The Stone- Chapter 1

Story by Skorr on SoFurry

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#5 of The Stone

Quick disclaimer. I do not own Pokemon, i do not own any of the merchandise, towns, places, events, etc. I am using it in my own vision which has nothing to do with the company, Nintendo, or Pokemon.

That said, i would like to say that this Pokemon chapter IS yiffy, at the end, and there WILL be at least a 2nd chapter. I was inspired by another writer, punjoke, and have finally pushed myself to write, and edit majorly, this chapter of the story. Still not sure whether to make it a series or not, but that is all dictated towards my time in life. Anyways, i hope you enjoy it~ :)


I hadn't asked for any Pokemon throughout my life. Nope, not a single one. They seemed like too much work to handle, like they were really smart pets or something. But in the end it was as though they were just drawn to me; me and my team of course. We shared good times, bad times, and times where we just lazed about and did nothing all day. Oh yeah, I nearly forgot about the sex. Yep, you heard me. We had sweet sweet sex that gives me goosebumps whenever I think about it. Sometimes it was sudden, like a crack of lightning while other times dragged on and on- but neither one of us wanting it to really stop. There was this one time that- Well... maybe I am going too fast. I think I will start at the beginning, showing you how I got the Stone, which started everything...

It was a cool April day and Spring was in high bloom when all this began. Everyone was starting off the year good, Taillow chirped in the trees, and everything was just in a generally good mood... Except for myself that is. My name? Oh yes, I'm sorry! My name is Eric Barlow and I am about 18 years old. I had always meant to start my journey at 10 like a normal Trainer, but something held me back in my small town of Hollowtree making me decide to not get my own pokemon. I never knew if it was the local Gym fights, the lively town, or the fresh air, but something kept me holding onto the town...

That is, until I met him...

Looking around at others around town, you could tell he was a strange man, wearing white robes and carrying a bunch of assorted pouches around him. He was tall, thin, and never seemed to smile unless it was at something he thought was funny. I should have never met him in the first place but something in my mind told me to approach the man. I think it was probably due to the fact that I was looking for something different that day, walking along the shops for about the 30th time in an hour. To this day though, I both regret and am overjoyed at the decision I made.

I approached the man and fixed my brown hair, looking up at him with soft brown eyes. I was 5'9", a sizable height for my age, but he was at least a few good inches taller than me which was slightly intimidating. I looked at his clothing for a bit and compared them to mine; dark blue standard jeans, heavy duty black and gray sneakers, a dark green jacket, a pure white undershirt, and my trusty backpack which was a dark grey with black highlights.

He looked at me with his crisp blue eyes, and I looked back at him, both of us just staring each other off, saying and doing nothing. We did this for a few minutes when he finally opened his mouth, surprising me. "So, are you just gonna stand there and gawk at me or are you going to buy something?"

I was surprised at the man's firm and masculine voice but soon shook it off and answered politely, "Well, what do you have for sale? Those pouches are pretty interesting..." I eyed a deep blue one hanging by his waist. For some reason, it had caught my interest.

The man slowly cracked a grin, noticing the pouch I was staring at, and pulled off the pouch putting it into my hands. "My lad... this will change your life, guaranteed! The stone that is inside here is a lot different than any other stone that you know of. This gift can either make you or break you boy!"

The odd merchant smiled again and eventually threw his hand in the air. "Bah! Try it for yourself and see what I mean when you get home! If you don't like it, return it for a full refund! But until then..." Suddenly a cloud of smoke appeared at the base of the man's feet, similar to a cheesy magician, and a second later, he was gone. I stood there, at a loss, and eventually realized that he hadn't charged me a dime for it. I shrugged and thought, 'Hey, more for me...'

At first, there was nothing remarkable about this little blue pouch in my hands. It was soft and nicely made, yes, but there was nothing about it that seemed worthwhile. Even the stone that was inside of it wasn't very nice, although it was a gorgeous yellow topaz color. All I did was retie the pouch and pocket it, walking home, little expecting that my day was going to get very weird, very fast.

