Night on the town

Story by Tyr Do`shan on SoFurry

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The sound of pleasant conversation came from all corners of the cozy tavern. Various weres, draconians, herps, and humans were all sitting down at the small tables chatting pleasantly of the days that were ahead. It was the weekend before the Yule time festivities and the town was fully decorated with reefs, silver strands, and bright glowing crystals.

Karuch was laying at the front of the tavern, ordering another blood fruit wine. The years that had come and gone since his mate Dryconia had died were long and filled with the agony a dragon feels when he loses the one creature he loved more than anything else. She had died several years ago of old age. Karuch fell in love with her when she was four hundred and he was merely seventeen. Six and a half centuries had passed since then and Dryconia eventually succumbed to old age. It destroyed him to wake and not have his beautiful emerald mate wake with him... he had never been quite the same

The strong alcoholic beverage polluted his mind and slowly as the hours passed he lost focus with reality. The Tavern eventually closed and Karuch slowly walked out promising his friend Tyr he would return after a flight to clear his mind. Karuch lazily stretched and stood on all fours and walked out the large double doors.

He sloppily lifted off into the air; his drunken frame soaring awkwardly through the air. The land below him was covered in thick snow and glowed with the virgin beauty of earth that had not been raped by the machines of man. He became lost in memories again. He remembered the days when he had been a human and lived a dull life. The alien therianthropes and their magical allies had come to live amongst the humans and after many years of tension the two different peoples accepted each other. Many otherkin and furries had come to live amongst the weres, dragons, spirits, and other mystical anthromorphs when they revealed a small island chain roughly 3 times larger than Britain's islands.

Karuch began to notice how very drunk he was; his vision was incredibly poor, his movements were unstable and awkward, and his normally acute senses were dull and useless. After a few moments he became very tired. The energy in his body felt like it was being siphoned away. Finally he gave up all hope of recovery and plummeted toward the ground

When Karuch awoke it seemed days had passed since he had fallen from the sky. His body was very numb and sore, his wings aching, and his limbs... bound? Very quickly Karuch noticed that his ankles, wrists, belly, neck, and the base of his wings were locked in manacles. His legs had some free space to move, enough so he could spread them and bend them at the knees. Also he was bound near the base of the neck so he could look up and around at his surroundings.

He observed that he was in a cold metal room. The walls, floor, and ceiling were made from a black metal. "Obsidianite." he thought to himself Obsidianite was a metal so strong and heavy that not even dragons could pierce it with claw or tooth. He struggled with his chains, but found that they too were made of the black ultra metal. Failing electric lights dimly lit the room and the whole place seemed to carry a sinister look to it.

The sound of harsh laughter came from all around him and several forms stepped out of the shadows. All around him were various colored Renamons all wearing black lace clothing stereotypical of the mistress. A midnight blue one approached him and smiled wickedly down upon his sedated shell. "Well well... look what we have here sisters. A little dragon has strayed away from the protection of his home." The Renamon quickly moved to Karuch's lower quarters and stared at slit that hid away his masculinity. "I will have him tonight. The rest of you may do as you wish with him when sun breaks tomorrow." The crowd of female vixen swiftly faded back into the shadows of the room and the menacing fox quickly bent down and began to lick and nuzzle the opening to Karuch's body.

Soon after this had begun the blue vixen stuffed her muzzle into dragon's the tender slit. Her tongue lapped passionately at the soft fleshy walls and limp member still inside. Karuch grunted softly and began to caress the Renamon softly with his tail as he wasn't one to be bound and not participate in pleasuring activities. The furry slurped her tongue around the inside of Karuch's slit paying close attention to the different muscle textures and intentionally writhing her tongue in the softer spots. The pleasure soon its desired effect on the sleeping muscle and soon Karuch was heavily purring and growling as his length hardened. As it hardened it slowly pressed against the silky tongue of the blue fox girl. The Renamon quickly grinned and wriggled her tongue around the stiff piece of flesh, luring it out if it's protective orifice. The small dragon moaned out desperately as his length pressed out of his slit. Karuch never fully understood why, but every time his dragonhood slipped out of his body it caused quite a bit of pleasure. Once the black shaft had risen the kitsune slipped a tight ring around it and applied cool green ooze that quickly soaked into it's skin.

