Shelter From the Storm

Story by Skribble on SoFurry

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Quick lil tale I fooled around with over the weekend. Cuddling, scary storms, and a heavy diaper! No sex because I didn't wanna torment the poor cheetah any more after his accident. ;3 No offense to Mr. Dylan or any fans for the title. I love that song.

"I wanna watch this!" the cheetah exclaimed, holding up one of Derrick's horror movies. Laughing, the larger leopard cocked his head and looked his boyfriend over, "You sure about that kiddo? Last time we watched a scary one you piddled in your bed..."

Blushing and fidgeting with embarrassment Chris shook his head, "Th-that was cause I had too much to drink before bed, not cause I was scared!" The cheetah, who barely broke five feet, did his best to look brave, puffing out his skinny chest and holding forward the movie.

Derrick grinned at his lover, the big cat's tail flicking. When Chris had first told him a year ago about his secret, his loving being treated as a small child and occasional use of diapers, the leopard had been a little put off. He had given the cute cheetah a chance to convert him, however, and after the first time Chris had an 'accident' in his pants while they were walking in the park together, the cheetah shyly asking to be put in diapers after soaking his overalls, he was converted to his boy's full time daddy.

"Well... alright. But you've gotta put on a diaper just in case. I don't want a little boy waterin' his undies in my lap," Derrick teased, reaching for the cheetah's paw to lead him back to the bedroom and get him changed out of his adult clothes and into something more appropriate for a movie before bed. Soon enough they were snuggled up on the couch together, Derrick in a loose pair of shorts and his cub all thickly diapered and in one of the footed sleepers he loved so much.

The movie wasn't terribly frightening but Chris was a bit of a, well baby when it came to scary things and the little cheetah whined and hide his face in Derrick's neck fur for most of the film, the scent of a very wet kitten wafting up from the boy's lap before the movie was half over.

"I-I needa change Daddy," the cheetah kitten mewled up to the big snowcat, his thumb shoved into his muzzle for some comforting sucks. "Nuh wanf waw dif no mo'" he lisped childish around the digit, thoroughly through with being scared for the evening.

"Aww. Kitten all wet," Derrick cooed soothingly, patting his cubs soaked seat, "Well how about we get you changed and just hit the hay? It's late already." When Chris nodded his assent, Derrick kissed the cub's ears and picked him up, turning off the TV on the way back to the bedroom where he changed his kitten and they both crawled into bed together, Derrick in bare fur and Chris in his pajamas and a fresh, thick diaper.

Late that night the storm that had been looming all day finally broke. Derrick, a heavy sleeper, didn't even stir as the rain began pouring accompanied by peals of thunder and flashes of lightning. Chris was more a scaredy cat, however and lay with eyes wide, listening to the storm rage as he remembered the movie from earlier. Pressing close to Derrick's side, the small cheetah whined, "Daddy... daddy wake up! I'm scared!"

Grunting, the snow leopard shook his head a little, "Whuh? What's wrong Chrissycat?" he mumbled, blinking himself awake and turning on his side to wrap the boy up in his strong arms.

"I'm scared," Chris pouted, nuzzling the leopard's chin, "movie anna storm are scary..." he repeated, balling up a little in the bigger feline's arms, the cheetah taking comfort in the embrace and the soft purring of his boyfriend.

"There, there Chrissy. It's just a storm, nothin's gonna getcha," he cooed, lick-grooming the cheetah's ears like he would a small cub, the effect soothing, calming for his little boy who's eyes were beginning to droop closed in spite of the noisy storm outside.

It was at that moment nature decided to play a mean trick on the tired snow leopard who had begun to succeed in getting his boy back to sleep. A bolt of lightning arched down from the sky and struck a transformer outside which overloaded with a terrific bang and flash of sparks! Chris gave a childish squeal of terror, all his fur standing on end as the explosion happened, a soft rumble escaping from beneath his tail as the terrified boy dumped his jammies in one massive load. Shoving his pillow over his face, the scared and humiliated kitten began to quietly sob against the fabric.

Derrick, his usual calm, didn't realize what had happened immediately, just that Chris was scared and upset. It wasn't until the earthy odor of the cheetah's dirty diaper reached his nose that he realized what the boy had done in his terror. "Chrissy... did you...?"

The upset cheetah pulled his pillow over his head, shaken by the storm and his complete loss of control and humiliated by his childish reaction to being frightened. Playing was all well and good but soiling himself like a little cub was too much for the smaller male who sobbed out a broken apology.

"Aww, kitten, c'mere, hey..." the larger male purred, hugging his boyfriend close and trying to pull the pillow away he was using to hide, "Chris I'm not mad. You were scared, it's fine," he cooed soothingly, finally getting the cheetah to turn his tear-streaked muzzle up to him.

"I... I couldn't help it," the small feline mewed, his ears flatted back and his tail curled up between his thighs. Blushing deeply, he sniffled, "Never happened before."

The leopard chuckled softly, grooming his boyfriend's tear-salted muzzle with his coarse tongue, "Never on accident maybe. But I've changed plenty of messy kitten-butts to know you've had a heavy seat before." At that, Chris giggled shyly, looking away from his affectionately teasing mate. "All this means is I'll have another one to change come morning," Derrick murmured.

The slender cheetah tensed, eyes widening, "You mean I gotta stay... all night?" He squirmed in the larger cat's arms, both embarrassed and a little excited by what he'd been told.

"That's right, baby boy. Messy till morning," Derrick replied with a smile, his broad paw cupping and firmly smushing the loaded seat of Chris' pampers against the little cheetah, making him whimper happily and squirm as his own warm dirt squeezed and spread through the confines of his diaper.

"I love you Derrick," he whispered, squeezing his eyes shut and curling up against the snowcat, a soft purr vibrating through his slender frame.

Smiling, Derrick kissed the little cheetah's ears, murmuring, "I love you too, kitten," before they drifted off together.

Strange Dreams

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A Walk in the Woods

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Uncle Brad's

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