The Bitch Went Down

Story by FakeMan on SoFurry

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The Bitch Went Down

-This particular piece is most definitely pornographic, and should not be viewed by anyone under the age of 18, or anyone at all for that matter. Please turn back now if you have any moral integrity, for this story contains rough sex, bestial transformation, and many more things along those lines.

At least he took the bitch down with him.

The thought circled through his mind as he rubbed at the crusted blood on the back of his head and grabbed the thick iron bars, so old that they stained his hands with rust. He had only been awake for a few hours, and he saw no signs of his allies. Only the soft padding of footsteps, the occasional growl, the smell of burnt hair, and the goddamned laughing.

It was a high pitched and tremulous thing that bore a resemblance to human laughter in the same way that a crying child and a bleating goat could be confused from a distance. However, from up close the sound was sinister, a hoarse barking utterance that tittered into a huff of silence. He wished he could pry his way out of the cage and stick knives in the next thing that laughed, but sadly his possessions, his piercings, and even his small clothes had had been stolen, leaving his scarred body naked in the murky, humid air of the cave.

Having faced death before, he was not afraid to die on the battlefield. His compatriots all made quite a mark he remembered, cutting down the gnolls as they sprung forth to attack. They were outnumbered three to one, but there is no use surrendering to mountain gnolls . . . they don't take prisoners.

At least he took the bitch down with him.

They had come over the edge of the ravine; a swarm of murky brown bodies clad in darker spots, poorly dried hides, and whatever metal they could scavenge from those they raided. Gleeful tittering and savage roars mixed with the noise of padded feet tearing down the slope towards the group desperately forming up below them. Their large hyena's jowls dripping with slaver and fury; shamelessly exposed bodies jostling as their blood lust fueled the charge, all except for their leader, who, as the largest of the pack, led the charge with a calm cold smirk.

He watched her prideful snarling, and the large streak across her muzzle as she turned aside his dirk with her heavy iron bars, tied with a length of chain. He had to lower his guard, but it was worth it to see the snarl turn to perplexity as his dirk was again deflected, but his knife found her fleshy belly, sinking in until it crackled off bone. He had just enough time to withdraw his dagger when the flaw in his defense was abused, and something hit him hard enough to knock him forward and take the sight from his eyes.

The others must have died in combat,as he now wished he had. He winced as his head throbbed. Mountain gnolls were a savage and bloodthirsty lot, never dealing with human trade or even taking slaves as their mangy cousins from the flatlands did. He wondered what was to become of him, and how the beasts even got such a great cage with room enough for seven or eight men all the way up to the mountain. As he pulled at the sturdy but weathered bars, flakes of rust rained down, but the bars moved not an inch.

Sleep must have claimed him for hours before he woke, and hunger now gnawed at his gut as he sat dejected on the dusty stone floor, shivering even in the murky warmth of the dimly lit cave. The bickering laughter and snarls continued to grow more frequent and louder until the pale glow of a torch shone on the far wall, soon casting the ominous shadows of hunched humanoids and their horrible cackling slavering maws.

He stood defiantly, shoulders hunched slightly in the short cage as the beasts, wearing the piecemeal tatters of dried skin and salvaged metal that they always did, giggled maniacally while one took an archaic key and undid the heavy lock binding the chain to his cage. He rushed forwards, hoping to surprise his captors, but as he barreled into the broad chest of the first, the second's backhand sent him to the ground, purple and black dancing in his vision.

If a gnoll ever stood completely upright, most would be at least seven feet in height, and they were broad and burly, weighing much more than a man, and having more than enough mussel to support it. The prisoner struggled ineffectually, legs flailing against corded mussels of the swamp brown beasts that lifted him to his feet like a plaything. The others looked on excitedly, tongues panting lewdly as they prodded the pouch that contained their manhoods.

The biggest gnoll with the most collected junk and a patch of chainmail adorning his frame withdrew a crude pot from a limp leather sack, smiling at his struggling captive as he uncorked it. The man smelled the scent of moldering blood and wrenched his shoulders in panic as the beast dragged his tongue through the contents of the pot, until it rose it dripping and red. Clawed hands with rough pads gripped the captive's hair tightly, holding his wide eyed struggles to a minimum as as the dripping red panting muzzle drew close enough for him to smell the decay on it's breath.

He grimaced and shouted as the beast huffed into his ear sniggering as he ran his tongue across the man's face, over his clenched eyes, across the bride of his nose; spreading the red corruption all the way to the human's other ear. The massive beast then licked his chops, smearing them with the same crimson as it looked at the weeping crimson streak that crossed the man's wide and terrified eyes.

