The Woodland Visitor Ch 1: The visitor

Story by Duvalio Profaneth on SoFurry

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#1 of The Woodland Visitor

All right, since this is my first yiffy story. Please rate and comment it. If you are under the legal age to read yiffy stories, than do not read this story.

All characters and storylines, settings, places, timing of events and the events themselves, etc. are copyright © Duvalio Profaneth. This story remains my intellectual property. It's not public domain. I retain all rights granted under the copyright laws of the United States of America (since the story server is located in the U.S. of A.).

Chapter 1: The Meeting

It was a bright summer day and I decided that I was going to explore the woods behind my house like I always said I was going to. The rumor was floating around town that they were haunted. Indeed I was the only one to build a house touching them and not move out a month after moving in. I don't believe in ghosts and never did.

The first week that I was there I noticed things happening around the house, but upon closer investigations I found that the culprits were ordinary animals. I'm still baffled at how a fox could unscrew a light bulb or a deer could get into a shed but their foot prints were everywhere.

I packed everything I thought I would need into a backpack and hoisted it onto my back. Looking back on it I probably over packed but at the time I didn't know. With high spirits I set out into the woods.

I wasn't gone two minutes and I came across my first obstacle, a deep ravine. I planned to go straight out and then straight back for the first trip but I decided I couldn't cross it too easily so I changed course.

I was well into the woods when I decided that if I was going to get back before dark I had to turn around. Not wanting to take the same course back I picked a different route and began my trek. I had been walking for about an hour when I heard a noise. At first I brushed it off as nothing, but the further along I went, the more it sounded like someone was following me.

By the time I was near my home I was getting really nervous. Picking up my pace I began a light jog back. I was making good time and was about half an hours walk from my house when it happened.

I heard what sounded like a trap go off and then heard a scream. The scream wasn't quite a human scream but it wasn't an animal scream either. There was a lot of thrashing around as if something was trying to get away. I squatted down beside a tree and listened to the sounds until they died away.

I don't know what I was thinking at the time but I stood up and slowly made my way towards the area that the sounds came from. I picked my way cautiously through the trees not wanting to get the creature thrashing again. I just wanted to see what it was before I left.

Topping a small rise I looked down and saw a small deer lying on the ground. Well it was almost a small deer. It had fur and facial features of a deer but it looked to walk upright like a human. I rubbed my eyes a few times but it was still there. Curiosity got the better of me and I slowly made my way down to it.

It was using its hands to try and remove the trap but it didn't know how to do it. I could hear it grasp in pain every time it tried to remove the trap. I cautiously made my way down towards it and was twenty feet away before it noticed me.

When it saw me it began its struggles all over again. I watched as the chain that held the trap down was drawn tight and tripped it. It then frantically tried to pull its leg out but couldn't. If it kept this up it would do some real damage to its leg. I had to stop it.

"Easy, I don't want to hurt you. I want to help if you will allow me."

When I started talking it stopped trashing about and just lay there. I could see the terror in its eyes as it watched me. I just stood right where I was. I figured if I moved it would again start trying to yank its leg out and hurt itself even more.

"You've got yourself into a bind there. If you will allow me, I can help you get out of it. I don't want to hurt you. I just want to help you."

I crouched down where I was at. I heard somewhere that if you make yourself smaller that animals will feel less threatened by you. I don't know if that's true but it seemed to help. The whole time I was doing this I never stopped talking to it.

"I was wondering if there was anything out here besides the birds, and I guess I found something. I've never seen anything like you before. I'm sure, by your reaction that you've never seen anything like me before either."

I looked the creature over and noted that it looked to be a cross between a white tailed deer and a human. It had hooves for feet and hands like a humans. It also had breasts sticking out marking it as female.

"You're female?" I said and watched as her head nodded as if she understood me. "That trap has to hurt. I can remove it if you will let me. I don't want you to struggle anymore though. Your leg is hurt pretty bad, and if you struggle it will only make it worse."

