Alex's Pokemon Travels: Resolution

Story by Ausfer on SoFurry

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#3 of Charmeleon Story (old)

Okay, so here is the 3rd part of this ridulous(ly awesome) Pokemon story. If you're new to the series, you can start here without missing much because I explain everything as I go along.

Fan reactions have expressed liking the love and relationship side of the story so I listened to you. This chapter is like a freakin' romance novel... in a good way. :P There's plot! Drama! Character development! Complicated dialog and character interaction! Alex goes through character growth, Amber struggles with drama, yadda yadda, and oh yea, sex. And love. And sex.

There's tons of smut, and if you're here just for that, hit CRTL + F and search for "full circle" for sexy Charmeleons seducing their trainers.


"Amber, quit it, already. What's going on with you, anyway?"

"Chaaar!!" The Charmeleon acted very jittery and cried out frightfully.

Alex sighed. She was acting really strange. Every time someone on a bicycle passed by, the lizard got really upset and angry. He had just been flagged down by a cyclist who wanted directions to the nearest city and Amber did nothing but growl at him the entire time. When Alex tried to put her in her pokeball, the fire lizard struggled and fought for control of the ball, incredibly embarrassing Alex to the cyclist.

"Hey, man... its alright, as long as she doesn't scorch me." the biker replied.

"Yea, but she's usually well behaved.... Anyway, like I said, continue on this route and you'll get to Ekruteak in no time."

Amber growled at the biker again, and Alex swatted her snout lightly in reprimand.

"Thanks, man... Catch you later."

And in an instant, the biker was gone.

Alex immediately turned to his Charmeleon. He knelt down and grabbed her shoulders and shook her gently. "What the heck has gotten into you?"

The Charmeleon frowned. She wanted to explain. She wish she could, but it was difficult. She doubt Alex would understand, regardless. The Pokemon only looked off into the distance defiantly. All she knew is that her trainer needed to be protected. Last night, his Gardevoir was meditating, searching the future, when she had a vision of her and a "man on a bike". All she knew is that it was supposed to be a bad experience for the Charmeleon.

She had no idea to expect, but the threat of the unknown scared her.

Suddenly, Alex's phone started ringing, causing the trainer to stop in his tracks. He took out his phone, and sighed as he saw who was calling. "Not him again.... dammit! Third time this week...."

"Hello? Yea, Hi, Youngster Joey."


"Yea, I know you're Rattata is amazing.... Wait, what do you even mean by "it's in the top percentage of Rattata"? That doesn't even make sense."


"Okay, okay.... Sorry.


"Okay, bye."

Alex shook his head as he stuff the phone back into his pocket. "I'd delete his number if my damn phone could allow me to..." he grumbled. "Top percentage... I mean, really... If it's such a top percentage rat, then why is it constantly losing to every nobody that comes out of New Bark Town with their level 5 Totodile? Next time I meet his Rattata you're gonna help me faint the SHIT out of his top percentage Rattata! Oh, and don't get me started on how he came up to me for our first battle...." Alex gave the Charmeleon his best high-pitched mocking voice: " 'I like shorts! They're comfy and easy to wear!'" he jeered. "You know, that's what he really said to me.... Who the hell starts up a conversation with that? It's freakin' creepy. Like he has a freakin' pants fetish. Ooh, really, Joey? You love shorts that much? Well, you better start your own damn I LOVE SHORTS FAN CLUB, JOEY!"

The Pokemon turned, distracted from Alex's rant as she heard a motor off in the distance.

"What is it, Amber? What do you-oh, now I hear it. Its just a motorcycle.... nothing to be afraid about."

The biker came up to the pair and rolled to a stop. A motorcycle helmet obscured his face. He pulled out a single pokeball and pointed it in the direction of the traveling pair.

The man wanted a battle.

Alex looked at his Charmeleon, who seemed to be acting normal... for now. She stared at the motorcycle curiously.... The lizard had never seen one before.

"Sure, lets go!" Alex yelled enthusiastically.

The man chuckled and took off his helmet.

And that's when the Charmeleon lost it.

Underneath the helmet was a man in his late twenties, with black, wiry hair and glasses that didn't seem to fit his personality. He had a stocky, slightly pudgy frame, with large, muscular arms. His bike was pristine... a sign that he either never used it, or loved it very much and kept good care of it. He carried himself with an air of smugness. Overall, the man came off as a little intimidating to both trainer and Pokemon

The Charmeleon recognized him instantly. She shrieked and immediately clutched Alex's leg in fear. She pulled his shirt down to hide her face underneath it. "No... oh no.... anyone but him." She let out a whimper

"What the hell?" Alex yelled.

The man laughed. "Looks like you're having trouble with your Charmeleon."

"Yea, she's acting a bit timid today... "

"My Pokemon's a fire type as well. The name's Shaun, by way. Let me battle it, fire against fire."

Alex looked down at his Charmeleon, who was cowering behind him and trembling with her head under his shirt. "I'm Alex, and uh... I don't think she's up to it, right now. "

Shaun laughed. "To be honest, you shouldn't give a fuck if she wants to or not. Just who is the trainer in this relationship? Come on, let's do this."

Well, nice to meet you too, Mr. Douchebag." Alex thought. He turned around, pulled Amber's head out from under his shirt, and gave her a whisper.

"Look, Amber... don't let me down now.... This guy sounds like he needs some humility beat into him."

The Charmeleon looked up into her trainer's firm gaze, and swallowed slowly. She now knew... this is what the Gardevoir had warned about. And she had to face him again.

Alex turned around again. "Okay, Amber... time for battle."

Slowly, with shoulders hung low, she stepped out from behind her trainer and faced the biker for the first time. She looked down at the ground, unwilling to make eye contact. Shaun squinted at the Charmeleon for a second and then his eyes opened wide.

"Amber, huh? Hmm...."


Shaun shook his head. "Ah, nothing. Its just that your Charmeleon looks weak." He laughed, then biker took his pokeball and activated it, and within seconds an elegant, but meek Ninetails stood before them.

"Kitt, attack that Charmeleon."


At the end of the battle, when Shaun's Ninetales lay on the ground, collapsed in exhaustion, there was no friendly handshake, no "Let me get your phone number for a rematch!", no money paid out to the winner.

There was only yelling.

Shaun walked up to his defeated Pokemon, not to console it, but to punish it. He grabbed the Ninetales' muzzle and yanked it to his face to scream at her. Alex winced as he heard the Ninetales squeal in pain from her trainer's grip.

"That's three times now! Three! What the fuck do I keep you around for if you can't even win a single fucking match today?" He rose his hand back and smacked the Ninetales in the face. She yowled in pain and whimpered, trying to roll onto her back to show submissiveness.

Alex felt uncomfortable at the situation. One of his biggest pet peeves was people that abused their Pokemon. He couldn't help but step up and say something despite the tension in the air.


The biker looked up at him. "Mind your own damn business, cocksucker. Your damn lizard didn't win the match, my Ninetales lost it."

Alex stepped forward. "Yelling at her isn't going to make her try harder. You need to train her better."

He laughed at Alex and stared into his eyes. "Are you... actually telling me what to do? Ha, that's kind of funny, because see... I know what the hell I'm doing. I got 2 badges." He pointed a finger right in Alex's face. "You're an arrogant little fucker, you know that? You're just like her.... the damn fox doesn't listen to me... she doesn't give respect."

"You don't have to hit her."

"Hitting a Pokemon ain't a crime, man."

"Uh yea, it is, actually..."

He laughed. "Only to the League. Mind your own business and get out of my face befo-HEY!"

The Ninetales squirmed, trying to worm out of his grasp while Shaun was distracted. He tightened his grip and smacked her in the face again, causing the Pokemon to cry out. Her normally proudly-standing tails were resting submissively on the ground.

Amber stepped forward, growling loudly as the Ninetales braced herself for another hit. Shaun looked up with impunity.

"Amber, are you gonna do something about it? What? You haven't got the balls. Go back to your favorite corner and cower like you always do."

Suddenly, everything clicked for Alex. "Wait... you know her."

Shaun stood up, looking caught off-guard."Oh, yea... I met her old trainer a wile back. Battled him a few times. You probably got her from a daycare, right? The bastard must have given her up." Shaun pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and pulled one out.

Amber growled loudly again. Alex wasn't convinced.

"Bullshit, she never had an old trainer. You met her in a Pokemon brothel down in Goldenrod.... I rescued her from that place."

