Family Ties: My Love

Story by Judah Vishas on SoFurry

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#3 of Family Ties

My Love

A SideProject by Kyuuketsuki

Anthony awakened again, this morning having been a false start. He hadn't realized how tired he was from the night he'd left 'home'. The room was dark now, only lit by the pale blue moonlight pouring through the window. Amid the countless pencil drawings and dangerous-looking, bladed decorations he saw a clock. His highly light-sensitive eyes had not trouble reading its face. It was a quarter after eleven p.m. He'd slept since eleven a.m.

The young half-demon yawned and stretched his arms and legs. He moved to sit up but something was holding him down. Anthony looked down to his waist and found a pale arm draped across him. He saw the black nail polish and knew immediately whose arm it was. He tried to carefully lift Drayke's arm off of him, but the slight man held him a little tighter.

"Relax, Anthony. I'm not going to rape you." Drayke said, his voice cracking the silent darkness. He slipped his hand up the half-demon's shirt. "Touch... caress... molest you, maybe." He continued, gently biting his neck. "But never that dishonorable act... unless you asked." he chuckled. "You don't mind, do you?"

Anthony opened his mouth to respond, but clenched his teeth when he felt one of Drayke's long fingers tracing circles around his left nipple. "Wouldn't that bother Kyle?" he asked. He didn't exactly want to say no and the only thing he could find to put between them was Drayke's mate.

"Have you forgotten? Our relationship is open." Drayke whispered in his ear.

"Did he tell you how old I am?"

"Are you going to tell on me, Anthony?" It was hardly a question. In some way, it could have even been a taunt.

Would he? Drayke had not touched him in any way that he didn't like. The human had also said that he would not go any further than this unless he asked. Something hit him. This human wanted him. Drayke wanted to touch him; to do more than touch him, but wouldn't without permission. Anthony couldn't help but feel he had some power over this human.

"I'll take your silence as a no." Drayke said, undoing the button on Anthony's skinny jeans. The half- demon grabbed his hand and Drayke shook him off. "I'll never go any further than this unless you say it's okay." He promised, gently stroking Anthony's soft black pubic hair. On the tips of his fingers he could feel the base of the boy's hardening length. He kissed Anthony on the neck where he'd bitten him before, chuckling as his breathing betrayed nervous he was. "Don't worry. I'm not going to try to fuck you. At least not yet."

"Why not?" Anthony asked, interlocking his fingers with Drayke's

The human held him closer. "I want it to mean something when I do start trying."

What was this? The most affection the half-demon had gotten before last night was not being forced through an exorcism. This was a big jump from getting a rare hug from his adoptive sister. This was something akin to love. "Why do you want me?"

"I don't know." Drayke yawned, pulling Anthony's shirt off. "I guess I feel something in you that most people don't have; something I haven't felt in anyone since Kyle." He said, touching the boy's bare shoulders. Anthony turned over to face Drayke. He pressed his lips to the half-blood's forehead. "Do you remember me telling you that the only thing I want from Kyle is for him to be close?"

Anthony nodded, tentatively placing one of his hands on Drayke's chest, over his heart. Against this man's moonlit skin, Anthony's pale hand looked almost tanned. How many years had he stayed out of the sun to achieve this lack of color? If Drayke weren't so warm, he'd suspect the man was dead. Drayke lifted Anthony's head by his chin to meet his yellow eyes. "While you're with us... can I ask the same thing of you?"

"I...I want to..." Anthony stuttered before he even realized he was speaking. "I want to say yes but... I don't... I don't want to hurt you when I go..."

Drayke smiled. In the faint moonlight, his black mouth seemed to stretch all the way across his face. "That's very considerate of you, but I'll deal with that when the time comes." he said. "For now, can you do me that one favor?" He put his hand on top of the one Anthony had on his chest and held it there.

Some part of Anthony's human self felt that if he said no - not that he would - Drayke's heart would stop beating; that he was holding his hand there so that when it broke, Anthony would feel it. He looked from their hands to Drayke's face. Up until now he'd seemed young and carefree. Now he could see age in his pale, pointed face. Anthony thought about the power he had over this human, then dismissed it. Somehow he felt that if he denied Drayke this one thing, even in jest, that pale face would shatter into a thousand pieces. He wondered how these people managed to grow so attached to him in less than twenty-four hours. In this short time, he'd been shown more love than in the entire time he spent with the Watkins'

Suddenly Drayke seemed okay again. He was kissing Anthony's neck and shoulders again. He'd pushed the half-demon onto his back and started moving down his bare chest. Somewhere between his thoughts, Anthony must have nodded. He was certain he hadn't said anything. He shook himself. "Drayke, stop."

"Why?" he asked.

