She Came From the Sky

Story by devilmaycry on SoFurry

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Another big thanks to GryphonWings for proof-reading and helping me out when I needed it the most. Don't know where I would be without his help or the other people that help me. Comments always welcomed either good or bad.


Some people hate the rain. They say rain always brings sadness and misery with it. The dark clouds overhead spilling its contents over mother earth, renewing all the plants and trees with its precious life giving liquid. He didn't see why people hated the rain. It was only water to him, a brisk shower, but without the soap and shampoo. Lightning ignited the dark clouds before the thunderous clap of thunder followed it, making its roar resonate through the woods. He closed his eyes, listening and feeling the ground vibrate a little from the roar.

"This is truly being alive."

The grey ears on his head perked up as the sound of rustling came from up ahead. A sharp whine was heard followed by more rustling.

"Sounds like I'm close."

The figure knelt close to the ground, the rain whipping in his face as a harsh wind rushed by him. The slight sound of a chain could be heard over the sudden roar of thunder. The figure moved closer before looking through some bushes. There, sitting in a bear trap, was a fox. The trap was digging its teeth into its right front leg, blood being washed away by the pouring rain. It was trying to bite off the metal but was having no luck as it whined again.

"Poor thing."

The figure walked out from the bushes making the fox yelp and try to run away only to whine loudly as the metal trap dug further into its flesh. The wound around its leg was oozing blood at closer inspection and needed to be taken care. The fox snarled evilly as the figure walked closer.

"Easy there little guy. I'm not going to hurt you."

The figure slowly dropped the backpack that was on his on back onto the mud and looked at the trap. He grimaced at the sight and held back a growl, not wanting to scare the fox.

"I know exactly who did this. I'll take care of him but first, I need to help this poor guy."

The fox was growling angrily as the figure reached into his pocket and pulled out some meat jerky. The fox took a couple of sniffs, smelling the cured meat before whining.

"You want some of this little guy? Well, come here."

The fox looked at him with nervous eyes before slowly inching towards the outstretched hand. It reached its head over slowly and took a couple of sniffs before taking one of the strips and chewing quickly before backing away.

"There you go. See, I'm not so bad."

The fox looked at him, head tilted in confusion before going for the jerky again. The figure slowly raised his other head making the fox flinch and back off quickly. It looked at him wearily before inching its way back to the jerky. When it took one in its teeth, the figure slowly petted its head making it shiver before letting out a soft murr. The figure smiled as he petted the wet fur of the fox as it licked his hand.

"You're a cute one. Lets get you out of this trap and I'll fix that leg of yours."

The figure looked at the trap closely, looking for the small lever that would release the trap. Finding it, he released the trap, freeing the fox as it started to whine and lick his wound. He smiled seeing the fox looking a bit better.

"Let's patch you up and send you back to your family."

He opened his backpack, taking out a zip-lock bag filled with medical supplies. Reaching into his jacket pocket, he pulled out some more jerky as the fox munched on it happily with a murr. While the fox was occupied, he brought his attention to the injured paw. Grabbing the peroxide and bandage, he tended to the paw with expert knowledge as the fox watched him curiously.

"There we go, all better," he said, wrapping the paw with bandage.

The fox took a couple of careful steps on its injured paw. Seeing it could walk okay, it gave him a lick on his hand before taking off into the woods. The figure smiled before looking down at the trap as a growl bubbled up in his throat. He grabbed the trap along with his backpack and headed back to his jeep. Starting it up, he rushed down the muddy road, windshield wipers clearing the windshield of the heavy drops of rain.

He made it to the main road before taking a right and heading into the town of Hazelwood. Entering the town, the only thing he could see, were the lamppost that lit the dark town streets. He had a destination to go to and wasted no time heading there. He parked his jeep at the O'Neil Bar and Tavern, getting out and taking the trap with him. Opening the door, his nose got assaulted with the smell of cigarettes and body odor. His tombstone grey eyes scanned the area, trying to locate his prey.

"What's up Travis?" the bartender, a Bengal tiger asked, cleaning a glass.

"Where's Stanley?"

"Over in the back with his buddies Larry, Patrice, and Jim," the Bengal replied, angling his head to the left.

Travis didn't waste any time as he headed over to the back tables. There he spotted a dalmatian, lion, weasel, and a badger laughing and joking while sipping on some beer. Travis walked over, grabbed the dalmatian's head and slammed it on the table making him yelp as Travis dug his claws into his neck. All attention was on them as the place went quiet.

"If I ever see one of your traps again in the reserve, I'll use it on your balls. You understand me Stanley?" Travis snarled viciously.

"What the hell are you talking about Travis?" Stanley growled to the best of his ability.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about," Travis said, slamming the trap onto the table. It still had evidence of the blood and a little bit of fur from the fox.

"What's the big deal? So I set a stupid trap and forgot about it."

"Your trap almost killed a fox."

His peripheral vision picked up the lion trying to come from behind him. He whipped his head around and let out a vicious growl making the lion back up.

"This is the last warning I'm giving you and your buddies. You put any kind of traps in the reserve again, I will use that same trap to castrate you. Do I make myself clear to you all?"

Everybody nodded except the Stanley who whined. Travis let him go before grabbing his beer and chugging it before slamming the empty glass down. Turning around, all eyes were still on him as he walked up to the bartender.

"Sorry Justin. But I couldn't wait."

"Understandable. At least it wasn't like last time which ended up costing me five hundred dollars."

Travis chuckled before nodding his head.

"Will you be attending the rummy game tomorrow? Trish is looking forward to seeing you."

Travis scratched his chin before nodding.

"Sure. I could use some more of your money."

"Asshole," Justin grinned, showing his sharp teeth. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Its a date," Travis said, giving a two finger salute before heading out the door.


Travis killed the engine of the jeep next to a large log cabin in the woods. The rain was still coming down and didn't seem like it would end anytime soon. Grabbing his backpack, he walked up the stairs and into the comfort of his home. The first thing that hit him was the cold wind from not keeping the fire place lit. He hurried over and quickly lit the wood, watching it start from a small flicker to a crackling blaze, illuminating the room with its glow. The living room was spacious, with two couches facing each other with a brown rug in the middle. On the left side, was a wooden desk which held mounds of papers sprawled about in a mess. On the right side stood two tables, one held several books lined up in a row along with a laptop and desk lamp. The other held a large glass cage with two white field mice moving around.

Now that he got the fireplace lit, he headed out the front door again and started the gas generator. It purred to life as it chugged and rattled. With that started, he went back inside and took off his jacket, turning on the desk light that was in the corner of the room. His house was fairly tidy, besides the clutter of paper on his desk and clothes thrown on the floor. With a grunt, he picked up the small layer of clothes on the floor before tossing them in the hamper in his room.

It was a comfy room that had the smell of cinnamon in the air. He clicked on the lamp on the dresser and did a big stretch and sat on the large bed. The springs gave a small groan with his weight added before settling. He took off his muddy boots and flexed his toes with a sigh of relief.

"That feels so much better. Need to get some new boots."

Opening the dresser draw, he pulled out a pair of boxers before heading into the bathroom and taking a nice hot shower. The steam coming from the water fogged up the bathroom mirror as he wiped it off and looked at himself. Travis Lucien was a decent looking grey wolf if he say so himself. He wasn't married cause he didn't want to be bother with the nagging of a female everyday. Sure he dated some, but he always broke it off when the girl wanted more.

He tossed on his boxers before walking out, letting the steam from his shower floated into the bedroom as he toweled off his head. Satisfied, he hung the towel over the door and put on a tank top before heading back out to the living room.

"Oh man, I knew I forgot something," he said, looking at the glass cage on the table which held two white field mice. "I forgot to get your food. I'm sorry Tick and Tock."

He reached in and picked them both up before placing them on his shoulder as they sniffed the air before settling down. He found them both one day in Justin's bar, down in the basement nibbling on some pieces of wood and looking for food. He felt kind of bad for them and decided to keep them, knowing Justin would just have them killed.

The wood creaked under his weight as he walked into the kitchen where the icebox was. It was an old icebox which used actually ice to keep the food cold since he turned off his generator whenever he's not home to save gas. Opening it, he gave a peek before reaching in and taking a bag of croutons out and giving one to both Tick and Tock which nibbling happily on the small bread block. He grabbed himself a bottle of coke and a zip lock bag that held a ham, turkey, bologna, and swiss cheese sandwich. Closing the door, he walked back to the table, sat down on the chair before digging in after saying grace.

After finishing his quick dinner and placing Tick and Tock back in their cage, he rolled the desk chair to the other table and started to make some sense of the pile of papers cluttered together. He picked up a certificate stating he was certified as a park ranger.

"I was looking for this," he chuckled.

