Extra Days: Deleted Scenes
#14 of An Ordinary Week
This first one was a dream scene from early on, when the pair were just getting to know each other and I was still establishing Kevin's past. Just imagine it happening any of the eighteen times that Kevin and Eva fell asleep together.
He trudged through the dark room. He felt naked having lost his rifle during an earlier raid, but he was by no means defenseless. His sidearm had plenty of ammo left and it had never let him down before. The swine that he was tracking was the last survivor of the party that ambushed his squad in the streets. He was going to find this guy. It wouldn't be too tough either. He just had to follow the trail of corpses.
Every ruined building that he trudged through in his search was littered with fresh, eviscerated bodies. Few were soldiers. Many were lying on their faces, sliced in the back as they fled. They weren't even killed because they were in the way, this deviant wasted time slaughtering them that he could have been using to get away just for the sake of killing. Kevin was going to enjoy taking him down.
He caught a glimpse of a man in a tattered marine uniform ducking down a hallway. Likely he got those clothes from a dead man. He was no soldier. He didn't carry himself like one. He moved like a predator, skirting visible areas as he leapt over fallen debris. He disappeared even as Kevin raced after him. He glanced both ways at a crossroads, unsure which way his quarry had gone.
A strained gurgle caught his attention. He ran over to find a merchant lying in the dirt with his throat slashed open. A glance told him that the man wouldn't survive. He could tell by the smears in the blood which building the killer had gone into. Kevin forced himself to ignore the frantic choking of the man in the street and press on. He couldn't save him, but he could get him vengeance.
He finally cornered the cowardly assassin in a shadowy room. He was calmly cleaning the blood off his machete with his back to the door. Idiot. His success had made him arrogant. Kevin longed to show him what the far wall would look like covered in his guts, but he wasn't about to shoot a man in the back. He was an American soldier, and in a position of advantage because he had a firearm. The rules of war dictated that he offer a chance to surrender, or at least get his attention and shoot him in the front.
"You there! Drop your weapon and turn around slowly."
He twiddled the blade a bit before allowing it to fall to the floor.
"As you wish."
The voice was gruff and sinister, much as he expected it to be, but it was also uncannily familiar. He straightened his stance and addressed his target again.
"Keep your hands up and turn around slowly."
Kevin's face paled as the attacker turned to face him. The man laughed casually as he shuffled his feet to turn towards the marine. When he lifted his head, the shadow of his cap revealed Kevin's own face.
"What are you gonna do then?" He asked with a sinister grin. "Shoot me?"
Kevin felt cold steel across his tongue. He looked down to see that he had placed the barrel of his pistol in his mouth, and a shaking finger gripped the trigger. He gasped and threw the weapon to the floor; eliciting even more derisive laughter from his opponent.
"Such a shame... Such a cryin' shame. Your greatest enemy is the only man you can't muster the courage to kill."
He fell to the floor and buried his face in his hands. He wasn't a murderer! This couldn't be him...
"You never hesitated when it came time to kill anyone else! You were a good soldier, cutting down everyone good ol' Uncle Sam told you to. You know what you have to do to stop all the death, Sergeant!"
Kevin could hardly move. The terror sweat beaded on his face, it felt oddly sticky as he sobbed into his palms. He didn't even try to stop that murderer as he retrieved his knife and strode confidently past him.
"Well, you failed to kill yourself. So good luck living with yourself."
Heavy boots tramped into the distance as Kevin lifted his head to find his hands dripping with blood.
"Kevin, Kevin!" Even the light pressure of his lover's hand was enough to wake him. "What is it? You were holding your face and yelling..."
"It's nothing, Eva. Only a dream... Just go back to sleep."
"Kevin, I-"
The words were crushed out of her as Kevin clung to her like life itself. She did her best to comfort him. She could think of nothing to say, even a prayer didn't seem to fit. She could only hold onto him until she felt his arms slack as he drifted off to sleep again. She didn't let go even when he did. If this was all she could do for him, she would hold onto him until the end of time.
He lay on his back simply staring at the ceiling. Eva had no way of knowing how long he had been awake, but she could tell that he was still troubled.
"Are you going to be okay?" She asked
"I will. It's much better than it used to be, you know. Time was, I didn't have to be asleep to have nightmares."
Eva's ears drooped, she didn't appear to be helping.
