Path of a Legend Chapter 2

Story by Lunar Stargazer on SoFurry

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The winds blew ever so sweetly as the two siblings flew through the air towards their destination of Orisi City. Tide had been wanting to go there for some time now but Star was unwilling to do so till now, being that it was her birthday gift. In that time, Tide had massed a heavy purse of gold, thought in truth she and Star didn't really need to work because of their upbringing. Tide had her family's fortune she could use whenever she wanted. Star on the other hand, though he was granted access to not only the Torrents but as wealth as his own family's wealth. Both though found it better to earn their own fortune then use those of their parents. It was one of the many views that they had shared over the years.

As their flight dragged on Tide had looked down and saw that they were over Star Lake. "Hey Star, what's the name of this lake again?"

"It's called Star Lake, why?" He answered.

"Why do they call it Star Lake?" Her curiosity getting the better of her as it normally did. "Well for two reasons, one being that long ago it was said that a large meteor hit the earth and created a crater to which the waters of the land flow into and two, at some nights when the moon is just right the shine from it pierces the water and hits the still exposed meteor on the lake bed which makes the water sparkle like a thousand stars in the heavens.." Tide was always enthralled by the way Star knew things that not even she did. "You always surprise me that you know so many things Star."

"Why do you think I spent all that time a Mr. Silverfeather's library. I like history I can't help it, just seemed interesting to me. "Star's wings were starting to tire and it was a good thing to because on the horizon he could make out a castle just before them. "We are almost there thankfully, my wings are starting to tire on me."

"Oh did you want to walk the rest of the way?" Tide replied.

"No, no I can make it the rest of the way, just don't expect me to fly back today. I'm sure the Dark Horse has some rooms available. I suggest we go there first before we look around the city." Tide nodded to his suggestion. As the outline of the city grew closer and closer, a weird feeling fell over Star, like a black sheet had blocked out all thought save one. A feeling of infinite peace and familiarity, something he had never felt before now. It was as if something or someone where inside him, showing him things that he could not have been present for. Shaking his head to remove the visages from his head, he quickly brought himself to a stop just in front of the eastern gate. He slowly drifted down and gently set foot on the ground before allowing Tide to stand. Merchants and peddlers of all sorts were pouring in and out of the city as they made their way in. Dragon guards sitting on feral dragon munts stood on either side of the gate. A very intimidating looking spectacle for anyone trying to do any wrong doings.

The city was a bustling metropolis of commerce. People from all over the country would come here to buy things found nowhere else in the world. Building lined the streets many were homes and shops all in one. Crowds of people would circle around the hundreds of carts that lined the streets. There was so much going on that it started to make Star's head spin. Being from a quiet forest town to a place such as this was a bit overwhelming. Still it did not stop them from finding the Dark Horse Tavern.

As they stepped into the tavern, they were greeted by a young Kitsune. She had cream colored fur from the tips of her ears to the red coloring that was on the end of her nine tails. "Greeting and welcome the Dark Horse Inn and Tavern. What might we do for you today?":

"We would like to speak to the owner Mr. Asurai, is he here?" Tide asked.

"Indeed he is, allow me to get him for you." With her reply she was off into the tavern looking for her employer. The two didn't stand there long till a burly looking Tiger walked up and introduced himself. "I am Felner Asurai, Amara here says you wished to speak with me.' He took a look at Tide and blinked a few times. "Wait, little Tide is that you?" Tide gave a soft smile and nodded. "Well I'll be a Tectites uncle, last I saw you, you were no more than two years old. Look at you now, grown into a fine young lady and who is this strapping young lad you brought with you?"

"This is Stargazer." She replied

"Aye yes the one your father told me about. I'm sorry to hear about your folk's lad. It may be several years too late but still, your father was a good man and a good friend. Well come, stay, eat. I'll make sure to give the best room I can offer you." He had lead the two over to the bar and rummage under it till he pulled out a set of keys. "Room 114, just down the hall there and to your left." Tide and Star both nodded to the feline and proceeded to their room. Once inside Star flopped tiredly on one of the chairs situated by the eating table. His wings splayed apart as he sat back. "You seem beat."

"Well after flying for so long you would be too. Beside it was a good idea to do so anyway, we would have not made it till night fall. Then we would have run into all manner of creatures." Star said with a huff. Tide walked into the bathroom and started to wash her face and hands. "So when did you want to go into the city?" She asked. "Soon just give me a moment to regain some of my strength."

Star rested in the chair, breathing softly. He was more exhausted then he realized and soon drifted off to sleep.

Star woke to find himself laying on his back and seemed to be adrift in a sea of white. All around him, white. "Where the hell am I?" No sooner than did he ask such a question then a voice spoke. It was feminine in tone and sounded very gentle. "At last the time has come."

"Come? Come for what?" Star asked.

