The Zoo Chapter 5

Story by Zeeme on SoFurry

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#5 of Zoo

This is an Adult M/M story that involves males being transformed into assorted various species, if you are in any way offended by this...yada yada blah blah, you know really I would have thought these people would have gotten the message by now :P I WRITE PORN! Most of it gay :P and with naughty naughty transformation scenes! Don't like it? TOUGH! But if so, then enjoy the fapping you filthy furrys XD

Zoo Chapter 5 "Perpetrations for the Finale"


That was the first word that came to mind as Corbin was blocked into a corner while his friend TJ was being threatened by a tiger dressed in a tacky prom dress. The two other animals were still walking closer; his former friendswho had been transformed into some sort of half-animal monsters with foot long cocks leaking pre from their tips. "Crap...crap...crap...crap..." Corbin thought to himself as he looked around the room and tried to make a plan...There wasn't anything within arm's reach that he could use as a weapon, and trying to charge through the two muscle bound freaks was out of the question...he could always kick one of the monsters in the nad's and make a run for it...The target was big enough, but his foot still hurt from trying to kick that door down earlier and if he took one out, the other would probably be there to stop him.

Add that to the fact that these two animals were supposedly his best friends...guys he had grown up with since he was in kindergarten, guys who lived in the same neighborhood as him and guys who he had practiced and competed against all throughout high school. He glanced over at TJ who was currently shaking as the tiger grinned and showed off his rows of razor sharp teeth, ready to rip TJ to shreds if he tried to make a move.

"I'll grab his legs and get his pants go for the shirt" said the bull man as they loomed closer, holding one of the very same devices that had changed them earlier, and examining Corbin with lust in their eyes. The jockstrap...its large cloth form being held on display for Corbin to see, where a large black horses tail was attached to the back strap... They intended on putting that thing on him and making him into horny gay freak like them...but he wouldn't let them! He would fight them no matter how hard they pinned him down, and even if they tried to rape him, he wouldn't become just another horny monster like them!!!

Corbin was pinned, his back against the wall as the two beasts stood in front of him, the scent of sweat and sex surrounding their body's causing Corbin to gag slightly...the husky who was once Scott then grabbed his mutated canine cock, and waved it in front of Corbin tauntingly. "In a few minutes, you're going to be begging to ride this and wanting me to fill you until you're ready to pop..." He then let out a soft chuckle as he reached over to pull off Corbin's shirt, only to be met by Corbin's hand grabbing his forearm roughly. "Like hell I am!!"

"Lemme go..." Tj said with a twinge of fear in his voice...the Tiger only chuckled as he retracted his claws and petted Tj on the back, "Oh don't you worry hun, we aren't going to hurt you...just give you a new perspective on life..." The tiger then grinned and showed off its many razor sharp teeth, and Tj shuddered in fear and looked down at the floor...even though he said he wasn't going to hurt him...having his massive frame leering over him didn't help much for his confidence...

"Like Hell I am!!!"

Tj suddenly looked up to see Corbin gripping the massive Husky's paw and looking at him with anger in his eyes. In one swift movement, he pulled the husky's arm towards the ground and knee'ed him directly in the muzzle, causing the husky to yelp in surprise and pain. He then crouched down and kicked underneath the husky's feet, knocking him off balance and causing him to fall face first onto the floor. The Bull then tossed the jockstrap he was holding to the side and threateningly cracked his knuckles "You just made this a whole lot harder than it than needed to be..." Ben then began to grab at Corbin, trying to hold him into submission with his superior strength, but Corbin was too fast for him.

All of that soccer practice had come to good use as he dodged, ducked and weaved every attempt Ben made at grabbing hold of him, though finally Ben was able to grab the corner of his shirt, and tear it off of him with a loud "RIIIIP!" leaving Corbin bare chested, and sweaty from all of the adrenaline pumping into his veins.