"And," he continued. "My dreams wouldn't come true while I was awake."
With the rising of the sun they shared another close embrace. That contact had divided their grief and doubled their joy both in the same night. Such a noble gesture it was...
This one certainly wasn't cut because of lack of merit as a scene. It really is quite emotionally charged, I'd go so far as compelling. Perhaps too much so, I thought. Something told me that this just wasn't the time and place for nightmares...
This was originally how Kevin woke up after Eva went all super-horny sex-fest on him after he got back from class waaaaay back on Monday. It was certainly interesting to work on. Big change of scene and atmosphere, and a chance to tinker with some new characters, but as for actually functioning in the story... not so much.
Consciousness was slow to return to him. He still felt asleep even as he gained a small measure of awareness. He picked up on a conversation between an older gentleman and a woman whose voices he didn't recognize. The sounds were gradually clearing, he picked apart their tone as he struggled to comprehend the words. The man sounded quite composed, very professional and businesslike. The woman's voice was far from timid, but she still seemed to defer to her companion. She betrayed much more emotion with her voice. She seemed concerned, contrasting the man's detached air. Feeling gradually more alert, he started to pick up on the content of their conversation. Soon he could understand them perfectly, but his paralysis showed no signs of letting up.
"We should've seen some response by now." The woman said. "He wasn't in that bad of a shape when they found him."
"And how much information is that to go on?" Her wizened companion asked. "You know as well as I that no account is complete, and that any throwaway detail can be of critical importance."
"So what do you think is going on?"
"Me? I doubt that there's anything remarkable to be found here. I was just reminding you to always use a critical eye. Even when you're sure of yourself, don't let your confidence blind you. Much better to be wrong and have a patient live than to lose one for the sake of pride."
Though she seemed to appreciate his advice, woman grew more insistent about her point.
"Persistent unconsciousness isn't 'nothing.' There has to be something we're not seeing."
"Well if that's your professional opinion, then I suppose we'd better investigate. So tell me, what's the first step in a good diagnosis?"
"Symptom elaboration."
"Very good. Well, go ahead. It's your hunch Miss Barnes."
Some rustling papers could be heard as Miss Barnes prepared her list.
"Dehydration, exertion, exhaustion, anemia, lack of sleep-"
"None of those are symptoms. They are on the chart because they are conclusions drawn by the medical examiner. He did base them on solid fact and observation, his pallor led them to conclude anemia, his blood pressure led them to exertion, his pupil response lends itself towards lack of sleep etcetera. I'm certain that they are quite correct, but it's important to understand the distinction."
"But what would explain all that? There's no indication of extreme physical activity. His roommates said that he had been home since he got back from class."
"Physical exertion is not an absolute. A moderate level of activity for an extended period can produce the same symptoms as acute exertion."
"That's not all though. The report from his chest x-ray stated-"
"You ordered a full abdominal for an unexplained fainting?"
"His service record showed that he saw nearly two years total on the front lines. There are three purple hearts listed and a lot of notes in his medical history, mostly shrapnel. I thought that I should check that there wasn't some that they missed."
"Shrapnel isn't hard to see on a chest x-ray."
"Not on one of ours, but our fluoroscope doesn't have to fit into a duffel bag."
"Hmph. Very thorough I'm impressed, and what did you find?"
"Not what I was looking for, his chest is free of debris."
"But I found evidence of bone-decalcification. The lab is running a density test right now."
"A bone-density test on a Twenty-Six-year old man? Was I in error when I granted you lab privilege?"
"You didn't see the x-ray, Doctor. The difference was considerable."
"How old was your comparison?"
"About four years."
"A lot can change in four years, but if it really is significant bone loss it would be worth investigating. Do check with me before jumping to such bold conclusions though would you?"
"Of course, I apologize."
"No, no enthusiasm is one thing that I do not punish. It's just that you seem to have gotten a bit swept away with the idea of some exotic condition."
"If you don't mind my asking, what do you think it is?"
"Well, your little calcium problem seems a good place to start. What's the most common cause of bone decalcification?"
"Chronic drug abuse. Mostly mild stimulants, ephedrine, taurine, B-12 complexes, even caffeine in large doses."
"Good, and a combination of anemia and low blood sugar?"
"All right, so what have we got here? Prolonged exertion, lack of sleep, poor diet, and chronic caffeine overdose. That's a set of factors that I would most readily associate with a condition known as 'being a college student.'"
