Buxy the Bunny: Chapter 6: Back at The Bunnyhop Nightclub

Story by Ether Simmons on SoFurry

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#6 of Buxy the Bunny

Consciousness slowly returned to Buxy. Through her barely opened eyes she could make out two furs dressed in white and one in a uniform. She wondered who they were and why they were there. As she squirmed about, she noticed she lay in a comfortable bed with white sheets. She smiled as the land of dreams ebbed away. I like this bed, she thought to herself. It's almost as good as my own...

Suddenly the memories of the past few days rushed back. The Bunnyhop Nightclub, getting rid of her apartment (Harvey's apartment, that is), meeting Kenny, escaping the assailants, Kenny's dead throat squeezing her body...

"Noooo!!!" Buxy bolted up in bed as that prominent memory hit her full force. "I didn't mean it! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" she blurted out. She held her paws up to her face as she panicked.

Buxy noticed she was in a hospital bed surrounded by a doctor, a nurses and a police officer. She jolted her head about looking for anything of hers, or anything that was familiar. But the last thing she remembered was that she dragged herself out the house nude, bleeding and with a broken foot. She remembered she possessed nothing she could call her own.

The police officer spoke up in a gentle voice. "Ma'am? We found you passed out naked on the sidewalk, in a run-down part of the neighborhood. Can you tell me who you are and how you got there?"

Buxy faced the officer, and then burst into tears. She sobbed into her paws. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I didn't mean it..."

The officer looked at her confused. "Ma'am? Didn't mean what? Can you tell me what happened?"

Buxy sniffed while she faced the officer. "I didn't mean to... to... choke him!" She quivered her whiskers while tears leaked out of her eyes.

The officer wrote down notes. "Ma'am? Choke who? Can you tell me why you were on the sidewalk? An officer spotted you last night and brought you to this hospital."

Buxy felt she had to come clean with everything. She told them her name, how she went to the brown house to meet Kenny so he could swallow her. She even told them the address of the house. She told them about how she escaped the assailants. She told them that she kept in contact with her sister on cell phones while being swallowed. She told them how Kenny stopped swallowing when his throat surrounded her chest. She told them how her leg broke while being swallowed, and how she struggled out of his jaw before an intruder came into the house. She told them how she managed to crawl out the hole in the bathroom and onto the sidewalk.

The officer wrote everything down. When Buxy gave the address, he talked into his radio and asked another officer to check out the address.

When Buxy mentioned the leg break, the doctor looked at her confused. After she finished her story, the doctor spoke up. "You... say you broke your leg?"

Buxy meekly nodded. "While Kenny swallowed me." She sniffed again.

The doctor glanced at the nurse then back to Buxy. "But ma'am, there's... nothing wrong with you."

Buxy looked at the doctor perplexed. "Wha..." At this point, she noticed she wasn't in any pain. She tentatively moved her foot, expecting it to hurt. Instead, it moved normally. She yanked the sheets back and stared at her foot with wide eyed wonderment. Her foot looked and felt completely normal. She expected it to be twisted with bone sticking out, but felt no signs of injury. As she stared at her uninjured leg, she also noticed she had no cuts or blood on her body. She distinctly remembered the teeth scraping her as she squirmed out of Kenny's jaw, and drawing blood. She remembered the feeling of agonizing pain from her leg as she struggled to crawl. But her senses told her another story. "What?" she cried out. Realizing she wore no clothes, Buxy sheepishly moved the sheet back to cover her nudity. She tried to comprehend the situation.

After Buxy covered up herself, the doctor spoke up. "Ma'am? As far as I can tell, you're fine. I checked you out."

The police officer's radio blared with another voice. The officer listened to it, and said "Ma'am? Another officer just entered that abandoned house you mentioned. It's empty. There's no one there."

Buxy hung her jaw open in surprise. "But... Kenny's there... he... he's dead... he couldn't breathe... he choked while swallowing me..." Buxy sobbed again before she got control of herself. "My... my dress, purse and cell phone are there..."

