The Pokeathlon

Story by LifeofaGuardian on SoFurry

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Hello, my name is Galor. I am a pokemon trainer. I have been raised by pokemon since I was left by my parents. They were too poor to raise another son and my father left me behind in the forest for the pokemon. They found me and, surprisingly, fed me up until I was big enough. I've grown up as a protector of pokemon rights. I've never actually "caught" a pokemon. All pokemon coming with me, have asked to be in my team themselves. Now I am a skilled Trainer and a very skilled Pokeathlete. It is there in the Pokeathlon Dome that the story starts...

"POKEATHLETE GALOR! Do you have a minute?" The reporter is holding a microphone right in front of my nose.

I see the camera pointing at me, and in thoughts, I give a sigh.

All the fuss about one young man that is a bit skilled at some sporting events.

"Of course" I say with a small smile.

"Is it true that you have been raped by your adoption father when you were young?"

That comes like a bullet punch in my face.

Everyone knows I have been adopted, but no one actually knows WHO raised me.

And the Machamp who raised me was one of the most friendly Machamps who had ever existed!

After thinking a bit on how to say it - "Perverted bitch" isn't a good way to react on something like that - I reply: "Whoever told that, it is all a big lie. My father would kill himself rather then abusing an innocent child."

The reporter looks a bit sad for only half of a second - ugh, a sensation seeker... Just what I need now! - and then her smile is back

"Glad to hear that. Well, until next time, sir!" She says.

Sir. She calls me SIR. ME, a boy of barely 18 years old!

The reporter leaves.

Then suddenly, I hear someone else call my name "POKEATHLETE GALOR! I WANT TO HAVE YOUR BABIES!".

Oh god, it is that stalking girl again...

I walk inside the dome, and excuse myself by saying that I am going to train in my private training dome - only for them who have reached the Friendship Room and got all trophies in existence, of course - and I quickly flee inside my personal dome...

I start setting up everything to train the power course, as I was planning on doing this with three of my favourite pokemon.

When everything is set up - the bricks, the ring with the spots and the goals - I call my three friends out: Talon, a Zangoose, Shade, an Absol and Hassan, a Weavile.

I tell them to start training on whatever they want, and send some other pokemon out to help them training.

After three hours of training - pauses not included - I return every of my pokemon in their balls.

I get back up to the main dome, and I walk up to the three receptionists, to the left one, the one for Supreme Courses.

After entering myself in a Power Course, I continue to the dressing rooms.

I take of my clothes, and pull my jersey on.

Then, I continue to the start, together with my three pokemon.

After a very successful Power Course, that was easily won, I receive the medal from Maximo. I get back to the dressing room, where I pull of my jersey and my underwear to take a shower. Unlike other pokeathletes, who just sit down and command, I actually do participate together with my pokemon, so I am sweating like hell.

Just when I pull of my boxer, my keen ears - who had developed a lot from living together with pokemon for 18 years - notice a very soft sound.

I'm fearing for the receptionist to come in, as the footsteps are too close to just pull my boxers back on or start the shower, so I just pull a towel from the hanger and do it around my waist in order to cover the most important part.

I close my eyes and wait for the girl screaming and then the apologies...

When they do not come, I open my eyes and see... Talon.

My Zangoose. I laughed and dropped the towel.

My pokemon already are used to seeing me naked, as I only wear clothes when going to public places.

I prepared to get inside the shower, when I hear Talon softly say "Hey, Galor, I just wanted to give you a small present because we won."

Another benefit of living with pokemon for along time: you learn their language.

I laugh: "Well, give it to me then!"

Talon grabs my leg and pulls me on the ground.

"Okay, now I can give it to you!" He says, pointing at the piece of ruby meat between his legs.

I suddenly understand what the present is.

I never really thought of it, but I already knew I was at least bisexual, with a strong preference for guys.

I quickly look at the door to the reception hall.

It was closed and locked by Talon.

As I already closed the other door (the one going to the Pokeathlon itself), I know we would be alone all the time.

I am pretty sure he would let me go if I would say I didn't want to, but I want it.

I want it so badly.

I softly stroke his cock, just to get a quick feel, and I hear him moan out in pleasure.

It seems like it would be the first time for both of us.

I keep stroking it, until one single drop of precum comes out.

Curious about the taste, I give his head a lick, which gets immediately followed by a moan and a spurt of pre.

I put his head in my mouth, sending a shiver up his spine and he moans as he softly humps my mouth.

It tastes like Pecha berries, and it has the same colour...

