dropped his hand and moved towards her instead. He took her chin in his hands, which was hanging at about chest height, and gently stroked her forehead. "All you have to do is lay down, Nell, and I'll do the rest."

Nell looked so innocent as she stared into his eyes. It made Jack worry that maybe he was doing something wrong by teaching these children to have sex. Through example, especially. But no, these kids needed to be ready for the mating season. It was a rough place in there, especially for the males, and Jack didn't want to see anyone get hurt.

He hadn't realized it, but Nell had lowered herself onto her belly, and was waiting anxiously for him to say something. It took him a moment to compose himself back to the task at hand, but soon he was kneeling at her left shoulder.

"Just relax on your back, Nell," Jack said softly, and watched as the young dragon rolled away from him. Despite the rest of her body, her eyes never left him. "Good, Nell, good. Now Isa, Wesh, take a look at this."

Jack made his way around Nell towards her tail, and was soon sitting on her tail base, right below her slit. The two other females took a step nearer, watching Jack expectantly.

"This is your vent," Jack said, and slowly began to run his finger in circles around the closer slit. It instantly began to quiver and part, revealing the sweet pink flesh inside. "This is where the male will insert his penis," Jack pointed down to his own rising member for explanation. "And where your eggs will come out of. It is also, as you are about to see, very sensitive to touch."

Jack turned away from the girls and back towards Nell, lifting his leg so that he sat straddling the tail beneath him. This gave him a perfect view of the waiting vent, something that he didn't have much experience with. He took this as a perfect time to examine it, and try to judge where would be the best spots for Nell. First of all, there wasn't a clitoris like a human woman's. Instead, Jack could make out very tiny ridges that ran along the inside edges of the vent's lips. Ridges that seemed to match very well with the ridges on a male. As far as he could see, there were two sets of ridges that ran inside the vent itself, and maybe more farther inside. Other than that, the vent looked as soft, warm, and inviting as any other he'd been offered.

Jack's finger was still circling the now gaping vent slowly, and he took a moment to look up at Nell. Her head had slumped back to rest against the floor, and her eyelids were drooping slightly.

"How do you feel, Nell?" Jack asked with a smile. "Good?"

"More," was all she whispered back.

He nodded, and deftly slipped his fingers past her lips and inside. He used his middle and index finger to spread her lips a little more, eliciting a hiss from her. Using his other hand, Jack ran his fingers around the rapidly pulsing walls until the warm flesh clenched against his wrist.

"How about now, Nell?" Jack asked. "Are you still scared?"

Nell was completely absorbed with the pleasure now, and did not respond.

Jack smiled and spread his fingers wide as he slowly pulled his hands from her lusty grasp. When his hand was finally free, dripping with her fluids, her head shot up with a mixture of confusion and disappointment on her face.

"No, don't stop," she pleaded. "Please, do it again."

Jack chuckled, and then leaned forward so that he lay with his head lying on her belly. His erect member was sitting just below her vent.

"Don't worry, Nell. Just relax, and let me do the work."

She eyes him pleadingly, and his eyes met hers as he pushed forward into her. Shocks of pleasure ran through both of them as Jack's member pushed over her ridges, and she squeezed down in response.

"What's that, Jack?" Isa asked.

"That's my penis," Jack groaned. "It's kind of like a dragon's, but differently shaped, and a lot smaller."

He lifted his hips, shifting them so that his member ran up her other side on the way out, and then pushed back in on the other side. In, out, in out. Left, right, left, right. He realized that this was the first time in a long time for two things. First of all, he hadn't had sex with a woman since before he met Drake, nearly two years ago. Also, this was the first time he was in control of the sex since then. All of the other times, he'd been the one on the bottom. But now, he could set any pace he wanted, go as hard as he wanted, and generally sex as he pleased.

"Do it harder, deeper," Nell moaned out, and Jack obliged without a second thought.

So much for being in control.

