The Woodland Visitor Ch 3: Mother

Story by Duvalio Profaneth on SoFurry

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#3 of The Woodland Visitor

Ya all know the legal stuff like all characters and events are mine...all mine. with no relation to anyone else Yadi...Yadi...Yadi

Since there is yiffing in this story... I must insist, no minors allowed.

Now on with the adventure...Uh story...Uh book... well whatever, here it is.

The Woodland Visitor Pt 3


When we arrived at my house I found that much of the food that she would eat had gone bad. I immediately set about preparing a shopping list, planning on going to the store as soon as possible. When I was ready I told Sienna what I was going to do. She understood that she couldn't go with me and agreed to wait for my return.

When I left she had turned the stereo on and hat taken her customary seat in front of it to listen to the music. I smiled remembering the first time she did that. Going out I climbed into my suburban and headed out to the store. I picked up more than just groceries. I picked out a few different outfits for her since she liked wearing my clothes. I also picked out a dozen picture frames of various sizes. And as an afterthought I got a few sets of sheets, blankets, towels and washcloths. Finally I got some groceries.

The bill came to well over three hundred dollars which didn't surprise me one bit.

My suburban was packed full when I pulled into the garage and closed the door. Then I started unloading everything I bought. Once the food was put away I found my old camping back pack. This thing was four times the size of the other one and held a lot more inside and out. I took the linens that I bought and packed them inside.

Getting the picture frames out I set about finishing them. With Sienna looking over my shoulder I printed out several pictures of me and a few more of us. Finally I got out the large printer and printed out a giant picture of us. This was by far her favorite photo, taking them I packed them inside the backpack.

I also picked up some lighters for a grill. The ones that had a trigger and the flame came out of the end of the wand. I figured that they would be less likely to burn her. I packed them in with some candles and a couple of books on crafting various items from things found in nature.

Finally when I pulled out the clothes she went wild. It took me a few minutes to make adjustments for her tail but when she tried them on, it was well worth it. The first thing she tried on was a new pair of jeans that fit her even better than mine did. That together with a leather vest made her look so good I had to take some more pictures. When she put the next set on it only drove me wilder. It consisted of a tight mini skirt and a sheer blouse. More pictures, and more drooling on my part, and we were ready for the last thing. I found a red dress that hugged her body perfectly. It set off the shoulders and hugged her tits enough to show her nipples poking out. It was just short of setting on the floor and had only a slight flair to it.

I took her to my studio, being a photographer had its advantages, and took a couple photos. Setting down I printed out what I thought was the best. I printed out a large copy and set that in a frame. This one I wrapped in plain brown paper and then packed it carefully into my pack.

Last but not least, I am a man after all. I picked out some lingerie for her. She looked at them quizzically until she saw the bulge in my pants that they created. From that point on every outfit she tried on, there were six in all, she would tease me before she went to try on the next.

By the end of the night we didn't even make it to the bedroom. We got part way up the stairs and seeing her ass in the sheer, crotchless underwear was all it took. I grabbed her and spinning her around began to kiss her. She had my pants down in a second and was stroking my cock. I wouldn't last long if she kept that up so I pushed her back onto the stairs and kneeling down between her legs I sunk my cock all the way into her cunt. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I pumped in and out of her. I felt her juices running down my balls and her ass. I smiled when I thought that I would have to clean the carpet later.

We went at it like this for a while then she pushed me back and got onto her knees. Looking back she seductively wiggled her ass. In a flash I was back into her sopping cunt pounding away like a mad man. We both came together and with her shuddering in climax I filled her with what felt like a gallon of cum.

We laid there on the stairs for a few minutes before we continued on to the bedroom. Once there I sat on the edge of the bed and stripped her clothes off. Then she seductively climbed into my lap and wrapping her arms around my neck began to kiss me. I could feel her tongue probe at my lips so I opened up wider and soon we were battling tongues.

Between the kiss and the feel of her fur rubbing against my naked body I was soon ready for round two. Without even breaking our kiss she reached between us and aiming my cock in the proper direction, impaled herself on it. When my cock was buried in her as far as it would go she began to slide her hips back and forth along its length. Reaching around, I grabbed two hands full of her ass and began sliding her faster.

