Dragon Ranch: Down on the Dragon

Story by Ausfer on SoFurry

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#3 of Dragon Ranch

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away....




Oh, sorry... wait. wait... wrong story. This one has that dude and a dragon in it. And they hump eachother.

Right, then.


This is the third part of a story that is about dragon sexings.

Read for the lulz. Or to fap. Or don't read at all.... Whichever you want is fine by me.

For those of you who felt teased by the first two chapters and their cliffhanger endings... There is a resolution to the romp between Kyle and Relia. So yes, for the first time in this story... you can has happy ending! Also, for those of you who wanted to see it, I added some PLOT and some STORY... but just a little (!). That's all you get. I also managed to cram multiple scenes into one story this time. Consequently this chapter is pretty longer than the first two... hopefully not too long, though.

EDIT: Fixed a few grammatical errors, changed the wording on a few sentences. General clean-up. Fuck yea.


_ I remember back in high school, at homecoming my freshman year.... I had gone with this chick that I didn't really know too well... but I needed a date and she she happend to have a crush on me, so everything was a go. The dance went about as you would expect for a freshman at homecoming... lots of awkward standing around with friends, nervously looking around, dancing with your date every once in a while, the works._

Then came time for the slow dance at the end. I grabbed my date and we took to the floor. As I swayed with my partner we stared into eachother's eyes and cherished the moment. She spoke softly to me: "Mmm... thank you so much for this wonderful night, Kyle".

And I replied "You are so, very welcome." At the time I thought I was Cassa-freakin'-nova.

And we kissed. It was my first kiss... Well, my first erotic kiss. And I saw fireworks. It was incredible.

Then, as the dance ended, I turned away from her to go get a drink...

And my raging erection that the kiss caused rubbed firmly against her leg as I turned.

I tried to pretend it didn't happen, but she stared at me, with a mortified look on her face.

I was like "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK". It was pretty much one of the most awkward experiences in my life.....


And yet, Kyle was sure that his experience that night will be topped by the akwardness of today. He didn't mean right now... no. Right now, in the room with this dragon, alone... aroused out of his mind, he was good. He was fine. But later.... He just knew that something was gonna happen to make this day awkward. There's no way, he thought, that he can walk away from this encounter and NOT feel awkward about it later.

His mind snapped back to the present. Kyle stared at the dragon before him, his heart racing with arousal and anticipation. The smell of her scent was thick in the air, and the dragon was panting softly, still recovering from her last orgasm. Her slit had taken on a wet sheen, being coated in her fluids thanks to his diligent hands.

The same hands that even now were caressing her soft skin once more. Kyle felt a little intoxicated by the whole situation, feeling drawn to the creature and not exactly being able to explain why. Kyle wasn't sure exactly when he went from desperately wanting to leave the pen to becoming the instigator in this cross-species romp, but he couldn't help himself. The dragon was so sensual and receptive to his touch that he felt like he was with just another lover.

_ "A lover that couldn't speak. And had scales. And four legs. And wings. And claws. Momma would be so proud."_

Kyle burst out laughing at his thoughts, saying the last part to himself with a trite southern accent. His laughter startled the creature before him, and she looked up.

"Sorry, girl." Kyle spoke softly, trying to reassure the dragon.

He brushed the thought aside. "A dragon, to be sure, but a lover nonetheless." he reasoned. He'll have plenty of time to rationalize his actions later. There was just something about smell of her scent in the air, or maybe it was just his own arousal... it made it hard to focus: right now, Kyle was too far gone to care about what he was doing that much. All he knew now that is something inside of him urged him on, encouraging him to continue this intimate encounter with the large lizard that lay before him.

And he had this crazy idea of just what to do next.

Kyle scooted over to the dragon's side. He took her hind leg and swung it up in the air, revealing her smooth belly, which Kyle gave a few slow rubs. Placing his other hand on her chest, he felt it rise as she took a breath. Kyle then attempted gently push and roll the dragon on to her back, which he found difficult to do, due to her bulk... but after a few tries the dragon complied, carefully tucking her wings against her back and propping her forelegs up in the air, Kyle thought, much like a dog would.

