burn baby burn

Story by will fox on SoFurry

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So this is my first story I in no way think it is good but here it is anyway the bullys and annoying girl are real people in my class who id like to do what the character did to oh and to my brother on here you know who you are fuck you.

Once again I got ready to go to the highschool which I hated for a day of sitting down and listening to a teacher babble on about something or another I dont care about.I walked on to the crowded bus thinking about how this was supposed to be a happy and joyful day but I dont have even have a freind to celabrate it with or a family member to give me presents so becoming one year older is of no concern to me.As I got off the bus and entered the huge complex I looked at my timetable yes literacy it was the only thing that i could even remotely enjoy. As I wandered to the class room Tommy Mcgee walked over to me hiding behind his gang of assholes''so the fat nerd is going to his literacy class''I was very tempted to say that he should lay off the cream cakes himself but I didnt with the knowledge that if I did id be going home with four less teeth than I came to school with I cotinued to walk to the class room.

I got to the classroom and walked to my desk opened it up there it was the precious book which i have spent the last three years working on it was nearing completion i had only one chapter left and once it was done was planning to try and have it published.I took it out and began working on it the story was about an average teenage boy who is picked on in school but oneday got pyro and telekenisis i was very proud of the work and it is some thing i have always treasured.Later after literacy was over i was going through the hallways of the school when i saw Henry Godward attacking a first year i ran at Henry and with a very powerful punch smashed him round the face''back of you asshole''i said ready to punch him again but henry instead of fighting ran away his goons werent there i was suprised he had actually had the balls to pick on someone alone.

After i helped clean the blood off the first years face and got him back to class Charlotte Evans came running up to me not her again i thought to myself why is it that Charlotte still thinks we are best friends even though i have told her so many times i hate her.She happily skipped towards me with movie tickets in her hand she invited me to go to see a musical with her on saturday but I told her I was busy (even though i wasnt) becuase I hate her guts I then proceeded on to the worst lesson of school PE.As we were in the changing rooms tommy started bosting about how he was going to beat everyone at football but henry was unusally quite most probably from when i smacked him hard in the face it was obvious that he wanted to keep it a secret that the tough jock was beaten and ran away from the nerdy kid.

After school was finally over I proceeded to go on the bus to go home while on the bus I saw tommy and henry together i wasnt really looking for a fight and stayed away but they seemed to get closer as soon as we got to my stop I got off and went home as fast as possible but I soon realised they were following me and that henry must of told tommy and asked for help on getting revenge.As we got in to a quiter neighbourhood I turned around to confront them''look I dont want any trouble please just leave me alone''henry and tommy began to snicker and laugh and suddenly about fiteen of there lackies came out next to them''so you assholes are to fucking scared to fight for yourself''suddenly the grins on there faces disappeared they became enraged''dont you fucking start calling us weak you bitch''and they all started coming towards me as luck would have it a policemen came in to the street and tommy and henrys gang ran away I knew that I was not going to have a good school day tommorow.

As I went into school ready for the worst school day of my life I saw I was late and ran to literacy I opened my desk to pull out my story but what I saw was horrible the book had been ripped into peices I was filled with a mix of anger pain and sadness but mostly anger I knew exactly who had done this I ran out of the class room and found just who I was looking for tommy and henry and his gang all together the emotions running through me were blood curdling''so what you gonna do about us ripping apart your book are you gonna tell your mommy of us oh wait you cant shes dead.'' That was the last straw suddenly my eyes went completely red and Tommys head flew directly off his body suddenly all there lackies set on fire the scene was devastating people screaming burning dieing Henry was on the ground trying to crawl away I broke his legs and walked over to him he begged for mercy but I ripped of his head I stared at the scene before me twenty five dead bodys lay on the floor I fell unconcious after it when i woke up the bodys were still here I had had just been given a birthday present from hell

i will do a part two next week

David's Start of a New Adventure (Ch.27 - All Hell Breaks Loose)

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David's Start of a New Adventure (Ch.26 - This Won't Be Our Last Encounter)

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David's Start of a New Adventure (Ch.25 - More To Tell)

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