Assimilated - Attack Cats

Story by whitecrow323 on SoFurry

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#3 of Assimilated

Here is another idea that a fan on FA suggested after reading my assimilated stories. Basic premise, a group of elite special ops soldiers is sent to investigate the doings of the robotic felines and being lovingly assimilated in the process. Enjoy.


Assimilated - Attack Cats

I guess my life could be worse. My name is Alex Williams and I've risen high in the armed forces of the UK, all the way to 'A' squadron of the 21st SAS Regiment under the call-sign Griffon. I received a promotion to 1st Lieutenant recently and I have a good working relationship with my squad. Our commander is Captain Jonathan Bruce, call-sign Osprey. He can be a demanding CO at times, but his expectations are never unreasonable and he never puts us in situations that he is not be willing to endure. Simply put, he's a natural leader whose subordinates would gladly march to hell and back by his side. While my squad mates have a well earned respect for him, it goes much deeper then that for me. In addition to his noble character, he is very easy on the eyes, with attractive scars and defined muscles that have been forged in countless covert operations, I find it hard not to be attracted to him. That being said, I keep my unrequited infatuation a secret every one. While the armies of Europe may not be as tight assed about gays as the States, I still do not want to risk being transferred to another squad or getting fired over what amounts to an office romance.

The other members of our squad also have avian call signs. Cormorant, our sniper, is one of if not the best marksman I have ever met. He could easily shoot the wings off a fly at 150 meters and can maintain a calm, zen-like state with an all out fire fight going on around him. Small wonder that he meditates to sound loops of gunfire and explosions. Our Medic, call sign Pelican, is a paragon a selflessness and would gladly sacrifice his life if it would allow even one of us to live. As for me, I specialize in electronics intelligence. I am a very skilled hacker who can crack just about any system in existence. My eye for detail, the source of my call sign, also allows me to act as a spotter for Cormorant. While he is formidable on his own, when his shots are guided by my keen eyes, we make an unstoppable team. While I'm on good terms with the squad, having to hide my crush for Osprey has been very exhausting. For the longest time, I lamented that I would be forever be so close and yet so far away from my love interest.

This changed dramatically during our last mission with the SAS. While on some R&R in London, I received a call to report back to base immediately. Once I got back, Osprey called the squad in for a briefing and stated in a serious tone, "Sorry for the late call gentlemen, but we have a missing person situation that needs our immediate attention. Over the past week, an MI6 agent was investigating strange occurrences in the Faroe islands. He went dark about three hours ago, which is where we come in. We are to HALO jump to the agents last location and investigate his disappearance. If we find him, we're to walk him back. With any luck, this will be a quick mission and we can get on with our lives. Get plenty of rest since we'll be leaving at 22:30 GMT. Dismissed."

With about seven hours till departure, I spent the time getting my gear ready. My primary weapon was a FN P90 with a silencer, infrared laser, and holographic sight. My side arm was a 357 Mateba Auto-revolver, which raised a lot of eyebrows and required a lot of paperwork, but I gladly trusted my life to that wheel gun. Other then that my equipment was pretty standard. Kevlar vest and helmet, flash-bangs, frag grenades, combat knife, gas mask, thermal goggles, and three days worth of MREs. My gear ready, I spend the rest of my time asleep, despite Cormorants noisy meditation near by. My dreams centered around Osprey, as they always did before we went on a mission. I dreamed of circumstances that allowed me to express my love for him. Naturally I did not want this to end, but my alarm clock brought me back to realty.

Our transport to the drop zone was a C-130 that we would jump out of at 33,000 feet. The flight to the target area was a rather quiet affair, with each of us doing what was necessary to get into a relaxed state not unlike that of the legendary Spartan warriors. After roughly three hours of flying we neared the Faroe Islands. Once we had our parachutes and oxygen tanks on, the back ramp opened and we waited for the jump signal. After several tense minutes, the red-light turned green and we jumped into the night. Flying in close formation, we glided towards our target on the south shore of Svinoy island. At 900 feet, we pulled our ripcords and were treated to the jarring sensation of decelerating from 130 mph to 12 mph in the space of a few seconds.

