Buxy the Bunny: Chapter 7: The Rabbit Auction

Story by Ether Simmons on SoFurry

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#7 of Buxy the Bunny

Buxy sat in the crowd of predators as they eagerly waited for the last rabbit to come forth, to be bid on at the rabbit auction.

Buxy's life over the past three weeks had been a whirlwind of changes, ever since she took the job as Steven Stripe's nightclub cleaner at The Bunnyhop Nightclub. Steven set up a room upstairs so that it worked as her personal bedroom and bathroom. It was small, but Buxy loved it, and decorated it to suit her tastes. Also, she would share Steven's bed on occasion. He didn't mandate that she perform that task, but greatly welcomed her to his bed.

Steven also helped Buxy to accumulate her own stuff, since she came to the job with absolutely no possessions. Through adamant savings and teachings from Steven on how to manage her money, Buxy managed to build up her possessions. Living for tomorrow rather than day to day was hard for Buxy to adjust to, but she set her mind to the task and changed her spending habits. Steven even set up a computer for Buxy to use in her room. Buxy had to cancel her old cell phone number since she never got it back, and got a new cell phone.

Through the cleaning tasks that Buxy performed in the nightclub, she managed to quickly accumulate a semi-decent wardrobe from the discarded clothes from the eaten rabbits. The usual method of cleanup was to gather all of the discarded items and send them to the rabbit thrift shop, but Steven had no problem with Buxy keeping a few things for herself. The clothes she gathered together didn't quite fit right due to the different sizes of the previous owners, but Buxy made the best of it.

Buxy contacted her sister Bitsy about not being swallowed. Bitsy was surprised that Buxy chose to accept a job and become an adult, but welcomed the contact. They set up a correspondence through constant emails and phone calls.

Buxy kept thinking about Kenny. She knew she would always keep a special place for him in her heart. She could not figure out why she had no injuries or why the police could not find his body, and after a week of going around and around in circles in her head, she simply pushed it out of her thoughts the best she could. It was just one of those things I'll never figure out, she resolved.

Today, The Bunnyhop Nightclub hosted a rabbit auction. A while ago, a local community group formed to raise funds for repairs to the local city park that was damaged by a storm. Fifteen willing rabbits volunteered to donate their time (and bodies) to the auction. Steven advertised the auction to his business friends and associates, and volunteered his nightclub to host it.

Over the past few weeks, the rabbit crowds thinned out, due to obvious reasons from the consuming predatory patrons. The rabbits left over weren't that interested in looking for a nice predator to eat them just yet. Instead they went to the nightclub to have fun and socialize, so it was harder for a predator to coax a rabbit for a slide down his or her throat. It helped to make a good turnout for eager predators wishing to score a rabbit through the bidding.

As the night progressed, the audience bid on and won fourteen prior rabbits. Over at a table in the corner, a Doberman sat with a naked rabbit lying on the table, with her feet deep in his happy mouth. The Doberman gulped again, and a few centimeters of the rabbit's legs sank in his throat. She smiled at the gulping doggie. Obviously a happy bidder spent quality time with his rabbit.

Buxy sat in the crowd of auctioning participants to watch the event. She sat next to Linda, the lioness she met a number of weeks who swallowed Harvey. Linda barely acknowledged Buxy's presence other than a brief 'Hi'.

The MC, a tall fox named Ted, announced the last rabbit in the auction, a young male athletic rabbit named Jack straight out of high school. The MC announced to the crowd that Jack was a rabbit who wanted to hook up with a nice predator for a night of fun, and something more. Jack came out and danced about the dance floor, as he tried to entice the audience with his nice tasty body. He stood at a height of 160 cm, tall for a rabbit, and sported an athletic muscular build. His dancing worked the predatory audience very well. More than half of the audience hanged their tongues out, dripping with saliva as they stared with hunger at his nicely muscled body.

Linda spent her time computing her finances as she focused her efforts to win the bidding game on Jack. Linda furiously wrote down numbers and added up her spare finances. She spoke quietly to herself "Now, if the bidding gets too high, I can always forgo a month's payment to my retirement account..." She glanced up just in time to make eye contact with Jack who smiled at her. He lifted up his shirt and shook his body at her. She stared at his nice abs and then moved down to his substantial bulge. A drop of spittle leaked out of Linda's mouth onto her notes as she stared. She glanced down, wiped away the spit and crunched out numbers. "If needed, two months..."

Buxy watched the dancing rabbit with vivid interest. Although she enjoyed sex with Steven and a number of furry patrons at The Bunnyhop Nightclub, she wanted to have sex with rabbits again. She watched Jack as he shook his ass about, and wished she could bid on him. If he was mine, I would use him as my personal sex toy, she said to herself. She imagined him naked, aroused and smiling in her bed, while she sat on top of him and enjoyed his body. Of course, I wouldn't eat him after the sex, but use him again and again.

The MC riled up the crowd as Jack danced provocatively around Ted, and got the crowd excited. Ted announced that the bidding would start once Jack took his shirt off. Jack smiled and yanked his shirt off and tossed it to the crowd of predators. A cheetah snatched the shirt and smelled it while she kept her eye on the rabbit.

Linda finally spoke to Buxy. "Hello Buxy. So, you never got swallowed?"

Buxy didn't like the direct nature of Linda's questioning. "No, I decided not to." She answered back.

Linda looked out across the bidding audience as Jack shook his topless body. Bids came from various carnivores as they tried to outbid the other. "Rooky mistake. Never bid early." Linda said while she watched Jack's muscled chest. "He will be mine." She smacked her mouth. "Mine, mine."