The biker flinched, nearly dropping his cigarette. "Kitt, light this for me." The Ninetales struggled to get up and coughed a tiny bust of flame, just singing the tip. He brought the cigarette to his mouth and puffed a few times.

"... Well, fuck, maybe I did, maybe I didn't. Who knows?"

"Just admit it."

His anger was getting the better of him, and he powered through his cigarette as he prepared to respond.

"Fine. She was at a brothel. And I know her."

"And?" Alex pressed.

The biker crossed his arms, fed up with the younger trainer before him. "... And you know what? She was a good lay, too... with the right amount of convincing she'll do anything you want. How does it feel to train a whore of a Pokemon?"

Alex glared at the man, his fists clenching up. "... You hit and raped her, didn't you?"

Shaun scoffed. "She's a fuckin' Pokemon, man. It ain't rape if her damn job is to sit on the bed and to fuck you. If she doesn't want to, you just gotta make her do it, that's all. You should be glad I had sense enough to smack some respect into the damn lizard.... not everyone's gonna put up with a Pokemon that doesn't listen to humans."

"Stop talking about her like that. She's not some tool to use as you please.... Pokemon are intelligent and emotional creatures."

The man laughed. " What are you, 12? They're mindless critters. Just because they look cute and can understand speech doesn't make them human.... or smart, for that matter."

Standing at Alex's side, the Charmeleon was fuming. She wanted to attack that man. In her old life, she would have done nothing but hang her shoulders in resignation of his words. But despite only being freed from the Pokemon sex house several weeks past, that felt like a lifetime ago to Amber. Alex, under his supportive care and training, had taught the Charmeleon trust, confidence, and self respect.

She was not the same Charmeleon the biker used to know.

The biker flipped his cigarette to the ground and pulled out a second. "Kitt.... light it up."

Weakly, the exhausted and defeated Ninetales stood up. She opened her mouth and tried to squeeze out a flame, but found herself too tired, and only coughed air.

"Hey! What did I tell you? Light the damn cig!"

Flinching, she took a deep breath and tried harder, this time accidentally coughing up a large fireball. Flames dances around Shaun's hand. He flinched in pain and dropped the burning cigarette on the ground.

"AH! Kitt, you good-for-nothing..."

The biker raised his hand up in the air once more.

The look on the Ninetales' face was filled with fear and timidity. She whimpered. Alex thought she looked pitiful, the way she cowered, her eyes wide open and full of fear.

Amber had seen that look many times before. She saw it on the face of the Pokemon she had shared the brothel with.... They wore that face when this man and others like him came in, smiling cruelly, delighting in being able to abuse, grope, and fondle with no fear of reprimand. After all, a Mightyena couldn't bite back if she had her mouth taped shut.... a Linoone couldn't claw if her legs were tied down...

Amber closed her eyes, memories of this man walking into her room, forcing himself on her. She was a far more timid Pokemon back then, and out of fear, did everything he asked, hoping to appease. But this man... She found that he liked beat Pokemon regardless. The Charmeleon remembered giving this man this same expression once... looking up at him in helplessness and fear. She remembered his right hand roughly gripping her own snout, as his left roughly fondled her crotch to the point of pain....

And she couldn't bear to see another Pokemon wear that same expression ever again. Seeing the Ninetales so helpless, being hit like that, taking each blow, and giving him that look... it filled her with rage.

Suddenly, Amber roared and ran towards the biker.

"What the hell?" Shaun cried out.

She was on him in an instant, clawing and scratching at the man. Alex looked on with a wide open jaw, completely shocked.

"AH! CALL HER BACK INTO HER BALL, MAN!" He tried to shake her off his arm, but she sheared through his leather jacket, ripping a sleeve in half with her sharp claws. Alex saw blood run down his exposed skin. After struggling for a while, Shaun gave the Charmeleon a firm knee to the chest, forcing her back. He then delivered a strong kick straight to her face, knocking the Pokemon to the ground completely.

"Amber!" Alex cried out and ran towards her.

Shaun ran to his bike, only a few feet away. He fumbled for his keys as the Charmeleon got up, seemingly unfazed. He started screaming "CALL HER BACK, CALL HER BACK!" as the Pokemon got close once more.

Alex, hearing his words, stopped and opened his backpack, fumbling to find her pokeball as the Charmeleon took a deep breath. Suddenly, the pokemon let loose the biggest burst of fire he had ever seen, causing Alex to stagger back in shock.

The heat could be felt even from he was standing. It engulfed both the biker and his motorcycle completely. The roar of the flames was loud...

...but it did not drown out the sound of screaming.

The biker fell off his bike, his clothes covered in flames and screaming out in pain. He began to roll around on the ground, desperate to put the fire out. He fell behind the bike, and Amber, still breathing fire, did not see him fall out of the flame's reach. She continued to blast the motorcycle, causing the metal to turn red hot and the gasoline inside the fuel tank to boil and vaporize. The gasses quickly built up under pressure inside the tank, causing the tank walls to bulge....

Suddenly, there was a huge explosion.

The gasoline inside the motorcycle had ignited and combusted instantly. It was like a bomb: the blast was loud and booming, shrapnel flew everywhere, and a tiny shock wave shot out from the sudden release of energy.

Finally, a red light shot out from Alex's pokeball, as Alex managed to return the lizard to storage. He ran over to Shaun, stepping out of the way of the smoldering wreckage.

He lay on the ground, smoldering, covered in debris from the explosion, screaming in pain. His clothes were in tatters and his limbs bleeding from the Charmeleon's attack, his hair and jacket smoked from the fire, and a large piece of jagged shrapnel was imbedded firmly in his thigh. He reached up a hand to pull it out but yelled in pain from the touch, as the metal was burning hot.

"Are you okay? Don't pull it out, you'll only bleed more."

Shaun moaned loudly, grabbing his leg in pain and staring at the giant piece of aluminum in his body. His eyes looked wild.

"CALL... AN... AMBULANCE!" He spit out the words, finding it hard to talk. He seemed to be in shock.

Alex pulled out his phone and dialed 911.


Minutes later, after he explained the situation to the dispatcher and described the location, he hung up his phone.

"They'll be coming in a few minutes."

Shaun rested his head on the ground, still in great pain. He coughed loudly and gasped for breath. "I'll... I'll fucking kill you for this... You and your fucking bitch of a lizard. I'll kill you and then get you thrown in jail for assault with a Pokemon"

Whatever pity Alex had for the man had just been dashed to the ground.

He narrowed his eyes. "No, you won't. In fact, you won't even tell anyone what happened."

Shaun coughed again and looked up incredulously. "Wh... what?"

"I know for a fact that you were at that brothel that was raided by the police. I'm sure they'll be happy for leads. "

The biker laughed, which was cut short as he flew into a fit of coughing. "Bullshit... you can't prove I was there."

"I'm sure the precinct can call up the local daycare for the Pokemon that used to be there. All they need to do is see if a number of them recognize you..." Alex was bluffing. He had no idea if that could stand as evidence in court....

But the bluff worked. Shaun opened his eyes wide and said nothing. There was an awkward silence between the two, before the biker finally managed "Get out of my sight."

"Gladly. And if I see you again... I may let Amber have a second go." Alex sneered, and turned away immediately.

He heard the biker call out "Go to hell, cocksucker!" as he left. Alex let him have the last word. He was done with this. He was going home... Today was more than enough drama for a week. He couldn't imagine how his Charmeleon was feeling... "Holy hell... I almost let her kill a man..."

But Alex made it no more than a hundred feet before he heard a sound behind him.

It was a muffled yowl of a Ninetales. Alex stopped and turned. She was right behind him, sitting with her head down and looking up at him. She looked very timid and meek.

"Hey... what do you want, girl?" He thought to tell her to go back to her trainer, but didn't really feel comfortable with the idea. He bent down in a crouch and pet the Ninetales on the head reassuringly.

The Ninetales looked up, and Alex realized she had a singed and burnt pokeball in her jaws. She opened her mouth and plopped it on the ground in front of him.

Alex chuckled. "I don't blame you, girl.... but I don't know if this is the right thing to do...."

He picked up the pokeball, staring at it and wondering if he should actually take the Pokemon with him. But, he didn't have much of a choice, as the Ninetales leaned in and pressed the side button with her nose. Immediately, a red light shot out and the pokeball opened in his hand, drawing the Ninetales inside in a flash of light.