The bluish black Renamon smiled at the pulsing penis that stood at full attention before her. Lazily she dropped to her belly and began to talk to it. "Well hello there little fellow my name is Senoia." Senoia laughed as she looked at the rather long and black muscle "my... my.. aren't you a dirty little fellow. You could use a bath" Senoia quickly began to lap her tongue at Karuch's hardened masculinity. At first she was very forceful and slow with her licks that made Karuch feel like little electricity bolts of pleasure were moving through it. At other times she would teasingly lick only his head to pleasure him. Whenever this happened Karuch would whimper as the bolts of pleasure were quite more powerful with the more sensuous, fiercer, and quicker licks. His long shaft began to twitch after a moment of teasing and the dark Renamon took this quite happily. She continued to tease Karuch by slowly twirling her tongue around the tip of his penis at times. The small blue dragon moaned out desperately and tried thrusting into the muzzle of Senoia. Senoia laughed sinisterly when he did this.

"Don't think for one single moment that I'm going to suck you. I know the male anatomy very well and I'll tell you here and now there is no better climax than one achieved by pure licking." Karuch whimpered as she said this. He was slightly upset that he wasn't going to be sucked. It had been a very long time since he had last mated and the familiar feeling of a muzzle around his warm and swollen length was much missed. Senoia grabbed Karuch's member very firmly and began a series of slow and powerful ministrations of her tongue directly up the front of his long stiff muscle. Each lick was forceful and came at a slightly different angle than the last. The pure pleasure burning through Karuch was great at this point and his length was now generously oozing out pre cum. Senoia quickly swirled her tongue around Karuch's head and tasted the salty sweet fluids. "This is quite good Karuch, I haven't tasted such high quality semen in a long time. Senoia moved her muzzle to the tip of Karuch's slit and stabbed her tongue in as deep as possible. From here she licked the very base of Karuch's dragonhood and slowly/strongly trailed her tongue all the way up his shivering length to the very mouth that was continue to ooze out pre. This she repeated eight times until Karuch was moaning out desperately in the pure physical ecstasy he was in. Karuch's pre began oozing out even more. This time to the point it began to drip down his pulsing penis.

Senoia continued her deep slit licking to the tip of Karuch's head, but this time she would give the quivering dragon 5 quick teasing licks always attempting to taste as much pre as possible before moving back down to the base again. She did this several times but quickly became dissatisfied with the amount of pre she tasted compared to how much was dripping out of the small, bound dragon. So acting quickly she grabbed the very base Karuch's shaft in a vice grip, quickly put her mouth around the rest of the stiff flesh, sucked, and licked off all of the pre that was coating his dragon hood. Karuch yelled out as the hand of Senoia snatched his long masculinity and like an intimate whore he moaned out as he felt the flesh of her mouth around his little dragon. Once she had cleaned him off she released him from her grip and began to lick only the head and mouth of Karuch's penis. Her intentions were to consume any pre as it came forth.

By this time Karuch was moaning and panting like a slut that had been fucked for several hours non stop. His hard member was trembling with the complete and utter pleasure that was moving through him. "I... I'm... I'm," was all Karuch could utter out as the tongue of his vixen mistress played along the black spear that was quaking before her. The licking went on in and on in Karuch's mind and he was slowly become lost in the ferocious lusts that belonged to a male dragon. His little dragon quivered furiously as he prepared to spill his load. "I... I can't... hold on... much longer..." Senoia gave a sarcastic gasp of disappointment and shook her head. "You've been holding back on me? For this /dragon/ you will be punished." Her licks became only teases to the head of the trembling slender shaft and after a few more minutes of this tickling Karuch roared out exhaustedly as he sprayed his long held back seed all over the blue Renamon's face, tongue, mouth, and muzzle.

Senoia let the seed burst for as long as it would and eventually it slowed to only a trickle. With the juices all over her head Senoia brought her bust to Karuch's length and squeezed it in her soft, powerful breasts. Karuch's dragonhood, now enveloped in Senoia's busty bust, was quickly and forcefully massaged. Her breasts rubbed up and down the stiff flesh as hard as she could get them too. Karuch moaned out pathetically again as his shaking dragonhood spewed forth more seed in the excess pleasure.

After Karuch had been drained of every last drop of sperm his body could produce Senoia got up and walked into the shadows. For a moment Karuch was able to rest, but soon Senoia came back with several odd instruments in a hovering disk. "These my pet, will bring you pleasure like nothing can." Senoia took from the large floating disk an instrument that looked like a large metal condom. It was shaped as if to fit over a man's privates. The metal was made of several small plates so it could be loosened to fit around a penis and then tightened again to completely envelope it. Further along the instrument was a small, computerized box with a plug in for a cord, and two nozzles on the box to which tubes could attach. Senoia loosened the metal penis sheath and quickly fit it over Karuch's aching, rock hard member. After she had stuffed the end of it into Karuch's slit she went to the computerized box and hit a button. The sheath slowly locked around the exhausted dragon's manhood until it was skintight. Karuch, though tired and in mind numbing lust, was able to notice that there was a hole in the metal sheath that met up with the opening to his masculinity and led into the small box.