Jack had felt pent up, to say the least, so his orgasm neared much more quickly than he would have liked. He wanted this moment to last for at least an hour, not the five minutes they'd spent now. But try as he might, he couldn't hold back the rising tide, and it looked like Nell wasn't holding back either. Her jaw suddenly clenched, along with her vent, as tremors racked her body. A rush of fluids leapt out and splattered all over him, and only helped to push him over the edge. With a shudder of his own, he dumped his seed somewhere in the middle of her long passage. He doubted that she even felt it after the orgasm she'd just undergone.

"I'm sorry I doubted you," she said with a gasp, and wrapped her arms around him in a tight embrace. It was nice to receive just a simple show of affection like a hug, and he snuggled down against her belly scales as he returned the gesture. They held each other for a good, long moment before Jack released her, and she soon released him. Jack took a minute to enjoy her comfortable body before forcing himself to stand so she could move. He was tired after releasing all that pent up energy, and almost couldn't stay standing.

"I'm sorry, girls. We may wait until tomorrow to do this again," Jack admitted. "I don't think I have anything left in me."

"That's okay, Jack," Isa replied. "You shouldn't over-exert yourself."

"Thanks, Isa," Jack said, slumping back against the cave wall near the door. "You three can go now. Send your brothers back here for me, please."

"No problem," Nell said, and followed her sisters out the down and back towards their family's cave. "Thanks again,"

Jack responded with an absent-minded wave of his hand, and waited until she was gone before he buried his forehead in his hands. He could really go for a nap right now, but he had a job to do. And surely watching the males using their new skills will help to wake him up a little.


"Jack? You called for us?" Jack asked, peeking through the door. "Jack?"

"Huh? Wha?" Jack jerked awake suddenly. He hadn't even realized that he was dozing off until the last second, and by that time it had been too late. He had no idea how long he'd been asleep, but he certainly felt groggy now. Hopefully it wouldn't show too much. "Oh, yeah. I did."

"What did you want us for?" the young dragon asked, leading the procession of four males into the room. The sat in a line in front of him, all of them showing some level of anxiety or another.

"I'm going to show you how to have sex," Jack replied bluntly. So much for masking his grogginess. "Sorry. I'm going to show you how you're going to mate for mating season. Since there is an even number of you, why don't we start by getting into groups of two?"

There was a single change of place as Jack stood to sit next to Richter, and Stone slid a little closer to Sage.

"Good, now, since you are subs, you get to be on both sides of mating. Not only will you mate with the females, and other subs, but the doms will also mate with you. It's a give and take relationship. So, everything I teach you over the next couple of weeks will be done by both partners. We will also change up the partners every day, just to mix things up a little. Any question?"


"Good, let's get started then. Within your group, pick who will be partner A, and who will be partner B. Once you do that, partner...B, will lay down on their back."

There was some quiet muttering for a moment before Richter and Stone rolled over onto their backs.

"Sex with subs is generally mutual. That means that, if possible, both dragons will pleasure the other. So, we're going to mix two things together. Partner B, you will be rimming Partner A. Partner A, you will be giving oral sex to Partner B at the same time. Now, your father told you to clean yourself after you go to the bathroom. You've all been doing that, right?"

They all nodded.

"Good, because this is why. No one wants to clean someone else's rump," Jack said. "Partner A, I want you to stand up and walk over top of your partner, with your rump facing their head."

The young dragons moved as per his instructions without as much as a peep. In all honesty, Jack was surprised that no one had objected to rimming yet. When you actually thought about it, licking someone else's asshole doesn't sound nice at all. Maybe they were quiet because they hadn't figured out what was about to happen.

"Good, now lie down on your partner's belly, with your rump sitting on their chest," he instructed.

Again, there was no hesitation or questioning.

"Okay, partner A is going to raise his tail, and partner B is going to put their snout up under it. Now, the point of rimming is to give pleasure to the person being rimmed. That's caused by licking the hole, both the outside and the inside. This is why you always keep it clean. We'll start doing that in a minute, but first, let me explain what partner A will be doing. Partner A, look down at your partner's body, and notice the large slit that should be just in front of you. That is called the 'genital slit', and is where the male's penis is. When not aroused, the penis is stored inside, and in order to bring it out, you need to stimulate it. This can be done by rubbing the slit, or licking the inside or outside of it. Why don't you try that now?"

