Alien Upgrade

Story by Fenryx on SoFurry

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Alien Upgrade

A classic flying saucer blazes across the sky towards the ocean on a hot summer night. People scatter left and right as the alien craft causes a panic. On the boardwalk the pet Shop Patrol enjoys a rare night off.

Shell Block, the turtle monk/martial artist of the team meditates as he rides the Ferris wheel. He is still dressed in the blue-black Kung Fu uniform he wears on duty and not exactly watching his surroundings as the UFO approaches. A brilliant white beam is emitted by the saucer that opens the door of his car and plucks him out to draw him into the craft.

Force out, the ferret ex-shadow ops soldier, and Tech Support, the rabbit gadget girl, run through a maze of sheets in many different colors embossed with Japanese and Chinese writings as well as they chase each other. When they catch each other there is some heavy petting and that they part to begin the chase anew. Tech Support is a harlequin bunny and Force Out is a sable ferret wearing black jeans, sneakers and black t-shirts featuring an anime styled skull and bones pirate flag.

As the two embrace after banging the gong on the second floor, the flying saucer floats over head. Neither fur notices nor neither do the humans watching them kiss passionately. But there is a different kind of show when the saucer beams the pair aboard.

Ranger X, a German Shepherd super cop, and Pussy Whip, a kitty weapon mistress, ride the Sea Serpent in the front car holding hands and smiling at each other. Both are in similar attire to Force out and Tech Support save Pussy Whip's shirt shows her fur in a definite woman's cut. Strapped in as they are the pair are easy prey as the saucer takes them at the top of the coaster's middle loop on the return trip.

Once all five members of the Pet Shop Patrol are gathered, the saucer takes off for the ocean. When it gets out over deep enough water it dives to submerge beneath the waves. It travels to a gleaming undersea city of glass and lights.

Inside the saucer all five are stripped nude and examined by gray aliens in a clinical fashion. Ranger X and Force Out have tubes places on their cocks that masturbate them to climax and their semen is collected. Pussy Whip and Tech Support have sexual material take as well in the form of stolen egg cells taken directly from the urethras of both females.

Shell Block has some scale and skin samples taken from him eventually but the initial examination showed hir to have both male and female characteristics. Hir groin is a female's slit without cock or balls but a decidedly masculine top. The other team members see hir, look at each other, smirk, shrug their shoulders and nod their heads.

Once inside the undersea base, all five are given injections and marched into a large dorm room made to sleep six. Force Out, Tech Support, Ranger X and Pussy Whip set about to maneuver four of the six beds together which morph to assimilate the desired change quite rapidly. What's left after the move are two queen sized beds and two twin sized beds for the team to sleep in as Force Out leads Tech Support to one of the beds while Ranger X carries Pussy Whip to the other queen bed.

Above them, unseen by the hybrids, are advanced gray alien scientist types who observe their handiwork. The shots given to the team heighten their libido as the sound system pipes in exotica music from traditional artists like Arthur Lyman, Martin Denny and Les Baxter as well as more contemporary artists like Tikiyaki Orchestra and the Waitiki 7, as holographic projectors in the room make the walls and floor seem as if the team is now in a Tiki hideaway in Hawaii. Only Shell Blockdoes not notice as shi takes a twin bed to meditate, which means shi is teleported away to be experimented on and a hologram is projected in hir place.

Catherine really doesn't need a boost to her libido but she starts happily performing fellatio on Garren almost immediately while presenting her pussy for his consumption. Garren needs little encouragement to eat out his lover as the sixty-nine position is a frequent starting point for them. Above them the aliens notate on their clipboards and nod to each other but say nothing.

Fletcher begins more slowly with Hershey as they massage each other's groins and kiss passionately. Hershey giggles and moans as her lover licks and suckles on her tits but otherwise does not make a sound. The aliens note this too with casual interest as they scribble on their clipboards and telepathically converse with each other.

In a separate par of the facility, Don is going through a kind of Hell as shei is probed deeply before they start playing with hir DNA. For a minute Don's skin becomes a kind of jade steel then fades back to normal. Then hir natural quickness increases dramatically as the drones also peruse comic books about another funny animal super team that was published in New York City many years ago.

The process also gives hir some limited morphing ability as she transforms hir arms into swords to cut hir way free. She then solidifies hir fists and turns hir forearms to lengths of chain to knock out the drones in a flurry of blows. Advance grays flood the chamber but forget about something else they put in that shot that kicks in now: the ability to breathe water.

