Senior Year

Story by DolphinSurfr on SoFurry

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#1 of Highschool Graduation

"Don't forget people, I want this essay on my desk by Monday morning and no excuses, Johny." The class snickered as the teacher gave a glance towards a smiling lion sitting in the back. "Also, don't forget about the end of the year project, there will be partners."

Many students began eyeing each other as though they had already chosen who they were going to partner up with. One of the students was a black and white husky named Oscar, he just looked across the room to see his best friend Johny already looking back at him with a grin. Oscar surveyed the rest of the room to see who everybody else picked to be their partner. He noticed that everyone seemed excited to partner up except for one student, a sad looking fox sitting in the back corner desk. His head was drooped, ears flattened and his big beautiful orange and black tail was tucked underneath his desk. 'Huh, I wonder what's wrong with him.' Oscar asked himself and just shrugged just as his attention was brought back to the teacher.

"Oh, and I almost forgot." The teacher concluded to the class as the bell rang. "I will be picking the partners on Monday."

"Awwww." Almost everyone's ears lost their perk as they moaned in unison. The class lined up at the door as most of the students kept talking to each other about how unfair it was. One by one, the students left the class room to enjoy their weekend. The only one left in the class room was the fox, slowly shuffling toward the door, eyes focused on the ground.

"Bye Adam. Try to enjoy your weekend." The teacher said to the fox. The fox just looked up toward the teacher and walked out the door. 'What am going to do about him, he always seems depressed.' The teacher thought to herself as she watched Adam's tail disappear out the door.


"Shit, I thought we would be partners for sure." Johny complained as he opened the door to Oscar's car.

Oscar jumped into the driver's seat and looked back at the lion in disappointment. "I know, and it's our last project of our senior year. I hope I don't get stuck with that one elephant girl, she can never stop talking."

"Especially when she is talking about food." Johny said as they both laughed.

The husky stuck his key into the ignition and turned it as his '97 Jeep rumbled to life.

"Care for a cigarette?" Oscar asked Johny as he reached into his center console and pulled out a pack of Camel Turkish Golds.

"Yeah sure, my mom isn't coming home 'till later. Every time I come home she gives me a hug just to smell my fur. God she's so annoying."

"Yeah, I know how that feels. My mom does it too" Oscar chuckled.

They both rolled down their windows and lit their cigarettes. Oscar then turned his head and started to back up out of his parking space. Soon they were off headed to Oscar's house.

Both Johny and Oscar were pretty much the most popular kids in school, people either hated them or wanted to be them. But it wasn't always this way; in freshman year Oscar was just a puny husky who had no friends. His parents forced him to try out for the freshman football team and that's where he met his first high school friend Johny. Johny wasn't so popular himself freshman year, he hadn't even grown in any fur for his mane. They both became fast friends and were hanging out together after school and going to the gym to work out.

Before they knew it, they officially reached puberty and Johny grew in his mane and some muscle and Oscar grew tall and well built. But what made them so popular was that by the time they were juniors they were on the varsity football team. Johny was the star quarterback and Oscar quickly became the best wide receiver; catching almost every ball Johny threw.

One thing people didn't know about Johny and Oscar was that they were in fact gay. When they reached puberty they would masturbate in the same room together, and then after a while they would give each other pawjobs. They loved to experiment with each other by giving each other blowjobs and sometimes fucking each other in the ass.

Johny soon discovered that he loved the smell of Oscar's furry balls and would sometimes take Oscar's used underwear and place them on his muzzle while masturbating. Oscar didn't mind much, he actually liked the fact that Johny loved his smell, but what turned on Oscar the most was Johny's hind paws. He loved the musky sent that Johny's feet emitted and just the thought of having Johny's eight padded toes rubbing against his knot on his member made him shudder in delight.

It wasn't like they were boyfriends, they were more like friends with benefits but they still had a love for each other. And in order to hide their little secret they would occasionally date girls but would end up dumping them before it would get serious.

Oscar took one last drag before throwing his cigarette out the window. "Hey Johny?"

"Yeah" Johny answered somewhat distracted.

"Do you ever notice that fox in our English class that sits in the back corner, like two seats next to you?" Oscar asked somewhat day dreaming about earlier in class, not really concentrating on the road.