Alex stood there, now crouching in front of nothing, holding a pokeball in the air, blinking. He stayed like this for a moment, then laughed in disbelief. He then stood up and placed the pokeball in his backpack. Off in the distance, he heard the faint sound of an ambulance siren approaching.

"Man... that was the easiest Pokemon I've ever had to catch."


The sky had turned dark and it began to rain by the time Alex had gotten back to his apartment. He was soaked from the rain when he walked in the door. It was past dinner, but he wasn't hungry....

There was a lot on his mind. His Pokemon nearly killed a man, and he let it happen.... And if the guy ever did report it, he could easily be stripped of his trainer license and not allowed to own Pokemon ever again. Alex was still reeling from the event, finding it hard to collect his thoughts..

He walked in the door, threw his rain-soaked shirt and backpack on the kitchen chair, and pulled out his pokeballs. He took out everyone but his two fire types, and soon had a Scyther, a Lanturn, and a borrowed Gardevoir standing before him.

"Everyone, I'm gonna make this quick. We have a new Pokemon that's going to be staying with us for a while." Alex rambled, looking completely distracted to the Pokemon, as if he wasn't even paying attention to them.

The Scyther and Lanturn looked to each other and talked in their own Pokemon tongue. Alex of course understood none of it.

"Ty, Hunley... listen up. I need you to show her around the place, get her acquainted, go through introductions for everyone, and stuff. I have... things I need to settle with Amber. She had an accident and, well... I need to sort some things out, okay? I'll be in my room."

Ty looked up and responded with a firm "Scyther Scy". Alex smiled. Ty always seemed to be leader of the group and Alex liked that the Scyther took to responsibility with gusto.

The Gardevoir's meek voice entered Alex's head telepathically. "Alex? Is this about-"

"I'll explain everything later, Haley.... Both me and her are shaken up right now and I need to gather my thoughts.... Sorry." He scratched his head, running his hand through his rain-soaked hair.

"I... understand." The Gardevoir could sense Alex's emotion, and he knew she could feel his unease.

"Now..." Alex trailed off. He grabbed the Ninetales' burnt pokeball and released her. She looked around, taking in her new surroundings.

"Everyone, this is Kitt. She's still a bit fatigued, so Haley..." He went to his refrigerator and pulled out some MooMoo Milk. "... Give her some of this." He handed the milk to the Pokemon, who took it in hand. "Oh, and I'll get to dinner later, I promise." he added, sounding completely unapologetic. Alex then walked to his room and closed the door behind him.

Ty looked around, confused, then spoke in his natural Pokemon tongue. "... And what the hell was THAT about? Was anyone out of their ball to see what got him so unsettled?"

Haley responded out loud. "I... I think it has something to do with a fight. I felt lots of anger, uneasiness, and aggression inside of Alex. That's all I really got out of him when I searched his mind... it was pretty frantic in there; I couldn't get a good read. "

"Actually..." the meek and mild Ninetales spoke up.

Everyone turned and looked at her in surprise.

"Actually... your master and mine got in an argument. My master knows your Amber, and he said some things that caused your Amber to attack him, and they fought. My master lost. He is really hurt." She looked down, feeling uncomfortable to make eye contact with these new Pokemon

Hunley spoke up, chuckling. "A human battling against a Pokemon? That sounds like it would be a nice change of pace." Ty snickered. "Why does he never let us get in on all the fun stuff that happens?"

Ty spoke up. "Ignore the fish, Kitt. Why are you here, instead of with your trainer?"

Kitt looked at the ground timidly. "Well... " Her tails twitched in the air apprehensively.

Haley turned to the meek fox. "Kitt... recall the thoughts of what happened in your mind... let me see them."


Still shirtless, Alex closed the door behind him. It was dark in his room from the blinds being pulled down, but he didn't bother to turn the lights on. He took out Amber's pokeball and released it. The Charmeleon materialized before his eyes and the room immediately lit up with the glow of her tail flame. Amber was visibly shaking and she cried out in an upset voice. Alex sat on the bed and motioned her to follow.

"Come here, Amber.... its okay."

She leapt up onto the bed and immediately squeezed Alex in a hug, trembling in his lap. He felt uncomfortable about where she sat but made no effort to chastise the Pokemon in her current emotional state. He wrapped his arms around the upset fire lizard, rocking back and forth. She was shaking from the adrenaline, incredibly upset at what she had done. The lizard whimpered into his shoulder as he spoke.

"Shhh, shhh... It's okay, Amber... You're never going to see him again, I promise." Alex whispered. The Charmeleon hugged her trainer tightly at his words and whimpered once more. Alex talked to her in a quiet, comforting voice, speaking slowly and letting his words soothe the upset Pokemon

"Shhh.... you'll never see him again, Amber. Its okay... He's still alive, but you hurt and scared him so much that he won't want to be within 50 miles of you.... That's how much he's frightened of you, see? He'll never be back. I told him off, too... I told him that I'll let you finish the job next time. Heh, you should have seen his face..." He stroked the back of her neck.

Amber rocked into his embrace, so happy that she had this trainer that treated her with such love and care. She spoke to him, thanking him, but then sighed as she knew he only would hear it as Pokemon talk....

"Here, let me tell you what happened after I put you in your ball...."


"... So, after that, you made the decision to come with Alex, right?" Haley finished.

Kitt looked at the ground and whimpered. "But I feel so bad... I betrayed my master!" She nearly wept into the dish of MooMoo Milk that Haley had given her.

Ty scoffed, leaning against the wall and idly sharpening his blades on each other. "Your trainer was a bad human. Probably has bad IVs, too. You don't deserve him."

Kitt winced, as if the Scyther's words had physically hurt her. "But... he's my master..."

"He abused you. You made the right decision to leave, Kitt" Haley offered.

"Yes, she's right." The Scyther continued and looked up at the fox. "And plus, Alex is a good trainer. He takes great care of all of us. He lets us walk around outside of our balls, gives us items when we need it, and battles with us all the time. If that's not a great life, what is?"

"So..." The Ninetales sniffled. "... do you think your master will train me for battle too?"

"Oh, I don't doubt it." The Gardevoir replied. "He loves battling. He's also a very caring trainer, Kitt... you'll love him."

"... Yea, he cares about us so much that he forgot to feed us." the Lanturn sarcastically replied. "I'm hungry. Haley? You're the only one who can open the refrigerator, here... could you can grab us some berries?"

Haley smiled. "Hmm... that sounds like a great idea, actually. I can tell we're all hungry." The Gardevoir headed to the kitchen.

She reappeared a moment later with a cluster of Sitrus berries telekenetically suspended in the air.

"Here you go, everyone." A berry floated towards each Pokemon, and each one grabbed their snack out of the air eagerly. "Now, if you excuse me...." She took a tiny bite out of the large Sitrus berry floating before her face. "I'm gonna go eavesdrop on those two in the bed room."

The stoic Scyther grumbled at the Gardevoir's mischievousness, but Hunley chuckled. "Good luck. The door is pretty thick; Sound doesn't travel well here."

The Gardevoir smiled deviously. " Oh, I don't need sound...."

Ty rolled his eyes. "Oh, fine... go do what you want. Come on, Kitt... let me show you around the apartment...." He carefully cradled a large Sitrus berry between his blades as he walked.


Back in the bedroom, only the sound of the ran pattering on the window broke the comforting sound of Alex's voice.

"... So, after that, the Ninetales came up behind me and begged to come with me. So I brought her along. She's in the living room, and everyone else is getting to know her and showing her around the place. Now she won't have to ever live with that man again, either. I don't know if I can support another Pokemon, though.... We'll see how it works out."

The Charmeleon only continued to hug her trainer, taking comfort in his embrace. Alex continued to pet the Pokemon's head and neck as he talked.

"I know today was a lot for you, but I don't blame you one bit for what you did. Not at all. You're a strong little lizard, you know that? Strong for standing up for yourself and for the Ninetales. I'm really proud of you."

Amber sighed, taking in the satisfaction that Alex was here to comfort her. She never had met a human like him before, not in her entire life at the brothel. He was so different from what she was used to....

"So, how do you feel, now? Better?"

The Charmeleon broke the embrace and looked back at her trainer, staring at him in the face. Her eyes were sad, but she was smiling.

"Meleon. Charmeleon Char."

"Heh, that's my girl." He playfully rubbed her snout.