"You're Kyle's mate, not mine. I don't think I should be doing this." Drayke sighed. Anthony could feel his breath about three inches below his navel. He was coming dangerously close to breaking the promise he'd made before. He'd even managed to get Anthony's zipper down without him noticing.

Drayke groaned and crawled back up the bed, resting his head on Anthony's chest. "I told you Kyle won't mind, but if it puts you at ease, I asked him myself."

"What'd he say?"

"Kyle said, and I quote, 'I don't think I have a problem with it. If he doesn't say no, go ahead.'" Drayke replied, running is fingers up and down Anthony's flat stomach. "But you're not comfortable with all this right now, I can tell." He chuckled. "Don't worry, I'll leave you alone... for now." Drayke lifted his head from Anthony's chest and kissed him on the cheek before crawling over him to get out of the bed. "Mind if I borrow your outfit?"

"Um, of course not, but why?" Anthony asked, sitting up on his elbow.

"Gonna go to the Laundromat and wash them. You'll need something clean to wear when we go shopping." The man replied, pulling on Anthony's band tee. "Jeans too, please." He said, getting out of his own wrinkled pair. He wore no underwear.

Anthony's heart skipped a beat, shocked at how easily this stranger got naked in front of him. He slipped out of his own jeans, careful to keep his black boxers on while he stared at Drayke's pale form. He had a large, crescent scar on his side, both his nipples were pierced and there was a tattoo that looked like a garter made of golden waves around his left thigh. When Drayke turned around to hold out his hand for the jeans, Anthony caught sight of the human's manhood hanging below his fine black pubic hair. He was very well endowed.

"Drool later, pants now." Drayke snickered. "Come along now, Draykey horny."

"I thought you were going to the Laundromat!" Anthony said, scrambling to get out of his jeans while still staring at the naked man before him.

"Who says I can't take care of both?" he asked with a wink.

"What's that scar on your side?" Anthony asked as he handed his battered black skinny jeans over. Drayke looked at the scar and traced it with his long fingers. "Did you know that there are sharks at Hightown Beach? Not the upright landsharks, mind you. Lurking beneath the surface, fin coming toward you, sharks."

"Oh my God, you were attacked by a shark?"

Drayke nodded. "I was surfing one night by myself and I slipped off my board."

"How'd you get away?"

The human pointed to the pair of crossed sai on the wall. "There's a dead shark drifting about out there somewhere." He said proudly, slipping into Anthony's jeans and a pair of sandals. He stopped at the door and looked back. "Ask Kyle to get you some of my clothes if you're still feeling shy around us. I'm gonna go get my rocks off now." Then he was gone.

Anthony sank back onto his back and stared at the ceiling. He took a deep breath and held it for a few moments before slowly exhaling a plume of black fire. It felt like he hadn't breathed since he found Drayke napping behind him. He focused on his forehead and forced his short horns to sprout just inside his hairline. Next were his fangs. Anthony clenched his teeth, bearing down until his canines elongated. He'd started on his tail, but thought better of it. When tasked with reverting quickly, he most often forgot his tail.

He got up and stood in front of the window, soaking in the moonlight. Across the room, he cast a long, winged shadow on the wall. Anthony pondered for a moment whether or not anyone could see him from the sidewalk, then forgot about it. A stranger had thoroughly explored the upper half of his body not five minutes ago. What did it matter now if another simply saw him in his boxers? Drayke had just stood in the same spot, stark naked. It would have been a little weak if he couldn't do the same thing wearing more than the human had.

After a few more moments, Anthony turned from the window, retracting his horns and fangs before exiting the room. Maybe Kyle was awake. He hadn't gotten to talk to the bigger human today. If Kyle were awake, he probably wouldn't mind putting his arms around the young half-demon for a while. Anthony made his way down the hall and into the living room where he found Kyle; sitting on the couch, asleep with his slacks half down and one of his hands loosely gripping his thick cock.

The only thing that surprised Anthony was how not bothered by this he was. The only emotion that came to him was amazement about how open the two of them were. Now more than before, he knew he'd miss this place when he found his father and the time came for him to part ways with these remarkable strangers. He stepped further into the room. Despite the scene before him, he still wanted Kyle's arms around him. He sat on the couch next to him. Carefully, Anthony lifted Kyle's left arm, separating his hand from his manhood to put it around him.

Anthony froze when Kyle sucked in a deep breath. He was still asleep, but his unconscious body drew Anthony closer to him. He put his head on Kyle's chest and listened to his heart beat in his chest. The half-blood looked to the human's hand. He brought it up to his face and too Kyle's thumb into his mouth. The taste of human seed there didn't bother him. Comfortable, he would stay there until morning if left undisturbed.