"You really think it could just be a lifestyle problem?"
"You spent much longer in college than he has, you know that there's a lot of stress and a lot of students without much experience dealing with it."
There was a slight, frustrated sigh from Miss Barnes.
"Sorry if my diagnosis wasn't thrilling enough for you, but the fact is that a lot of people come down with very boring and trivial conditions."
"I still don't like it."
Kevin's eyes finally opened a crack as the Doctor made his conclusion. The bleary images of a hospital bedroom met his tired eyes.
"While I admire your conviction, I believe that there's not much to be gained by pursuing this further. If any of your ideas hold water we'll examine them more thoroughly, but for now I think you've spent quite enough of the VA's money on a simple caffeine crash."
"But what about the... you know..."
The nurse gestured to the tent in his sheets.
"First of all, the medical term is priapism, and I would tend to also associate that with being a college student. You know how young men are, I'm sure."
"I think that your memories of college life are a bit exaggerated, Doctor."
"Oh you wound me, it wasn't that long ago. I suppose that yours is a valid observation though and I'm glad you weren't afraid to make it. If I'm wrong, this could indicate a vascular problem." The tearing of a prescription pad accompanied the nurse's dismissal with a few simple orders. "Add about 0.01% Potassium to his drip and see if you can get his electrolytes evened out. If the 'condition' hasn't gone away in half an hour, start pushing thrombolytics to restore circulation. Make sure to route any further analysis, particularly lab tests, through me, all right?"
"Yes, Doctor."
He glanced back at Kevin as he and the nurse were leaving. He allowed her to continue as he approached the bedside.
"Ah, Mr. Kahler! It seems time does heal all wounds. Good to have you back with us."
His voice was slow to respond, but he managed to mumble a greeting.
"Terribly sorry we disturbed your rest, but this is a teaching hospital after all. I think that Nurse Barnes has some real promise even if she is a bit naive."
"Hmmm... I wouldn't say that innocence is a bad thing, Doctor."
"Funny you should mention innocence given what you were wearing when we found you." He must've read the terror on his face, as he moved quickly to admonish it. "Don't worry, son. It's in a nondescript paper bag with your personal effects. When EMTs discover someone in a... compromising position it falls under Doctor-patient confidentiality. Naturally I won't mention it to anyone else, but I will mention to you that your behavior has become a bit risky, as I'm sure you've already figured out."
"Yeah... things did get a bit out of hand..."
"As long as you learned from it. Making mistakes and learning nothing is the only real sin."
Yeah that was fun and all, but you'll note that it was incredibly long and did next to nothing to advance the plot. Quite a bit of extreme consequences for a little fun, and there was a mound of unanswered questions. All in all this thing created more loose ends than throwing a spool of yarn into a woodchipper and was to flow and pacing what a crowbar is to a kneecap.
On the plus side I really loved the Doctor/Nurse dynamic. The Doctor's words very closely mimic my teaching style, (particularly the part where he's actually wrong ^_^) and I suppose Nurse Barnes represents the kind of student that I was/like to teach. So, yay introspection. I'm kind of disappointed that I never thought to name him, but it reminds me of Robert Picardo, so I'll take it. (Sorry if you don't get it. FUN FACT: You're not supposed to get it. More nerd pimpage incoming BTW.)
Nurse Barnes is named after the Barn, a unit of measurement used to describe the macroscopic cross-section of an atomic nucleus. (If you both got the Star Trek: Voyager reference and know what a Barn is you win the internet. 9001 Nerd points, GET!) I've always loved the origin of that unit. For those not familiar i/e like, everyone... Nuclear cross section is a concept used to describe the likelihood of a nuclear reaction occurring when a particle hits an atom, expressed as a cross-sectional area. Think of it as describing how big the bull's eye is when you're trying to hit a Uranium atom with a neutron to split it. The story goes that some Purdue University physicists that were working on The Bomb during WWII referred to a Uranium nucleus as "As big as a barn." Eventually the unit became standardized. The more you know! *Sparkle!*
_Anyway, I was going to go into the significance of everyone's names, as nearly all of them mean something. (Kevin and Evan were the only ones I pulled out of thin air.) But this one has already gotten far too wordy and all the slanty text is making my eyes hurt, so we'll move onto the next one. _
Here's another one that focuses a lot on their playful early interactions over that first weekend. Believe it or not I cut this one for being TOO ridiculous. I had enough difficulty taking this seriously as it is. Believe me, when *I* say that something it too ridiculous, you can take that to the bank.