He scooted up and straddled her thick tail between this knees, his hand returning to her slit. He began to rub her soft flesh gently, teasing her with a finger at her opening. Leaning forward, he brought his head close to her sex. Her smell was thick on his nostrils, and he could practically feel her heat as he drew near. Taking a hand to spread her dark gray lips open, he gingerly stuck out his tongue. He could feel the dragon shift her body as he drew the tip of his tongue across her flesh. That slightly bitter, indescribable taste danced on his tongue for the second time. "Not bad." he thought.

Kyle suddenly felt a little unsure and paused. He started to become aware of himself and his own actions again... crouching over a dragon's tail, his face inches away from this animal's swollen slit... Part of his brain still had doubts over what he was about to do to the creature. "Am I ready for this? Is it even right?" He tried to brush the thoughts away. Remembering how far he has already come with this gray dragon, Kyle realized was past negotiating...

He bent down again and placed his tongue against her lips, testing the waters. Her flesh felt incredibly soft and warm, like silk on his tongue. If he concentrated, he could just barely feel the texture of tiny scales on the outside of her lips, brushing against his tongue and fingers. He began to slowly run the tip of his tongue up and down the inside her lips, enjoying the feeling of her flesh parting around his tongue. The dragon trilled in response, definitely enjoying the oral attention. Kyle began to lap at her folds, taking time to explore every inch of her flesh. He just couldn't get enough of how soft and supple her skin was down here... It was a stark contrast to the hard scales on her back and legs. Kyle figured this wasn't the first time she's received a treatment like this, having seen enough about dragon behavior today to make a firm guess that oral play was likely a part of regular courtship. He knew his short tongue was a far cry from any male dragon's, but hoped he could compensate with methodical skill and experience.

Relia did not seem to mind his woefully small human tongue, cooing as he explored her entrance. Her tail would curl and flex occasionally as he hit a sensitive spot. In the heat of the moment, Kyle was beginning to once again lose his inhibitions. He slowly lost awareness of his surroundings and focused only on the dragon in front of him. Then, Kyle felt himself begin to get a little more bold and switched strategies. Using both hands to stretch her lips wide, he brought his tongue down to her vent and stuck it in as far as it could go. The dragon stiffened and he felt her contract once around his tongue, which Kyle enjoyed immensely. With his tongue firmly planted in her, he took a hand and traced it up her folds until his fingers found her clit. He continued this dual assault for several minutes, his face was pressed up against her wet lips eventually making his chin and cheeks wet with her fluids... and the sounds the dragon made were telling him she loved it. Her body began to twitch, and he felt her breathing increase it's pace. Between his legs, he felt her tail flex and slap the ground occasionally. Again and again he lapped at her vent, moving his tongue in and out as his fingers caressed her nub. He loved how she felt inside... once again marveling at her tightness despite her being much bigger than any human. Coupled with her incredible warmth and firm muscles, Kyle almost couldn't wait to feel what it was like to have his member in there.

Kyle then retracted his tongue, and began to slowly move it north, eventually coming across her clitoris. The dragon kicked in the air and flexed her toe claws, enjoying the sensation thoroughly. Gently pulling the hood back, he drew his tongue over and around the nub as he fondled her wet folds. The dragon shivered in response. Then, he took two fingers and again entered her soft vent, stroking her inner walls. Relia began to coo, and wrapped her tail around Kyle's arm. He was content to do pleasure her like this for several minutes, enjoying the dragon's reactions and feeling her writhe in pleasure.

Eventually, Kyle became aware of his own needs, the ache from his erection pushing its way into the front of his mind. He decided to try and finish her quickly. Thankfully, he had one more trick up his sleeve: Still using his hand to penetrate her vent, he brought his lips down around her clit, and began to suck, while running his tongue along her clit in circles. Immediately he felt her entire body tense up, and she let out a squeal.


The dragon was writhing in fits of pleasure and trilled loudly. She began to undulate her hips, and he actually had to try and hold her down because it was making it hard to continue. He heard the sound of her claws digging into the damp dirt ground, drawing furrows in the pressed earth. Looking up, he saw the dragon watching him. Her eyes were staring, though only half open, and her slack-jawed expression made it clear she was in a happy place. It wasn't long before he felt her vent's contractions around his fingers increase in frequency, something that Kyle was picking up on as a sign she was nearing her climax. In response, he doubled his efforts and began to pump into her vent at a fast pace.

