Banished and Found

Story by Tiberius Rings on SoFurry

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Just a short story I wrote while on vacation. Been awhile since I did some smut. I hope people like it. =3

Banished. I was banished from my home for a year. If I could survive until the next time Fall came around I would be allowed back within the walls of my home. Until then I was on my own.

My name is Sigrid, a young warrior of the End-Moon Tribe. We aren't like the other tribes. No, we're very different. We don't focus on magic like the Full-Moon and we aren't as annoyingly well rounded as the Half. We focus on the strength of our bodies and our ability to simply power through our problems without the need of magic or striders. We can do it on our own.

I was fine living my life under my Master and within the walls of the City, our home that's set in the back of a canyon and well protected with its high wooden and stone walls and sharp eyed archers. No one was stupid enough to invade or even attack our home but it never hurt to guard it.

Now, I stood on a small ridge, about an hour's walk from the City, and watched as the beams of light fell upon it. If I came within sniping distance of the archers they had full authority to kill me even if I wear the crest of our people and the armor of our tribe. It didn't matter that I was a son of the tribe. No, The Warboz had banished me for a year to survive on my own.

I took it as a challenge. People could do much more with much less. I was a year away from being a full warrior and given the chance to have my own home and take a wife to birth my cubs every year. I was so close to everything...but impatience and pride had gotten in the way. I wouldn't admit that to anyone but myself.

I sighed and turned away from the city and began to walk. I had with me my armor, a gift from my Master two years ago. It was metal and leather. Not fancy like the armor the Outsiders would wear, this armor was designed to withstand even the most impressive attacks from the most incredible enemies. I had some food and water, enough to live for about a week, and a small kit bag with the basic supplies to camp. I was given all that a warrior on the march was allowed to bring. The only question was where I was going to go.

My plan was to get off the Plains and to the woods where the Half dominated the lands. I know their Scouts would be farther in but I could find some glade or glen or something and just make a small home for myself. I knew how to build; I helped every year build homes for the new Warriors and help maintain the houses and the new defenses, I could make something for myself.

I didn't expect to encounter what I did though.

Near the end of the day when the sun was beginning to set and the moon was becoming more intense in the sky I decided to stop and make camp. I wouldn't make it to the woods until tomorrow and walking at night was a risk on the Plains, where some of the larger predators came out and worked their abilities to hunt and eat. They were afraid of fire. I picked a spot near a large cliff wall and slid the satchel bag from my shoulder.

Just as my bag hit the ground, I heard a chuckle.

It made me freeze for a moment but my hand instantly shot down to my waist. I used the weapon of choice of my master, a pair of twin axes. Yes, I knew I sacrificed a lot by not using the traditional shield and sword combination but I loved the axe. it was a powerfully strong weapon that could destroy enemies swiftly if used correctly. I had the axes in my hands in no time.

I looked around for the person who had laughed and saw no one. I decided it must have been the wind but at that next moment I heard another laugh at my potential expense and spun around. I growled low and narrowed my eyes under my helmet to try and see, again, who was around me.

"Whose there?!" I shouted in frustration. I would have been cuffed for speaking before I saw my enemy but it couldn't be helped. I was beyond his reach now. I was sure it was no enemy. If it was I wouldn't have heard someone laugh at me.

"Ah," a soft voice said from nowhere. "He wants to know whose been watching him but doesn't wait to wait for the watcher to show himself. Such is he life of the wolf; always on their terms."

So it wasn't a wolf. Probably a cat. "Show yourself!"

"Put your axes down and promise to not be so violent toward me and I may comply," the voice said with a soft chuckle again. "Or I will just stay as I am and continue to enjoy the show."

I lowered my weapons. I could hear the cursing of my Master all the way from here from lowering my defenses to something so unknown.

For a moment nothing happened and I half expected an arrow to whiz by and strike me somewhere critical. This was stupid. This was dangerous. However, trust seemed to pay off. A whirl of blackish purple haze appeared in front of me and then contracted quickly the moment someone seemed to step out of it; like a man walking through the dense fog. It was a coyote. Tall for their species, he only came up to my shoulders. He was slender compared to a wolf but his body was well defined; hard muscle crossed his torso and legs and seemed to make the ripple of his golden fur shimmer in the fading light. He wore the typical garb of the tribal people; a simple red loincloth around his waist with a knife hanging from the broad belt. He also had several pouches tied to that belt. I could see some leather bands with beads wrapped over him, crossing over his left pectoral to the point it was almost covered in leather straps. His right ear had four piercings with four sapphire jewels and they matched, perfectly, his eyes. This was the closest I've ever come to a coyote. They were so different yet so similar. It made me gasp lightly at how handsome he looked. His face was a blank.