I watched her for any sign that she was going to struggle again as I slowly inched my way over to her. I could see the fear in her eyes as she followed my movements. I studied the trap and slowly reached my hand out to it. I watched her stiffen up a little as my hands ran over the trap.

"This may hurt a little but I need to stand your leg up straighter so I can get the trap off." She scooted down a bit and bent her leg so the trap was setting on the ground. I looked up at her and saw the pain in her eyes as she bent her leg. "You understand me? This will make it easier then. I have to stand on these two parts and push them down. When I get them down I can wedge this stick in there and pull your leg out. Don't try to pull it out before then. I don't want you to hurt it any more."

I picked up the stick and slowly stood up. I saw the fear growing in her eyes as I did. "It's ok, I won't hurt you. I need to put all my weight on the ends to open the trap. It will be over in a second."

I placed my feet on either side of the jaws and pressed them down. Then wedging the stick between the jaws to hold them open I slowly released the springs. The stick held the jaws apart enough that I could remove her leg easily. Once free I looked up at her and saw some of the fear was gone. I hoped that she was beginning to trust me a little.

"If you will let me, I need to make sure that nothing ever gets caught in this trap again." I slowly stood up and set the trap on a large rock. Then I searched the area until I found another rock about the size of a football. Going back to the trap I proceeded to smash it until it was quite useless. Tossing the twisted mess out of the way I went back over to my pack and pulled out the small first aid kit I had.

"Can I look at your leg? It was cut pretty bad and I don't want it to get infected." There was still a little fear in her eyes, but she slowly extended her leg out towards me. I carefully took it and saw that the trap had cut deep into her leg and when she tried to pull her leg out, it had scraped it even more. The result was two large cuts that looked like someone had ripped them even wider. I reached over and picked up a can of spray, then paused. I had used it on the neighbors dog when it got caught in the fence and it didn't hurt it any. I hoped that it would be the same here.

"I'm gonna put some of this on the cuts. It's gonna feel really cold but it will help with the pain. Is that ok?" There was still fear in her eyes but she nodded and watched me as I held the can over her leg and sprayed some on.

When the spray hit her leg she jerked it out of my grasp and moved back some. I just sat there and watched her look at her leg then up at me. When I held the can up again she slowly extended her leg out to me. I sprayed the entire area and then looked it over. Setting the can down, I reached for a roll of gauze.

"If you will let me I would like to wrap this around it to stop the bleeding."

She curiously looked at my hand to see what I held. With a smile I held it out to her and she cautiously took it from me. Turning it over in her hand she brought it up to her face and sniffed it. Apparently satisfied she gave it back to me and again lifted her leg. I bent my Knee and set her leg on top of it so she wouldn't have to hold it up. Then I wrapped her leg in the gauze making sure not to make it too tight. When I finished she quickly jumped up and was going to run when the pain in her leg returned. I caught her as she lost her balance and fell over.

She squirmed in my lap for a second then lay still. She looked at me then down at her leg. Answering the question in her eyes I said, "The spray only took away a little of the pain. Your leg is still hurt and will hurt for a while until it heals properly."

I watched as she dropped her head and just caught the tear rolling down her cheek. I reached out and brushed the tear away then lifted her face. "You'll be ok in no time. I promise. In fact I will stay here with you until you are able to walk on your own."

I saw the look of fear in her eyes as she looked out into the woods.

"Is there something out there?"

She shook her head no.

"But somewhere out there is something that scares you?"

She nodded to this.

"I will protect you."

She turned her head and leaned it up against my body for a second before she raised her head and said, "Go." It was the first word she spoke to me.

I looked down at her. "I will not leave you here."

"Must, wolves get both us."

Did she actually want me to leave her here to die? I stood up slowly and packed my belongings placing the pack on my back. Turning back to her I didn't see fear anymore I saw the look of defeat in her eyes. It was the look of someone who found out that they were going to die, and accepted it. I walked back over to her.

"Must go, wolves come soon."

"I will, I just have one other thing to get before I go." She looked up at me curiously. I smiled and bent down next to her I quickly picked her up in my arms. "I said I'm not going to leave you here."

Turning I began to walk back towards my house.

