The Last One Ch. 6

Story by NickoTavers on SoFurry

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#6 of Story

Short description

Some explinations are in this and well. read and find out ;P

As always thanks to RuthofPern for editing.

Chapter 6

Up until then he hadn't believed that any of this was really happening to him, but now, nuzzeled up against her like this, there was no denying it. He now accepted that it was real, and actually happening to him of all people. He remembered vividly what had happened the day before. He would remember that for the rest of his life as the day he gave his virginity to a dragon, and the day he first became a dragon of course. This presented a question though. 'Why have I changed back'?. He knew from the conversation that he had had before he opted for this, that he would change to and fro, but didn't wholly understand what him to transform in each instance. While he was in the Uni, he was in danger thanks to Carl and Lewis, and then his body had changed. Maybe it was something subconscious, emotional maybe. He was afraid at the time. Or it could just of been a coincidence. He just didn't know what to think. He resolved to ask Alida when she woke up.

He didn't want to disturb her, he was quite content with staying like this. Her tail wrapped around his leg moved slightly, rubbing his balls again causing him to shiver slightly against her.

She must of felt the shiver. "Finally awake then". She said into his ear, making him jump a little.

"Yeah!. You were awake all the time?". He asked.

"Only since you changed back. I'm surprised you managed to sleep through that, with all the cracking noises you made!".

"Yeah I wanted to ask you about that". He said whilst turning around to face her, her tail just wrapping itself around him even more. "What causes me to change?".

"I can not answer that, as I don't know exactly. You are the first living being that this has happened to. I was told by the elders that your emotions would affect the trigger of the change, but are not the trigger itself. The person chosen would change between our race and there own, and the process used sometimes has side effects. Some are not noticeable, but others are. So far the only side effect I have noticed personally, is your ability to cause great pleasure". She finished with a grin.

He loved that grin, it just suited her. He kissed her then and immediately noticed the different between his two 'bodies'. Her tongue had a slightly sweet taste to it, and she had the ability to wrap it right around his tongue as they wrestled each other. His tongue wasn't able to reach very far into her mouth, and he could only feel the around her teeth when his tongue was free of hers that is.

He broke the kiss then, the questions from last night returning to the front of his mind. "Those people in the convoy yesterday. Who where they?".

A sadness came to Alida's face as he asked the question. "They are the reason I am the last one". She paused for a moment, then corrected herself. "We are the last one's".

Placing her head upon her arm so she was comfortable she started to speak again. "I'm not sure exactly who they are, but they are a very large organisation and have been hunting us for years". She stopped for a moment. "The elders were the last apart from me and my parents. They found us and before they could capture us the elders used the last of their powers to ensure our race did not die. They and my parents stayed in order to hold them off long enough for me to escape".

She looked away then, the start of tears in her eyes. "I have not heard anything from any of them since that day. That was 25 years ago now, and I have been alone ever since. When I went back there everything had been destroyed. The only sign of them was the bloodstains on the floor".

Jamie moved in closer and started to wipe away her tears. "You're not alone anymore. You have me". He moved closer just offering his companionship to help her. She smiled but the tears still ran down her face. He knew that she had only answered part of his question but could not press her for more at this moment.

They stayed like this for what seemed like hours, but could only of been no more then half an hour before she moved again saying. "We must get moving". She moved her wings then letting in the sunlight.

Squinting slightly at the sun, he got up and noticed that it was nearly midday. He had missed most of today's classes, but that did not concern him. What concerned him was the fact he was in the middle of a forest reserve, completely naked, in the middle of winter. The chill was already starting to make him shiver. 'I need to get warm and quickly, but how?'. His home was 10 miles away, but might as well be 100. He wouldn't be able to ride his bike home with out at least some gear to protect him against the wind. He would have the same problem if Alida tried to carry him home. He needed some clothes, but the only ones he had were in shreds in the bin in the classroom.

Alida seemed to notice this, and walked behind him, wrapping her arms and wings around him, leaving just his head exposed. "I think getting you warm though will be our first priority". She said in his ear.

He smiled at this, and turned around so he was facing her. "And how exactly are we going to do that?". He said, with a coy smile. "There isn't exactly a clothes shop behind that tree".

"Who needs clothes when you have a dragoness!". She smiled as she said this, moving her head down to kiss him By then he had warmed up as was getting hot in both senses of the word. So of course at that moment she decided to walk away.

"Go get some wood for a fire so we can warm you up then". She said grinning, knowing that she had turned him on just to tease him.