The officer spoke into the radio. After twenty seconds, he listened to the answer. "They found a torn dress and an empty purse in the bathroom, but no phone. No one is in the house, ma'am. They searched it."

The officer interviewed Buxy for a half hour under the watchful eye of the doctor. She told him about the two assailants, and about Kenny. She gave a detailed description of the brown furred wolf with the mismatched eyes, which the officer wrote down. He asked for a last name, but she couldn't tell him. He asked about what he did for a job, his friends or family. Buxy shook her head at the questions, unable to give an answer. The officer asked for her home address, and Buxy said she had no home. "I was gonna get swallowed, so I got rid of everything..." Again, she sobbed. The officer finished up his notes and said that he had nothing more to go on, and left.

Buxy spent the night in the hospital, and wondered what it all meant. She never planned on seeing today. I wanted to be part of Kenny, she thought to herself, but instead I killed him. She cried herself to sleep.

In the morning, the hospital staff found an old brown dress in the lost and found for her to wear. Buxy asked to leave the hospital. Since she was an adult and there was nothing wrong with her, they discharged her. The police officer came back to check up on her and to give her the purse and dress. Buxy tossed the dress but kept the purse. She asked if he could drop her off at the park near where she used to live, and he agreed. He drove her there.

Once Buxy reached the park, she sat on a bench all day long and watched the park goers wander about, minding their business. She wondered what was going on.

Buxy stared at her ankle as she moved it around in circles. It showed no sign of injury, stiffness, anything. She went over the sequence of events in her mind over and over again. She lay on the ground and talked to her sister on the phone. While Kenny swallowed, her foot twisted, and snapped. She distinctly remembered the flood of pain. She wiggled out, dragged her body out of the house to escape the intruder. She remembered the pain with every movement, and the blood on her fur. But the movement of her foot told her another story.

Buxy grieved about the death of Kenny. He was the perfect wolf for me, she thought. Just when I was going to take a job, he showed up for me. Now, I killed him. Buxy sobbed over the event. She wondered what happened to his body.

But something kept bugging Buxy about the event. The house looked abandoned. Why did he live there, she wondered. Where were his things? Why was it empty? She contemplated going back to the house to search for him or some sign of him. But the neighborhood scared her. She shivered as she remembered the two assailants. I just want to be safe. I'll never go there again.

Buxy watched the sun set while she sat on the bench in the park. Buxy's stomach growled from a lack of food. She had no money, no ID, no job, no nothing. Only an old brown ugly dress and her purse. She thought about going to her sister Bitsy for help, but didn't want to bug her. She had fourteen kids to deal with, Buxy thought to herself, and doesn't need to worry about me.

Kenny! Buxy shivered as the thought of his dead throat squeezed her own. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry! Buxy felt out of place in the world around her. She never planned on seeing today. She thought she would be swallowed by Kenny, and then she would always be safe. I'm sorry I killed you, she said to herself. I didn't mean it. I'm sorry.

Buxy felt she had nothing in the world for her, and no point in going on. She felt that the only thing to do was to find a willing carnivore, and jump down his throat. But who?

Buxy thought that Steven Stripes would be OK. He's eaten his share of rabbits, she thought. He should be able to handle me. At least, he isn't small, like Kenny was...

Buxy sobbed again as she tried to get ahold of her emotions. Slowly, the crying lessened enough. With resignation in her posture, she stood up and looked around the park. The city park used to be a thriving centerpiece of the city, but a storm a few weeks ago damaged it. She thought she recalled that a group of furs were working on building it up again. Oh well, it doesn't concern me, she thought to herself.

Buxy walked to The Bunnyhop Nightclub. Along the way, she kept scratching herself. Must be due to cheap laundry detergent, she thought to herself. Once she arrived, she looked at the nightclub entrance. Once, I was going in to be eaten by my dream predator. Now, I'll just go in to be eaten. Let's just get it over with.