We never broke the kiss until she started to shutter with another climax. Then she wrapped her arms around my neck and started grunting. When I felt her cunt contracting around my cock I couldn't hold back and pumped another load into her.

When we calmed down enough I picked her up and with my cock still buried in her cunt, I carried her to the shower. We stayed under the shower for about five minutes before she slid to the ground. She grabbed the bar of soap and started to scrub me down, paying extra attention to my now limp cock. When she was done with me she scrubbed herself down and we rinsed off. We stepped out of the shower and dried off then climbed into bed where I rolled her on her side and spooned up against her. Wrapping my arm around her waist we fell asleep.

The next morning I woke to find we were in the same position. I moved back a little and she rolled over onto her back. I leaned up on my elbow and stared at her. For about five minutes I watched her sleep. She looked so peaceful that I thought I could stay like this forever. Slowly she opened her eyes and saw me staring at her.


"Nothings wrong, I just wanted to look at you."


"How could I not like. You are very beautiful." Well there went that blush again.

"Thank you."

I leaned down and kissed her. "What would you like to do today?"

"You say show me dance."

"You want to learn how to dance?"


"Then I'll teach you to dance. I can only slow dance so that will have to do."

"Yes, slow dance."

"Well we can't slow dance if we're still in bed now can we?"

She smiled and climbed out of bed. Then coming around to the other side she yanked the covers down and tugged at my arm. Laughing I slowly sat up and was about to reach for my clothes when she stopped me.

"No, Like body." She said as she ran her hands across my chest.

"I like your body too," I said as I stood up.

We went down stairs and ate breakfast then I cleaned up the kitchen a little. By that time it was ten o'clock and she wouldn't take any more stalling from me. With a grin I went into the living room and turned the stereo on. It took me a minute to find a slow station.

When I found one I stood up and went over to her. Taking her hand I placed her arm around me then slowly we began to dance. At first she was stepping on my feet but soon she learned to sway without stepping on them as much. We spent the rest of the morning and all night dancing. By the time ten o'clock came she was really good at it.

We danced to one final song and she wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her head on my chest. When the song was over we sat down on the couch and just rested. Sienna leaned up against me at first then she curled up and laid her head on my lap.

I just watched her and gently stroked her fur. Soon her eyes began to droop and she curled up a little tighter. It was a little cool in the house so I pulled the blanket off the back of the couch and tucking it in around her I went back to caressing her fur. It wasn't long before she was asleep. She looked so peaceful lying there. I wish I could get some pictures of that but I didn't want to move. Maybe a different day I'd get them, but tonight I was just going to sit right here and watch her sleep.

I must have fallen asleep sometime during the night. The next time I looked at the clock it was five am and the sky was just starting to brighten. I looked down and Sienna was still curled up on my lap. She looked so peaceful and innocent. It was hard to believe that such a sexual creature could look so peaceful.

I don't know how long I sat there but when she opened her eyes and looked up the first thing she saw was me. She stretched and slowly sat up looking at me.

"You, all night?"

"Yes, I was here all night."


"I like looking at you. I could sit here and watch you forever."

"Forever long time."

"Not long enough when it comes to watching you."

"Glad you like."

"Me too." With that I leaned over and gave her a good morning kiss.

"Like kiss you."

I didn't reply, I just leaned over and kissed her again.

She smiled up at me. "You like?"

"I don't know let me see." I leaned down and gave her a long French kiss. Our tongues were caressing each other the whole time. When we finally came up for air I smiled down at her. "Yes I like."

She smiled back up at me. "I glad. What do today?"

"Today I have to go talk to someone. When I get back I was planning to go to your house for a few days. I mean if you want to that is."

"We go later."

I busied myself with work around the house until noon. Then kissing Sienna I left for part one of my scheme.

She was sitting on her porch when I came up just like she did every day. I approached the porch and she just sat there staring at me.

"Mrs. Amanda Blackwell?"


"I would like to talk to you about your daughter."

"You must be mistaken, I have no daughter. I'm not nor have ever been married."

I walked over to where she set and handed her a folder. When she opened it up she gasped. Looking up quickly from the folder I saw her eyes go wide then she looked back. She flipped through the folder quickly then closed it.

"Who are you? A private investigator, the FBI?"

"No maam, we have a mutual interest and I wish to discuss it with you."

