Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time made furry and perverted: 1

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#1 of LoZ: OoT Reinterpretation

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Made Furry and Really Naughty)

Okay, a disclaimer...I don't own Zelda. This is not a statement against Nintendo and this also is not an attempt to change it and claim it as my own. Be warned that there is plenty of nudity and sex. If you do not know what I am about right now, read my one and only journal entry thus far.

Chapter One: Forest Village Fun

It was the first day that Link was allowed to come out of his tree house, as appointed by the Great Deku Tree. He had been told that, since he did not have a fairy, he would not be allowed out. He was a gold furred cat and like the residents of this world of Hyrule, he lived naked. He looked at the mark on his arm and he sighed, wondering if that would ever change.

His sign was a brown one, and that of an "X". With that symbol there, that meant that the person was confined to their house and no one else was allowed to visit them. In fact, while they had that symbol on them, they were erased from the minds and memories of anyone else. The house was there but everyone knew that they were restricted from entering it. However, much to his surprise, a blue fairy floated in and floated over to him with a small paintbrush with her. She said, "Hi! I'm Navi! I've been sent by the Great Deku Tree to release you now that you are safe to be out in the forest with the evil that is around these days." She floated over to his arm and painted the forest symbol, a simple green leaf, over the brown X.

Link noticed that nothing different happened. "Was something supposed to happen?" he asked, looking at Navi. She looked around and she said, "Your house will remain the same. However, people are going to come and visit you. The Great Deku Tree wants you fucking any girls that you might want to around here."

"He wants me to finally join the world completely? About time," Link grumbled. Navi sighed and put away her paintbrush...where she put it, no one could really say except another fairy.

Navi wondered what else to say to Link at this point. She finally said, "Yes, he does. Be thankful that he did. He might have just forgotten you had I not said something."

The gold cat shrugged before he walked past the round table in his house and opened up the curtain for once. In front of it, there was a young, green furred cat girl who was dripping wet from her pussy area. "Hi there, cutie!" she said, and Link backed up in surprise.

It took him a moment to gather his wits again. When he had them, he replied, "Hey there. What's your name?"

She purred softly as she walked inside. "I'm Saria," she said, smiling at him as she wrapped her arms around his waist and began kissing him lustily. Her lust for him was palpable to both Link and Navi. Navi smirked and flew back to let them enjoy each other.

Link's long dick sprang up, sitting at six inches. He began to rub Saria's nice, well shaped butt. "You want me that bad, eh?" he asked, his tongue trailing into her mouth as he joined the kiss again. She rubbed her slick cunt along his long piece of man meat, moaning in joy as she enjoyed how warm and nice it felt. She noticed that it was also throbbing.

"You haven't gotten a chance to relieve yourself at all, have you? I feel sorry for you," Saria said, pushing him back over onto his bed. She got up and moved back and took his cock in one of her hands. She stroked it for a second, feeling it in her hand. However, when she did that, she heard Link let out a soft meow of pleasure. "Huh? Did you like that, sexy?" she asked, a smirk going across her face.

The gold furred cat nodded and he said, "That felt nice..." Saria gave him a grin when he told her that and then she put her mouth over the head of his cock, sucking on it and licking it with her rough, cat tongue. Link gasped even louder and now began meowing and groaning in pleasure, his hands reaching up to stroke her head and encourage her, even scratching behind her ears.

She was surprised that she knew about how to get her going. Then it dawned on her that, since they both were cats, those things would come naturally to him. She purred and let him do his work with her head and ears while taking more and more of his cock in, soon taking his whole six inches. For her, since she was a child-like figure, it was an amazing achievement and Link let out an especially loud meow because of the pleasure that hit him full on.

"Saria...your mouth is so good," he whined to her, panting as he stroked her head and worked her up to where her purring was very loud. She bobbed her head up and down on his length, her tongue going all over it and bringing him even more pleasure. Link was totally new to this sensation and it did not take very long, two minutes at most, for her to work a climax out of him.