"You bastard!" Corbin shouted as he began to go on the offensive, pummeling the bulls thick skin with fast blows with little effect, Ben only chuckled as he finally wrapped his arms around Corbin and pulled him into a tight hold, Corbin squirming in his arms as he tried to free himself. "Uuuugh...sonovabitch..." Scott said as he pulled himself to his feet, spitting out a small amount of blood as he walked over to Corbin and growled menacingly, "You ok?" asked Ben. Scott nodded and glared at Corbin with a feral fury in his eyes "Yea I'm fine, but this little shit is going to get it long and hard when I'm done with him..."

Tj only sat and watched as he saw his former friend Scott walked across the room and kneel down to pick up the discarded jockstrap from earlier, though he made a bit of effort making sure to look up and grin at Tj, showing off his inhuman package to him. The Tiger chuckled next to him and smiled another toothy grin as he wiped the blood from his muzzle "Now, now pup, save this one for later, go play with your other toy" The husky chuckled as he walked back over to Corbin, grinning evilly as he reached down and un-buttoned his jeans, and slowly slid them down his legs. "Stop it! Stop it now you fucking monster!!!" Ben then tightened his hold around Corbin and he yelled out in pain "Don't worry bud, it hurts at first, but you will start to like it soon..."

Corbin squirmed and struggled in Ben's tight grip, as Scott pulled the pants off Corbin's well defined legs, leaving him in a pair of bright red boxer briefs. "Let me go let me go!!!" he shouted as Scott tossed his pants to the side, "ohh will you shut up you big baby?" groaned Ben as he tightened his grip on the struggling human. "Ohh I know just how to shut him up..." said Scott with a grin as he reached over and slowly caressed Corbin's cheek with his paw "What...what are you doing...stop it!! Get away from me you frea... mmmmffffph!!!" Corbin's shouts where instantly muffled as Scott kissed him.

The canine rapidly forced his tongue into Corbin's mouth, its long, dexterous length invading every corner of the inside of his mouth, playing with the humans tongue and filling his mouth with canine slobber. Scott then slowly began to caress Corbin's chest with his paw like hand, tweaking his nipples and causing Corbin to softly moan as the husky continued to move down lower until he reached the elastic of his boxers. Scott then slowly slipped his hand underneath the band and grinned slightly as he traced a finger down the length of Corbin's slowly lengthening cock, cause the human to shiver in pleasure in Ben's grip.

Corbin tried to shout, tried to bite Scotts tongue, but he found himself allowing him to explore every corner of his mouth, he even let out a soft moan inside Scotts muzzle as the husky began to slowly rub his cock and balls while inside his underwear. Scott then suddenly backed away and smiled, licking his lips and examining the human "I think he is ready..." Corbin was in a daze after the husky broke away from him for a moment, still trying to pull his thoughts together after what had just happened, he had just made out with a dog... and not just any Dog, a Dog that claimed to be his friend...and one that just so happened to probably be the straightest guys he ever knew...and he kind of liked it...

"NO! NO! I'm not going to give in to these freaks!" he thought to himself as he began to spit out any residual saliva left by Scott as he kneeled down and began to pull at the waistband of his boxers.

Scott looked up at Corbin and tilted his head in confusion "Hmm...still not letting go huh? Hmm...maybe this will help..." Scott then began to rub Corbin's package once again, causing the human to moan in pleasure as his thrashing slowed down. "S...Stop it...get away! GET AWAY!" and Corbin tried to kick Scott, only to miss and cause the husky to chuckle cynically. "OH I know you love it...I can smell it on you..." Scott then buried his muzzle into the pouch of his Boxers, making Corbin cry out in surprise as the husky began licking his member through the fabric, causing a small tent to form. Scott grinned at the sight of this and slowly pulled down Corbin's underwear, revealing his slowly hardening member to the fresh air.

Scott then looked up at Corbin and smiled "It looks like someone is enjoying themselves..." Scott then reached down and picked up the horse tailed jockstrap, and began to pull the straps around Corbin's legs. Corbin moaned softly as Scott slowly pulled the jockstrap up his legs, pulling it up little by little, stopping each time to give Corbin's hardening cock a short lick with his long tongue, causing Corbin to moan in pleasure as more and more of the jock slid up his legs. By the time Scott was about to let go of the elastic, Corbin's cock was rock hard, and glistening from saliva and precum, and throbbing with need. "Ohh yea...he's ready..." said Ben as he lowered Corbin to the ground and loosened his grip on him, Scott only nodded as he slowly pulled his fingers away from the straps, until the elastic hit his skin with a soft "Snap" the front pouch of the jock bulging from his rock hard erection, causing his body to shiver as the jockstrap began its work.