"There," he said. It was the owner of the taunting voice earlier. "Now, don't think I've appeared for any reason beyond to sate my curiosity." His blank muzzle turned up into a grin. "Why is a lone End-Wolf wandering so far from that fortress?"

I growled. Stupid coyote. "None of your business. I'm just making camp tonight so I can walk to the woods with daylight."

The coyote's grin didn't vanish. "Why would you head to the woods? Your people don't do well in the trees. And you don't move well alone. Always in groups, everyone knows the End move in groups."

"Safety in numbers," I said. "What's a lone coyote doing out here?" I asked back. I saw his face not even flinch. Annoying coyotes.

"We watch. We mostly watch you." He admitted.

"Why us?" I asked and slipped my axes into their holders on my waist. "We don't have a problem with the coyote."

"You don't consider us an enemy, true," He admitted and crossed his arms over his chest. "But we remember when you raided our villages and our home a long time ago. We watch to make sure you never get the surprise on us again."

"That's paranoid," I said but inwardly commended them for their vigilance. A lot of our enemies had fallen merely because they had grown complacent with us, as if we had forgotten their existence.

"Are you here because you were kicked out of your home?" He asked me. I had to keep my face firm to not show my surprise. "It happens from time to time. Usually the young die. You aren't an adult yet. Just a boy." He said with an annoyingly sharp grin.

I growled and shot an arm out. It was not a powerful blow but one a Master would use on his pup to cuff him, to show him he had spoken out of line. I never connected though. The coyote had vanished back into that plume of purple-black smoke and my fist had past through it before it instantly collected and moved like a slithering snake through the sky, only to expand and the coyote to step out.

The coyote sighed and shook his head, slowly lowering his arms. "You forget the talent of my people. Right now you are in my territory, little End wolf. You cannot touch me unless I allow it."

"Magic!" I growled and reached down to pick up my bag. "The tool of the weak."

"The tool of the cunning," he countered. "And you are at a disadvantage. It's not so amusing when you're on the losing end of combat, is it?"

I huffed and bent down to pick up my bags. His foot slowly lowered and pressed into the leather strap. "Wait," He said calmly. "I may be able to help."

"Help?" I asked. I was very wary of this man now. He was skilled at the arts of the shaman and the mages. People who were scary and kept to themselves in wolf culture. At least End Moon culture.

"You do everything I say and I'll not only show you how to fight someone with magic, I'll give you a place to live far more comfortable then the woods and this cliff face. But only if you do everything I say."

"Why would I do that? You've proven to me you can trick me at a whim." I countered.

"You're just going to have to trust me," He said with another blank expression. "But I give you my word that nothing bad will happen to you. Nothing besides the usual bumps and bruises that come from training."

I stared at the coyote for a long while. On one hand he was probably going to rob me of my possessions. Coyotes made excellent spies and scouts and were known to be tricky. Then again, I had never really ever talked to a coyote before and all my knowledge of them came from stories I'd heard while growing up. If I trusted him, and it paid off, I could actually be a benefit to my people and my tribe when I returned home. It was a gamble and I had little to lose.

"Fine," I said and narrowed my eyes slightly under the face mask of my helmet. "But if you do anything to hurt me--"

"Yes, yes," He interrupted and waved a hand. "You'll kill me, rape me, something like that." He sighed. "I'm being honest with my charity and actually sticking my neck out for you with my own people. " He stopped and pointed at a large boulder and moved it. Yes, with magic! It shook and jumped about three feet. He smiled and then motioned to the soft soil. "Dig a deep hole, about three or four feet deep and about as much wide. Not wide enough that the rock will sink into it."

"Why?" I demanded and tried not to show that I was impressed by the magic.

"Just trust me," He said with a smile and sat down on another large rock, crossing his legs under him and stretched his arms up into the air.