A roll of chittering laughter ran though the crowd of gnolls as their apparent leader bent to pick up the faded leather pouch from the pitted rock of the cave's floor. As he opened it, a plume of gray dust drifted lazily out through the shafts of torchlight, and his long tongue panted in laughter, dripping pink ooze. As the hand that clutched the terrified man's hair thrust forward, he saw that ebon members were starting to poke out of the gnolls' animalistic sheaths, and renewed his useless struggles with desperate effort. The gnolls' corded muscles and filthy matted fur were coiled tightly around him.

The bloodied maw of the gnoll curled into a smile as he shoved the open bag under the man's terrified face. The ashes inside exploded outwards as he gave the bottom of the bag a sharp pat. The man bellowed in pain as the ashes stung his eyes and turned the red ribbon across his face into a stinging burning streak. His struggles intensified before slowing, his vision blurring and his muscles tugging weakly a few last times.

He felt something pressing him down. Paws grabbing him everywhere, a tongue running past his teeth that was not his own.

And the streak burned

Matted fur and animal stink surrounded him. Something firm and warm ran against the inside of his thigh. Something snuffled hungrily into his ear.

The streak was embers on his eyes.

Grasping claws raked against his back. The muzzle by his ear licked rudely across it, with a sickening slurp. Something hot pressed against him . . . and then into him.

Then the streak burned all of his senses to cinders.

* * *

His back hurt.

There were matted clumps of dried blood and . . . other things all over his body. His tongue searched his mouth and found that his teeth were intact, but some wobbled painfully. His skin was cracked and dry where the ashes still clung to his face. And he had a horrible rank taste that rose up from his gut whenever he swallowed, yet his stomach still growled . . . he was still hungry. He thought the rank smell drifting around must be coming from his body, but as his eyelids ground open, he saw something beautiful, and something horrid.

There was a bloody haunch of meat, probably goat he deduced from the still attached cloven hoof, and a heavy-set hyena gorging itself on it, occasionally looking back at him as if daring him to take it's prize. As he rose the beast sloppily chomped down a piece of bloody meat, and growled over its back at him. The meat was still mostly fresh; he did not have a fire but . . . It had been so long since he ate.

He took a cautious step forward, reaching for a sword that was not on his scarred and bruised body. As the stocky hyena turned and bared it's yellowed fangs. His hands clenched nervously. He was so hungry, but there was no way he could fight an animal as big as that without a weapon. Perhaps, if he just let the beast eat its fill he could sneak in a bite while it slept.

Sleep would not come. He rested, but regardless of how he lay, he felt something on top of him. Rough arms grabbing, pulling . . . thrusting. Whenever he could not keep his eyes closed another second, he would open them to find the bitch of a hyena gorging itself on his only possible food supply. It could have been hours or days, but the haunch of meat did not seem to diminish. There was always enough for the selfish bitch to rip off a chunk and smile at him; laughing as his stomach rumbled longingly.

The meat was still fresh enough, it had begun to putrefy slightly, but he could ignore those parts . . . That was, of course, if he could just get it away from that mocking bitch. Although he'd taken to calling the beast the Bitch, or the Mangy Bitch, or any other string of curses, he was unsure of it's exact gender. From the back he could see a taut pair of testes covered in coarse brown fuzz, and from the side he could see rows of small teats with hard black nipples.

Regardless, none of the gnolls that came to watch his torment seemed to pay much attention to the Bitch. They would glance at him, leaning in the corner of his cage, and then cock their heads and giggle tentatively before padding away. He was living life in some tortured waking dream. He would be close to sleep, then he would see her face, as the knife slid though her flesh and scraped against her bones. Her muzzle would twist with surprise, but as he opened his eyes, it was always change to the twisted grin of the hyena huffing between bites of his dinner.

Soon he knew he couldn't take it. His stomach felt like it was eating him from the inside. He needed food. The haunch was still there, edges curled up and drying, fetid, but tantalizing.

The man rose unsteadily, hands grasping the rusted bars of his cage. His face curled into a furious rictus of rage and he leaped, hands outstretched towards the mouldering meat. He was too hungry to be surprised on the way down, by the fact that instead of landing on the grimy fur of a hyena, his hands landed on the cool stone floor; much to ravenous to notice that the Bitch seemed to have exited the cage, as it was most certainly no longer present. Not that anyone had opened the door . . .