An alert is sounded as Shell Block breaks free of the operating theater cell shi was in. Hir compatriots are now in four separate rooms undergoing similar treatments. But the effects are much different. Shell Block is determined to find hir friend and goes looking for them.

Elsewhere in the compound Fletcher is getting his turn on the operating table but unlike Shell Block he's actual used to this so he doesn't react as much as the turtle did which actually disappoints his captors. He begins to soak in the weird lights as alien energies at various frequencies bathe his naked body. As a result of this his body does a slow fade to near invisibility, masking his form in camouflage to the parts of the spectrum which he can now see.

The straps holding him fall back onto the table as he vibrates his own atoms to slip out of them. His captors are amazed and alarmed but this trick is nothing compared to how he sends out vibrational waves as an attack. Aliens violently slam against the walls as the vibrations emanate from the now concealed Force Out to puch them away as a prelude to his escaping.

Hershey is mercilessly molested by the grays as they work on her with vibrating probes in vagina and anus. They attach electrodes to her nipples to give her a tremendous charge that makes her squirm; much to their amusement. Unfortunately for them it stimulates other latent abilities that give his something to focus on to endure the pain.

Control over electricity and magnetism are now hers to command including the use of to remotely activate and operate machinery with but a thought. She commands the table to release her which it automatically does. Tech Support gives the aliens a taste of their own medicine before she uses the fiber optics of the electrical/computer system to teleport herself out of the room.

Catherine is held aloft in a darkened chamber by tendrils of solid light that stuff themselves in every orifice as well as fondling her breasts. Gray aliens are making notations as she looks on in embarrassment. Eventually something odd happens in that her arms starts absorbing the tentacles as her whole body becomes infused with the strange energies while more tendrils arc around her to totally encapsulate her in a cocoon of light.

Upon bursting forth from the mass of energy tentacles those same tendrils have replaced her hair follicles as they flow from her head like dreadlocks. All around her the grays are a trifle concerned with good reason as Catherine has her new "pets" reach out, grab the grays and fling them about as she emits another tendril from her palm to hit a switch that opens the door and walks on out.

Gundolf is in a similar situation as he is hooked up to a machine that holds him suspended in a spread eagle position with his head in a kind of modified VR helmet and his crotch encapsulated in a groove that pierces his scrotum, plugs the urethra of his penis and pierces its crown so as to draw it out and stimulate it as he gets new piercings along with a steel piston dildo for his tail hole. Portions of the machine, particularly those encapsulating his head, hands and feet, start to glow electric blue as strange energies are pumped into him. Like Fletcher, Gundolf does not cry out and takes it all in stride no matter painful it ramps up for him.

After the piercings on his body are put in place Gundolf goes limp for a minute and the machine explodes but leaving Gun himself unscathed. His feet are encapsulated in globes of blue light while a conclave disc emanates from his left arm like a shield and a blue energy sword is held in his right. Ranger X fights like a knight with the weapon in his right hand and arm becoming an arm blaster when he wants to blast a few grays but he uses the sword to cut his way out with the foot globes acting as air skates to fly him out of the room.

Battle robots fill the halls as the team moves to find each other and escape. Shell Block basically becomes something of a dervish as he fights and dances his way to the others. However, finding his compatriots is not exactly hard, just follow the sounds of blaster fire.

The first two to actually find each other are actually the cat and the dog and it's at this time Catherine finds out about a side effect of her powers: it super charged her libido. Pussy Whip had found it difficult to keep her lust under control before but now her mate, or at least a usually willing male, nearby the causes the urge to merge to be almost impossible to bear as the pheromones of her enhance heat affect Gundolf. Ranger X's phallus springs from his sheath as he blasts robots left and right; after that he pins Pussy Whip to the wall to start fucking her.

Kitty moans audibly and doesn't even offer token resistance to the dog. Gundolf licks and suckles Catherine's tits as he pounds her pussy with his penis. Almost as an after thought somebody with a rather sick sense of humor starts to blare the Bloodhound Gang's "Bad Touch" to accompany the carnal carnage going on in the halls between Cat and Gun.

