Raising Above The Bar Chapter 1: Jake's Playce Opens.

Story by Jake Shadow Wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Raising Above The Bar

Legalities: All right first off this story is just something I needed to get into a lighter mood, Asterion and Pokemon will continue before the week is over. All right let's get to the copyrights all characters except those mentioned otherwise are copyrighted to me, as is the story. Dasher and Jen are copyrighted to Dasher Cheetah, Gabe is copyrighted to Gman2014, and TX is copyrighted to TripleX. This story contains adult content, so if you're underage turn back. I think that's about everything, so with that said ONWARD TO CHAPTER 1 OF YET ANOTHER OF MY SERIES!


Hi I'm Jake, Jake Wolf. I'm the local bartender, and this, this is the story of my bar. My bar is called Jake's Playce, it wasn't always called that, but for now let's just leave matters there until the story gets underway. I guess the story really begins with my college days. It all started when I turned sixteen. I wanted to become a lawyer so my dad dished out the cash for me to go to law school while my little bro started training in extreme sports. As soon as I started learning I realized that law school and I just didn't mix, however I figured I'd best stick it out.

My first few days were hell, because I just couldn't get my mind to focus. However about ten days into it I met my soon to be friend, and mentor, Dasher. Dasher showed me around the college, told me what teachers to avoid and introduced me to the less renowned teachers. One of them was Mr. Rolas. Mr. Rolas was the school's bartending teacher, he also taught old-fashioned things like marksmanship, and swordsmanship. I learned everything I could from him after class, while still studying to be a lawyer. After a few days Dash introduced me to the computer teacher. She took one look at us and said "Oh no, I can see what trouble you guys are going to cause as time goes on." Dash smiled and said "What makes you say that?" She stared him in the eyes and said "Dasher you've been at this school four three years now. In another three years you're going to graduate with a master's degree in Computer engineering." Dasher shrugged and said "I guess, but that doesn't really mean too much right now."

She stared at him surprised and I said "I don't know what Dasher plans on doing after we graduate, other than becoming a freelance computer expert." She looked at me and I smiled then said "I plan on getting three degrees before I leave. Do you happen to have any classes for beginning computer students?" Her eyes lit up and she said "Yes, I do actually. Would you like to be enrolled in it?" I nodded and the three of us talked for a while then Dash and I bid her goodbye. The two of us walked for about ten minute then we stopped outside my dorm and Dash opened the door and we walked in slowly. I sat down on my bed while Dasher took the computer chair and the two of us started talking about what we planned to do after college. I sighed and said "I guess I plan on opening my own place after everything is over." Dash blinked and said "What kind of place?" I shrugged and said "I haven't really decided yet. I just know I want my own place where people can relax, mingle, and enjoy life." Dash blinked and said "So basically you want to make a bar?" I nodded and he said "What kind of patrons are you going to have?" I smirked and said "Anyone who doesn't cause trouble will be welcome."

He grinned then started explaining what licenses I'd need to open up a proper bar and who he could talk to and get us help. I grinned back and told him about the money I'd saved up, then the two of us shook hands and went our separate ways for a while. He went to his room, and I went to the bathroom to take a much-needed shower. After I got out of the shower I stared at my reflection and tried to find any differences between now, and the time before I came to the college. The first thing I noticed was that I'd gained more muscle tone, and my fur, which had only covered my groin, had spread to cover my entire pelvic region and join with my tail. I shook my head deciding to ignore that fact, since I couldn't change it. Then I glanced at my ears and saw that they'd gone from pure black to black with blood red markings. I also noticed that my hair had become a dirty blonde from light blonde, and figured that was from the fact I hadn't been out in the sun all that much. I finished studying myself and walked to my room then crashed on my bed wondering if every day was going to be like today, or if my routine was going to change at some point.


After a few months I had a nice routine going, then Dash decided I'd matured enough to go out. It started when he walked into my room, and threw a shirt at me. I looked up and it landed on my face. I slowly moved it away and said "So, I'm guessing you either want me to go with you, or are just giving me your shirt." He nodded and I asked "Should I assume you want me to switch into this, pull on a hat, and head out with you?" He nodded and I slipped on the shirt then pulled on one of my caps and looked in the mirror. It was one of the college's shirts, but on it had been written Dash's graduating year. I shook my head and got up then followed him out. I stopped at the door and made sure I had everything, then locked the door and started following him without a second thought. Dash glanced back then smiled when he saw I was following and said "Well I wasn't expecting you to keep pace with me." I raised an eyebrow and said "You aren't running kitty kat, you're just walking." He nodded after thinking about it then dropped back to walk alongside me.