I sighed and crouched down on the ground and tugged my leather gauntlets up a bit more and did as I was asked, grumbling the whole time. I cupped my hands and used it like a shovel. Not to my surprise, but the soil under my hands was not that hard to move and in less then thirty minutes I had the hole. I was also a lot more dirty then when I started this little adventure, but I huffed and stood up.

"There," I said and flexed my hands. My fingers were a little sore but nothing I couldn't handle.

"Good!" The coyote said and pointed to the hole again lazily. "Now then, empty your bag of any food or water and then put it inside. Take nothing else out but one memento if you have it."

"Why?" I said with a demanding tone. But the coyote just stood there, looking at me with that impassive face. He knew that I knew this was really all I had in ways of help for a year.

I went through my bag, pulling out the small wraps of food and the simple water skin that I had tucked inside. I had just some basic essentials and a bit of clothing but I didn't take them out. I did remove a black onyx pendant that had been given to me when I turned thirteen; it was cut into the shape of a wolf's claw and wrapped at the base of the claw. I hadn't ever worn it because I was afraid it would ruin. Now, if I lost a gift such as this...

I stood up and looked to the coyote. He had moved over and picked up the food and water and put it on the rock he'd been sitting on. He smiled again. "Before we continue, I am Tanis of the Coyote Tribe. We don't have names like you wolves; we are not fractured."

"Your loss," I said warily. "I like my tribe being of mostly warriors. I am Sigrid."

Tanis smiled and shrugged. "We have different opinions about all things. I expect that you won't ever fully understand my methods. Now then..." He said and rubbed his palms together, blowing on them to warm them up a little bit. "I'm a bit cold and want to get home before the sun completely sets. I need you to remove your armor and your clothing and put it in the hole. I will cover it with the boulder and in a year we will return. Again, you have my word that nothing bad will happen to your belongings."

I glared at the coyote and snarled even! The idea of putting my armor in some dank hole.. where it could get wet and rust and ruin... it bothered me to my core! I didn't know what to say to that but what else could I say? What else could I do?

"My armor is my life. A warrior who loses it..."

"Yes, I know your people are attached to your armor but my people aren't. I can't take you to our home if you're wearing such things. You barely look like a member of a tribe. I need you to trust me on this, Sigrid."

I sighed and began the work of undoing my armor. I knew that this was a mistake but I had to just believe this coyote was being honest. I did know they didn't wear armor and the metal would be too hard for them to refashion. So, I stripped. I undid buckles and clasps and fastens and slowly, gently, began to put the metal and leather into the hole as softly as I could. When I had nothing on but my trousers and tunic, I undid the belt around my waist and slowly slid the last bit of my clothing off, stripping naked right there. I blushed faintly as I put my clothes in the bag and then laid it down against my armor. I stood up and felt the wind ruffle my bare fur. Arms curled around my body to block it from the chill and I shivered slightly.

"I like the white cross on your chest," Tanis said with a smile as he looked at me. I was a black wolf completely, but I had a white cross of fur from my shoulders down across pectorals and down to my waist. I also had a patch of white fur around my sheath that had been there for the last few years of my life. I blushed and slid an arm down to my groin to hide it.

"Here," Tanis said and tug into a bag that had not been there a few minutes before. Had the coyote been hiding it? Probably in that crazy purple black haze of his. He pulled out of the leather bag a green loincloth and tossed it to me. I caught it and fingered the material, looking it over in my hand and blinked.

"Whats the matter?" Tanis asked.

"We..." I said gently and looked up at Tanis face. "We don't really wear these. Not like the Half and Full. Or the cats..."

"I know," He said. "But everyone else does. My people do. You'll be living with us and that means dressing like us. Do you need help putting it on?"

"I've only worn one once." I admitted as I slid it around my waist. The ties were different than I expected. I'd seen those Half Moon Striders tie them so swiftly, expertly really, but I was fumbling with it. "When we turn thirteen we are given our first real trial. We pass it we are given a week to recover and then we all get a celebration with the Warboz, who gives us a gift. We wear the loincloth because its tribal...and ceremonial."

I had managed to get it tied. I felt naked. I remember feeling naked years ago when I wore this thing earlier. I shifted and held it down with a hand as a breeze brushed by me and I saw the coyote grin. I glared at him and slid the black claw around my neck, letting it rest at the center of my white chest fur.

"I'll be sure to get you more. You'll be in that or naked. We don't always wear clothes. We're a lot like your Half Moon friends."

