Clown Lust

Story by Fenryx on SoFurry

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Clown Lust

An orange wolf in purple leather dashes across the crumbling stone rooftops of an ancient petrified city; a gurgling, babbling mass of protoplasm featuring eyes and mouths in random locations through the body form in hot pursuit after him. His green hair is waving around wildly as his green hooded cloak is billowing behind as green boots pound the roof in rapid succession. Eventually one of the rooftops collapses under the tiger striped canine clown and he starts to tumble down to ground level as the moon seems to laugh above him.

The aberration behind him launches eyeballs from its mass to watch as they float like balloons down in pursuit. The inside of the building is largely a shell with a few shelf like floors and floating platforms with runes on them as part of some ancient enchantment. The canine clown lands on one of the platforms and draws out daggers which he tosses at the eye balloons to pop them.

Above him the mass of eyes and mouths starts chanting, the babbling taking on arcane coherency as glowing sigils begin to dance around the pile of protoplasm in a weird kind of orbit before the signs take on an edged quality to their script before launching at him unerringly. All five slam into him with great force which forces him to kneel. He takes out a chocolate bar into which is carved runes of health and eats it before making a rolling leap off the platform as the gibbering thing is quickly dropping down to squash him.

Energy bars form a dome on top of the monster when it lands and traps it inside. An attempt by the thing to launch more eye balloons sees those balloons pop as soon as the get between the bars. The canine clown is laughing as he makes acrobatic flips from shelf to shelf and platform to platform to get away from the thing.

From his vantage point on the ground the clown watches as the energy bars cycle through every color of the rainbow as they start to hem in their prisoner. The thing shrinks inside of it until it can't be seen from the vantage point of the ground. Eventually a jewel encrusted egg; much like those made by Faberge drops from the sky into the clown's waiting paws.

The wolf smiles, pockets the egg and walks off with it. In a two story building that acts as a tavern, an inn and a brothel the wolf has a pint of beer as a pink haired cheetah girl gyrates naked on stage doing a striptease. A harlequin rabbit femme that is only four feet tall if you include her ears if they were standing straight up brings him a plate of bratwurst and spaetzel before crawling under the table to earn her keep by performing fellatio on the wolf who smirks when she utters a note of surprise as she coaxes his member out its sheath and discovers the color of it is actually purple before continuing to do her duty as it were.

Not long after the wolf has started his meal, a snake in the attire of a ring master, complete with top hat sits down at his table.

"You have ssssomething for me, Misster Grymm?" The snake hisses expectantly.

"Just collected it tonight," Jester Grymm replies as he pulls the egg from his pocket and places it on the table. "I know you collect such things, Servantes."

"A Holder Egg!" Sergio Servantes exclaims, "Freshly minted if I'm not misstaken. What'ss inside?"

"A gibber blaster," Jester states, "Damn thing almost killed me. Fortunately I stock sacred chocolates on my person for just such an emergency."

"You and your Gaea barss, Jessster," Sergio chuckles as takes out a bag of coins. "Your ussual finder'ss fee?"

"If you would be so kind," Jester says as he looks into the bag and sees it's filled with gold coins as expected. "We've been doing business long enough that I can somewhat trust you. I take it business is doing somewhat well."

"Thinking of doing ssome performances are we?" Sergio prompts. "I could usse a good knife thrower like yoursself, or an accomplished clown. You're both sso it'ss good value."

"Since when does a knife thrower dress like a clown?" The cheetah on stage asks mockingly. "All Jester has done when he comes in here is drink beer, eat sausages and spaetzle, throw money at some of the girls and patronize those of us that do prostitution."

"You should try it some time, Sahara," the rabbit under the table yells so she can be heard from her current position, "I swear you need a good dick between your legs and I know Jester can perform in the bedroom as well as on stage."

"Just concentrate of sucking up your wolf cream, Lorelei!" Sahara yells and almost feels obligated to come over there. "I have very special needs."

"Don, do you mind if I ride Jester?" Lorelei asks of the barkeep who is actually the owner of the place and is more or less the pimp for the girls.

"As long as Sergio doesn't mind you giving Jester a special lap dance," Don Gattori the alligator owner of the Frisky Kitty says with a smirk as Sergio gives him a look that if Lorelei could see it would actually encourage her as she gets up and impales herself along Jester's length.

"She'll kill me if she finds out I told you this," Lorelei whispers into Jester's ear as she rides his pole. "But Sahara doesn't get off unless you tie her down."

"I think I know how to accommodate that," Jester whispers back with a smirk that Sahara can't really see because he has his back to her right now. "I just have to get her on the wheel I would use in my knife throwing act." Then to Sergio: "You still got the wheel?"