I glanced at him and he said "I hate to ask this, but I need to know. Are you a virgin?" I blinked then slowly nodded figuring that lying wasn't going to help me in this situation, and it might actually cause me harm. He grinned mischievously and said "Then we'll have to break you into several new things at once. Ever smoke, drink, get into a bar brawl?" I shook my head no to all three and his grin grew even larger then he said "I guess we'll have to acquaint you to all of that tonight." I raised an eyebrow and he said "We have four days to sleep everything off, since finals for this year are in a week. You ready for them?" I nodded and stretched out as we walked then said "Think I'll graduate early if I keep the grades I've got?" Dash shrugged and said "Depends on if you're willing to stay here year round and take advanced courses. Which basically means it all depends on you." I nodded and relaxed then stretched and said "So where are we going exactly?" He smirked and said "We're going to Lucky's, it's one of the few special bars around town." I raised an eyebrow questioningly and he said "Lucky's is special, and other than that I'm not saying. It's a surprise you'll enjoy is all I'm saying."

I sighed and nodded then we walked out to his car and I blinked. He sighed and said "My aunt died about a year ago. She left me everything, but since I want to work for myself her inheritance hasn't really had much use. I bought the car with it, but that was it." I nodded and mumbled "Of course the cheetah buys a jaguar." before climbing into the passenger seat and relaxing. He got into the driver's sea then we drove to a bar on the edge of town. We got out and I looked up to see a large card with a flashing sign in the middle of it saying 'Lucky's' hanging over the door. I glanced at Dasher who said "Don't worry, the sign's mounted really securely." I shook my head to show that wasn't what I was worried about hen asked "Is this a casino or a bar?" Dash grinned and said "It's neither, although it has a bar, and a small card room for those interested in gambling." I grinned at that and he said "I wouldn't advise it, card sharks primarily take up room." I snapped and silently cursed my luck on that then glanced at Dash and said "We going in or not?"

Dash grinned and said "I was just waiting for you to say you're ready my young friend." He walked over and opened then door the held it open as I walked in. He closed it behind us, while I stood there staring at the interior of the bar. It was done in the old fashioned western style at the front, but toward the back of the room was a stage between two doors, one on either side of the room. The stage had a spot for a detachable pole to be installed, several speakers, a mic, and a drum set all lined out in front of a curtain. Next to it were two doors that obviously led backstage and I silently memorized it thinking it could come in handy as Dash dragged me over to the bar. We sat down and he said "What's up with you. Something about the bar bother you?" I shook my head and said "The opposite actually, it gave me a few ideas for when I have my own bar, but what's' behind the doors?" He grinned and said "To the left is the private rooms, with the staircase. To the right is the gambling and pool hall." I blinked and said "What's the stage for?"

He smirked and said "Lou, the bartender, can tell you that better than I can. Can't you Lou?" Lou was a large dragon with white skin, blue wings, and red eyes. He smiled showing his fangs and held out his hand saying "I'm Lou, the owner and bartender of Lucky's." I raised an eyebrow and shook his hand then said "Why'd you call it Lucky's?" He smirked and said "Because my nickname is Lucky." I raised an eyebrow and asked "Why's your nickname lucky?" He grinned and said "Because of my luck with the ladies, my job, and my life. I've nearly died a few hundred times, but I always end up getting out of it at the last second. Dash knows more about it than most, though from what he says you two ended up in even more trouble when you were in high school." I nodded and said "I didn't recognize him at first, but when I realized who he was it all came flooding back to me."

Dash grinned and said "Don't were Lucky, I'll tell you a few more of our adventures later. However, for now Jake and I are going to drink until we can't remember very much, then he's going to get laid, and we are going to talk. If I can remember how to after how sloshed we get." Lucky looked between us then said "Alright, but cash up front Dash." Dash sighed and laid a fifty on the bar then said "Order what you want Jake, but in a few years your going to owe me." I nodded and said "What do you recommend Lucky?" Lucky grinned and said "I'd say start with beer, if not then only move up to wine, or a few shots of Johnny Walker." I thought about it and said "Nah, I'll try some Jack Daniels."