The bidding continued until it narrowed down to a female cheetah, a female kodiak bear and a male rottweiler. The rottweiler yelled out his bid and glared at the cheetah and bear, to which they took one last longing look at the rabbit, and stopped bidding. He sported a satisfied look as he looked at the rabbit.

The MC announced that to spur on the bidding, Jack should show the audience what color his underwear was. Jack smiled and undid his pants, and stripped them off. The athletic rabbit danced about the floor, and managed to etch out four more bids from the cheetah and the Rottweiler before the cheetah dropped out. The rottweiler stared at the rabbit's package encased in underwear with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. Jack smiled back and flexed for him.

Linda said in a low voice "Now, he's mine." She raised her voice and outbid the male Rottweiler and followed it up with a hearty glare at her competitor.

The MC noted the new bidder, and asked for another bid. The rottweiler bid higher, to which Linda calmly outbid him.

Linda glanced at Buxy and said "Now, watch a master at work." Every dirty look the rottweiler gave Linda, she tripled it in force back at him.

Buxy smirked at the lioness before she returned her attention to Jack, who spent his time walking back and forth between the two bidders on the dance floor.

The Rottweiler glanced back and forth from Jack to Linda as he tried to figure out what to do.

The MC announced that the bidders should know what the total package they could win, and signaled to Jack. Jack nodded, and stripped of his underwear. Linda and the Rottweiler yelled out six more bids by the time the underwear hit the floor, with Linda maintaining the highest bid.

Linda tersely said under her breath "OK, I'll forgo three months of payments."

The Rottweiler did some rapid calculations in his head as he computed his finances. He also salivated as he stared at the naked rabbit. With a final glance at Linda's glare, he slowly sat down, dejected.

Buxy wished she had enough money so she could bid on him. I'd give everything of mine to own him, she thought. At once, she knew what it was like to be a predator on the hunt. She smiled at the new feeling.

The MC announced the winner of the bid and directed Linda to the payment table. Jack waved to the crowd as he pranced about. Members of the bidding audience reached out their paws to him, and he brushed his body among the groping paws.

Linda faced Buxy and said "Well, good luck on not being swallowed. It's a hard thing to be an adult." She leaned in a bit and in a lower and dangerous voice said "If you ever change your mind, you can always contact me." and licked her chops at her.

Buxy smirked back at her. Used to the raunchy leers of predators offering to gulp her down, she developed some bravery, so wasn't so much intimidated by her. "Well, if I did, it would be with someone more desirable." She said back at Linda with a bit of bluster.

Linda briefly lost her smile, and then she lifted her head up and laughed out loud. "Well, well, little Buxy. Looks like you're growing up, little bunny." Without waiting for a rebuttal, she walked to the payment table to collect her earnings.

Buxy thought about her response to Linda's predatory comment. She felt a mild rush of excitement on besting the lioness, and smiled. I've been hanging around carnivores too much, she said to herself. But the thought didn't bother her much. She liked the new Buxy.

Linda walked to the payment table, and whipped out her checkbook. She bent over the table to write out a check. Jack came over to Linda and eyed her ass with desire. He reached out to her tail and stroked it. Linda jumped up with a start and whipped around. Once she saw who it was, she smiled at him only the way a predator smiles, right before the final hunt.

Buxy made her way through the bar and watched the furs interact with each other. She watched the furs make their social interactions with each other. Predators would spill loquacious amounts of flattery on the rabbits and offer to buy them drinks. The rabbits would meekly accept the attention, and focus on when they would get laid. And back and forth and back and forth. Buxy spotted various bits of rabbit clothes scattered about the nightclub. She saw the trash on the table and made a mental list of things to do first thing tomorrow. She blew air out as she made that list.

Buxy walked toward the stairwell leading up to her own little apartment. Along the way, she passed by a table of furs consisting of a beagle in a suit, a tall prim and proper cat and a brown furred wolf with the most striking eyes. Buxy just bought The Rabitizer 4000xl, a vibrator from the factory that Harvey used to work at. She wanted to spend quality time with herself.

As she approached the stairwell door, she paused in mid step. She turned back to the table with the beagle, the cat and the wolf and stared at the back of the wolf's head with trepidation. Could that be him, she asked herself. She approached the table until she stood right behind the wolf, and nervously tapped him on the shoulder.

The fur turned around, and at once Buxy saw that it was just a husky with some wolf blood in him. He didn't even have brown fur, but a mix of gray and white fur. His eyes lit up as he took in her beauty. "Yes ma'am?" he said to her with a hearty smile.

Buxy shook her head. "No... never mind. I thought... you were someone else..." she said to him as she stepped away. She made her way back to the stairwell and walked up to her apartment.

Buxy the Bunny: Chapter 6: Back at The Bunnyhop Nightclub

Consciousness slowly returned to Buxy. Through her barely opened eyes she could make out two furs dressed in white and one in a uniform. She wondered who they were and why they were there. As she squirmed about, she noticed she lay in a comfortable bed...

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Buxy the Bunny: Chapter 5: Buxy and Kenny

Finally, I got it done. Lots of rewriting, but it is going. Enjoy. * * * Buxy rode in the taxi on her way to Kenny's house with a smile. She rode to Kenny's house so that he would swallow her down whole. Two nights ago, in a funk about not...

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Buxy the Bunny: Chapter 4: Rowdiness at The Bunnyhop Nightclub

Now, it gets rowdy, and the plot drives on. * * * Buxy sat on her barstool at the bar at The Bunnyhop Nightclub as she contemplated her funk. She was depressed because she couldn't find that one special wolf to eat her. Buxy had spent over two...

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