Anniversary Present for my love

Story by tripleg on SoFurry

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"Happy anniversary hun" I giggled, reaching across the table to hold erik's paw.

"Happy anniversary to you too hun" He replied, grinning broadly as he took my paw in his.

Our voices blended in with those of the happy couples around us, the resteraunt was full of furs like us. I'd picked the resteraunt because of the atmosphere; it was the perfect place for a 5 year anniversary dinner. I looked across the table at Erik, grinning broadly, admiring his cute black dress shirt.

"the shirt looks cute on you pup" I commented chuckling quietly.

He blushed "awww, thanks hun, not as cute as you though" he replied, giving my paw a light squeeze and giggling.

"can you believe its been five whole years?" I asked, sighing happily and gazing into his beautiful green-blue eyes.

He murred happily "the five best years of my life"

I giggled and leaned in, kissing him gently on the nose "Same here pup, feels like we met just yesterday though"

He giggled and gave me a cute grin "well, time flies when you're having... fun" he replied, giggling as he added emphasis to "fun".

I just chuckled "horny little pup, aren't ya?"

"Only for you" he responded, murring softly

I was about to give him a kiss when the waiter finally showed up, gotta love how they're only in a hurry when you don't want them to be.

Erik quickly dove into his food, eating it hungrily. Poor thing, we'd been waiting almost half an hour for the food.

I sat there and stared at him, a soft grin resting on my muzzle. My gaze fell upon the ring I'd given him for his birthday and memories flooded back. Five years, and yet he still wore that ring. I sighed and grinned, this was love. Just looking at him got me so happy, and even the thought of being with him made me feel like I was at complete bliss. He looked up and noticed me staring.

"What's up?" he asked, looking at me curiously

I smiled and picked up my knife "nothing cutie, just thinking"

He grinned and went back to his food, while I continued to gaze at him, absent mindedly pushing the food around my plate.

This, was love, in its truest form.

I love you Erik <3 ( )

Room 712 (part 2)

ROOM 712 (part 2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I awoke to the sound of a television coming from the living room....

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one nation (poem)

In this "one nation under god", Our sense of right is just a fraud. We pray for death in a foreign country, While people here are ever hungry. We hate the gays for their way of love, Then pass off our hate as words from above. We're afraid of...

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Earth's new beginings

I awoke to a cold hand pressed against my face. My eyes flickered open, allowing the dim light to filter in, my eyes slowly adjusting to the sparsely lit environment. I was laying on...

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