Revenge Edited

Story by BlakeRedFox on SoFurry

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#2 of Revenged

Well this is now the edited version, changed the intro, made some difference into the yiff scene as well as the ending. Enjoy. Again not for anyone under 18.

Drake and Manuel Copyrighted by me.


I was riding on the bus, going home from summer school. I lived to far away to walk and I didn't have a car because I couldn't afford one. I looked out the window and saw the bus approaching the stop I was getting off at.

I pulled the wire to signal the driver to stop. As the bus pulled to a stop, I grabbed my backpack and walked out the door, saying my thank to the driver as I left. The second I got outside, I groaned as the massive heat weave hit me with full force, showing no mercy.

I threw my bag on my back and hurried my way home, before I start dripping in sweat. As I was walking, I could hear the constant thump that sounded like a bird flying. I looked up in the sky and saw a figure that looked like a bird, which was the source of the thump.

I finally arrived at my house and unlock my front door, closing and locking it behind me. I walked up stairs and turn on the air conditioner, cooling the house down to seventy-five degrees. I turned around and walked into the room and threw my backpack onto the floor by the bed before I crashed onto the bed. I groaned and let out a sigh of relief before I closed my eyes. I quickly took off my clothes and threw it into the closet, trying to cool down. It was summer so temperatures got up to one hundred and fifth-teen since I lived in a desert.

"I really hate Fresno," I said out loud as he tired my best to cool down. I was five feet eight inches, with black hair. I had brown eyes and I was very skinny, and weak, but it was mostly because he didn't eat meat but not by choice, but by force. I was so skinny; it was easy to see my veins and bones. I've been working to gain wait, since the doctor said that if I didn't, than they would give me steroids so I can gain again.

I was lying down on my bed when I heard something from the closet, and I lifted my head up and looked there but I didn't see anything. I laid my head back down and relaxed until I suddenly felt someone on top of me, holding me down at my arms and sitting on my stomach.

"I got you now Manuel!"

I gasped and my eyes widen as I saw a dragon. I never knew they existed but as I looked at the dragon, he seem very familiar. He had broken horns, red scales, blue eyes and I look down and saw his white color chest and his star spike tail.

"Drake, is that you?"

Drake held me down tighter and I groan, as he was starting to hurt my arms. "You, You did this to me! Why?"

I tried to break free of Drake grip but I wasn't able to, "What do you mean?"

"Why did you create me only to have me almost kill myself?"

"I was writing a story, I didn't know you would have been alive!"

"But you made me who I am! Why?" Drake held me down tighter and he put his full weight on me and it was starting to get hard to breath.

"I'm sorry...." I tried to take a breath but Drake wasn't letting me, until he got off a bit and the second he did, I started hyperventilating.

"Manuel, why did you do this to me?"

I responded panting, slowly catching my breath, "I didn't mean was...a way for vent. I really don't like my life.... I hate it."

"So you created me so you can vent? So you gave me your crappy life?"

"Yes, but I didn't know you would be alive. I'm sorry; I never meant to cause you so much pain."

Drake sighed and looked up for a while before he looked back down at me, staring into my eyes. "So what are you going to do to make it up to me?"

I looked away, "I don't know Drake. I'm still shock you are alive."

"Do you want to make it up to me?"

"Yes, I do anything to make it up to you. I didn't mean to cause you all this pain. But how can I make it up to you Drake?"

Drake grinned and then suddenly pushes his muzzle against my mouth. I felt his tongue pushing it way into my mouth. Drake also pressed his hips against mine and I moaned, while Drake kissed me. I could feel Drake tongue sliding across mine as he pulls on it.

At first, I tried to push Drake off me, but the more I tried to, the harder he held me down and the harder he grind his hips against mine, which only made me moan louder. Doing the kiss, Drake notice I was enjoying myself and he let go of my arms and used his claw to grip my limp dick.

I gasped, moaned even louder and started to pant. Drake broke the kissed and grinned, "Oh, so this please you?" Drake grinned grew larger before grabbing my legs and pulling me towards him fast only to climb on top of me where his slit was in my face and his muzzle was by my limp dick.

"Get me hard and suck me off if you don't want me to bite off your manhood," Drake growled.

I flinched at the thought and I slowly got closer to Drake's slit. Drake was getting tired of waiting and moved his mouth closer to my length and he showed his teeth. I wasn't able to see him but then I felt his teeth scarping my length and I quickly closed up the space between Drake's slit and my mouth. Being a virgin, I had no idea what I was doing but I tried my best to please Drake before he cause me any pain.

I quickly moved my tongue across Drake's slit and I heard him moan, which was heartwarming for me. I didn't want Drake to get madder at me. Drake pushed his hips into my face, as he growled softly, while he waited for me to get him hard. I licked again and keep licking, until Drake grip weaken on me. I could see the tip of the dragon hood peaking out of this slit, just wanting to come out.

Drake was panting softly and then grabbed my legs and made us lay on our sides. Drake smiled and then looked at me, "If you continue doing a good job than I will make it worth your wild." Drake grinned, but I didn't understand what he meant by that. I didn't let it affect me so I just keep licking at Drake's slit until the tip of Drake's dragon hood came out.