His teeth tore through the stringy flesh and he drank in the spoiled flavor of the flesh as it was stuffed down his gullet. The act of gnawing of the meat became easier and easier as he continued, his canines pushing out into pointed fangs, while his mouth stretched larger; more bestial. The hands that grabbed the hock swelled, joints creaking unnoticed as his fingers convulsed, sprouting tough leathery pads while dappled brown fur raced in between them. His nails darkened and lengthened into wicked points; his new claws latching onto the sides of the meat as his powerful jaws tore strip after strip of fetid meat away.

The fur spread like wildfire, climbing up his arms as his muscles bulged, becoming taut and corded, straining with every frenzied lunge at the quickly shrinking piece of meat. Two waves rose over his shoulders and clashed in a dusky mane that stood in stark contrast to his murky fur as it wound up the back of his thickening neck.

Twitching, his ears began to pull sinuously up the sides of his head as they grew in size and were subsumed in brown fuzz. The changing man reveled in the flavor of the foul meat as his long almost canine tongue licked against his stretching, darkening nose. While his mane grew longer and coarser, his neck bent forward, cracking sickeningly as it lengthened, leaving his new form hunched over animalistically, as he devoured his prize.

As the rough manky fur seeped down over his heaving chest his nipples swelled and darkened into stark attention as the flesh below them pushed out slightly. A ululation broken by slaving bites escaped his black lips as he felt his teats bulge with new sensitivity. His flesh twisted as the cascade of fur continued, and another pair of hard exposed teats pressed out below the others, making his lower body squirm in unexpected pleasure.

Soon his front sported three sets of pert mounds, awash in a shaggy sea of spotted dun and swampy brown. His stomach tightened into a sheet of corded muscles as the mangy tide descended. With the groan of stretching bones, his hips began to widen, and the shaggy brown hair crept down between the crevasse of his thighs. The man's hips bucked as his tailbone creaked and extended into a tuft of brown fuzz that tugged its way away from his body; a ropey tail with a plume of dark brown crowning its erratic waves.

As the tail grew, pulling side to side, the man's once sore anus was pulled to the forefront as his thighs pushed outwards . The flesh of the orifice pulled with the wagging of the tail as it was presented to the world, more a hyena's than a human's. As mud colored felt covered his exposed testes they pulled up tightly against him, tautly jostling with his ravenous ministrations. The orbs within the tight sack grew, pushing against the stretching skin as the fur traveled up the man's shaft.

The half erect member grew thicker as a matted pelt surrounded it, and it slowly melded together with the flesh of his belly, forming a thick sheath that jostled as he continued to attack the meat in the corner. The once man growled in pleasure as a black tip poked out of the swinging sheath; swelling slowly, biding its time.

His legs stretched behind him as they twisted, fur creeping down his thighs as they bulged with tension. As the wave of fur passed his knees, his calves groaned and started condensing. His feet lengthened as a thin film of brown fuzz raced down them. His ankles shrank down and lifted off the floor as his feet started to rake back against the floor. His toes retracted into blunt digits that widened as they sprouted massive pads, and wicked dark claws that scraped against the floor.

* * *

Below him all that remained was blood on the floor, and a heap of cracked bones. The gnolls were all outside of his cage, watching him with their incompetent eyes. As he pushed himself onto his new wide footpads, he reached a hand down and fondles his new testes. Giving them a squeeze, he realized they felt different; yielding, soft and pliant. But exploring them made his ebon shaft begin to push up out of its distending sheath.

His cock was thicker than he remembered the other gnolls' being, ending in a blunt chiseled tip with a long vertical slit. The gnolls were chattering, but where as he remembered this as something to be feared, all it did now was enrage him. Quickly grabbing the bars, one of his newly muscled arms shot our and his claws latched onto the giggling gnoll that was just within arm's reach. With his other arm he slammed the beast's head into the gap between the bars, pushing until the bars rubbed the skin raw next to it's ears, its frightened face inches from his own.

The once man grinned, showing his fearsome set of teeth at the once insanely jovial gnoll's now pitiful wide-eyed expression. He ground the smaller beast's head down against the bars, rust flaking off and leaving ocher streaks against his fur, and crimson on the bars. Once the head was pushed down to waist level, it saw what the new gnoll wanted, its black penis half extended inches from his twitching muzzle.

