A Conquerers Fight For Freedom part 1: the Battle

Story by Wolgram96 on SoFurry

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#1 of A Conquerer's Fight For Freedom

Here's a new story i'm starting on I hope you all enjoy.

Special thanks to my great new mate SpeakingWolf :)

The Battle

"Your land will be mine, Amerius!" the mighty bull roared. The field between us would soon become scarred and filled with countless dead. I snorted and turned to look at my brother, a mighty wolf who almost as large as me. My fur was black, and his was white - perhaps the most notable difference about us.

"So, my brother, what shall we do?" I asked with a cocked eyebrow looking at my brother, The Might Conqueror, with a bored expression. He was often called The Uniter of The Lands, though few knew that if it wasn't for me he wouldn't have anything. Not that I had a grudge. I purposely let him be emperor, since I knew it would just tie me down with too many responsibilities. All I asked for was free passage through the realms and being trusted when in battle. Even though my brother was not incompetent when it came to commanding, I was more knowledgeable in the ways of war. I looked down the hill and saw the army I'd used to secure the mass of land stretching from the northern to the southern coasts of Europe.

I knew these wars were long and costly and that I was the person to come to for a quick end to one. This was my reason for being here. I turned back, eying the large bull standing there with his flamberge trying to look intimidating. I wasn't worried about him though; he would be an easy kill once he was singled out. I scanned the area around him looking for his personal guard and spotted the spear men easily. They were hard to miss, crouching in the grass, their shields at the ready.

I was more concerned about the archers who would hinder my ability to fight. I spotted ten of them up in the trees looking our way. I crossed my arms, fingering the hilts of my twin scimitars belted on my hip. One of them had the end snapped into the likeliness of a wolf's head with its maw open. The other was the maw itself with the fangs crossing each other.

The blades were large by the standards of smaller races and humans, but my grand size kept them in proportion to my body. While a normal scimitar was the length of a longsword, mine were at least the length of an average human and they were much thicker than a normal blade. This didn't stop them from remaining relatively light for me to wield. The metal had been magically imbued with strength and the ability to not burr on the edges. I forged the blades myself so that they could support the massive forces I'd use.

If used in the form of a longsword, the metal would be far lighter, but as strong as a 6 inch thick pure steel slab.

Of course, I hadn't let anyone know how to make them. Suddenly I felt a familiar tingle in my mind.

'You can do it... Take him out by yourself.'

I smiled, looking down at the sword with the wolf maw hilt. I knew it was sentient - I had created it as such and it helped me in situations and sometimes its battle lust was soothing.

'Soon Mehastafure,' I sent back telepathically to my sword, 'soon.' I had aptly named it Mehastafure which translated meant 'soul cutter'. These weapons didn't just kill someone; they feasted on the enemy's soul, giving power to the wielder. Of course, the wielder would always be me. I created these swords with my will, my heart and my soul. We were connected.

I looked up and saw my brother looking at me. We stared into each others eyes for a moment, which he soon broke by giving a slight nod. I nodded back then turned around walking to the edge of the hill we were standing on top of. I stared down at the gathering troops - the elite of the elite; handpicked and trained by my brother and I. They all quietened immediately and looked up at me waiting for their orders.

"Men," I yelled out, "your hour is upon you! Your death is guaranteed for most of you," I paused looking over them all. "But let it be known that for everyone of you that dies hundreds of those scum," I yelled, pointing across the field in the direction of the enemy army, "will die by your sword. And you will be rewarded in the afterlife; for you served our glorious emperor Amerius with your dying breath. You all do this willingly; because you know that no one can defeat us. Mind over body; mettle over metal; we are the greatest and most formidable warriors of all the realms!" At that the entire group cheered wildly letting loose great howls, which resonated through the mountains. "For the emperor!"

"The emperor," they yelled back. I smiled when I saw them for what they were -the fiercest and smartest army of wolves to grace the land. Even though there were hundreds more of the enemy, I had all the confidence that we would prevail. I let them carry on in their glorious cheers for a moment, and then held up my hand to silence them.

"Fall into staggered columns. Infantry wizards up front for a barrage; then fall back for the archers!" All of the specified units fell into their respective positions with supreme discipline. I couldn't help but smile at the display. Then I looked over as a commander walked up.

"Sir," he saluted, "what about the artillery?" I just smiled and looked to the great siege engines at the very back of the army. They were machines of gigantic and powerful proportions, ready to throw gigantic balls of iron into the enemy ranks. They would then split up at the apex of the throw and spill wooden spears into their pitiful army.