The Charmeleon felt so much gratitude for her trainer. She looked at him, shirtless, on the bed, smilingly broadly, with her on his lap.... and as the Pokemon's feelings rose up in her chest, her thoughts turned to the idea of mating with him once more.

The lizard had tried many times before. Each time Alex had freaked and over-reacted, walking away and leaving her alone. Frustrated... and alone. She didn't understand it: Humans loved sex... If there was anything she learned about men during her old life at the brothel, it was that. Yet Alex resisted....

... But maybe, this time it would be different, she thought. The Charmeleon sat, thinking, gauging Alex's actions. Here he was, embracing her, cuddling with her, stroking her face... it seemed like he might finally be getting intimate with her. It felt like the time was right.... Like Alex was ready to explore their relationship. As the two looked into eachother's eyes, Amber tensed up and took a deep breath.

The Charmeleon then quickly leaned in to kiss Alex on the lips.

Alex watched his Pokemon lean forward, but yelped in shock and flailed when he felt her lips touch his. He pushed her off of his lap, causing the Pokemon to cry out in surprise as she fell forward onto her claws. Alex quickly jumped out of bed and stood up. Amber looked at him in disappointment. He immediately began pacing around the room, clearly agitated.

"Amber! F-for the last time, I'm not doing that with you! Humans and Pokemon aren't supposed to have sex! That's.... that's wrong, you hear me? Dammit, what have I been trying to do for the past few weeks, if not attempting to get that out of your head? I'm trying to help you, trying to console you because you were upset, and you use the opportunity to try and go back to your old ways like I'm some customer to your little room! What the hell, Amber?"

The Charmeleon looked up with teary eyes, feeling hurt by his harsh words. She grabbed onto Alex's arm, but he pulled away.

"Char?" She cried out, desperately. She gripped his arm tightly.

"No. Sorry, Amber... but no." He brushed her arm off and stormed out of the room, leaving the Charmeleon alone. She head the door slam loudly, and then there was nothing.

Amber was now alone in the dark room, with only the sound of rain to comfort her.

The lizard didn't know what to do with herself. The one human that she had grown to trust had deserted her in the room, left to brood. He treated her like some sex crazed freak... he didn't understand her feelings.

His actions brought back too many bad memories... Memories of empty rooms. All throughout her life at the brothel, she only saw people come into her room, have their way with her, and then leave. Just coming in and leaving... no one staying with her, to spend time with her, to treat her like a Pokemon. She thought she had seen the end of it, when she met this trainer that held and pet her... that fed and played with her.... that seemed to care about her.

But instead, Alex had ignored her feelings and left her alone in a bedroom, just like all the others....

The drama of revisiting her past today, coupled with Alex's outburst was too much for the lizard. Falling forward on the bed, she grabbed his pillow, held it in her arms, and broke down in tears.


Alex stormed out of the room, feeling flustered and conflicted. "Alright, everyone in their pokeballs, now!" The group looked up, surprised. Hunley and Ty were playing, rough-housing in the living room and looked up in mid fight. Kitt stared at them from the couch, her tails twitching apprehensively. Haley was looking out the window, her mind focused on what she had learned from listening in on the thoughts of Amber and Alex. The agitated trainer grabbed his pokeballs from the table and pointed them at his companions.

In an instant, Ty and Hunley, and Kitt were gone, but Alex turned to the Gardevoir and paused.

"Haley.... I need to talk to.... someone. You."

The Gardevoir flinched at his voice. She looked distracted, like she had been brooding over something before he walked in. The demure psychic-type looked at him, and suddenly Alex heard her whispery voice telepathically enter his mind.

"What is it, Alex?"

He began pacing around the room, sighing in exasperation. "Okay well... long story short, we met a guy today that Amber knew from her old life. He was a visitor to that Pokemon sex house she lived in and... probably beat and raped her or something, I dunno. He tried to push her buttons, but she struck out at him big time. I was proud of her for it, but at the same time horrified.... She... she almost killed him, Haley! And now she's really shaken up over the whole ordeal."

He paused, expecting to hear the Gardevoir gasp in shock or something, but she only looked at him nonchalantly and said "... I understand. May I get some water, please?"

Alex blinked, distracted from her request. "Err, what? Oh, yea... go ahead." Alex thought she was acing a bit odd. She glided to the kitchen and returned with a glass of water, which was hovering in front of her chest. The Pokemon daintily sipped as she listened to the flustered trainer speak.

Alex turned to the window where Haley was just moments ago, and stared outside, watching the rain splatter on the pavement as he continued. "So I took her into my room to talk.... as you saw. And she was really upset. And I comforted her and tried to calm her down. I felt really bad, you know? That's the whole reason why I took her away from that place.... to help her escape those memories and those people she met. But then she... she tried to kiss me. And I..."

He threw his hands up in the air. "Arg, I just don't know what to do. She's still hooked on the idea that its okay for her to have those feelings. And I'm trying to comfort her but have to push her away at the same time. I feel so...."

"Conflicted?" The Gardevoir offered.

He hung his head. "Yea..."

"Like part of you wanted to kiss back?"

Alex shot his head back up and stared at her transparent reflection in the window, before turning to talk to her face. "Hey! That's... that's not what I-"

The Gardevoir narrowed her eyes and rested her glass on the coffee table. "Alex, I've seen and sensed more than enough from both of you to understand much of what's going on... And frankly, I'm getting a little annoyed that you keep on denying both her and your own feelings for the sake of saving face."

"My OWN feelings?" Alex opened his eyes wide and staggered back like he had been punched in the face. "What? I don't have any feelings for.... I don't know what you're talking about! Haley! I-"

The Gardevoir's telepathic voice cut him off again. "Oh, I think you do. Alex... I've felt your strong feelings about Amber several times, just by being around you. In fact, I felt them just a few minutes ago, when you were in your room with her. "

Alex bit his lip. He felt trapped. "That's... well, of course I have feelings for her... as a Pokemon! I'm her trainer... I care about her, as well as you and Ty and Hunley...."

Haley shook her head. "There's a little bit more than that. There's a part of you wondering about her.... wondering what the sex would be like. You keep quiet about it, and try to hide it.... but I still sense it whether you want to or not. "

Alex grimaced. He was put off by Haley's sudden forcefulness. "That's bull. Maybe you caught a random thought.... a passing whim. So even if I did think about it before, that doesn't mean I actually want to.... You're reaching."

The Gardevoir narrowed her eyes. "Oh, come off of it, Alex... what are you, in denial?" The Pokemon drew close to him, staring into the human's eyes. "You may hear yourself talk, but what do your feelings say?"

Alex immediately knew what she was up to: the Pokemon was going to trap him into reading his emotions about Amber. He didn't know where her sudden brazen attitude had came from... it seemed quite unlike the Haley he had gotten to know. Alex closed his eyes and immediately focused his mind. "No, no no.... stop this, Haley...."

Suddenly, a chill ran up his back as a single defiant "No" was forced into his mind.

At that moment, Alex realized she was already reading his thoughts, already peering into his mind. "Haley!" Alex spoke out loud and pointed a shaky finger at the Pokemon "I'm you're trainer... now get out of my head!"

"You're not my trainer, Alex." The Pokemon replied nonchalantly. "Stephen is. You're just taking care of me while he's away."

Alex flinched. Technically, she was right. He looked down and reached for her pokeball on the table, but suddenly, it flew across the room on its own and ended up floating in front of the Gardevoir. The Pokemon then used her psychic powers to cast the pokeball down the hallway behind her.

"I'm sorry, Alex, but...." She tapped the side of her forehead with a coy smile. "... I'm quicker."

Alex glared at the Pokemon in a mix of anger and fear. The Gardevoir's sudden confrontational behavior was so unexpected to him. "She had always acted so meek and mild before...."

The conniving Gardevoir responded to his personal thoughts again. "Alex, you confuse my prudence with mere timidity... However, now is not the time for either. Right now, you are going to face your own feelings, for both her's and your own sake." Her voice sounded just as melodic and reserved as ever, but her tone was firm and commanding. It unnerved Alex. "Tell me, what are your thoughts about your Charmeleon? Do you feel like a part of you wants to accept her desires?

No! I'm not doing this... Think, Alex. Think about something else."

"If you have nothing to hide, then why are you resisting?

Alex angrily spoke. "I'm resisting because I don't like you prying around in my brain!"