"Where?" she asked.

"I'll take you someplace safe until you're better. My house is just a little bit away. There you can be safe."


"You don't have to be, I won't hurt you."


"You're scared of my house?" She nodded. "Nothing in my house will hurt you. I promise you that."


"The wolves cannot get into my house. You'll be safe in there."


"I promise."

She leaned her head up against my shoulder and let me carry her to my house. When we arrived darkness had already fell. I opened the back gate and went up to the house. Unlocking the door I opened it and carried her inside. I always leave the light in the kitchen on so I won't stumble around.

Carrying her over to the couch I gently set her down making her as comfortable as possible. When I turned to take my stuff off she grabbed my arm.


"I'm only going to take off my pack. I'll be right over there. I promise I will not go out of your sight. Ok?" She released me but never took her eyes off of me the whole time.

"Are you hungry?" I barely saw her nod her head. Going over to the refrigerator I looked to see what I had that she might like. Not knowing what she would like I gathered a bunch of stuff and grabbing a glass of water went in to the living room. Pulling up a footstool I set everything on it and sat down beside her.

She hesitantly reached out and while she watched me she took the head of lettuce. When I smiled at her and nodded my head she focused her attention on the lettuce. She looked it over and sniffed the bag. When she went to bite it I held up my hand to stop her. She dropped the lettuce and with a look of fear in her eyes she stared at me.

"It's ok. You just have to remove it from the bag first." As I was explaining this I removed it from the plastic bag. Holding it out to her she just looked at it. I reached over and placed her hand on it. I sat back and watched as she sniffed at it. Then she looked at me as she moved it towards her mouth and gently took a bite. When she saw that I didn't stop her she continued to eat it. I reached down and picked up my water and took a sip. When she saw this she hesitantly reached out for the glass.

"Are you thirsty?" I asked as I held the glass out to her. She took it and looked at the water through the side. Then she took a drink and handed it back to me. "You can have more if you want."

I sat there and watched her eat. When she was finished I cleaned up the mess and sat down on the floor beside her. When she fell asleep I pulled the blanket off the back of the couch and was about to cover her when it finally sunk in that she was naked. I sat back down and stared at her body.

If it wasn't for the fact that she had hooves for feet and was covered with fur, she would have what everyone considered a beautiful body. Her chest would be about a c-cup maybe slightly larger. She had brown fur over most of her body except down her front. The fur on her chest was pure white and looked like she was wearing some sort of brown coat. The brown came in past her nipples and stopped making it look like she had a pushup bra on underneath a white shirt. The white started just under her chin and continued on down to her crotch. Right where the pubic hair would be the fur turned black making it look like she had a dark bush. I could see her nipples which stood out pink against the brown fur and even the folds of her womanhood between her legs.

The whole time I was looking her over she was watching me without me knowing it. She began to get scared but when I finally covered her up she calmed down and went back to sleep. I laid my head down on the couch beside her, planning on waiting until she was deep asleep before I went to bed.

I was woken up a few hours later to find her thrashing about in some nightmare. I quickly sat on the side of the couch and cradled her in my arms. She clung to my shirt and calmed down. I slowly ran my hand down the side of her face and heard her sigh then relax as she fell back into a deep sleep. When I went to move she gripped my shirt tighter and wouldn't let me go. What could I do? I found a comfortable position and drifted off to sleep.

I awoke a little before dawn only to find that she wasn't beside me anymore. My head turned towards the kitchen when I heard a noise from there. She was standing at the door trying to open it. I got up and went over to her. She was dancing around like a puppy that had to go out. Smiling I took her hand and placed it on the door handle and turned. When the door opened she stepped out and almost went down from her bad leg.

I stepped up and putting her arm around my neck walked her out to the tree that was in the back yard. There she squatted down and commenced going to the bathroom. I turned around and felt her grab my arm.


"I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right here."

I knew she was done when I felt her hand on my shoulder. Turning around I picked her up and carried her back to the house.

