The Kingdom of Skol Series - The Aboloshment of Skol - ch1

Story by Swythe Quirksettle on SoFurry

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The Kingdom of Skol - The Abolishment of Skol

By: Swythe Quirksettle

Rating: mature, contains sexual content, violence, blood

The Skol Series is something that I started a few months ago to help improve my witting. After a bit of thought, I've realised I may be off to a good start for a series.

Huron's got my same surname, he's the guy I relate with the most! XD

Enjoy! There's going to be plenty more.

The North Star, there's a lot of new astronomy about it, several interesting facts you might enjoy. Including a legend I know of, the story of Skol.

In astronomy, there are several pole stars, or north stars. One star in account, the one in the story, is known as Thuban, its located in the stellar constellation of Draco. Draco the big dragon in the night sky, roughly 300 light years away. .

Thuban was notably the terrain "north star" roughly 3800 B.C - 1700 B.C and has since been replaced by the modern star, whose name I don't even recall. But thats not why its important.

Thuban is a binary star, meaning two suns orbiting together. The second star, is a white dwarf, formally a planet holding solar system that got too close for comfort.

The planets survived, long before they had life, six of them managed to avoid being flung out into space or being incinerated by Thuban. Each taking, some really odd orbits around the unstable gravity of the two stars.

The farthest one, managed to get far enough away to have a habitable temperature just a bit warmer then earth. It also managed to hold a decent orbit around the fighting pair of stars, just enough to have some level of consistency in its yearly weather patterns.

It also caught two moons in its life, threw the first one out into space though about three thousand years ago like an angry newborn. Roughly just enough chaos to cause some species of animal to evolve really quickly.

For the sake of the story, I'll use comparisons to terrain things to help you understand. Well, at least for the first few chapters.

Draconians, Thubans, Dragons, Lizards, Sex-Crazed-Megalomaniacs, or whatever you want to call them live on the planet I just mentioned, they are a rather hardy race, they are tall, leathery skin, serpentinely built and tough. They'd beat any Terran in a fight, and are much quick to having you for lunch if they don't know your sentient. Some of their stories mention even the eating of young to get their way.

This type of way makes them short tempered, and somewhat impulsive of a race, so their beast like qualities make their population constantly at war with itself, mainly over females, and power. Right now there's about 520 million of them in this universe, their short small numbers are caused only by the constant struggles for resources on a very weak planet.

A particular kingdom, called Skol was the most powerful military kingdom after the latest colonial wars, equivalent earth year to roughly 400 B.C.. They held their own continent and were aggressively charging into it to populate it and keep it out of the hands of smaller kingdoms. They were pinched real bad too in man... er... dragon power, and this resulted in economic conflicts.

A autocratic society in nature, Skol was always in royal drama. Some neighbor wanted the throne, others wanted the kings daughter to lay his eggs next spring. These agreements were common, and more manipulative then genuine, including the latest change.

A rebel group sacked the monarch Mecor, killing him in a dual in the throne room. The winner was the now crowned king Desuis Vex. The kingdom was shook down to its core, as a wave of legal change began.

Punishment of criminals, for almost any crime before Vex ruled, was jail time, depending on the crime. He changed that, instituting a slave trade, to increase his wealth.

One of the changes also involved the treatment of marked female prisoners, mainly a law that gave complete sexual control over those females. He also promoted tax benefits for holders of marked female bloodlines who had larger clutches, creating a breeding program to weed out the weak, and a whole new economic trade.

Side note: aphrodisiac sales skyrocketed

The change was meant actually to increase population, least thats what Desuis claimed. The more dragons in the mainland would keep pace with the emigration to the outland.

Of course, protesters appeared, underground railroads were all over the country within weeks, moving people north into Jester, a very small nation, hosting a new form of government like a democracy on earth, without a free market economy though.

Our story is a bit more micro then this though, I could drivel on about places of interest on this planet, and the political intercourse that makes it so fun, but I'd like to get to the tale itself. In an outlying region of Skol, a large population center named Tarn, was a prison. A not too secure one, where a black skinned, white-scaled bellied draconian was now fresh out of court, guilty of conspiring ageist his king, his name, was Huron Quirksettle, the sentence was to be slave traded, and since this was common in his day, he would be in a full house of dragons just like him.

They locked his cell door, already stripping him of his cloths, in a way of disgracing him somehow. Laughing the guards walked on, they did cuff his hands, but not his tail.

First on the dragon's to-do list was to give him leverage, he knew enough about lock picking to get him free, and using his tail's bony tip, he jarred open the locks on the cuffs.

