(DSOANA) Behind The Scenes .1
#1 of (DSOANA) Behind The Scenes
*WARNING: If you're new here or you haven't read the official story you probably won't understand what's going on so here's the link, * http://www.sofurry.com/page/211131/9
This is going to be a chat-style kind of story, so it can either confuse you or understand it better (I'm trying something new here, so please bear with me on this). Also whenever I update, the scenes (footages) are going to be at random. So the scenes won't go in order, but they'll make sense once you read it.
**("DSOANA" stands for "David's Start of a New Adventure" btw)
Disclaimer: I/TripleX do not own the rights to Pokemon, only my OC.
Anyways enjoy! ^^**
...... (Note: Remember these are from past footages, and when the scenes switch to interviews, it'll be the present.)
TripleX: ** and... ACTION!!! **David & Latios: I LOVE YOU!!! David & Latios: ** WHAT?!! **Latios: You love me? *points at himself* David: You love me? TripleX: ** CUT! -everyone stops- *TripleX: * *walks over to David* David I'm going to need more emotion coming out of you; more shock to be more specific. **David: *nods* sure.... _____________________________________________________________________________________ -Interview Room #1: David Cheng-
Interviewer: Why hello David? Is David your real name? Can I call you David? David: *chuckles* Yes David Cheng is my real name... TripleX let me use my real name. Interviewer: Oh that's neat... *ahem* so let's get down to business and ask you a few questions. David: Alright cool. *nods* Interviewer: Okay so... what do you think of TripleX as being a director? Is he a good director or a bad director? David: *thinks*.... Well since this movie slash story was his first one to make, I wouldn't be surprised if he makes mistakes here and there. But overall, he's a good director; in my opinion anyways. Interviewer: *nods* I see. David: I admit that TripleX helps me most of the time since I'm not the best actor out there, and that I've never acted before. Interviewer: *nods again* _____________________________________________________________________________________
TripleX: ** *walks over to David* David I'm going to need more emotion coming out of you; more shock to be more specific. **David: *nods* sure. TripleX: ** Alright back in your places everyone! *walks back* *TripleX: * This is "Ch.12-Love Blossoms In The Air" scene 2, take 2... *TripleX: * ACTION! -starts- **Latios: You love me? *points at himself* David: Y-You love me? David & Latios: *blushes and looks away* -long and awkward silence- Latios: *starts shaking while having tears streaming down* David: *notices* Latios are you okay? I didn't mean to upset you. *approaches Latios* Latios: *suddenly tackles David* TripleX: Que the mats! _____________________________________________________________________________________ -Interview Room #1: David Cheng-
Interviewer: Really? David: *nods* Yeah really. Interviewer: Hmm... I don't know it doesn't seem to hurt as much being tackled. David: Oh trust me, once you get tackled by Latios... it's- oh I don't even want to think about it. *face palms* Interviewer: C'mon it can't be that bad. David: *glances at the interviewer* The few times Latios has tackled me gave my back some bruises. Interview: Oh? David: I had to wear patted materials under my clothes if I don't want to break my back from another one of his tackles. Interviewer: Well from your perspective Latios seems really strong. David: What do you expect? He a Pokémon... and a legendary one at that. Interviewer: True. _____________________________________________________________________________________
Canine: *quickly places mats*
David: Oof! *him and Latios lands on mats*
TripleX: CUT
-everyone stops-
TripleX: Good work everyone, now... let's get into the smexy scene
-Interview Room #2: Latios-
-enters Latios-
Interviewer: Hello Latios, nice to meet you. *offers a hand shake*
Latios: *smiles* It's nice to meet you too. *shakes hand*
Interviewer: Well Latios you can sit-or levitate on that chair over there and we'll get down to business.
Latios: *nods* Okay
Interviewer: Now what made you want to act for TripleX?
Latios: Umm... well actually I wasn't really sure at first when TripleX asked me to act out a character for his story and movie.
Interviewer: Then what made you do it then?
Latios: My sister, Latias was the one who convinced me; since she was asked was well, and that she really wanted to do it too.
Interview: So how did she convince you then?
Latios: She kept intriguing me that it was going to be fun and... and that she constantly asks me literally every minute while I was deciding on my decision... it got really irritating *rubs behind his neck*
Interviewer: *chuckles* I bet.
Latios: *sighs* You don't even want to know what else she can convince me into.