After a minute of two of gently gliding down, we landed on the south shore of Svilnoy with in 30 meters of each other. After gathering our jump gear, we took time to look over a map of the local area. The last confirmed transmission from our High Value Individual was at 62 degrees, 15 minutes, and 32 seconds north by 6 degrees, 23 minutes, and 2 seconds west. His last message mentioned strange electrical readings coming from a mountain on the island called Havnartindur. After that, there was the sound of a brief struggle followed by static. We would first visit his last confirmed location and spread out from there. If we had not located any sign of the HVI after 48 hours, we would be extracted by a mini sub from the beach we had touched down on.

While hiking to the location in question, we chatted about a rumor that had been going around the special ops profession. While it was kept secret from the general public, the populations of several remote island had gone missing. From remote locations like the Sandwich islands, to places like Tonga that had acquired a modest tourist value. Of particular concern, was the disappearance of scientific outposts like McMurdo station in Antarctica and Kwajalein Atoll in the Pacific. Regardless of the location, the end results are always the same. Signs of struggle are minimal to non existent and supplies only partially disturbed. Food and clothing were left in place while technical equipment was removed. There were several theories, but none could be proven.

Adding to the erie atmosphere, when we came to a barren col between Knukur and Havnartindur we saw a complete absence of lights where the town of Svinoy should have been. While it was a small settlement, the fact that there were no lights was quite odd. Thinking that this might have something to do with our HVI, we took a small detour to investigate. Like all of the other places where disappearances had happened, there was little evidence of struggle. It simply looked like the place had been quickly evacuated. Finding nothing of interest, we resumed our trek towards the HVIs last known position.

After several minutes of hiking, we finally reached the last known location of the HVI. Much to our chagrin, the area proved to simply be a barren plain. We were all justifiably frustrated at being sent on what was looking like a wild goose chase. In a rare moment of anger, Cormorant kicked a small river rock while shouting obscenities. These quickly showed more fear then frustration when the false ground beneath him gave way.

When we asked if he was alright, Cormorant stated in a more usual tone, "I'm alright. I've accidentally discover a hidden tunnel that about four feet down. Since we have no other leads, we might as well as where this goes." Joining our sniper underground, we set out exploring the tunnel with myself taking point. As we went continued down the tunnel, The passages started to get wider and taller. Eventually we came to a locked wooden door set in a stone wall. This was little obstacle to the halligan tool that Osprey always had handy.

As we opened the door, the contrast between where we had come from and where we were going was night and day. In place of the rough-hewn tunnel that required our thermal goggles, this hall way was covered in grey, uniform metal that was brightly illuminated. Despite the sense of unease that flowed through all of us, we know that we needed investigate further. As our search progressed, we started to suspect that we were going around in circles. Additionally, we were beginning to see enemies that did not exist. Our discipline kept us from firing, but it was still highly unsettling.

Some time later, we arrived at a large underground chamber that had a futuristic looking door on the opposite side. As we approached, Cormorant went to work scanning the surrounding area for any targets. Finding none, we gave the door a through look over. Since the door was locked, I went to work trying to hot-wire it, while the rest of the squad watched my back looking for any threats. To my surprise, the programming language used by the electronics was like nothing I had ever seen. This only added to my suspicion that that we were dealing with really strange circumstances.

We were all startled out of our concentration by a red bolt that narrowly missed Pelican. Seeking cover, we ran back to the hallway we had entered from. While staying in its relative safety, I briefly caught sight of a human like form. However, it was fully covered in thick metal and had the head of a leopard. I tried to convince the others of what I saw, but they were highly skeptical. This all changed when one of the bolts hit Cormorant in the chest. As he fell over, we quickly dragged him into the labyrinth in an attempt to treat his injuries.