"The time has come for you to awaken, my son. For you are the savior of all whom dwell in this world. Only with your great power can you defeat the evil that has long remained dormant since that conflict long ago. Now is the time for you to take up arms again this enemy and drive it from the land forever. You along with two others are the only ones capable of driving back the shadows that will loom over this world once more." The voice spoke. "What other? What are you taking about? I'm just a simple person, I don't have any great power."

"Not yet but you will my son and when that time comes you must choose, for in that instant, the fate of the world will rest in the palm of your hands."


Star awoke shortly with a gasp. "Star are you ok, you looked as though you were having a nightmare." Sweat beads rolled off his fine fur. He was breathing rather shallow but soon regain himself and started breathing normally. He sat back into the chair once more and sighed. "I don't know what it was."

"Did you want to talk about it?" Tide asked. Star just shook his head. "No it's best to try not and think of it, besides we are here for you remember and should be enjoying it. Come on lets go outside before all the good items are taken." Tide nodded as Star slowly rose to his feet. He was still a bit tired out so she helped him out of the room and down the hall. As they reached the tavern to leave, an older man sitting off to one side drew their attention.

"That's a mighty fine looking sword you got there son. Don't suppose I could interest you in parting with it." He spoke before taking a swig of his drink. "You couldn't lift it even if you wanted to; Star is the only one that can." Tide had retorted.

"That so?" He again took another drink from his glass. "Argo will you leave them alone. It's bad enough you don't pay your tab." The innkeeper shouted. "All I am saying is that it looked interesting. I didn't mean any harm by it." Star and Tide disregarded the man for now as they walked out of the Inn and into the street. By the time they had arrived at the city gates, it was already early afternoon, by the time thy left the tavern however the sun was already over the crest in the sky. "I hope we didn't miss too much."

"I wouldn't think so, I mean just look at all the people still out and about. I'm sure there is still something left for them to be out here." Star had a point, there were still swarms of buyer all over the place and merchants waiting to reel them in.

The two walked down the main strip of road which was lined in hundreds of merchant carts, people selling anything from food and produce, to jewelry and weapons. "Oh Star look at this." Tide called over to him. He left the weapons dealer and walked up behind Tide. She had picked up a set of deep blue sapphire earrings and a matching necklace. "They are very nice but how much?"

"For the young lady, 30 coin." Tide smiled and nodded, pulling out the appropriate amount and handed it to the merchant that sat behind the stall. The two continued their little excursion well until the last seller closed up shop for the night. "Well did you enjoy your birthday gift?" Tide smiled broadly. "Yes I did and thank you for being here with me Star I know we didn't get to the library today."

"Ah that's alright, there is always tomorrow." The pair of Eons returned to the Dark Horse only to find it more livelier then when they left. Many of the men were drunk off their ass and singing song way off key. The two made their way through the crowd of men till someone grabbed ahold around Tide's waist and pulled her to him. "Here there little lady how about you leave the stiff and come spend some time with me and my friends huh? We will take real good care of you." Tide struggled a bit trying to get free. "Let go of me you drunkard."

"Aww now is that anyway for a lady to talk? How about a kiss hmm?" He was about to lean in to kiss her when as if in the blink of an eye, a sword that seemed to burn white an ethereal fire was pointed right at his neck. The man looked up the blade to the wielder who happened to be Star. "Make one more move and I swear I won't think twice about using this." His bands and eyes glowed as his internal flame burned. The entire tavern had fallen silent enough that you could hear a pin drop. Not wanting to meet death so soon, the man released her and then disregarded them as if it never happened. Star had sheathed his sword and took Tide by the arm, pulling her down the hall and into their room, locking the door. "You see that is what mother was talking about. There are those out there looking for a quick fuck." Tide was a bit shaken by the anger in his eyes. In all the times that they were together, never had she seen him so enraged. "I-I'm sorry Star I didn't mean for it to happen." Star took one look at her fearful gaze and sighed deeply. By now his flame had died down and he sat on the bed next to her. "I'm sorry too; I should never have gotten so angry."

"I-Star there is something I have been meaning to ask you for some time now. I don't know how you will react to it but-"She leaned in closer to him and soon her features changed to a seductive stare. "Star, I want you to fuck me." He was floored. The girl he had grown up with, whom he considered his sister, wanted to have sex with him. It was something he did not even think about let alone fantasize. "Tide I'm...I mean...We." The more that Star thought about it, the more he realized that they were not really related by blood. The only thing they had in common is that her parents raised them both. Coming to this conclusion he looked back into her eyes and smile deeply. He lightly takes her paw into his own and takes a deep breath. "Is this really what you want Tide?" She nodded. "Ever since you saved me a few years ago, I had been wanting you to be my first."