With a quick plop on my couch I laid upon on it, sighing deeply and wondering what I should do for the rest of the day. It happened to be fairly early on in the day, only about lunch time, and like usual in my life back then I had nothing to do. I literally would lounge around most of the day, looking up some research, then looking up some 'special' research, eat dinner, and soon fall asleep on my warm bed. Today however I had actually decided to talk a nice walk, influenced by the perfect morning setting I saw outside my window when I woke up.

I sat for a second, wondering where my mother was when I remembered that she was going to be gone for the day, getting herself done up at the spa a few towns away. Smiling, and knowing I had the house to myself for most of the day, I got up quickly to start off the day right; with a big bowl of ice cream! Chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, and a whole glob of awesome whipped cream! I rushed off the couch, slightly frenzied at the thought of it, and as I went to rush for the freezer, the pouch containing the topaz stone inside it tumbled out, catching my attention.

The stone was half out of its case, staring at me and eerily giving me the feeling that it wanted to be picked up and it wanted to be used in some way. It was an odd item, exuding something a bit forlorn, powerful, and tempting. Eventually my curiosity got the better of me and I picked the pouch up, looking at the stone inside of it. I studied it for a second when I then noticed a small leaflet of paper inside of the pouch, tucked away on the side. I looked closely at it and reached my fingers in to grab it when my knuckles brushed against the stone.

Suddenly warmth spread throughout my body and my vision went totally black, my body unresponsive as I got knocked out cold. I remember the last time I got knocked out but it was nothing compared to this time, although it was painless. After a minute of pitch black darkness for my vision, I noticed that I was knocked backwards and was lying on the floor, looking up at the ceiling. I groaned, rubbing my head a bit since it hit the couch. I noticed that my hair also got a bit ruffled as I got thrown down by that mysterious knockout punch, but I didn't pay too much attention to it.

Sitting up, something suddenly did not feel right about me. I turned my head to the side and thought about it. Well, of course I got punched out by something, but it was something else besides that. Finally I snapped my fingers. "I forgot to eat!" I exclaimed, thinking the answer was obvious. Then, I learned the truth about my body as I attempted to stand up.

For one thing, I couldn't even move regularly, as my legs got incredibly short for some reason. It felt as though my limbs got small and my body elongated, although on a smaller scale. I soon learned that I was covered in short coarse hair, both tan and black. I didn't want to, but I looked down and saw to my utter amazement, two cream colored paws and arms. However, my mind was finally catching up with itself, making me realize that I should probably look at my body all around.

Hobbling to a nearby standing mirror, I almost got knocked out once again. In front of me in the mirror sat the face of a normal Quilava, doing exactly the same motions as I did. I felt like a fool when I raised my paw and it mimicked me back, my mind hoping it was only an illusion. My body was beginning to shake, and the mirror mockingly mimicked me. I couldn't look at it any longer and turned away, putting my newfound paws to my head, folding down my cute yet frustrating ears.

"Ughhhh... why can't the simple guy ever have any relief?!" I muttered to nobody in particular. I moped around for a few minutes when I suddenly noticed the little leaflet I was trying to get out of the bag on the floor. The gears in my mind began to turn and I was thinking that it may have been something to do with that odd stone. After all, the man had said it would change my life or something like that...

I scurried over, trying to get used to walking on four legs. This however resulted in several faceplants upon the ground, my mouth eating carpet. Eventually though, I reached my destination with a bit more practice and used my mouth to extract the leaflet which was almost all the way out of the bag. It was a cream color and had slightly cursive writing, but it legible enough to me so I didn't care too much. It said:

"Thank you for testing out The Stone! This unique item is extraordinary, as you have most likely found out. I hope you will enjoy it and hopefully learn how to use it. I will eventually meet you again to clarify several things.

-Vendor "

I read it over a few times, wondering if I was being punked or something, when I realized that in a situation such as this being punked was definitely out of the question. I read it once more and sighed. 'Well, at least today turned out eventful...' I thought to myself, hanging my head.

However, my thoughts were rudely disrupted when I suddenly heard shouting from outside. I looked around, startled, and could hear two arguing voices from the side of the house. I immediately looked at the front door I had carelessly left open and darted for it, stumbling much less now as instinct kicked in.