She stood up and stared at me for a few seconds before she said, "Follow me." she walked in the front door of her house and led me to the kitchen. Once there she threw the folder on the table sending the photos sliding out and across the table.

"Where did you get these?"

"I took them myself. My name is Tom Drysdale. I own the photography studio down the street."

"I knew you looked familiar. You said you took these photos yourself?"

"Yes Maam."

"Who is this?"

"What was your daughters' name?"

"I have no daughter."

"That isn't what Brenah told me."

"Oh my god, where did you hear that name."

"I just talked to him a few days ago."

"Sienna, I named her Sienna."

"Turn the folder over and read the cover."

She picked the folder up and slowly turned it over. There on the cover was the name Sienna. She dropped the folder in shock and looked up at me.

"I talked to Brenah and he told me his version of what happened. I think he misunderstood something. I would like to hear your version of it if you would please."

She stared off into space as she sat down.

"I was hiking through the haunted woods when I got lost. I was only twenty-two at the time and I started getting scared. I ran but must have run deeper into the woods. I was so lost and was afraid that I would die in there that I curled up under a tree and started crying. I don't know how long I lay there when I heard a noise, like someone coming up. I looked up hopefully, thinking somebody heard me and was coming to my rescue. When I finally laid eyes on him I thought I had gone insane. Before me stood a half deer, half man. It had the fur and head of a deer but it walked upright and had hands like a man. I stared at it in fear and shock as it came up to me. It knelt down beside me and then I got my second shock." She turned to look at me. Then taking a deep breath she continued.

"It asked me what was wrong. I could only stare at it. It then sat down across from me and again asked what was wrong. I finally was able to speak and told it I was lost. He smiled and looking down said to me that it would be alright, that he knew of a human settlement not far from here and that he would take me there. I was so relieved that I again began to cry. He misunderstood this and moving over beside me he took me in his arms and held me until I stopped crying. When I was calmer he asked me if that wasn't what I wanted. I looked up into his eyes and could only nod. He smiled at me and said then when I was ready that he would take me there. I put my head back down and he held me for a while longer." Her eyes again turned and stared into space as she continued.

"It only took us a few minutes to reach the town. I immediately recognized my house. I looked up at him and he smiled down at me. I can still remember his words to me. 'See as long as I'm in these woods you'll never get lost.' I took a couple steps towards my house then stopped. I don't know what made me do it but I ran back up to him and kissed him on the cheek and said thank you. He said that I was welcome and I left."

"After that I would go into the woods and not be afraid because I knew he would always find me and bring me home. Indeed soon I was purposely getting lost, just to see him some more. He commented on that one time and all I could do was blush. Then one day he led me out and when I went to kiss him as I always did he turned his head and kissed me. I melted into his arms at that point. Well instead of going out to get lost from then on, he would be waiting for me. He showed me the woods and I began to see it like I never did before. I really enjoyed our walks together. I believe that..." she looked at me then hung her head.

"You believe that you were falling in love with him." I finished for her.

"I know it sounds silly."

"No it doesn't."

"It doesn't? But he was an animal."

"So are we if you really want to think about it."


"The reason I say that is because," I looked down at that point. "I'm in love with Sienna." I heard her sharply inhale then felt her hand on my shoulder.

"So that's why you came over here."

"I wanted to know if what Brenah said was true."

"All right, I'll tell you. I believed that I was falling in love with him, and when I told him this he said that he was falling too. That changed our relationship. No longer did we act like friends, we acted more like lovers. It was about a year after we became lovers that I found out that I was pregnant. At first both of us said it couldn't be him but when I went into labor, I was at his village and gave birth there. It was then that we found out that our two species could produce offspring. Being that our child looked like them I made the decision that she should remain there. I named the child Sienna because of her color then."

"Anyway a year after my child's birth I was no longer content with visiting her. I wanted to live there. I wanted to be near her. I wanted to be with him. So I made plans to sell the house." She looked at me and I could see tears running down her face and I could tell that the next words were hard for her to say.

"It must have been the person that was going to buy it that he saw me with because he accused me of not loving him like I said I did. I tried to explain what I was doing but he wouldn't even listen to me. He told me that he didn't ever want to see me again and that I was not to see my child either. I begged him to listen but he left and I never saw him again. I spent day after day wandering the woods trying to find him just to talk to. But soon I even gave that up. There is nothing I could do to bring him back."