Jack watched with growing lust as the both Jack and Sage curiously nosed against their partner's crotch. After sniffing and poking at it for a bit, Jack was the first one to reach out with his tongue and run it in a circle around the outside of the slit. Richter visibly shivered at the feeling, and within seconds, the sandy-colored tip of his member appeared from his spreading slit. After watching what his brother had done, Sage took it one step further, and poked his tongue inside the slit. He was only in there for a few seconds before he pulled out, closely followed by Stone's slate grey tip.

"There, that's your partner's penis," Jack said as the two dragons nudged and sniffed it, like they had at his. "The point of oral sex is to directly stimulate the penis with your mouth. This is usually accomplished using the tongue, but the lips can also be a useful tool for pleasuring your partner. Even the teeth can be used by a skilled person to bring pleasure, but let's focus on the tongue and lips for now. No need to accidentally castrate anyone. So, when I say 'go', I want partner A to start their oral sex, and partner B to start rimming. We'll go all the way until Partner B is finished. Any questions?"

"How do we know when we're done?" Richter asked.

"Oh, you'll know," Jack replied with a nod. "You'll feel a lot of pressure build up in your penis, which will eventually lead to your climax, or orgasm. Anyone else?"

"What if we have to go to the bathroom while we're being rimmed?" Jack asked.

"Then stop the session and leave to do your business," Jack replied. "No one will want to rim you ever again if you go to the bathroom in their mouth unless they ask for it."

"If they ask for it?" Sage asked. "Why would they do that?"

"Some people have some weird things that they find arousing. Listen, let's not get into this," he replied with a submissive wave and a vigorous shake of his head. "Just go,"

"Start?" Jack asked.

"Yes, go," Jack repeated.

There was a moment of hesitation as both Richter and Stone eyed their targets. Jack understood that the concept of licking someone else's asshole was a strange one, but he was sure that they would enjoy it once they started. He especially hoped that Jack liked the treatment. Richter was the first one to take a tentative lick at the tense, quivering ring before him.

"Relax, Jack," Jack said calmly. "Let him in."

Slowly, the ring of flesh loosened and expanded, leaving Richter with enough space to slip his tongue inside. Jack could see that his nostrils were purposely scrunched up tight, but that was fine. He was rimming his brother willingly, which would make it easier when a dom arrived and expected the same treatment. Jack suddenly moaned as Richter's tongue slipped deeper into his hole, and Jack could see the outside ring moving as it began to dance in slow circles.

"How does it feel, Jack?" he asked.

"Great," Jack replied, closing his eyes and letting it fall down to rest against Richter's body. As he did, his snout bumped against the semi-erect member beneath him, which soon flopped up and lay over his nostrils.

"Don't you think it's about time made your partner feel good?" he asked.

Jack glanced down at the member for a moment before lifting his head and opening his maw widely. This gave Jack the perfect view as his tongue expertly wrapped itself around Richter's member, shortly before the maw closed again and trapped the now stiff organ in his grasp.

"Good, now a good way to pleasure your partner is to move your head up and down his penis, while pulsing against it with your tongue."

As the dragon began to bob his head up and down shakily, Jack glanced over at the other two boys a few feet away. They both seemed to get it, as Stone had his snout pressed right up into Sage's hole, and Sage bobbed rapidly along an inch of flesh at the base of Stone's member before sliding all the way up and back down.

"Very good, boys. You're naturals!" Jack complimented, which felt awkward afterwards. Being a human, this kind of thing was kind of slutty, and that wasn't a good thing. But, as Drake had said, dragons knew no such thing, and it was a large part of dragon culture. So, it was worth complimenting.