"No. What for?"

"I don't know, he always seems depressed. Plus, he is kind of cute."

"Haha. You have a crush on someone in our class? That's so sweet." Johny teased with a sarcastic tone.

Oscar poked the lion in the ribs in retaliation. "I never said I had a crush on him, I just thought he was cute."

"Whatever." Johny said harshly and rolled his eyes.

Oscar pulled up onto his driveway and parked. "Just because I think one guy in our class is cute doesn't mean anything will change between us." Oscar lifted his paw to Johny's cheek and gave a reassuring rub with his thumb.

"I know, I guess I am just being a little jealous." The lion put his paw on Oscar's inner thigh and gave a gentle squeeze. Oscar dropped his paw from Johny's cheek then brought his head forward to give the lion a kiss. Their muzzles interlocked as their tongues danced around in their mouths. After about five minutes of making out they both separated and got out of the car. Johny followed Oscar into his house tightly holding onto the Husky's wagging tail.

"Hey! You do know that my tail is attached to me?" Oscar said playfully as he walked through the front door.

"That's not the only thing that is attached to you." Johny responded with a grin while he closed the door. Before Oscar could do anything the lion already had his arms rapped around the husky's waist.

Johny rested his head on Oscars shoulder and whispered. "Ready for a quick fuck?"

Oscar just smiled and began unbuttoning his jeans. Johny followed his lead and unwrapped his arms and started to pull his shirt off exposing his furry six pack. Johny grabbed the bottom of Oscar's shirt and began to lift it over the husky's head, while the husky struggled to kick off his jeans with his hind paws. Oscar, now only in his tight red underwear, turned his attention to Johny. Johny just stared at the bulge in Oscar's underwear as Oscar slowly ran a paw from the lion's peck down his abs to his crotch. The husky began to wag his tail as he lowered Johny's shorts and boxers down to his ankles which were then kicked off by Johny. The husky stood back up and pressed his body against the lion's naked body. They both wrapped their arms around each other and fell into a deep kiss. The husky slowly started to push harder against the lion's body until Oscar had Johny pin to the ground. Still kissing, Oscar pulled one of his arms from under Johny and guided his paw to Johny's crotch and slowly began to rub his sheath and balls. Johny could feel his penis start to slide out as he let out a soft purring moan. An idea formed in Oscars head and he slowly departed from his mate's lips.

"Hey, what's the big deal? Why'd we stop?" Johny asked still slightly purring.

Oscar just stood up and took off his red underwear and threw them onto Johny's belly. Johny sat up with a grin and took the underwear into his paw, he then held it up to his nose and took a big whiff. Oscar just watched as Johny exhaled as a shiver of pleasure ran down the lion's spine as he gave out a low moan.

"You know me so well. Now for your treat." Johny said in between his purring. "Sit down in front of me."

Oscar did as he was told and sat down facing his mate. Johny then stretched out his legs so that his hind paws were resting on Oscar's crotch. The husky spread his legs while he grabbed one of Johny's hind paws and began to massage the pads on his toes. Johny purred even louder as his penis became fully erect, he began to knead at his throbbing lion cock with the underwear still on his muzzle.

After a while of massaging Johny's padded toe's Oscar began to lick and suck on each individual toe. Johny loved the attention his feet were being given and returned the favor by rubbing his other toes on Oscar's growing dick. He finished licking the last toe so he took one last sniff of the sweet musky sent of Johny's paw. Johny then put both of his hind paws on Oscar's shaft and began rubbing them up and down. Between moans Oscar watched the lion milk himself with the red underwear still on his muzzle. Oscar just leaned back as his knot appeared from his sheath, he was in heaven. Johny could feel Oscar's knot under his padded paws and began to rub even harder.

The feeling was so intense Oscar yelled out "Oh fuck, damn I love when you do that!".

Pretty soon Johny was panting, he was about to climax. Every time he breathed in Oscar's aroma from his underwear he came closer and closer to cuming.

