Lori Pathen 3 - News for the Gnomes

Story by DarkCoyote on SoFurry

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#3 of Lori Pathen

It was three marks after noon, and Grion lounged languidly on his sectional looking out at the cobalt alpine sky with a grin on his face. Mika had spent the night with him. The sex had been awesome, in fact the room, the couch, and his fur still smelled of their mating. The bed chamber had gotten heavy use as well for more than just sleeping. He had not flown her this time, they both felt like being more intimate.

She came right out and asked to be his mate, Grion almost said yes. As it was he invited her to move in to the Cave of Winds, one step closer to formal mating. One important thing Mika said was that she didn't care about any males Grion might have encounters with. That tipped the balance in his decision. Mika was beautiful, sexual, skilled, and understood the difference between committed mating and fun with the boys. Grion couldn't help but laugh, she really had worn him down, and he could do a whole lot worse.

A flapping of wings announced the arrival of Grion's expected guest. "Adonu, welcome to my home." Grion padded across the room and greeted his guest on the entrance ledge with a friendly embrace, which was returned with genuine affection.

"My Lord, I want to thank you for everything. It's great to see you again." Adonu and Grion walked into the cave arm in arm. Both griffonoids tails were swishing slowly. They walked to the sectional and sat next to each other.

"You seem to be adjusting quite well", Grion observed. His nose detected the scent of very heavy mating from Adonu. In fact, like Grion himself, Adonu had cum in his fur. Grion's cock twitched and slid slowly from it's sheath. Interestingly, Adonu got a whiff of Grion's scent and had exactly the same reaction.

"Yes, it was a wonderful morning", Adonu grinned. "Thanks for the raw elk, Kithra and I both needed it." Without even realizing it, Adonu scratched his crotch lightly, his barbed cock flopped fully out of it's sheath.

Grion grinned, "It was my pleasure. The truth is I have a genuine need for someone like you."

Grion decided to see how much Adonu had truly changed, he reached down and started blatantly stroking his own barbed cock to hardness. Adonu immediately joined him stroking his new, massive griffon cock..

Conversation stopped as the two griffonoids stroked themselves. Occasional growls and moans escaped them both. Grion reached over and used a free taloned hand to play with Adonu's nipples. That quickly sent the longhaired griffonoid over the edge. He shot a large jet of cum across the room, splattering the rug and coffee table. He roared his passion as he came. A smirking Grion quickly followed suit.

Both griffonoids lay back panting for a few minutes, their cum covered talons wrapped around their cum covered cocks. Grion laughed softly as Adonu had a mix of emotions play across his face.

"I can't believe I did that", said Adonu in a hushed voice. A mild look of shock on his face.

"Did what?" asked Lord Grion. He brought his cum covered talon to his face and started licking it clean with his leonine tongue, all the while his eyes looked at Adonu curiously.

Adonu brought his cum covered talon to his face experimentally. He sniffed it, licked it, liked it and joined Grion in licking his talons clean. A look of total confusion crossed Adonu's face as he licked himself. Grion could no longer contain himself and burst out laughing.

"Congratulations, you are officially a beast." Grion leaned over and kissed the confused Adonu on the lips. He smeared a small trace of his own cum into Adonu's chest ruff. "Most males of our species like to play with other males. It doesn't mean anything other than friendship. Now fly another female and your mate will probably throat you. Come home with my scent and she will know you've been male bonding." Grion grinned at the new griffonoid who was now officially a friend.

"What of the female I smell on you? Is she your mate?" Adonu continued to lick his talon as Grion responded.

"Well, it will likely end that way. We are at the first stage of commitment, nesting together. She will be moving in tomorrow to share my cave and bed. Her name is Mika. She is very cute, sexy, and paws off." Grion grinned and punched Adonu in the shoulder. Now it was Adonu's turn to burst out laughing.

"No worries there my Lord, paws off my mate as well." Adonu gave Grion a vicious bestial snarl, then lightly punched him on the arm.

Grion gave an amused grin, this griffonoid caught on quickly. He would be a perfect ambassador. "Let me show you the rest of the cave. We can take a hot mineral bath and have the conversation I actually summoned you here for."

Adonu's eyebrows shot up. "So there was another reason you called me here, I was beginning to wonder." Adonu shot Grion a sly grin.

"You distracted me you sexy beast, getting all hard and cuming in the royal presence." Grion swatted Adonu playfully on the ass with a taloned hand causing him to jump.

Together they toured the Cave of Winds winding up in a special room called the Crystal Pool. The pool was enclosed in a natural rock cavern at the back of the cave. It was filled with warm, steaming, mineralized water magically piped up from a natural hot spring at the base of the mountain. The overflow was channeled out a small slit to the outside where it cascaded down forming a frozen waterfall most of the year. Crystalline wind chimes sounded faintly, and the howl of a gale could be heard blowing faintly outside through the slit in the rock.

