Matheau+Beijore: Chapter 3 Preparations

Story by matheauthered on SoFurry

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Okay, basic information, Matheau and Beijore are copywritten characters that belong to me, do not use them without my permission. If you are not of age to be reading this, do not, or if you do, i am not to be held accountable for your actions. That said and out of the way, i hope you enjoy reading this, as i have decided to turn these into a series, and for my fans, (you know who you are) you will see alot more of these two.

Matheau+Beijore: Preparations

Beijore awoke at surnrise the next morning at about the same time she always did. She was a little surprised, but not alarmed, that Matheau was already awake and apparently had gone out. His cloths and armor and sword were gone, but his other few possesions were still there. She stood and stretched, and prepared to leave on her usual morning flight.

"Oh no you dont!" Matheau's voice came from the entrance, and sounded as if he were dragging something with him. "Your not going anywhere, Beijore. You just lay that lovely blue behind of yours back down. I went and got your breakfast for you." She was surprised. VERY surprised.

"Matheau, I am flattered that you would go to such lengths to bring me to Breakfast in bed....." she said with a smile. "But reguardless, i need to go get my excercise." "Then I will go with you." Matheau said eagerly. Beijore laughed.

"Not unless you sprout wings, my beloved Matheau." she chuckled softly. "I need to excercise my wings as well as my fore and hind legs, Matheau." Matheau nodded slowly and said, "I just dont want you to over exert yourself, Beijore." She walked over to him and lowered her head, taking his lips in a soft kiss.

"Your worried about the children, aren't you?" she asked softly. Matheau stroked her neck scales softly and nodded. A soft thrumming began to resonate through her body as she spoke. "You dont have to worry about them just yet. We have at least a month before i lay the eggs. I will still be able to hunt and fend for myself for some time yet. So for now it would be best if we prepared for their arrival, instead of being nervous about it." As she looked down at him, she began to grow painfully aware of a growing heat in her body. Almost instantly she knew what it was and what she wanted. But she also knew that she needed to eat, for she was not just feeding herself anymore. She was feeding children. It was then, seeing how worried about her and the children he was, that she made a silent vow to protect herself and the children growing inside of her the best she could. She stood and made her way to the cave entrance. "Do not worry about me, my sweet Matheau. Or the children inside of me. I will be back before you know it." With that, she blew him a kiss and departed, but not before feeling the heat rush through her body again.

The wind felt wonderful beneath her wings, more so than usual. It was almost, but not quite, sensual. In a way, it pained her to know how much time she would spend indoors during her pregnancy. She had never been pregnant before, nor had she exected to find the one she loved and wanted so quickly. Nor had she expected Mr. Perfect to be human.....but she knew that she loved him with all of her heart, and would give anything for him. But there was something about him that she just couldn't put her talon on. She hoped that one day she would find out.......

As her mind wandered back to Matheau, the heat flashed through her body again, staying this time and gripping her tightly. Her concentration faltered for a moment and she bagan to lose altitude fast. The adrenaline of the fall and the heat coursing through her made her moan softly. She finally got some semblance of control of her body and leveled her wings, straightening her flight. As her heartbeat returned to normal, she began to become aware of a tickling on her thighs. Curious, she leaned her head down to look and see what it was. She was dripping wet, her juices coating her thights, braodcasting her want, and now, need, to every dragon within miles of her. Normally she would have been afraid. But since her meeting with the first dragon, she wasn't afraid. They knew better.

She wanted to be touched and caressed. She wanted to touch him, needed to feel him inside her again. At that thought she moaned as she felt herself begin to leak again, her juices flowing freely down her hind legs. She had never before flown as hard as she was now, her breakfast forgotten as she flew full tilt for what she now wanted.

Matheau didn't even hear her come in. He was naked to his waist nad using one of Beijores old discarded scales to sharpen his sword. He felft her breath on the back of his neck and jumped to his feet, spinning to face her.

"Oh! Beijore! I didnt even hear you come in.....So, how was...." he didn't get to finish as she took him in a passionate, hungry kiss. She grabbed one of his hands and guided it between her thighs and moaned into his mouth as his fingers touched her sensitive, hungry flesh. Matheau wrapped his toung around her, moaning into the kiss, letting a surprised noise escapes his throat as he elt how wet and arroused she was. She brok the kiss and stared at him, her eyes falling to his crotch.