Leaping off the steps, I darted for the left side of the house and stop at the corner of it. I soon saw the source of the voices; a small Eevee and a furious Seviper, hovering and swaying over the Eevee viciously. The Seviper looked angrily at the Eevee, who was slowly backing away from it, obviously scared out of its wits. In a spewed out yet very feminine voice, the Eevee spoke to the Seviper. "Please! I couldn't help but have one Berry! I was hungry and there was nothing else to eat!"

The Seviper hissed and stared down at the Eevee, glaring at her. "You should have thought of that before you messed with my territory weakling!" His voice annoyed me, sounding exactly what you would think a snake would sound, all the sss's in his speech accented like a hiss.

I stared at the scene and was about to go and confront the Seviper when I realized that I had just heard Pokemon speak! After thinking for another second, it clicked that it must have had to do with my transformation. A strange sense of urgency spread throughout me, and I started to wonder if I would ever be able to change back into a human again.

Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted when I noticed that the Seviper was starting to hiss again and he reared up, poised to strike the Eevee. The poor female curled up into a ball, pinned against the wall, knowing it was helpless to resist. Then it lunged, teeth bared and I instantly reacted, throwing my body against the Seviper performing a decent Tackle against it. I hit his head, forcing him back a few feet, while I plopped on the ground, still not used to this body, and I brought myself back up to face the Seviper.

I looked behind me and saw that the Eevee was still curled up, shaking in its balled up form. I pitied her and looked back at the Seviper which had gotten back up and faced me now, glaring venomously. My teeth bit my lower lip as I prepared myself for whatever was going to happen next and MAN it hurt, since I had never been in a fight, no less a Pokemon battle, in my lifetime nor would I have ever suspected it.

The Seviper reared up and hissed at me, sweeping his tail across the ground and hitting my side smack on, luckily with the flat of the bladed tail. I was sent flying a few feet when I finally landed, rolling a bit away. Then something weird happened to me. I could feel myself getting angry, getting pumped, hitting a bit of adrenaline I had stored in myself. My heart raced in my chest as I brought myself back to my feet and looked at the Seviper, my gaze a lot more hard. The Seviper, although still hissing at me, could tell there was something about me this time then before and his hiss didn't seem to affect me much at all anymore.

Suddenly, warmth erupted from my neck area as fire flared up and spewed out of my body. Normally I would have been shocked, but both my shock for the day was gone and my mind was focused on the foe in front of me, which was looking more unsure by the second. The Eevee on the side had noticed me facing off against the Seviper and was now looking in earnest at me, her eyes growing wide as she watched me. I then took a step forward at the Seviper, glaring menacingly at him. "Do you want some now?" I snarled at him, surprised at my own voice

Instantly the Seviper turned tail and scurried away, all his bravado gone. He scurried away into the tall grass near my house and I nodded my head, confirming he should be well and gone. I let myself cool down a bit before I turned my attention towards the Eevee and walked over to her, feeling the flames around my neck cool down and finally retreat. Sitting on my haunches, I looked at the Eevee and stared at her emerald green eyes, staring into them now.

The Eevee looked at me and then sat on its haunches too. "Well..." she mumbled, getting slightly red. "I guess I should thank you for your kindness..." She was sorta startled when I shook and rubbed the back of my head.

"Please, it's alright! After all, I have to make sure that no bully Sevipers are in my yard, right?" I was actually quite serious about that statement, knowing that later when I could, I had to make sure the tall grass behind the yard was mowed down.

The Eevee seemed confused at my statement and tilted her head, which made one of her ears flop to the side. "Your yard? What do you mean by that? I've never seen you by here before..." She looked at me, curiosity and slight distrust plain on her cute face, he jade colored eyes flicking about my body.

I bit my lip, forgetting I was still a Quilava and that Pokemon didn't have homes unless they had a Trainer or caretaker of some sort. I wondered if the Eevee was a regular from the backyard, probably knowing that nobody in his house had a Pokemon. And her face... it bore into me, killing me with cuteness and making me feel a bit uncomfortable. "Uh... well, ya see, the thing is..."