Pelican reacted in shock, "This does not make any sense, he took a shot to the center mass yet he has no entry or exit wounds. What's more, his vitals have slowed down but their stable. Can't rouse him though." At this point I suggested that we bug out and call in an air strike on this facility. Needless to say, my squad-mates were in complete agreement. As we fled through several hallways, with Cormorant on my back, it looked like we would make it out. That all changed when a black jaguar cut us off. With super human speed, he swung a batton that had a light red glow around the end. This connected with Pelican knocking him out cold.

Osprey responded with several rounds from his L86, but the bullets simply bounced off the robotic feline. As I laid Cormorant on the ground and prepared to defend myself, I could only watch in horror as Osprey was incapacitated as well. Taking aim with my P90, I emptied a full mag into the jaguar, to no effect. In desperation, I drew my revolver and emptied it as well, scoring hits on the head and chest. With no time to reload, and my options growing fewer, I pulled out my combat knife and prepared to charge. Before exploding towards my enemy, I whispered, "For Osprey."

Yelling at the top of my lungs as the distance between us decreased, I felt that I would at least be able to do something in the name of my secret lover. However it was not to be. The robot easily grabbed my attacking hand and gripped my neck with his free hand. As I struggled to get free, I felt a powerful jolt run through me that left me in the same state as my squad-mates. Before passing out, I heard the Jaguar saying, "Mmmm Skilled fighters. You will make fine additions to our army."

For what must have been hours, I remained in a fitful sleep, ever wondering what I would awake to. The answers came soon enough as my sight returned to me. The room was similar to the hallways that we had been captured in with the exception of a door that was in front of me. Wanting to see more of the room, I looked down are came to the unsettling realization that I was naked and restrained in four metal tentacles. To my right were my squad-mates, who were restrained in the same manner that I was. We all held similar questions as to who had captured us and what they wanted. Since most of us had now seen the robots, the others apologized for doubting me.

In a seaming answer to our questions, the door in front of me opened. To my surprise, the black jaguar that had captured us walked in and spent several minutes carefully examining all of us. As he fondled Osprey, our CO stated in an annoyed tone, "Why have you captured us. What are your demands."

WIth an amused chuckle, the robotic feline replied, "Mmm you are in control of you fears, just another reason that you are perfect for our cause. As you are probably aware, there have been several disappearances in remote island locations. That has been our doing. We are a race of robotic felines that are on a galactic campaign to elevate all life to our perfection. All who we capture are assimilated into our forces and you are the latest prospects."

As all of us reacted in collective shock, the Jaguar stated, "Relax, I can attest from personal experience that the assimilation process is quite pleasant. I was the first human to join our cause and since I responded well, my Master decided to appoint me as his second in command. Speaking of which, I might as well invite him in to assist me." Once he finished, a robotic tiger walked in that was slightly taller then the Jaguar that had captured us. Against one of them, I could not help but feel a little nervous, but the pair was down right terrifying.

In a voice that was even lower then the jaguar, the tiger stated, "While you are all excellent human specimens, I think I'll start with the one you call Osprey. " As our CO was moved away from us, we all demanded our captors to stop, but there was little we could do, restrained as we were. Once out of earshot, I noticed the tiger whispering something to Osprey. What ever was said resulted in a questioning look from my CO. Shortly after that, the robotic pair forced Osprey onto all fours and took positions at his ass and mouth. None of us had any idea as to how our captors intended to 'assimilate' us, but their extending metallic members were not comforting.

As if their synthetic arousal was not unnerving enough, the lube that they were spreading on their members and their prospects exit showed that our forced joining of their army would be a highly carnal affair. The jaguar offered his phallus, but Osprey refused. This reluctance changed when the tiger began to thrust forward. As their prospect opened his mouth in shock, the Jaguar roughly thrusted forward and instantly deep throated his captive. As this happened, the tiger quickly hilted his long and thick member. Our strong CO, who had faced down many a strong enemy was completely helpless and we could only watch in horror knowing that we would be next.