He grinned and slid me a bottle of Jack Daniels and a shot glass. Dash looked at him and Lucky slid another glass over to us, then Dash poured us each a glass and we threw back the shots. I looked at Dash and asked "How the hell did you get through three years of college when we just graduated last year?" He raised an eyebrow and asked "Is that really something you should be asking me about while we're drinking?" I sighed and said "No but you will explain before the night is over." He nodded and the two of us when back to doing shots as we waited for the alcohol to cause our recent memories to just vanish.

After about twenty minutes I felt drunk enough to ask Dash a question that I'd thought about since we were teenagers. I looked at him and said "Hey Dash, I have three questions for you." He glanced at me with blurry eyes, since he'd been knocking the shots back as fast as Lucky could pour them, then said "Ask away my friend." I smiled slightly and asked "First, How did you get through three years of college when we've only been out of high school for a year? Second what's it like to be with another guy? Finally do you think any of the others are going to be attending the college anytime soon?"

His face got a drawn cast to it then he nodded and said "Yes, I think Shal and Shan are attending soon, and Vince is attending in another state. As to your first and Second questions well I'll answer them in that order. First I was taking college classes when we were in high school, I wanted to be able to support myself as much as possible as soon as possible. Second mating with a guy can be really fun, but hurts a lot the first time you take it up your tail hole unless you're ready for it." I nodded and left it at that then Lucky said "You guys want to go and talk with the girls?" Dash and I looked at each other then nodded like mad.

He smiled slightly and said "Great, only three rules here. 1. No means no, otherwise I'm having Alex throw you out. 2. Be polite, and don't do anything to them unless they let you. 3. Have fun, and relax." We nodded and he led us through a door in the back to a large hallway with rooms going down it. Lucky turned to us and said "Each room has one of the girls. The right side is primarily mammals, the left is primarily reptiles and insects. Strange as that may seem to you." I just shrugged and muttered "I'm in the mood for some mammalians personally." Dash nodded and the two of us opened the first two rooms on the right.

In mine was a vixen with snow white fur, light green eyes, ebony head fur, and a single black spot on her tail. I whistled softly in appreciation as I noticed that the only thing she had on was a robe. She smiled at me in her mirror and said "If Lucky sent you back here you must be a good friend of his. Would you mind shutting the door?" I shook my head and shut it then she said "Please sit down, it's not like I'm royalty or anything." I grinned slightly and said "I don't know about that since I know virtually nothing about your past or anything about you." She smiled slightly and said "I guess that's true, so why don't we introduce ourselves."

I smiled slightly and said "I'm Jake. May I ask what your name is?" She smiled slightly and nodded. I watched her for a few minutes then she said "My first name is Angel. My stage name is Fallen, and my last name is for me to know and you to figure out." I raised an eyebrow and said "What do I get if I figure out your name?" She smiled seductively and opened her robe a little showing her cleavage and my alcohol fogged mind took a few minutes to send the message "YOU GET LAID IDIOT!!!" throughout my body to wake me up. I shook my head a few times and asked her "You have anything that can sober me up?" She smiled slightly and said "Yes I do actually, would you like it now or later?"

I thought about it for a while then said "I'd prefer to have it now if you don't mind." She walked over to the cabinet on the back wall while saying "Sure, plus I'd like to see how smart you are without booze screwing up your head before we get the game started." I then pulled out a bottle of pills. She tossed them to me and I smiled in thanks then tossed two down and my head instantly felt lighter while my thinking was only a bit clearer. I glanced at her and she said "Don't worry another two pills and you'll be perfectly fine." I nodded and popped another two pills then closed my eyes as my mind slowly started to clear. I grinned as my head started to feel better and she asked "So do you feel any better after that little pick me up?" I nodded and smiled in thanks then closed my eyes thinking about what her last name could possibly be.

She watched me for about five or six minutes then asked "Any guesses?" I thought about it for a few minutes then said "Yes. how about Hearana?" I opened one eye and she shook her head saying "Not even close." I nodded in understanding then closed my eye and went back to thinking. Suddenly I heard moaning from the next room over and muttered "Sounds like Dash is getting busy over there." She raised an eyebrow and said "Is Dasher a friend of you and Lucky's?" I nodded and said "He's the one who brought me here. The two of us are going to college together." She grinned and said "To that really big local college?" I nodded and said "Yeah. I'm getting a few degrees, and Dash is getting a degree in computers." She smiled slightly and said "I have a degree in dance, and a degree in physics, but no one would hire me as a physicist so I decided to work here." I blinked and said " I think I know who you are now."