"Matheau," she panted. "I want you now. I need you inside of me. Mate with me, right now!" Needless to say, Matheau was already tenting his pants, and as he removed them, his member sprung free from its confines, throbbing proudly in the air. Matheau hadn't a chance to move before Beijore was all over him, sheating her talons and pumping his hot meat slowly in and out of her claw, cooing softly in admiration. "How in the world did a human get so well endowed?" she asked, flicking her tongue out and catching the few draops of pre that oozed out the tip of his manhood. Matheau shivered and moaned as the tip of her tongue danced over the over-sensitive head of his pulsing member. She butted him gently with her head, an invitation to lied down, which he did without question. No sooner had he done so than his shaft disapeared into her muzle. Matheau arched his back and moanded loudly when she wrapped her tongue around his cock, her head bobbing slowly up and down, taking every inch of him into her mouth. The heat of her mouth and tongue and the suction of her minstrations were threatening to send him to an early climax. Beijore knew this of course, and redoubled her efforts, her head bobbing faster. When Matheau let a loud, bliss filled moan, she felt his shaft twitch once in her muzzle, and then she got what she had wanted. Spurt after spurt of his hot seed filed her mouth, and she greedily drank it all down. Making sure he was done and every last bit of his seed was warming her belly, she gently released it from her mouth, Matheau panting softly.

"Beijore.....that....was great!" Matheau said, sitting up. Beijore leaned foreward and pushed him back down with a playful growl. "Im not done yet" she said lustfully. "And i think that you arent either." She looked down and saw that his shaft was already fully hard and ready for more attention. She stepped over him, a foreleg and a hindleg on either side of his body. Matheau reached up and caressed her golden chest scales, until he noticed the ery tight hardened buds of her nipples, demanding attention. He stroked and massaged her breasts, making her purr. Then he pinched her nipples between his fingers, and she let a little screech of pleasure.

"Ooooh Matheau that felt so good." she whined, once again slowly stroking his manhood. " it again." When he did it again, her moan was so low it was hard to tell wether she had moaned or growled. "My nipples are so sensitive already....Suck on them, my beloved......please...." She didn't need to beg, or even ask for that matter, for before the sentance was fully out of his mouth, he had sat up and slipped her nipple ino his mouth and was suckling fervently. She moaned and whined in pleasure, her juices flowing out of her and onto Matheau's throbbing member. Beijore placed her claws on his shoulders for support and lowered her needy flesh to rub against the head and shaft of his cock, lubricating him with her juices.

Matheau was quite pleasently surprised when he felt the head of hs cock part her netherlips. She gripped his thoulders slmost hard enough to be painful as she impaled herself on his pillar of flesh, groaning in pure bliss. Matheau groaned in exstacy against her breast as her moist heat surrounded his shaft. She lifted herself up slowly, then came back down just as slowly.

"You'll ....have to bear with me Matheau." she panted quietly. "This is my first time.....trying this with you. Oooooh....." Matheau let her nipple slip from his mouth. "Take.....your time." he gasped out. "I want last." She nodded and began to him him a little faster, whimpering louder as her climax hit, soaking Matheau's shaft with her nectar. Matheau groaned, his nails digging into the dirt as her muscles tightened around him, trying to milk him. Beijore whimpered and moaned in frustration when she did not feel his hot seed inside of her, and rode him faster still, careful of bringing her weight down on him too hard, also making sure to hilt him inside of her each time. Matheau's breath was becoming shorter and more ragged, his climax coming closer as he began to massage her back at the base of her wings, urging her on. When Beijore came down next, he held her tight and slammed his hips up to meet her, yelling out in pleasure as he filled her with his hot seed. This caused Beijore to roar in pleasure as her muscles squeezed his rod in a second, more powerful orgasm, draining him of every ounce of his essance. She slid him out of her with a final moan and collapsed on her side, panting, rubbing her clit softly and feeling her juices and his seed flowing out of her. Matheau crawled over and snugled up to her, kissing her softly.

"Beijore.....what was that all about?" Matheau asked sleepily. Already more asleep than awake, Beijore merely said: "I really wanted to mate." And drifted off to sleep, her claw resting on her sex. Before Matheau fell asleep, curled up next to his eternal lover, her thought: "One more month......and I will be a father." Then he too, drifted off to sleep.