He reached into one of the shelves pulling out some thumb tacks and grabbed one before placing the certificate on the wall. He was a park ranger with the Vizio Reserve Park along with six other rangers who helped keep the wildlife safe and keep poachers out. It was a great job to him cause he loved working with animals and keeping them safe.

Also among the clutter of paper, he found his vet license which came in handy when he had to patch up an injured animal. His parents were proud that he found something he loved to do and supported him through vet and ranger school, graduating at the top of his class. He smiled as he saw the picture of him and his parents at his graduation.

"Such memories."

He placed the picture on the wall before going back to the papers, getting lost in its clutter. He let out a yawn before looking at his watch. It was almost midnight, meaning he spent almost four hours trying to sort out the mess of papers. With a groan, he got and stretched his legs, glad he didn't get a cramp. He turned off the desk light, having the only light source coming from the fire as he shambled into his room. Pulling the covers back, he jumped in and got under the thick, downy covers as the warmth covered his body making him murr. It didn't take long before his eyes closed and he drifted off into a peaceful slumber.


"Its your move sugar. Don't tell me your scared?" the otter said smiling, a hint of southern in the speech as her tail moved back and forth behind the chair she was sitting in.

Travis looked at her before back at his cards. He looked at the cards that were already in play, his mind trying to think of what to do. With a grunt, he pulled a card from the deck as a big toothy grin appeared.

"That's rummy, lady and gentlemen," Travis said, laying his cards down consisting of a three of clubs up to a nine of clubs.

Everybody groaned at the table as he collected the money on the table.

"How come I never win? I lost almost a hundred dollars to you so far," Warrick said, his floppy bunny ears dropping a little.

"What can I say? I know how to play." Travis responded, counting his winnings.

"Don't feel bad," Justin spoke up. "I've lost a lot more to him."

"You guys want something to drink?" Henry, the wolverine asked getting up from the table.

"I'll take a coke," Jake, the horse replied leaning back and stretching his arms.

"Same," Travis added.

"You guys are no fun," Henry said with a chuckle before disappearing into the kitchen.

Justin grabbed the cards before shuffling. The otter leaned on the table and looked at Travis.

"You still haven't answered my question sugar."

Travis looked flustered for a second before looking at her.

"Come on Trish-"

"Stop dancing around the question and answer me."

"I'll think about it okay. I just can't give you a straight answer to that question."

"And why not? Its a simple yes or no is it not?"


"Because...." Trish said, her emerald eyes locking his gaze as she gave a smile.

Travis blushed, the fur around his cheek turning it a darker shade of grey. Luckily, to his relief, his cell phone rang making him jump a little. His eyes showed relief while Trish's eyes showed a bit of anger and a hint of amusement.


"Lucien, this is Alfred."

Alfred was another park ranger that worked with him. The husky was a little weird but when it came down to protecting the wildlife, he was a beast.

"What's up Alfred?"

"I know its Saturday and you asked for it off, but something came up."

"What's the word?"

"Gunshot were heard down in sector H. I was wondering if you could back me up?"

"For sure," Travis said, getting up from his seat. "I'll be there in ten minutes."

"Cool, thanks man."

Travis grabbed the jacket from behind the chair and walked to the door.

"Later fellas, duty calls."

"Travis, wait," Trish said getting up and walking over.

They walked outside, closing the door to keep their conversation private.

"Why can't you answer my question?" Trish said softly.

"Trish, I'm not really good at relationships. I love the time we spent together. You're probably the only woman who understands me. I love you Trish, but I'm not in love with you."

Trish's emerald eyes looked down to the floor as her arms went behind her back. Travis's ears went back before he sighed. He got closer to her and softly lifted her chin to stare into her eyes. She looked up at him before both their eyes closed, their lips meeting softly. A low purr came from her throat as she slowly wrapped her arms around his neck.

He let out a low growl himself as he pushed her against the wall, the kiss going deeper as their tongues danced in each other mouth. He finally broke away, both of them panting softly as their foreheads pressed together.

"I love you so much Travis," she whispered softly.

"I know. But-"

"You don't want to be tied down by a wife. Its understandable."

He gave her another kiss before smiling at her.

"Thank you."

"But know this Mr. Lucien, I will have you for myself. No matter how long I have to wait. You will be mine," she grinned evilly before nipping his nose.

"Now that's the Trish I know," Travis said, giving her a quick lick on her cheek. "I need to get going. Make sure to go easy on them."

"I'll try."

Trish watched him leave in his jeep before sighing and rubbing her left arm.

"He'll come around Trish. Deep down, I know he wants it too." Justin said behind her.

"I know. That's why I'll wait for him."

"In the meantime, how about I try and win some of the money I lost to him from you?"

"Ha, dream on sugar."


Travis pulled to a stop at the ranger's station before hopping out and heading inside. The station consisted of two desks with computers and a phone in an L shape, the window in between them letting in the sun's rays. A filing cabinet was next to a small fridge that had a coffee maker on top with the coffee pot half filled. Next to the door was a metal cabinet that held all their equipment. Opening it, he found the radio he uses and grabbed it before pressing the call button.

"Alfred, you copy?"

"Loud and clear."

"What's your position?"

"About a fifteen minute walk from the station to the SE."

"Okay, be right there."

Grabbing his backpack from the jeep, he took off in the direction Alfred was waiting for him. Fifteen minutes later, he saw Alfred behind a tree as he waved him over. Alfred was an ex marine and knew Travis through Justin and became the best of friends. Being a marine, he could blend into the surrounding area making the ranger job a perfect fit and partner for Travis. He was dressed in a pair of green army fatigues and shirt that blended perfectly with his surroundings. The only way Travis spotted him was because of his dark greyish fur, the black cowboy hat on his head, and the rifle that was slung around his back.

"What's the situation?" Travis asked, kneeling next to him.

"About ten minutes ago, I heard gun shots coming from this direction. I don't know how many poachers are out here thus the reason I called you," Alfred replied, his desert brown eyes looking past the trees.

"Good call. Have you heard anything else?"

"Nothing else so far. I think whoever is out here got-"

Before he could finish, three more gunshots echoed out into the air making them both jump.

"They came from that direction," Alfred said. "Come on."

They headed towards the shots, using the tall trees for cover. Soon, they both heard voices up ahead as they took cover.

"I'm telling you, we need to get out of here before any rangers come," a rough said.

"I'm not leaving here empty handed. Plus the employer said all rangers are gone from here. Now shut up and help me look. It couldn't have gotten far since one of its wings is broken," an angry voice responded.

"Exactly how much are we getting paid for this anyway?" a female voice added. "Is it even worth it?"

"We're getting paid enough to live on easy street for once in our life. Now, if you done talking, use that energy you have to help me look."

Travis peeked around the tree he was hiding behind. He couldn't see the figures real well as they moved beyond his field of vision. Looking back at Alfred who nodded, they followed the figures out of the woods and into a clearing.

"Look, there it is."

Underneath a weeping willow tree laid an albino gryphon. Its snow white fur was stained with blood as it laid on its stomach, eyes closed as its chest rose up and down slowly. Alfred and Travis couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"Is that what I think its is?" Alfred whispered softly.

"No mistake about it. That's a rare albino gryphon. I thought they were extinct but apparently not."

"So what do we do?"

"That's a dumb question to ask," Travis grinned. "Can you still shoot like you did back in the days?"

"Look who your talking to," Alfred chuckled, bringing his rifle around and taking off the safety.

The gryphon opened its eyes weakly when it heard the grass stir near it.

"You proved to be quite a handful. But there is no where to run, not with the condition you're in."

The gryphon tried to stand but fell back to the ground from the injuries it sustained as the figure laughed.

"Time to rack in the cash with your body."

Travis let out a growl along with Alfred.

"Can you disable the person next to the gryphon?" Travis asked.

Alfred didn't hesitate as he brought his rifle up, taking aim. With precision, he fired a single shot striking the figure in his arm dropping the gun to the ground.

"What the hell?" the figure said, turning around along with the other two.

Alfred walked out, gun still trained on the person along with Travis.

"Don't even think about going for the gun or the next shot will be right between your eyes. And if you want to try your luck, be my guest." Alfred growled.

Travis walked up, getting the chance to look at the poachers. The figure holding his arm was a rough looking man sporting a pair of sweat pants and a tank top. His left arm was bleeding from where Alfred shot him as he held the wound, blood coming down his arm. The person next to him was a slim female cheetah wearing almost the same thing except she had on a blue windbreaker jacket. The last person was a medium size skunk, almost child like in appearance. He was wearing a pair of grey shorts and a baseball jersey and cap.

"All right, I'm only going to ask once, why are you here hunting on a no hunting ground park reserve?" Travis growled.

"We ain't telling you a damn thing," the rough looking man said.

"Either start talking, or he starts shooting. And believe me, he has an itchy trigger finger."

Alfred made the point by firing right next to the man's feet, kicking up dirt making all three of them jump.