After hearing the compliment, Jack and Richter doubled their efforts in order to match their brothers' skill. Jack's maw was bobbing rapidly along the entire member, while his tongue slid up and down in the opposite direction, squeezing occasionally. Meanwhile, Richter had his snout completely buried in Jack's rump, with his brother's tail pressed tightly against the back of his head to help him in. Two minutes later, Richter began to shake and groan into Jack's ass, his hips began to thrust up against his snout. He let out a deep moan as his first orgasm rocked through his body and flew straight up into Jack's unassuming maw. His eyes shot wide as the hot, overwhelming semen splashed all over his tongue. He pulled away from the spewing member, sputtering up what semen was in his mouth all over Richter's groin, along with the stream that currently ran down his member.

"Good job, boys. Maybe I should've warned you earlier about the orgasm, but now you know, right?" he asked. "Most of the time, the person giving oral sex will swallow the semen. Why don't you give it another taste, Jack? It's not bad."

Jack eyed him quizzically, but soon turned his attention towards the white fluid that sat on Richter's groin. It held together on the surface of his scale oil like oil in water, leaving it easy to separate. The young dragon dipped his tongue beneath the glob and scooped it up slowly, sending a shiver up Jack's spine as he watched his friend. His maw closed, and Jack could see him swish the semen around in his mouth a little before swallowing.

"How do you like it?" he asked.

"It's pretty good," the dragon replied, and scooped another glob up off his brother.

"Well, clean your brother up, and then switch places," Jack replied. "Sage and Stone will do the same once they've finished, okay?"

Jack tenderly lapped up the slowly stream of semen leaking from Richter's member while Stone and Sage returned to their sex with renewed vigor. Not wanting to be outdone by their brothers, Stone's orgasm was not only massive, but Sage swallowed it all without sputtering even once. The two were clean and had switched positions at the same time Jack and Stone did. And while Jack admired their speed, Jack personally liked someone who could be delicate.

"Remember, boys. It's not a race," he said, focusing the comment on Stone and Sage more than the others. The two nodded with agreement before burying their faces in each other's body again.

Jack now that both pairs were comfortable with sex, Jack could finally sit back and enjoy it. He tried to keep an eye on both pairs as he sat down on the floor, but he was far more interested in Jack at that moment. He was tempted to start giving himself some pleasure, too but he didn't know how well that would go. But the boys were all focused on their own partners, surely none of them would mind if he stroked himself a little. His hand slowly slid down his flank as he thought about what he thought about voyeurism, and while he'd much rather be a part of it, that might be a bit too candid. He'd let the young ones have their own fun first, before he tried to approach any of them for his own needs.

"Jack, what are you doing?" Jack's voice suddenly smashed through his train of thought. The startled human looked down, and saw his left hand wrapped tightly around his own ridged member, and he had probably already stroked it a few times.

"Oh, umm..." he floundered.

"Jack, you don't have a partner," Jack said, rolling out from under Richter and coming up to him. "Do you want to be mine?"

"Yes!" his brain screamed. "Jack, Richter is your partner. That's not fair to him, right?"

"Oh, I'm alright," Richter chimed in. "I think I've got this oral sex thing down."

"Please, Jack. Don't feel like you have to do this for me," he said.

"But you're my best friend, Jack," the dragon replied. "I want you to feel good, too."

Jack paused for a minute, sighing inwardly. "Okay then, why don't we talk about this later, then. But for now, you should keep going with Richter. You haven't even had your first orgasm yet, at least enjoy that."

The dragon hesitated for a moment, and even looked a little disappointed, but did turn around and return to his position beneath Richter. Jack continued to watch them, but his didn't stroke himself again. Instead he was too busy speculating on what the young dragon was thinking. Did he like him that way? Had he wanted to share his first orgasm with him? He was still so young, Jack could barely imagine that he was thinking about these things to begin with. But they were happening, and there was a good chance that the young dragon wanted to have sex with him. And he wanted it, too.