"You mean the one you usse in your knife throwing act?" Sergio asks to which Jester nods. "Abssolutely! It'ss part of the act! I now folkss come just to ssee that and wait for sslip upss."

"Good," Jester says with a sinister smile and then looks over to Sahara. "Time to put up or shut up, kitty, no bra, no panties and no shoes but wear a cover that can be easily removed and follow me to the sideshow."

"If you're gonna do what I think you're gonna do," Don says with a smirk. "Set up a glass eye to the crystal screen please. I'd like to watch the show."

"I have one already sset up," Sergio says with a wink. "Thiss will be fun!"

Jester leads Sahara to the circus grounds, after she puts on a black corset and blue dress the hem of which is around her ankles, surprisingly without incident. The wolf notes that the corset is just barely containing the cheetah's cleavage and his smirk tells her that he means to correct that and she almost dares him to try it. Unfortunately for Miss Kitty's pride Jester is very good at what he does and when it comes to knife throwing, he is swift and accurate as he notes how the straps are set on her dress and how much emphasis they have on keeping her as decent as she appears now.

Sahara has no idea what she's getting herself into as she steps up to the big wheel and lets Jester strap her in. Both her wrists and her ankles are bolted in place; after which Jester helps himself to a groping of her snatch and rack which causes Sahara to both giggle and moan. Jester then gets down and starts the wheel turning rather fiercely before he gets on his own platform about twenty feet away which only starts to concern her when he starts picking up some knives and starts to juggle them a bit before he starts the show.

Knives come hurtling towards the kitty fast and furiously as the first pair go through her dress and almost hit her tail. A look of worry comes on Sahara's face as that was too close for her comfort and the only reason she doesn't lose her bowels is because she cleaned them out before hand. In a further show of how accurate he is he tosses twin tomahawks that shears both of the straps but not her fur which causes her breasts to pop out of the corset for all to see.

A lustful grin comes over Sahara as she feels the breeze on her tits in the wake of his latest toss. Her eyes challenge him though as if she wants to see how far he'll go. He tosses a few more daggers that threaten to tear off her skirt or at least the front of it.

Sahara is somewhat mortified that he is so accurate with throwing his knives and thanks the gods she didn't put on an expensive dress to be part of this show. Miss Kitty knows she is very much exposed like this and free peep show has more than a few males staring as those in the Frisky Kitty are about ready to masturbate if some of the girls aren't eager to help as Lorelei goes to work on Sergio's sausage since the wolf is busy with the cheetah. Jester plays to the crowd by juggling Molotov cocktails before tossing one at the wheel.

Jester is extremely well practiced at his arts as he has been trained at this since he was a pup. A smile creeps on his muzzle as he gives a silent prayer: "Poppa, I do hope you are enjoying this." He can feel his parents smile at him, both the wolf that was his father and the tigress who was his mother. The fire from the cocktail flash burns off her dress but leaves her body unscathed, a little trick he learned from his father who would often use it on his mother as part of foreplay between them.

Sahara is panicked for a minute until she realizes that Jester knows exactly what he is doing and that she is fully exposed for him to take her any time he wants. He smirks as he opens his pants to let his sheath and scrotum be seen by her as he rotates the wheel so her head is in line with his groin and her exposed pussy in front of his own muzzle. Jester licks at her snatch as well as finger probing her tail hole which causes the kitty to gasp as he positions his package that much closer to her.

Reluctantly Sahara licks at Jester's scrotum even if the patrons at the Frisky Kitty are practically screaming for her to blow him. Jester moans into her cunny as he licks her walls with gusto. Eventually she gets his cock to come out and play which almost causes her to giggle as she sees what color his cock is: purple.

At first Sahara just licks at his prick as if unsure if she is seeing what she is seeing but no, she is seeing things straight, Jester Grymm has a purple penis but as funny as it may look once she gets it hard enough what is not funny but still fun is how well he knows how to use it. When he knows he is ready to penetrate her folds, Jester rotates the wheel again so her groin is in line with his which cause Sahara to giggle as she's actually starting to enjoy herself. The giggling turns to moan when Jester sheathes his soft sword in the scabbard of her crevasse with his muzzle busying himself with her tits, licking and suckling at the teat as he ramrods his shaft in her chamber.

Jester smirks as he takes his time as he thrusts in deeply and slowly fades to near total but never complete egress. His muzzle meanders between her breasts to give each as equal attention to each tit as his sexual prey wriggles in pleasurable ecstasy beneath him. Not that she has much choice but Sahara consigns herself to Jester's care, trusting and hoping he will take care of her sexually.