"We were sent by an employer to get the gryphon dead or alive," the skunk spoke up.

"Nathan, shut your fucking mouth," the man snarled.

"This shit ain't worth dying over man."

"Who's your employer?"

"Don't know. We just got the orders over the phone."

While they were talking, the rough looking man was slowly inching his way towards the gun on the ground. When he got his foot close to it, Alfred fired another shot right at his foot making him yell as he dropped to the ground.

"I told you not to try anything funny," Alfred growled. "You have some rope in your backpack T?"


"Tie them up and I'll bring them back. You tend to the gryphon."

Travis nodded as he brought the rope out and proceeded to tie the trio up in expert knots. Alfred gave him a nod before shuffling the trio back the way they came towards the station. Travis watched them leave before turning his attention to the gryphon. It was on its side, eyes closed as its breathing was shallow. He slowly inched his way forward, not wanting to make any sudden moves. He got close enough to smell the blood as his nose scrunched up.

"Damn, you're pretty beat up."

He slowly lowered his hand onto its flank getting a shiver from the gryphon. Its pelt was extremely soft and if it wasn't covered in blood, would look breathtakingly beautiful. He grimaced as he looked closer, noticing its left wing was broken along with its rear right leg. Blood trickled out a small hole, most likely made from a gunshot.

"I have to get you out of here and back to my place where I can tend to your wounds."

Grabbing his phone, he called in some extra help before sitting next to it. The gryphon slowly opened its eyes and looked at him.

"Don't worry. I'll get you fixed up. You just relax."


"Why can't I hire competent people?" the wolf growled angrily, looking out the window of the room he was in. "All I ask is for the pelt of an albino gryphon. Is that to much to ask for?"

"No offense sir, but your asking for something that's been on the endangered species list for quite some time," a female weasel said, holding onto a clipboard.

"But I have the pelt of almost every single animal known on this earth. The only way to make my collection complete, is to have the pelt of the rare albino gryphon."

The wolf smoothed out the silk shirt he was wearing before turning around to look at the weasel.

"How much did it cost to bail out the three stooges from jail?"

"Ten thousand for each sir."

"Jesus, they are costing me more then bribing the rangers," the wolf sighed, rubbing the bridge of his muzzle. "How soon will they be here?"

"They should be here shortly."

"When they get here, send them to my office."

"Yes sir," the weasel said with a short nod of her head before leaving the room.

The wolf watched her leave before sighing and looking back out the window.

"You can't hide forever. I will have that beautiful pelt of yours hanging on my wall."


"Are you sure its wise to have the gryphon here? It is wild after all."

Travis directed his eyes to the brown rabbit that was leaning on the wall before focusing again on the gryphon. He had it airlifted to his cabin, where it took four people to bring it inside into the back room without moving it around too much, which he turned into a medic room to take care of the injured animals he found.

"Better here then a crowded shelter full of people. She would be scared out of her mind. At least here, it's only me and the forest," Travis said, looking through the large magnifying glass.

"It's a female?"

"You want to take a look for yourself?" Travis grinned.

"I'll pass."

Travis had the gryphon on her side, using a pair of tweezers to dig out the bullet embedded in her body.

"I got to hand it to you Travis. When it comes to nature and wildlife, you take this job seriously."

"Why shouldn't I?" he responded, slowly extracting the bullet and putting it in a small basin on the table next to him with a small clink as it rolled around in the bowl. "Animals have as much right on this earth as we do."

He grabbed a gauze pad, dunking it in alcohol before cleaning the area thoroughly. Once he did that, he reached for the needle and thread, proceeding to stitch up the hole. The rabbit watched with amazement over his shoulder as Travis closed the hole.

"Damn, why can't I do that?"

"It's not that hard Dennis," Travis said, cutting the thread before examining his work. "Why not go to school for it?"

"No thanks. I don't have the hands for it," Dennis chuckled.

"Don't really need the hands. Just have to have the passion to help the wildlife like I do," Travis said, taking off the gloves he was wearing, tossing them into the trash before washing his hands at the sink. "All right, you guys give me a hand bringing her to my room."

The lifted the gryphon off the table and brought her to Travis's room, laying her on the bed gently. Travis gave her a quick look over as Dennis watched.

"So what's the damage on her?" he asked.

"Well, besides the broken wing, leg, and bullet hole, she's perfectly healthy. It'll be a month or two before she can fly again though. Did those idiots say anything about who hired them?"

"Nothing. But somebody did pay their bail."

Travis let out a small growl when he heard that. Dennis looked at him, then the gryphon.

"So what are you going to do when she wakes up?"

"She shouldn't wake up until tomorrow. The sedative I used was strong cause I didn't want her moving around, especially on that leg."

"Well good luck with her. I'll check back in with you tomorrow. Let's go fellas."

"See ya Dennis."

He watched them leave down the dirt trail before closing the door. He walked over to Tick and Tock's cage and picked them up before heading to the kitchen. Grabbing two croutons, he walked back to the couch and sat down, giving them the hard bread which they nibbled happily.

"Probably isn't wise to have you two here when she wakes up. You're food to her," he chuckled, gently petting their heads. "I'll leave you with my parents until she gets better."

He lifted himself off the couch, walking over to their glass house and looking under the table. There he found a small cage he uses to transport them places. Placing them inside, he headed out to his jeep and placed them in the front seat. Before he left, he wanted to make sure the gryphon was truly set before leaving.

He walked back in and headed into his room. The gryphon was still asleep thanks to the sedative. He checked the IV's that he used, one to keep her fluids up, another to help with the pain and infection. Grabbing a bucket, he filled it with fresh water and placed it at the bedside. The bandage around the bullet hole seem good, as well as the casts over her leg and wing. Satisfied with his job, he smiled.

"All right, you should be okay for the night. I'll see you tomorrow."

Heading out, he closed the door, turned off the generator and headed for his parents house.


"Travis my boy, how are you?" Travis's father, Harry said opening the door.

"Hey pops," Travis said with a wave.

"Come on in."

He walked into the spacious house his parents lived in, taking off his shoes at the door. It was a nice, comfy house in the suburbs with friendly neighbors who invited you over for a cook out whenever they had one.

"So what brings you by?" Harry said closing the door.

"A guest is recovering in my house and I don't want to scare her when she wakes up."

"You and those animals," his father chuckled.

"Where's mom at?"

"Should be in the study doing some needlepoint. I need to get dinner started."

Travis walked down the short hallway to the study room. Inside the room stood two large bookcases full of books on a nice orient rug. A single window let the estrange rays of the sun in giving the room a comfy feeling. A slim, black wolf was sitting on a rocking chair near the window. Her ears perked as she looked up to see Travis standing there with a smile.

"Hey ma."

"Travis my darling," Elaine smiled, standing up.

"How are you?" Travis asked, walking over and hugging her with a murr.

"I'm getting old but I'm hanging in there. Sit down and let me look at you."

They took a seat as Elaine rocked back and forth slowly in the chair.

"I see you like the chair I got you," Travis smiled.

"I love it. I never knew how relaxing a rocking chair can be. So how's the ranger business going for you?"

"Its fun. I get to help the wildlife strive and be free."

Elaine chuckled softly.

"You always did love nature. Everyday when you were little, you had the TV locked on the National Geographic channel or Animal Planet. I'm glad to see it paid off in the long run."

"I have you and dad to thank also for giving me that extra push to succeed."

"I see you brought your buddies with you."

Travis brought the cage up and chuckled.

"Yeah. I have a guest staying over that would make them into an appetizer."

She took the cage, taking out Tick and Tock as they settled in her lap.

"So who is this guest of yours?"

"A rare albino gryphon. Some poachers were trying to grab her for their employer. It suffered a broken wing, leg, along with a single gun shot, but it should recover fully."

"How horrible. People make me sick this day and age."

"You and me both. Somebody paid their bail too so they won't see jail time."

She let out a sigh and shook her head.

"Will you stay for dinner son?" Harry asked from the doorway.

"Sure. I was wondering if I can spend the night also? My guest will wake up and probably trash my house. Thus the reason I brought my buddies."

"Of course dear. I even left your room the way it was, much to your father's dismay," she chuckled.

Travis chuckled before rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, I kind of left it in a mess. Sorry about that."

"Make it up by cleaning it," Harry smiled.

"Sure thing dad. But let's have dinner first."

They gathered in the dining room where dinner was served, consisting of lasagna, corn, butter rolls, and red wine. After saying grace, they began to fix their plates.

"So son, have you found that special someone?" Harry asked.

"Not yet."

"When am I going to get some grand kids? I'm not getting any younger hun," Elaine said.

"What about that Trish girl? I thought you and her were crazy about each other?" Harry asked.

"I love Trish, but I just don't want to make that commitment. I'm just not ready for it."

Elaine laughed softly at that, drinking some wine before setting the glass down.