She studied me quizzically and said "Who might that be?" I smiled slightly and said "Angel Marissia Denir. You're the daughter of renowned mathematician Adrian Denir and biologist Alexa Denir. Graduated when you were only sixteen, went to college and got your masters by age twenty." She blinked surprised and I said "I studied your family because I was interested in your father's calculations on Einstein's theory of relativity and your mothers work with genetics." She smiled slightly and said "So you're a well read college boy." I nodded and said "I wrote a thesis on one of your term papers last week. Why couldn't you find a job?" She smiled and said "They just weren't in the mood for a female fox physicist." I raised an eyebrow and said "That doesn't explain why you'd end up in a strip club." She smiled and said "Because it's one of the many things my parents would never condone. Going to start spouting off my list of boyfriends and everything else?" I blinked and said "You didn't date anyone from what you're parents said when I got a chance to meet them after a lecture at my high school. Or is it just that they didn't know anyone you dated?"

She smiled mischieviously and said "I'm not telling, the only thing I will say is no male has ever taken me to his bed." I muttered "Very interesting way of dodging my question, but I'll roll with it." She smiled and said "I knew you would, so can you guess why no man's ever gotten in my bed?" I shrugged and stated "I'm guessing it's because none has been your sociological equal, mental equal, or they just thought you were a piece of ass, so you kicked theirs." She blinked slightly taken aback then said "Wow that's a wonderful guess. What would make you think that was it?" I shrugged and mumbled "The fact that you learned several different martial arts, are a beautiful young woman who's only two years older than me so you haven' even reached your prime, and the fact you have the same attitude as my friend Shalendra."

She smiled and said "Well it appears you have a lot of strange friends." I nodded and said "Excuse me really quick." then went out into the hall and knocked on the door Dash was in. I heard someone say "Come in." So I walked in only to find Dasher and a beautiful pantheress who looked to be about twenty five or twenty six in the middle of a rough round of sex. I blinked as I stood there staring at Dash's rock hard maleness slipping in and out of her womanhood with wet smacking sounds. I stared at Dash's fuzzy sack for a few seconds then slapped myself and said "Well since you're obviously busy, I'll come drag Dash away later." then quickly walked out and shut the door muttering under my breath. I leaned against the door for a few minutes trying to get myself under control and let my erection fade then walked back out to the bar and looked at Lucky. He glanced at my face then slid me a cold glass of water and said "Enjoy yourself?"

I raised an eyebrow and said "What makes you think I've even started?" He smirked and said "The tent in your pants, the fact you smell like sex, and the way you just avoided my question." I silently cursed myself for being so hasty then said "No, I'm going to go enjoy myself after I cool down a bit. I sort of saw a show involving Dash and the beautiful pantheress in the second room on the right." Lucky nodded in understanding and said "It's always interesting when Dash shows up. He goes for the same three girls, and yet he talks to all of them. You going to end up being like him?" I shrugged and said "I dunno, I was actually thinking of opening up my own bar after I get my degree from the college."

He laughed and said "Good luck, If you do I may be able to finally close down and retire. The only reason I keep this place open is at the request of the state, and because it helps pay a few of the bills. However I get social security, so it doesn't really matter." I nodded noticing the salt and pepper color of his hair and the lines around his eyes that were a tell tale sine of old age on an anthro. He smiled noticing my studying and said "Yeah I'm pretty damn old, but I'm damn proud to have lived as long as I have."

I nodded in agreement and said "So did you serve in the military?" His eyes became slightly shadowed, but he noded. I blinked and said "Which war did you end up fighting in Lucky?" He shrugged and said "I fought in Nam. I know it was a stupid war, and a bunch of stupid decisions were made, but I still love my country to much to complain. I may have lost my best friend, my brother, and my nephew there, but I still respect my country's leaders decision." I nodded and he sat back then said "Feel like going back to the girl you were with?" I nodded and walked back into Angel's room where she was sitting on the bed whiping her eyes. I looked at her and said "You ok?" She stared at me surprised and said "I didn't think you were coming back?" I raised an eyebrow and pulled a chair then turned it around and sat down facing her. She looked at me and I asked "What makes you say that?" She stared at me surprised that I'd ask and said "I thought you'd left since you didn't seem to want to do anything." I smiled slightly and said "I left to check on Dash, cool down, and talk to Lucky. I don't want to do anything until we've gotten to know each other"

She stared at me surprised then said "Alright, then why don't you tell me something about yourself?" I thought about it then said "Well my mom's an anthro husky and so's my dad supposedly. However neither of us believes that. My old man has a temper, that when he drinks he takes out on me, my little brother, and my mom depending on who he can reach. I tend to be the first one he sees, so the other two are safe thankfully. However since I've gone off to college he goes after my mom and little brother twice as hard. He's a construction worker so he's really strong." She nodded remembering a few of the guys who came into the bar and got rough before Lucky and Alex had taken care of them. I watched her reaction and mumbled "Figured guys like that came here pretty dang often." She nodded and askked "Anything else you want to reveal?"