"Whatever," I said and walked over to him. "Just lead me to this home of yours."

"With pleasure, Sigrid." His smile turned into a grin and his soft, creamy golden hand slid up and touched my thigh. I tensed up as those fingers brushed along my inner thigh. I was about to protest when I felt the rush of air whirl around us. That black purple haze had surrounded us!

I held my breath and closed my eyes shut out of reaction to being in anything fog-like. I only opened my eyes when I felt that hand move along my thigh. I saw Tanis standing in front of me but we were no longer in the same place. We were in some kind of home.

It was round. The ceiling was dome like. The floor was covered in fancy woven rugs of deep, dark colors of reds, greens, and blue. There was a low table with four pillows of black set around it with clay bowls and cups resting on it. There were some paintings on the walls, what looks more sharp angles and less flowing lines then I had expected. Hanging from the ceiling were dangling mobiles with feathers, stones, and what looked like bones. On the far side of the house was a folding screen with a basin behind it. The bed was a pile of blankets, furs, and pillows and looked incredibly comfortable. I turned quickly and glared at Tanis.

"Next time you do your magic warn me!"

"Its the quickest way here. This is my home. You're in the Enclave." Tanis said and moved away, removing his hand from my hip. He opened a small window and displayed the city before me.

We were actually under ground. We seemed to be between two high cliffs that had folded over like waves and nearly touched at the tip so they only barely touched, letting in light. I could see large pools of water being used to bounce the water around and reflect off crystal-like surfaces. The homes were dotted all over, sloping upwards along both sides, and it looked like an underground stream was running along the same length of the crack far above it.

"So this is where the Coyote live," I said gently. "We could never find it. We looked."

"We know," Tanis said and touched my arm. "Your people survive on raiding and taking, and the coyote were always your prime targets generations ago. We have to hide here to not be found. There are paths to the surface but I'm not showing you those. Probably not ever."

"So I don't take my people here," I added and shook my head. I looked back down at the village below us. We seemed to be on the high point of the slope. "Will your people be upset with you taking me in?"

"Not really," Tanis said and grinned. "I'm a shaman; I have a lot of clout among my people. But if you break the rules I can only do so much to protect you. You behave and in a couple months no one will care you're a wolf."

"So what are the rules? Besides following your lead, I mean." I asked. Best to know the ground rules now and not risk getting surprised.

Tanis moved over to a large stone shelf where food was waiting. Was it there when we got there? There did seem to be a window on the other side of the shelf. Did someone put the food there? He picked up some of the bowls and put them on the table. "Your people are violent. The fact you've only attacked me once has surprised me more then you know, Sigrid." He removed the lids to these bowls, revealing flat bread and what looked like cooked vegetables. As more lids began to vanish from the tops of those bowls I could smell meat. I sat down across from Tanis.

"You can't use your fists to solve problems." Tanis said.

"What if someone insults me?" I asked, a little surprised as I plucked a bit of meat from the bowl. My stomach rumbled and popped it into my muzzle to eat. It was good!

"You talk it out. You act violent even I won't be able to stop them from punishing you. You break the laws there's no saving you."

I huffed. "So I'm to forget who I am and my tribe?"

"You will forget them for a year. But I know better than anyone that the End Moon is impossible to pry from the wolf." Tanis said with an amused smirk as he served himself and began to eat.

We ate. Tanis talked. I rarely spoke but not because I was being rude, I was hungry. The food was wonderful. I love my home and my people, but I had heard we were terrible cooks. Now I was inclined to believe the stories from the older warriors. Tanis was telling me about the rules, boring things like don't challenge the males, don't insult people, be respectful, etc. Things I knew but if these coyote thought I was a dangerous brute then all the better. I knew I was stronger, physically, than Tanis or any coyote.

Finally, the light coming from the open window faded and I knew it was time to turn in. I could tell Tanis was tired and I was exhausted. I had been walking all day and while I was good at hiding my fatigue, I couldn't hide it forever. I had to hold back a yawn.

"Sleepy?" Tanis said as he rose and put the plates not on the counter, but on a small ledge where the window was open. He had put them all there and then closed the window. Someone must deliver food to him. It was an interesting system but there seemed to be so many coyote here. Who could deliver all that food to so many people? It must have been quite a job.