Buxy approached the doorman. The familiar hyena recognized her and nodded to her. When she started to enter, the hyena said to her "Cover charge, please."

Buxy stammered. "What? But... but, there's no charge for rabbits..."

The hyena apologized to her. "Sorry Buxy, but that's the policy when the rabbit high schools let out. Once a week, we have 'Normals' night, where everyone is charged the same rate." He shrugged to her. "It gives the staff a break from the workload."

Buxy's whiskers quivered as she worked hard on keeping back the tears. "But... but... I have to see Steven Stripes... I don't have money..." A tear leaked out.

He glanced at her face and gave into the sorrowful expression. "Well..." The hyena looked up and blew out air. "...OK, I'll let you in. But, no free drinks." He waved her in. "And, don't tell anyone I let you in, OK missie?" He gave her a cheerful smile.

Grateful for small favors, Buxy thanked the hyena and walked into the nightclub. As she stood at the door entrance inside the club, she looked around the main room. She noticed that the place was a lot different without the rabbit crowds. The atmosphere was a lot more sedate and quiet.

At one corner at a dark table sat a lion and lioness. They held each other's paws and talked in low romantic words, while they gazed at each other with loving affection. Buxy could see no articles of clothing on the ground, nor did it look like either of them had been groped. Maybe they just got started, she thought.

At a busy table sat a group of furs decked out in their fashionable clothes. It looked like they were out for a night of impressing the others with their fashion and good looks. Buxy could see no hardcore make-out sessions or outright fucking. She guessed that would come later on.

Buxy could see furs dancing on the dance floor. But it wasn't the wild bacchanalian theme she was used to. Again, no hardcore groping or raunchy leers. Stranger and stranger, she noted.

Also, Buxy could see no one naked or partially naked in the nightclub. No one danced on the tables, no one flashed anyone else, no one showed off various body parts, nothing. She shook her head in wonderment.

Buxy approached the bar. At the bar worked a very tall polar bear named Lenny. He was one of the few furs who towered over Steven by a good 10 cm. He nodded to her as she approached. Buxy looked up to him and asked "Is Steven around? I need to see him."

Lenny cleaned the counter as he answered. "He's got the night off. He's upstairs, in his room. I think he's working on the books, or something."

Buxy asked "Could I see him? It's important."

Lenny shook his head. "Sorry, but when he works on the books, he tends to stay to himself." He began to put away clean glasses.

Buxy pouted and gave him a sorrowful look. "Please? I... its important... an emergency."

Lenny glanced at her and gave into her sorrowful eyes. "Well... I guess you can, he knows you." He pointed to a staircase off to the side. "Upstairs, second door on your right."

Buxy flashed Lenny a quick smile. She walked to the stairwell, and climbed it. The upper floor featured a long hallway with doors on both sides. She traversed to the second door and knocked.

The door opened to Steven Stripes. He dressed only in his underwear. He was a very tall fur with a substantial belly that hung over his underwear line. His eyes went wide with surprise as he saw Buxy. "Oh..." he said, glanced down and immediately began to edge behind the door. "I'll just..."

Buxy rushed into the room and buried herself into his chest and belly fur. "Oh Steven!" she sobbed into his torso. She shook with sorrow as she gripped his furry sides.

Steven froze as the rabbit sobbed into his belly. Being self-conscious about how he was dressed, he guided her into his room and closed the door. Not knowing what to do, he gently put his paws on her back and patted her. He couldn't help himself as he got aroused by the situation. "Um..." he said to her in a soothing voice. "There there..."

Buxy sobbed into Steven's chest. She shook with grief as she held onto the tiger's belly like a security blanket.

Steven kept patting her as he nervously looked around the room. After a half minute, he guided her toward a chair. He gently guided her to sit down. After she sat, he went back to his own chair. He started to sit down, glanced down at himself and stood up embarrassed. "Let me get something on..." he mumbled out.

Buxy stood up. "No!"