The Gardevoir shook her head. "Well, there's nothing you can really do about that right now, is there? Just think.... think about the possibility of you and Amber being intimate. Does that excite you at all? The thought of her lying next to you, or maybe sitting on your lap?"

"Quick, think about something. Think about... Donphans. Pink Donphans that can fly with their huge ears. Donphans that are all wearing silly looking hats. Yes, party hats. With ribbons. Or maybe beanie hats with propellers. Not Charmeleons, no. Just Pink Donphans flying around by flapping their gigantic ears and-"

Suddenly, the Pokemon's telepathic voice forced its self into his mind once more. "Don't fight me, Alex.... I'll get through eventually. Would you ever let your Charmeleon kiss you? Undress you? Even.... fondle you? Do you like it when she sits in your lap and you find her grinding her hips while you two watch TV? Do you feel disappointed that you yell at her to stop?"

"No!" Alex yelled. "Pink Donphans. Pink ones that do flips in the air and fly around wearing their big party hats. Think about that. Don't think about Amber Pink Donphans with huge ears that they flap like birds. Pink Donphans sipping tea in the air.... they're flying in formation, dropping pachyderm dung bombs onto enemies below. No Charmeleons... Don't think about Amber undressing you and touching you..."

"There it is." She smiled, looking devious.

Alex opened his eyes and hit the window with his fist. "Dammit, Haley!"

"You can't deny it anymore, Alex. We both felt it...." She closed her eyes. "Feelings of compassion, friendship, and care... and one more thing: That tiny little bit of apprehensive arousal. You felt it as well, Alex. Hmm... her advances toward you have you wondering...." The Gardevoir brought a hand to her chest and glided closer towards the human.

Alex only continued to stare outside at the rain, pissed off that she had gotten the better of him. The Gardevoir closed her eyes, prying deeper into the foothold she gained on Alex's psyche. The fuming trainer begrudgingly relented, knowing it was too late to stop her.

"Hmm... I see. You think it's hot that she comes on to you, don't you, Alex? And it's not just her forwardness... you think its hot that she's coming on to you as a pokemon. So tell me, Alex, do you think it's tempting to be intimate with a Pokemon? Do you find the idea a little... naughty, so to speak?"

"Its.... wrong." He forced out between clenched teeth.

Haley pressed on. "According to who, Alex? To the Pokemon League? To random people you've never met? What do you think about it, personally?"

Alex said nothing, but the thoughts and emotions whirling through his mind were easy to pick up on for the Gardevoir. All that was running through his brain were memories of the times Amber had hugged him for longer than she should have, or when she tried some not-so-innocent cuddling, or how she loved to nuzzle and touch his body, or how she begged to sit on his lap.... He knew she was trying to get in his pants... and he was thinking about how he kinda liked it all, and was desperate to never show it. He had always thought people who screwed Pokemon were messed up the head... abusers of Pokemon, desperate people who couldn't find a woman, perverts.... like that Biker guy he met today, and the others that frequented the illegal brothel he had raided. However.... his Charmeleon's advances had him wondering, enticing latent thoughts that he had never really considered before... He had always tried to resist thinking about those thoughts, to avoid turning out like.... one of them.

"But now here I am, thinking that I may be like those guys after all. It... actually, it really doesn't seem like a big deal that I might be a little turned on by her desire for sex. I mean, SHE'S coming on to ME... Take away the Charmeleon part, and what guy wouldn't be interested in a sexy, seductive.... Wait, no... I can't think like that: she IS a Charmeleon. Just a sex crazed Pokemon She needs to learn its not natural.... No, I can't-"

She cut him off once again, and Alex saw her eyes turn dark and angry. The Gardevoir's voice rang loud and stormed in his mind. "Just stop it, Alex! Stop trying to ignore it when your own thoughts constantly give you away!" He recoiled at the Pokemon's temper. Various objects in the room began to telekenetically shake and rise with the Pokemon's growing anger. Chairs shook, plates clattered, and couch pillows lifted off the floor as the Pokemon vented her psychic energy.

The Gardevoir's voice rang in his head once more, sounding firm and commanding. "You don't get it, do you? She doesn't want sex because she's mechanically acting out the memories her old life.... She wants it because she adores you, Alex. Its not like she can just sit down and explain those feelings to you.... but I've read them all, at her request. Alex, you befriended her, protect, and care for her.... Amber's never really met a human that cherishes and loves pokemon like you do. Yes she wants to have sex: she's been brought up that way... But gosh Alex, haven't you figured out that she just wants to reciprocate your kindness and companionship? And you wonder why she's so upset that you tell her these feelings are wrong! Wake up to what's going on around you, already."

Her words were having their effect on the trainer. He stood there, still staring out the window, surprised at her words. "I.... what the hell is going on? " He paused, collecting his thoughts for a moment, letting the Gardevoir's words sink in. "Maybe she is right.... I'm misreading her intentions... But... No. I can't." Alex turned from the window and put his hands on his hips. "Haley.... even if I may want to, I'm not going to screw her just to -"

But the Pokemon was ready for him and cut the trainer off once more. "It's not just about the sex, Alex. Do you know what she's doing right now? I can feel her emotions from out here, and she's crying, Alex... Crying because of you. Crying because the one human she trusts and confides in just pushed her away at a time she really needed comfort. She feels completely alone, Alex. You were right that she needs help to adjust from her old life... and right now she just needs someone at her side. Now, I don't care if you actually do have sex with her or not: Just stop this nonsense, get in your room and fix things between you and her... now. You are tearing Amber apart acting like this....."

Alex looked off in the distance, shocked at her words. "Wait, really? Amber is crying?" He looked down at the ground, feeling horrible.

The Gardevoir focused her eyes. "Yes, because of you. You've been pushing her away so hard that its causing her to break down."

He hung his shoulders in defeat. Ever since saving her from that place... Alex had tried hard to keep her happy and content. He spent time with her, battling with her, teaching her confidence and self-respect through winning matches.... But despite all the attention he gave, she was unhappy on the inside. Unhappy because every time she tried to be close, he got up and walked away... As if he was actually ignoring her all along. "Man, I... I feel like a piece of shit now. Dammit, what am I doing to her?"

The Gardevoir let a coy smile play across her face as she read his thoughts once more. "Finally, you understand now."

He flinched. ".... stuff like this is why I don't like psychic types. I like to keep my thoughts to myself."

She giggled out loud, and Alex realized he was hearing her real voice for the first time. The Gardevoir smiled at him. "You don't have to like it, Alex, just accept it as a part of being with a Psychic Pokemon."

Alex looked down at the ground and stared for a while, a part of him still wanting to resist her words.

"I.... I... okay." He sighed and looked up at the now smiling Gardevoir.

"So, you're gonna do it?"

Alex scrached his head anxiously, finally resolving himself to give in. "Yea.... I, uh... I'll just talk to her about it... or something. At least let her know that I understand what she feels now. I mean, well... you're right. I can't keep pushing her away... and..." He paused for a second.

Alex swallowed his pride "... and I can't keep this up just because I'm running away from my own feelings... So, you were right."

"Thank you, Alex." The Gardevoir smiled and bowed her head. "Now, get going.... you two need to work some things out."

He took a step toward his room, before pausing and bending down to pick up her pokeball.

"Oh, and Haley?"

"Yes, Alex?" the Gardevoir replied, her voice as cool and collected as always.

He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. ".... Thanks."

He pressed the button on her ball, and suddenly, a red light shot out, drawing the Gardevoir inside.


Alex stood silently before his bedroom door, raising his hand to knock, but he suddenly paused, a little aprehensive. "This is it... no turning back, now.... Man, I'm not sure I'll be walking out of this room with my virginity to pokemon, though...." He quietly knocked on the door with the back of his hand, and entered shortly afterwards. He peered in his room, his eyes squinting in the brightness of Amber's tail flame, the only soure of light beyond the dim light of a stormy dusk coming from the window. He saw his Charmeleon lying on his bed, curled up in a ball, motionless. She had his back to him, lying on her side, and was clutching his pillow tightly, with her snout stuffed deep in the pillowcase. Her eyes were squeezed shut and wet from tears. He bit his lip; seeing she made no aknowledgement of his presense made him felt a bit uneasy.

He cleared his throat. "Amber...."

The pokemon only clenched his pillow tighter in response.

"Listen, me and Haley had a talk, and I... well..." He moved over to the side of the bed so he could face the fire-type, but she rolled over, turning away from him.