The griffonoids slipped into the steaming pool and immediately relaxed. Grion turned serious and began to speak. "The reason I called you here, is that I need you to visit the Gnomes as my ambassador. I warn you, things may become tense, especially when they receive the message you are going to relay. For them, it is bad news, but then they already know most of what you will be telling them. The fact is they have few real options but to accept what we propose. I doubt you will be in any real danger, but you never know. I will be sending you armed. If they do give you trouble take whatever action you need to."

"Do you expect me to stay there?" Adonu cocked his head at Grion who marveled at the total transformation. He was even picking up the mannerisms.

"I am giving them a week to respond to my proposal. It is pretty much our terms or no deal as we are the ones in a position of strength. Wait till you get an answer, or one week elapses. If they plead for time, grant it at your discretion, but no more than a few days."

Grion outlined the whole strategic situation along with the specific proposal. Adonu quickly understood why the gnomes would not be happy. What he was delivering was more of an ultimatum than a proposal, but Grion was correct in that there really were few attractive options for them.

"Do you have any questions?" Grion asked.

"Only one." Adonu was staring into Grion's eyes. "Can I kiss you?"

Grion grinned and the two griffonoids embraced each other. Their leonine tongues wrestled in their fanged mouths as talons drifted down and stroked barbed cocks. Grion grabbed both cocks in his talons while their tongues continued to wrestle.

The barbs on their cocks tickled each other and interlocked. Both beasts alternately growled, moaned, and purred as Grion continued to stroke their bestial cocks against each other with his large taloned hand.

Adonu's hands were now free. He used one taloned hand to massage and tickle their bestial balls. The other roamed Grion's chest, tracing his muscles and playing with his nipples. Both beasts roared and shot their loads into the water.

Grion and Adonu exchanged very feral grins and bites on the shoulder. The encounter had lasted less than 10 minutes, but was incredibly intense. Once they both stopped panting, they climbed slowly from the pool, their cocks still half hard.

Grion could see that the last of Adonu's resistance had been overcome. He was fully a beast now, hopefully without any more elven hang-ups.

"Be at the Golden Griffon at noon in three days. You will be given your diplomatic credentials, papers, money, and supplies for your journey." Grion gave Adonu one last passionate kiss.

"I'll be there", replied Adonu.

Grion dried himself and Adonu off with a quick spell as it would be fatal to go outside wet in this alpine weather. The smell of sex was gone from both of them.

"Here, let me help you with your mane", Grion said with a smile. Grion cast a special grooming spell that took Adonu's mane from a well groomed elven look, to a much more wild state. His bangs fell in his face but naturally parted to not obscure his amber eyes, His mane developed tentacle like witchlocks that gave Adonu a much more wild and feral appearance. Adonu's eyebrows became angular and thicker. Subtle shading also appeared on his face, making him look even more bestial.

Grion took Adonu to his bed chamber so he could see himself in the large mirror there. Adonu smiled showing full fangs as he looked at himself. If anything his cock got a little harder as he saw the beast he had become for the first time. He snarled and posed admiring his new body and look.

"Grooming is something you'll never have to worry about. The magic I used is permanent. An ambassador should always look his best and bestial. You will still have to bathe, but when you dry off you will always look like this." Grion ran a claw down Adonu's back. The griffonoid was so enamored of his own body that he barely noticed.

"I love it", Adonu was positively beaming. He particularly loved the way his mane seemed to be lightly grabbing his body as he moved, the witchlocks tickling his sides and ass. Without realizing it, his movements changed slightly to enhance the movement of his mane. Grion watched his new friend and sex partner as he stood by silently grinning.

"I think it's time you went home and showed your female what a real beast looks like." Grion smiled at his guest as they walked to the entry ledge. After another exchange of shoulder bites Grion playfully swatted his guest on the ass with his talons as he leapt skyward. The resulting shrieking cry from Adonu was very like one a wild griffon would make.

Adonu flew home to spend a couple of more days with his mate before leaving on his mission. This time he fully expected to return, Kithra would be absolutely safe, and he would be paid enough gold to furnish his cave in luxury with enough left to provide for his mate for a good long time. Grion indicated that this would not be his last mission. Adonu expected to become a very rich griffonoid, and eventually a key advisor.

By the time Adonu got home his cock was raging hard, and he wasted no time thrusting it into Kithra. If anything the encounter with Lord Grion had only aroused him more for sex with his mate. "No wonder the male griffonoids like to play", he thought to himself as he pounced his reclining mate, ramming his cock deep into her and smothering her face and breasts with kisses..