Steven glanced at Buxy, shrugged, and sat down. He turned away from her to avoid exposing his growing arousal. "So... what is wrong, Buxy?" he asked her in a nervous voice.

Buxy glanced about the room. It was an organized and nice studio apartment with a kitchenette and a bed. A door off to the side led to a separate bathroom, she guessed. The walls featured photos of Steven Stripes at various power lifting tournaments holding a trophy, or performing a heavy lift. Other photos showed him shaking paws with other furs in suits. The apartment looked like a bachelor pad of an organized and adult like fur. Steven sat at a desk with a computer. It looked like he worked on some kind of office organization software.

After Buxy finished glancing about, she meekly looked at Steven who nervously rotated back and forth in his chair. "Oh Steven, it was..." She let out another sob.

Steven tried to deal with his arousal as he spoke. "Well, Buxy, I guess you didn't go through with being swallowed?" He shifted his legs, trying to move his erect penis to a better position.

Buxy stifled her sob. "No... it... it didn't work out..." she said in a soft voice as she stared at the floor.

Steven rocked back and forth in his chair. "And, you're here about the job, right?"

Buxy glanced up at Steven. That's right, she thought to herself. He did offer a job. And a place to live. But, can I do that? "Uh..."

Steven impatiently waited for an answer. He felt himself start to leak through his underwear.

Buxy shook her head and unbuckled the belt around her waist. "Steven? Could you swallow me down?" She began to unbutton the front of her dress. The hospital wasn't able to find her underwear, so her nudity showed immediately.

Steven's eyes went wide at this. Normally, when he wanted to eat a rabbit, he had to open up to the rabbit, and tell them about himself before they agreed to be gulped down. But here was a very sexy rabbit who went straight to the issue. He smiled at the prospect about spending some sexual time with Buxy, along with a swallow. "Um... s-shure..." he said to her as he rocked back and forth even more.

Buxy unbuttoned the top of the brown dress, and pushed it down, exposing her chest. She paused in undressing and asked "How much does the job pay?"

Steven stared at the topless bunny and didn't realize she asked a question. "What? The job? Oh, yes... the job..." He told her how much it paid, and dearly hoped she would continue with the strip show. He felt his sexual want build up inside of him.

Buxy contemplated the wage. I could live off of that, she told herself. I can learn how. Her mind shifted to Kenny's image and what she did to him, causing her to stifle another sob. No, I just better get this over with. She shook her head and continued to undress. She glanced at Steven rocking back and forth and asked "Are you OK?"

Steven stopped his rocking and kept his knees together as he stared at her body. "Yes... yes... I'm just... enjoying the show, Buxy..." He shifted his legs a bit and caressed his tail as he tried to not think about his erect cock under his belly. "You... may continue..." he said with a smile.

Buxy pushed off her brown dress to the floor, stepped out of it nude and said in a plain voice "I'm ready."

Steven stood up and faced her. With a happy smile, he held his paws out to her and said "I'm ready too." His very stiff cock pointed to the side as the head sported a wet spot through the underwear.

Buxy quietly walked to the bed and lay down at the base with her feet hanging off the end of the bed. She silently stared at the ceiling.

Steven glanced to Buxy on his bed with his paws still held out to where she used to stand. He slowly lowered them and lumbered to her feet at the base of his bed. This confused him a lot. Usually, rabbits he ate always insisted on one last sexual extreme fling before they wanted to go down his throat. But in this case, it seemed she just wanted to do this. He rolled his eyes up and down her body and licked his chops. "So... I'm eating you... now, right?" he asked.

Buxy continued to stare straight up. She nodded. I'll just get it over with, and then I won't have to worry about anything, she told herself. However... She glanced at Steven and asked "You said I could live in a room in this building, right?"

Steven jarred his sight back to Buxy's face. "Wha... what? You mean, if you worked here? Right, right, I would have to set up a room a few doors down the hallway, and you would live there." He knelt down and caressed her toe paws. "So... are you taking the job?" He lightly pinched her toe paw as he waited for an answer.