"You just wait until I turn again!. Then we will see who teases who!". He called after her, as she too went to find some wood. Walking around so as to keep his body warm, he quickly found some sticks and twigs that were not that wet. Once he had an arm-full, he walked back to where Alida had left him, and found her with a smaller pile already ablaze, giving off a lovely heat. That made him just want to curl up and sleep next to it, but the sight of how the flickering light catching on her scales was indescribable. --- Well almost indescribable.

She was lying on the opposite side of the fire on her side, propped up on one elbow facing him. Both her legs where bent, but one was laid on the ground, whilst the other was pointed up to the sky, giving him a perfect view of her genitalia. The way the scales lay on her body made the cracks and lines between them seem much darker, while the blue colouring was brighter. The colour seemed to move slightly when she did, shifting ever so slightly for one hue of blue to another.

Jamie was stunned. She was so beautiful. In all him time imagining what it would be like if he ever met a real dragon, it had not prepared him for her shear.. well perfectness.

"I'm glad to know you like me". She said with a smile. "But please close your mouth, it looks unbecoming of you". Realising his jaw had indeed hit the ground, he quickly closed his mouth and placed the pile of sticks near the fire and sat down next to her. "Now you wanted to know why those people were at your... what do you call it.... place of learning?".

"University. Yes, who are they?. You have said what they did, but not why do they do it?". He answered, leaning back so that he was comfortable on his elbows with his feet stretched out near the fire.

"I was told that the leader of that company has a vested interest in 'mythological' creatures, and although we are very real, the fact that we have managed to stay hidden for thousands of years has peaked his interest. However that is not that main concern. The person leading the effort to capture as many of us as possible is.... Well.... He is afraid of what he thinks we can do. By eliminating us, he thinks he is protecting everyone from some sort of world domination, that he thinks we are planning". She paused for a moment seeming to organise her thoughts.

"We know this much from one of our own that managed to escape from them around 30 years ago. He managed to explain a lot of why we were being killed, before his own wounds took his life". She looked directly at him then. "They will be very interested in you, and WILL try to capture you at all costs. The person will use you as proof that we are 'evil'. I had hoped you would go unnoticed, but apparently not".

"Yeah. Two people in the uni saw me change. They must of told someone or something".

"What!?. I thought I said you needed to stay hidden when that happened!". She said her voice getting louder at the end. She had sat up now starting at him with frustration in her eyes.

"Sorry, but I couldn't help it!". He said defensively. "I stayed late in a class, and they came in to..... well, bully me. Just as one of them was about to hit me, I threw him across the class, and that triggered the change".

She thought for a moment before, she nodded at him. "They must of said something, otherwise 'They' wouldn't be here now".

"So what do we do now?". He asked relaxing a bit. He hadn't noticed that he had tensed up nearly all his muscles.

"There is nothing we can do except hide". She said slowly. "We did not want to reveal ourselves to anyone, and fighting back would of done just that".

"So you are just going to let those.... Bastards hunt you down and kill every last one of yo.. Us!". He sat up then and lent forward. "As much as you don't like it, you may have to fight back at some point just to save OUR entire race. Now that I have become one of you, I am just as hunted. I will be damned if I will be bulled by anyone anymore. Not by small people with small minds, and not by people that don't know shit about what they're doing".

She looked up at him then, with both worry and admiration. "What can you do?. We have tried to talk to them but they just don't listen and kill us".

"I think I know what to do, but it does mean we have a long way to travel". He replied .

"As long as you are with me, I don't care where we go". She replied.

Standing up, she grabbed a few bits of wood. He hadn't noticed, but most of the day had gone and the sun was now setting. Tossing the wood on the fire to keep it going, she looked coyly at him. That look alone told him they were going to have fun tonight. Just thinking about what was to come made his cock throb to life.

"Good we are in the same train of thought". Alida said smiling, when she noticed it.

"And what thought would that be?". He asked, feigning ignorance.

Instead of answering she walked closer, swaying her hips and tail from side to side rather seductively. It worked exactly as she had planned, making his cock throb even more.

"That thought". She said, stopping right in front of him and moving her tail in front of her, running it lightly up his legs.

"Oh, that thought". He said, grabbing her tail and tugging slightly so that she overbalanced. Normally she would have been able to steady herself but with Jamie holding on to her tail she couldn't. She fell onto her side in the soft grass next to him. Quickly he rolled her onto her back with him on top of her, his face only inches from hers.