The next day she wouldn't let me go to far away from her so I ended up carrying her wherever I went. The first thing I did was wash dishes. She was curious, and watched me the whole time. I smiled when she hesitantly touched the bubbles from the dish soap. Soon she was playing in them just like a kid. I scooped up a small hand full and stuck it right on the end of her nose. She jumped and then brushed them off. Then she reached down and scooped up a big hand full and dumped them on my head.

A full scale battle erupted with us smearing soap bubbles on each other. It stopped when I innocently took a hand full and smeared it across her tits. Her mouth opened in an O of surprise and she looked at me. I bowed my head and blushed as she wiped them off. By that time there were no more bubbles and we were thoroughly drenched. I cleaned up the mess and decided I needed a shower.

That's where the problem arose. She wouldn't let me go into the bathroom alone. Finally I set her down on the toilet and stripping stepped into the shower. I figured that I saw her nude that she could see me nude too.

I expected her to stare but I didn't expect her to join me. She came up to the shower and held her hand under the water. Seeing that it wouldn't hurt her she climbed in with me and began splashing about. Then she found the soap. She began soaping herself up and giggling the whole time. When she was covered from the neck down with lather she suddenly turned and began to soap me up.

Her hands were very gentle as she ran the soap across my chest and down my arms. Then she moved lower and began soaping my erection which had formed while watching her soap up her body. Running her hands up and down its length she got it all soapy.

Then she smiled up at me as her hands continued to stroke my hardness. Looking into her eyes I could see that she knew what she was doing to me and I wasn't about to stop her. By the time the water had washed all the soap off of us she had me on the verge of cumming. But when she dropped to her knees and licked the head. That was the point of no return for me. I groaned as I felt myself shoot. She opened her mouth and shoved my spurting cock down her throat swallowing my entire load. When I finally finished shooting, she pulled my cock out of her mouth and licked it clean of the last remaining drops. Then standing back up she looked up into my eyes as if seeking approval for what she did.


I wrapped my arms around her and leaning down gave her a long kiss. "That was very good." I said when we parted. She smiled and laid her head against my chest wrapping her arms around me. We stayed like that until the water turned cold. Turning it off we stepped out and I grabbed a towel and dried myself off. Then I turned and began drying her off. Suddenly she shook and water flew everywhere.

She looked at me then around the bathroom. Hanging her head she quietly said, "Sorry."

I lifted her chin till she was staring up at me. "Don't be, it's ok." Then I gave her another kiss.

The rest of the day consisted of me showing her around my house, or should I say carrying her around the house. She all but jumped when I turned on the stereo. It took me a while to convince her that there was no one inside it. She didn't understand how it worked but in the end I believe that she just accepted it.

That night I carried her up to the spare bedroom that was right across from mine. That way she could see that I was right there and didn't leave her. She just laid there and stared at me while I stripped and climbed into bed.

About an hour later I saw a shadow in the doorway. I watched as it came over to the bed and climbed under the covers beside me. She must have figured I was asleep because she snuggled up next to me and fell asleep herself.

The next morning when I woke up she was back in her bed staring at me. When she saw that I was awake she got up and slowly made her way into my room. She sat down on the edge of my bed and smiling down at me as she caressed the side of my face.

"Like you."

I leaned my head into her hand and replied, "I like you too."

I climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom. She followed me and was fascinated with me as I took my morning piss. She looked from me to the toilet then back again afterwards.

"It's a toilet. It's used for when 'nature calls'."

"Me use?"

"Yes, if you want."

She stood in front of the toilet and I realized she was going to try to imitate what I did. I turned her around and sat her down on it. "You need to sit down to do that. Females can't aim like men can."

I turned around to let her do her business when I heard her start to go. Suddenly she grabbed my arm, tugging on it. "I go, see?"

She yanked me around until I had to look. True to her word she was pissing in the toilet like she said.

For some reason this started to turn me on. Maybe it was because I never saw a woman urinate before, I don't know. But I started to get an erection. When she stood up she looked down at the bowl and then back at me. She was like a kid who was being potty trained.