I shrugged and said "I'm a normal hybrid basically. Other than that I'm taking a bunch of courses at the college I graduate next year with Dash thanks to taking extra courses and blocking my classes. I'm a fighter, I defend my friends, and I'm pretty easy to get along with." She smiled at the last part then said "You forgot the fact you're cute, smart, willing to help people you don't know, and a gentleman." I blushed and wished I had fur like Dash then someone knocked on the door I smileed at Angel and tossed her my shirt since her robe looked cold then when she had it on, I opened the door. Dash was standing there fully dressed and looking pretty sober. He looked at me and asked "Are you ready to go, or want to have mor fun?"

I glanced over my shoulder at Angel then smiled and said "I guess I'll have to come back until I get my own place. So we can get ot know each other better." She nodded and pointed at the shirt questioningly. I smiled slightly and said "No worrries, you can keep it to remember me by." She smiled slightly and said "Then I'll treasure it until you return." I smiled and walked out with a soft goodbye then shut the door and followed Dash out to the car. He started to get into the driver's seat, but I beat him there. He sighed and muttered "Fine, you seem more sober than I am so you drive." I nodded and started the engine then drove us back to the college mumbling the entire way.

When we got to the college I helped Dash to his room then went to my own. I laid down on my bed and passed out wondering what could possibly happen that would make my life better, or worse than it already was. When I woke up I heard someone knocking on my door and another person saying "I think he's still asleep. Why don't we just let him sleep for a while? The two of us had a rough night last night and I don't think he's used to being out so late." I sighed and got up then showered. I wrapped a towel around my waist and opened the door to find Shal and Dash standing there with Shanden a few feet away snickering. I stared at the three of them then asked "What's up?" Dash raised an eyebrow and said "Obviously not you since that towel would be tented like mad if you were." I nodded and glanced at Shal who said "Shanden, Dash, and I were wondering you would like to come with us out to the crater on the edge of town." I cocked my head to the side confused and said "Crater on the edge of town?"

Dash shrugged and said "It hit about the same time we got home. I only know about it because I watched the news when I get up, and my roommate was talking about it. Shal says it hit about the same time as Shan, Vince, Kev, and Len and she got back into town. I think it's really weird timing and they agree, so the six of us plan to go check it out. You coming with or not?" I thought about it a while then said "Was it caused by a meteorite?" Dash shook his head and said "No that's whats really weird, everyone says a weird light appeard in a giant sphere then the crater was all that was left when it was done." I sighed and said "Give me five minutes to get dressed then we'll head out. I have a feeling this has to do with those weird dreams I've been having, Shal and Shan's past which they won't talk about, your mom, and that weird blast that took place when Len, Kev, Vince and I were born."

Dash looked at me confused and I said "Don't worry about it, for now." He nodded and I shut the door then pulled on some old clothes. I grabbed a few of my knives and a bag full of food and water figuring we'd probably be gone a while then wrote a letter to my professors and put it on the wall. I closed and locked my door then put the letter on it and followed the others out to the vehicles. I hopped into my old mustang, not for the first time, wishing I'd be able to fix it up. Dash glanced at it and said "Why don't you just buy a new car?" I raised an eyebrow and replied "This is a 69 it's a classic in number, model, and it's a shelby." He sighed and got into his jaguar then popped open the other doors for Shan, Shal, and Len to climb in. Vince and Kevin joined me in my car and I motioned for Dash to lead on.

Shan must have given him the directions because we set out without taking any time at all. Vince glanced at me and asked "Hey, once you get your bar open you think you can help me with some stuff." I raised an eyebrow and asked "What stuff, Vince?" He shrugged and said "Just some stuff on the docks." I nodded then Kevin suddenly said "Len and I are going into the military." I looked at him in the rearview mirror and he shrugged then said "We've been thinking it over for a while. It's the only way to live up to my old man, and he wants to get away for a while." I nodded then siad "Why don't one of you go into the secret service?" He thought about it then said "Maybe."