War droids try to interrupt their quality time with an attack that Ranger X blocks with his shield. Pussy Whip wraps herself around her lover so they can fight and fuck at the same time; a fact that amuses Gundolf and confuses the robots. Ranger X blasts the robots challenging them with a big smirk on his muzzle as Pussy Whip lashes with her tendrils both from her palms and from her hair.

"Gundolf, love," Cat says after they decimate some more robots. "Let's just find the others, please, while I am enjoying this ride we need to get out of here."

"Alright, hun," Gun replies with a chuckle. "I wonder where the others are."

"Ranger X! Pussy Whip!" Don cries as he finds them air skating through the halls with the cat bouncing up and down the dog's hot rod. "Don't you two do anything else?"

"I think the padlocked my libido in the 'on' position," Cat giggles, "But I got some nifty new powers out of it so I can't complain too much."

"Gun, you're a lucky dog," Fletcher says as he emerges from the wall. "I wonder what they did to Hershey?"

"Oh, nothing much," Hershey says as she pops out of the outlet behind Fletcher and fondles his package from behind. "But I like it. Where are we anyway?" The she sees Cat and Gun. "Ooh! That looks fun!"

"You wanna try?" Force Out asks and gets a hand job in response as Tech Support does her best to get him hard enough to attempt what Cat is ding with Gun.

"Yeah," don whines, "But how do we get out of here?"

"Simple," Gun states, "We borrow a saucer. Or a sub if they got one."

:"Neat!" Hershey exclaims as she mounts Fletcher. "They have Stingray submarines. I've always wanted to ride one of those. I can access computer files mentally like machine telepathy."

"Guide us to the sub pen?" Cat asks to which Hershey just nods and off they go.

Catherine and Hershey look at each other and giggle as they enjoy the pistoning they are receiving as they bounce on their boyfriends' cocks as the make their end runs. Donald is close behind as Hershey gives directions. Hershey for the most part keeps certain doors from opening while opening others.

Gundolf grabs his right wrists with his left hand which places the shield directly in front of them as they skate through the halls. The holographic projectors go to work again turning the corridors into a maze with tiki idols and stone Moai walls with occasional patches of sandy areas from which robot crabs emerge. Force Out vibrates the droids to try and spoil their aim while Ranger X shoots them with his bio-blaster.

Piles of rubble occasionally block the way representing doors the Hershey opens electronically which cause the piles to fall apart in the illusion. Usually there are more robot crabs behind the door waiting to attack but the team doesn't have a problem with blasting more of the things but eventually they do get hungry. In an attempt to introduce sedatives to the quintet the group runs across a fast food seafood stand set into the wall and attended to by an alien in the kind of fast food uniforms they wore in the 60s.

Either the sedatives don't work or Hershey managed to interfere with the programming but it any case the team is jazzed from eating spicy crab cake sandwiches, French fries and drinking submariners from plastic tiki glasses. Although in order to eat their meals, Hershey and Catherine have to dismount which pleases neither one of them. Suspecting trouble Hershey uses her abilities to erect tiki torch walls around their tables to prevent the roving robot crabs from noticing them and thus do not even attempt to recapture them.

After this bit of randomness the team prepares to leave when a trap door opens up beneath all of them. The area they land in is water filled and deep. So deep is the room that the bottom is a nebulous black area beneath them. Intersped through out the room are clear plastic tubs leading down.

"Pneumatic tubes leading to either the subs themselves or a staging area," Hershey responds to everyone's unspoken question as the all tread water, "We can probably hack into one..."

"Why do I get the sneaking suspicion that there's more down there than just the subs?" Gundolf growls, "Wait a minute lemme test something." He submerges for a good five minutes before resurfacing. "Some way, some how I think most of us are immune to drowning."

"Let's test that," Catherine says with a lustful look. "Meet me on the bottom, Gunny." Then she dives underwater.

"I had to say something," Gun says with a lustful smirk ruefully before following her down gladly.

"Actually..." Hershey says before giving Fletcher a playful squeeze, "That's not such a bad idea."

Force Out and tech Support swim down as one as Shell Block and shakes his head before following suit. The aliens are slapping their foreheads that they gave all of them the ability to breath underwater at this point. Once at the bottom, the team is treated to a scene that some geologists would swear hasn't been seen for billions of years.

Trilobites, ammonites and bony fishes that predate the dinosaurs swim around much like they might have done in the Earth's primordial seas. One fish particularly concerns Ranger X and that's the big one with a natural crash helmet and teeth that will slice through just about anything. Neither he nor Force Out want to draw its attention as the swim towards the stingray shaped submarines that are down here.