The copulation that played out before us was fast and hard, with no quarter offered to the prospect. Like it would no doubt be for the rest of us, this rape would be a punitive action for all of the resistance that we had given. In under five minutes, the robotic pair had finished their work and let out a roar of relief that was shared by Osprey. As they pulled out, our CO was pulled into a position similar to the one that we had awoken in. I was shocked to hear Osprey moan in pleasure as the cum that had been injected took effect.

As small connection points sprouted on our CO's body, the tiger stated, "While he's cooking, we might as well move on to you sniper." While he was saying this, Cormorant was dragged away from us demanding that he be released. Once again the tiger whispered something to his chosen human, which caused Cormorant to give Pelican the same glance that I had received from Osprey. What ever was meant by this was irrelevant as Cormorant was mounted and trussed up for his assimilation.

In a sultry tone, the tiger stated to Pelican and myself, "Just relax, soon you shall join you comrades in our perfection." I watched in half horror and half fascination as Osprey and Cormorant were covered in armor that bore conventional jaguar patterns. That fact that I was forced to look at my lover in the nude made it nigh impossible to prevent my lust from being obvious. I briefly looked over and thought that I noticed pelican sporting a similar boner. The black jaguar walked over to the two of us and stated in a flirty tone, "Don't worry, we have something special planned for the four of you. Once you comrades are fully assimilated, you will receive the same treatment."

After several minutes had passed, our commander and sniper looked similar to our robotic captors. The tiger stated, "Now all that remains is to program them. Don't worry, they will retain their free will as will you." As he said this, four tentacles descended from the ceiling with many branches that glowed bright blue. The limbs connected and began their work. Five minutes later, the pair were released and slowly walked over to Pelican and myself.

As the robot who use to be Osprey stopped right in front of me, I could not help but tremble with fear. I was very scared that the man I loved was trapped with in a soulless shell. In an effort to assuage my fears, Osprey stated, "Relax Griffon, I'm still the same personality that you have known. My new Master told me of your desires and I want you to know that the feeling is mutual." While saying the last part, Osprey gently stroked my cheek with one hand and fondled my balls with the other.

Continuing, "We have a special offer to give to you. If you join us willingly, you will stay by my side and we will be able to enjoy our love with out worrying about what our employers think. Quite the opposite in fact. Our masters view the relationship between us as an asset towards their noble cause. We shall act like a K-9 team, with you as the pet, since I also happen to know that you have long dreamed of offering your ass to me. So, do you want to get on all fours and join us."

Finally seeing an opportunity to let my love flow freely, I happily answered in the affirmative. The tentacles that had held me released and I weakly collapsed into the arms of my lover. With considerable care, Osprey carried me over to where his assimilation had taken place. Setting me down on my feet, my CO ordered me to get down on all fours. Like many other orders he had given me, I eagerly complied, waiting for the assimilation process to begin. The tiger who led the cause kneeled near my head while Osprey kneeled near my ass. While this was going on, I looked over and noticed that Pelican was being subject to the same treatment, with Cormorant at his rear and the second in command at his head, I relaxed and accepted what was about to happen.

With every one at the ready, Osprey covered his phallus in lube and I eagerly took the tigers member into my mouth. Once I was deep throating my future masters cock, the Jaguar behind me thrusted forward. Since I had used several sizable dildos, Osprey slid in fairly easily and I moaned slightly at begin taken by my lover. I could also hear Pelican uttering similar noises as he to was penetrated. As I quickly became accustom to Osprey's phallus, he started to thrust back and forth. The tiger acted similarly and used his hands to set the pace at which he fucked my face.

As had happened with our CO and sniper, our lovers quickly found relief and flooded us with the nanites that would allow us to join the perfection that Osprey and Cormorant knew. Once they pulled our, I was surprised several tentacles that left me supported instead of restrained. Pelican and I were gently lifted up and lowered into a pair of tanks that appeared from the wall. While they were filled with a liquid that looked like mercury, I had no fear since it would be a part my assimilation.

