Righting Your Wrongs (Epilogue)

Story by Path Unknown on SoFurry

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#15 of Righting Your Wrongs


I was called outside by Saria as I watched Luyo lay on the bed. I could see her panting heavily, I could hear it too. You did it. I said through my mind to her. But got no reply. But either way I wished to follow Nurse Joy's wish for me to leave the room and let her sleep. I couldn't believe it. I was going to be a father to an Absol. "Can you all please follow me." Joy said quietly under her breath. I had no idea why she was to quiet. Surely the birth of an egg must mean something to her.

I followed behind Saria who questioned Taine about the same thing I asked myself. But neither of them knew what it could be about. We moved to a room that was barely five doors away from where Luyo was, but something wasn't right.

"Is the egg ok?" I heard Saria question, watching Joy wipe over it with her cloth. The egg was almost as white as Luyo's fur, as if it was possible. But the cloth she cleaned it with was stained blood red.

"The egg is fine." She replied with a slight upbeat. "But your Absol isn't going to make it."

"What!" I shouted, knowing that they wouldn't know what I said.

"She has lost too much blood, and in trying to force the egg out she tore many of the connecting membranes holding the egg in place. I'm afraid to say that she probably won't survive the next few minutes."

"No!" I turned to the door, closed as I expected. I launched myself into the door shoulder first, but it wouldn't open.

"I tried all I could, but she wouldn't listen to reason. She seemed intent on getting that egg out of her regardless of what damage it caused, and because of that, she has caused her own pain."

Open the door. I must see her!

"Syne, there is nothing we can do."

_I won't stand here while she dies!_I turned back to face the door and shot forward a psychic wave, blowing it right into the corridor. "Luyo!" I shouted running down the corridor.

"Syne! Stop!" I heard Saria shout behind me, but I didn't care. I had to see her. I charged into the door with my shoulder again, but got no-where. "No! Luyo! Don't go to sleep! Hang on! You must hang on!"

I used my psychic powers again, this time to open the door normally to avoid hitting her. "Luyo!" I leapt up onto the bed, standing behind her seeing what was left of the incident. "Stay with me!" She was still breathing, only barely. I scanned the bed seeing the aftermath of what was once a clean hospital room. The bed was shredded, The entire bottom quarter was coloured red and I could still see blood seeping from her. I looked back at Luyo and she was still. "Luyo! Don't go!" I nuzzled my head against her neck, trying to give her some feeling to stay. I felt tears leave my eyes as I stood over her lifeless body. "Please... I love you." I knew it was hopeless. Even with all my hopes, dreams and wishes, there was nothing I could do. She was gone.

I dropped my head and wedged my eyes shut. It couldn't be. It's not real. This isn't happening. "Syne?" I heard Saria behind me, but she didn't continue. I tried my absolute best to hold in the tears, finding my breath harder to control than my own thoughts. "I'm sorry." I heard her take a few steps forward then pick me up in her arms. "But Nurse Joy did all she could. Luyo was just as stubborn as ever with her actions." I heard her voice come pained. It sounded like she had to put effort in to say the words. I buried my head into her shoulder. "But Nurse Joy said the egg is healthy. And to pass her congratulations on to you, it is a girl."

How can she tell?

"By the colouration and patterns on the egg. Just so you can think about naming her."

She'll keep the name of her mother._I said immediately in reply. _It's the least I can do for her.

"I'm sorry Syne." She tightened her embrace around me.

_There is still something to remember her by._I still love you... Luyo...

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