Gym Buddies: Part Four

Story by SpeakingWolf on SoFurry

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#4 of Gym Buddies

Gym Buddies: Part Four

"Please," I begged Luke, "please! Give me one good reason why not!"

"It's my car, pup," he said, sipping at a glass of grape juice he'd just poured, "there's your good reason." I couldn't believe he was being so possessive.

"I'm not gonna crash it, you know! I'll be really careful!" He shook his head and returned to his glass.

"I don't doubt that you won't crash it - because you won't drive it," he explained. I sat on the counter and did my best sad face, which I knew looked pathetic. "Oh, get him an Oscar! And the award for most dramatic scene goes to..."

"You don't seriously think I'm gonna crash it, do you?"

"No, I think that you're a very good driver. I also think that you're very mature for your age and that if any damage came to the car, you would rectify it immediately." I glared at him, waiting for more to the answer. "But I don't want my car smelling like my room does now." I groaned loudly.

"We're not going to fuck in your car!" He shot me that toothy smile again. I mumbled my pet name for him under my breath. "Asshole." He laughed once, so I was sure he heard me say it. "Okay, drive me down there," I suggested. "You don't have to go inside, you just drive there and drop me off - how's that?" I was pleased that Luke seemed to be genuinely considering it.

"What if I have plans for today?" That was a laugh - Luke never had plans. Unless there was a particularly interesting episode of the old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on, he was free for the day. "Besides, today's my rest day! Core, legs, arms, cardio, legs, arms, rest," he counted off the days on his fingers. He'd told me his routine so many times, it might as well have been my routine - and I'm sure he was trying to press it on me. "I'm not making two trips to the gym and not even getting a sweat on!"

"You'll only have to make one," I rushed, and suddenly wished I hadn't. I didn't tell Luke about the plans we had, and he surely wouldn't approve.

"And what does that mean?" he asked, his lip curling as he made himself sound as strict as possible. I sighed and glared into the granite worktop. "Pup?"

"We... we're gonna spend the night together," I told him. He smiled at me - this I expected.

"So, my little bro's gonna get his cherry popped, is he?" I hated when he spoke to me in such a condescending voice. I pouted. "So, does he have a car?"

"No," I said, chewing at my claws.

"You're walking home?"


A moment of silence stood between us. "Well, then?"

"We're going to the gym," I shakily started. He looked at me with expectant eyes. "That's it. We're going to the gym, hiding in the changing rooms, and spending the night in the gym." His mouth was wide open as he glared at me. I knew exactly what he was going to say.

"You're gonna hide in the changing rooms?" I was taken aback, which he clearly picked up on. "You can't hide in there, they lock it up every night - you won't be able to get out! No, what you need to do is pop open the wooden panels by the pool and hide in there. Most of the staff don't even know it opens up." I let a long silence fall between us before speaking.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"Please, you think you're the first ones to fuck in that place overnight? Trust me on this; you don't want to get locked in the changing rooms," he said as he pointed a long finger at me. He took another swig of grape juice, finishing off the glass.

"Don't you still have the keys?" Luke served a trial period for a trainer position, but said he left because of the lack of exercise he got when he was on the job.

"I wasn't even given a set of keys when I was there, pup! How could I still have them?" He shot me an exasperated look, as if he'd told me this a million times before.

"Well... will you take me there, then?" He thought about it for a minute, knowing he was torturing me by making me wait. My pained face quickly got to him.

"What do I have to do?"


"Okay, so you dropped me off at the gym," I recapped the story for him, "you go back home; you say that I wanted to go out; you pick me up from the gym; we go out; we don't come back until late in the morning."

"And what do I get out of this?" I sighed and reached into my wallet, pulling out a fistful of notes and forcing them into his paw.

"And the chance to hook up with some nice girls," I said with a patronising smile. He looked into my wallet.

"Looks kind of empty, doesn't it?" I glanced down at the leather pouch. My jaw hung low in amazement.

"You're not expecting more?!"