Smiling I reached around her and flushed it, then waved as the water was sucked down the bowl. She watched the water go down then looked up at me. Turning she pushed the handle down and when it didn't flush she looked back at me.

"It has to rest before it can flush again. I stood there and waited with her. When the tank finally was full I told her to try it. This time when she turned around she bent over to reach the handle. I don't know if she did this on purpose or accidentally but she rubbed her ass right up against my erection.

Being that my erection stood straight up it slid down the crack of her ass and the shaft lodged itself right between her pussy lips. Her cunt was soaking wet, and it was from more than her urinating. At first she didn't move but soon she slid her ass up and down against my pole. Her pussy was so wet that after a few strokes my dick was covered in her juices.

She grabbed the back of the toilet and rubbed her slit against my cock a few times before she slid it all the way up my shaft and moving her hips just a little bit she wedged my cock head right between her lips.

Then slowly she pushed back and I watched as inch by inch my cock sank into her cunt. When her ass was resting against my hips she slowly began to slide up and down on my pole. She was so wet I soon felt her juices dripping from my balls onto the floor. She also had a very tight cunt. Just the feel of it almost had me shooting right then.

Soon she was speeding up her strokes. She began grunting and groaning with the effort. It didn't take her long and she was shuttering in climax. That did it for me, seeing her climax and feeling the contractions around my cock had me shooting a load deep into her.

As she calmed down she slid slowly to the floor and just sat there trying to catch her breath. I bent down and picked her up in my arms. Turning I carried her into the shower and turned on the water. She crawled out of my arms and wrapping her arms around me she laid her head against my chest and just stood there. We stayed in the shower for a good fifteen minutes allowing the water to wash away our mess.

Turning off the water we dried ourselves and then went downstairs to get some breakfast. She still couldn't negotiate the stairs to well so I carried her down. Otherwise she would just lean on me and we would slowly move from room to room.

By the end of the day she was exhausted from hobbling around. She didn't complain when I tucked her into the bed in the spare room. I headed to my room and lay awake in bed thinking about this morning. About an hour after I was in bed she again came in and snuggled up next to me and fell asleep. The next morning she had moved back to her own bed before I woke up.

For the next five days it was like that. She would climb into bed with me then leave before I woke up. She soon learned how to do things for herself and wandered around the house while I worked.

She had been here with me for seven days now and I finally learned that her name was Sienna. She didn't talk much, and when she did it would only be one or two words. However, her curiosity made up for her lack of speech. I constantly found myself explaining what things were and how they worked. She did spend a good portion of the time in front of the stereo listening. I had to laugh the first time I seen her there, it reminded me of the RCA dog. She was just staring into the stereo turning her head from side to side.

That night she came into my room as usual and curled up next to me. When I pulled her closer and held her she looked up. I smiled and she smiled back, then she lay her head down on my chest and draping one arm and leg across me she fell asleep. I gently kissed her on the top of her head and lying back fell asleep.

Sometime in the middle of the night I woke to find her running her finger tips lightly up and down my semi hard cock. Slowly it came to life and she turned her head up to look at me. When she saw that I was awake she leaned up and kissed me. Then she kissed my neck and slowly made her way down to my chest. Her hands became bolder and she wrapped her fingers around my erect cock and slowly stroked it. Soon she was squirming and suddenly she straddled me and buried my hard cock as far as it would go in her cunt. Once she was settled she looked at me and with a smile she slowly began to ride me.

After a few minutes of this I sat up and took one of her erect nipples into my mouth. This made her gasp and ride me faster. One of my hands went to her hips and the other made its way up to her other nipple. She started grunting and bouncing harder, soon she was crying out in orgasm as her body convulsed and shook.

When she calmed down she looked down at me realizing that my cock was still hard. Smiling she climbed off of me and moved over to her hands and knees. Turning back to me she smiled and wiggled her ass. I didn't need to be asked twice. I was on my knees behind her feeding her my cock. She came three more times before I shot my load.

We just fell over sideways and with my cock still buried in her. I wrapped my arm around her and fell asleep. The next morning I woke up with Sienna curled up in the hollow of my arm in the same position we originally fell asleep in. I gently kissed her on the top of the head and watched as her eyes opened slowly.