At that moment, Jack's member was pulsing rapidly under his brother's ministrations, and with a deep moan, his first load of semen spilled up into Richter's mouth. Jack noticed the smallest curl of a smile form at the edges of the receiver's maw as he got his first taste of the fluid, and Jack could already tell that he would forever be an oral dragon. He didn't really have a strong sense of these things, but it just looked right, the way Richter suckled Jack's member.

"Good work, boys. You've got skills. Now, how do you all feel?" he asked.

"A little tired, but I still feel okay," Jack replied, with nods of agreement from his brothers.

"Do you want to learn the next position today, then?" Jack asked.

There was no hesitation as all four boys nodded enthusiastically.

"Okay, this next position is not only one of the most popular, but is also my personal favorite," Jack began. "It's called anal sex. I think you can all guess what that means."

They all nodded.

"Good. Jack, why don't you come over here and help me demonstrate." He said.

Jack did little to hide his excitement as he made his way across the floor to where Jack was now kneeling on his hands and knees. He came to rest between him and his brothers, and expectant look on his face.

"Now, when you're actually mating with a female, they will be lying on their back, with their limbs spread out to the sides," Jack said. "But when mating with another male, this position is preferred. So, come over here and stand over me, Jack."

Soon after the direction was given, the dragon's shadow dropped over him, and he once again got the feeling that he was very small and helpless. But he relished in that feeling, especially when he was with Drake, because that made him think of him as his loyal guardian all the more. The helplessness made him feel safe, and the smallness made him feel loved, as he was held tight to his chest scales. And while he was not with Drake at that moment, he was definitely in the hands of the next best thing.

"Okay, now what you're going to do is lower your hips until your penis is in line with me, and then you're going to push it inside," Jack said slowly and softly. "Then, instinct takes over. And don't try to hold back, I want you all to enjoy your first anal sex experience. And Jack, don't worry about hurting me, okay?"

To his surprise, the dragon above him nodded, and proceeded to carefully line up his member with Jack's entrance. Even the doms had been worried about how much he could take, but Jack said nothing. The display of trust was enough to make him blush. But the blush carried over into other feelings as he felt Jack's tip bump against his thigh. With a chuckle, Jack reached down and grabbed the end of the member, rubbing it slowly with his one hand as he guided it to his hole. He loved every pulse the youthful shaft made against his hand, and knew that he was going to love what happened next. He let go of the shaft, and waited while the tip shook and twitched against his hole.

"Whenever you're ready," he whispered.

There was a tense pause while Jack gathered himself, but soon all of that gathering fell away into bliss as the thin but lively tip of his friend's shaft entered him. And it wasn't slow either, which Jack appreciated. It was a smooth but substantial first thrust, and perfect for someone who's never had sex before. Jack couldn't help but moan as he felt more of the dragon's weight fall onto him, and then the thrusting began. At first it was like the first thrust. Fluid, but quick. The young dragon had such a delicate touch, yet still satisfied Jack's need to be filled. Never had anyone but Drake made him feel this good during sex.

"It's perfect," Jack moaned in a low tone. "Now, go harder."

Jack obliged whole-heartedly. His thrusts began to blur together into one constant feeling of bliss, and within three thrusts his groins was slapping against Jack's ass. The sliding of the groin scales over his skin created responses of their own, but it paled in comparison to how he felt inside. Every second of it was pure euphoria.

"I haven't felt this way in a long time," Jack whispered. "Thank you."

"When was the last time you felt this way?" he asked from between his gasps.

"The last time I had sex with Drake," Jack replied.

The dragon seemed to skip a beat in his thrusting. "I knew it," he replied.


"After I first smelled your arousal, I caught some of dad's scent that smelled similar." Jack replied. "It's always on you, all the time."

"We're very much in love," he replied.

"Good," Jack said with a smile. "You deserve to be loved."

Jack couldn't help but blush at the compliment, and in return, began to push himself back against Jack's thrusts. It didn't take long for that familiar pulsing to begin, though.

"Oh, it's coming," Jack moaned. "But I don't want this to end,"

"Trust me, we'll do this again," Jack said reassuringly. "Now, finish inside me. I want to carry a bit of you with me."