Kithra growled appreciatively. "I love your new look my mate."

Adonu pulled out of Kithra and climbed onto Kithra's back, plunging his raging cock into her like a true beast. Both of them roared in ecstasy as Adonu pounded his barbed cock into his mate.

Kithra roared encouragement to her mate as he continued to thrust. He gripped her back and wings with his talons and bit the back of Kithra's neck. They fucked like beasts for a good thirty minutes. Finally they climaxed together with a shrieking roar that echoed through the cave and the valley below.

They stayed locked together for twenty minutes more before Kithra finally rolled on her back and swatted her mate off with a growl and a talon swipe.

Afterwards they lay next to each other. Occasionally they would exchange face licks, both had very feral grins.

"How did the meeting with Lord Grion go?" Kithra asked.

"He's named me an ambassador. I'll be leaving on my first mission in a few days. Until then, I'm all yours."

Kithra got a sly look on her face. "You two mated didn't you?"

"How did you know?" Adonu asked. His voice was curious rather than frightened or upset.

"Your new job, and your wild new look." Kithra grinned. "If you keep mating me like this afterwards I want you to mate him a lot more often." Kithra laughed and licked Adonu's face.

Adonu grinned at his mate. "I guess I have no choice but to honor your request."


The winds howled and snow flew outside the shelter magically constructed of snow and ice. Karl gazed across to the adjacent peak through the perfectly clear ice window and logged the departure of the male griffonoid who had arrived a few marks earlier. The one that stayed behind was almost certainly Lord Grion, and this was likely the new home he was rumored to have been constructing. If Karl was right, this crazy gamble might actually pay off beyond expectations.

Karl was in a unique position. He was not a member of court, but enjoyed great wealth. He used to be part of the military of the empire of Palen. He started as a combat mage and quickly rose through the ranks, of course back in those days he had the first and last name he was born with.

Karl had shown such an affinity for water magic that it was decided to train him in dealing with ice and snow. He had excelled beyond all expectations. He had even learned some air spells that allowed him to exist in environments that would kill another human. Some training from the empire's chief assassin had rounded out the knowledge of his unique new craft. This made him invaluable, and brought him deep into the empire's shadow world.

He had gone from combat mage to spy and troubleshooter. If the empire had a problem that required his unique talents, he was on call at a moment's notice, a secret servant to the emperor. It was an amazing lifestyle enjoyed by very few. He had his own villa and servants. His cover was a wealthy merchant dealing in magical items and devices. His occasional audiences with the emperor only cemented his cover.

This was far from his first mission, but it was possibly the most dangerous and difficult thing he had ever done. He had been inserted into the monster realm in the middle of the night via magic mirror. During the intervening weeks he had hopped from peak to peak a few times with the help of his compatriots back in the capitol. This time it appeared they had hit the jackpot.

His mission was simple, observe and report. Find Lord Grion's cave. Report it's location so that others could be sent in to deal with the little monster before he upset the balance of power on the entire continent. Of course if an opportunity presented itself Karl was authorized to kill the griffonoid. It wouldn't be the first time he had eliminated a threat to the empire.

His next scheduled check-in with the capitol wouldn't happen for a few days. The shelter was warm, he had the proper food, clothing, and tools. He was secure on his mountain. Nothing to do but watch and bide his time.


Lord Chaotic strolled from his classroom at Lori Pathen University after his final afternoon class. He smiled and nodded at the students and other professors as he strolled across the campus to the Administration Building.

The three story structure was massively built of speckled granite. It was entirely built by magic with towering spires. Truth be told the exterior was inspired by some cathedrals Lord Chaotic had seen during his dimensional travels. The entire structure was one massive piece of rock. Translucent crystal formed what appeared to be stained glass windows in the front of the building. The other windows were clear quartz. While none of the windows opened, there was a cunning ventilation system fueled by minor air elementals sucking fresh air in from the roof and expelling it through vents in the back of the building.

Lord Chaotic opened the massive ornately carved oak doors and waved at Tharis, the troll security guard as he headed up the stairs to his office on the third floor. To be truthful his office was the third floor. Being the Dean and founder of the university had it's privileges.

"Any messages for me Sky?" he asked his secretary.

"Just one message from your son Grion." The griffoness had a sparkle in her voice. "He says not to worry about the elven ambassador, he's been successfully recruited."

Lord Grion laughed with his secretary. "Good to see he's on top of things."

"He also says that he's invited Mika to share his nest." Sky was positively beaming.

Lord Chaotic greeted that news with a mix of emotions. After contemplating for a moment he decided it was good news. "Well at least he won't be getting all the young females pregnant." Chaotic smiled at his beautiful secretary.