Suddenly I heard the Eevee gasp and I looked around, wondering if the Seviper had reappeared. Instead, I saw the Eevee look at me and I cocked my head to the side, confused. I then felt a brushing against my stomach and I looked down, gasping. Instead of where my length was usually was a large red dick, fully erect and looking for attention from someone. I blushed horribly as I covered myself up, remembering I had no pants. What I didn't understand though was where it had come from all of a sudden. I didn't think anything sexual or arousing, so why this sudden erection?

However, the Eevee didn't seem perturbed by the actions of me and, oddly, smiled at me instead, coming closer. I tried to get away but I wasn't fast enough for the Eevee who nuzzled between my front legs a bit with her nose, eventually squeezing through them. Her cold nose touched the tip of my length and I sucked in some air, liking the feeling but knowing this was wrong. I wasn't a Pokemon! I shouldn't be doing this here... especially with an Eevee of all things!

My thoughts were interrupted when I could feel the rough tongue of the Eevee lick around my length's head. I moaned slightly and leaned back now, trying to hold myself up. Finally I composed myself enough to say something. "W-wait wait wait..." The Eevee looked up at my face, an expression of cute innocence and confusion shooting at me, making my cock twinge slightly. I looked at her and blushed horribly, staring into her jade eyes and after a few minutes of thinking, I gave up. After all, sex is sex, right? And after all, I was in this body now so I may as well use it! I smiled and asked, "I'm Eric. What's your name?"

The Eevee seemed confused by the question and she tilted her head, sitting back on her haunches. "Name? I... don't know... I'm just an Eevee, like any other Pokemon..." She smiled cutely, and leaned forward, pawing at my cock once by pressing against it, making me shiver in delight. "You can give me a name, if you want though... Let's just consider that half of my life paid off for you saving it..."

She teased my shaft a bit with her mouth soon, which made me moan some more. Although fairly young for a Pokemon, she seemed to be very good at what she did; whether by natural talent or experience Eric had no clue... at the moment. I myself had pleased a few girls in my time, so I thought I might as treat her as any other girl. "Mmm... How about Jade, for your lovely eyes?" I said at last, thinking of the great name.

Jade's eyes brightened and she smiled wide, nodding her head. "Alright. I like that name for me..." She smirked mischievously and nuzzled her nose against the bottom of my stiff cock. "You are getting an extra special other half of my payment..." She said lustfully, which made me think I was soon gonna pay her instead.

I smiled wide, making myself open for the cute yet very seducing Jade, who immediately put her head between my crotch as I leaned back. She first teased my head, which she slowly licked in small circles, letting it start to get warmed up. I was feeling hotter than usual, more than likely due to me being a fire pokemon and becoming so aroused by this Eevee. Yet something still was off and I didn't know what it could be exactly.

Jade then looked up with her cute eyes and I smiled, nodding so that she would know to go on, which she did dutifully. She took her tongue and went down to the base of my dick, slowly licking up in a repetitive motion, similar to a cat lapping up milk, but much more enjoyable. I moaned in delight and I could feel her do that a few more times, getting more into it, feeling her slightly rough tongue go up my dick.

Jade looked up again and smiled. Before I could say something, I started to moan again as she finally put my cock in her mouth, letting her tongue go along it a little bit. After awhile, she started to go down my shaft a bit, bobbing her head to and fro. I still couldn't believe that I was getting a blowjob by an Eevee, but it felt so good, there wasn't room to complain about it.

After a few minutes of succulent pleasure, she let go of my cock, licking some of the precum off of its tip. She smiled at me seductively and turned around, letting her tail brush against my face and body teasingly. Her rump soon faced me and she waggled he rear end in the air, showing her excited pussy underneath her tail. She looked back at me and waggled her rear some more, smiling and saying lustfully, "You get to have me today... my first one..." She blushed terribly when I chuckled at her and padded over, running my hands through her soft fur as I examined the body in front of me.

It wasn't much different from any other girl that I had screwed. In fact, it looked better than most of them, and as a bonus, she was still a virgin! My cock twinged at the thought of her tight hole around it, but once again the thought went up. Am I really going to do this? I looked at Jade in front of me, her chin on the ground, ready for me so badly that she was getting wet thinking about it. I then got an idea and smiled mischievously, looking at my front paws, then sending my right one between her legs, tracing a finger between her lips.