"Your not getting any younger yourself hun. You need to find a nice girl and settle down."

"I know ma, I know."

They ate with idle chatter and laughter. Once they were finished, Travis helped clear the table and wash up before heading upstairs to his old room. Opening the door, it was the same as he left it. Clothes he grew out of were all over the floor. Pictures of nature parks and wildlife filled the walls. His TV was on the dresser in the corner that was covered in a small layer of dust. The computer desk he used for his ranger and vet school had papers all over it along with crumpled up balls of paper on the white rug.

"Wow, I didn't know I left it like this."

He walked over and sat on the bed which was still surprisingly soft. He took a deep breath, memories of old coming back to him making him smile.

"You are going to clean this I hope?" Harry asked from the door.

Travis's ears swiveled to the door as he looked at his father.

"Of course pops. I didn't realize I left it this messy," he chuckled.

"You always were a messy kid. Seems like you'll never change."

Travis blushed a little with a goofy grin.

"That's mean pops."

Harry stuck his tongue out before chuckling himself.

"Have a good night son."

"Night pops."

Harry closed the door, leaving Travis in his old room. He sat on the bed for a minute or two just remembering the good times he had growing up. A yawn escaped his muzzle as he licked his lips.

"Let me get ready for bed."

He stood up with a stretch before stripping down to his boxers and getting into bed. It was a tad small for him but it still felt good as he cuddled under the blanket and passed out.


"When are my new hunters coming? I'm growing impatience," the wolf growled softly.

"They should be here within the next forty eight hours Mr. Baker," the weasel said, looking at her clipboard.

"Time is money to a person like me. I demand satisfaction and results, and I don't like to be disappointed. Speaking of disappointments, bring those three simpletons in here."

"Yes sir."

The weasel left his office as the wolf looked out the window. A few minutes later, his door opened as the three hunters he hired before came in. The rough looking man had a cast on his arm and foot.

"Why did I have to pay double for a job you failed at?"

"Mr. Baker, I can explain," the rough man said.

"Oh really? I would love to hear this," Baker said, turning around. He took a seat and folded his hands under his chin. "Okay Wiley, explain."

Wiley looked at his two companions before rubbing his head and taking a breath.

"Well, Lisa tracked the gryphon to the area you said it would be in. True to your word, there were no rangers anywhere around. I had it in my sights, but a sudden breeze from the north west sent my scent towards it. I managed to get a shot off before it flew away. We persuaded it, managing to incapacitate it but it traveled to a different area. Before we could apprehend it, two rangers interrupted us, one of them shooting me in the arm and foot."

Baker drummed his fingers under his chin, his diamond white eyes studying them with an intense glare.

"And do you know who these two rangers are?" Baker asked calmly.

"No. But if we saw them again, we could point them out."

Baker closed his eyes, calculating what to do in his head.

"Very well. Go and see Cathy. Describe the rangers to her so I can see what my next step will be."

They all nodded and headed to the door.

"Oh yes, one more thing," Baker spoke up.

They turned to look at him.

"Expect a bill in the mail."

"A bill? What for?" Wiley asked.

"I bailed you out of jail for an explanation to why you got there and why you failed your job. I expect to be paid in full."

"But we don't have that kind of money."

"Then I suggest you get a paper route. I expect my money by the end of the month. You don't want to get on my bad side." Baker said, an evil grin on his muzzle.

They all swallowed hard at that before exiting his room with haste. Baker watched the door close before sighing and standing up to look out the window once more.

"Why do bad things always happen to good people?"


"Don't be a stranger hun. Come by and visit more often," Elaine said.

"I will mom," Travis said, giving her a hug. "Take care of Tick and Tock for me."

"Don't worry. They give me somebody to talk to when your father is being an ass."

"I heard that," Harry said from the living room.

They both chuckled before Travis waved goodbye, hopping in his jeep. He gave a final wave before taking off down the street.

"I wonder how my guest is feeling? She's probably scared out of her mind."

He took a couple of shortcuts, worried that she might cause more harm in her injured state. It took about fifteen minutes to get home as he drove down the forest trail. The jeep came to a stop with a shudder as he hopped out. His ears perked up as he heard things inside being toppled over.

"I guess she's awake," he chuckled.

He walked up the porch stairs towards the door as the noise inside stopped. Opening the door, his placed was trashed. Tables were over thrown, papers were scattered everywhere, and one of his couches were ruined with claws marks making the stuffing come out.

"So much for cleaning yesterday."

The second he closed the door, he was tackled to the ground. A howl of pain escaped him as he felt the gryphon pierce his shoulder with her beak. With a grunt, he pushed her off as she tumbled on the floor, hitting one of the overturned tables. He saw the expression on her face which was racked with pain. The hole he previously closed was open as blood came out, staining her white fur.

"Please calm down. I mean you no harm."

The gryphon went to charge him, but the cast on her leg made her stumble onto the ground. He took the chance to subdue her as she struggled, her good wing flapping wildly, blowing paper all over the place. An ear piercing screech escaped her beak as she tried to use her other wing.

"Please calm down. You're making your injuries worse. Please," Travis pleaded softly.

For some strange reason, the soothing words reached her as she stopped struggling. Noticing the resistance vanish, Travis slowly let her go as she sat on the floor. Slowly, Travis walked in front of her and sat down. She stared at him with huge, golden yellow eyes as he stared back. He saw the blood slowly make a pool beside her leg.

"I see you tore your stitches out as well."

She cocked her head to the side, eyes blinking a few times.

"Your probably hungry since you pulled the IV's out your body. Let me see if I have something for you to munch on."

He got up slowly making her tense, her eyes narrowing ready to defend herself. Travis eased past her slowly, heading to the kitchen. He looked in the icebox, finding nothing suitable.

"Must be something here."

He opened the cupboard, shifting from cups, to pots, to canned food. His eyes locked on a couple cans of sardines.

"This might work."

Grabbing a plate, he opened a few cans and headed back. The gryphon watched him with keen eyes, until she smelt the fish. Travis sat on the floor, legs crossed as he slid the plate over to her. She looked at it with caution before taking one of the small fish and swallowing it. Her eyes seem to brighten as she ate another and another.

"Hungry aren't you?" Travis chuckled.

Travis thought while she was eating, he could tend to her wound. He slowly inched his way over to her injured side. He got within arms reach before bringing his hand back as she whipped around and snapped at him.

"Okay, okay, that was probably a bad idea," Travis said, holding his hands up. "Maybe when you've warmed up to me, I can patch you up."

He backed away before standing up. She watched him carefully before going back to the fish. He smiled before turning his attention to his ransacked house. He checked his shoulder, which was bleeding slightly, but nothing too serious that a good shower and band-aid wouldn't fix. With a sigh, he went about cleaning up the mess she caused. The gryphon watched him idly before cleaning her wing feathers. Her wing span was pretty impressive as he watched her clean each feather. She tried going for the other wing but a sharp pain rushed through her body causing a shriek to come from her.

"I wouldn't recommend trying to move that girl. Its going to take a month or so for it to heal."

She started to bite at the cast making Travis panic. He slowly walked over making her tense as he sat in front of her.

"I know the cast is uncomfortable, but it has to stay on in order for the bone to fully heal. I know it's going to take some time to gain your trust, but please don't try and take the cast off."

She stared into his eyes, a tense silence passing between them. After a minute, she acknowledge him with a small dip of her head, making Travis sigh in relief. He got up and headed to his room to check the damage. His bed had holes where she dug her claws into it, making the sheets and covers useless. The pillows laid in the puddle of water making them soggy as he chuckled. Gathering the sheets and covers, he tossed them in the corner. The pillows were a lost cause as he threw them in the garbage. The IV bags were also broken as he disposed of them separately.

"Whew, that's that," Travis sigh, looking out the window to see the sun setting. "Let me take a shower and relax."

The shower was relaxing as he washed himself down, grimacing a little from where she poked him with her beak. Turning off the water, he checked the cut in the mirror, seeing it wasn't as deep as he thought.

"At least I don't need stitches."

Getting out, he jumped a little to see the gryphon on his bed. She looked at him, head tilted to the side. He smiled as he put on his night clothes.

"At least you're comfortable. I'll bring you some more water and sardines."

Grabbing the bucket, he filled it with fresh water along with another plate of sardines. Walking back, he placed the bucket at the side of the bed and the plate in front of her as she dug in.

"Room service at its best," he chuckled.

He walked back out to the living room and sat on the couch with a sigh, head back and arms spread out on the back. A yawn escaped him as he got up and started a fire in the fireplace. The raging fire lit the living room with a warm glow, sharing its warmth around the room. Travis smiled as he headed out to turn off the generator before coming back in and laying down on the couch. It didn't take long for the crackling fire to ease him to sleep.


"Are you sure this is a good idea Wiley?" Nathan asked in the driver's seat.

