Walkin' the World of Warcraft - Chapter 6 - Run like a pansy!

Story by Jjjon Zimmermann on SoFurry

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#6 of Walkin the World of Warcraft

I awoke in a cell, lying on a wooden palette, with a straw stuffed mattress suspended from the wall by a chain. I sat up, putting my feet on the floor, rubbing the back of my pounding head. I was left in my pants and shirt; all my pockets had been raided. Nothing was in my cell except the palette, the walls of the cell consisted of two stonewalls, and two walls of bars, with one bar wall with a door. The bars close together and thick, not even a gnome could squeeze through. I stepped up to the bars and looked through, looking up and down the hall, I was at the end of the row of cells and a door to my right and a solid wall to the left. There's a Tauren guard between my cell and the door, snoozing at the moment.

Then I heard some noise just past the door out of the cellblock. The door opened and Eveilyn stepped in, she was in her armor and had a look of anger on her face. She kicked the chair out from under the sleeping guard, knocking him to the ground hard. He jumped up like he was going to kill someone then saw Eveilyn and faltered; A smirk flitting over my face.

"I'm here to see the prisoner open the damn door." She almost barked.

The guard got up and slammed the bars with his mace and I back up from the door. He unlocked it watching me closely; allowing Eveilyn to slip inside, then the shutting and locking the door.

Eveilyn pointed at the cot and when I did not move she backhanded my left cheek and I dropped to one knee from the force of the blow, falling back against the cot, I held my cheek and looked up at her. I watched her my eyes wide, I couldn't believe she actually backhanded me.

The guard chuckled, "If you need me, ill be just outside the block. Just don't hurt him too badly, he's off to Undercity for their experiments."

My eyes went even wider at that. I heard of what experiments they did at Undercity, especially Keever's; HORRIBLE things happened to those under his care. I really didn't want to stay around for that. If I was lucky I would die quickly but failing that they may make me a carrier for some horrible plague and toss me into Stormwind or something.

The guard walked out of the cellblock leaving the door open and leaving us alone. I rubbed my cheek and watched her; Eveilyn quickly kneeled down and hugged me.

"I'm sorry Jjjon!! Are you ok? Did I hurt you too badly?"

"Nah I've had worse"

"Good" then she slapped me across the face, "Don't worry about me I'll be ok" she mocked me "I come to find out you get caught and thrown in jail. You're lucky that I suggested you be sent to Undercity, they were going to kill you out right."

"LUCKY?!? You call Undercity lucky?!?!" I gasped, almost being too loud, my eyes wide. I heard things about the testing they did at Undercity, especially Keever's.

"Yes, you can escape before you get there. There are only a few guards on they way out. I brought you some things so that you can get out. I'll be waiting for you outside just in case anything goes wrong."

I smirked at her, "You little minx," I wrapped my arms around her, and pressed my lips to hers, licking her lips gently, her mouth opening and slip my tongue into her mouth, her tongue slipping into mine.

She pushed me away, shaking her head, "Stop that." I could swear she was blushing "Here's, some Flash Powder, Blinding Powder, and a set of Thieves Tools, and your daggers. Now hurry up they are bringing a mage and they are setting up a portal to take you to Undercity."

She got up, "Go sit in the corner. GUARD! Let me out of this damn cell," she whispers back to me, "Good Luck Jjjon see you when you get out."

The guard showed up and opened the door. I sat there trembling in the corner. He looked at me and laughed as he led her out. He shut the cell door behind her, then returned to his chair and went back to sleep. I waited a few minutes then quietly approached the cell door. When I heard his snores I picked the lock as quietly as possible. I shut the door, then Stealthed up to the cellblock door and opened it slowly. I looked out and saw a high desk with an Undead mage standing in front of it talking to a couple of the guards. The guards were facing away from me and blocked the mages view of the door so I slipped out of the door and gently closed it. I started to slowly make my way around the three keeping a wide berth. I looked around and saw two doors; the one I just exited through and a heavy door the desk sits in front of the door, I started to sneak around behind the mage, slowly making my way toward it. Unluckily for me the door opened wide as I was halfway a crossed the room; sunlight flooded the room an Orc entered with a large grey wolf. The wolf stopped as it entered the room and looked straight at me, I immediately stopped and started back pedaling away from him.

The wolf started barking, and charged me. I ducked down and prepared for the dog, grabbing it's neck and rolling backward, bringing a knee into it's chest and a foot into it's stomach kicking it over me into the wall, making a loud thud as it hit the wall. I dashed for the door, gasping loudly as I felt cold encompassing my body, ice forming around my legs. I focused my energy, a dark cloak wrapping around my body and shunting the ice from my body. I kick in Sprint for a bigger burst of speed, grabbing the doorknob as a guard grabbed me. I twisted in his grip, pulling the door open and slipping free, as I saw a bolt of blue energy fly past my head and out the door; twisting my body round the door, and Sprinting low along the wall toward the back of the prison I was in, hoping few people would see me. I look back to see the guard kicking the door open and dog jump out behind him the guard looks left and right the dog turning immediately toward me and Dashing toward me with a snarl barking his head off, the guard grips his two handed mace in his hands and takes off in a run after the wolf and me. I focus my energy again, I feel a cool energy flow through me returning some energy to me. I turn back and Sprint off the sound of my feat pounding the rock, and the sound of barking dog behind me, and the shouts of people as I run by.