The prison was dark, not barbaric, it was a newly built one, with modern concrete, the cell was large enough to hold about 5 prisoners. Obviously for mass storage. The room had the smell of dry blood, dragon blood, and leather, then a tint of musk. Someone was here with him.

Huron was born a hunter, and knew when he was not alone, he knew how to filter out his own musky scent and track movements. His skills were a trait held down by his family, but he's no where near the level of his father, or even his nest mates. He gave up that life to helping the rebellion.

Something to his left? A figure was in the shadows, a plate was by a red tail, a tail that was chained down. Following it, right onto the body itself, Huron saw it.

Crimson red hide, no belly color and a very starved form, was completely still except for breathing. It was female, not like that wasn't obvious, and the smell and no wounds meant she was nearing her heat. Explains the terrified fear in her expression when they locked eyes.

She couldn't move, her fear seemed to overtake her, and she couldn't do much. Her legs were purposely chained to be spread, and the chains were welded to her muzzle clamps via a rod that completely shut her maw. Only basic breathing, and squeaks would ever escape her. Purposefully crafted to demonstrate how vulnerable she is, and her role.

Huron's base instincts showed, the sight did make a stirring in his loins, yes, attractive, advantageous, but unfair. Whoever put her this way must've known her cycles, and must've wanted to breed her ageist her will. Its amazing she wasn't bearing the scent of another already, or his young.

Taking a deep breath the dragon male only let his desire to take her for himself pass for a second, then snorting it out to wake up, Huron knelt down and examined his cell mate. Her face was gentile looking, with a touch of attitude, her green eyes tried to look away as Huron examined. She had two tall horns, scratched, and tan, she was rather stunning, and it made him curious.

Of course, consciously, the black dragon was sickened at the forced embarrassment, he grabbed her muzzled rather quickly and held her down. She tried to fight, whimpering at his grip, and Huron said nothing, he was more concerned about freeing then getting cooperation, he'll earn the later by not raping her, he figured. Subconsciously, he knew he felt his mating instincts growing.

She tried to fight free, but she wasn't successful, she didn't had much strength in this case, going as long without food as she had would do that. She didn't have the ability to shake off the grip, Huron though slowly picked the locks on her muzzle, completely undisturbed by her movements.

With a soft click it fell loose, and probably for the first time in awhile, the red dragoness lowered her legs, of course still spread and exposing. She breathed a bit hastily, probably pain due to being like that for so long (however long that is). Huron went to work on the leg clamps, as she sat immobile, smelling of musk and fear.

When her legs were free, she didn't move, next was her arms, then her tail, and when completely unchained, she finally responds with a snap of aggression. Stating in one motion "don't try anything now"

Stepping back, the black dragon sighed, it was satisfying, even in this cell to set another free. He did it all the time... before he was arrested for it. He walked over to the gates of the cell.

He felt a bit embarrassed, someone's not going to like the lack of chains come the next day.

She spoke, "Trendall the guard will kill you for this when he comes... fool."

"Trendall?" Finally, some information, keep talking red one.

"My new master, he's offering me a way out if I lay his clutch."

Most woman are raised for child rearing, reproduction, and such things. They don't have much other then eating to worry of. Least in Skol that is. In the case of this one, she's trying to use it to her advantage, though knowing slave masters, she's going to be more of a sexual toy then child bearer. The guards are rather selfish, thinking they are above the law, they frequent brothels and red light establishments.

"Do you want to lay his clutch?" Huron didn't turn away, he felt her eyes examining him.

"The eggs would grant me better then this. I'd be fed well, groomed, and cared for if I am to raise them." She was indifferent.

"I'll take that as a not really" Huron snorted, he's been through this before, "Why are you here?"

"I was arrested for stealing food," She sounded regretful.

"I was part of the underground railroad in town." he said, forcing the question.

The underground railroad is a tunnel system owned by wealthy business and traders who oppose the new king. Several things happen in the railroad other then slave trading, egg snatching is common these days, stealing slave eggs and crossing them into free territories, others including prison breaks and such. A lot of arrests of slave masters for tax fraud since the rails were from such poaching..

Huron knew this was possible, a prison break was in order in this town, Tron's prison system was packed, and it came to him, the woman behind him was growing in scent, and nearing that phase where she'd loose control of her desires. He knew it too well, too many guards caught escapes this way, he doesn't have count of the many times he had to calm females just to keep the guards off the railroad, and the many eggs he was most likely responsible for.