"You know, I wouldn't mind if you wanted to fly me sometime." Lord Chaotic was a handsome griffonoid. He had the benefit of an elven life span thanks to his ancestry. He and his sons looked more like brothers despite him being more than 60 years older.

Chaotic fixed his secretary with his golden eyes. "You know I haven't flown a griffoness since the death of Grion's mother." Chaotic sighed. "We have been together for what? Fifteen years now?" The male griffonoid shook his head. "You know if I fly you, you will be pregnant, that magic is a permanent part of me. You also know that I have a mate, even though he is male and vulpine."

Sky looked worried as Chaotic stood there thinking. She wondered if she had overstepped her bounds and damaged their friendship.

Finally the male smiled. "Sky, I want you to really think about what you're asking. If you really can live with the consequences, I'll fly you. But think on it for at least a week, Ok?"

It was all Sky could do not to leap over the desk and hug Chaotic. "I will think on it as you request, and I thank you."

Lord Chaotic smiled. "No calls or visitors for the rest of the day. I have some vital research I'm working on."

"Yes sir", Sky smiled as Chaotic closed his office door.

Chaotic knew Folix wouldn't care if he flew Sky. The elven were-fox would probably say it was about damn time. He really didn't want another child, the adult sons he had were more than a handful. Still, Sky had been a faithful companion through a lot of things. If she really wanted his offspring, he wouldn't say no. There was no chance of a permanent mating as Chaotic and his vulpine bard were very happy.

Chaotic padded across the thick brown carpet and sat in his oversize leather chair. He looked at the stack of student papers needing his attention and pushed them aside for the moment.

Instead Chaotic gazed up at the unique wall map that graced his office. It was a map of Lori Pathen and the area immediately around his borders. Small red, yellow, blue, and green lights blinked upon it's surface. The griffon's brow furrowed. The out of place little blue and yellow light had moved again.

Chaotic got up and moved to the map. This map was of his own devising and showed the locations of significant magic use in the kingdom, including type and relative strength. It had been used to apprehend spies and border crashers on many occasions. Lori Pathen had vast areas of wilderness where few creatures lived. Magic showing up in those areas was a definite cause for suspicion and concern.

The little blue and yellow lights had been hopping from mountain to mountain in the Western and Skullkill ranges, changing position every few days. Initially Chaotic had put it down to someone looking for a new cave to live in, but some of the peaks had no known caves. Now the lights were directly across from the Cave of Winds where Grion had built his new home. Chaotic swore in high elvish.

"Call Grion", Chaotic said with more than a little urgency.

"Calling", the telestone imp responded.

"Hello?" a female voice responded.

"Is this Mika?" Lord Chaotic asked.

"Yes? Where is this voice coming from?" Mika obviously didn't know about the telestone. Before today there was no reason for her to know.

"Mika, this is Lord Chaotic. If my son is there bring him in the room at once, it's an emergency." Lord Chaotic head the sound of calling out and scrabbling claws on stone.

"It's ok Mika, it's just the telestone...I was going to tell you about it.. " Grion's muffled voice betrayed some annoyance.

"Grion, listen to me. I think we have a problem. I want you to arm yourself and retreat to the back of your cave. Don't go outside or near the windows. You have a watcher on Frozen Dwarf Peak. I'm going to call the military and have them send some dragons to check it out." Chaotic continued to watch the map as he spoke, no sign of movement from the lights.

"Dad, I'm going to teleport Mika and I to the Golden Griffon. I don't want to put her at risk, and it would be better if the military knew they didn't have to worry about me being here."

"That's probably a better idea. I'll meet you at the Griffon soon son. End call." Chaotic ignored the routine imp prattle and continued to focus on the map. "Call General Belroth."

"Hello?" The booming dragon voice all but rattled the walls.

"General, this is Lord Chaotic. We have a magical intruder on Frozen Dwarf Peak across from the Cave of Winds. I have advised Lord Grion to evacuate. Whoever this is needs to be arrested and brought in for questioning. Hold them in the old dungeon under guard."

"Understood sir, it will be my pleasure." The dragon was itching for action. "End call."

Chaotic stood in his office watching the lights. A formation of red lights appeared in the south and began moving across the kingdom towards the blue and yellow lights.....


The flight of dragons took off from their various caves after General Belroth triggered the alert. They formed up and circled over the extreme south of the kingdom to avoid detection from their target.

One of the reasons that Lori Pathen had been able to survive among the civilized kingdoms is that it was one of the few countries with an actual air force, and of those Lori Pathen's was far more powerful than a few elves mounted on pegasi with bows, or hired winged folk mercenaries.

With in moments the flight leader had established the telepathic link between the dragons in the flight. "Listen up! We are targeting a magical intruder on the north side of Frozen Dwarf Peak. It may well be a spy. Show no mercy! The target is to be taken prisoner, but I don't care if I have to pay for the resurrection spell myself! Is that clear!?"