"They will get their surprise when the battle starts commander, do not worry," I replied chuckling darkly as I put my arm on his shoulder turning him back to the siege engines. "Just make sure they are ready when I call for them." He nodded his accord and ran back to the machines passing the word along.

I turned away and entered my tent, walking in a looking at my armor. I was still taken aback with my workmanship. It was a full breastplate made of the same material as my swords with open shoulders to show my arms. It had vambraces for my arms and separate shin and thigh greaves but no boots. This was to aid in any stealth attacks I'd planned, keeping my movement deathly silent.

The cuirass was inscribed with runes and bas reliefs. It had slight pauldrons which were wolf heads with snarling maws. The entire armor was covered with lines and depressions of the runes which made it look like it was fur. There was also a full moon over where my heart would be. It was blood red, since I had combined that part of the metal with a red diamond instead of a clear one. This gave the entire armor a silvery brown look.

Poised around the moon were three wolves. One on either side of it and the third beneath it. The bottom one was howling, the one on the left was snarling and the final one was running. They were the greatest and most important symbols matched together with the moon. They represented our respect, our loyalty and - most importantly - our freedom. But when I wore the armor, it showed one more face. My face, filled with calm, desire, and the threat of certain death for all that opposed.

I pulled it off the rack and slipped it on, still enthralled by the enchantments and how well they worked. The solid sheets that were thicker than my swords, yet the metal bent and contoured to every one of my body's movements. The armor became more than a garment - it was a second skin. The metal was imbued with magic to be totally silent. It wouldn't even make a noise when scraped with a sword. It had also been given such strength that little would be able get through it.

The defense against dark magic was invaluable in battle, as were the many other abilities it possessed, not all of which I fully understood.

With everything strapped on I stepped out, the moon in my chest now glowing a blood red with battle lust. I walked up to my brother, putting an arm on his shoulder. He turned to regard me with a look of surprise. Obviously, he didn't hear me in my armor, which his eyes surveyed with a jealous hunger.

"Maybe someday I will teach you, little brother," I replied to his inquisitive looks. He just sighed and turned around looking at the army massing behind the large bull.

"Is everyone prepared?"

"Yes, my lord." He grimaced at the title I gave him, just as I had known he would. He was never comfortable with me using such titles when I talked to him.

"I wish you wouldn't call me that," he muttered.

"And I wish that there were more enemies to kill," I chided, to which he chuckled.

"Aye, I do as well. Do you think we will win?" he turned to me with a serious look on his face.

"I do not think I know." I replied to ease his fears.

He just sighed and looked at me. "Are you going to run off?"

"Of course. But I'll lead the infantry charge before I take out that bastard," I replied pointing to the bull and nodding. He stood there looking like he wanted to say something but when he opened his mouth I cut him off. "No, you stay here. I will not have you killed." I said with a tone of finality. He looked dejected then put his hand on my shoulder and looked into my eyes.

"Strength and valor, dear brother." I winked and gave him a hug then pulled back and pushed him to his advisers. "Now, you get back so we can win this for you." I looked back at the army behind me.

"Move out!!" I yelled out at the top of my lungs. War horns sounded and drums banged as we started our march. A grim war chant started in cadence to the deep booms of the drums. As we continued our march I watched the opposing army yell and started mock charges trying to fluster my troops. I knew without looking that my army would show no change in emotion; not from these weaklings. We were finally in range for the start. "Halt," I yelled. The command flowed down the line as the entire army stopped in unison. "Mages, ready!" The front ranks stepped forward mages in shining armor of silver.

"Ready," the order was repeated from my platoon.

"Unleash hell!" With that, a massive wall of fireballs and lightning bolts was unloaded, decimating the enemy's front lines. When the explosions abated, the only sounds to be heard were the screams of pain and dying. The mages fell back as planned and the archers stepped forward. The commander saw this and yelled for his men to form up their shields. They scrambled to and fro trying to form a wall, and a rousing cry came up from the entire army when their shelter was complete. We just sat there passively watching the display, unworried.

Finally the cry died down and they began to peek out at us, wondering what was happening. It was quiet and deathly calm. Suddenly there was a gigantic whooshing sound and a deep resonant boom that caused the ground to rumble. The enemies flinched at the sound and looked skyward as small blinking lights appeared.

"I hope you all like blood," I called out to the leader snickering as a cracking sound was heard, followed by a whistling as the giant iron balls split apart unleashing the spears. The bull's eyes went wide and he ducked down behind a rock trying to gain cover. The spears tore into the ranks, pinning many of them to the ground, trees even each other.