Buxy thought about it some more. And, I can live on my own, she thought. And, I can be safe here. She liked the feeling of Steven's paw on her toe paw. As she breathed in, she inhaled his tiger masculine scent. It smelled comforting and secure. Her thoughts refocused back onto an image of Kenny. "No, I'm not. Just eat me." I'll remember to curl my toes when I enter his stomach.

Steven shrugged, got onto his paws and knees and began to lick her toe paws.

Buxy felt the raspy tongue on her toes. Good, he's starting, she thought. She remembered that Kenny began by licking her... No No NO, she told herself with determination. I'm not going to think about it. She blew air out as she focused on the ceiling.

Steven licked the bottom of Buxy's feet and dragged them fully into his mouth. With one gulp, he swallowed her feet to her ankles. He gently yanked back on Buxy, pulling her off of the bed.

Buxy felt her feet press together inside of Steven's throat as she felt her body pulled off the bed. She recalled how her feet pressed together inside of Kenny's throat... No! she yelled at herself. She shut her eyes tight as she willed her mind to shut up. Just hurry up.

Steven immediately gulped again, drawing half of Buxy's shins into his maw.

Buxy thought about all of her things she used to have. Her vibrator, her computer, her nice clothes, her cell phone... Immediately, she thought about her cell phone she used to have, that she used while Kenny swallowed her... NO NO NO! she yelled at herself. I'm getting swallowed! She gritted her teeth while she willed herself to not think.

Steven gently pulled back on Buxy, and immediately gulped again. He took large and long swallows, and his maw covered her knees. With a pause, he gulped again and drew half of her thighs into his mouth. His jaw disjointed as he stretched them out over her thighs.

Buxy felt his teeth gently rest on her thighs. She remembered Kenny's teeth resting on her body, and scraped against her fur when... NO! She tried to not think about it, but the feeling of pain of Kenny's teeth scraping her and drawing blood flooded her mind as she squirmed out of his jaw. I DIDN'T MEAN IT she yelled at herself. IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!

Steven gulped again, and drew most of her thighs into his mouth. His jaw stretched out over her thighs at the base of her pelvis. He pulled back on her, dragging her more off the bed.

An emotional chord broke in Buxy's chest as she realized it was an accident. She knew in her heart sometimes accidents happen, and that she was doing this out of guilt. She tried to picture herself being gulped by a tiger and it didn't resonate with her. Her eyes popped opened with this realization. I'm doing it out of guilt. I don't want to be swallowed by Steven, she told herself.

Steven slowly yanked back on Buxy and gulped again. His jaw stretched over the bottom of her ass, and his mouth covered her hips.

Buxy looked down at Steven's eyes with trepidation. He had that typical feeding daze all predators have when swallowing prey whole. She wondered if he would change his mind. "Steven?" she said in a small voice.

Steven swallowed again, and dragged Buxy off the bed, taking Buxy's hips fully into his throat. His teeth gently rested on her waist, and his tongue cushioned her ass. He did not hear her and put his paws on the bed for leverage. His neck swelled out, showing the outline of Buxy's thighs and hips.

Buxy grimaced as her feet began to curl into his stomach. She realized the similarities of the situation, but panic began to set in. It's now or never, she determined. "Steven! Wait!" she yelled out.

Steven heard her and blinked. He paused in his swallowing and stared at her.

Buxy said in a determined voice. "Can I change my mind and take the job?"

Steven tried to comprehend the concept of a rabbit having a conversation with him while he ate her. He reached above him and worked on a rabbit-tug-of-war with his throat as he pulled Buxy out.

After a minute of tugging, Buxy stood on the floor with digestive juices on her toes. He immediately ordered her to take a shower and wash off. He walked to the kitchenette to get paper towels to clean up the mess.