An enthusiastic chorus of "Yes Sir!" responded to the draconic general.

"The Cave of Winds has been evacuated, but let's not have any collateral damage if it can be helped! Now form up! We will fly north up the back side of the Western Range and circle back east to hit the target from the south! We will wrap the peak from both sides."

Fifteen minutes later the dragon flight approached Frozen Dwarf Peak. At the command of "Break!" the formation broke in two and circled the peak, 3 dragons going each way at staggered altitudes. It was a drill they practiced often.

In a matter of seconds the dragons spotted the white igloo type structure on a ledge one hundred feet below the summit.....


Karl was enjoying a hot cup of tea in his shelter when the huge blast of draconic fire impacted the roof. The ice shielded him from the flames, but only just.

Karl responded by firing ice missiles at the Ancient dragon. They were strong enough that they perforated the dragon's left wing. The dragon limped to an adjacent peak and crash-landed on the slope. This did not buy Karl any time however.

Five more large shadows crossed over Karl. The dragons were of assorted types and none was younger than full adult. Karl took aim at a blue one with another barrage of missiles, unfortunately a bronze one opened up on him with some kind of sonic attack.

The mage screamed soundlessly as he covered his bleeding ears. Unfortunately for Karl, he was not the dragon's real target. The dragon actually blasted the snow and ice suspended on the peak above him. Karl was caught in a large avalanche before he even knew what hit him.

Karl cast a quick flight spell and separated himself from the tumbling mass. Unfortunately a silver dragon was waiting to swoop and scooped Karl up in his talons.

Karl quickly reacted by casting a lightning bolt directly into the dragon's talons. The dragon screamed in pain, and went into a steep dive taking Karl along as a helpless passenger. Karl beat against the talons trying to force the dragon to release him from it's iron grip. The dragon banked and pulled out of the dive skimming just 30 feet off the valley floor at high speed. Suddenly the dragon released Karl and pulled up. Before Karl could do anything he slammed face first into a granite outcropping. The world went black.


"My lord we have a total of three injuries. Baldar took a fusillade of missiles to the face, Salroth has claw burns, and my left wing is perforated. I can't fly till it heals completely. The others have been treated and should be good to fight in a few days if necessary. The prisoner was delivered to the old dungeon as ordered. He is currently being treated for his injuries and kept unconscious." The General who had shifted down to his dragonoid form in order to report leaned into the cumly griffoness who had voluenteered to massage his injured wing. He growled his thanks in low tones and sipped his ale. He had no idea the female massaging him was the future mate of the ruler.

"General, excellent work. Your entire flight is to be commended. You will all be named to the order of the Silver Roc for your bravery and service." Grion smiled at the General and raised his tankard in salute. 'To our fierce General Belroth!"

The rest of the bar echoed the toast in the General's honor. The general's scales seemed to get a little redder, but it was hard to tell. "I thank you My Lord", was all he said.

"Son, I know you don't want to hear this, but you are going to have to add permanent security to the mountains and the Cave of Winds if you plan to keep living there." Lord Chaotic looked at his son with kind eyes and stern expression. He had lived at the Golden Griffin while he was in power just to avoid these kinds of problems.

Lord Grion rolled his eyes at his father but nodded solemnly in the affirmative. "You're right", Grion sighed. "I'd like you and Darkmoon to collaborate on new wards and defenses for my home. General, I want you to do an analysis and come up with a plan to defend the peaks. Even if the defenses are ground based, the nature of the terrain makes you the best tactical choice for planning. I'd like to meet with you and Kroth in a week to go over the recommendations."

The General nodded, "I'll get on it at first light. I'll study the terrain maps and come up with recommendations."

"I agree with your request for new defenses. There is wisdom in adding some chaos magic to the mix. I normally work alone, but in this case I think collaboration with one of my best students is in order. I'll speak to Darkmoon in the morning." Chaotic sipped his ale. He sat across from his son and to the right of the general at Grion's favorite table in the Golden Griffin. "I hope you don't mind, but I left a little something special on Frozen Dwarf Peak for when our guest's friends check on him. I'd recommend a no-fly zone within 100 yards of that mountain for a few weeks."

Grion turned to Kroth, his Captain of the Guard. "Make it so, we don't need any accidents."

"I'll get the word out tonight and put some griffonoid soldiers out to patrol it." Kroth sipped his ale. He could see his job would be getting a little harder from here on as the new mountain defenses would fall under his direct command after they were instituted.

"Kroth, one more thing. Stop in at Adonu's cave and let him know we have an unexpected change in plans. Tell him to meet me here at noon tomorrow for him to leave on his mission. Tell him I'm giving a thousand gold bonus for the inconvenience."