I decided to just be honest with this man. He had fed me, housed me, and mostly clothed me, why would it hurt to admit I was tired? I nodded.

"Go lay down," Tanis said. "I'm going to finish cleaning up. Tomorrow we'll talk to the Alpha and get everything official. Don't look at me like that, I know it sounds like I'm going out on a limb for you but you're safe here. I promise."

I gave the coyote a wary look and got up from the table, rubbing my thigh. I wasn't used to sitting in chairs without backs. I looked at the pile of blankets and pillows and considered grabbing a few to curl up with on my own. However, I'm sure Tanis would have been annoyed with me. I didn't even remove my loincloth as I crawled into the pile of blankets and settled down. I was undressed enough. I had my back to the wall, facing to the rest of the room as I watched Tanis work. Eventually I slid my eyes closed and prepared to get some rest.

I don't know if I fell asleep, or if I had let my mind wander, but I was awake when Tanis crawled into the bed pile next to me. I was ready to shift backwards a bit more to give him some room but he pushed up against me. I opened my eyes right as I felt his muzzle slide under my chin, brushing his soft lips across my neck. I was expecting him to curl up against me, but I felt his lips part and the wet brush of a tongue across my throat. At that exact moment one of his hands slid up across my torso to my shoulder.

The sensation surprised me and caused me to jerk. My eyes were wide as I tried to look down, but that slender muzzle under my neck was softly lapping at the side, along the crook where my neck became my shoulder. All I could see was the faint expanse of golden tan fur.

"What are you doing, Tanis?" I managed to say. I was surprised at how eager the coyote was. I felt a hand on my shoulder and then the push. He was rolling me onto my back.

"Sigrid," He said as he got me onto my back and slid up to sit on my stomach and looked right down at me. "You've been through a lot today and you've barely fought me as much as I was expecting. I want to show you that living here isn't going to be so bad."

"By..." I said but was cut off by a shudder as I felt one of those golden hands slide across my stomach, touching where my navel was. I had to swallow and control my body as my sheath began to swell.

"Why not?" Tanis asked as he leaned down and began to lick my muzzle softly. Delicately. It was not the rapid licks of someone who was trying to simply get what they wanted out of a situation. No, this was the efforts of someone who was trying to arouse their partner. Tanis was succeeding. "You have done this before, haven't you?"

"Of course!" I said with a faint twinge of regret. Yes, I was not a virgin but it had been only twice in my life. My Master was not one to show me what it was like to sleep with someone often and the only other time had been with another boy much older then me on the training fields and only then had I been the submissive. I had promised myself after that time that I would not be the one on the bottom. I was a dominant wolf. I would be the Warboz one day.

"Then stop looking like a deer caught in the gardens." Tanis said with a faint smile as he kept brushing his soft tongue along my muzzle. It made me squirm. Licking should not feel this good! I resisted the urge to pant as my sheath was no longer holding my maleness back. It was throbbing and pulsing, sliding out of my sheath. I blushed all the more as I realized a loincloth would not hide it.

Tanis slid back and brushed his muzzle down my neck and along my chest, brushing his soft muzzle to one of my nipples. I didn't know what he was going to do until he gave one a soft nip with his teeth. The surprise of pleasure and the complete lack of pain made me jump. My hands were rubbing Tanis' shoulders and my legs spread a bit to accommodate his size between my legs. I looked down my torso to see my erection lewdly tenting out my loincloth, the heavy, broad material not doing anything to hide it like my trousers would.

Tanis must have seen where I was looking and looked down my body at my waist. He smiled and glanced back up at me. "How long has it been?"

"Does it matter?" I asked as he went back to licking my nipple. By now I could feel it so hard. I wasn't sure which was more firm right now, my cock or my nipple.

"Not really," Tanis said and grinned as his hand slid down my stomach and under the flap of cloth I was wearing. It took everything I had to not shudder as those fingers slid around my erection, right above the top of my knot. Shit, my knot was out. I was telling this obviously experienced coyote how inexperienced I was.

Tanis didn't say anything of the sort. He moved his fingers over and found the knot to the side of my loincloth and undid it, slipping it from my torso. I drew a knee up out of reaction to being stripped and blushed. I was glad for my black fur since no one could tell how nervous I was, but I could feel my ears burning. My ebony erection was thick, proud, and more then once my Master had said I had the dick of an Alpha Male. I was proud of it. It had also gotten me banished. I had tried to mate with a female before being initiated as a full grown warrior. I didn't tell that to Tanis. Banished because I couldn't control my arousal was not something I wanted him to know.