Vince nodded probably thinking that those two would do well in government jobs then glanced at me and said "So still going to be a lawyer?" I nodded and he sighed then the two of us sighed and watched Dash's Jag go down the road. Kev just seemed to let his mind wander. After about an hour we came to the edge of the crater and pulled over. Vince and Kevin instantly started checking their guns while I wished I'd had a bow or an old fashioned sword. They'd felt right in my hands ever since I'd been taking lessons on medieval equipment from the history teacher. Vince noticed how my hands were moving and said "Something wrong?" I shook my head and slipped a pair of knives into my hands figuring they'd have to do. The others glanced at me and I said "Don't look at me like that, I hate guns. I use older weapons, and you guys checked your guns so you obviously feel it to."

They nodded and I noticed that Shal and Shan were muttering something under their breath while Dash just pulled on his specialized gloves with blades in them. I raised an eyebrow and he shrugged saying "Never know when they'll come in handy." I sighed then reluctantly nodded in agreement before facing Shal and Shan who were unarmed. I raised an eyebrow and they said "We have our tools, don't worry." I silently cursed under my breath then started down into the crater feeling a strange energy drawing me onwards. The others called for me to stop, but I kept going with a slight wave over my shoulder. I heard Vince sigh then the sound of people coming after me and Len mutter "I knew I should have brought my damn rifle." I chuckled finding it interesting that he'd want to bring something that wasn't very good up close to a dangerous seen, where the rest of us would be.

Suddenly a light burst out of the ground and engulfed all of us. Everyone except Shal, Dash, Shan, and I started attacking the light until I said "Don't waste ammo." They looked at me and I said "If it was going to harm us we wouldn't have been able to move, let alone defend ourselves. So relax and wait. Whatever this thing is, it obviously isn't going to cause us harm." They sighed and nodded then a voice said "Well it appears that at least one of you doesn't fear a gift." I sighed softly and muttered "Not like I have much choice when dealing with the supernatural." The voice chuckled and I leaned back then said "So what's your gift?" It laughed and said "I'm going to give you all abilities that will change over time. In the case of the twins I will give them the abilities of the god they follow. In the case of the rest of you I will awaken hidden talents." I blinked then sighed and said "Alright, then give us your gift and get lost."

As I finished speaking I felt something blast into me and screamed out in pain. It felt almost as if something tried to rip my god damn soul out and shove it back into me slowly. I think I passed out, because when I next could see around us, it was dawn and we were all back by the cars. The crater was slightly larger, and the seven of us each had a mark. Shal and Shan each had an infinity symbol on their wrists. Dash, Vince, and Len kept their wrists hidden, while Ken had a single empty circle on his. I glanced at mine then covered it with bandages. The others glanced at me and I said "No worries, I'm just bandaging a cut." They nodded and we got back in the cars then drove home.

We drove back to the college and the others each got their own rooms, then Dash and I returned to our rooms. When I got in I saw that there were at least twenty messages on my machine I sighed and walked over then pressed play. The first message was from Angel and she left her number. I grinned slightly then my grin faded as the next nineteen messages were from my mom, my little brother Gabe, my father who told me to go die, and my ex girlfriend Amanda. My mom and little brother were asking me how I was and everything, then Gabe ended up on his last message whispering "Dad's getting worse and I think he's going to start going after mom and me even more since you're gone." I growled then listened to the next message which was like the fifteenth from my mom asking if everything was alright, why I'd missed two days of class, and why I wasn't answering the phone. I blinked and muttered "Two days? So we were gone for three days then?"

The next few were from my Dad yelling at me for skipping school and everything else he thought would effect me. I skipped through them then I got to Amanda's message. She said "Hey Jake. It's been a while since we talked, so I thought I'd call you up and see how you were doing. If you get this message please call me back. My new number is 791-336-9091. Well I guess I'll see you around." I sighed and coppied her number down on the same piece of paper as Angel then took a shower and slipped into bed. I woke up about two hours later to the phone ringing and cursed then stumbled over and picked it up. I yawned and said "Hello?" The voice on the other end said "Hello Mr. Wolf. I'm wondering if you can tell me how to contact a young man named Vincent Leonas." I blinked and asked "What do you want with Vince?" They chuckled and said "I'm an old friend of his. Can you tell me how to contact him?" I sighed and said "Sorry, but I haven't seen hide nor hair of Vince since he left town."