He looked down, long affected by her, and being only a few steps away, he was the most at risk. Fortunately he's used to it, but he'd have to calm himself down eventually, otherwise he'll be killed abusing some else's property. Then it hit him, he turned around and gave a stern look at the red maturing woman, who was now standing near the cell center.

"If I can free you, and myself without a problem, will you help me?" Huron said, there was a catch, he needed to impress her, gain her trust, so his wings out folded in display, a signal of desire.

She was impressionable, not too much, but her confusion at the moment as a result of her growing hungers left her impulsive, and this dragon was gonna be the one she'd chose if she has a choice. Mainly because he was closer.

Her first question was, "can you get us food?" she seemed meek.

Huron knew that was something she needed, and a great advantage to him, being a hunter. He said "my father taught me how to forage, and I shall be able to feed us when we are free." She seemed to like that word "free." Of course who wouldn't. A small smile came over her.

Score one point, now whats next? Tell her the plan? No, she's gotta be unaware, or it'll be botched, the guards are swift in finding out deceptions. And her next question came surprisingly.

"Then where is it, hunter?" She was now mocking him, not good, sarcasm is not a good sign, or it could be a test. Her eyes moved downward.

Gulping, Huron watched her, she was going through the examination of her choice. Its like a slab of meat, the female examines her partner before accepting. That she did.

"Step out," she said, more serious, and slightly in a lusty hiss. Huron did just that, and she circled around him slowly, her eyes glaring him down. It was almost chilling, and embarrassing.

Huron has a lean, trim body, years of hunting on his own and digging tunnels has given him this. He's nearly perfectly black, except for a few spots on his rump, draconian birthmarks. His white belly was scaled with strong thick leather, years of maturity.

This was something his unnamed taker seemed to like, the examination part involved complete control on the females part, she reached over and placed her paw right on Hurons rump. He last part of accepting a mate was touching on the examiner's part. Sometime shortly after she was expecting to be taken.

To her this was a blast, never in Skol did she think she would ever do the instinctual mating rituals she knew of. Here she was, doing it, in a holding cell, and her catch wasn't too bad looking. He seemed softer then he looked, well groomed.

Murring, the male loved it, and with a bit of coaxing he turned around to her. All the dirty thoughts typical happened through their minds. Until Huron spoke, "I need you to stay in heat for a bit longer."

She protested in her facial expression, but listened, enough of the act of courtship was done to listen. Some thread of thought knew the plan, using her to escape, and approved, with conditions.

Huron knew a basic survival trick, he also knew that he must kill his desire before he is overtaken by his impulses, the only thing he should think of involved her, but not the way she wanted. At least she'd get something in her belly.

Huron explained, and the red dragon seemed equally receptive, she knew about this trick too, what female didn't, its used to love males during the later parts of pregnancy. Perhaps to her two desires would be sated. She smiled, being accepted like this is better then none.

So it began, Huron followed traditions a bit, leaving his wings parted in display, and the red came closer into a soft embrace.

Now breaking the hold, Huron pressed backwards ageist the wall for support, and she followed..

She was slow, and seemed careful, she enjoyed her actions, her long smooth snout lowered softly to the black skinned cock that was throbbing. She was a bit proud that it was her that made it that way. Her warm breaths made it rise faster, and she went to work.

She at first flicked her lounge out, its forked ends examined it like an earth snake, and looking for softness. She tasted his musky, male scent, felt the leathery skin and it drove her wild.

So wild she wanted to take him, instincts over sentience, she wrapped her lounge around the shaft, then lifted a paw up to touch her dragon's rump.

Her dragon? She was thinking that, yes, he was hers, if only for now, she wanted a better mate then that guard. Someone who respected her, treated her well. He would have to prove himself, though that won't take much.

Leaning inward, taking his whole mass inside her maw, she began to pump steadily, sucking and playing with his shaft. Tail trashing high in the air and wings spreading open.

Huron enjoyed this, but was more clear headed, he watched her with a bit of worry that she would bite, but she kept on going, and taking his cock for granted. Her wings spread with acceptance. He knew she was running on instincts. Her scent multiplied in strength, and Huron breathed it in.

One of Huron's paws began to pet her neck as her head bobbed up and down, and he was not aware of it, but he was panting. His mind crossed between discipline and primal.

She reached his tail with a spare paw, and pulled it lightly, feeling her neck being touched, she wanted him to sit. He did so slowly, and when down, soft spurts of pre began to show. The red drank him up, rich nutrients to her, but she needed it all, and put all her energy into getting it.