Corbin felt funny...

Not like he was sick or anything...just a little funny...and a bit warm...his mind was a little hazy after what Scott did to him, and after they put a jockstrap on him...He remembered he was angry about something...but then suddenly he started to feel really good...there was a tingling coming from his groin and his skin felt all prickly and he let out a soft moan. He looked down at his arm, which looked darker than normal...he reached over and rubbed it with his other hand, which looked darker as well...his skin felt a little more coarse than hundreds of tiny hairs where growing all over him. "What's...happening...?" Scott chuckled as he paced around Corbin and admired the short chestnut pelt that was beginning to rapidly sprout across Corbin's body "Your changing, man..." "C...Changing? Into someone like you?" Corbin began to shake his head in disbelief as he saw that the pelt was now covering his chest and moving down to his legs, his cock gave a pleasurable throb inside the jockstrap and Corbin let out a moan of pleasure and nearly fell over, only to be caught in the arms of the strong bull Ben.

"Woah, easy there man, just let go and embrace will like it a lot more in the end..." Corbin still felt very confused about this whole situation but felt slightly comported in the embrace of the bull. Corbin tried to collect his thoughts, even though mind was still foggy and his rock hard erection was distracting him, he wanted relief from the pressure, but he knew there was something else he needed to do... something about Tj...and escaping... and a future...but his thoughts were suddenly interrupted as he felt a warming tingle cover his body and he looked down at his stomach and hands. His muscles seemed to be inflating underneath his skin, and his nails where turning dark and black, the brown pelt also seemed to be spreading across his entire body and was making its way down his legs. "What's happening...this isn't right...No...not right...gotta run...gotta help TJ...ahhh!" Corbin lurched his head back as his cock gave another pleasurable throb and his toes began to feel numb as they began to fuse into one solid mass as the brown pelt reached his feet.

"Gnnnngh...stop it...." Corbin let out another soft moan of pleasure as his feet hardened into solid black hooves and his body went through another growth spurt. The slowly changing human's chest, arm, and leg muscles began to fill with power and strength causing his height to increase and cause the cloth restraining his package to strain and tear. There was a slight pinch on Corbin's tailbone, as the black tasseled tail that was once part of the jockstrap, began to swish left and right without him really realizing it, followed by a tingling sensation going down his back as a long, flowing black mane began to sprout along his muscled back. "Make it stop...make it stop! I don't wanna...don't wanna..." Corbin then let out another loud shout, except instead of a normal human cry of pleasure, he let out a loud whinny as his face begin to stretch out further and his ears began to move to the top of his head.

Corbin was panting in a lust filled haze at this point, his mind was getting foggier and foggier with each passing moment as he continued to fight the changes, but his own arousal and the smell of the other men in the room was driving him wild, the swollen pouch of Corbin's jockstrap began to push out even further as his balls where incased in a leathery sack as they grew to massive proportions, and as his cock began to attach itself to his stomach and form a sheathe. His cock then slowly began to emerge from its sheathe, growing longer and longer, well past human proportions, and mutating the once mushroom shaped head into a flattened tip with a flare. The jockstrap began to bulge as his cock tented the fabric and stained the front pouch with a large wet spot of precum until finally with a loud RIIIIIIP! The jockstrap finally gave way under the pressure of Corbin's enhanced maleness, and his new, massive stallion cock surged from its sheathe.

The massive horsecock stood out proudly at an inhuman 18 inches, its flattened and flared tip oozing precum as the stallion finished his changes until hid body seemed to relax. Corbin was now standing at a tall 6'5 with a chestnut pelt with bulging muscles showing underneath his pelt, with massive hooves and a long, black flowing mane and tail.

Scott and Ben both chuckled simultaneously as they looked over the massive stallion that put the size of both of their cocks to shame, Scott gave Corbin a playful slap on the ass and the new stallion nickered in surprise as he looked down at the husky. "So how ya feel man?" said Scott as he eyed the stallions perfect bubble butt with a hungry gaze.