The meeting at the Golden Griffon had taken place as scheduled. The goodbyes had been much more cheerful then those of his last mission. In fact Kithra and Mika had been introduced and a friendship had been formed. Adonu's only worry was that Kithra and Mika had been talking about going shopping together to furnish his cave. Adonu wondered if any of his thousand gold bonus would be unspent by the time he returned.

Adonu had been presented with a harness not unlike Grion's. It had everything from large compartments for cash and treasure to small places for document and other things. His diplomatic credentials were checked and certified as in order by Lord Grion himself.

Lord Grion had some last words of wisdom for Adonu as he left. "Remember, you are a beast. If you come to a difficult patch don't be afraid to let the so called civilized people around you know it, growl, snarl, roar if you need to! You are my ambassador, I want a beast representing me!" Lord Grion and Kithra walked him out of the bar into the bright sunshine and saw him off into the brilliant sky.

Adonu was flying north-west across the kingdom on a sunny afternoon. Flying was very new to him, and very intoxicating. The terrain in the region was mostly unspoiled wilderness marred only by a few settlements and caravan roads. Most of the citizens in the country lived in Lori Pathen City, or in caves in and under the mountains. Adonu was finding out there was much more to the country than met the eye. On more than one occasion he was tempted to pick off a careless deer or elk, but he resisted and kept following the caravan road to the gnomish kingdom.

The road climbed the slopes of the Western Ranges in a series of switchbacks. Adonu just flew straight over till he neared the crest of the range. There he spotted two border stations a league apart.

Adonu landed and spoke with the orc border guards. This had been a high volume post, but now had turned boring since the prolonged border closure. Adonu produced his credentials for the guards who officially logged him out of the country.

It was plain to Adonu that at least these orcs wouldn't mind a return to the good old days. He was asked point blank if the closure was being lifted. His reply was, "If my mission is successful you will see more activity than you have ever seen before." The words made the orcs smile, but then they didn't know the true nature of the meetings that would soon take place. Had they known they might have been apprehensive to say the least.

The guards counseled him to walk the league to the gnomish post as creatures flying across the borders tended to get shot. Adonu assured them that he would. His mission was far too important to risk a stupid accident.

The walk to the gnomish border was pleasant. The air was cold, clean, and fresh. The snow had already melted and spring was bursting out in the mountain pass.

From what Adonu had learned this was the only border of Lori Pathen a war had not been fought to establish. The gnomes were not an ally by any means, but they did not have enemy status either. Relations had been formal and professional over the years of Lord Chaotic's reign. The border closure under Lord Grion had inflamed relations.

Grion walked towards the Gnomish border post. Instantly he saw a flurry of activity as weapons were produced.

"Halt!" the diminutive guard yelled. "Stand your ground and identify yourself!"

Adonu reached into his harness and withdrew a small magic crystal which he held up to the light. "I am Adonu, ambassador of Lori Pathen to the court of King Adoluphis! Witness my magical seal!" With that the crystal sparkled and glowed in the light. It produced a projection of an animated golden griffon in flight on the ground.

There was hushed murmurs from the gnomish guards as they discussed what to do. Finally a voice answered. "Approach slowly with your palms open where we can see them."

"I am unarmed", Adonu announced as he complied with the request of the border guards. Upon arrival at the border the guards once again demanded his weapons. "Adonu spread his arms and wings and once again stated that he had none.

"Ah! A harness! We have seen those before! Dump out the contents for inspection!" The demanding guard came up a little past Adonu's crotch.

"No", Adonu replied. "As you can plainly see the harness is under official diplomatic seal. It's contents are for your king, and him alone. It is a breach of relations for you to even make such a request." Adonu followed Lord Grion's advice and let just a hint of a growl creep into his voice. The gnomish guard recoiled slightly.

"I'm sorry my friend. I'm a beast and sometimes my temper flairs a little." The guard was taken aback by Adonu's disarming smile showing just a hint of fang. Adonu well remembered this move from his first meeting with Lord Grion.

"Alright, your diplomatic credentials appear valid. We will admit you to the country." The guard sounded truly resigned.

"Very well, I'll take off and be on my way to the capital then." Adonu was all too happy to leave the border.

"Not so fast", the guard said. "You are a verified ambassador and we recognize your credentials. That being the case I cannot allow you to fly to the capitol and risk being shot at by a well intentioned member of our armed forces. You will wait here while I summon a carriage to take you to the palace." The guard seemed inordinately pleased with himself.

Adonu realized he was trapped by protocol. The country being visited did have the right by convention to make such dictates. His day long flight just became a three day bumpy ride by too small closed carriage guaranteed to rattle every bone in his body. Adonu quickly realized that the gnomes were going to make him pay for what they considered the sins of his lord, he let out a low growl but resigned himself to his fate.