Catherine takes one look at the monster fish down here and her libido takes a nose dice. She may want to fuck the dog but she want to live and do it again too. Without protest she follows the rest to the stingray sub as Hershey hacks the entry codes.

Once inside Stingray 7 the team makes sure they are the only occupants before Tech Support goes to work on the access codes so Force Out and Ranger X can drive it out of here. Pussy Whip nervously looks at the displays of what's out there as Force Out and Ranger X do a general check of the sub and check that it's sea worthy. When she points out that one of the larger bony fishes has taken a certainly unhealthy for them interest in the sub they're occupying, Hershey looks into getting the protection systems on-line as soon as possible.

Tech Support uncovers a few codes to start with; unlocking the controls for driving and systems for both defense and offense. She throws up an electric field around the sub that deters their would-be chaperone from taking too close of an interest in them until she notes that there is a kind of remote control in between the bony plates over its brain. The though of hacking that signal goes through her head once then the fact she's having enough trouble hacking the computer on the sub let alone trying for the codes on that beast leaves her to think it's probably in their collective best interest for her to not get too ambitious.

At Catherine's urging, Hershey gets the sensors working so she can effectively monitor their surroundings. Pussy Whip's concerns turns out to be well founded as a crowd of animals and aliens has gathered to watch them as they try to get the sub moving. Tech Support detects attempts by their captors to regain control but the powers they inadvertently gave he makes that all but impossible.

Force Out blasts the doors with torpedoes to provide them with an out as Ranger X pilots the craft into the great blue beyond. A titanic squid awaits them just out of the underwater city but Force Out uses the on board arsenal to practically obliterate it as the rush home. Closer to home the tame passes the remains of the concrete ship off the coast of Cape May and from there they enter a submerged tunnel that leads to a secret sub pen for the US Navy and their experimental submersibles.

When the team surfaces they are met with a firing squad at first until they themselves emerge from the craft. The marines relax when they see the Pet Shop Patrol who are known friendlies. At their debriefing Jackson is as hard as usual but none of them really hear his tirade.

"We just escaped from a rather harrowing experience, Jackson," Gundolf growls. "We know what happened to us and what we can do now."

"At this point, I think we need to visit, Mister Fantabulous," Tech Support states. "His equipment I trust. When the results are know they will be forwarded to the department."

"The flaming freak is making some noises I don't like," Jackson retorts. "He's talking about reforming the National Guardians. They were disbanded when they pissed off McCarthy!"

"As much as I may not want to say it," Force Out speaks up, "With all the super terrorists coming out of Irqan American may need the National Guardians to reform."

"Just go!" Jackson screams. "You're all on suspension until further notice!"

The team moons Jackson as one and then leaves the squad room. At the Fantabulous Factory in Atlantic City, Mister Fantabulous welcomes the five with open arms. Tech Support does analysis of everyone's enhanced physiology as more supers gather at the factory.

A kind of trial or tribunal is conducted among the superhuman community to determine whether or not the Pet Shop Patrol used excessive force against the Grand Designer and his followers. Each member of the team is interviewed and the statements made by the Grand Designer about how he felt beings like them are against God's Plan of r humanity. The consensus that is reach by the inquiry is that the Pet Shop Patrol did what was necessary to defend themselves.

After the business of fully burying the Grand Designer's demise there are talks of what to do with the team as they stand now as well as general conversations about what is going on in the world around them. The rogue Arab nation of Irqan, formed by merging Iran and Iraq, provides much impetus for the gathered to be generally in favor of reforming the National Guardians to protect American from her enemies both foreign and domestic. Details on the charter are debated hotly by all gathered but one thing they do agree on is that if all the American supers were to join, the Pet Shop Patrol would be welcome for membership and in fact they would be one unit within the organization.

Shell Block volunteers to represent the team in the meetings as the others enjoy some time on the beach and boardwalk. Ripley's Believe It or Not tapes an interview with the team for their museum and mannequins are commissioned in their likeness as they strange heroes to be sure. Force Out, Ranger X and Pussy Whip team up to keep Tech Support away from the slot machines as she might have an undue influence over them even if they do some gambling to raise living capitol for themselves as they enjoy all the city has to offer.

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