Corbin blinked as he looked over his new body...he was huge...his muscles looked like they had inflated to the size of watermelons, and he felt strong enough to crush a truck, his body was coated in sweat and really showed off his brown pelt now covering his body. Corbin took a step forward to try and find a mirror to get a better look at himself, and he heard a soft "clop" as his hoof hit the floor, which caused him to look down in wonderment. "I feel...ohh god...I feel so!!!!!" Corbin suddenly gripped the sides of his head and he thrashed around the room in pain. The final remnants of Corbin's human self where still fighting to reject the changes, he thrashed around the room for a moment, nearly knocking down both Scott and Ben in his agony until finally he tried to make a run for the door.

Angie growled and unsheathed his claws as he let go of Tj and began rushing towards the door, but before he could even reach it, he saw the stallion falling backwards into the room as a massive wall of fur and muscle blocked the entrance. "Ohh it's a good thing you showed up hun..." said Angie with a sigh as he retracted his claws the wall of fur let out a loud chuckle as his belly shook with the force of his laughter. "Now you boys just couldn't behave now could you?" said the man as he squeezed his way inside of the room.

"Owww..." Corbin felt as though he hit a brick wall as he was running out the door, and that wall decided to bounce back...sending him falling to the ground. Corbin shook his head for a moment, and saw the massive bear man in front of him, smiling that same goofy grin Gus had when they had first was obvious who he was, and it was now obvious he wasn't going anywhere. Suddenly he felt two hands grab his arms, and lift him onto his feet, then a few inches off the ground. "Now now son, it looks like you're having a bit of trouble, but I know the boss will be able to help you with your problem in a moment..." said Gus in a calming tone. "Boss?" Corbin said as he tried to futilely free himself from the bear man's grasp, "I thought you were in charge of this place?" Gus chuckled as he squeezed his way back through the door frame into the hallway "Nah, I just run the day-to-day stuff to the club; the boss is the one who pulls the strings and makes this place run smoothly". He then gestured for the boys to follow him and turned around and began to he squeeze his way through the doorway, giving everyone a clear view of his toned ass and his small nub of a tail, finally after getting through he began to walk down the hall.

"Ohh...does this mean I get this little cutie all to myself poppa bear?" said Angie with a giggle as he wrapped his arms around the shaking and nervous looking TJ. "No, boss says he wants him there too, he is going to be the big "show stopper" he says, and he wants to make sure he has his part down".

The boys where then lead through the hallway, passing door after door through the twisting passages, "wa...what are you going to do to us?" said Tj as he was being led by Angie at the rear, "Ohh, well the boss is just going to help your friend see our way of thinking, but as for what he has in store for you I haven't a clue!" Angie shrugged dramatically then began to giggle "Though I'm rather excited to see what he has in mind for you..."

Finally they reached a large oak door and Gus stopped, he knocked for a moment and a voice behind the door said "Come in" and Gus stepped inside, followed by Scott, Ben, and Corbin. Tj looked around as he stepped inside...on the back wall of the room hung a few monitors, each displaying a different feed of the Bar, a large leather chair with its back facing the others sat behind a wooden desk. Assorted strange looking paperweights and books were set across the desk around in an organized fashion and a single piece of paper with a fancy looking pen sitting on top lay behind the leather chair. The walls of the room where covered with bookcases that were filled with books of assorted sized and languages, Tj looked around and was able to pick out a few that seemed to be in English, but a mass majority of them seemed to be written in a strange runic language.

Was then lead by Angie to the two wooden chairs stood on top of a large decorative rug where a large fire burned in the fireplace nearby and sat down. Tj looked around the room nervously, trying to think of possible escape routes, or some book marked "cure."

"We broughtem boss" said Gus as he let Scott and Ben pass him, laying Corbin on a bare spot on the desk as Scott and Ben grabbed his arms and pinned him to the table. "Causing a bit of a commotion I see?" said the voice behind the chair, "Your quite the fighter's a good thing we re-enforced that door from last time...but no worries, just like any other horse, all we have to do is break you in.."