Interviewer: *looks interested and wants to ask, but decides against it*
Interviewer: *nods*... so when you actually decided that you were going to act... how did you feel when you later discovered that you're playing a character that's in love with another male?
Latios: *shrugs* It didn't really bother me to be honest. I'm just as open minded as everyone else, and I got nothing against homosexuality.
Interviewer: *nods* So do you actually put feelings into your scenes with David... or were you just "acting"?
Latios: Umm... I actually do put feelings with the scenes with David *feels face heating up*
Interviewer: Oh so do you actually 'like' David? *smirks*
Latios: Whoa, I didn't say that.
Interviewer: *smiles* Then why are you blushing?
Latios: I'm-I'm not it's just that... *couldn't find an excuse*
Interviewer: Hm?
Latios: *sighs* Okay I admit... I do 'like' him... and all I can say is that there is something between us. *blushes more*
Interviewer: Hmm... so you like David in and out of the story... interesting
Latios: You love me! You really-really love me! *hugs tightly while nuzzling his neck into David's neck* David: *moans* Nghh... Latios, I'm not sure if I truly love you. Latios: *looks at David while tilting his head* David: BUUUUUT...... I'm willing to try and give this new relationship a chance... if you're willing to. David: So what do you say? Latios: *leaning in as both his and David's lips were just centimetres apart* Does this answer your question? Latios: *seals lips with David* David: *his whole body stiffen from the sudden kiss* *but soon closes his eyes as he kisses back* Cameraman: *getting a close up of their kiss* Latios: *tilting his head to deepen the kiss as his tongue invades into David's mouth* David & Latios: *their tongues rubbing and swirling off from each other, fighting for dominance* Cameraman: *gets a close up of their lip locking* David & Latios: *their bodies brushing against each other; each seconds pass by and both are just begging for more from one another* _____________________________________________________________________________________ -Interview Room #3: TripleX-
TripleX: *smiles* Hello
Interviewer: Hey TripleX it's-
TripleX: You can call me TX for short. *sits on chair with one leg over the other*
Interviewer: Oh well TX it's a pleasure to meet you.
TripleX: *nods* You too.
Interviewer: Now then... how did you end up with all of this in the first place, and how did you manage to find the people you needed for your movie?
TripleX: Well to start things off, before I started making my story into a movie, I was just posting my stories on fan fiction websites. SoFurry especially is where I'm most active, and during that time someone actually suggested that I should actually publish my stories.
Interviewer: Were you surprised?
TripleX: *nods* Yes very... I didn't know that my story could be that good. I mean, I think it's good, but good enough to be published? I thought that was crazy, and there are a lot more writers out there that are way better than me and could easily publish their stories. But I then thought about it, and thought I should do something bigger than publishing my story.... I should make a movie out of it.
Interviewer: *nods* Interesting.... then where did you start off? Like how did you manage to get everything to produce a movie for you story?
TripleX: I got a few friends that know some people and furs around that can help out.... and I've also put out auditions for some of the characters that are going to be played, and some I've asked around here and there.
Interviewer: Awesome.... Hey TX I know that your actual story has been postponed, but I've heard that you're getting a new character, am I right? Because I saw one of your banners on your SoFurry website. Not the sunset setting with Lucario, you, and.... your little friend.
TripleX: *nervous laugh* Oh you saw that?
Interviewer: *nods* Yes.... very lovely banner by the way.
TripleX: Thank you.
Interviewer: But anyways your other banner, the one with the characters and that mysterious one at the end. That's a new character?
TripleX: *nods* Yeah.... but I can't tell who or what it is, I don't want to spoil the surprise.
Interviewer: *nods* That's understandable.
Interviewer: Well that's all I have to ask for now. *gets up and offers a hand shake* And again, it was nice meeting you.
TripleX: *gets up and nods* You too. *shake hand*
-both exit the room-
Well that's all folk, hoped you enjoyed it. I know it's not that long as you'll expect it to be, but this sort of thing if almost like a filler.... in a way somewhat.
So if you like this, give this a fav. And if you want more, give it a 5/5 stars please.
But anyways remember to leave your questions and comments below and luckily the characters in this chapter might respond to you.
(Don't ask a question to a different character that's not in this chapter, only the characters that shows up in this chapter or in any other chapters the chracters that shows up you can ask)
Available: (For Questions) -David -Latios -TripleX