"Archers... now!" All of the archers fired their arrows, streaking bits of fire blasting through the confusion. I raised one scimitar and pointed it at the enemy.

"Infantry mes varn stuvg lkesns!" My war cry was echoed as everyone drew their swords and rushed forward. So great was our discipline that we looked like a solid wall, instilling fear into the hearts of our enemies. Many tried to run from us at that moment and I saw the bull charge away, pushing people down in his wake.

It didn't matter if the enemies fought or not, my soldiers would slaughter everyone crashing into the collapsing ranks. They knew to take advantage of the mass of confusion.

I charged through a group shouldering them out of the way like they weighed nothing. Finally, I hit a group of organized resistance. I smiled as I batted away their half hearted swings going into a swirling dance of death. Many fell dead in seconds and the others soon after as some were too surprised to even react. I punched through and slipped high into the trees away from the action.

No one noticed me as I slipped through the ranks into the back of the army. I finally spotted my prey. The bull was still clutching onto his enormous flamberge, looking at the ensuing battle apprehensively. I noticed the grim visages of his personal guards. I looked around and saw that there were no archers. I realized that they were probably killed in the artillery strike and smiled.

This was going to be easy.

I dropped down, lopping off the heads of the two guards nearest to me, then walked forward spearing another two through the back. No one knew I was there until the first set of bodies hit the ground with a loud thud.

The bull and his final two guards turned around eyes wide. "How did you get back here?" he demanded. I just smiled evilly in response, slowly advancing toward him. He fell back a step then steadied bringing his flamberge to bear.

"Come on, I'm not afraid of you," while he was big at 6'8" and muscular he still stood no chance to my powerful frame at 7'11". Another downfall was his blade weighed a tonne and would tire him quickly. While my scimitars would have tired him, I was stronger and could last longer. The combination of my strength and the longer reaching swords would easily overpower him. I advanced a step and jumped back as he swung his giant flamberge. He brought it around, so I stepped back in and slapped him on his face with the flats of my blades. Laughing at his enraged expression, I dodged his blade. I constantly avoided him, letting the bull tire himself out and not killing him just yet. First, I wanted him to suffer.

When he realized that he couldn't beat me he called to his guards. Two of them rushed forward, the right one swinging a sword and the other thrusting a spear. I easily picked off the sword, but open my arm allowed the spear to rush into my side. The guard cried out thinking victory at hand until the spear connected with my armor and snapped. A wave of energy rolled up the spear, reducing it to splinters. The wave continued up his arms, turning them to mere stumps. He looked up at me with a horrified and dumbfounded expression on his face.

I laughed at him before plunging Mehastafure into his chest. I felt his soul escape into me, renewing my energy and the energy of my armor. The other guard squealed in horror and turned to run, until a lightning bolt hit him in the back throwing his charred corpse to the ground. I suddenly became aware of the battle around me and heard cheers coming from behind me.

"Kill him, general! Send him to the abyss!"

I smiled and thrust at the bull, causing him to throw the flamberge over his chest in protection. Had that been my original target, it would have stopped me. I jumped over him, my body flipping in the air and stuck both scimitars in his back, all the way to the hilt. He made a gurgling noise as I lifted him off the ground and pulled him towards me.

"Your technique could use some work," I whispered into his ear before he shuddered and died. I dropped his body to the ground then looked at my scimitars. Not a speck of blood was in their curving blades and I smiled in reverence then sheathed them. I heard cheering and turned around to see my army, their swords raised in the air.

"You did it, sire! It's over!" I smiled.

"That's because you don't mess with us, right boys?" With this, a chorus of howls and cheers rose and we headed back to the encampment. As I came onto the field I spotted my brother and a look of relief washed over his face when he saw me. I just smiled and waved as I headed towards him, knowing that we'd soon be heading home.

"Home," I mused to myself, "a place we've been away from for far too long."

A Conquerer's Fight For Freedom part 2: A Decision in the Making

"Your land will be mine, Amerius!" I eyed the bull as he yelled my name and his claim. I suddenly heard a snort by my side and turned to see my older brother standing there looking at me with a bored expression on his face. "So brother, what shall we...

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Wolgram's Search Part 3

When me and angel finally got out of bed after three more rounds of delicious fun. We sat around the living room talking casually about how school is and who said this and that then though the conversation turned tense when she asked me about my life....

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Wolgram's Search Part 2

Heres my second part enjoy and comment special thanks goes to my good friend DasherCheetah. "Damn it where is that little fuck at?", I said to myself as I stormed through the forest. I couldn't even smell his scent, which I should have...

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