"Amber! Come on..." He sat down next to her and grabbed her tiny shoulders. He pulled the fire lizard towards him with a grunt. She reluctantly let him and sat up, draping her burning tail over the side of the bed, still clutching his pillow and burying her oarnge snout in the folds of fabric.

"Hey.... I don't want you crying, ok? Listen.... I know you're upset because I walked out... I know. I was just...."

The Charmeleon turned away from him, unwilling to look in his direction. She yowled and resisted Alex when tried to make her look up.

"Amber! Quit being... ugh!"

The pokemon let out a quiet whimper and looked away.

Alex bit his lip. She didn't want to listen.... Apparently he had upset her more than he imagined. " She's upset that I walked out on her, leaving her alone. She's crying because I won't let her express her feelings...."

Alex gave up trying to talk. He instead pulled her close and tried something different....

Alex leaned in and immediately planted a kiss on the Charmeleon's lips.

Amber's eyes opened wide as she squealed in suprise through the kiss, but Alex felt her almost immediately return it, much to his pleasant surpise.

Alex spoke through the kiss. "Amber... What I'm trying to say is... I'm sorry. Sorry that I walked out on you... sorry that I've been denying your affection."

She looked at him in shock through the kiss and let out an muffled, suprised grunt. She broke away with a confused look on her face.

"Amber, I hate to see you like this.... I hate to see you upset. It makes me feel horrible. The truth is... I've been kind of scared of giving in to you, but I guess I didn't realize until now that I'm doing more harm than good."

Alex paused and pet the Charmeleon's head. "... So, what I'm saying is... I'm not walking out. I'm staying here. With you."

The Charmeleon looked up at her trainer, her tears and sadness meaningless now. She spoke to him, and Alex laughed as he heard a plethora of "Chars" and "Meleons" coming from his jubilant pokemon, not fully understanding the significance, but hearing the emotion behind her happy and suprised tone of voice.

Alex mulled over her response, trying to decipher what she asked. "Well... I talked to Haley. She told me a lot of things. Apparently you two have been talking.... I guess both of you had it in for me, haha."

"Meleon!" The pokemon replied. Amber was right.... it seemed like the Gardevoir had helped immensly. The fire lizard would make sure to thank her later.... but right now, there were more important things going on....

The Charmeleon finally had her trainer come full circle. That's all that mattered.

She squealed with joy and kissed him again, her claws traveling to his cheeks and cradling his head. The pillow dropped from her arms and fell to her lap. She leaned into the kiss, causing Alex to fall back, letting out a suprised "Mmmf!" as her sturdy reptilian tongue entered his mouth. The lizard explored his mouth with delight, pushing into his own darting tongue and tasting the faint flavor of human saliva. Alex fell onto his back, gasping at her fowardness, and the Charmeleon was on top of him in an instant. She planted her rump firmly on his stomach and looked down on him, her eyes full of excitement. She took a second just to stare at her trainer's suprised expression.

Finally, being able to express her feelings, to show her trainer gratitude for all the love and care he had shared with her... and to be able to satisfy her burning desire... The excitement she felt, the intimacy of the moment...

She wanted to make it last.

The trainer broke the silence. "So, um... I guess this means.... we're having sex, right?" Alex asked awkwardly.

"Charr!" She nodded happily... There was no mistaking her enthusiasm.

He raised his eyebrows and his eyes opened up wide. "Man... okay...." He smiled and bit his lip, taking in the full realization of what he was about to do: He was about to have sex with a Pokemon.. a very eager one that that. Alex felt a mixture of excitement and uneasiness... he had been battling with these feelings for weeks now, but knew it was time to put them at ease. "Well, uh..." He blushed and smiled up at her. "...don't let me stop you then."

Amber bent down and hugged her trainer, embracing him tightly. She leaned into his face and licked his cheek, letting out a pleased churring noise from her throat, and Alex only stared back with apprehensive excitement.

She was delighted that he was already shirtless, feeling his warm skin and slim physique with wandering claws. The Charmeleon began a methodical foreplay routine, pressing all the buttons that she had gradually learned to take advantage of during her years in the brothel. Amber bent forward, licking and kissing him on the neck, and Alex inhaled sharply as her warm tongue drew across his skin, finding its way to his ear where she mouthed gently on the lobe. Her lips closed around the soft flesh of his earlobe, causing Alex to gasp. She than began to suck tenderly, tugging and pulling, sending exciting new feelings through her trainer. Alex heard her loud and billowy exhale as it blew into his ear, feeling her tongue push and drag across his skin, and her claws squeeze his shoulders. She reared back, pulling his ear from her mouth with a pop, and he felt the lizard on top of him exploring elsewhere, licking, nuzzling, and kissing him on the neck, cheeks, and chin, and loving it all.

Her actions were careful and deliberate, honed under constant experience. The fire type in the past had considered foreplay a to-do list, hollow actions largely devoid of emotion with mates long gone... however, just looking up at her trainer, experiencing the swell of emotion inside, how they urged her on, and how she enjoyed it... these feelings were powerful and new for the Charmeleon. She found herself eager and excited to smother him in affection... to show her trainer how she felt... and she relished the moment.

Alex gasped as the lizard playfully bit his shoulder, making the Pokemon giggle and she began moving down his chest. Amber explored her trainer's body further, feeling each muscle and tendon on his torso, drawing her curious tongue across his left nipple, squeezing his firm pecs in hand, and planting licks and kisses across his chest and down his belly.

But as she moved farther down, she began to feel wet denim, the Charmeleon realized she needed to do something about those pants....

Amber shimmied down Alex's body, giggling like a giddy little Charmander. Alex watched in surprise as she sat up on her knees, situated between his legs, grabbed his belt with her claws, and undid the latch in one smooth motion, not even skipping a beat.

Alex chuckled. "You look like you've done that hundreds of times before... Well, you probably have, heh...." Then, he suddenly frowned, thinking he might have hurt her feelings with those words. He was about to apologize, but Amber only nodded and licked her lips, replying with a casual "Char." Alex smiled... he was glad the Pokemon held no shame over her past. She took his zipper deftly between her claws and pulled down, licking her lips in anticipation. Alex watched as she yanked open the fly on his jeans, pulling the fabric down around his thighs. She yanked eagerly at the wet jeans, standing up and pulling his legs out one by one, and then placed her claws on the elastic of his boxers, pulling those down out of his feet as well.

It was all moving so quickly for Alex... his head was swimming in the fast moving emotions and feelings. However, the Pokemon's eagerness was both infectious and arousing. Amber only looked up with a smile before sitting down in between his legs and bringing her claws to his thighs. He stiffened up with a groan as her claws sensuously dragged across his skin until they found themselves touching the human's crotch. The lizard wrapped her claws around his already growing member and immediately started massaging the soft flesh.

"Holy crap..." Alex gasped. The fire-type's experience in bed became immediately apparent to Alex. Her firm grip and sinuous motions worked like magic: The Charmeleon just knew where and how to touch, how much pressure to apply, and where he was most sensitive... expanding on the simple up-and-down motion that he used on himself into a sinusoidal, twisting, squeezing rhythm that quickly drove human up a wall...

As his shaft quickly stiffened, she brought her other hand down to his balls and massaged them with a careful, practiced motion. She rolled his balls between her fingers, mindful to not squeeze too tight, and stroked the loose skin as she applied her other hand to the shaft of his cock, gripping tightly and massaging with sensuous appeal.

Alex's cock became fully erect within moments, and the Charmeleon crooned as she felt his shaft stiffen up in her claws, delighting in being able to arouse him so quickly. She ran her hands up and down his cock, running her claws delicately over his sensitive tip, taking in every contour, every curve... and enjoying her exploration of the sensual organ immensely. Aware of her own growing arousal, she sensuously dipped her hips and grinded against the bed, rubbing her sensitive lips against the cool fabric. She looked up at Alex, who was watching her with an open smile.

Alex was smitten by the Charmeleon's actions... she seemed so seductive, so intuitive, so eager... so unlike what he had expected. He affectionately brought a hand to her cheek, petting her head, feeling her snout, and Amber leaned into the touch, sighing with content as she was stroked. The experience was far more intimate than anything the Pokemon had been used to.... and she loved it. The Charmeleon reveled in the moment, enjoying the exploration of her lover's body. She rubbed her lips and cheek on his outstretched palm and fingers, feeling the human's textured fingerprints, and gave his shaft a firm squeeze, causing Alex to squirm.