As the puny gnoll tried to pull back from its apparent duty, the once man's massive hand-paws grasped both sides of the stubborn beast's head and dug in with the curved claws of his thumbs, just above the whimpering mess's eyes. As he his talons sank into the coward's flesh, it's mouth opened, and he relaxed his grip slightly, as a hot pink tongue tentatively darted out and flicked across his growing member. Thrusting his hips forwards, his cock pushed past the loose lips and sharp fangs, and his deathgrip loosened, massaging small circles against his captive's temples. He was the bitch, but this was his slave.

The Bitch moaned as the smaller gnoll pleasured his member, choking slightly on his girth. He had never felt anything like the ridges of a beast's mouth rubbing over his cock, but his penis felt different; good, but but instead of rising towards climax, he needed something more. At one, He hilted his shaft into the hot maw, wedged solidly between the rusted bars, and the smaller gnoll's moist nose shoved against his crotch, huffing as he choked on the length.

Letting the smaller beast go, his long rod slid dripping out of the abused muzzle. The subservient gnoll slid backwards leaving blood and fur smeared against the rusted iron bars. Grinning, the bitch sized up the cage she was trapped in. Taking the small length of chain in one of her wide paws, she pulled, growling as cords bulged under the fur of her arms, until with an agonized squeal, the lock was torn asunder, and she stepped forth among the wide eyed gnolls.

Her paws were spread to each side of her, presenting her dark teats, and sopping member, the gnolls all shifted their weight uncomfortably. Her burly arms grabbed the nearest two lackwits, and she shoved her muzzle at them, growling a bloody challenge. After securing their submission, she placed her paws on their heads, and drew them into her chest forcefully, and after a moment of hesitation where her claws dug into their skulls, they each found a teat and began to lick and suckle.

Tongue lolling out, the bitch panted in pleasure at the feeling of the weaker animal's mouths teasing her nipples. But it was not enough! She snarled until a gnoll approached, shoulders hunched subserviently, head bowed. Grinning maliciously, she forced the volunteer to his knees and let her swollen testicles rest on the bride of his muzzle. She slid her sack down acrossed his nose, until it rested against the warm breeze of his cold nose.

Once he started licking, the bitch's tongue lapped upwards, dancing, pleasured into the air. As the myriad mouths molested her she could not help but feel something was missing. And then, something grabbed her shoulders, she felt something warm jostle past her tail, and she remembered.

All thoughts of pleasure gone, she remembered an uncomfortable pressure on top of her, and she whirled roaring and caught her assailant, the largest gnoll save for her, with a vicious backhand that sent him spinning to the floor, chainmail clanking. She was on him in a second, claws raking over his flesh until he squealed in terror. Her blows slowed, as she smiled, satisfied at the bloody rivulets that she had torn in his pelt. Her eyes wandered down to his still erect penis, just as black, but much more slender than her own.

Sitting on his thighs, she slid up until their balls mashed together and their shafts stood side to side, throbbing with their racing hearts. Reaching forwards with her massive paw, she wrapped it tightly around both of their cocks and began to pump it up and down, causing surprised whimpers of pleasure and lingering pain from the audacious beast below her.

She started stroking slowly, but quickly picked up the pace, causing rolls of flesh to pull and strain on their ebon members. Soon the tip of her tool began to seep a slick clear fluid in copious amounts, and the gnoll's member had a bead of clear moisture at the top. Smelling the spicy sent of arousal, the Bitch's eyes lit up as she understood, pressing the tips of their members together as the drew her hips back, grinning, their cocks now tip to tip.

When she thrust her hips forward, something strange happened. There was a moment of resistance, and then the small tip of the gnoll's member was engulfed by her larger tool. Her eye's dilated as she panted and thrust her hips harder, sliding the frightened animal's length halfway inside of her. Her claws dug into his shoulders as she hammered away, completely engulfing the lesser male, who stared bucking in uncontrolled lust below her.

Her muzzle opened and dived towards his, invading the warm inside with her frenzied tongue. She felt his balls writhe next the hers, and she wrapped her arms around him, nearly crushing the smaller male as she howled out and they both reached the throes of glorious orgasm; pressed together as she squeezed every last ounce of seed from the worthless male below her.

Smiling, the bitch rose, cock dripping, tail swaying as she surveyed her new pack. They were a cringing cowardly lot, barely worth the hides on their backs. But she could make do, her pack may be pathetic, but she knew that she was not.

The menacing bitch with a scar across her face, died. But lived on to led her band of bloodthirsty gnolls across the land; to take what they wished from whomever they pleased.