Fingers brushed along my shaft, stroking up to the tapered end. I could see a faint bead of pre fluid collecting at the tip, glinting in the bit of light coming from a lone candle. I practically groaned as Tanis' finger brushed down along my flesh and smeared the slippery liquid down my flesh. I watched as he painted my shaft in my own fluid. My heart was pounding as he used the entire drop and I had actually held my breath.

Tanis didn't stop there. His grin wide, fingers moved down to the base of my knot and gripped it, giving it a firm squeeze that caused me to hitch a breath. Another bead of pre fluid appeared at the top and again he brushed it from the tip down the length of my shaft. I squirmed and tried to sit up, but by then Tanis had slid down to lay his head on my naked thigh. He had a hand pushing against my stomach whenever I tried to get up. He busied himself with smearing my length with my own fluid, making me shudder as it slowly glazed my shaft. Whenever Tanis ran out he would slide his thumb and index finger from around the base of my shaft to the base of my knot and squeeze. Once or twice he added his tongue, brushing the wet muscle along the swollen bulb of my penis, making more then a few drops spurt out. He seemed incredibly amused by how much pre I could produce. By the time my length was completely coated I was dribbling freely, no longer needing coaxing. My body, or more specifically my penis, realized I was about to have sex.

Tanis smirked and slowly let my penis go. "There we go," He said and slid around. Somehow during all of that, or me just not paying attention, he had slid out of his loincloth. I could see a length of pink and red jutting away from his body. I couldn't judge the length and, quite honestly, I didn't care. I had also stopped caring about panting. My muzzle was open and my tongue hung out, slowly draped down. I tried to sit up but once again his hand pushed me down. It caused me to grunt and then growl.

"I want to be ontop."

"You will be," Tanis said. "But you're going to lay back and enjoy it." I saw the coyote grin still as he crawled over me. "Now the best thing you can do is relax while I adjust. Just...relax, Sigrid."

I didn't protest, though I was planning to throw him off if he tried anything funny. Surprisingly he didn't seem to be anywhere near my spread legs. He slipped up onto my waist and put a palm against my strong chest. Another was behind him, groping and finding my cock. I swallowed firmly as he held it behind the knot and angled. I knew now what he was doing.

I wasn't prepared for what I felt. I had never penetrated anyone before now. When I felt myself bump against that opening I was worried I was too big, but the slippery fluid coating my length allowed me to slip right in, like a worn gauntlet to a strong hand. I gasped as the tightness slid around me. Drier then I expected, the warmth surprised me. I hitched my breath again, a hand shooting up and grasping one of those strong, golden hips, as he continued to slide down onto me. The heat continued to envelop my flesh. The warmth, I still, to this day, enjoy the heat of that memory. I had never felt something so warm on my bare flesh.

"So warm..." I managed to slowly exhale as my other hand grasped Tanis' waist. I panted and somehow knew to gently tug him down the last inch. Tanis squeaked when he bumped into the top of my knot and I groaned. I gripped the soft bedding with my toes, curling my claws into them and gripped his hip and waist all the tighter as I held him there. I was trying my best NOT to think about the warmth around me.

I looked up at his face and saw him panting. He had one hand curled around the base of his own erection and was slowly stroking himself. I didn't think anyone could enjoy being the bottom. When I'd lifted my tail for someone before it had really been uncomfortable. But Tanis seemed to be enjoying it.

I swallowed and just flexed my toes and waited. I didn't have to wait long though as Tanis began to bounce in my lap. I watched him slowly move up and down. The motion was divine. It was so much better then all those times I had simply pleasured myself behind a building or the armory. Yeah, I did it a lot, but this was so much better. I hoped I'd never have to go back.

Tanis started off slow, just gliding until about an inch of myself remained inside and then back down. I flexed my stomach and gripped his hip as he slid in, and I bucked upwards. My member was leaking freely more then just a drop or two. I could feel each pass of my penis coat his inner walls with more pre fluid. I opened my mouth to say something but at that moment he chose to speed up, causing me to simply groan out a response.