"Just who are you?" said Corbin weakly as he struggled to free himself "and what did you do to me and my friends?" The figure behind the chair chuckled softly and all of the screens on the back wall suddenly turned off, "Well I know who you are Corbin, I suppose it's only fair you know who I name..." and the chair began to spin around slowly, as the figure revealed himself...

"Is Dante...."

"Dante?" said Corbin with a confused look as the well-dressed man who seemed to be in his late thirty's, but with bleach white, spikey hair picked up a nearby pen and began fiddling with it in his fingers. "Yes, I am Dante, the owner of this fine establishment, and your soon to be boss, you see, it was me that made those little fliers and placed them all around your school, hoping to get some fresh talent for the nightly shows." Dante then placed the pen down and reached up and folded his hands behind his head and let out a loud sigh "Things have been getting a bit bland around here...even for a club where you can "life your fantasy" for a night, and pretty much have all the sex you could ever want, with no real consequences. No STD's, no pregnancies, just come in, buy a jock, and change and enjoy yourselves! Honestly it sounds like a pretty sweet deal, especially when you work here and you can change as often as you like, without any help from our special club wear." " you mean..." "Yep!" replied Dante with a sadistic smirk, "That new form is a part of you now, there isn't any getting rid of it, though you will be able to learn to change back and forth between it...heck, even change parts of yourself as will!" Dante then grinned as his green eyes suddenly shifted to a bright yellow, and the pupils of his eyes turned into long slits for a moment.

"You...You monster!!! How could you do this to us!" Dante only grinned and showed off his slowly lengthening teeth as he slowly began to unbutton his jacket and slide off his expensive looking pants "Quite easy I might say, a little magic, a little genetic manipulation, and all you really need to do is add the elements of a few dumb jocks looking for a quick buck." Corbin began to thrash underneath the grip of the two animals keeping him pinned, and his tail began to thrash wildly "Let me go!!! Fix us! Take away your stupid magic and fix us!" Dante only chuckled as he neatly folded his suit, tie, and dress pants and set them calmly on his chair leaving him standing in only a white undershirt and a pair of gray boxers

"Fix you? My boy I don't think you really get what it is you have there..." Dante then motioned to the boys to lift him up and expose Corbin's massive maleness, which was slowly beginning to deflate, but was still oozing a small amount of pre. "You are literally "hung" like a horse my boy, do you realize how many men would kill to have a cock like that? That's a pretty impressive piece of meat you got there, and I think you just need to learn to appreciate the pleasure it can give you..."

Corbin blushed underneath his fur...yea he was a lot bigger now...and after changing the first thing he wanted to do before the headaches started was to jerk that cock for all its worth...but why was Dante saying stuff like that...unless... Corbin then suddenly opened his eyes in horror as he saw the sight that was happening before him.

Dante's whole body began to swell, and his clothing began to strain underneath the pressure of his growing body, Black scales then began to cover his arms and legs, and soft, light brown scales began to cover his chest. Dante's snow white hair soon began to fall out in clumps and on to the floor, the shifting man then let out a loud moan and stuck out his forked tongue in pleasure as his body began to swell underneath his scales. Dante's arms swelled to a massive size, filling with enough strength to crush boulders, suddenly then red scaled patterns began to appearing along his body, like a full body tattoo. Dante then began crouch down, trying to catch his breath, but then another pleasurable spasm overtook him which caused his knees to buckle and make him fall to the ground...but before his knees hit the floor, they suddenly merged together and his boxers tore in half as his legs became one massive tail. The long, muscular tail began to wrap itself around Dante to help support him as the same scales and patterns rapidly spread across his new extension, Dante then grinned mischievously at Corbin as he let out a pleasured moan that sounded somewhat like a hiss as began rubbing his sensitive belly scales. Corbin admired the amazing transformation happening to Dante...he had no idea such a powerful and frightening looking beast was ever possible of being created...but finally he glanced down at Dante's exposed member and tried to look away. Corbin tried to tilt his head, but suddenly two hands grabbed the side of his face and forced him to watch the snake man as his cock and balls, slowly receded into his body into a small slit in front of him.