The voice swore then said "If you find him tell him Leroy Damien is looking for him." I nodded and said "I'll let him know." then hung up and slid back into bed yawning. My last thought before I passed out again was "Wonder who Vince managed to piss off this time." I woke up about an hour later to the phone ringing again and someone banging on my door. I sighed and yelled "Come in." then walked to the phone and picked it up. Dash walked in as I said "Hello?" The voice on the other end was my little brother Gabe. He yelled to someone in the background "He picked up mom." then must have turned back to the phone as he said "Hey big bro, how are you doing?" I shrugged and said "I've been better since I can't seem to get any sleep. What's up?" He sighed and said "Your teachers kept calling asking if you'd shown up at home because it wasn't like you to miss class. What happened?"

I explained about the weird stuff at the crater then listened as he explained what was going on at home. I sighed and said "I'll be in class so no worries." He thanked me and I hung up then turned to Dash and said "What?" He sighed and said "The police are here questioning all of us." I raised an eyebrow and he explained that the police were asking us stuff about the crater and everything else we knew about. I sighed and muttered "Damn it. What could the police possibly want with us." He shrugged then led me to the lounge.

We walked in and the police pointed at a pair of chairs next to the others. They saw the markings on everyone else's wrists and one of them asked me "You have a mark?" I shook my head and said "No, I just ended up cutting myself on our way into the crater." The others nodded and the police left it at that. After a few minutes they started asking Dash and I why we'd missed so much class. We explained we'd gotten lost outside of town then finally found out vehicles and came home. They asked we didn't call anyone and I explained my cell's battery was dead and Dash didn't have one. Then they started talking to the others. I didn't pay much attention to what they were saying since I was wondering what could have possibly caused us to be gone for several days when we'd only been out there two or three hours as far as we'd known.

I shivered as the police left then said "Any of you remember what that voice said?" They all nodded and I said "Then let's keep everything quiet until we really need to worry about it." They nodded and we went back to our rooms. After that everything settled into a new routine until graduation. Every day I'd call Angel and we'd go out on a date until she had to work, then I met with Dash and the others until they started leaving to attend to their own lives. After a few weeks we mostly forgot about our little adventure in the crater. The only times I really wondered about it were when I ended up waking up from a dream hearing a voice say "You haven't used your gift yet. Well I guess it'll eventually come with time."

Finally Dash and I graduated and everyone except my old man showed up. We had a big party, then I announced I was opening my own bar and going to model it after Lucky's. I was going to call it "Jake's Place." then Vince said "Nah, you should call it Jake's Playce." I asked him why and he said "Because Dude, everyone who goes there will go there to play." I smiled slightly at the joke then said "Alright Jake's Playce it is." Then we all went our separate ways for a bit. I opened a law practice and the bar in the same run down building with some cash loaned to me by Dasher. Then Dash went off and joined some huge ass computer company, while the others just sort of vanished. After a few weeks Lucky told me I should separate my law and bar practices so he gave me his old place.

I guess that's where our story really begins. With the opening of Jake's Playce. The first day all the girls who didn't want to leave now that Lucky was gone signed on with me, or went and joined the strip club downtown. The only two who stayed were Angel and Dasher's panther friend who became waitresses. I was happy to have them help out, since I knew it was going to be hell getting the place to work out all by myself. However after a few weeks the Panther just vanished, then Angel said she'd gotten a letter from a friend who was going to get her a job. I'd grinned and told her to go for it however she said she had one last thing to do before she left. She led me upstairs to my room then told me to sit on the bed and relax.

I did as she asked and noticed that she wasn't wearing her usual uniform. Instead she was wearing her clothes from back when she worked at Lucky's. I smiled slightly wondering what she planned when she said "You ready for a show, Jake?" I nodded and she walked up then kissed me, and ran a hand down my cheek smilingly slightly. I smiled back then she stared swaying her hips from side to side in front of me and slowly did a dance with a scarf she kept for special occasions. She slowly swayed back and forth running the scarf all across her luscious body. It was dark red which was a perfect contrast to her beautiful snow white fur.