He let out a yowl of bliss and bucked up into her mouth, getting his shaft deep in her mouth, almost down her throat. Then, she could feel and taste his hot semen spurting out of his cock and to her surprise, it tasted quite good. She gulped it down and licked his cock clean of the stuff that had fallen down onto his shaft. She then moved her head back and she said, "I hope that you're ready to cum in me." She winked as she straddled him, her pussy right against his cock and ready to take it in.

Link smirked and he said, "Now wait a second. You tasted me. Doesn't that meant that I should be able to taste you?"

The green cat girl blushed at the thought. She had never before been asked by a male about having her pussy tasted. "You sure that you want to taste it?" she asked him, and when Link gave the confirming nod, she got up and moved her slick, wet cunt over his face. He licked it once and she jumped a bit from the feeling, letting out a cute yelp from the feeling that had surged through her momentarily.

Link chuckled and he said, "Aw, come on, you really want to be jumping away from the pleasure like that? Or you want to have it surging through you?"

With that, he suddenly placed his hands on her rear and brought her down onto his mouth. His mouth had opened up and his lips connected with the lips of her pussy as he began to explore her insides, much to Saria's delight. She began to let out whines and cries of bliss, her body involuntarily wanting to move away from it at first. She soon relaxed and just sat there, whining in bliss and scratching behind his ears just like he had done for her.

Her hands scratching behind his ears and he moaned into her pussy, breathing through his nose as his mouth preoccupied himself with exploring her pussy. She whined and panted, her juices running into his mouth. "Oh fuck...oh, that tongue...fuck, that is good! I wonder why no other guy wouldn't want to eat my pussy?" she asked aloud, rubbing herself against himself.

As for Link, he was in deep bliss as he tasted her sugar sweet juices. His tongue explored her insides, licking up the juices that were in there. He began to feel that she was tensing up and he wondered if girls could climax the same as guys. Much to his surprise and delight, he was right. She wailed out as her pussy went tight on his tongue and then she let loose a torrent of juices into his mouth, all of them sweet as sugar cane. He slurped them up and swallowed them, feeling the heat running down his throat. He then lifted her up and smiled at her. "You have one hell of a tasty pussy, Saria," he said, grinning at her.

The green cat just sat there, purring and looking at him with a new liking. "You made me feel so good! Uh...w-what's your name? I forgot already, if you've told me before," she said, her face going red.

The gold furred cat chuckled and then he brought her close and laid her on her back. "I'm Link. Nice of you to cum by," he said, nuzzling her before he locked his lips against hers and explored her mouth with his tongue again. She let out a moan and did the same, her tongue playing with his.

Then she felt something that surprised her. He was poking and prodding her pussy hole with his long cock, ready to slide it in and fuck her nice and hard. She reached down and grasped his cock with her hand and drew him in, whining in delight as she felt him easily sliding inside. He moaned as he got himself all the way inside, feeling his ball sack resting against her skin. However, she did not want him to start fucking her pussy raw just yet.

Instead, she held the kiss and wrapped her arms about his neck. He had his hands on her back and sides, stroking them while he made out with her fiercely. His tongue shot back and forth around in her mouth with her tongue invading his mouth and rubbing itself along his as well. Both of them were purring so loud that anyone within that room could easily hear them. Navi was in a corner, fingering herself as she watched the two cats show their love making prowess. The whole time, she was wishing that she was large enough to fuck Link. After all, he was doing this girl better than any might hope to.

After a good long time, Link had to break the kiss to get his breath back. Both him and Saria were breathing hard, deep red love blushes on their faces as they gazed into each other's eyes. "Link...you're amazing," she whispered, stroking the back of his head. Never before had she felt this amazing feeling that she felt right now.

Link's lips curved into a grin before he shifted his head down and began to softly suck on her neck. Saria let out her loud purr again and she held his head there, cooing his name softly. Then, Link adjusted a bit to have plenty of leverage before he began to thrust his cock in and out of her pussy at a nice, rapid rate. Saria gasped at his startup, but she was soon lost in a land of lust and pleasure. She found herself wailing his name, gripping onto his back tightly while he hammered her so hard with his cock that she was bouncing back and forth on the bed.