He shook his head and pulled something out of his pocket, but kept it hidden in his paw. "Listen, I don't wanna do this in front of you, so can I just borrow your wallet?"

There was no chance of that. He'd max out all the cards I had on some sleazy strip joint, or maybe just spend the day treating the next notch on his bed to a shopping spree. I wrapped my fingers around it tightly. "What've you got there?" He sighed and made a point to avoid eye contact with me.

"Look, I trust you, okay? I know that you're intelligent and mature, but..." tears were starting to well up in his eyes. Now I wished that I'd have just given him the wallet; at least then I wouldn't have had to make Luke endure this uncomfortable situation. I hated seeing him sad. I put a paw on his shoulder, trying to calm him down. He looked at me and laughed, wiping his eyes. "Don't know why I got like that," he said, taking a deep breath. "All right, just promise you won't try and shut me up, okay?"

I nodded. I really just wanted this to be over. He opened his paw and showed me what he'd been hiding. "Oh, Jesus, Luke-" but he raised his paw to silence me.

"Listen, you hardly know this guy, so... just make sure you're careful," and he forced three condoms into my paw. "I-I love you, Dan. Okay?"

"Yeah, I love you, too," I said, though there wasn't much meaning behind it. Luke dabbed at his eyes again - and I realised that I was being the asshole. "Come here," I insisted, pulling him firmly into a hug. "I'm sorry, I love you, too, Luke." His arms wrapped tightly around me, and I let my neck fall into his. Sometimes I wished he wasn't my brother. The other times, I just didn't care.

He patted my back lightly. "You should probably go, he'll be waiting for you," Luke said. A sound from my lips told him that I acknowledged what he said, though it didn't actually register. I was too busy getting lost in this hug. "Dan!"

"Yeah," I got up suddenly, shoving the condoms in my wallet. I moved to get out of the car, but he grabbed my wrist and stopped me. He passed me something else, and I was worried he'd be giving me more condoms to use. Instead, it was the wad of money I gave to him.

"I'm not doing it for the money or the girls. I'm doing it because I love you." I smiled. We spent a moment looking at each other. "Well, aren't you going?"

"Yeah," I said. "See you tomorrow!"

"If you need me, call me. I'll be here before you know it, okay?"

I nodded. "Thanks, Luke."

"Have fun, pup!" I intended to, which the grin on my face told him. I forced the money into my wallet and went into the reception, tucking the leather pouch into my sweatshirt's front pocket. I turned to wave at Luke, who waved back and started up the car.

A quick glance to the desk let me see that the receptionist and her boss were locked in a disagreement over something. I was pleased that there was an argument going on between them, as it meant I could slip into the building unnoticed.

The thrill was already exhilarating, and all I'd done was skipped out on signing in. I moved across the treadmills and bikes, clutching onto my empty gym bag. It didn't take long until I saw that familiar face, straining on the pec press Luke was using yesterday. I approached him.

His tight t-shirt matched his emerald eyes almost perfectly, save the flecks of jade that made them look so deep. I found it strange that he looked to be straining so much, yet there weren't any patches of sweat darkening his tee.

"Hi, er... Alex, isn't it?" Al looked up at me as if I'd genuinely forgotten. I shot him an unmistakeable look, which he quickly picked up on.

"Oh... er, yeah... it's Al," he acted for the benefit of everyone around us. "Your name was... Dan?"

"That's right!" I beamed. "How's the workout going?" He let out a heavy breath.

"It's tough," the coyote said through his teeth. I leaned my head around the machine to see what setting he had it on. Five pounds. I looked at him sceptically. "I'm saving my energy," he whispered. "Actually," he said, much louder now, "I was thinking of finishing up, calling it a day. Should I get changed?"

"No!" I'd suddenly remembered what Luke had told me about the rooms getting locked up. "No, why don't we go for a swim, first?" Al stood up.