Sparks leapt from her tail as it parted from the couch, Eva seemed not to notice. Kevin found it intriguing though. She walked briefly astride him, still giving him that seductive look. He took her in his arms and walked just briskly enough that her toes dragged across the carpet.
"Hmmm... quite eager it seems, have I lit your fire?"
"Actually I was thinking of taking a bit of a break."
"Oh, Kevin you disappoint! And here your hospitality was becoming so prominent." She tugged at his shirt as they reached his room. "Besides, I never said that I was offering you options..."
"Oh? I find myself in a bind then." He said, scrubbing her feet exceptionally hard against the carpet. "I suppose I'll have to engineer a little solution that's a bit outside the box then..."
Without further pause he lifted Eva a few feet up and pressed her to the wall, just to see what would happen. A quizzical look turned to a gasp of surprise when his hands fell away and she found herself affixed there. She ineffectually swung a claw at him as he pulled back and folded his arms to admire the fruits of his labor. The static cling stymied all of her efforts. Despite her surprising strength when grounded, she was revealed for the airy wisp that she was when she had nothing to push against. She gave one last futile lunge before settling back against the wall, placing her hands on her hips and giving her best dagger-eyes.
"I sure hope this isn't how you treat all your girlfriends."
"I'll admit it's not near as funny when they don't stick. Comfy up there?"
"Just peachy. Care to join me?"
"You're going to have to try a little harder than that."
Eva smoothly switched tactics, it was miraculous how quickly her aggression cooled.
"And what did I ever do to you?" She gave a gentle whimper. "I was just trying to be a good doggie..."
Kevin felt his jaw loosen and his features sag with empathy at the slightest glance into those wide, sad eyes. They could've been filled with hypnotic spirals for how immediate their effect was. He shook his head briefly.
"Impressive. You've had a lot of practice, haven't you?"
"The puppy-eyes could melt the hearts of tyrants." She said. "Though you weren't taken in, I guess I'll just have to think a bit outside the box, too..."
Her voice was fading, she seemed to be deep in thought as she finished speaking.
"You've many dangerous tools in your arsenal, I'd love a chance to see you display them."
"Oh most certainly yes..." She said in a near whisper, her voice continuing to lower to the point that Kevin unconsciously leaned in to hear her. "But do you want to know what the most devastating one of all is?"
Kevin eagerly nodded.
"The element... of surprise!"
Eva's tail aided her lunge from the wall just enough for her muzzle to get in range of Kevin. A spark jumped from her nose to his, the shock causing him to stagger backward onto his bed. He had a moment to recover before a second spark leapt to his groin. He saw a devilish. clawed finger curling up from his nethers as he looked down, eyes watering.
"Just a reminder that there are consequences for your little tricks..." Eva sneered. "I'd get comfortable if I were you... pretty soon YOU won't be able to move!"
<3 <3 0.0 ^_^
Yeah, naughty fun parts go here... if I had written any. I'm just kidding, I made sure that the last one has tons of sex. (Because I know why you're really here.) It's just not related to this lead in so I thought I'd waste a bit more of your time and see if I can draw out those blueballs of yours. Now about those names...
All of the Marines mentioned in the flashback are named after sailors on my ship, I even went through the trouble of transposing their ranks between branches. I don't know why... if any of them ever read this I would die of humiliation and likely see some administrative action taken against me by the command... Kevin's CO wasn't named, but was based on my prior Watch Officer. He retired over a year ago, God bless him. The title of "Reactor Cowboy" has yet to be passed on since, though I think I'm still in the running for it.
Lady Denna is named after a certain character in the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind. Fans of the work will recognize... certain traits inherited from the original. ;)
Professor Goddard is the name of my sister's favorite instructor from college. I had to use her college experience for a lot of references since I never went to college myself. His hard-line tactics and quick wit make him very effective at what he does, if not very well liked. Behind the desk at least. I'm told that he's otherwise very personable.
Professor Grayson was originally named Graydon after a street near where I live, and also Greymon nudged me in that direction. I was afraid that a Digimon reference was too nerdy, so I went with Grayson after Dick Grayson, the given name of Robin the Boy Wonder. (Much less nerdy.) His personality is an enigma. I think that we all have a wizened man that we look up to, a mentor of sorts, even if it is just a voice in our head.