Huron sitting made it easier, much easier to control him, she could speed up, and move in new ways.

Eventually, a growl came from her supplier, and a spasm nearly gagged her, a warm spray of rich seed followed and she took it all in. it warmed her belly. She almost kept going, not completely full, in more ways then one. But her mind came back to her, for a second, and she stopped and looked up, closing her wings and wishing it wasn't over.

Huron's head cleared a bit too, orgasms do that, an abrupt end to the whole experience. Like waking up in the morning. He looked back and saw his catch look up at him a bit hungry.

"Your welcome" he said, and she smiled and swayed her tail seductively. She obviously wanted more.

Huron shut her down, he knew she would need to go again, and yes, he could do it.

"I need you in heat, to break us out of here..." he explained.

An instinctual whimper came from her. Somehow she managed to ease off, maybe he was tired? She wanted to go wild on him, she was full of so much need now, her sex was throbbing.

Well, the plan worked, while Huron fought his desire, he managed to hide when the guard Trendall came.

The guard was a fiery blue, his face was scarred with battle marks, and he wore the amour of a second lieutenant. He was fierce, but blind to Huron. And that was enough, since he was focused on mating the red.

First thing he said as he grabbed her, forcing her down "Where are your chains?"

She was scared, for her life, and that was a good show to keep him fooled. Suddenly chains tripped Trenall and a clamp locked onto his jaw. Using his full weight, Huron pinned the guard down, left hooked him to daze him and clamped his arms and legs.

The gate door was wide open, and no one was aware of the event. Quickly Huron stripped his captured opponent and took his armor. Now was the fun part, impersonation of a officer, loosely places cuffs on his cell mate, and then walked with her out.

"Come with me, you're better to be laid in my nest" he said. Purposely confusing her.

He did this in defense, he didn't want any mistakes, and her confusion was the perfect way to escape, she was too weak to help him anyway. Her mind so ravaged by hunger and desire that it would be impossible for her to focus.

The pair walked out, the red in front of him, he pushed her and made sure she was obedient. Easily passing by guards and through gates. Using the excuse of "a better nest for my brood" was enough to convince anyone to let her through.

On the way out, there was a dirt road, and a few tractors holding new inmates drove by. The pair made it to the nearby countryside and road.

Damn it was hot, Huron removed his armor, with the exception of his leggings and loin, like he needed them anymore. The red wasn't clothed at all, so it didn't matter to her.

Looking around, for woods more then open land, in the distance there was a grove of trees, 400ft away. Huron pointed and said to his companion, we make it to there, then we are clear of this place.

The red nodded, and they walked. Now scenes like this are so predictable, and this one was no different. Alarms sounded and lights popped on and guards shouted. They were spotted.

Instantly, Huron grabbed the wrist of the red, and pulled her in a running dash. He moved fast, she nearly tripped, eventually just leaping onto his back. Huron hoisted her legs up, and let her rise over his tail base enough not to stop its movement.

They made it to the grove rather fast, draco's are good sprinters by nature, they have to be, to hunt some of the animals on this planet, as well as themselves. Fortunately, no guards found the pair during the mad dash.

Huron slowed and rested, the red, as he has been referencing her by slid down, slowly, and walked next to him. Now was the time to get acquainted, since they had a chance of living longer then five minutes.

"You have a name?" The black asked.

"Tailya, daughter of Mecor." She said.

A surprise? Someone like her would be a high value trade, Mecor the old king had a whole crop of kids, all of witch were separated and spread over the world to protect his brood. This was Tailya, and things were now interesting to Huron.

Next thought I courted the damned princess of Skol! Huron gulped in fear, he didn't want this. But he continued.

"Huron... son of the Quirksettle house." he said.

For a moment, they just sat there, sirens in the distance. Tailya, glanced outside of the trees a bit, and four bulky armored frames were trudging along, Wist Hounds in tow.

Wist Hounds are large furred beasts, like a terrain bulldog, only big, with sharp fangs and horns. Rather nasty things in the right hands. They were used as army scouts, since the army doesn't have the capacity to teach everyone hunting skills. Like earth canine, they were skilled finders.

Tailya shook Huron, "We got to go." She said, winded.

The dragon saw, he grabbed the red's wrist and ran, deep into the woods.

Though, thing about the way they ran... downwind of the prison. Tailya's scent not only was caught by the hounds, forcing them to be more aggressive. It was also picked up by the guards, who were right behind.