"Lets see shall we?". He stated, and before allowing her to reply, he lowered his head and kissed her. Their tongues met and tangled, well Alida's Tongue wrapped around Jamie's, while they exchanged their saliva. An almost purr-like growl came from her as she wrapped her arms around him, then encircled her tail around his waist, pulling him closer. He melted into the kiss. She smelled so exotic, he was surprised he had never noticed it before. It was one of those smells that would make your head turn to find the source. Breaking the kiss Alida said.

"Yes, we shall". And with that she rolled over pinning him to the ground. Smiling she unwrapped her tail from around his waist sliding it slowly across his skin as she did. His member was already fully erect, she move to position herself over his member her surprisingly soft lips just teasing his head. She looked into his eyes with that grin on her face.

"You're going to tease me, ain't you?". He said to her.

"Yes, I'm going to at least have a bit of fun". As she slowly lowered herself about an inch, his arms still pinned by hers, there wasn't much he could do. There was one thing though. Just as she stopped, he moved his hips upwards burying himself to the hilt. She was already so wet the he slipped in easily. She was surprised by this, and the feeling made her legs go weak, and she collapsed on top of him. Only held up by her arms, but still skewered firmly on his member. He smiled at her then.

"I still got a few tricks up my sleeve". She looked at him again while slowly lifting herself off his member.

"So have I". He felt the walls of her vagina ripple on his member as she lifted, causing immense pleasure to run right through his body. He almost came then but managed to hold back.

"Do you want to find out what else I can do?".

"Erm, Ahh!. Yes!". He stuttered, with intense concentration.

Slipping her tail tip around underneath her, she felt her way up his inner thighs, until she contacted his sack. Giving it a little tickle, causing him to gasp, she moved it lower, and located his pulsing ring.

Looking directly in his eyes. "You ready for something different?". She said.

"Yes, if you are slow please. I have never touched myself there".

Nodding, she gently prodded at his entrance, and slowly slid in. a few inches.

"Grrrnnnngggghhh". He grunted. "Ahh, you will have to be quicker, thats amazing and I can't hold off much longer!".

She proceeded to lower herself again all they way down her inner walls still rippling, sliding her tail tip into a depth of around 6 inches, feeling for his nub. She got faster and faster in her rythym until she was slapping, and bouncing on him. She was very careful not to allow her full weight to press on him as she was bigger then him and could easily break a few bone if careless. Releasing his arms then, she lent back, so she could bounce more freely. He immediately moved his hands to her breasts and started to squeeze them.

The pressure started to build more in his member, and he could feel that Alida has nearing her climax so he started to hump her back helping her impale herself as quickly as she could. They were both moaning at that point. Just before he was about to let go he felt hers vagina spasm and clench on his member, she also dragged her tail tip backwards against his prostrate, causing him to instantly release the built up pressure into her warm silky depths. She collapsed forward then not removing him from inside her, or her tail from him, to allow his still spasming cock to release all of its load into her. Most of her weight was on her arms as she kissed him again sending her tongue down his throat, almost causing him to gag, but it was to nice a feeling.

They lay like that for nearly an hour, but it only seemed like an instant. His member had shrunk and had slipped out of her, but no juices had left with it. Her vagina had sucked his member dry and was not letting any of his seed go to waste. Slipping her own tail out, she rolled over then to lie by his side and wrapped her wings around them both.

"I love you". He whispered before cuddling up to her and falling asleep.

"I love you, too". She responded before wrapping her arms and tail around him again before falling asleep herself.

Jamie awoke the next morning, he didn't know what but something felt wrong. Getting up he looked around, Alida wasn't anywhere to be seen. The fire had been built up recently and was happily burning away, but none of these things caused him to feel this. It was like someone was watching him. Looking around, trying to see if he could see anyone, he couldn't. The place appeared empty. He was just about to shrug the feeling off when, in the corner of his eye he saw something move. His eyes snapped to it but there was nothing there. Scanning that area again he heard something behind him, it sounded like a sudden release of air, like an air gun.

Something hit him in the right arm. Looking down he saw a dart embedded in his skin just above his elbow, it had red feathers attached to the back of it. Turning around he looked for the person that had shot him but still couldn't see anyone. Then it happened again, from his left and another dart embedded itself in the side of his left leg below his butt. All of a sudden he started to get drowsy. This was all too confusing for him and what ever was in those darts were not helping him think. 'What am i doing?'. His eyes were starting to get really heavy, looking at the fire remembering last night.

"ALIDA!!". He screamed. trying to run off in to the forest, but another dart got him on the right butt cheek and knocked him out before he hit the ground.