Wiley didn't answer as he looked at the directions on the paper.



"Did you-"

"You have a better idea on how to get ten grand? Then let's hear it. If not, shut up and drive."

Nathan let out a quiet sigh as he drove. Lisa sat in the back looking out the window, her eyes unfocused and distant.

"Lisa, you have the stuff right?" Wiley asked.

"Yeah. It's in the trunk," she replied quietly.

"Good. We'll make this quick and fast."


Travis let out a yawn as he sat up with a big stretch. Rubbing his eyes, he looked over and jumped again in surprise. Laying on the rug next to him was the gryphon. Her chest rose and fell slowly in a peaceful slumber.

"Wow, she looks beautiful asleep." he chuckled to himself.

It was then he noticed the bullet hole in her side had completely healed.


He slowly got up, not wanting to wake her and crawled to her side. Slowly, he reached over and gently touched the area. There was no trace of a scar or anything. It baffled and confused him.

"How is this possible?"

He felt the gryphon shiver a little as he poked the area gently. He looked over to see her looking at him.

"No wonder you guys are so rare. This is unbelievable."

She extended her wing, noticing the cast was bitten off from it. He reached up slowly, feeling for the break in the bone but not finding it. Just to be certain, he also checked her leg, finding that to be healed as well. He sat back on the couch, still a little amazed at the situation. His thoughts were broken when she tensed up, feathers ruffled and eyes narrowed, looking towards the door. Staying low, he went to the window and peeked out to see what was going on. Off in the distance, he saw a car stop behind some trees.

"Whoever that is, can't be good."

He got up quickly and ran to the back room, opening the supply cabinet. Inside was a pump action shotgun and a box of bullets. He kept them around in case of trouble. Grabbing the gun, he loaded it before pumping it with a smile. He walked back to the front and knelt in front of the gryphon. It tensed seeing the gun but Travis put it behind him and held his hands up.

"You probably can or can't understand me, but I need you to stay out of sight. I won't let anything happen to you while you're under my roof. You have my word."

The gryphon blinked at him a few times as he smiled before getting up and heading out the back door. He dashed from tree to tree before stopping as his ears perked up.

"I still don't want to do this Wiley. There has to be a better way." Nathan said.

"Will you please shut the fuck up. I gave you the choice to think of a better way and you failed." Wiley growled out at him. "Now let's hurry up and finish this fucking shit."

Travis hid behind a tree before raising his gun and firing, making the shot echo through the woods as the birds scattered from the trees making their flapping wings the only thing you heard. Everybody took cover, tense and ready to fight. Travis took that chance and circled around them, using the flapping wings as cover.

"Nathan, scope out ahead. We'll cover you." Lisa said.

"No way, this is not what I signed up for. I'm out."

A gun shot made Travis tense and hug a tree with his back. Lisa watched with wide eyes as Nathan fell to the ground, a hole in his head. Wiley pointed his gun at Lisa who panicked.

"You want to argue to Lisa?"

" Wiley," she said shivering.

"Good. Now let's get this over with."

Travis peeked around the corner, seeing both Lisa and Wiley head for his house. He waited until they were a good distance away, before appearing behind them. Lisa heard the leaves shift behind her too late as she got lifted backwards from the force of the gun shot, hitting the ground with a thud. Wiley tried to turn as best as he could with the cast on, but couldn't as he got shot in his side, falling to the ground with a yell of pain.

"You should've stayed in jail," Travis growled.

"Fuck you," Wiley spit out, holding his side as blood leaked out of him onto the forest floor.

Travis kicked his gun away before kneeling over him.

"Internal bleeding. I'd say you have four, five minutes tops before you die. So tell me, who paid your bail?"

Wiley coughed up some blood before looking at him.

"Why do you care?"

"Because whoever it was, is going to answer to me."

Wiley looked into his eyes before coughing again.

"Shawn Baker."

Travis's eyes went wide at that name. Shawn Baker was a big time mobster who did anything for money, if the price was right that is. He was always involved in a lot of illegal things that happened in the city. He was the one person the police couldn't touch.

"He has the fur of all kinds of rare and exotic animals from around the world. He wants the gryphon to complete his set."

"Well he won't get this one, or any other one if I have anything to say about it."

"Don' so sure," Wiley coughed, slowly feeling his life fade. "He's hired three hunters from the underground. The kind that will kill you for looking at them funny."

"We'll see about that," Travis said, getting up and walking away. Leaving Wiley to die a slow, painful death.

He walked back to his house, opening the front door. Walking in, he closed it as the gryphon poked her head out from his bedroom.

"You're safe for the time being."

The gryphon walked over and nuzzled into his chest, much to his surprise. He smiled and knelt down, running his hand slowly over her neck, feeling her soft feathers under his pads. She let out a small coo in return as she shivered a little from his touch.

"There's just one small thing I have to take care of before you're truly safe. I'll be back shortly."

He walked to his room and got dressed. Grabbing his car keys, he headed into the city.


"Mr. Baker, your hunters are here." Cathy said.


Baker walked out his office and downstairs to the main hall of his mansion where three people were waiting. Two of them were built saber-tooth tigers while the one in front of them was a skunk. The tigers had on army fatigues and sunglasses, a rifle around each of their shoulders. The skunk had on jeans and a sleeveless shirt. A nasty scar ran over its left eye while he held a crossbow in his left hand.

"Ah gentlemen, I see you made it. I take it your trip-"

"Cut to the chase. What are we hunting?" the skunk interrupted, his accent thick with Russian.

"Straight to the point. I like that," Baker smiled. He reached over and took the folder Cathy gave him. "The gryphon is not to be harmed, but if it comes to it, kill it. The men in the pictures you can do whatever you want. Once you get the gryphon, bring it back here."

The skunk looked at the picture before passing it to his companions.

"We shall return with what you ordered. Let's go."


"Wow, those guys actually came back after the gryphon?" Alfred asked.

"Yeah, but they won't be bothering anybody ever again," Travis added.

Alfred watched Travis type away at the computer in the station.

"What are you looking for?"

"Looking to see which reserve she came from. Since she's back to full health, it makes no sense keeping her at my house."

"Wait, what do you mean she's at full health? You told me she had a broken wing and leg. Those take at least two months to heal."

"I know. I can't believe it myself but its true. No sign of a fracture or scar from the bullet hole either."

Alfred folded his arms as his ears twitched. Travis let out a sigh as he stood up.

"None of the reserves in this area have any gryphons."

"What does that mean?"

"It means she came from another state probably. Damn, this is going to be tough."

"So what now?" Alfred asked.

"I'll figure something out. Come on, let's head to my house and I'll show you what I'm talking about."

They headed out the station and into the jeep, taking off down the dirt road.

"So who bailed them out of jail?" Alfred asked.

"Shawn Baker."

Alfred looked at him in shock and disbelief.

"Yeah, I couldn't believe it either."

"Mobster Shawn Baker? The one person the police can't touch cause he figures out ways to get out of everything? Wow,"

"Supposedly, he hired three more hunters to go after the gryphon."

"Boy, working with you has never been boring," Alfred grinned.

"Do you resent joining me?" Travis grinned back.

"Not at all."

Travis drove down the dirt trail leading to his house. When he got there, his eyes went wide, stopping the jeep making them jerk in the seats.

"What gives man?" Alfred asked, rubbing his chest where the seat belt squeezed him at.

Travis didn't answer him as he jumped out.

"What the fuck?"

His front door was smashed in along with a couple of windows that were broken, glass littering the porch with its shards. Rushing inside, he found his place trashed yet again. He searched the bedroom and the medic room but couldn't find any trace of the gryphon.

"They took her! The mother fuckers took her!" he snarled.

Travis was livid as he balled his fists tightly, claws digging in his pads drawing blood. Alfred walked in and growled at the sight.

"He's going too far," Alfred growled.

"You damn right he's going too far."

"What's the plan?"

"He wrecked my house, so I'm going to to return the favor."

"Sounds like a plan to me. Let's head back to the station and get prepared. More then likely those hunters he hired are still there."



Baker stood out on the second floor patio. The mid afternoon sun casted it rays upon him, unobstructed by clouds as the sky was a clear, crystal blue.

"Such a beautiful day," he sighed, eyes closed enjoying the breeze that passed by.

A small moving van caught his attention as it drove up the long, dirt drive way.

"A beautiful day indeed."

The truck followed the path up before coming to a stop at the front. The skunk hopped out as Baker looked at him from the second floor.

"Did you bring it?"

"Of course we did. Even though we were hoping to get some action."

"So the rangers weren't there? Oh well, no matter. Bring it inside."

Baker walked down the stairs to the main hall as the hunters brought the gryphon in. Her beak was strapped close as her wings were bound to her body. It trashed around madly on the rope that was around her neck. Baker smiled widely before walking up to her.