With that being said, Star ran his paw tips light up Tide's arm which elected a soft gasp from her as she continued to stare into his eyes. Slowly he started to remove one of the straps of her top, sliding it down her arm before her moved in closer to her. His muzzle was mere inches from her own and his heated breath beat upon her cool exterior. Tide's eyes were half lidded as he wanting the agonizing few moments before their lips locked in a sensual kiss. Their tongues mingled, vying for dominance over the other. Soon enough however her arms would wrap around his neck. Their kiss deepened before Star had broken it, only to latch onto her neck, suckling like a newborn pup. This made Tide moan softly as she ran her fingers through his hair, the feelings that were surging through her body was something she had never experienced before and she didn't want it to stop.

With his nimble fingers Star was able to slide off the strap of her top on the other side, let it slide down her body to reveal her now expose breasts. His hands worked their way up till they found her nipples. A darker shade of blue then the flesh surrounding it, he gently pinched and pulled upon the protrusion again making the female vaporeon moan softly at his ministrations. Once releasing her neck from his onslaught her dove down and latched onto her other breast and began to suckle.

At this point Tide was in heaven, She could already feel herself growing more wet with each passing second and the more the umbreon continued the more she wanted him. He soon laid her back again the bed and continued his suckles. His paws thought were busy removing the dress she had worn that day. Once it was past her knees, he allowed it to drop to the floor before them. He then removed his own pants but to his surprise, Tide had pushed him off and removed them for him, along with the grey boxers her wore under them. He stiff erection popping out over the waist band and stood at attention. Giving a soft giggle at the sight, the vaporeon placed her paws on his thighs and dragged her tongue from his furry sac all the way up to the tip of his cock making Star tremble. She started to kiss along his shaft, moving up and down it as she went before licking the tip once more and placing her mouth upon it. Slowly she sank the throbbing appendage into the confine of her muzzle till she could take no more. She had gripped whatever was left and started to bob her head up and down, the moon light that shone through the window seemed to make an outline of her body and the motions she was doing.

All the while Star was lain back on his paws and elbows looking down to the one he called sister. Her head bobbing along his hard cock, it was a sight to behold. He soon sat up and started to run his paws over her back and tail, sliding her panties off her only to reveal a pert round ass to which he promptly gave a squeeze. Tide moaned around the portion of his dick that was in her muzzle at that time which made him chuckle knowing that he was the reason she had done so. Shortly though she removed herself from him and looked up into his eyes. He took her by the paw and pulled her up to the bed, laying her upon it as he hovered over her. "Will it hurt a lot?" She asked softly.

"I heard that it hurts for both parties but I'll try to make it as fast and as painless as I can." Tide nodded to him and looked deeply into his eyes. Star ran his tip over her sweet moist lips a couple times before sliding slowly into her and soon feeling a bit of resistance. Looking down between his legs then back to her he spoke. "Are you ready?" The female nodded and Star quickly drove into her body, breaking her virginity and causing her to cry out. Her nail dug into Stars shoulders and her legs flew around his waist. They stayed in that position for some time before Tide began to breathe normally once more, the pain they felt, subsiding. "Well my work is done." Star said jokingly. Tide just playfully slapped him and smiled, she was ready.

Star had begun to move his hips back and forth, plunging his long shaft into her wet and will cunt. The wet squishing noises echoed in their room. "Oh goddess, please more. Don't stop." She softly begged in his ear, Star was all too happy to oblige her as his soft slow thrusts became lust driven and hard. Tide was moaning deeply into his ear the more he drilled his cock deep into her quivering pussy. He had clamped his jaws around her neck and suckled hard. The vaporeon was on cloud nine, her mind was blank. All that she could do was moan and cry out Star's name the more they continued their lovemaking. Her paws running through his hair and down his back moving over his wings and feathers, she could not have asked for a better partner then him. Soon though Tide could feel something sturring, something she knew nothing about it but it was building rapidly. "Oh goddess, Star I think. Oh, Star I'm gonna... I'm gonna." Before she was even able to finish her statement, it hit her like a boulder. She cried out and came hard, coating his balls and leaving a small puddle on the bed below them. She panted deeply and looked up to him as he had already let go of her neck. She looked up to him and licked under his chin, she knew he didn't get off and she had an idea she wanted to try.

She motioned Star to sit up which he did. She then pulled herself from him and got on all fours, turning her back to him and raising her tail she looked back to him with a seductive gaze. This was going to be fun.

Star moved up behind her and lined himself up once more before plunging back into her. Again Tide moaned softly and felt Star's paws on her hips as he once again started to plow into her once more. Tide wondered how feral animals were able to mate in this way, now she was experiencing it firsthand. Star soon leaned over her back and held his paws on her hips, taking her like any common bitch. Tide writher beneath him the harder her thrusted and knew that it was going to be rewarding when she felt his cum flooded her body. HE softly bit into her neck making her gasp some as he continued his hard pounding till at last he released her and let loose a sound that should not come from a creature such as he. It was the roar of a dragon. Ropes of his pearly cum shot deep into her body causing her to have another orgasm. After the ordeal was over, they both collapsed into the darkness of a welcoming slumber.