Relia, looking down at the human before her, was only vaguely aware of her surroundings. The pleasure that this creature could bring her was unlike any encounter she had experienced before; it was almost beyond her comprehension. At first, she was uncomfortable with being pleasured while lying on her back, but she had grown used to it, and accepted her unorthodox position as he continued. As her orgasm approached, it was all the dragon could do just hold on for dear life. Waves of electric bursts of pleasure coursed through her body, and she vocalized strongly as her vent tensed and became enveloped with a filling sensation. She clamped down hard on the human's intruding fingers, and thrust her hips into the air wildly, her mating instincts taking control over her body. Wave upon wave of pleasure coursed through her, driving the dragon crazy.

Kyle's chin was socked by the dragon's crotch as she humped into his face, nearly causing him to bite down on his own tongue. It surprised him, and while he tried to continue sucking her clit, he couldn't control her movements, had to resume pleasuring her nub with his other hand instead. The dragon let out a long yowl, which Kyle hoped to be the dragon equivalent of a moan. He worked her as fast as he could, eager to see her ride out the long orgasm. And after more than a minute, she began to relax, and Kyle began to slow down, eventually pulling out and gently caressing her slit as she panted.

Kyle leaned back with his legs tucked under him. In the dragon's afterglow, the two were content to enjoy a pause in their lovemaking session and enjoyed each others company for a moment. But eventually, the dragon, while still in a daze, became aware of a certain scent in the air...

She leaned forward, her head coming down over her body to face Kyle, who was still straddling her tail. Bending down further, she brought her head to his crotch and caught a familiar whiff.

Kyle was impressed at the creature's flexibility as it bent in a full circle, using its forelegs to prop itself up. Kyle watched as the dragon immediately began licking his member, and he realized that he had been leaking precum the entire time, even accidentally smearing a patch of it over her tail. He moaned softly as the tongue again touched his member, feeling her tongue deftly press against his tip several times to draw out more pre. However, after a minute, she stopped, and Kyle became immensely disappointed when she finished cleaning him to lick the fluid he had smeared on her tail. He begrudgingly got up, allowing her better access to the swatch of fluids he had smeared.

Kyle couldn't take it anymore. His erection ached for release, and the licking only provoked his arousal even more. He was decided on what to do about it. He frowned, slightly frustrated.

He was about to go to town on that dragon, whether she wanted it or not.

Upon finishing licking her tail, the dragon stood up in the small pen. Kyle took the opportunity and quickly approached her from behind. His head was swimming with anticipation. With no warning, He hoisted her tail up and cupped a hand on her wet slit, groping her. Immediately, the dragon looked back at him in surprise: barely having time to recover from her previous climax, she was still quite sensitive. However, she submitted to his boldness and bent down, lowering her hips to a comfortable level for Kyle's member to reach. Excited by her willingness, he placed his tip against her gray folds and felt his member jump immediately, excited by the delicate touch of her flesh on his own. He decided to relish the moment for just a split second, taking in the experience. After the short pause, Kyle decided he could wait no longer and slid forward into her entrance.

And everything was glorious.

He pushed into her as far as he could go, and gasped as he felt the tight warmth of her vent envelop him. Her insides were silky smooth and he felt her flex her muscles and squeeze his member once as he hilted her. "Oh, man" Kyle breathed, reeling from the sensation of her contracting passage. The dragon bucked her hips... she was also enjoying the feeling of being penetrated, this time by something graciously larger than the human's fingers. Having hilted himself easily in her, Kyle then began to slowly pull out, and looked down to watch himself. As his shaft slowly withdrew from her warm vent, Kyle couldn't help but be surprised at seeing his own cock nestled inside a dragon's slit. "Man..." he muttered, not sure what to say. After drawing out until only the tip was nestled between her wet lips, he pushed back in again, and began to thrust with a slow, methodical pace. With her tail still in hand, he lifted it over his shoulder so he could keep it out of the way. Now that both hands were free, Kyle placed them on her hips to steady himself as he began to thrust into her at a moderate pace. He felt her long tail flex and curl, and eventually found its way around his torso. Kyle loved how her tail would wrap around him and enjoyed the sensation of her cool scales on his body... it almost seemed like it had a mind of its own.