"I didn't bring my bathing costume," he said. I grinned at him and raised my eyebrows quickly. He laughed. "To the pool, then!" On the way, I explained to him what Luke had told me about the changing rooms being locked on a nightly basis. When we reached the pool, we were greeted with a tiger and a lioness kissing on the bank of it. We stood there glaring at them, but they didn't notice us come in.

Al cleared his throat loudly. "Some of us would like to use this room," he said. They suddenly stopped and ran into the changing rooms, both flushed red. The coyote glanced at me and tugged me into his body. "We want to use it for the same thing, but we still want to use it, right?" I smiled and pulled away from him reluctantly to find the hiding spot Luke had mentioned.

"Okay, he said it's one of these panels," I explained, moving over to the side on the pool's left and shaking the wooden slats with my feet. Al took the other side and quickly found a loose board.

"Dan, over here!" He'd taken the long plank of wood and was holding it high. Luke had failed to mention how heavy these planks must have been, as Al was struggling - even with his Greek God's body. I ran under the panel and slid into the small compartment, followed quickly by the coyote. He was laid on top of me the way I pictured him last night.

"Hi, Al," I said in my dreamy voice, trying to recall my memory of last night. He smiled at me and pressed his fingers to my lips.

"Don't say anything," he whispered, "we don't want to be heard."

"I'm not sure about that, Al," I said teasingly, "I think I might scream. You'll have to find a way to keep my lips sealed." He put his maw to mine and kissed me on the lips. I smiled as much as I could at the unmoving mouth. "That won't do." He took his lips from mine and moved to my ear.

"Shh," he cooed, "you can scream if you want to, but I'd save your voice. I'll have you screaming tonight." I gulped audibly, and he chuckled. "Shh... can't be long until they close now." And almost as if he had known it would happen at that exact moment, the lights went out. We were left in darkness. "Let's go," I heard him say as he lifted from my body. I pulled him back down.

"Hold on, give it a minute. Someone might come back." Al returned, putting his full weight into me.

"You're excited, aren't you?"

"Th-the adrenalin," I lied. His laughter told me that he didn't believe me. When I felt his fur brush lightly against my nose, I inhaled his scent. My musk last night was nothing compared to his, and I suddenly felt him leaning into my crotch. It took me a moment to realise that he wasn't pressing against my crotch - my crotch was pressing against him.

"Sure. The adrenalin," he said sardonically.

I could hear footsteps, and so could Al from the way he suddenly silenced. They stopped, skidded along the floor and disappeared. I heard a door open, close and lock.

"You think they've gone?" Al asked.

"I-I think so," I said.

"Then let's go," he smiled, pushing the plank of wood from his body. As I left the confines, I realised how creepy the room looked in the dark. Moonlight floated onto the pool's surface, which reflected in silver ripples along the wall. Still moving, the slight splashing noise made it feel like there was someone watching the coyote and I.

"You feel that?"

"No," he started, "what are you talking about?"

I scanned the room for another face - another breath from someone that didn't want to be seen. Al put his paws on my shoulders gently and I jolted. I was convinced that there was something more than what I knew was there.

"There's nothing there," the coyote said, kissing the fur on my neck. "We're alone." He spun me around to face him and slowly brought his nose to mine. "No excuses now. So... you wanna?"

I gulped heavily before I answered in my breathiest, most excited voice.


Gym Buddies: Part Five

**Gym Buddies: Part Five** Al picked me up and wrapped me around his waist, his firm member pressing into me. The thought of his arousal matching mine made me murr as I tucked my arms around his neck. "Well, then?" the coyote asked. I tilted my...

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Gym Buddies: Part Three

**Gym Buddies: Part Three** Okay, Luke was right about one thing. I _was_ a perv. I must've spent a good hour and a half thinking about Al, hard as a rock in my bed. I'd been twisting and moaning; frustrated that we...

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Gym Buddies: Part Two

**Gym Buddies: Part Two** Al pulled his paws off me and I clutched my body into the pull-up bar. _'Sure, **now** I get the strength to do it!'_ "Wh-what's that?" he asked. I gulped heavily. "What's what?" I tried to...

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