The Typo

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It really has been a while since I was active here, let alone posted a story!

So here's my first since then. THIS CONTAINS CUB x CUB GAY FURRY SEX. Don't read this if you don't like that kind of stuff.

Otherwise, enjoy!

The Typo

Alex walked slowly, looking up to the clear blue sky. At the time, he was twelve. A twelve year-old bluish-grey wolf-cub eagerly walking toward his best friend Kai's house on a bright spring morning. There were a few blotches of snow here and there on every other lawn, the drowning dull green grass making its first real appearance since last fall. The quiet street where Alex walked was home to most of his friends from school, although he rarely saw any of them outside the schoolyard since their mothers were so protective, or so he heard.

The small cub met his friend Kai in third grade, about four years earlier, during one of his classes when everyone had to form teams of two. The two of them left alone in the end, they were teamed up by default, and since then developed a strong friendship. What was even better was that they lived almost across the street from each other, so they could sleep over without their moms having a fit.

As Alex awkwardly rang the doorbell, his hands full with games and such, he was almost instantly greeted by Kai's mother, who happened to be leaving at the same time.

"Oh! Hi Alex! I was just about to go shopping. Come on in, at least now Kai won't be alone while I'm gone!"

"Thanks Mrs. Summers!" he answered joyfully.

"Kai, come downstairs, your friend Alex is here!" yelled Mrs. Summers.

An energetic Kai bolted down the stairs soon after, missing a step near the bottom and falling on his bum.

"Ouchies!" moaned Kai, getting up and rubbing his bottom. "Mommy, stop laughing!"

"Sorry, sorry!" replied his mom, giggling a bit. "Alright, I'm off. I'll be back in a few hours. Have fun, you two!"

"Byyyyyyyeeeee!" replied both cubs in unison as Mrs. Summers got in her car and drove off.

The duo ran upstairs and into Kai's room, Alex dropping all of his games on his friend's bed.

"So what do you want to play first?" asked Alex energetically.

"Hmmmm..." replied Kai, rummaging through the pile of potential fun, "how about... THIS!"

Kai held up Super Smash Bros. Brawl to Alex's face, then ran to his Wii, knocking it over by mistake, getting it back up, and putting the game in excitedly. Giving no time for Alex to react, he picked up a remote, threw one to his friend who had taken a seat on the bed, and sat down on the floor as he waited for the game to start.

"Who should I pick...?" asked Alex to himself, out loud.

"Well I'm picking Sonic, 'cause he's really fast!" grinned Kai, bouncing up and down.

"Okay, well in that case... I'll pick Fox, cause he's fast too, and cause I love foxes!" replied Alex happily.

Kai was a small, hyperactive snow white fox, a bit clumsy at times, and also twelve years old. He blushed at Alex's comment.

And so the 3-stock duel began, with Final Destination as the battlefield, being the most neutral stage of all : one single platform. Sonic managed to land a few rapid but weak hits, as Fox managed to dodge quite a few of them, and using his Deflector to stop Sonic in his tracks when he could. Fox picked up a Pokeball, missing Sonic but still keeping it in play. A Goldeen came out, flopping around, useless as ever. Sonic picked up a capsule, landing it on Fox's face and BOOM!, it exploded, making Fox lose his first life.

"Come on, step it up!" Sonic taunted.

As Fox spawned back, Sonic picked up a Home Run Bat, and in an attempt to knock Fox out with it, hit a defenseless Sandbag. The Sandbag flew off the screen, leaving behind it a Bob-omb, which Sonic accidentally hit. He flew off the screen as well.

"Come on!" yelled Fox, motioning with his hand.

Sonic spawned back soon after, and, exploiting his momentary invincibility, landed a few hits on Fox. Fox managed to pick up a Lip's Stick and threw it at Sonic, damaging him quite a bit and leaving him with a flower on his head. Sonic quickly shook it off, picked up a Pokeball, and threw it on the ground below him, spawning Kyogre who pushed Fox off the screen.

"You're too slow!" Sonic taunted again.

Fox reappeared on screen and immediately attacked Sonic to keep him from picking up a Hammer, which he failed in doing. However, Sonic lost the top of his hammer and flailed about with his stick, as Fox picked up the top part and threw it at the blue hedgehog, making him lose his second life, too.