That little bit of loving seemed to push Jack over the edge, because as soon as he was finished, Jack's member finally threw out a truly massive orgasm. It once again reminded Jack of what it was like to have sex for love, and not just for pleasure or 'learning'. But the orgasm began to subside, the hot semen stopped flowing, and Jack's member became flaccid and began to pull itself back into its slit. Sleepy from the constant waves of pleasure, Jack found it hard to crawl out from under his sex partner, but he managed. Besides, he needed to return him to his rightful partner for the day.

"Well, you all know what to do now, so go to it," Jack said, and propped himself up against the wall behind him. He was exhausted now, and even though he had no idea what time it was, he was sure that it was late. "Let's finish up so we can go to bed,"

"But it was barely past midday when we left," Jack complained, his sentence degrading into a moan as Richter's member thrust deep inside of him.

"Well, I need a nap," Jack replied. "I need a nap to lead into sleep."

"Harder, Richter," the dragon moaned, at about the same time that Stone grabbed harder at his brother's shoulders and really dug in. And as the orgy continued, Jack's member continued to pulse with need. He wanted to release some of the sexual energy that had been building up since the boys began, but he was far too tired now. He was half-tempted to go over and ask Jack to give him oral while he lay down, but he wouldn't think of falling asleep with that dragon's maw buried between his legs. And even if he didn't fall asleep during sex, he would certainly pass out afterwards.

"Oh, here it comes," Richter's low voice managed to reach Jack's ears. He perked up a little as he watched Richter's last few unrestrained thrusts before he dropped all his weight onto Jack's back and buried his seed deep within him. Jack couldn't help but groan as he watched some excess semen drip down the back of Jack's legs, and begin to pool on the floor.

"Did that feel good, Richter?" Jack asked, punctuating his sentence with a loud yawn.

"Very much," Richter replied. "Do we get to do this again?"

"Yep, every day," Jack replied, and laboriously hauled himself to his feet. "Or almost every day."

A massive roar interrupted their conversation as Stone plunged himself deep into Sage's bowels and released his seed. None of it leaked out, unlike Richter's orgasm, but Jack could tell by Sage's reaction that it was certainly no smaller.

"Oh, I'm sorry I won't be able to stay and watch you, Sage, but I'm just exhausted." Jack said, sliding feebly towards the door. "Don't let that stop you from going though."

"That's okay, Jack," Sage said, walking around behind Stone and hoisting himself up onto his back. "Go and rest. You've earned it."

Jack nodded in thanks before slipping around the corner and into the hall. The boys had been right, it was still fairly early in the afternoon. But that didn't curb his exhaustion, and he slowly made his way back to Vera's cave to get his well-deserved nap.


Jack awoke later, much later. There was a single shaft of silvery light coming in through the window, which made the rest of the room look pitch black. And, to his luck, there was a warm, pitch black person behind him, cradling him against what was probably his chest.

"You're awake," Drake said softly. "Now go to sleep, it's time for bed."

Jack nodded, and snuggled down closer to his warm body. "It was so great, today," he said. "Thank you, for letting me do this,"

"I figured that all of us could use a good release," Drake replied. "Except, I guess you did too good a job on that."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Yaris and Laris came back before Vera and I could do anything," Drake explained. "We thought about slinked off to my cave for a while, but then the girls came back too, and we needed to stay to make sure that the boys didn't try anything."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Jack said. "I couldn't do all three of them in one day. I needed a break."

"I don't blame you. I know that humans don't have as much endurance as dragons do," Drake replied. "But, maybe you could help one more dragon tonight?"

Jack chuckled. "I think I can do something about that."

He felt Drake's arms, once wrapped tightly around him, loosen, and he began to slide down his body towards his groin. When he felt his toes brush against his slit, he could feel the tip of his member already beginning to extend from it. So by the time he slid down one last foot, the tip of the expanding member was already pressed against his ass. With a slow, deliberate thrust, Drake's tip slipped up inside him.