I edged him faster but he resisted. He seemed to know my pace better then myself. He was also doing most of the work. He slowly began to ramp up the speed, letting his strong, amazing thighs and legs do the work as he bounced upward and then slid downward, letting the wetness of my shaft make it easier. He was no longer gritting his teeth, either. He was simply enjoying the moment.

As he moved faster I watched his head lean back and his grip on my stomach loosen. My own hands held tighter then ever before, squeezing at the limit I felt was safe. Anymore and I could hurt him. I watched him move from a simple slide along my ebon shaft to a rapid bounce.

The speed surprised me but my hips knew what to do. They began to buck, move, and rise with the motions. I met his hips and he met mine in a wet slurp of pleasure. Each time we collided and my knot threatened to tie him, he threw his head back again and moaned. I was panting heavily, my tongue hanging from the corner of my muzzle as he moved. I could feel his heavier breathing and the heat of his flesh under his fur.

We moved like that, hot, heavy, panting. Moving as fast as we dared and were comfortable with. I grew bolder, bumping my hips upwards against that tight ring, sliding deeper with my own strength. I growled in pleasure as my knot was pulsing, throbbing, and coated in my own juices. It was wet, slippery, sloppy, and wanted in. My maleness, my erection, my pinnacle of being an End Moon male wolf wanted to tie this bitch coyote.

I began to buck harder, faster, tugging Tanis down stronger then before. I knew I was risking potentially hurting my young coyote friend but at this moment I cared only about one thing, the moment.

"Thats it," Tanis whispered through a heated breath. "Tie me, mate with me, Sigrid. Mnf!" He cried out when I hit a particularly good spot on his body. I smirked and and panted.

I gave in to desire and bucked hard. I felt my knot squeeze and a flash of pain as I knew the ring was too tight, but there it went. I felt the ring slide down the latter half of my knot and close at the base. The heat, the wetness, and the grip were all I could take. I began to buck furiously, curling an arm around that waist as I sat up and leaned back on an arm, my body out of control. I needed to breed this coyote here and now. There was no going back, no stopping.

"Give it to me," Tanis said through moans and cries. "Give me your seed, Sigrid! Breed me, mate with me, give me every drop of your wolfhood!"

A few moments later I did. A hot, wet groan from my mouth and a bite to his shoulder out of sheer instinct overcame me. I felt the tingling sensation as my balls crept closer to my body and the heat pushed up through my stomach and groin, flowing up until my knot felt like it was on fire. The same sensation filled every inch of my penis before it exploded, my seed gushing out, so hot and burning! It felt so good to finally finish like that. I felt wet streaks form on my chest, and felt Tanis spasm as I filled him with my seed. I knew he had hit his peak too. I held my place as the last bites of my seed continued to pour out into the other male. When it was done I released his shoulder and fell back, panting.

Tanis sat there, shivering ontop of me as I was locked together with him. I swallowed and squirmed, bucking my hips as my whole groin felt much more sensitive then ever before.

Tanis would wait until I was relaxed enough to slide out of him. He then slid down against me, curling up into the crook of my arm. I was still panting by the time he buried his muzzle into my neck and chuckled.

"What?" I asked through a tired sigh. I could barely keep my eyes open.

"Nothing," Tanis said with a smirk. "I just always wanted to mate with a wolf."

I grinned. "Give me a couple hours of rest and I'll do it again, if you like."

"I think it'll be a good year if you can keep up with me, Sigrid."

"An End-Moon wolf never lags behind."

Here's the end of the story. It is intentionally left open so I can continue it at a later date. I actually fell in love with Tanis and plan to use him a lot in coming short stories. =3

I hope you had fun reading!


The Half-Moon Tribe: The Four Moons IV

I know it's been awhile and I'm sorry for that. Life has to come first and I'm graduating soon so I focused a lot on school and getting my act together. I hope people can forgive me on taking this long. I know its not perfect...

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The Half-Moon Tribe: Full-Moon Tales. -- Guest Story!

So my universe keeps expanding! As some of you know I welcome people to my word and if they want to use my universe I'm more than okay with it! Kaliko, a good friend of mine, wrote this story up and I wanted to share it with everyone here....

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The Half Moon Tribe: Arch's War III

So this story is written by my friend ArchWolf, the original inspiration for this series and can do Arch like no other. =) I post it here because, well, why deprive the reader of other HMT stuff? All negative comments can go to him, but be...

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