"Yes, yes. Such a wonderful pelt. You are going to go beautifully on my wall. Bring it to my den."


"Is that the place?" Alfred asked, looking at the mansion through the trees.

"Has to be. Who else has armed guards at a gate?" Travis replied.

"Shall we go for the dramatic entrance?" Alfred grinned.

"Best way to do it."

The guards at the gate let out yawns until the sound of screeching tires caught their attention. Travis's jeep went non stop through the gate as the guards opened fire, bullets ricocheting of the metal, shattering the back window as they kept their heads down.

"Going to be tough explaining this to my mechanic," Travis chuckled.

He drove down the long path, not even stopping as he drove up the front steps.

"Well gentlemen," Baker said. "Here is your payment."

He handed them each ten thousand dollars as the skunk smiled.

"Pleasure doing business with you. Next time, give us more action."

After he said that, Travis's jeep smashed through the front door, making everybody jump. Travis drove right through, smashing tables and other objects before coming to a stop by making a hole on the other side of the building in a cloud of dust. Alfred and Travis jumped out, taking cover behind the scattered debris and walls as gunfire erupted around them.

"Looks like we won't be bored after all," the skunk smiled.

Gunfire echoes throughout the house as people took cover or dropping to the ground full of holes. Bullets zoomed this way and that, destroying vases on the table and paintings on the walls.

"You guys have a lot of balls coming in here like," Baker yelled. "I guarantee you won't make it out of here alive."

"You took something that doesn't belong to you. I'm here to retrieve it," Travis yelled back. "If killing you is the only way to do it, I have no problem with that."

"A wise ass huh? I'll make sure to put that on your tombstone."

A small whistle caught Travis's attention. He looked over to Alfred who was behind the jeep as he slid a small, round black object towards him. He grabbed it quickly as bullets hit the ground by it. A smile come across his muzzle as he gave Alfred a thumbs up.

"I take it you are the two rangers that those simpletons ran into it?" Baker asked.

"You could say that," Travis replied, opening the compact mirror Alfred slid over to him.

He held it out as he used the reflection to see the surrounding area. Baker and the skunk were hiding by an overturned table. One of the tigers was hiding behind a large statue in the corner while the other was sneaking up on the jeep. He looked over at Alfred and gave him a couple of signs. Alfred nodded before looking under the jeep. He saw the legs of the tiger approaching and fired, making him drop to the ground before more bullets were embedded into his chest.

"Winston!!!" the other tiger yelled.

The tiger aimed at the jeep, bullet casings dropping to the ground as he embedded the jeep with round after round, causing the windows to smash and tired to pop. Travis took the chance and circled around him for a better shot.

"I'll kill you!" the tiger roared, before hearing the click of his gun.

The tiger fumbled in his pocket for another clip, which was a bad mistake, especially since he was in the open. Both Travis and Alfred popped out from hiding and fired together, the tiger's body shaking from the impact of the bullets going into his body before hitting the ground with a wet thud as blood pooled under him.

"Grr, this is getting tiresome. I'm going to take care of my prize. You handle these two," Shawn growled, slipping from the table and taking off down the hall to his right.

Travis saw Shawn run down the hall.

"Shit. Alfred, Shawn's going to kill her. I have to stop him. Can you cover me?"

"I got you T. Go!!"

Alfred fired where the skunk was hiding making him duck. Travis took the chance to take off after Shawn down the hall.

"That just leaves me and you buddy boy." Alfred said, reloading his gun.

"Suits me just fine. They were only slowing me down," the skunk replied. "May I have your name so I can engrave it on my bow?"


"Very well Alfred. Let's see how you handle me, Falcon, the best hunter in the underground."

Alfred chuckled at that.

"Well Falcon, let's see how you handle an ex marine."


Travis followed the hallway, taking out a couple of guards in his way, before coming to a set of wooden, double doors. He tested the door, finding it unlocked as he pushed it opened slowly. With it cracked open, he saw the gryphon tied to the floor. He walked in, gun ready and crouched to the ground before closing the door softly.

The room appeared to be a den of some sorts as various furs and pelts of animals, some rare and even extinct, hung from the wall proudly. It made him sick to his stomach.

"What a sick fuck." Travis growled to himself softly.

He inched his way forward, ears perked and ready for anything. Reaching the gryphon, he knelled down as the look of relief could be seen in her eyes.

"I'll get you out of here. Don't worry," he said softly.

He was about to undo the straps when he felt the cold muzzle press on the back of his head.

"I could kill you, just like that," Shawn said, snapping his fingers. "But you interest me. You and that other ranger managed to take out all my guards, even the hired ones which cost me quite a bit if I might add."

"That's what we're good at."

"Get up, nice and slow and toss you gun to the floor."

Travis slowly got up, tossing his gun to the floor away from him. Shawn walked in front of him, an evil grin on his face.

"I could use somebody like you. You're very persistent and get the job done. How about it? You can name your price and live in the life of luxury, like me," Shawn said, motioning with his arms around him.

"Your money has blood on it. I'll pass." Travis growled.

"You think these ungrateful animals care if you protect them or not?" Shawn growled back. "They mean nothing. I make them into something. Look around you, pelts from almost every animal known on the earth except this one, displayed majestically for all to see. That's what these animals are good for."

Travis balled his fists tightly. Every word Shawn said just fueled his rage.

"You know how much time and money was spent to locate this thing, not to mention bribing a LOT of people including some rangers?"

"I'll make sure the ones that did lose their jobs."

"Not my concern anymore. I got what I wanted and that's all that matters to me."

"I promise you when this is over, you'll be dead." Travis snarled.

"That would be a neat trick mister ranger. Now to bid you farewell. A shame you didn't take my offer."

Travis watched Shawn's finger tighten on the trigger. Just before the shot went off, Travis rushed him, bringing the gun into the air as it fired multiple times in the air. He managed to disarm Shawn, twisting his hand painfully as the gun dropped to the floor. Shawn managed to free his hand, striking Travis three times in the chest before kicking him to the ground as he tumbled over some chairs.

"Oh, it's on now ranger boy," Shawn grinned. "I'm going to make an example of you."

Travis growled as he got up and charged Shawn. Shawn countered him with ease, striking Travis with precision blows to the body, staggering him with each hit. He got Travis in a choke hold as Travis struggled to break free.

"Come on buddy boy, where's that persistent spirit at?" Shawn chuckled, applying more pressure, cutting the air to Travis's body rapidly.

"You.....want spirit? I'll give you."

Travis hooked his legs behind Shawn's, and using what energy he had, lifted them both backwards. Shawn let out a yelp as he hit the ground hard, the wind being driven out of him from the force of Travis's body falling on top of him. Travis took huge gulps of air before jumping on Shawn, delivering lefts and rights. Shawn grabbed his next blow, biting his arm making Travis howl in pain before kicking him off.

"Little maggot," Shawn growled, spitting blood on the floor. "It's time I stop playing around with you."

Travis got up, feeling the blood run down his arm from the bite. Shawn rushed him again, each attack more vicious then first as Travis was rocked with each blow. Travis saw the one opening he had as he grabbed Shawn in a tight bear hug, connecting with a headbutt before picking him up and slamming him through the wooden table knocking him out. Travis let out a sigh, before heading over to the gryphon and started to unstrap her.

"I told you I would get you out of here," he smiled.

Just before he undid the last strap, a gun shot echoed in the room, causing a blinding pain to rush through his body as he let out a howl, dropping to the ground holding his shoulder. He looked behind him to see Shawn, holding his side where a piece of the table was stuck, blood coming out of the open puncture.

"You will not get the best of me," Shawn panted out with a growl.

Travis closed his eyes, waiting from the inevitable. Two gunshots rang through his ears making him jump. He heard the sound of a body hitting the floor as he opened his eyes slowly.

"Sorry I'm late."

Travis looked towards the door to see Alfred standing there. He looked a little worse for wear as an arrow was stuck in his right arm and blood came out his nose and mouth.

"The bastard wouldn't die quick enough."

Travis laughed at that even through the pain.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm going to feel this in the morning, but I'm fine," Travis said.

"Same here. Let's get out of here. Sorry about your jeep though."

"It's all good. We can use the van out there."

"Sounds like a plan. Let's go," Alfred smiled.


Travis let out a sigh as he hung up the phone, grimacing a little as he stretched his wounded shoulder. After explaining everything to the cops about what happened, he dropped the gryphon off at the reserve to let her stretch her wings since she was cooped up for a while. He leaned back on the couch with Tick and Tock in his lap. He was on the phone all day trying to see where she came from but every park he tried said they had no records of a gryphon in their roster.

"What should I do fellas? Nobody knows where she came from."

The crackling fire was comfortable as he stared into it, his thoughts going this way and that as low, soft jazz played from the radio on the table. The nocturnal life was in full effect as the crickets chirp outside and owls hooted perched on top of trees. A cool breeze drifted in the open window rustling his fur as he smiled.