"I missed you so much," Jack whispered, as if they had been apart for years. "Please, make me feel loved again."

"I always do," Drake replied, wrapping his arms around Jack in a tight embrace as his member tugged at his insides. Without any room to move with the thrusting, the pleasurable feel of the shaft inside him felt all the better. Jack's own member began to fill out as months of need were finally being fulfilled.

"Jack, I..." A voice from behind them began, but abruptly stopped. Jack would've turned around to see who it was, but his head was trapped against Drake's belly.

"Jack, what are you doing here?" Drake asked.

"I...I can't wait until morning. And with my brothers there, it's not as close as it should be," Jack said. "I...I wanted to have sex with him again."

"Jack..." Drake sighed. "Well, what do you think?" he asked, removing his arms from the human's back and allowing him some range of movement.

"Jack, why don't you come to bed," he replied. "There's plenty of room in here."

"I...I shouldn't now," Jack replied softly, looking down as he shuffled his feet. "I interrupted you, and I now that you wanted to have some time alone with dad."

"Come to bed, Jack," he said softly, and even wriggled his rump as much as he could. "There's plenty of room in me, too."

"Really? Is that okay?" Jack asked.

"I would love to have you both in me," he replied.

The young dragon made his way forward slowly, until he stood at his father's feet. With a look to his father for permission, and an approving nod from him, Jack climbed up into the nest, and soon stood over Jack. Drake's member was still inside Jack, but that didn't stop the young dragon from dropping his already rigid member against his father's and thrusting in above him. Jack couldn't help but shudder as the new shaft entered his passage, spreading him wide.

"Lie down, Jack," he said calmly.

"But, won't I hurt you?" Jack asked.

The human shook his head. "I want to be closer to both of you."

Jack didn't hesitate again as he slowly lowered his weight off his own legs and onto Drake's body. The larger dragon didn't seem to feel any discomfort as his son dropped onto him, and in fact, gave him even more pleasure, as their two members rubbed against each other inside Jack's tight passage.

"Okay, do it just like I taught you," Jack said, and began to rub both dragons' bellies as the members inside him began to pulse and shift in unison. Drake matched his son's eager starting pace as they lovingly pummeled the human beneath him, who groaned and moaned at every impact. The feeling against his prostate was incredible, like nothing he had ever felt before. They may not have been the largest pair ever inside him, but they were both so loving and delicate. Jack knew that, despite being completely at their mercy, they would never do him harm.

"Jack, I've missed you, too," Drake moaned, and broke from his son's steady rhythm to a more feral pace. Jack did a good job keeping up with his father, and despite being far less lusty, felt his orgasm building at about the same speed. For Jack, feeling the members' synchronized spasms inside him was enough to send his own orgasm to its peak, and with a deep groan, climaxed all over Drake's belly.

"Are you ready, son?" Drake asked, a growl beginning to grow in his throat as his orgasm grew closer.

"Yes," was all that Jack could manage with the overwhelming pleasure that rocked through his body.

"On three, then," Drake said. "One...two...three..."

With a mighty thrust from both of them, and suppressed roar that might have shook the heavens, the two dragons climaxed. Jack's mind nearly went into a state of shock as semen spilled forth from their pulsing members and splashed deep into him. It felt too good to describe, so good that his senses seemed to wobble and distort from the intense emotion. Jack just might have passed out from such pure ecstasy, but he willed himself to stay conscious, if only to make the feeling last longer. But it was over almost as quickly as it had begun, and Jack was let gasping for breath as the two member twitched for the final time.

"That was amazing," Jack said between his panting. "Thank you both,"

There was no response from either of the dragons. Jack soon noticed the rhythmic breathing of both dragons, and realized that they had both fallen asleep. He smiled, and snuggled down against Drake, listening as both dragons' hearts beat as one. The pleasure that once ran like a river through his brain had now been reduced to a trickle, leaving exhaustion in its place. So, with a dragon as a bed and a dragon as a blanket, he fell asleep.