Lord Grion and Darkmoon sat in the living room of the Cave of Winds drinking mead. The walk though of all the new security had just been completed. Grion would finally be allowed to sleep in his own bed tonight. Dad's old rooms at the Golden Griffon were comfortable, but definitely not to his taste. Not to mention the rooms had been sealed for a few years. The staff had done a pretty good job cleaning them on short notice, but there was still a dusty, musty smell to the air that made him sneeze. He would not miss them.

"So, what do you think my friend?" Darkmoon cocked his head and wagged his tail. He had solidified his form to his original lupine body.

"It's an amazing job you and my father did. I like the fact that most of it is passive and invisible." Grion sipped his mead and raised his mug in salute.

"Well, as I believe I demonstrated with the telestones, voice commands are just not as good as everyone thinks. They may be the old school way of doing things, but voices can be altered and faked, just not a good thing to bet your life on." The wolf drained his mug and reached for the bottle to refill them both.

"The proximity triggers seem to work flawlessly. The only annoyance is having to walk people in and out, but then I do that anyways. It's good manners." Grion smiled as more cold clear amber wine filled his mug.

"Maybe for you, for me I've lost my ability to keep teleporting in behind you so I can pull your tail." Both beasts laughed at that.

"Speaking of pulling tails, I have one more favor to ask, This one needs to be kept quiet." The griffon became quite serious. "How would you feel about inventing a new species?"

"Now that does sound interesting, what do you have in mind?" The wolf's tail was swishing lazily, his amber eyes focused on his griffonoid friend.

"It's part revenge, and part planning for the new kind of war I intend to start. That assassin mage could be very useful in the right body with the right advantages and limitations. He is a weapon in and of himself."

"That's a dangerous game my friend, but then war is always dangerous. I certainly understand your desire for revenge. What exactly do you have in mind?" Darkmoon had seen his friend like this before. This was the cold, calculating side of Lord Grion that all would do well to fear if they got on his bad side.

"Well, I've been poking around in his head while he's been healing. He's basically a magical spy and assassin. His orders were to observe, and kill if possible. Their plan was for an entire team to follow up." Darkmoon whistled as Grion continued.

"The guy is specialized in water, ice, and snow magic. He also knows quite a bit of air magic. Someone like him could roam mountains without regard to weather, especially if his body was tailored to the purpose. With all the mountains we have, I want him patrolling our wilderness."

"That all makes sense. What kind of form are you looking at?" Darkmoon cocked his head.

"Well, deep down the guy is something of a prude. He is only interested in females, and then only rarely. I'm thinking of giving him a full satyr makeover, but taking it further to make him a true mountain goat hybrid. He will have a satyr's appetites and limited ability to communicate. If it works out he will be the first of his new race and breed all those willing satyr males and females in Deep Forest. Frankly after he changes I intend to breed him myself just to drive the point home that he can't return to what he was." Grion let a sly grin cross his face.

Darkmoon burst out laughing. "Man, you are taking the phrase 'Fuck You' to a whole new level. I approve." Darkmoon snickered and raised his mug. "I would be honored to take care of this little project."

The two beasts clinked their mugs and drained them dry.


Consciousness returned to Karl. It was pitch black, and he couldn't tell if his eyes were open or closed. He could tell that he seemed to be chained to a wall by iron shackles, A thin flicker of light entered his world followed by a clanging of iron as the bars at the chamber entrance were unlocked to allow his visitor access.

Darkmoon entered the chamber carrying a small candle which he sat on a previously unseen table. He looked every bit the humanoid wolf with a malicious smile on his furred face. "Hello cutie pie, one of us is in big trouble." Darkmoon's laugh implied something less than good humor. In truth he was just happy he had managed to find an excuse to use one of his favorite movie lines from his childhood.

"You'll get nothing from me beast." Karl had been in this situation before and had always managed a release or escape.

Darkmoon laughed pleasantly. "I think you will find you are mistaken about that. I think you will also find that what we want is not what you assume it is. Darkmoon took a sip of cool fresh water from a skin he brought with him. "You want some?", the wolf offered.

"Why, you'll just throw it in my face anyways." Karl was understandably defiant.

Darkmoon poured some water from the skin into a cup and held it to Karl's lips, letting him drink his fill. Karl showed definite surprise. "Thanks", he said in response to the surprising generosity.

"No problem", the wolf responded. "How you will feel about me later remains to be seen. I have been charged with executing your punishment for illegal entry into the country, attempted espionage, and assault on our national armed forces."

"No trial I see. So I assume I am to be killed." Karl exuded a professional calm. This too was something he had dealt with before.