From that point on she slept with me, always curled up under my arm.

Soon she was able to climb the stairs by herself and this opened up a whole new world for her. It wasn't long before she found my dresser and began dressing in my clothes. It was funny at first and I couldn't help but laugh. She came down with a pair of my jeans on backwards. She also had a sweater on inside out with a tee shirt over it. I was laughing so hard I fell to the floor.

She put her head down and I could see that it hurt her that I laughed at her. Gathering my self together I took her back upstairs and stripped the clothes off of her. I took the jeans and put them back on her. Surprisingly she looked very good in them. Taking them back off I cut a hole for her tail to stick out then put them back on her. She was so happy that she strode around the room showing them off.

Next I took a muscle shirt I had that was way too small on me and squeezed her into it. She didn't mind that it was tight and smiled at me. I actually enjoyed the next part. I had to adjust the shirt because it was twisted a little. I turned it to where it should set then ran my hands underneath to make sure her fur set flat. It wasn't my fault that I spent longer on her chest than I should have. Who am I kidding? I loved playing with her tits.

When the shirt was straightened I found an old sweatshirt and put that on her. She loved the zipper and played with that for a long time. I left her there playing with the clothes and went down stairs to find my camera.

I just had to have a picture of her. I knew I could never show them to anyone but I wanted them anyway. When she came down I went into shock. She had zipped the sweatshirt up to a point just below her tits and then pulled it down so they stuck out. That together with the muscle shirt gave me a cleavage shot that had me panting. Her tits were barely inside the shirt and they looked like they would spill out at any moment. And as a final turn on she found my old black Stetson and put that on. The effects made her look so hot that I decided I needed to go and get her some clothes of her own. Something that would make her figure truly stick out.

She walked over to me and wrapping her arms around my neck she said, "Nice?"

I held her close to me and smiling, replied, "Beautiful."

She tipped her head up to me and kissed me. Then she looked over at the camera. "What?"

"It's a camera."


"Yes, it's used for taking pictures."


I took the camera and snapped a picture of the hallway. Then I plugged it into the computer and downloaded the photo. When the picture came up on the screen she gasped. She looked from the screen to the hallway and back then up at me.

"It creates a picture of something so it can be remembered."

"Drawing, like book?" She went over and grabbed a magazine and showed me some pictures in it.

"Kinda like a drawing, yes."

I set the timer on the camera and stepping in front of it I posed for a photo. Then I downloaded it to my computer and showed her.

"Is you."

"Yes, pictures can be of people too." Then I printed out a copy of it. She took the photo and stared at it and even once held it up to compare it to me. "Same."

"Yes. I want to take a picture of you. Is that OK?" She hesitantly agreed. "I tell you what. I'll be in the pictures with you. Come over here and stand right here." She moved over to where I pointed and stood while I adjusted the camera. Setting the auto timer I stepped over behind her and put my arms around her. She looked up at me just as the camera snapped the picture. She jumped because of the flash but remained in my arms.

Downloading that photo to the computer I showed it to her. Then I printed out a copy of it. She took the photo and looked it over. Then looking at me she said, "I like."

It wasn't long before she was posing for photos by herself. I had about a hundred photos of her in just about every pose imaginable. She even took a couple of magazines and found poses in them to do. Afterwards when I called a halt to the photo session I watched her take the two photos I printed out and put them in her pocket. Later that day I had an Idea. It took me some time to set it up without her asking many questions. But soon it was ready for when I needed it.

That night as I stripped for bed I slipped a small remote out of my pocket and hitting a button watched as a green light appeared on my dresser. I pulled Sienna over to stand in front of me as I sat on the edge of the bed and slowly started removing her clothes. I started with her sweat shirt, rubbing my hands all over her chest as I did. Her nipples stiffened up quickly and stuck out from her tits. I rubbed them for a few seconds before my hands slid down and grabbed her shirt. Slowly I lifted the shirt up and off of her tossing it aside. My hands again began to rub her tits and I

watched as she leaned her head back in enjoyment.