Senoia took out two tubes and linked them into the nozzles on the box and linked those to two five-gallon metal canisters that she rolled onto the floor near Karuch's legs. Karuch could tell from the lifting postures of the Renamon that one was completely full and one was completely empty. Continuing with her work Senoia took forth a small computer terminal and set it on the floor near her. Out of its back there was a small metal probe/sensor that was connected to a long wire and a computer plug in. Senoia put the probe in her mouth, lubricated it with her saliva and then pushed it as deep into Karuch's slit as she could get it. She then plugged the terminal into metal box. After all of her preparations were completed she turned to Karuch and grinned evilly.

"Inside one of those canisters is a special chemical similar to the male's seed. However it is much richer and has a different chemical composure. If a male's simple body were to ever produce this chemical in place of seman his releases would be five times more pleasurable every time he released. If you do the math right you would realize that if you released 4 times in a single yiffing your fourth burst of seed would be 625 times more pleasurable than your first. The fluids also act as an over-powered aphrodisiac, and cause the standard male's sex glands to secrete more fluids than he could ever hope to in a single day. The best part of this chemical is it feels just as good going in as it does going out." With this Senoia hit a few keys on her terminal and the fluids began to forcefully stream into Karuch's member. Karuch's eyes opened up incredibly wide as a pleasure like never before flowed into his body. He could feel the pleasure move through every last inch of his long tube that led to his genitalia and slowly the fluids began to build up pressure in his body. For a few minutes he writhed and moaned like a decadent whore does when she experiences climax. Senoia looked at him and grinned in pleasure with her work. "The probe in your slit is able to tell how pressurized your genital regions become and will effectively cut of any more fluids from flowing into you before you reach a level of pressure that will cause you pain. I would explain more to you but I have become tired... soooo I'll let you figure out what else this machine does. I'll see you in the morning my little bitch." Senoia left into the shadows of the room, Karuch's cum still dripping off of her body.

5 more minutes of this unbearable pleasure passed into Karuch and as he felt discomfort in his lower regions from the build up of fluids the flow of juices stopped. He couldn't believe how horny he was; he even tried thrusting deeper into the machine that held his member captive, but it moved with his thrusts. Without warning the beginning of the sheath that was stuffed in his slit clamped down so hard onto Karuch's member it completely closed off the tube through which he was soon to release out of. The probe then began to vibrate at such high frequencies it immediately drove Karuch's mind to insanity. The pleasure was completely unbearable... completely over the edge. Karuch writhed about harshly trying to find a way to escape the mind shattering pleasure that was burning through every cell in his body. He could feel the fluids that had been pumped into him causing his genitalia to hyper produce; the fluids had soaked into his genitals completely and in turn had them producing so much semen that he could literally feel his insides churning out the milky fluids. Just as he though he might lose all sanity the clamp on his dragonhood was released and he screamed out as he burst a seemingly endless flow of seed into the box. His mind recuperated for only a moment and he was able to tell that the second tube that led into the other canister had sucked up all of his warm goopy fluids.

Just as he thought he could relax the machine started pumping the chemicals into his body. The gargantuan pleasure slithered down his entire tube yet again and he could feel his genitals drinking eagerly from the chemicals that went in through his urethra. It seemed like hours before he was uncomfortably pressurized again when before it had taken only fifteen minutes. The entrance to the metal condom once again clamped down on Karuch's stiff, pulsing member and the probe again began to vibrate. The last sentient thought Karuch had was about how worried Tyr would be when Karuch didn't make it home. From that point on he was broken; his mind utterly shattered into a thousand pieces by the divine pleasure that moved through his body making him feel like a giant sex organ in a multi orgasmic state even the highest gods in all existence would covet for eternity. Finally after an endless wait the vibrating stopped, the clamp opened up, and Karuch released enough seed to fill the bellies of three starving prostitutes. The orgasm lasted for all of 30 seconds. Every second of that Karuch's raw cock was spewing forth every last drop of cum it could.

Once again the process started, and Karuch knew somewhere deep in what was left of his mind it would only end with the coming of morning.

Or would it?