I watched her becoming more and more mesmerized with every movement then she suddenly dropped the scarf and slipped off her shirt. Underneath she had a beautiful dark blue bra with two red strips on it. One over each breast then she picked up the scarf again and started dancing at a faster pace and letting it move even more sensually across her luscious form. She smiled at me seductively over her shoulder as her tail twirled around the scarf and revealed a small rip in her pants over her left thigh. I stared at it for a few seconds until I heard a soft whistle and slowly pulled my eyes upward to her face noting the slight rip in the back of her bra. I saw her eyes watching me and smiled then she slowly turned around and unwound the ribbon from her tail with a flick of her wrist.

I blinked amazed then she said softly "I've never done this dance for anyone before. One of the girl's who'd been with lucky for a long time taught it to me. She said to only show it to a guy if he meant something to me. So I guess you understand how important you've become to a girl like me who's nearly lost everything." I nodded and thought about my past the wondered what she would say if I explained what I'd learned a long time ago about the two of us then decided against it. I looked into her eyes then she stepped back and started doing a strange dance. It implied so much, yet didn't offer anything. I smiled watching her then blinked as in the middle of a large spin she tossed her bra off and it landed in my lap right over the tent in my pants. She smiled seeing it so I tossed the bra in the hamper. She smiled then slowly slid her skirt down her legs while letting her scarf cover her body and twirling yet again.

I watched then stood up and put my arms around her. She smiled at me then slipped off my shirt and slipped the scarf around both of us. I kissed her passionately as my hands slid down her luscious form causing her to murr in pleasure. I smiled slightly and kissed down her neck then stepped back and actually studied her for once in my life. She had nice middle sized C breasts or small D's. Her figure was that of an hourglass and her coat had small black marks going down her chest to the top of her panties. I smiled slightly then slowly kissed my way down to between her legs and gently nipped between her legs then kissed the spot hidden behind it. She moaned in pleasure and pulled my head up then we slowly kissed each other as she let the scarf fall.

She suddenly bent down and kissed her way from my chest to the waistband of my jeans, then undid the button and slowly pulled the zipper down with her teeth. I blinked surprised then growled in pleasure as she stroked my sheath and slid my jeans to the floor. She then stood up and helped me slide my boxers off as I bent down and slid off her dark blue thong which already had a stain on their front. She blinked as I took a light sniff from them then kissed her and pushed her onto the bed. She smiled at me and laid back, then made a come hither gesture. I slowly crawled onto the bed and laid over her with a slight smile. She smiled back then reached down and ran her hand slowly over my slightly engorged shaft all the way to the base where my knot was already slightly swelled.

She smiled and said "I'm ready whenever you are." I smiled back and slowly pushed my shaft into her as she let out a long moan. Suddenly I found the tip of my shaft pressed against something hard and she nodded her head telling me to continue. I pushed forward hard and fast causing her to cry out in pain and blood to flow freely. I stopped and let her relax then slowly thrust in and out of her. She moaned softly then motioned for me to speed up. I obliged without a second thought then felt something inside me try to break loose. I held it back, but kept going faster and harder causing us both to moan out in pleasure and Angel to rake her claws down my back. I growled deeply feeling my knot start to swell when she suddenly shouted "YES TIE ME!!!!! JUST THIS ONCE TIE ME AND MAKE ME YOURS!!!!" I howled out in pleasure as I thrust into her one last time tying us together and at least for tonight making her mine. I suddenly bit down on her neck drawing blood and swallowed it then stared into her eyes. She smiled and I put my arms around her. After a few minutes I rolled over so she was on top of me then the two of us slipped into a light sleep.

To Be Continued...............................

Hope you guys enjoyed the story. This is the first chapter of Raising about the bar, however I will be continuing it in the place of High school Life which has finally been put to rest until I redo it. I'm going to get back to Asterion and Pokemon before I work on this story anymore, so if you want more BE PATIENT! I right stuff as it appears in my mind, not as it's requested. I also oh someone who would remain anonymous a story request so if anyone else would like one let me know. If I get enough I might start doing commissions. With that said I guess I'll see you next upload and hopefully you'll leave me a comment on whether or not to continue.

Sincerely Your Honored Author Jake Shadow Wolf.

P.S. If all you can say and/or want to mention is the grammar GET OFF MY BACK!! I don't know all the grammar laws of English and I bet by the time I learn them there'll be new ones. If that ruins the story for you then don't read my work. Other than that I'd love to hear anything you guys feel. PLEASE COMMENT! I work for the comments because I want to eventually get published and you guys really help me bring up my work. With that said I'm done. I'll see you guys Later.