Several other Kokiri boys and girls had gone up to see the commotion. Never before had they heard Saria wailing so loud. When they saw the source, they were both surprised and exceedingly jealous. None of the boys had managed to make Saria scream that loud. And none of the girls had found such a handsome boy before in their lives and were jealous of Saria for finding him first.

Soon, the jealousies faded. The boys and girls pounced on each other, and all of them started having sex either down on the ground below or on the balcony porch right outside. Saria was wailing louder than she ever had before as Link's barbed cock raked her pussy and brought her unimaginable pleasure *. She whined into his ear, "Link...fuck me...don't you dare ever stop!"

She certainly did not have to worry about that, for Link had no intention of stopping until he had cum inside of her several times. He panted, his cock easily sliding in and out of her tight pussy over and over again. He was getting her pussy juices all over himself and her rear end, was well as the bed under them. He panted as he continuously fucked her tight pussy. "You're so tight, Saria," he moaned to her, feeling himself already drawing near another climax.

She could tell that she was coming near a climax and to tell the truth, she was coming near hers as well. She was going to cum faster than any other boy had made her before. "Cum in me, baby," she whimpered, listening to the wails and moans of pleasure outside while feeling herself get hammered by his cock. She licked his face all over, the pleasure overtaking her and making her actually fall for him.

Had Link known the luck that he was undergoing right now, he might have been praising his lucky stars or the goddesses of this world. He panted harder and harder until he finally climaxed into her, filling her pussy with bountiful amounts of hot semen.

At the feeling of getting filled with so much of it, Saria wailed in joy and bliss as she came with him. Her juices ended up soaking the front of his bottom half and the bed under them as well. Afterwards, her breathing was coming hard to her. "That, was amazing, more amazing...than anything in the world," she whispered quietly, holding him close. She had felt more pleasure and more connection to him than with any other boy up to this point.

Link gazed into her emerald colored eyes and he asked, "You want to do that again?"

Saria pushed him off and she said, "In a bit, baby. Hoo boy...you wore me out!" she giggled while using her fingers to open her pussy and let his semen drain out faster. "I have never felt so good in my entire life," she whispered quietly.

"You're kidding. Haven't you done the other boys around here?" he asked, surprised by her remark.

She nodded her head in confirmation, and then she smiled and said to him, "You are, by far, the best fuck that I have ever had. What helps is that I...well, I love you."

This surprised Link even more. "You love me? How? I thought that romance didn't go so fast," he told her, his face having gone beet red.

Saria's face was the same way. "I do not know, Link. I do know that I am in love with you. At least, I think that I am in love with you. I don't fully know yet." She smiled and then she said, "I do know that you are one hell of a good fuck buddy and that I am going to turn to you very often."

Link rubbed the back of his head and replied, "Okay, then! I...I'm quite flattered that I got such a sexy fuck buddy and possible lover now!"

Saria stood up and she wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her lips to his again and holding them there. This time, however, the kiss did not go quite so far as it had when they were highly intimate. Rather, she was just doing this as a nice, long, passionate kiss to show that she did, in fact, love him.

As for Link, he held it with her and just let her do whatever she felt like. He rested his hands on her rear end and held her close to himself. After two minutes of this kiss, they slowly broke away and Saria gazed into his eyes. "Alright, tiger...you should go see the Great Deku Tree and thank him for letting you be among us like this. I do remember that you weren't originally allowed that far."

Link nodded and then he nuzzled her again. "I will be back," he told her, letting go and walking through the huge amounts of sex happening around him. He looked around the village, wondering which direction that the Great Deku Tree was in. He could not see the giant leaves because of the mist around the edge of the village.

Navi flew up beside him and she said, "This way, Link!" she then flew away to his right. He was quick to follow her, but they were soon stopped in their tracks by none other than the bully of the village, Mido. He was a selfish, bullying brat who never got his way with girls. Because of this, he bullied the girls and the boys alike. He just hated them and everything that they did to him. He stood in front of the entrance to the Great Deku Tree so that no other Kokiri could visit him without going through with a fight.