Eric is indeed the name of one of my roommates. He's not really the drunken party animal that I paint him as, but he's very quiet and I've had next to no interaction with him in the year that he's lived here, so I feel I have the liberty to assign whatever personality I like to him.
All right, that was mean. God bless you if you read all that. I may have taken the joke a bit too far. Regardless... sexy time now!
Haha, you skipped ahead didn't you? High five for having your priorities straight. Kevin had just caught a case of the hermees from his new GF and was trying to pull himself together when, naturally, things became even more complicated. This was how the encasement scene went before I invented Polyisoevaprene. Still waiting on that Nobel prize... Anyway, enough of my shenanigans, time for some of Eva's!
Eva nudged Kevin's new addition with her nose.
"Well, in my opinion the best way to figure this thing out would be to give it a try."
"That's your answer to everything." He saw the ears poking up from his crotch droop a little. "I didn't say it was the wrong answer..."
He relented on his suspicions at just the right moment to reap the rewards of Eva's skilled tongue. The imbued flesh that composed the walls of his new slit was wonderfully sensitive, particularly to the touch of Eva's practiced tongue. Her saliva quickly wetted down the once pristine tunnel. Oh, oh that was much too hot to be saliva...
The sensations were vague before, but they certainly didn't mince words now. The experience was new to Kevin, but he liked to think that he was a fast learner. It was delightful the way that Eva's muzzle squeezed and deformed at the fevered clenching of his inner muscles, its responsiveness only egging them on. Wait, when did her muzzle get in there?
As usual Eva was wasting no time testing the limits of Kevin's entrance with her usual vigor. Considering how it came to be, its limits were likely few if any. The man it was attached to was much more likely to be the one putting a cap on things, and he didn't seem to be able to properly express his reservations at the moment for some reason.
Kevin heaved and writhed, feeling the pleasure dig deep within him. Apparently this new equipment had become much more a part of him than he thought. What surprised him more than the tremendous stretching of his virgin lips was how deep Eva was able to go without any apparent effort at all. His contractions were mounting quickly and were soon beyond his control.
"Oh! Eva I- Ah!"
He looked down at her when he could control himself again. Her eyes were saying something cheeky, as her mouth was otherwise occupied, but she showed no other acknowledgement that she might be going too fast for him. If anything she seemed to be looking for a particular spot that would drive him even more wild. Naturally she found it. Kevin soon caved under the relentless assault and came explosively onto her muzzle.
Kevin was elated at the release but dismayed to find that this had changed little about his situation. He only felt Eva plunge ever deeper as he came down from the high. His slippery, rubbery fluids had slickened his passage and softened her skin enough for her to press even deeper. Kevin could feel her ears tickling at the outer edge of his netherlips. A spike of pleasure hit as they finally reached their limit and stymied her efforts. Kevin didn't know what she was going to do next, but it sure as hell wasn't going to be 'give up.'
He could almost feel the inspiration strike her as her muzzle continued to thin and soften, awash in his sexual fluids. She bought a claw up to her chest and a hissing sound accompanied the release of the pressure on his entrance. It was gone for about half a breath before Eva resumed pushing, barely sliding her ears inside. The sudden force was more than Kevin could take and he came again, clenching muscles forcing even more air out of the small hole she had made.
A second rush of fluid tingled through his afterglow. Again he felt the pressure release, but this time it was deep within him. He looked down to see if she had pulled out some, but only saw her trying to further narrow her shoulders to fit inside. More contractions wracked him. With his entrance filled, they only served to draw the fluid deeper within him. There was just so much! It seemed to be coming from nowhere.
As Eva pried at his entrance with her claws he finally figured out its source. She was dissolving! Naturally it didn't bother her a bit. Having her head liquefied seemed only to encourage her. Kevin's instinct was to resist, but what was he to do? Yank her half of a body out? That would leave him at something of an imposition-
His thoughts were interrupted by the still partly inflated breasts that slid inside him. He shook with pleasure once more, deciding that staying the course might not be such a bad idea. As he considered the state of his body, he likely didn't have a choice. All the new sensations of pleasure were wiping out most attempts at movement or thought. He had only just enough sense to notice that his member had reached the end of his sheath and his knot was presently struggling to escape. Eva seemed to sense this too with that mysterious way she had about her and gave a heavy thrust, knocking his throbbing pole loose and forcing most of her torso in. There was a rush of force and of fluid unlike any before, he nearly came again. Two pairs of legs kicked and squirmed as pre dripped from his member.