The Charmeleon then opened her mouth and playfully took Alex's index finger inside, closing her lips around the digit and suckling sensuously as she stared into his eyes. Alex gasped as he felt her incredibly warm maw envelop his finger, feeling her firm tongue slide across his skin, and the pressure from the suction in her mouth. She bobbed her head on his digit, giving Alex a very teasing preview of things to come, stroking his shaft with her firm tongue, sliding it in between her teeth and the inside of her cheek, causing her left cheek to bulge outward.... He thought it was quite hot, watching the fire lizard fellate his finger as she stroked him off.

The fact that this Pokemon as doing it to arouse him... the fact that this Pokemon KNEW that would be arousing in the first place... Alex was continually surprised by all of it. He had never assumed there would be foreplay and intimacy involved in Pokemon sex... he thought that it would be blunt and bestial in nature, devoid of affection. Alex wasn't sure if it was just her, or if all Pokemon were like this... but regardless, the Charmeleon was quite unlike everything he imagined.

And he loved it.

When she was satisfied sucking his finger, she popped him out of his mouth and began pumping him at a brisk pace with both claws, staring up at him with a grin.

"Charmeleon Char. Meleon?" She asked, and Alex laughed.

"Amber, you know I can't really understand what you just said...."

The fire type then giggled and opened her mouth wide, presenting her gaping maw.

Alex broke out in a grin. "Well... um... do you want to?"

The Charmeleon smiled, nodding quickly, then bent down to give a slow, teasing lick at the head of his cock, causing Alex to flex his toes in pleasure.

"Oh man, Amber... do that again."

Amber giggled and responded with a bubbly "Char!", bending down to flick her firm tongue across the head of his shaft once more. Staring up at him, she began to lick in earnest, running her wet muscle all across the tip of Alex's shaft and bathing the sensitive flesh in her warm saliva.

She released her grip on his cock as her hand made way for her probing tongue, the lizard enjoying Alex's taste and the intimacy of the act greatly. She wrapped her tongue around the base of the shaft, her nose getting tickled on his public hair, and lapped everywhere, drawing her tongue across every inch of skin she could find.

Then, making a show of herself, she opened her mouth wide, and brought her lips to hover just above his cock, letting him feel her hot breath wash over his shaft. She waited for a while, building suspense, watching his reaction. Alex waited with baited breath and wide eyes as she churred, before dropping her head and began sucking immediately.

Alex stiffened up and shifted his legs, trying not to swear out loud as she felt her incredibly steamy mouth bob around his cock. Her tongue lapped, her cheeks indented from suction, her lips glided across his skin, her head moved up and down with a steady pace... the Charmeleon did everything better than he imagined she was capable of, and more, as she also took the base of his cock in hand and massaged it, while using her other to gently fondle his balls. It was incredible.

The Pokemon was content to suck like this for several minutes, enjoying the first spurts of precum in her mouth, and listening to the pleasured moans and grunts of her faithful trainer. Whatever reservations Alex had about having sex were thrown right out the window.... He gasped as she came off of him with a loud "pop", causing him to lose focus of his train of thought, before eagerly swallowing his shaft once more, massaging his shaft with her firm tongue. He had no intention of making her stop, but swore that later, he would make the lizard scream in pleasure.... she deserved it for treatment like this.

"Ah, A-Amber!"

Alex suddenly gripped the bed as she pressed the head of his cock into the back of her mouth, passing the shaft into her throat with a gurgle, taking the last inch until her orange snout was nestled deep against his crotch. He sat up in reflex, and put his hands to her head instinctively, overwhelmed by the pressure around his cock. He had never gotten deepthroat before, and the squeezing, constricting sensation of her esophagus was intense, especially when combined with her tongue, when she began licking him again from inside her mouth. The Charmeleon, seeing the reaction she got out of him, growled cutely and took a breath, only to go down again. She wrapped her arms around Alex's waist and hugged him as she made love to the cock in her mouth, suckling steadily and massaging the shaft with her tongue. She looked back up at him, her blue eyes glistening in the light of her tail flame, currently raised high over her back, and saw Alex's gaping mouth and slack eyes stare back at her... his expression told her everything she needed to know.

She held her head as long as she could before coming off of him with a gasp and a churr, and Alex saw his shaft covered in a thick sheen of Charmeleon saliva in the dim light of her flame. She then placed her hands down on his thighs and leaned forward, cocking her head with an inquisitive "Char?"

Alex wasn't sure if she was asking if he wanted more, if he liked it, or what... All that he knew is that his head was swimming in arousal. At the moment, he just wanted to be in her... to feel her body against his, her warmth enveloping his cock, to push against her body and feel her tense up as he brought her to orgasm....

...Right now, that's what he wanted more than anything.

"Amber..." he reached forward and stroked her snout. "That was amazing.... and I would love more.... but to be honest, I just want you on top of me, right now... You're too hot to not fuck." He grinned and lay back down, motioning her to follow.

The Charmeleon opened her eyes wide and responded with an excited "Meleon!", climbing up on top of Alex, lifting herself over him, situating her hips so that he was positioned right against her entrance. Alex barely had time to enjoy the moment as she brought her hips down, and he immediately felt her smooth, reptilian skin on the tip of his cock. She crooned as she rubbed her slit over his tip, exciting both herself and him as she prepared to slip the cock inside. To Alex, the Charmeleon felt incredibly hot between her legs: the fire-type was practically radiating heat from her aroused slit.... it felt like an oven.

That heat only magnified as the Pokemon lowered herself further and felt the first inch of his shaft slip into the vent between her legs. Both trainer and Pokemon cried out in the sensation of the penetration. Her slit was well lubricated already from arousal and Alex felt just the perfect amount of resistance from the lizard's engorged slit. Being smaller than a human, she was definitely a tight fit, but he knew the Pokemon was well used to taking such a large size. The Charmeleon closed her eyes and began rocking gently, working more and more of his shaft inside of her with each thrust, causing Alex to grunt, savoring the firm stretching sensation in her lions. Licking her lips, she pressed down once more, finally coming to rest on the human's crotch, and grinded her hips once she had every inch of the shaft inside. She opened her eyes once more and a chill ran down her spine as she saw her very own trainer, eyes full of passion and excitement staring back at her. As he watched the shadows from her tail flame play across her face, Alex mused that the Charmeleon's fire had grown brighter than before, lighting up the room with unusual intensity....

Alex barely had time to adjust as the Charmeleon leaned forward and placed both hands on his chest, bringing her weight on top of his and using her legs to start rocking into her body at a fast pace, smiling broadly. The bed soon began squeaking with the Charmeleon's movement, as her body began moving back and forth on top of the trainer below her. The fire type's hips were moving in a sinuous motion, traveling in circles and grinding with every thrust, causing a multitude of unique sensations for both human and Pokemon Alex looked up at her with an open smile, breathing through his mouth from the intensity of the sex and her forwardness. He brought his hands up to her chest, feeling her body as she humped ravenously against him... running down her flanks and feeling her slightly bulging stomach and the smooth scales on her thighs and back. Placing one hand on her chest to support her weight, he slipped his other hand in between her legs, eager to explore the most intimate parts of his Charmeleon in the dimly lit room.

His wandering fingers came to rest on her widely spread slit, and Alex mused over the simplicity of the Charmeleon's vulva. Foregoing the complicated labia and clitoral hood of human women, the Charmeleon had only a simple set of reptilian lips, each one engorged and puffed with arousal, and a small, exposed clitoris nestled just inside. The heat coming from her area was incredible... Alex was nearly breaking out in a sweat because of it. He thumbed and stroked her folds, feeling the soft, yielding flesh as she continued her sinuous rocking and grinding on Alex's shaft. He then began to thumb at her clit, eager to get a reaction from Amber, and grinned as she tensed up and he coaxed a tiny squeak of a "Char" out of the Pokemon Her face scrunched up in pleasure and she snorted a billowy puff of smoke.