Relia felt weak in the knees. After all, she had already climaxed twice, and her last was mere moments ago. As such, her heights of arousal were already quite acute, and her vent still sensitive. Yet she did noting to stop the human as he thrust into her repeatedly, nor did she want to. She began to pant loudly, unable to keep her mouth from falling open. Although she had definitely enjoyed being serviced by the human's hands and mouth, Relia was now relishing this much more conventional method of sex, enjoying the weight of another body pressing against hers. As she felt him slip into her passage repeatedly she trilled in pleasure. Falling into her mating instincts, she bowed forward, eager that she was finally being taken like a proper dragon would.

Kyle thrust into her deeply, his balls easily coming to rest against her lips. The dragon grunted, and pushed back at him. Kyle was amazed at how eager she was, considering that she had already gotten to orgasm twice already. It added to his arousal, and unconsciously he sped up. He looked down at the dragon, who had lowered her head to the damp earth. Her mouth was open and the tip of her long tongue was actually laying on the floor. Her normally fierce-looking eyes were unfocused and muddled by her half-closed eyelids. A small bit of drool had begun to trail down the side of her lips. The dragon looked like she was lost in her pleasure. For the first time Kyle got a good look at her sharp teeth, and his heart jumped as he realized how close those were to his cock just a little while ago. He didn't want to think about how easily she could have hurt him, intentionally or not.

Thankfully, he had a good distraction from those thoughts: Kyle squeezed the dragons hips and continued to thrust into her. Every so often he would hit a rather sensitive spot, causing the dragon to arch her neck and trill. After a few moments, suddenly Kyle felt a shift in the dragon's behavior: she began to tense up and he felt her constricting rhythmically around his cock. The dragon let out a growl as she reached another climax. Being unable to recover from teh last time, this orgasm was milder than the previous two, and Kyle rode it out, being not quite ready to blow his own load. As she came down from her heights of ecstasy, Kyle slowed down a bit, surprised at himself for his own self control: He figured he would have came inside of her by now, but here he was still going strong. He continued to thrust into her as the dragon relaxed, his crotch now wet with her juices. The dragon, still lost in pleasure, gave no objection to Kyle's continuing ministrations.

Just then Kyle jumped in surprise as the dragon's wings suddenly sprang open. They began to softly flap over her... the loose, leathery red skin between her wing tips stretching and catching the air easily. Some of the wind gushed over Kyle as well, and the air felt immensely cool to him, making him realize for the first time that he had broken out in a light sweat long ago. He then realized that the dragon, too, was probably hot from all the sex inside this stuffy indoor pen, and that she was cooling herself off. Kyle thought this behavior was interesting... he had never seen it before.

Invigorated by the light breeze from her flapping wings, he redoubled his efforts to thrust into her with passion. His mind flashed to the image of what a male dragon would be like for her.... and Kyle pondered the size difference. Figuring that her mates were usually much larger and heavier than he, Kyle tried to give it to her rough. He stepped closer and bent over her, pressing the dragon's tail as far back as it could go. He put all the weight of his upper body on her tail and back, letting her feel his weight. In this closer position, His balls began to slap against her slit as he thrust, a feeling that Kyle had always liked. He surprised himself when he noticed he was actually starting to rock her large body with his thrusts, and let out a soft moan as his feelings got the better of him.

Though it was largly unknown to him, Relia was delighted in Kyle's agressiveness, loving the feeling of his weight against hers. The new sensation caused the dragon to give the human a few hard squeezes with her vent, and Kyle relished the sensation. The human wasn't nearly as filling as any dragon mate, but his exotic and nonstop movements were driving her crazy nonetheless.

With his chest now leaning over her body, Kyle now reached forward and hooked his arm back under her thigh, searching for her vent. While he had to stretch a bit, he felt his fingertips finally brush up against the tip of her slit. Finally reaching his destination, Kyle once again parted her flesh and found the dragon's clit. He smiled: Kyle just couldn't help it... he was a pleaser at heart. The dragon shifted her weight as his fingers found their mark, and began to caress the nub of sensitive flesh. He could feel the dragon's legs and tail instantly tense up, the latter squeezing his chest like a snake.

And all the while the dragon cried out softly in bliss.