The wolf shook his head. "No, no trial. Despite the severity of your crime you did not receive a death sentence. Weather you will find the sentence merciful or not is an entirely different matter. I suspect there will be times when you may prefer death and will curse me for helping to keep you alive. But again, that depends on how well you adapt and adjust."

"So, how long have I been here?" Karl asked.

"It's been three and a half days. Frankly you weren't our first priority after your little battle with our air force. So we kept you on ice, so to speak." The wolf looked Karl's naked body over. He would be a good candidate for what Grion had in mind. He was fit and lean. The sexual equipment would need a lot of attention though.

"By the way, your friends did come looking for you. Unfortunately they got caught in the blast of the magical booby-trap Lord Chaotic set for them. I understand a non-descript building in your capital erupted in flames early this morning, my condolences." The wolf smiled as Karl swore.

"Well, that's enough socializing for today. I have a few quick samples I need to take. You are going to be a very special and unique project. I need to make sure I don't screw things up. Who knows, you might decide to give in and enjoy the process. Parts of it will be very pleasurable. I'll make sure of it." Darkmoon gave a reassuring grin that was anything but to Karl.

Darkmoon poked Karl with a small needle and squeezed the wound until he produced enough blood to fill the bottom of a glass tube, which he quickly stoppered. He then grabbed some shears and clipped a little hair from his head which he also placed in a stoppered glass tube. The next sample was some fingernail clippings, followed by some body hair from armpits and crotch. Karl remained silent and stoic during the sampling.

"Now it's time for the last sample", Darkmoon announced. "You'll enjoy this one, in fact you might even consider it the first step in your transformation." Darkmoon held up a strange bronze cylinder that started out wide at the base, then tapered towards the end to a blunt point. The entire thing was 18 inches long and was equipped with leather straps and buckles. "We'll get to this in a minute. First, I need my last untainted sample."

Darkmoon put down the strange device and approached Karl. He grabbed Karl's flaccid shaft and started stroking his cock.

"What are you doing?" moaned Karl. His shaft was springing to life under the wolf's attention.

"I'm taking my final untainted sample", stated Darkmoon once more. "Just be glad it feels good. I promise though, what comes next will feel even better, at least for the first several hours." Darkmoon smiled as Karl's cock came to full attention. He was barely average for a human.

Karl moaned as he was stroked pleading with the wolf to stop even as he bucked into the stroking paws.

"Sorry Karl, this has got to be done." Darkmoon grabbed a larger glass tube and slipped it over Karl's cock. It had some kind of rubber material on the open end that felt like a paw stroking him as Darkmoon moved it up and down his cock.

After five more minutes of stroking, nipple tweaking and ball grabbing from Darkmoon, Karl finally came hard into the glass tube, filling it up past half way. "I thank you Karl" Darkmoon pulled the tube off Karl's cock and let the remaining ejaculate drip down onto his legs and feet.

"What the hell are you doing?" moaned Karl.

"You want me to spoil the surprise?" replied Darkmoon. The wolf wore a mischievous grin, and winked at the chained prisoner.

Darkmoon dumped most of the cum sample into a white mortar and added some other ingredients, then started mashing them together. After about ten minutes Darkmoon announced to his captive audience "It's ready!" He then took the preparation and coated the inside of the strange bronze cylinder with a small circular brush. "We'll let that settle for a moment, first the special strap."

Darkmoon grabbed a small leather strap with 3 loops off the table. He attached one around Karl's cock. The other two went around each of his balls. Karl moaned as Darkmoon adjusted the loops and pulled them tight. Once the strap was adjusted Karl started feeling small zaps of electricity directly into his cock and balls. His erection immediately sprung back to full attention. "Excellent", murmured Darkmoon as he returned for the neglected bronze cylinder.

Darkmoon slipped the cylinder over Karl's cock, then fastened and adjusted the straps to hold it firmly in place.

Karl swooned in his chains feeling amazingly stimulated.

"You see my friend" announced Darkmoon, "this really is the first stage of your transformation process, probably the most enjoyable stage. You just hang there and enjoy yourself as the straps, chaos mixture, and special cock mold do their thing. Don't worry, the tube is open at the end so if it fills your cum will just run down and make you messy,"

Darkmoon smirked as he gathered up his samples and packed them away in a leather pouch. He grabbed the only source of light and left the cell, locking it behind him with it's moaning and thrusting prisoner who was even now transforming his sexual equipment.

"Always leave them laughing is my motto, or at least moaning", announced the wolf as he locked the door.

The prisoner answered with some of the best depraved moaning Darkmoon had heard in a while. He walked up the dungeon stairs with a spring in his paws and a smile on his face. This will be a fun project.