Eva's paws found purchase, slowly and inexorably forcing her hips inside. Kevin actually slid up the bed from the force she used, he found himself resisting the movement, holding himself down to get as much out of her powerful thrusts as he could. Her tail rubbed and kneaded his clit as it slipped inside, the resulting cum accelerating her dissolution even more. Having gotten used to the steady flow of fluids inside him and the pleasant stretching of his belly he now found he couldn't bear for them to stop for a moment. When Eva reached her knees and could no longer push herself he took the initiative and grasped her ankle, making sure that her journey was not interrupted.
Kevin couldn't describe the peaceful contentment that filled him as the last of his mate was dissolved by his churning innards. He gave a relaxed sigh, a quick one though. If he knew Eva, he had only moments before something else-
A new pleasured surge shook him. He recognized it as the contraction of his womb. Now stretched to the brim with liquid vixen it seemed to have grown weary of its burden and heaved with impressive strength. He felt it shrink a bit, but something prevented the fluid from squirting out of him. He felt it swirling about within him, it was all over the place. As if it were spreading...
He let loose a bestial groan as he felt the ooze settle into its new home. His sac grew taut as the fluid flowed into his balls. He felt his male organs churn in time with this feminine ones, doing their best to process all the goo for what was to come. Distracted by all the internal drama, Kevin had failed to notice that his hands had crept down to his nethers in the meantime. He was, of course made acutely aware of this when he found himself experimentally squeezing his knot. The need and pressure were stupendous. It felt like he hadn't had release in ages. He found similar results as his opposite hand explored his pussy. He heaved and moaned, knowing that the release he craved couldn't be far off.
His pleasure was so great that when his shaft started pumping green goo all over his chest he almost didn't notice the difference. His female climax was much harder to miss. His belly heaved, thrusting the voluminous fluid back out into the world. Instead of splattering about as he thought it would, much of the fluid clung to him, forming a writhing mass that spread across his skin. The strong currents of ooze wreathed his cock and pressed against his sac, causing his shaft to resume its rhythmic pumping under the undulating force. His pussy thrust out more fluid until it was completely covered by the amorphous blob. The mass grew as did Kevin's pleasure with every contraction. Tingling spread with the fluid as it branched out across his skin.
Kevin was in another world as the fluid consumed him. He couldn't even manage a word as the surge of rubbery goo overwhelmed him. His thrashing and heaving was hampering its progress, an error that it soon corrected. A latex tendril penetrated his ass and lanced out into his innards. A guttural moan and a roll of the eyes and Kevin fell limp on the bed, allowing the slime to complete its work. The ooze had all been pumped out of him, now genuine cum leaked out when the fluid pleasured him as it spread, not that there was much of a difference between the two. Kevin's equipment had been so thoroughly altered that his cum looked just like Eva's, perhaps even a shade darker.
His body was on fire as the living slime enveloped his skin. He was paralyzed by the consuming sensation of the ripples wafting over his entire body. It flowed across him with drive and purpose, seeking out uncovered flesh in an almost predatory manner. His skin was completely covered before he even knew it. The coating pushed and kneaded at his flesh, nudging it towards a more smooth and streamlined configuration.
Kevin lay on the bed, paralyzingly exhausted. He had almost forgotten what it was like to sit still. His whole body had that overwhelmed, overexerted quality of the ringing in one's ears from a loud noise. A shaky hand gently rubbed his forehead. Unbidden, Eva's voice came to his lips, sounding like she had one hell of a hangover.
"Oooo... urgh, Wha... was it good for you?"
More haggard panting was the only response that she got.
Oh, yeah. So, that's all I got from my notes, drafts and scribblings that was worth posting but not worth using in the upcoming sequel. There's a lot of ideas like this bouncing around at any given time and only the lucky ones make it to paper, or this deposit slip, or this Denny's napkin, or this matchbook cover... This is why I carry a notepad these days. It's going to be an interesting project to see if I can cobble together a functioning, coherent story out of odds and ends like this, but I love a challenge. Thank You all for coming along for the ride!