I was only a few inches away but it looked huge, compare to me. I sucked on the tip and Drake moan even louder than before. I had trouble getting his wide dragon hood into my mouth and once it was in, it was hard getting it out. I was my best to suck him off and get him hard, and Drake was happy with my work since he couldn't stop moaning. It was hard getting the thick, long dragon meat inside my mouth, and getting it in deeper was even harder but Drake was just lost in pleasure and pushed his hips into my mouth, forcing his meat to spread my mouth open.

I started to gag as it was forcing it way down my throat. I couldn't breathe very well, not even through my nose. Drake didn't notice at all, I tried my best to push myself off his length but I was too weak. "I really need to start working out," I thought as I pushed harder with no success. Drake was moaning loudly and he felt his full length slide out of his slit.

Drake was moaning really loud and was leaking a lot of pre, which flew straight down my throat since Drake's length was so deep into my mouth. Drake didn't want to cum yet so he pulled himself out of my mouth and I immediately started hyperventilating and coughing loudly. I turn and lay on my back and closed my eyes, while I was catching my breath.

Drake looked and saw how weak and submissive I looked, and grinned. Drake was still hard and wanted more so he quickly crawls closer to me. I could feel the bed shift but because my eyes were closed, I didn't notice Drake sitting in between my legs.

"Drake....what ahhh," I gasp as Drake quickly flipped me around and onto my stomach. "Drake what are y- OH MY GOD!" I felt Drake force his whole length into my, what was once my virgin hole in one thrust. My eyes were watering and I felt blood started to leak out of my hole. "WHY IN THE WORLD DID I MAKE YOU 9 INCHES!?" I scream out loud, trying to fight the pain from being taken so hard and violently.

Drake roared loudly as he felt my very tight hole embracing his length. He heard me screaming out in pain and he enjoyed it. He was happy that he was getting revenge on me, and he started to pump himself in and out of me hard and fast. I was crying loudly and I could hear Drake moaning and roaring, which only made me realized that he wasn't going to stop.

I was on the verge of passing out from way Drake was taking me. I could feel the thick and long meat forcing it way even deeper into me. Drake keeps pumping fast into me and he was leaking so much pre, which he was using as lubrication. I could feel his length throbbing deep inside me as well as the hot dragon seed that was being spread around the walls of my inside.

Drake pulled out one last time, before he grabbed my hips and thrust in fast and hard. Drake's hip slapped hard against my backside and Drake came hard into my hole. Drake instincts took over and he roar loudly before biting down onto my right shoulder. The pain from Drake taking me so hard and then the pain from the shoulder were too much for me and I pass out.

Drake kept himself inside me and crashed on top of me. He full weight on top of me, and he panted heavily. He looked down at me and then he suddenly felt guilt. "Maybe I shouldn't have been so hard. I mean he created me. I know he gave me a bad life, but he also done a lot for me." Drake shook me to wake me up as he pulled himself out of me.

"Manuel. Manuel wake up," Drake shook me more and I slowly started to wake up. "Manuel, wake up please. I'm sorry."

I groaned as I finally woke up. I could feel all the pain from what happened before. Drake gently turned me around and laid me on my back. He got close to me and lay right next to me. "Manuel, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do this. Please forgive me."

Drake crawled into a small ball and looked at me. I tried to sit up but as I slowly work myself up, I felt an extreme amount of pain coming from my back. Drake moved over to me and then placed his claw on my back and slowly helped me sit up right.

"Drake," I said weakly. I lost nearly all my energy and everything was a huge blur. My head was spinning and staying up hurt a lot. I would have fallen back down on the bed if Drake wasn't supporting my back.

"I'm so sorry."

"It....okay Drake. Can you....set me....down....I'm in.....a lot of.....pain and.....I'm tired."

Drake let me down slowly and looked at me carefully. He looked down and saw that I was rock hard. "How about I make it up to you?"

"What mean?"

Drake quickly went down and lick my length from the base to the tip. I gasp and moaned loudly as the rough retaliation tongue work on my length. Drake smiled and took my whole length down in his maw, and I gasped and moaned loudly as I felt the warm and wet maw surround my length. My length was already throbbing painfully, just begging to release all the sweet seed.

"Ohhh.....Drake..." I panted heavily and moaned as Drake bobbed his head while using his tongue to massage my length. I just couldn't take it anymore and came hard into Drake's maw and he swallowed it.

I was ready to pass out but Drake was keeping me up, as he fondles my balls while he finished drinking my seed. Drake looked up at me and smiled, "That better?"

I nodded slowly and closed my eyes, so I can go to bed but Drake wasn't letting me. He keeps on licking on my length, making sure he got every drop of cum. As tired as I was, my body wouldn't listen to my commands and let me sleep.

Drake finally stops licking my length and looked up at me and smiled. He gently rubbed my chest softly and he crawled closer to me. He laid his head on my chest and he looked up at me. I giggled and tried to pet him with what energy I had left. It was only then that I realized that he was really only one year old, even if he started as a seven-teen year old.


Drake looked at me, "Yes Manuel?"

"Thanks for a great first time."

"Um, I was hard on you, and you passed out. How is that a great first time?"

I blushed slightly, but it wasn't noticeable since I was so dark, "I like it rough."

Drake giggled and looked at me, "Well then tomorrow, I can teach you the true strength of a dragon."

I thought about it and smiled, "That would be fun, since school now over. Thank you Drake."

"No. Thank you Manuel, for creating me and making me real."

I smiled and closed my eyes, getting ready for bed. Drake yawned and laid his head on my chest and we both feel asleep.