With one hand still gripping her scaly hips, and the other on her clit, Kyle continued to assault her crotch. He felt that he was close, and savored the thought of coming hard into her vent. He began to speed up, his thrusts getting more wild and the slapping sound from his balls getting louder. The dragon, Kyle thought, was so lost in the moment she looked barely aware of what was happening. Much to his enjoyment, she would grunt every time Kyle thrust into her and tighten her passage every time he began to draw out. Her contractions were driving Kyle crazy. Just then, he felt her passage start rhythmically contracting yet again, as she approached another orgasm. Kyle swore in surprise. She was coming again already! The dragon again cried out as waves of pleasure wrecked her body as she clamped down on his cock. She began to hump into his crotch, increasing the friction between the two. The new sensations were too much for Kyle. He vigorously rubbed her clit as he continued to thrust more wildly, feeling his own impending orgasm rise up in his body. It was only a couple seconds later that he came.

The wave of pleasure welled up inside of him, and he gripped her body hard as his hips began to move on autopilot. Feeling the rush of cum travel through his shaft, Kyle thrust into the dragon with all his might, nearly toppling the large dragon over. His cock stiffened up and spurted several spurts of cum into the dragon's vent. The rush of pleasure was intense for Kyle, and he couldn't help but moan loudly as he pumped his cum into her. Relia, still riding her own orgasm, continued to contract rhythmically around his cock, allowing her to milk the human and drawing his seed further into her body. Kyle could only hang on as the dragon's vent serviced him. As his thrusts began to die down Kyle couldn't help but realize that this dragon was one of the best lays he had ever had.

"That... was... amazing." he gasped, still breathing heavily.

As his cock softened he pulled out slowly, savoring the last few moments of his shaft inside of her. Relia almost immediately collapsed on the floor again, this time thoroughly exhausted from her marathon run. Kyle knelt down and cradled her head in his hands, caressing her cheeks. Reviewing the events of their long lovemaking session, Kyle mentally counted up their climaxes.

"Well, the score's 4 to 2. Looks like you won, girl." Kyle smiled as he bent forward and planted a kiss on her nose. The dragon responded by licking his cheek, causing Kyle to chuckle. "We'll work on the kissing thing later". The dragon curled up in a ball and exhaled loudly, with a look complete contentment on her face.

Kyle got up and searched the small room for the large jug of water that was kept stocked for the water troughs in every pen. He was sticky, sweaty, and smelled like dragon... and Kyle decided to take the time to rinse himself off a bit before putting his clothes back on. He found Relia's water jug to be half empty, but that was hopefully enough. Cupping a hand under the mouth of the jug of water, he splashed some on his face, then splashed more over his torso and crotch, giving himself a quick hand scrub. The water by its self wasn't terribly effective, but Kyle at least felt a bit cleaner as he rinsed some of her fluids off. Kyle decided to put the remaining water in the trough for Relia, in case she was thirsty. He searched the area for a rag clean enough to dry himself with, but could find none and settled for putting his clothes back on while still wet.

"Whatever... it's hot outside. It'll look like sweat to anyone who sees me."

The air in the pen was thick and musky, and when he finally opened the door to the outside, Kyle felt invigorated as a rush of fresh air enter the room. He enjoyed the wind as it blew over his face and through his hair, and squinted as his eyes adjusted to the bright sun. He let in a deep breath and exhaled with a satisfied sigh, before turning around to close the door behind him. As he did, he caught a glance of the dragon with her leg in the air and her snout in her crotch: Relia was taking time to clean herself up as well. He went to latch the door behind him, but changed his mind and left it open just a crack in case the dragon wanted back out.

Turning his back to the door, he looked around. Kyle felt great. No akwardness, no person-standing-unconfortably-outside-the-door... nothing bad. So far. And that was good. He took a few steps before stopping in his tracks, suddenly realizing he had no idea what time it was. He quickly made his way to the farmhouse in search of a clock.

"A clock. A shower would be nice, too.... A clock and a shower."

After a short walk, he hopped up the front steps of the farmhouse and peeked his head through the door.

Kyle cleared his throat. "Anyone in here?"

"Yea!" He heard Emily's voice respond loudly from the kitchen.

"Hey Emmie... What time is it?"

"It's, uh... 1:36!" she yelled.

Kyle swore under his breath and pursed his lips. "I was in there for over an hour!"

Kyle heard the sound of footsteps approaching as his cousin appeared from the kitchen doorway with a half-eaten sandwich in her hand. The loops of her overalls hanging loosely from her waist, and her wavy hair was held back in a red handkerchief. Whenever she was away from the ranch for long periods, she looked and dressed completely normal, but here, Emily managed to always pull off that perfect farm-girl look.

"By the way.... I want to ask you something..." She paused.