Oscar could no longer hold it, he gripped onto one of Johny's hind paws and gave out a howl as load after load of cum shot on Oscar's stomach and Johny's paws. The feeling of warm cum on Johny's toes were enough to send him over the edge. He gave out roar as jets of jizz squirted all over his fingers and stomach.

After they orgasmed they both just laid there panting.

"That was awesome, I could never get enough of your smell." Johny tried saying in between pants.

Oscar sat back up and grabbed both of Johny's hind paws and began licking and sucking the cum off. Johny closed his eyes and began to purr again.

After he finished licking the lions hind paws he crawled up to Johny's crotch and began licking the sweet lion juice off of Johny's balls. Johny began moaning again and pretty soon his cock was becoming hard. The husky was now focusing his tongue on the tip of Johny's penis. Johny and Oscar interlocked both of there paws with their fingers while Oscar stuck his whole muzzle around Johny's member. Pretty soon Johny began thrusting his hips against Oscar's muzzle. Pressure began building up in the lions balls and after a couple more thrusts his member began to pulse and squirt after squirt of cum shot into Oscars mouth. They husky swallowed as much as the salty bliss he could as some drops escaped his mouth dribbling down his chin. Oscar swallowed the last of the seed down and wiped his chin clean, he fell back down to the side of Johny and tried his best to entangle himself with Johny's body. Oscar laid his head on Johny's peck and began gently rubbing and scratching at Johny's belly. Johny closed his eyes and played with Oscar's pointy ear while he quietly purred. Soon they were fast asleep.


Adam was on his way home, he dreaded going home. His parents found out he was gay one day when they caught him looking at gay porn. They treated him like an abomination, but that wasn't too bad. He never really liked his parents anyways but what made him depressed was that he had a boyfriend, a cheetah named Tom.

They first started going out at the beginning of senior year. After a while Tom began acting really weird around Adam so Adam would always ask what the matter was but Tom would just ignore him. It wasn't until two weeks ago when he went out to eat when he saw Tom kissing another boy husky. Adams heart broke and has been upset since then.


It was Monday already and kids began to slowly poor into their English class room. Everyone swarmed up to the teacher's desk and threw their essays into a stack.

"Oh Johny, I'm surprised. You actually did it this time." The teacher said jokingly as Johny placed his paper in the stack along with everyone else's.

"Only for you, Mrs. P." Johny responded with a smile.

Everyone retreated back to their seats and class began. It wasn't until the last ten minutes of class when the students heard what they were waiting for.

"Ok, since the bell is about to ring I am going to call out partners for the project." The teacher reported to the class. "Now listen up. After I call out your name along with your partner's name I want you two to go meet and exchange numbers, and then you can leave."

Everyone quietly listened for their named to be called as one by one student paired up and started exchanging numbers.

"Johny, you will be with..." Johny crossed his finger and closed his eyes hoping she would put him with Oscar. "You will be with Tim over there." She pointed to a horse that was sitting in front of the class. Johny got up sort of disappointed, but grateful he wasn't placed with that elephant girl, and sat next to his horse partner.

Oscar watched as Johny began writing his number on a piece of paper. "Oscar, you will be placed with..." she paused for a minute "Adam in the back over there" She pointed towards the small fox he saw last week.

Oscar walked over to the depressed looking fox. "Hey, what's up? So I guess we are partners."

The fox didn't look up at Oscar he just kept his eyes on his desk. "Yeah. I guess."

Oscar had a somewhat worried expression on his face. "Hey man, are you alright? You seemed so depressed."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Here's my number." The fox handed Oscar a piece of paper. He looked up to see the husky looking back down at him, Adam's face lit up. 'Holy shit he's hot' Adam thought as Oscar passed him his number.

Oscar gave him a smile. "Well call me tomorrow so we can get this started, ok?"

"Umm, y-yeah sure. bye." The fox said as small smile spread across his muzzle.

Oscar turned around and started walking towards Johny who was waiting for him outside.

"So how's your partner?" Oscar asked Johny.

"He's alright, I guess he is the captain of the baseball team so he is pretty cool. How about your partner? Your sweet heart." Johny asked.

"Shh not too loud." Oscar gave him punch on the arm. "He seems pretty sad but once I gave him my number he sort of lightened up."

They both continued their conversation as they walked to the car.

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