Sahara moans frequently and quite loudly as a light snow starts to fall. Jester does not react to the flakes as he is used to performing in the snow but Sahara is a desert kitty and she begins to shudder a little as the temperature drops dramatically. The only compensation for her is from him as Jester keeps Sahara quite warm with his administrations.

Jester smirks as he takes Sahara and her whimpers of pleasure are music to his ears as he continues to thrust deep and then recede only to thrust back in again before his cock tip leaves her cunny lips. They start to moan in tandem with one another as Jester begins to feel his knot start to form. Jester does start to get a tad concerned when his knot starts to form as it will seal him within her and depending on what gods are looking in he could get her pregnant.

Sahara feels his knot form as well but she smiles and whispers as best she can for him not to worry about him getting sealed within her. In fact she practically begs him to fill her womb with his seed. Lorelei implied that Sahara was a sub when she whispered the cheetah bitch needed to be tied down to be satisfies sexually and Jester is finding out that when you bind her, Sahara turns from derisive cunt to submissive whore almost instantly.

The risk that maybe, just maybe the tiger wolf could impregnate her adds even more pleasure to Sahara's experience as the main reason she doesn't whore herself out is because a part of her fears getting knocked up while an opposing portion of her psyche is Hell bent on achieving this state of being. The fact that she couldn't resist him now even if she wanted to as the knot inflate and ensures that his semen will flood her womb when he climaxes. The cheetah is unsure how inter fertile this coupling but the excitement of the experimentation is driving her wild.

In the back of his mind, Jest is thinking up other ways to rig the slutty cheetah so she will enjoy him taking her in which she has little to no choice as to what she will allow him to do to her. After his knot seals him inside of her, he waggles his cock inside, hitting her pleasure points expertly if not exactly intentionally. All of which brings him closer and closer to his climax.

When Jester gets to his climax and the release of his semen into Sahara's body, he arches his back and howls in ecstasy as she feels in the form of warm wet fluid sloshing about inside of her. After the knot deflates and he can fully extricate himself form the confines of her body, Jester frees Sahara from her bonds which cause her to kneel in front of him and instinctively suckle his cock to drink the last of his semen lest it go to waste. Her actions alarms him somewhat s this is the behavior of cultures he is not exactly wanting to deal with.

"Are you alright?" Jester asks as he escorts Sahara back to the Frisky Kitty.

"Yes, Jester," Sahara says shamefully. "Thank you, I have not been dominated in months and I... I missed that."

"What happened?" Jester asks expectantly.

"I...I'm an escaped sex slave," Sahara admits in a low tone. "I was taught to serve males since I developed as a woman. Please don't tell anyone. It's bad enough Lorelei knows and she only knows because we were playing the one night..."

"It's alright, Sahara," Jester says as he holds her close. "I will keep the secret."

"Behind closed doors," Sahara asks with a blush, "could you dominate me more? I would like you to be my master. You don't hurt the girls you play with. I know from how Lori brags/"

"Not unless it's part of the play and then not to cause any permanent harm," Jester promises, "But I do like tying a willing female up to have fun with her."

"I...I'd like that," Sahara admits.

"I know I enjoyed myself," Jester admits and gives Sahara a chaste kiss as they get to the door to the Frisky Kitty.

The pair gets a standing ovation when they walk through the door. Sahara could die of embarrassment right then and there but she just hides behind Jester instead. Jester covers for her until they get close enough and she can make a break for the stairs. Everyone has a good laugh as everything returns to what passes for normal in the establishment

Gattori and Sergio discuss terms for making Sahara Jester's "assistant" for some shows as . Jester himself sits down and enjoys the next strip show. A black and white ferret girl with rainbow hair in dreadlocks and dressed as a clown takes the pole next with bright red spots on her cheek to further play up the clown persona she is conveying as she does a strip tease and contortionist act to show off just how flexible she is. Sahara comes down after the ferret clown has done her se in a harem outfit complete with veil to find a naked ferret girl on the table in front of Jester with a smile on her face and her vagina leaking cum which causes her to smirk.

It turns out that an arrangement has been made for Sahara to be Jester's assistant and target when he does his side show act at least for the time being. Sahara is embarrassed at this but agrees as she sits on Jester's lap and lets him fondle her. Truth be told, a part of her is elated as it will mean more bondage and danger followed by having Jest fuck her nightly.

As if to celebrate, Jester has Sahara join him in his tent on the carnival grounds and once there she is undressed by him and frog tied before he takes her again. But after he is done with her this time he leaves her in bondage on his bed. Sahara smiles as her breasts are fondled as they both drift off to sleep.

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