Kyle froze, his heart turning to ice as he feared what she might say. "Um, yea, go ahead."

"Jake told me he saw you taking Relia back to her pen earlier today. Was there something wrong?" She cocked her head.

"Stick a fork in me, I'm done. Here's the awkard moment I was dreading...." Kyle nervously brought a hand up and scratched the back of his neck and looked down.

"Well, uh... Well, she was acting a little strange out there, so I brought her back and uh, gave her some water 'cause I thought she might not be feeling well, like maybe she was hot or dehydrated or something, that's all." Kyle swore to himself, feeling like he had been busted, big time. "Maybe Jake checked up on them. Maybe someone could have heard them from outside..." He mind was racing, trying to come up with ways to rationalize the incident.

Emily put her hands to her hips and sighed. "Kyle, that's because Relia is in heat! She's acting strange because she wants to mate. You can't keep her cooped up in her pen like that! Couldn't you tell?"

"Wait, wha-?... could it be... did she really not know after all?"

Kyle looked up. "Well, not at first, but yea... when I put her inside, I kind of noticed." Kyle laughed inside, realizing that totally wasn't even a lie. "Oh, but don't worry, though... I left the door open just a crack so she can out if she wants."

"Well, good... If I know that girl she's probably back out on the field right now..." Her eyes wandered to the left as her sentence trailed off. She then took a bite of her sandwich and continued talking through the chews. "Now listen, Kyle... I know you're still new here so until you get a little more in tune with how these creatures behave, just leave the dragon handling to us, okay? No offense, but I don't want you running around with dragons everywhere until you're able to understand their temperament and mannerisms a bit more. These creatures can turn dangerous really quickly under the hands of someone inexperienced."

She paused. "You know, Relia's one of the more aggressive dragons we have, too... She didn't snap at you, did she?" She put worried look on her face, trying not to come off as overly bossy. After all... to her, Kyle was family first, and employee second.

Kyle shook his head in response to her question. "Aggressive, indeed...". He never really got to hang out with Emily too much before coming to her ranch, but once he was here she began to treat him like a younger brother. It didn't really bother him too much... of course, except for the fact that she really wasn't much older than he was.

"I'm okay, Emmie... and I'll keep that in mind. Sorry."

"Oh, and Kyle...." She wrinkled her brow and shook a pinky at him with the hand that held her sandwich. "Please stop calling me that in front of the others, okay? Now, I'm gonna finish my lunch. I'll see you back here at 5:30 to help me get ready for the dragons' feeding schedule."

Kyle laughed, said goodbye, and closed the door behind him. He breathed a huge sigh of relief, knowing that she didn't seem aware of his little escapade after all.


The walk back to the field was slow and long, and Kyle spent the time replaying the conversation he just had in his mind. He hoped that he didn't act too odd. Emily apparently didn't know anything after all, but he also knew she wasn't dumb and probably picked up on his uncomfortable reaction to her questions. Whether she would think it was significant or not, he had no clue.

He finally arrived back at his golf cart. It looked like nothing had changed since he left. Most of the dragons were still lounging in the area, and his shovel and industrial-size garbage can still stood in the ground where he placed them. Kyle sighed as he started to get back to his dragon poo shoveling duty. That same pumpkin-sized pile of dragon poo was still waiting to be picked up. It was calling out to him with its smell, taunting him.

He grabbed his shovel and got to work. After taking care of the first pile (the smell of which caused him to hide his nose in his shirt), he got in his golf cart and drove around, getting the rest of the piles of dung. Of course, it didn't take long because they were all near or under the trees. "Why is it ALWAYS near the trees?" He laughed in disbelief as he found that one dragon managed to plop down one perfectly centered on an exposed piece of tree root.

After weaving his way between the lounging herd in his cart, he finally began to notice that one thing was, in fact, different since he had come by here earlier. The different thing being the rest of the dragons around Kyle. They were the rest of Relia's herd, all the same species. Kyle counted 11 in all. Many of the creatures had noticed him... and this was not the same type of "noticing" that Kyle usually sees, where at most, they will lift up their head and watch him for a few seconds. This was more than noticing, in fact... they were taking an active interest in him. A few closest to him got up and sniffed the air.

"Oh crap.... Not again. They can SMELL me. Wait... they can smell HER on me, as well!"