Buxy breathed a sigh of relief as she showered down in the bathroom. She felt genuinely relieved to be out of Steven's throat. She determined in her mind that what happened with Kenny was an accident. She knew he wanted her to spend time with her sister. Any other carnivore would have gulped me down without a care for me, she said to herself. But not my special wolf. She closed her eyes and imagined his brown furred face, his mismatched eyes, his toothy grin. His special look made her smile and resonated with her. She knew in her heart he was her special wolf. "He would do anything for me." she said out loud with a satisfying smile.

An almost inaudible and familiar rough and unrefined voice said outside of the shower "Yeah, Bucks."

Buxy popped open her eyes, yanked back the shower curtain and glanced about. She was sure she heard that familiar voice, but saw no one else in the room. The bathroom wasn't that big to hide anyone else. She shrugged and pulled the curtain back and finished up her shower. I must have imagined it, she thought to herself. While she showered, she examined her body. She could see no sign of injury or scar tissue anywhere on her body. I don't know what happened, she said to herself.

After she finished the shower, she toweled off and used a full length fur dryer on herself. (All good furs have a fur dryer, of course.) Afterwards, Buxy stepped out of the bathroom naked.

Buxy saw that Steven cleaned up the mess, and sat at his computer working on his bar management software. Steven smiled at her and said "So, you're going to work for me, right?" His eyes took in her nude body with approval.

Buxy nodded. She felt safe around him, as if he would not harm her. Right then, her stomach growled. She put her paw on her stomach and meekly said "Do you have anything to eat?"

Steven chuckled as he went to the kitchenette and got out some food geared toward a vegetarian. He piled up a plate and brought it to Buxy while he swished his tail side to side. "Here you go, bunny."

Buxy salivated at the grub on the plate. She took the plate, went to a chair and wolfed down the food in record time.

Steven went back to his chair and worked on the computer a bit more while Buxy ate.

Buxy finished off the food and put the plate back on the kitchenette counter. She returned near Steven and said with a big smile "Thank you." She let out a big burp and covered her mouth with her paw.

Steven glanced at her and rolled his eyes up and down her body. He said "Now, I'll show you your duties... tomorrow at noon." He typed in a few things into the computer, and then stood up and faced her. "And, I also promised you a place to live, right?" He smiled at her.

Again, Buxy nodded as she looked up at him.

Steven hesitated before he spoke, glancing at his bed. "Well, it will take a while... to... fix up... I've got to get a bed for you..."

When Steven said the word 'Bed', she suspected where the conversation was going. She slowly gave him a sexy smile.

Steven continued to nervously speak. "And you don't... have any place to stay right now... so..." He motioned toward his bed. "...you could... stay here... temporarily..." His face held a pleading hopeful expression.

Buxy smiled with the biggest of smiles. "That would be great!" she said to him. She went to the bed, climbed in and stretched out. "Thank you!"

Steven approached the bed. He looked down at her and said "Now, this isn't a requirement... you don't have to... you know..."

Buxy glanced at his underwear and her eyes went wide as she saw the enormous swell of his arousal. She knew she could handle him. We rabbits are bendy, she said to herself. How else would we fit inside someone's belly? With one paw, she reached under his belly and caressed the outline of his cock. "Thank ya, but I want to." She gripped the underwear line and lowered it, revealing a stiff cock to her.

Steven moaned out of pleasure. He took off his underwear and climbed into bed.

As Steven got into bed, his weight created an indention which caused Buxy to roll to his side. "Thank you, Steven. I appreciate it." She said with a smile. His tiger scent overwhelmed her senses, and she accepted his smell and body warmth as she snuggled into his side.

Steven wrapped his arm around her and held her. "Yeah... appreciate..."

Buxy climbed onto Steven's pelvis and caressed his cock. She worked bigger ones, but knew this would require work. She leaned on his belly and positioned herself right above his cock.

Steven put his arms behind his head and smiled as he watched her. "I think this will be nice." He said to her.

Buxy smiled, moved herself down and pushed the cock head into herself, causing Steven to gasp. She moved her hips back and forth as she worked her way down his cock.

Steven watched as Buxy stuffed his cock into a tight and confining place.