"Yessssss..." said Dante with a moan as his face pressed out into a short muzzle, giving him serpentine quality's as his body finished covering itself in scales. "That's always a good feeling...getting rid of those weak human forms...and replacing them" Dante then gripped on to his undershirt and tore the fabric clear off "...with something better"

Dante then quickly slithered over to Corbin until they were standing chest to chest, the large Naga eye's the stallion like he would be his next meal, but instead reaching down and tweaking his nipples, exciting a moan from Corbin. Dante then leaned over and began to whisper in the stallions ear "You see? It's just best if you give in to end up enjoying it a lot more...and I always tend to find that the ones who resist the change the most...are always the most fun

"N...No...get away...Ahhh!!!" Corbin let out a soft whinny of pleasure as the snake man gave his nipples another tweak and began to wrap his muscular tail around Corbin's body. "Just give the the the new you..." said Dante as he continued to rub his chest. Corbin shook his head, trying to rid his mind of all of the sexual images that were beginning to fill it, it was just like it was in the locker room...he felt so confused...but at the same time, he wanted it, he was horny and he wanted to get off, and his new cock wasn't helping as it reached its full length and began to rub between the two of them. The feeling of Dante's smooth scales against his new stallion hood was driving Corbin wild with lust, the flared tip of his cock began to ooze precum between the two of them, and Dante took advantage of this and took a clawed hand and gripped onto Corbin's cock and slowly began to stroke it.

Corbin continued to moan and squirm, as Dante's long tail continued to wrap around his body, His mind was slowly being filled with lust, and sex filled thoughts of other men, nude, muscular men, with long cocks just waiting for him. Suddenly though those images changed, the men grew fur, scales, and even feathers, their bodies grew larger, along with their cocks, and each one of them slowly began to jerk their cocks. "Ye...yes...please...more..." Corbin said in a lust filled haze, Dante smiled as he maneuvered his body to Corbin's back and slowly began to rub the slit in his tail against Corbin's back. "You like that don't you? You want need this...doesn't it feel so good?" Corbin only let out a loud moan as his cock throbbed in Dante's hand. "'re ready for it now...and there needs to only one thing more to do to make it complete..."

All Corbin saw where the images of the men, sweating...changing...their bodies becoming more like animals...and their cocks mutating to new and exciting shapes, he began to drool slightly as he felt two things prodding his back, and he turned around to see Dante hovering over him, with two engorged and pointed cocks sticking from the slit between his groin. Corbin eyed the strange appendage with hunger for a moment, then turned around and faced Tj and the others...he looked like he was scared...he looked like what he was doing was wrong...but it wasn't could something that felt like this feel so bad? Suddenly he felt the two tips of Dante's hemipenis prod at his hole, and he let out a whinny of pleasure, Yes...he wanted this...he wanted to have the serpents member inside of him...filling every corner of his insides, and filling him up with his hot cum.

Dante slowly began to thrust in, tightening his coils around Corbin as he forced more and more of his strange cock deeper inside of the stallion, the horse suddenly let out a loud whinny in pleasure as he shot a premature load from his cock and sprayed his seed all over the top of the desk. Dante grinned his sharp teeth as he looked down at the cum covering his desk and increased his thrusting, shoving his two cocks deeper and deeper into the stallion, until finally he reached the base of his cocks and let out a loud hiss of pleasure.

As Dante continued his thrusts into the stallion, he motioned over to Angie, grunting with each inch he was able to slide into the stallion's ass as he brought Tj in front of him. Tj watched in fascinated horror as he saw his former friends equine face in a pleasured grin, as if this was the greatest thing he has ever felt, he was slightly curious how he would have felt in his place...what he was going through...and how that new cock of his felt swinging between his legs. "I...gnnngh...I have...ahh!" Dante then gripped onto Corbin's sides as he let out another loud hisss as his dual cocks began to spray his load inside of Corbin, causing the stallion to shoot yet another load all over the table, and partially onto to Tj's shirt.

Tj slowly wiped away the milky white substance from his shirt and he brought it to his fingers to smell smelled then looked up to the panting serpent, who cracked a small smile at him

"I have an offer for you...."

To be continued...