Pulling her a little bit closer I nibbled on her nipples making them harder then they already were and drawing a moan of pleasure from her. While I did that my hands slowly unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down her legs. She slowly stepped out of them and back in front of me where she looked down into my eyes.

Standing up I turned her and sat her down on the edge of the bed. Then kneeling down in front of her I again began to lick and suck on her nipples as my hands roamed all over her body. Throwing her head back she let out another groan of pleasure. I moved my attention down her body and slowly began to kiss and lick the outside of her pussy. When I did that she let out a gasp of pleasure and looked down at what I was doing.

Sticking out my tongue I penetrated her outer lips and started licking her cunt from top to bottom and back up again. It must have felt good to her because she started moaning and running her hands through my hair. After a few minutes of this I moved back up and searched for her clit. Concentrating all my effort on that point I watched as she began to pant and fell backwards on the bed.

Her clit by this time had popped out of its hood and waited for me to give it the attention it deserved. When my lips and tongue hit her clit she let out a squeal and clamped her legs around my head. It didn't take long for her body to start convulsing in climax.

I clamped my mouth over her convulsing cunt and captured all the juices that she released. Then I licked the whole area around her cunt cleaning up the juices that I missed. When she finally calmed down, all she could do was lay there. She was too drained to do anything else. Her juices tasted so sweet that I proceeded to bring her off for a second time, and then a third, and another after that.

She grabbed my head and pulled me up beside her. I lay there running my hands all over her body while she recovered from her string of orgasms. Then suddenly she pushed me onto my back and started kissing me. She licked all around my face cleaning her juices off then moved down to my neck. She licked and kissed her way down my neck and chest right to my pubic hair. There she caressed my erect cock and started sliding her hands up and down its length. Then she stuck her tongue out and started licking the head while she stroked it.

It was my turn to lay back and moan. Suddenly she took the head into her mouth and sucked on it like she would a straw. Ever so slowly she worked her way down the shaft until she had my whole cock in her mouth. Keeping up the suction she started sliding her mouth up and down on my cock. It felt so good I knew I wouldn't last long.

I felt her hand slide down and begin to caress my balls. That did it, with a grunt I began unloading what seemed like a quart of cum down her throat. When my cock stopped spurting and slid limply from her mouth she made her way back up my body and laying beside me asked,


"That was wonderful."

"Me liked too."

"I'm so glad you did."

"Not like before."

"You didn't like it before when you did me?"

"No, before. Never like."

"You didn't like doing that before?"

"Now Do."

"Why now?"

"You taste good." She said as she lowered her head in what I could only assume was a blush.

"You taste really good too."

She laid her head on my chest and gently caressed my limp cock with her fingertips. I figured that it would be a little bit before it would respond but it slowly came back to life.

When she had stroked it up to its full hardness I rolled over on top of her, she looked at me quizzically until I spread her legs sunk my cock to the hilt in her tight pussy. I slowly pulled it out until only the tip was in then just as slowly sunk it back in.

Suddenly Sierra began bucking her hips up towards me. I bent down and nibbled on her neck as she impaled herself time and time again on my cock. When I saw that she was close to cumming I took over again and on every down stroke I made sure I ground against her clit. This sent her over the edge. She began thrashing about as her cunt contracted around my cock. This was too much for me and I shot my load deep into her throbbing cunt.

Slowly I slid off of her and lay exhausted next to her. She curled up and I slid over curling myself beside her. We fell asleep with my arm wrapped around her waist.

The next morning when I woke up she was gone. I figured that she was downstairs exploring or something. I got dressed and searched the house but couldn't find her. That's when I noticed that the back door was open. I ran outside and looked around finding the yard was empty. The back gate was wide open and swinging in the breeze. Slowly I walked over and closed it, and with one last look I turned and went back into the house.

Every day I would go sit out in the edge of the woods and just wait. On the weekends I would hike into the woods until I knew the immediate area well. I found deer tracks all over but didn't see any. I never found out where she went and didn't see her again