Jade arched up a bit in delight, panting a bit as she looked back. "W..what are you... doing?" I raised my eyebrows in surprise, showing her my wet fingers once, then leaning in close to her ear, saying seductively, "Well, a lustful Eevee such as yourself must know that lubrication is needed for me to enter..." I returned back to her rear and played around her pussy a few more times, exciting her quite a bit. "...And what better way than this?"

A moan was all that I got for an answer and I took that as my permission to do what I wanted, which just suited me all the better. I leaned down, licking up her legs, catching her extra juices as they excreted from her pulsing pussy. I lapped them up eagerly, as hers was very sweet with just a tiny bit of saltiness from her sweat. She moaned as I kept licking her thighs, which just excited us both in the end. Finally, I had enough of this play and I moved my mouth to her folds, giving her a good lick across it.

The excited Eevee arched up again as I started to eat her pussy out, lapping up her juices as I teased her clit with my tongue occasionally, most of my tongue focused on the inside of her pussy though. My tongue had also taken a small transformation, becoming longer and thinner which actually helped in the end, letting me be able to get into her folds easier. She moaned in ecstasy and I chuckled to myself, one of those guys that really gets turned on to moaning and this was no exception. Jade, after a few pants, finally managed to speak. "Oh! Uh... Eric... Please take me! I want-uhhh- your dick in me! I want to be...mmm... your little slut... uh!"

That finally did it as I licked against her pussy one last time. She cried out in disappointment but quickly shut up as I put my front paws on her rump, one paw aligning my dick with her pulsing pussy. Knowing it was her first time, I stroked her ass and asked, "Are you ready J-" Without warning she pushed against me penetrating herself and breaking her hymen, me crying out in pleasure, her in pain, and both of us in shock.

After a few moments to regain ourselves, I grabbed her hips and began to slowly push myself into her, making her grunt in some pain at first, but soon the grunting turned to moans, groans, and pleasured cries. I was only a few minutes into screwing her and I already felt lightheaded from the pleasure she was giving me, he pussy really tight but she had enough lubrication to make me slide easily through, giving both of us maximum pleasure the way we did it.

"Oh... Arceus Jade! You feel absolutely... amazing!" I moaned between thrusts, fucking her at a considerable speed now. She lifted her head from the grass and leaned back, her face flushed from pleasure. I soon grabbed her shoulders and used them to push me into her, which she liked incredibly. Her tongue lolled out and her face flushed red, her panting increasing every minute.

Unfortunately for both of us, I was going so hard that she couldn't hold it much longer and she went back down using her front legs as support. Jade panted heavily and she shouted to me behind her, "Fuck me Eric! Fuck me harder! I want you to fill me up over and over again and don't stop!"

That finally did it as I slammed myself into her sopping pussy, her moans at a peak, and I finally slammed against her, hitting her cervix on the last thrust. My seed was forcefully expelled into her womb, the thought of me filling her making it all more enjoyable. Jade yelled in delight as I filled her up, her own body spasming as she went through her own orgasm, which sent her fluids mixed with mine everywhere, sticking to and matting our fur.

Awhile later when I orgasms finally subsided, I finally plopped on top of her, exhausted as she was. I rolled off the side of the Eevee, landing next to her on the soft grass. I smiled at her as we both breathed deeply and scooched next to each other, Jade nuzzling into my body. "Mmm... That was... wonderful..." She whispered to me, kissing me with some tongue. Although my mind said, "NO!" my body had all but ignored it, listening to my instincts instead, and my instincts told me to kiss back. I kissed her passionately and licked her cheek a bit while she fell into a deep relaxed sleep.

I laid there, as much tired as she was, and chuckled. That Stone had changed my life to an extreme and now I had had the best sex of my life with a Pokemon while I was a Quilava no less! This day was absolutely crazy but I looked down at the cute bundle before me, smiling. As I drifted off to sleep, I nuzzled into the Eevee and thought, "Hey, I could get used to this..."