His precum tastes more salty then sweet, but it's a good taste.

I like it.

His moans get louder and his humps get faster, until he gets in a certain rhythm.

It doesn't seem like I have to do anything but enjoying the taste and structure of his cock, while he gets all the work...

it doesn't seem right, so I push him on the floor and start bobbing my head up and down, delivering him my first blowjob ever.

A bit surprised by the sudden turn of events, Talon looks at me with a cute, surprised face.

He gives a half-hearted effort to keep humping, but his position isn't right for it.

I take his pecker out of my mouth and I start licking it, from the shaft all the way to its head.

Then, I take a good sniff at his furry testes, and I give them a lick, the feeling of the rough fur against my tongue tempts me...

I take his scrotum in my mouth, softly sucking on one of his testicles, listening to his groans. I think someone likes it.

I'm done teasing him and I lick his shaft one last time, before I start sucking him again, my own cock painfully erect, his musk drives me crazy.

He places his paw on the back of my head, pushing my head deeper on his cock, and he suggests: "If you turn around, then I can suck you too... I want to taste you, Galor."

That seems a good idea, and I place my legs next to his head, feeling his inexperienced tongue licking my erection.

I moan around his cock, pleasure overwhelming me, and he takes my meat in his mouth, sucking me strongly, however still a bit unsure.

"You're... You're doing a great job, Talon... K.. Keep going..." I manage to stammer, the words sound weird because my mouth is full of nice Zangoose flesh.

"Galor... I... I'm going to..." he cried out, pushing his dick deep inside my mouth, as his orgasm hits him and he comes in my mouth. I take it all, swallowing it and savouring the taste, my tongue milking out all of his semen.

I get off him after one last lick, turning around and kissing him, our cocks grinding against each other.

When the kiss is broken, he asks "Galor_... Can... Can we... Is it okay if we...?" his question is left unfinished, but I know what he means. "_Yes Talon, it is okay if we..."

I go lay on my back, spreading my legs for him. I'm not the type who gets dominant, so I hope he gets the hint. He doesn't hesitate, I can feel his mating instinct has started to take him over, as he walks up to me, rubbing his prick between my cheeks in a teasing way, before softly entering me. I gasp at air, his sudden penetration surprising me, as it is the first thing ever going into my ass, and he holds still, savouring the pleasure and waiting for my agreement.

"Go... Go on... I will get used to the pain eventually..." I command him.

He nods and slowly enters me, careful not to hurt me more then necessary. Finally, I can feel his belly fur touching my ass, and he starts taking his cock out.

He starts driving in and out of me, again developing a good rhythm, and I let out a yelp at the sudden pleasure his penis gives me when it hits my prostate.

Talon sees the effect that spot has on me, and concentrates to hit it every time he hilts me.

I can feel his warm precum serving as lube, together with the saliva that got on when I was blowing him.

His tempo suddenly gets a boost, almost like he had just used Agility, and it tells me he is in the sixth out of seven heavens, the seventh being orgasm.

The pleasure he's giving to me, suddenly hurls me towards my orgasm, and I can feel my own penis slap against my body.

Sensing I was close, the Zangoose suddenly grabs my penis, and he starts to jerk it off. That drives me over the edge, and I come. My seed gets sprayed all over my body, and it also makes his white fur look less white.

He places his claws on my hips and continues humping me.

Now that I got my orgasm, he wants to finish too, he wants to get his release and clean my bowels.

His musk makes me want to do something, and I reach my hand out, putting two fingers deep in his ass. He still needs some temptation, so I wiggle them around in his ass, finally poking in his prostate.

That is too much for the Normal type, and he hilts me one last time, before releasing his warm white seed inside me.

His claws pull deep wounds across my hips as he tightens his grip around them.

Finally, he stops spraying cum and he falls on my chest, giving me a kiss on my mouth. Our tongues dart and dance with each other and he wags his tail softly, with all the force still in it, which wasn't much.

"Well, Talon... You naughty boy... I think someone needs to shower."

"I think two persons here need a shower, Galor..."

We walk up to the showers, and we start cleaning each others bodies, washing the semen off.

It's a little more tricky to me, as his fur is harder to clean then my skin, but my efforts pay of, and the cum gets all washed of.

"Galor... Thanks... Thanks for allowing this to do this with you..." Talon suddenly tells me.

"It was nothing, dear... Next time, just await a better moment... At least you can wait until I am inside the shower... I literally stank out there..."

"No you didn't! I think you smell good when you're all sweaty..."

"Aww, thanks darling." I smile, giving him another kiss.