As the liquid reached the middle of my chest, I felt a hidden tentacle penetrate my anus. While this was happening, another tentacle descended from the ceiling and easily entered my mouth. As it settled within my lungs, I gave a questioning glance to Osprey. To this he replied, "to facilitate your transformation, the very shape of your body must be changed before you can be armored. The Fluid in these tanks will painlessly do this." Once this explanation was completed, I was quickly submerged in the liquid.

Initially I panicked at the lack of air, but the tentacle in my mouth eased that fear as it started to feed me a steady supply of oxygen. All around me I felt a warm and pleasant tingle that came from the silver liquid that I was immersed in. This only increased as I felt my body shifting into a more quadrupedal shape. The pleasure quickly overwhelmed me and I dwelt in a dreamlike fog of pure joy as my body changed around me.

I could not tell how long this lasted, but eventually, I felt it coming to an end. As I was lifted from the water, I could immediately tell that my body had undergone considerable changes. Besides my four legged form, I was also covered in jet black armor that could easily take hits from nearly any weapon in existence. I was roughly the size of a natural jaguar and slightly heavier due to what I was made of. Once I was set down on the floor in front of the tank I tried to test my new limbs. Despite my mental efforts, the motors in my limbs did not respond. Seeing the struggles that Pelican and I shared, the tiger responded, "Your locomotive abilities have been disabled for the time being so that you can be programed. Don't worry, since you have responded well, you will simply be taught to obey us and the knowledge that you will need for your roles."

As Osprey stated this, a pair of tentacles descended from the dealing with multiple tips that glowed bright blue spreading out from the ends. The luminous appendages quickly attached to the sides of my head and I once again descended into unconsciousness. With in my dreams, I could move again and I was not alone. I awkwardly ambled over to Pelican and then noticed that Osprey, Cormorant, the tiger and his right hand were watching us. Once I regained my coordination, Osprey call me to come to him.

With a mix of excitement and apprehension, I approached my commander and lover and immediately healed at his feet. Immediately after that, Osprey gently stroked under my jaws. Despite the fact that I was no longer organic, this action gave me sensations of sublime pleasure. Cormorant gave a similar command to Pelican, who obeyed with out question. In a strange way, I could feel the joy that our medic felt in submitting to Cormorant and I knew he felt my joy in submitting to Osprey.

Now that our roles were established, Osprey and Cormorant started training Pelican and Myself. The commands were simple at first; sit, stay, heel, retrieve, roll over, and play dead, commands that any obedient k-9 would know. In mere minutes, Pelican and I were able to obey these simple commands in a split second. Satisfied with our progress on the basics, we were commanded to stand in place side by side.

While standing there, a pair of strange devices were lowered down to us. Strangely I immediately knew what the device was, a tele-operated gun turret that was going to be linked to my neural net. The weapon mounted to this looked like a 6 barrel mini gun arranged to rotate around a large auto cannon.

The outer barrels were referred to as a gatling laser that was for antipersonnel use. In low powered mode, it would fire 3000 shots per minute, any one of which would quickly stun any organic target. If the power was increased, the rate dropped to 1000, but it was capable of disabling most light vehicles.

The inner barrel was a high capacitance laser that was intended for heavy anti-vehicle use. At its highs setting, the hi-cap laser could fire a single shot with a yield equal to 10 kilo tons of tnt. Of course, since we wanted our victims alive, this mode would probably be locked off most of the time. A more manageable setting fired 300 shots per minute that would short out any vehicle while leaving the occupant unharmed. It could also be powered down and used for sniping at ranges that the gatling laser could not reach. This mount combined with my sedative covered claws and fangs meant that I was well equipped to serve my master.

As the turrets settled onto our backs, Pelican and I instantly synced the weapons to our targeting subsystems. The feeling of having such a powerful weapon on my back was much more intimate then simply holding a Mateba in my hands. This felt like an additional limb that was second nature to command and point. While experimenting with our weapons, Osprey and Cormorant commanded our attention. The pair of us quickly followed our masters to what looked like an obstacle course.