After Sonic's respawn, the two players attacked each other viciously, one of them grabbing the other, and the other shaking himself loose and shooting the the first with a gun. They both sustained pretty heavy damage, and a few minutes later, a Party Ball fell from the sky. They both attacked it while fighting each other, and eventually, the Party Ball rose to the sky. With a change of color and an awful sound, the Party Ball cracked open with both characters fighting underneath it, and letting loose 5 Bob-ombs. Without any time to react, both players exploded and flew in opposite directions, leaving Fox as the victor by a fraction of a second.

"That was so close! You were just lucky!" yelled Kai. "I don't want to play anymore."

"Alright then. What do you want to play?" replied Alex, smiling from the corner of his muzzle.

"I dunno... We could go on Youtube to check out some videos." suggested Kai.

"Okay, let's do that."

Both cubs got up, walking toward Kai's computer and opening it up.

"I know this really funny, random video about three unicorns doing reaaaally random stuff, and it's really funny!" said Kai, bouncing on his chair.

"Oh yeah, I heard about that one, but I never saw it. It looks pretty hilarious." replied Alex.

As the computer turned on, Kai opened up Internet Explorer, and typed in the address bar. He made a mistake in doing so, however, and instead, was redirected to a spam website with images of gay porn popping up on the screen. Both cubs, not knowing how to react, just stared blankly at the the computer, taking in all of the images avidly. After about a minute, Kai snapped out of his daze, and looked down at his pants after feeling a tight sensation in his groin. He then looked down at Alex's pants, and saw a tent similar to the one he had.

"Uhm... Alex..." he said, snapping him out of his daze, "why is that guy putting that other guy's peepee in his mouth?

"I don't know..." replied Alex, "but I don't think we should be looking at that kind of stuff... Let's go back on Youtube."

Kai nodded and corrected the typo in the URL, leaving the porn site. The two watched a few videos and rapidly forgot about what they had just seen. After watching Charlie the Unicorn 3, Kai closed the web browser and went to lie on his bed. Alex followed suite and lay on the bed next to him, both staring at the ceiling.

"Uhm, Alex... Remember what we saw before?" asked Kai, blushing a bit.

"Yeah? ...What about it?" replied Alex, blushing a bit as well.

"Can I, uhm... try to put yours in my mouth?" Kai looked away, his blushing all too obvious.

"I... I don't know... Wouldn't that be weird? I mean... that's where my pee comes out..." Alex blushed furiously as well.

"I know... But it looked like fun, and I wanna see what it does." said Kai, still blushing, but with a convinced tone.

"Alright then... but not too long, just to try." he answered.

Alex unbuttoned his pants and pulled his undies down, revealing a small, fuzzy sheath, covered with the same color fur as the rest of his body. Kai took a long look at his friend's sheath, flashing the images from the website in his head and remembering that the guy he saw rubbed the other guy's sheath with his hand before putting his mouth on it. The fox brought his hand to the wolf's crotch, gently rubbing his sheath and caressing the sack underneath it. Alex closed his eyes and moaned softly at the touch, his small pink tip starting to poke out a bit.

"That... feels really good, Kai..." moaned Alex, encouraging Kai to keep going.

Kai watched his friend's tip showing itself slowly and started rubbing it as well, as he felt his own pants starting to get tighter, just like when he saw the strange website earlier. More and more of Alex's cock slid out of its sheath, giving more for Kai to rub, and Alex's moans intensifying. The fox kept rubbing, and with his own pants getting painful, he unbuttoned them as well, leaving his hard member in only his undies. With a nice 6 inches of wolf cock in front of him, Kai decided to bring his muzzle to its tip, tentatively licking the head while fondling the not so small sack underneath. Alex yipped a bit as he felt his friend's hot tongue on his member, taken by surprise, but soon after he started moaning even louder, with Kai licking from base to head, making Alex shudder with pleasure.

"Oh.... please Kai... put it in your mouth... It feels amazing..." Alex moaned, putting his hand on Kai's head.

Without second thought, Kai took Alex's head in his mouth, lightly suckling and rubbing the cock's base with his hand. His other hand, though, went down to his own hard member, freeing it from its undies, revealing his fully exposed 7 inches of foxhood. As he took more of his friend's member in his mouth, he started rubbing his own hard-on, causing him to moan a bit on Alex's cock. Kai began bobbing his head up and down, his rhythm controlled by Alex's hand who forced him deeper each time, until Kai somehow took all of it in his mouth without gagging. Alex threw his head back and moaned loudly, his hand playing in Kai's headfur. Kai took his mouth off his friend's dick, getting up on his knees and taking his pants and undies off completely.