Indeed, a few of the dragons were curious about this this human that smelled of Relia's heat. Kyle had a few snouts invade his personal body space. Suddenly, one of the dragons to his left seemed to have had enough of the smell, and it pawed at the ground uneasily before giving an angry sounding snort. Kyle froze. Despite his seated position he was able to catch a glimpse of the dragon's crest as it brought its head down to his level again, indicating that it was in fact, male. The dragon snorted again, this time louder, and it began to pace outside his golf cart. It was visibly unsettled, perhaps even angry: Kyle couldn't tell, but he didn't want to take chances. He was about a second away from kicking the golf cart into high gear when the dragon huffed, then ruffled its wings and decided to return to its lounging spot, thankfully having decided to leave Kyle alone. He breathed a sigh of relief and quickly decided to leave the area before more dragons started coming up to him.

It was at this time that Kyle had an epiphany.

"There were 32 dragons on this ranch. By the end of the day, I will have gotten near all 32, and every one of them will have smelled Relia's scent on me. Every one will have found out that I screwed a dragon." Kyle swallowed uneasily. The big ones, the small ones, and even the pair of grody ones with the fat, stumpy bodies that Kyle hated. They will all know.

And Kyle had no idea what would happen. Whether some would get curious, jealous, angry, or, hell... even aroused... Kyle could only guess. It certainly opened up some possibilities in his fantasies, though...


Kyle did a reality check.

He was thinking about screwing dragons again. He shook his head, unable to believe that only this morning he would have recoiled at the idea. That's not to say he thought it normal now... but he certainly could not argue against some of the perks. He laughed to himself at the ridiculousness of his own thoughts and shook his head, deciding to focus on his job. He had a lot of catching up to do, having wasted over an hour with Relia.

He put the cart into high gear drove off to another herd, feeling a little bit uneasy, unsure of how the rest of the day would play out. Yet, remembering the incredible encounter he had experienced in this day so far, Kyle thought it would be hard to ruin it, and he smiled.



Aaaaaaand, I'm spent. Well, you guys got to see the story come full circle, including the addition of some plot elements and a little role reversal (the human starting out unwilling and the dragon being aggressive, and ending with the human taking control and the dragon becoming tame).... What can I say... all those climaxes mellowed Relia out. Maybe by tomorrow she'll be her normal, aggressive self again, eh?

F**k, I just realized I wrote 3 freakin' stories in the space of what... 5 days? Man.... I need a freakin' break. This thing turned out into a nice little trilogy of fap material. I dunno if I'll write more. That itch I had when I first sat down to write has been satisfied. I should just pull a George Lucas and disappear for like 15 years... and then whip out another trilogy. Only the new trilogy wont suck balls... Well, my stories wont suck balls, but maybe one of the dragons will. (Oh yea, I went there)

I know I left with slight cliffhanger, but it's not as bad as the first two chapters because there's finally resolution between the two main characters. I just had to end it this way to leave my options open for the possibility of me wanting to write more.... If I do, that's fine, but if I don't it can stand alone as its own story. And due to the ambigious and open ending I gave myself a lot of options. See, that's part of the beauty of ambigious writing. Maybe I'll want to write a bit more in a few days... who knows? (See, that last sentence was also ambigious.... Ooh, I'm so meta)

At least I'm not lacking in ideas:

What will happen next? Will Kyle be jumped by another dragon in heat in the new herd? Will he get chased by horny male that smells Relia's scent? Will he engage in some hawt 69 with a smaller species? Take the plunge and try to pleasure a larger one? Or will other dragons ignore him because it's the scent of another species, allowing Kyle to go back to Relia for a second run? Will Kyle be able to sneak into the farmhouse and take a shower, avoiding all this potential mess? Does Emily know about what's going on? Will she join in? Is she secretly a dragon sexing veteran? Will we find out what kind of sandwich she was eating? Will Kyle ever find out how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop?


But hey.... at least Kyle got to f**k a dragon silly. :)

Dragon Ranch: Black and Cresty

_Now this is a story all about how Kyle's life got flipped, turned up side down. I want you to take a moment and just sit right there and tell you how he became the toy of this dragon called Belai-I mean, Relia._ _Ok, this is a continuation of the...

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Dragon Ranch

_This a story of a dude and a dragon gettin' jiggy wit' it._ _If the previous sentence sounded great to you, then read on. If not, then... uh, read anyway. Read it for the lulz or something... I dunno._ ...

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