Our masters quickly gave us instructions as to what was expected. The two of us were to navigate the course cooperatively and take out any targets that presented themselves. The first part was structured like a long jungle gym that was made of soft wood so that our claws could easily grip it. Beyond that, there was a stretch of hall way with several pop up targets that had to be engaged on the run. The last part was a large domed cage that Pelican and I had to survive in for five minutes. Additionally, we had to watch each others backs due to the fact that targets would come at us from all directions and we would be penalized if we let any of them through.

With the instructions clear, a buzzer sounded and the two of us set off through the course. Our earlier practice had gave us ample knowledge as to how our bodies moved. Like our natural brethren, we effortlessly bounded from limb to limb, our paws never touching the ground.

After landing on the other side of the course, we set out throughout the target range. As targets popped up, our targeting subsystems quickly locked onto and eliminated them. To a human watching us, we would have appeared to be almost invisible. While most of our attentions were focused on the course we were running, I was able to tell that our masters were pleased with us.

Finally we arrived at the domed cage that shut behind us after we had entered. Immediately, Pelican and I took positions covering each others tails. As the clock started ticking down, holographic targets appeared from all directions and tried to approach us. The first few were easy to target and attacked in small numbers. However, as the seconds ticked down, the attacks became more numerous and organized. Despite this, Pelican and I easily managed to fend them off.

As the last second ticked off, the remaining targets around us dispersed and the door opened. Our masters ordered us over to them, their voices showing how proud they were of us. We were lovingly attended to by our handlers for a few minutes until the tiger and his right hand approached. In a reassuring tone, our commander stated, "You have done very well. You are now ready to serve our noble cause." After stating this, my vision faded to black and I returned to the world of the wakeful.

The programing tentacles retracted from my head and I made my first actual moves in my new body. Pelican and I spent some time admiring each other until our masters called us over. Without hesitation, we ran over and heeled at the feet of the robots that were Osprey and Cormorant. As our handlers rewarded our obedience, the tiger stated, "Now that you are a part of our army, I think its time that you share the gift you have received with your comrades."

Excited at the prospect of converting other members of our elite fraternity, we set about planing the assault on our former base near Regents Park. The four of us would infiltrate the perimeter and knock our the communications and security system. Two dozen loyal soldiers would be waiting behind us once we had softened up our target. The primitive intrusion alarms were no match for our electronic warfare equipment and accumulated knowledge, both before and after being assimilated.

In the course of our entry Pelican and I had subdued half a dozen guards and left them for the cleanup team to secure. Arriving at the base security office, I set about hacking the computers to knock out the radio and open all the remaining locks. Once this was done, we signaled the clean up team to move in and subdue the remaining guards. After hauling them off to be secured for assimilation, the team moved in and quietly sedated the remaining soldiers in their sleep. From there on, our egress to the safe house where our comrades would be assimilated was a piece of cake.

Our captives were assimilated in groups of six. At first, they reacted poorly to our offers, but that quickly changed when Osprey introduced himself. I could not blame them for their initial disbelief, but my master spoke with such authority that they could not doubt that it was him. Once given a short explanation, the group was happy to raise tail for us. The one who were single were quickly assimilated and added to our ranks, while the ones who were secret admirers were given the same offer that Osprey and I had accepted. As it had been for us, their programing was quick and quite enjoyable for all involved.

As good as my life was before being assimilated, the robotic felines gave me gifts that were simply too good to pass up. Not only do I now have a body that can run circles around any organic, but I serve at the side of my Osprey, my lover and master. While we may not be able to engage in sex as organics know it, we can link our neural nets, the pleasures of which are beyond description. Other then that, we regularly spit roast captured prospects on our chrome members while in the service of a noble cause. I could not ask for any more.

The End.


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Assimilated: A Cold Dish

A fellow on fur affinity enjoyed my Assimilated stories so much that he gave me two suggestions on how to extrapolate on them. This spin off story is the result of one of those Idea's. Occurring concurrent to Assimilated one, this explains in greater...

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