"Perfect night, breeze is just right and the temperature is nice."

He closed his eyes, enjoying the night when something landed next to his house with a thump making him jump.

"What the hell was that?"

He placed Tick and Tock back in their cage before getting up and slowly walking to the front door. He cracked it opened, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness. To his surprise, he saw the gryphon sitting there, wings folded neatly behind her as her golden eyes shined in the darkness.

"Hey girl, what are you doing here?" he asked confused.

She didn't answer him. Instead, she walked over and nuzzled into his chest with a coo, eyes closed. He smiled, running his hand gently over her neck making her purr and coo louder. It was then a faint earthly scent started to fill the air, making his head a little dizzy.

"Something smells funny out there. Better come inside."

She walked in and sat down on the rug next to the fire. She looked almost like a ghost as the only thing you could see was the shine of her eyes reflected from the fire.

"You probably want a snack huh? Let me see if I have anymore sardines for you."

Walking into the kitchen, he looked into the cupboard and found a couple of cans left. Grabbing a plate, he poured the contents onto it before returning and sitting on the couch. He presented the plate to her, but she pushed it aside and nuzzled his neck, her claws laying on top of his thighs.

"Affectionate tonight aren't you?" he chuckled.

The earthly smell from before came back stronger as it filled his nose making him shake his head slightly. It was then something clicked in his brain as he put two and two together.

"Are you in heat?"

She looked him in the eyes, a small twinkle in them before she moved forward, tongue darting out as she licked his lips in an affectionate kiss. Many emotions ran through his head, mostly confusion, before another lick broke his train of thought.

"Are you sure you want me too-"

She gave him another lick while his mouth was open, darting her tongue into his maw. It was a weird sensation, feeling her smooth tongue mingle softly with his. Her saliva tasted like berries, probably cause she already munched on some before getting to his house. She broke the kiss before clawing softly at his clothes, a hint on impatience being applied to it. He got the subtle message, removing his clothing carefully and discarding them to the side, now sitting naked on the couch as the gryphon looked over his body with a glint in her eye.

Glad that he was now bare like her, she dropped to the floor, lowering her top half and keeping her rear raised. Her tail was lifted, and twitched eagerly on her back as she folded her wings neatly besides her. She looked behind her and gave a small, anxious coo and a small wiggle of her rump. Travis gently knelt behind her, that strong earthly scent more powerful straight from the source as he saw her puffy lips quiver from a slight breeze, a trail of her liquid dripping down her leg onto the floor.

Travis was nervous; he hadn't expected to be in this situation. But now, being presented with this opportunity, he found himself wanting nothing less to pleasure this beautiful female in anyway he could. He looked for approval, finding her expression to be one of pure need, and decided to take things nice and easy with her. His finger reached out tentatively before him, desperate to feel the wonderful avian's most secretive treasure, to explore her like no male would have done so before.

He trailed a single finger over her slit, feeling the gryphon's body shiver from the touch as he collected some of the liquid escaping her. He licked his finger clean, savoring the tangy, yet sweet taste she emitted. The taste was unique to him, making him smile and give a small murr. He licked his finger again before slowly entering the hot folds of her body. She let out a small squeak feeling the finger penetrate her body. Her muscles went to work, massaging and rippling around the finger inside her, trying to coax out the life giving water that will douse the raging fire inside her body.

"Man, she's squeezing my finger so tight. I can only imagine what this will feel like around my penis."

With slow movements, her explored her tunnel, twisting her finger slowly as he felt her muscles clamp down on him like a vice. He moved his finger in and out of her hot passage, making her body quiver. Her beak opened slightly, her breathing increasing. More of her nectar flowed from her body, dribbling down her leg as Travis smiled, feeling her passage become slicker as he moved his finger at a decent speed. The slick sound his finger made going in and out of her passage brought pleasure to the gryphoness, having never experienced this before.

He paused slightly in his ministrations, adding another finger to her dripping slit. A gasp escaped the mouth of the gryphoness as she felt the extra digit penetrate her body. Each push of his finger brought a fresh trail of liquid to dribble down her leg as her rear quivered in the air. His free hand massaged her flank lovingly as he continued to use his finger to pleasure this rare and beautiful creature. Withdrawing his fingers, he moved his muzzle closer before extending his tongue and collected the delicious fluid coming from her body, running down her leg.

A small growl came from her before a gasp as he pushed his tongue into her. Travis closed his eyes as he grabbed her flank softly with both hands, pushing his tongue as far as he could, craving for the liquid that came from her body like a drug. He moved his tongue in circles, hitting every spot he could in her hot tunnel, his cold nose pressed against her sensitive labia making her shiver and moan. She was in ecstasy, having never experienced these things done to her body before as pleasure surged in her body like a battery.

He slowly moved his finger in and out of her hot passage, making her body quiver before he went faster. Her beak opened slightly as her breathing increased. More of her nectar flowed from her body, dribbling down her leg as Travis smiled. Withdrawing his finger, he moved his muzzle closer before extending his tongue and collected the delicious fluid coming from her body. A small growl came from her before a gasp as he pushed his tongue into her.

Travis let out a murr, causing the vibrations to run along his tongue into her. She cooed loudly, the vibrations coming from his murrs made her body tense up, only needing a single spark to ignite that powerful orgasm building inside her. Another circle along with a quick pinch of her clit sent her over the edge. She let out a screech, claws digging right through the rug onto the floor, body convulsing as she came hard. Travis was surprised by the amount she produced, but let out a murr as he collected the hot, sweet nectar that flowed out of her body, some of it slipping down the side of her muzzle and onto the floor. The gryphoness stood on shaky legs, eyes closed and beak opened as she panted hard from the overwhelming experience.

"Good girl," he murred softly, licking his lips as he tried to collect the little bit on the side of his muzzle.

Her legs gave out on her as she plopped softly to the ground, chest rising and falling as her breathing was rapid. He stroked her flank softly while she recovered making her purr. After a couple of minutes, she raised her rear again, looking back with love in her eyes at her caretaker and soon to be mate. Travis was rock hard, as his penis throbbed with each heartbeat, anticipating what is to come. He lined himself up, holding her hips gently as he trailed the tip of rod up and down her slit, making her shiver and push back into him.

With a smile, he slowly pushed into her, eyes closing in pleasure as the tight confines of her walls gripped him tightly. A whine escaped him as the rippling around his cock made his eyes cross. Not even Trish was this tight or hot. He hilted her and paused, feeling her tight confines adjust to his size. Every squeeze she applied was matched with her heartbeat as she purred loudly.

"Are you ready?" he asked softly.

She only responded by a tightening of her walls. He held her hips, pulling out slowly before pushing back into her. The gryphon let out a small gasp, feeling every ridge and curve on his penis as it massaged her vaginal walls. Travis let out a moan at the incredible feeling. Nothing could even compare to the tightness and warmth of the gryphoness. Pre drooled out the tip, coating the walls and preparing it for what is to come next as some of it escaped to the floor or matted his thigh fur.

The crackling fire added to the special moment as he mated the beautiful, majestic gryphon. He heard the lewd slaps of his balls connecting with her body. His ears folded on top of his head as the pressure started to build inside him at a rapid pace. He knew it would be only a matter of time before he would come to an explosive end. Before that happened, he wanted to do something to really make the moment special. Painfully, he pulled out, his penis screaming at him to finish what he started and not leaving it hanging. The gryphoness looked back, her eyes half closed and filled with confusing and lust.

"I know this may sound strange and you may not be accustomed to it, but I want to see your face when we cum."

The gryphoness looked at him confused. Travis got up and hurried into his room before coming back with the top mattress and laid it flat on the floor. He ushered her on to before flipping her around so she was on her back. This confused her even more as she had to spread her wings so they wouldn't be in an uncomfortable position.

"I know this seems a little weird, but it will feel good."

He leaned over and gave her a lick on her beak making her coo as she returned it. Positioning himself between her legs, he eased his hard on back into her opening making them both gasp in pleasure, tiny squirts of liquid oozed out from the penetration. Travis placed his hands besides her head and smiled down at her before continuing the mating. It took a moment for the gryphon to adjust from the weird angle, but when she did, her beak opened up, tongue hanging out as her eyes closed.

Travis dug his nails into the mattress, feeling his stomach twist and his balls churn. He still couldn't believe he was doing this to a rare, but beautiful gryphon. He sped up his thrusting, hearing the slaps of his thighs connect with hers making her purr louder as her front legs gripped him. Her body trembled under the powerful thrusts as she neared her peak with surprising speed. Travis felt her squeeze harder, signaling she was close.