By now she was crying openly. I stood up and went around to her and just held her for a few minutes until she calmed down. Then she looked up at me and asked, "Is there any way that I could at least see my daughter?"

I smiled down at her and said, "I'll see what I can do."

She hugged me and said thank you. Soon after I took my leave and went back to my house. Sienna was waiting for me when I entered.


"Not quite. I have one more thing to do tonight and I need your help. Then tomorrow we will go see Brenah. I need to ask him a favor."

"Me help?"

"Yes my dear, I need your help."


"It's a surprise. I just need to find a couple of things."

The rest of the day I spent looking through boxes until I found my old Halloween costume. I dressed up one year as Count Dracula. The cape will come in handy tonight. I spent the rest of the time putting a hood on it and adjusting it to fit Sienna. When I was done the cape and hood completely hid her from view. It was just the effect I wanted. I told her that no matter what she wasn't to remove the hood until I told her to do so. She agreed.

At eleven o'clock I went out with a pellet gun I had bought a few years ago and hiding behind some bushes I shot out the two streetlights between my house and Mrs. Blackwell's. Then I took Sienna and went down to Mrs. Blackwell's house. I left Sienna in the shadows and knocked on her door. When Mrs. Blackwell answered the door she was surprised and curious why I wanted her to turn out the front lights. Once they were out I brought Sienna in and closed the front curtains.

"What do you want this time of the night?"

"It's not what I want, it's what you want."

She looked at me hopefully and asked, "What's that?"

I looked at Sienna and told her to take off the hood. Sienna hesitated then removed the hood. Mrs. Blackwell sharply drew a breath and placed her hand over her mouth. She looked at me and barely above a whisper, she asked. "Is this..."

"Amanda Blackwell, I want to introduce to you Sienna."

Sienna's eyes grew huge as what I said sunk in. she turned back to Amanda and the two of them just stared at each other. Sienna was the first to speak. She turned to me and said. "Mother?"

"Yes Sienna, this is your mother."

She turned back and hesitantly took a step forward. Mrs. Blackwell suddenly snapped out of her shock and grabbed Sienna and hugged her. I saw tears running down their faces as they held each other. When they finally moved apart I told Mrs. Blackwell that we could only stay for a few minutes. She nodded to me without even taking her eyes off of Sienna.

"I can't believe it's you, and all grown up."

"No believe either."


Sienna looked at me frustrated and smiling I walked over and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Mrs. Blackwell,"

"Please call me Amanda."

"Amanda, well you see I was informed that Sienna has never spoken a word until she met me about nine months ago. She is getting better but she only talks in one or two word sentences."

She looked back at Sienna and reaching over she gently cupped the side of her face and smiling replied, "I don't care, as long as I can see you, I'm Happy." That started another round of hugs between them. When they parted Amanda turned to me and gave me a hug too. "Thank you for bringing her."

"No, thank you for talking to me earlier."

"How can I ever repay you?"

"Actually, I have an idea. Let me get back to you on that in a couple of days. I did some portraits of her and me that she now has in her house. I would like to do some of you and her so she can have them. If you don't mind that is?"

"Of course I don't mind, anything for my little girl."

Sienna spoke up at this point. "Mom?"

Amanda began to cry some more. "You don't know how long I wanted to hear those words. Yes sweetie."

"You, pik-tr, me?"

Amanda turned to me. Smiling I replied, "She wants to know if you will let me take some pictures for her."

She looked back at Sienna. "Yes dear, I will give you as many as you want."

"Thank you mom."

"I'm sorry to interrupt you but we have to be going. It was risky enough coming here. I don't want to get caught."

"Yes of course, when can I see her again?"

"Anytime she's here you can come over to visit her. I can call you when she's here so you know."

She looked down. "I don't have a phone."

"I figured as much." Reaching into my pocket I pulled out a cell phone and handed it to her. "I will only call between nine am and nine pm. This way you can know when she's in town. And, if you ever need me anytime of the day, just press and hold the number one key. My cell number is programmed into it for you."

"I can't take this."

"You can and you will. The other day when I bought some things for Sienna I picked that up. I want you to have it so you can contact me or I can tell you when she's here."

"I...I don't know what to say."

Sienna turned to me and said, "Mom thank you."

"Yes indeed, thank you."

"You're welcome."