"You! Mister Boy Without a Fairy! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be back in your house, brooding?!" he asked, ready to punch Link for breaking the sacred rules of the village and of Hyrule.

Link growled at Mido and he said, "Listen to me. First of all, you have visited me and bullied me more often than not, which means you have broken the rule numerous times already. To tell the truth, you also do not have a say in this because I now have the mark of the forest!" He pointed to the green leaf painted on his arm.

Mido took one look at it and then he scrambled for something to say that would be an excuse to keep Link from going through and seeing the Great Deku Tree. He came up with two of them. "W-W-Well, anyone can paint that on their arm! And I still do not see a fairy around your head, either! You obviously have broken the rules!"

Navi hit him on top of the head and he freaked out, his other fairy having moved away to let him contend with this himself. Mido stared at Navi and he asked, "W-W-What?! You have a fairy now?" he then regained his composure and stood back up straight. "Well, even so, you certainly are not a man. You just painted that on yourself while your fairy was not looking!"

Navi hit him on top of the head again and she snapped, "I painted it there in place of that ugly brown "X" mark, you dope! Just let us through or he'll kick your fucking ass!"

Mido cried, "Ha! You think that promoting violence here is going to threaten me? There is no violence allowed here in this forest! That is why my barrier has been so effective!"

"You threatening people is a form of violence. I think that you are well outside of your boundaries. Step away or feel my wrath, as well as the wrath of the Great Deku Tree," Navi commanded Mido. The young, green fox cringed and whimpered as he moved aside to let Link through.

Link took the opportunity and stepped through, breathing a heavy sigh of relief. He looked over at Navi and said, "Thanks for the help there. I don't think that he would have let me through if you had not been there." He walked through the winding path that led to the Great Deku Tree, though when he arrived, he found something there that rather disturbed him.

The Great Deku Tree was there. However, he looked old, very old, compared to what every other Kokiri had said that he was supposed to look like. He also appeared to be withering before they eyes. One of his eyes looked at Link wearily and he said, "L-L-Link...you have come, along with Navi. Albeit that you may be too late to save me in my dying breaths..."

Link looked on with horror. "Dying...breath?" he asked.

"The evil of this forest hath taken my energy...all of it...to protect the sex loving children of this forest, including you. I have let you free with the last of my energy. You are free to have sex with any of these girls for as long as you wish...but I have a request of thee," the old, withering tree said.

Link stepped closer and the Great Deku Tree threw down a shining stone. When Link grabbed it, he found that he was holding what appeared to be a shimmering leaf surrounded in gold. It was the Kokiri Emerald. The Great Deku Tree now whispered, "Link...when you are ready, venture out of this forest. You must find a castle..there, you will find a young princess named Zelda. She is the Princess of Destiny, though she is also known by many other names by those who have lusted after her."

Link nodded and then he noticed that the leaf vanished. He could reclaim it any time by willing it to appear. He asked, "When shall I depart to best match your wishes?'

"It matters not. The evil of this world cannot act as long as it does not have a spiritual stone in its grasp. Spend as much time as you may want among these girls, but when you are ready, depart and find this princess. You-" he was cut off by a sudden coughing fit and his color started to vanish. "You...a-are...Hyrule's...last...ho...pe..." he managed with his last dying breath. Then, his color left him completely. His leaves began to turn orange and fall off of his branches.

Navi turned to Link and she said, "Well...I, I hadn't seen him in quite that state when I left to go and get my paint brush and stuff. I did not think that this all could happen so fast!" her voice was panicky, as if she had witnessed a ghost.

Link, on the other hand, stood firm and resolute. He turned away and he said, "Well, I guess that it is time for me to see if I can't get ready for the sex that I am going to be expected to know among the girls here."

Navi watched him walk away, and held back a question of hers that was burning on her mind. However, she did plan to ask him something that may change her life forever.

There we go, first chapter of this smexy remake. The next one is going to basically all be sex, involving Link fucking Saria as well as many other girls within the forest for several days. Any suggestions would be appreciated.