I grab the pole of the building and use it to spin me around the corner, keeping most of my speed as whip around the corner, running along the edge of the bluff making a break for the elevator. I gasp as I fall forward digging my fingers into the dirt as I'm hit from behind by the guard, almost falling from the edge, I regain my feet, twisting around whipping my dagger around into his face, Gouging him and turning to see Eveilyn flirting with the guard at the lift and I felt some jealousy blaze up until I heard the wolves barking at me. I shook my head as I kept running. I looked to the right seeing some more guards also heading for the lift, their eyes forward only flicking to look at me to check my position. The guards were ahead of me and almost to the lift.

Eveilyn's eyes flicked over to the guards and then to me, rolling her eyes. She thankfully walked around the guard, turning him away from me and the guards charging the platform. I smiled and focused again stepping into the shadows, appearing spiraling shadow behind the guard at the lift. Eveilyn's eyes widening in surprise as I appeared, I smirked at her, stepping backward from the guard, turning away from him as he turns and sees me just as one of the charging guards swings at me, falling backward as I moved forward, almost limbo-ing under his mace as he swings it, crashing into his legs, bowling the guard over and hitting the ground hard. Kicking my feet up and over my head another guard's mace hitting the ground where I was, rolling onto my feet; moving around him before he couple pull his mace back up to swing again, I ran down the platform, the wood echoing the sounds of my feet and shortly after the sound of many hooves moving after me. I gasped as I was hit from behind by a Charging guard, twisting around and pegging him in the face with a pack of Blinding Powder, leaving him stomping around the platform, just barely staying on the thin bridge, his buddies slowed down as to not knock him from the platform. I turn around and run for the lift. Jumping from the platform, I grab the rope; my momentum carrying me around to face the guards again my feet landing on the roof of the elevator. I saluted the guards with a wide smile as I quickly dropped out of sight

As the elevator lowered, I looked down to the ground panting hard, holding onto the rope as it dropped to the ground, I saw the other lift pass me on the way up and I knew it'd be carrying guards down with it, so I studied the ground seeing no guards I readied myself to get ready to run and take some cover. The lift lurched to a halt; I jumped down onto the platform, my legs a little shaky as I hit the hard wood. I steady myself then start running again; I head off to the nearby foothills taking cover behind a corpse of trees, and watch the lifts.

Soon I see a bunch of forms pour off the elevator, and look around, then see some of them take off down the path and start toward me, the sound of barking wolves reaching my ears. I curse softly and begin making a break north toward the harpies, keeping my eyes peeled for any of them, running along the stonewall. I can hear the wolves coming closer, but I slow and Stealth, just as I hear a harpy call out. I look about but it didn't notice me; it had just woken up, her head was sticking out from her nest, probably woken by the wolves. I ran around the corner into the harpy's territory the wolves hot on my trail. The harpy climbing from her nest, her lithe form slipping from the nest; her breasts bounce softly as she climbs out crying out to her sisters as the guards and wolves near. She flaps her wings and takes to the air, other harpies crying out as they take to the air. The guards slide to a halt, letting out a shrill whistle the wolves sliding to a halt and running back to them. The harpies begin diving at the guards swiping at them with their talons; the guards swinging at harpies a couple making a solid connection with their heavy maces. The guards backing up figuring the harpies will have deal with me. I move from around the corner watching the guards as they retreat back to Thunder Bluff. I slowly followed them back keeping behind the trees and watching the road, the guards piled onto the lift, and went up the bluff.

A couple minutes later I see a lone figure coming down the lift, well not alone, a smaller shape was with them, and they continue down the road. I move in closer, and see it's Eveilyn. I smile and check along the road, checking for patrols and make my way toward her. As I moved closer I felt the wind shift, making me up wind. I saw Pequeño stop and sniff the air, turning to me he barked, wagging his tail. Eveilyn stopped and turned looking at me, I smiled at her, and casually made my way up to her.

"See I told you I'd be fine" holding my hands palms up, off to the side and in front of me showing I was fine.

"What?!" her jaw dropped looking at me, "I saved your ass!!"

"And I saved yours, so I guess we're even" I said winking at her, and walking ahead of her.

She blinked at me for a moment or two. I turned and smiled back at her, "Well are we going to stand here all day?" turning around and continuing on the road.

"Oh here you go." Eveilyn held out my normal pack to me

I grinned widely as i took it and looked inside for a moment. "How'd you get it?"

"It was compensation for my 'rape'."

"How nice of them. So anywhere you'd like to go?"

Eveilyn looked at me, a stern expression on her face, "I don't know I didn't get a chance to think before someone decided to see the inside of a jail cell"

"I'm sorry but i was told it was a must see for anyone of the Alliance" smirking, "But i'll be honest i wasn't impressed, there was no view, the service sucked, and the waitress was a little rough. I don't think i'll be recommending it to my friends"