He chuckled. "Amber, don't get so carried away that you start breathing fire in here... "

The Charmeleon did not respond, so lost in her pleasure. Alex continued to stroke the lizard's nub for several minutes, feeling the unique, pulling, squeezing motions of her passage around his cock and her sharp claws pressed into his chest muscles. The Charmeleon's head bent down and she growled as the Pokemon suddenly felt her first orgasm overtake her. She was surprised at her own body, how quickly she had responded, but as she looked back at her lover once more, she knew it had to do with him... his caressing touch, eagerly exploring hands, his passionate desire... this was far more intense and enjoyable than having to bend over and wait for some human to have his turn in the brothel. Bracing herself, she let out a yowl and leaned into Alex's body as she clamped down hard around the wide shaft inside, her vaginal muscles squeezing and coaxing Alex to join her in ecstasy. The trainer swore as the room suddenly lit up from her tail flame, watching the fire grow and burn with a fierce intensity he had rarely seen from the lizard.

The Charmeleon leaned forward with eyes rolled back in her head and lay on top of her trainer, squeezing him tightly. "Meleon char char...." She managed between breaths, and licked her trainer's neck lovingly. Not wanting to quit, Alex took the opportunity of the new position to start thrusting into her, bringing his knees up and using his legs to press his hips up into the lizard's vent. She bucked and grunted, wrapping her arms around her trainer's neck and squeezing tightly. In return she felt his own arms cradle her, holding the Pokemon close. Alex brought his hands down her sides, caressing her smooth skin, before coming to her rump and giving it a firm squeeze as he thrust into her warm depths. The Pokemon gave a squeak of surprise at his grip and churred as she relaxed in his rhythmic thrusting.

The pair continued like this for several minutes, the sounds of their love making drowned out by the downpour outside and the wooshing roar of Amber's flame as her tail swayed back and forth overhead.

The Charmeleon felt her trainer steadily pick up pace, hearing his breathing slowly turn to panting, and suddenly she yelped in surprise as her trainer rolled over, carrying her with him, until she was on her back and Alex lay over her, showing a toothy grin. She curled her tail up between his legs and away from the flammable fabric of the bed as he began to pound her with fast, powerful motions. The intense sensation and pressure in between her legs was almost too much for the Charmeleon, and she flexed her toe claws and grabbed hold of Alex's sides, gripping him firmly, almost to the point of pain.

Alex saw her tensing up, squeezing her eyes shut, and chuckled as she began to squeak out a tiny, high pitched "Char" of pleasure with each thrust. She ran her hands down Alex's side and reveled in the masculine trainer above her, sweetly ravishing her body and filling her so completely with passion. His balls began to slap against the Charmeleon's incredibly hot vulva, and the force of each thrust pushing the bed up against the wall with a knock.

Her vent was so tight and constricting for Alex, so warm it seemed like she was on fire. He looked down and saw her leaking juices smeared on the lizard's crotch and knew she was enjoying the treatment immensely. Alex could feel he was getting close... He was about to say something when he suddenly felt her claws grab his cheeks as she pulled him into a kiss. The Pokemon's actions were much more rough and bestial than her earlier kiss, and fueled by passion, she mashed her lips into his face roughly, mouthing at his lips. Once again her unfamiliar reptilian tongue entered his mouth and explored. Not really knowing what to do, he returned the gesture, and ran his own tongue over the textured lizard's muscle, tasting her saliva and finding it be slightly ashy and acidic. He felt her breath wash over his face, and and suddenly the Charmeleon broke the kiss, gasping for air.

Alex felt her tense up yet again, and cried out in surprise as her claws pressed into his skin, thankfully not enough to draw blood. The fire-type under him shuddered and squirmed in her orgasm, and Alex once again felt her vaginal muscles tensing and flexing, trying to draw him in deeper. She was so receptive, so engaging and encouraging to Alex that he could not last much longer. He loved the feeling of her contractions around his cock... knowing how much pleasure he was giving her... it was just the last bit of sensation he needed. He suddenly picked up his pace, ramming into her as the Charmeleon yowled loudly, feeling a rush of pressure in his groin.

His orgasm came quickly. He drew out the moment, holding back a bit, before letting lose a blast of semen deep in the lizard's vent. He swore as the rush of pleasure overtook him in a rush of endorphins, his mind narrowing until the only thing he was aware of was himself and his ravished Charmeleon underneath. He pumped several spurts of spunk into Amber's passage, taking her with several final long thrusts. She held on to him the entire time, savoring the feeling of her trainer giving his all for her, filling her up with his seed, finally releasing the last bit of pent-up feelings the two had been fighting with for the past month.

He pulled out of her slowly, feeling the cool air around his cock as he released it from the lizard's steamy depths. He looked down to see a strand of their mixed fluids trailing from the tip of his cock. It hung on for a while, before breaking and falling to the Charmeleon's thigh. She was about to pull him close again when Alex instead leaded back and got out of bed. She sat up, appalled. He was leaving! Leaving like all the other humans she had known! "No... not you too..." The Charmeleon thought. "Please don't walk out on me, Alex... not now..."

She crawled to the edge of the bed, chasing after him, but he was already out of her reach. Alex heard a panicked "Char?" from behind him and gave her a funny look. He went over to the window and opened it a few inches, taking a towel from the dirty clothes bin and placing it on the windowsill to catch the water.

"It's too stuffy in here... gotta let the hot air out."

He then returned to bed and wrapped the surprised Charmeleon in a hug.

"What, it's not like I was gonna leave to go watch TV or something..." He laughed.

The Charmeleon looked up at him with her blue eyes, relieved and grateful for finding such a loving trainer. She bent forward and kissed him again, and Alex felt her melt in his hands. The two fell back into bed, with the Pokemon's arms wrapped around her trainer's torso in a firm embrace.

Alex looked down at the blissful Charmeleon hugging his chest, and found himself smirking... finding her joyful demeanor to be cute and infectious. He brought his hand to her cheek and rubbed her scaly skin affectionately, relaxing in the afterglow. Alex was glad to let the Pokemon have her moment, and decided to stay with her as long as she needed. He stroked her neck and head fondly, and bent down to kiss her forehead, idly wondering about how to explain this to the rest of his team... and how to thank Haley for bringing them together.

The Charmeleon felt overwhelmed with gratitude and excitement from her trainer's decision to stay. She had actually done it! She had gotten to show her feelings for her trainer, gotten her trainer to accept those feelings, and now had a partner she could trust to not walk out on her. No more being left alone in a room, or shrugged off, dismissed as "just a Pokemon"... Now, everything was out in the open. She thought it silly, but the moment simply felt perfect to her. Amber nuzzled Alex's chest in satisfaction, his skin now warm and slightly damp from sweat. She felt his strong arms around her, taking solace in the fact that Alex was here to stay... as a trainer, companion, and now... a lover.

The Charmeleon was happy.




~This is the last chapter. Amber's story has been told, so it's a good place to quit, IMO. If you really, really want me to write more maybe we could work something out, but otherwise, the story is done.

~Ok so.... I listened to people's reactions and I've gathered that what a lot of people want was: One, don't rush Alex's "conversion". Two, more intimacy and love. Three, for me to not quit and finish the damn story. So that's what I did. :P I'll say this again: I LIKE FEEDBACK! Feedback is what makes me write better and what makes stories more enjoyable for YOU. That's what helped this story.... at least I HOPED that helped it. (sorry if you didn't like it). So please tell me what you liked and didn't like, 'kay?

~As I said in comments on part 2, I really was surprised by the people who were upset that Amber screwed another trainer while waiting for Alex.... I don't think Pokemon would express monogamous views... but I guess the writing and portrayal of her spoke differently. Well, I decided to give people what they wanted, even though I don't go for THIS much emotion and feelings and stuff in a story. Personally, I think it's a bit awkward... but hey... if you enjoy it, then go on and enjoy the shit out of it. :P

~I enjoyed working on Amber's back story and inner conflicts... it was interesting, mostly because I didn't expect to really push that part of her when I started the first story. When I found that the writing was going that way, I had to work out all her motivations and emotions and desires... and gosh, I felt like a REAL writer instead of some sick fuck who makes Pokemon smut. :0 I bet with practice I could get better at it.

~I wrote so FREAKIN' much! Holy crap. I even sacrificed some more fun but unimportant scenes with Ty and Hunley so I could keep the story focused on the Charmeleon.

~That whole dialog with Haley and Alex is why I included her in part two. Yea, I've been waiting to do that for a while. :P

~I HAD some Pokemon battle scenes planned and typed out, but I removed them... mostly because I've never seen a battle scene I enjoyed reading. I asked if people wanted to see me include battle scenes and no one replied so I figured that was a "No". I took them out.

~Oh, and the sequel to the Persistent Dragon is next on the to-do list. (go read the first if you haven't already :P)