His knot was almost at full girth, having swollen greatly during their passionate mating. The beautiful gryphoness breathed gently as the ball of slick flesh slapped against her entrance, begging to be admitted within her seductive confines. Travis wasn't sure whether she would be willing to tie completely with him, but one look back from her eyes, filled with lust and need, told him that she would have no problem with accepting him into her. Now that he knew she was ready, he didn't want to disappoint her, especially not something as majestic and wondrous as a gryphon. He only hoped he would be enough to satisfy her heat.

His paws trailed through the silky fur, massaging her sides as his cock slid in and out of her luxuriously moist passage. His own pre-cum had mixed with her natural lubricants to create a gently friction within her body, something which Travis knew he would never want to give up. Bringing his head down, he allowed his tongue to slowly dance across her beak, and she purred happily as his hips ground into her own, their bodies pressing together firmly with the intense rutting that they were now sharing.

The needy avian relaxed her body, and Travis pushed into her one last time. His thick know pressed against her pussy, stretching it wider than she had ever felt before. Gryphon and wolf let out a combined howl of pleasure as the bulbous flesh was forced into her, sending waves of pleasure through their bodies. For a moment, Travis was doubtful he would fit inside her, but suddenly, a loud squelch could be heard, and his cock pushed forward as it was locked inside of her. The gryphoness called out loudly in sheer lust, and Travis let out a gasp as he reached his inevitable peak within her.

The needy avian moaned as the first jet of hot, white wolf seed splashed directly into her fertile womb, filling her up in a way that nothing else could ever imitate. Travis could only hold her tightly as his stiff cock throbbed within her tight walls, spurt after spurt of his thick, fresh canine sperm painted her walls with his essence. His orgasm lasted almost an entire minute, every second spent clutching her soft fur as he emptied his heated load into her awaiting body.

His massive orgasm eventually came to an end alongside her own, the pair panting heavily on the bed as they revelled in the afterglow of such a passionate rutting. He could feel his cock and knot being rhythmically squeezed by her velvety walls, his own fertile semen slopping around within her as it was prevented from escaping by his large knot. Tenderly, the gryphoness licked his ear as a sign of love and affection, and Travis smiled happily, knowing there would be no other place in the world for him but by her side. When Travis could finally think straight, he rested on top of her gently, making sure not to put his full weight on her as she held him, nuzzling his neck and cooing softly.

When Travis could finally think straight, he rested on top of her gently, making sure not to put his full weight on her as she held him, nuzzling his neck and cooing softly.

"That was heavenly. Thank you for that," he said softly.

Once his knot finally subsided, he pulled out with a wet pop, a mixture of both their fluids built up in her opening, to come oozing out and make a trail down her leg and onto the mattress. Curious, he collected a little on his finger and took a lick. It was a bit salty cause of his spunk but her sweetness still stuck out. With a grin, he knelt down and began to drive his tongue into her slit, gathering up the cocktail of their love fluids. The gryphon let out a gasp, feeling her sensitive slit being invaded again, but closed her eyes and purred, enjoying the sensations rushing through her body. Using two fingers, he spread her lips open, pushing his tongue as deep as he could go collecting what he could, lapping at her opening like a dog craving water.

This was something new to her, but she couldn't do anything but like the wonderful pressure build up inside her again as she cooed and purred. Travis loved the taste, as each tongue he got, he made sure to swirl it around in his mouth before swallowing, his tail happily wagging behind him. Their combined fluids went smoothly down Travis's throat, filling his stomach to the point he couldn't take anymore but it didn't stop him from pleasing her. Her rear leg twitched in the air as each lick made her body produce more of the liquid gold he craved.

It wouldn't take long for the gryphoness to climax as Travis felt his tongue being squeezed tightly by her walls. A sudden screech surprised him as she came again, coating his tongue with her fluid as it overflowed his muzzle and leaked out onto the mattress, making a pool under her body. He made sure to drink everything her body rushed out, happy to feel her sweet nectar pool in his stomach as he pulled his tongue out. Her body finally relaxed in the after glow that followed as Travis crawled up beside her and her held her as she nuzzled under his neck. He held her tight in his arms, slowly caressing her neck getting a soft coo in response before they both drifted off, the crackling fire providing a nice soothing effect.


Travis came to a halt along with Alfred as they heard the foliage move up ahead.

"Looks like we're close," Alfred said.

They heard a whine and the rattle of a chain. Travis took a peek from the bushes to see a lynx stuck in a trap. He gave a nod to Alfred as he slowly approached the lynx. The lynx let out a hiss of anger as its tail puffed, a sharp whined followed as it tried to move away but the trap stopped it.

"Easy there little guy. I'm not going to hurt."

He set his backpack down slowly without too much movement and got within arms reach of the cat. The sharp smell of iron from the blood hit his nose as he grimaced thinking about the pain the cat was going through. Slowly, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of dry cat food and placed it inches away from it. The lynx looked weary at first, but slowly inched over as best as it could and start to munch on the cat food.

"There you go. I'm not so bad," Travis smiled.

The lynx finished quickly, licking it lips and sniffing around for more. Travis dug out some more and placed it in front of him. The small cat limped over and began to eat, a deep purr emitting from it as Travis stroked his fur. While it was occupied, he looked for the safety release and disengaged the trap, freeing the lynx.

"All right, now to fix you up."

He pulled out some more cat food before tending to the injured paw. Wrapping it up after a complete cleaning, the lynx bounded away back into the reserve. Travis grabbed his backpack and placed it on his back before grabbing the trap and growled.

"Same person?" Alfred asked.

"Same person," Travis growled. "Come on, I'm tired of this."

Heading back to his fixed up jeep, they drove into town and towards the bar. Opening the door, it was crowded, not unusual for a weekend. Justin was behind the bar when he heard the door open as Alfred and Travis walked in. He inclined his head to the back as Travis nodded. He found his target laughing with his buddies and a few girls. Travis didn't even hesitate as he walked over, grabbed Stanley out the seat and punched him straight in the face, knocking him to the ground.

"I told you what would happen if I found another of your traps in the reserves didn't I?" Travis snarled.

Alfred held his buddies at bay, arms crossed with an evil glare. Even they knew not to to tangle with Alfred when he's pissed off. Travis was just about to apply the trap to Stanley's balls, as Stanley's eyes went wide with fear.

"W...Wait....wait...I didn't mean...."

"No more excuses. You asked for this."

He was about to release the deadly trap, which at the position it was at, would ripe right through his balls when a voice stopped him.

"I wouldn't do that son."

He turned his head to see an off duty cop there, a beer in his hand watching the show.

"I gave him too many warnings officer. It's only fair that I do this for the animals he hurt with his carelessness."

"If you release that trap son, I will shoot you. I'll take him and his buddies to jail where they'll be spending a long time."

Travis let out a growl as he looked dead into the scared eyes of Stanley who was about to piss his pants from fear, leaning in close as his hot breath washed across his whiskers.

"Next time Stanley, the cops won't save your ass from me."

All eyes were on Travis and Alfred as they walked out the bar. Alfred grinned as they got into the car.

"You set him up beautifully. I thought you were really going to do it if that cop wasn't there."

"It wasn't a setup," Travis said bluntly, driving off. "I really was going to castrate him."

Alfred shivered a little at the seriousness in his voice. They drove back to Travis's cabin, parking next to another jeep and got out. Opening the door, they took a seat on opposite couches. The gryphoness walked in from the bedroom and joined Travis on the couch, laying down on his lap as he stroked her neck lovingly, making her purr and coo softly.

"It seems she's grown attached to you over the last week."

"I have a way with animals I guess," Travis chuckled.

"Did you find out where she belongs?"

"Nobody know where she belongs. It's like she doesn't exist."

Alfred nodded before leaning back on the couch.

"So what are you going to do with her?"

"I'm thinking of keeping her. She keeps me company along with Tick and Tock."

"Let me guess, you twisted a lot of arms in order to make it happened?"

"You don't know the half."

Alfred laughed before scratching his chin and looking the gryphon over, noticing her stomach getting to be a little big.

"Looks like she's gaining weight. What have you been feeding her?"

"She's not fat, she's umm, with egg."

"She's pregnant? Right on. Where's the other gryphon at? I don't see it around here."

Travis blushed hard, his grey fur darkening all over.

"Umm, about that. You see...."

Alfred looked at him, then back at the gryphon, before back at him.

"You didn't!?"

"I couldn't help it. She was in heat, one thing lead to another...."

Alfred stood up before walking over and patting his shoulder.

"Relax man. This only goes to show, you have the biggest heart from animals. Although I don't think Trish is going to like it one bit."

Travis grinned at that before looking down at the gryphon.

"What she doesn't know can't hurt her."

"True that," Alfred said, heading to the door where he left his car. He stopped at the door and looked back to Travis. "Since you are keeping her, have you given her a name?"

The gryphoness looked up at him, as if wondering the same thing.

"Yeah, I have."

"What's her name?"