"Wh-what are you doing?" asked Alex, opening his eyes.

"I wanna try... putting it in my bum... like we saw on that website." replied Kai convincingly.

"But... won't that hurt? Are you sure you wanna try that?" Alex questioned, concerned.

"Y-yes, I'm sure..." he answered.

"Well... okay then... but go slowly... please..." Alex pleaded.

Kai nodded and got up over Alex, resting one knee on each side, his virgin hole aligned with Alex's fully hard 8 inch member. He then proceeded to go down slowly, the tip eventually touching his hole, then poking, and then pressuring to enter. Kai firmly pushed himself down, forcing Alex's head into his entrance and wincing at the sharp pain, as Alex gasped at the sensation.

"Aaaah... that feels amazing... A-are you okay, Kai?" questioned Alex, concerned.

"Yes... it just hurts... a bit..." grimaced Kai. "I'm alright."

Kai waited a few minutes for his hole to adjust to the large intrusion, then pushed down a bit deeper, whining a bit, but leaving Alex in sheer ecstasy. After doing this a few times, Kai finally got to the base, Alex's entire wolfhood inside the fox, giving him a warm, tingly feeling deep inside.

"I-is it... all inside me?" asked Kai.

"I think so... yes..." replied Alex, gasping from pleasure.

With that, Kai, after being adjusted to the large member being inside him, slid slowly up and down his friend's cock, grimacing slightly from pain, but starting to feel something else... something pleasurable. With his wolfhood moving deep inside Kai, Alex moaned in pleasure, head tilted back and eyes closed, rubbing Kai's hard-on exposed in front of him. As Kai rode his friend, he started to feel something forming at the base of his friend's member, like some sort of... knot. Since Kai couldn't go as deep because of that knot, he started sliding up and down a bit faster, sending waves of pleasure through Alex's spine and making his own heart beat faster and faster.

"Ah... Kai... wait..." said Alex in between moans.

"What's... wrong?" breathed Kai.

"Turn around... and get on your hands... and knees..." he answered, his tone heavy with lust.

Kai did as he was asked, and got off Alex's member, turning around and getting on all fours. Alex got up, put his hands on Kai's back and thrust his cock deep into him, making Kai wince in pain and pleasure. Alex kept thrusting until his knot reached a fair size, then started thrusting harder, loosening Kai's hole little by little, while breathing heavily on Kai's neck.

"W-what... are you... doing...?" breathed Kai heavily.

Alex didn't answer, as if taken by a wild instinct, thrusting harder and harder. Feeling Alex pounding him harder, Kai was lost in pleasure, thrusting himself back rhythmically in time with the wolf's ramming, all while pawing his own cock, which was dribbling in need of attention. Time seemed to be frozen as the two cubs mated with such intensity, their moaning in time with each other, both approaching climax at a similar pace. The wolf's knot kept pounding the fox's entrance, demanding entry, more and more of it penetrating with each powerful, animalistic thrust. Finally, as if driven by some primitive instinct, Alex bit down hard on Kai's neck, making him bleed under the wolf's fang and causing Kai to cry out sharply in pain. With one final, brutal thrust, Alex's knot rammed inside his mate, Kai feeling like his hole was being ripped in half, the wolf letting loose a torrent of hot lupine cum coating Kai's velvety insides. With this intense feeling, Kai was sent over the edge as well, his warm fox seed splattering all over Kai's bed. Both cubs gasped for air as Alex's orgasm lasted a few seconds, and as it subsided, he released Kai from his bite, licking up the blood around the wound, making the fox wince in pain. Both cubs stayed silent for a few minutes, basking in the afterglow of their first but amazing orgasm.

"I'm sorry I bit you... I don't know why I did that..." Alex said apologetically.

"That's okay..." replied Kai, "it felt amazing in the end... What was that big thing you shoved inside me though?"

"I'm not sure... It was part of my member, I know that much... And it won't shrink right now, so I think we're stuck like this until it does. I hope you don't mind."

"That's okay... I like the feeling of you inside me. And whatever that hot stuff you shot inside me was... it felt amazing."

Kai nuzzled Alex, hugging him tightly.

"I really like you, Alex... Actually... I think I might even... love you."

"I... love you too, Kai."

So that was it =3

Tell me what you think?

PS: Edited/added a few things, corrected a few typos, etc.

Unbreakable Bond

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The Duet

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Classroom Journal

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