Amy's Secret: Legacy Edition

Story by johnbob on SoFurry

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Hello. This is the original, unedited first draft of the story. The newer upload contains edits, additional content, and is considered the canonical version. But I'm not George Lucas, and I'll leave this entry here.

First off, the copyright for all the characters in this story belongs to sega. The characters are not mine. be warned that if you dont want to read a story which involves nonconsensual sex between amy and sonic (with amy being the one doing the raping) then please avert your eyes. this story includes several basic fetishes as well as some more extreme ones (no scat). I also sort of made up my own anatomy for some parts of the characters. So enjoy, comment, cum, fave, rate and watch for more stories.

Amy's secret

Responding to a midnight distress call, sonic ran down the sidewalk toward the local bank. He rounded a corner and went into an alley. Suddenly, his movement was impeded as he ran into an invisible surface. He let out a yelp of surprise as glass shattered around him. Sonic, who was made uncoordinated by the sudden impact, fell to the ground. *someone put that pane of glass there deliberately* he thought to himself. As he began to get up, he heard a giggle echo from the dark behind him. *must be another hair brained scheme thought up by-* his thought was cut short as a linen bag came down over his head. He tried to turn around but get a sharp pain in the back of his head, before falling unconscious. Sonic the hedgehog had been trapped. He woke slightly, unable to see due to the bag on his head. He was now in the seated position. He could feel tight metal bands around his wrists and ankles. He tried to move his hands apart but felt a dense chain grow taught between the metal bands. He heard the sound of a car engine start and felt the vibrations in the seat. He knew he was being taken somewhere, but where? And by who? A few moments later he felt a pinch in his neck. *an injection?! No! Must...stay...awake...* he thought as he fell unconscious once again. It was several hours before he stirred again. He woke to find himself in a very uncomfortable position. He still had the bag on his head but felt that he was on his hands and knees, at least, partially. His hands and knees were both on the ground, but they weren't what was supporting him. Under his torso, from just over his belly button to just under his collar bone, there was a firm padded surface keeping him suspended off the ground. It was shaped like a wide "U" and cradled his torso only a couple of feet off the ground, requiring him to use his hands and knees to push himself up just the tiniest bit to keep himself comfortable.

He could still feel the squeeze of metal rings on his wrists and ankles. He tried to lift his hands but felt the chains reach their limit almost immediately after. His fingertips still touched the ground when he hit the maximum length allowance. He could barely move and he couldn't see. "Hello? Is anyone there?" he called. He heard a door creak open, followed by footsteps on stairs. The footsteps came closer to him and suddenly the bag was pulled of his head. The sudden flood of light blinded him for a moment. He blinked a few times and gasped as he saw who had removed the bag. "Amy? What are you doing here?" he asked. "Well sonic, I've tried to be reasonable. I've asked you to be mine so many times. I got tired of rejection is all. So I brought you here, to the basement of my home." she said. It was then that he realized what she was wearing. Instead of her normal outfit of a dress and matching boots, she was wearing black, high-healed, thigh-high boots and a sleek, black and red leather corset, with no breast covering. "Amy...I can see your, know..." he said nervously. "My what sonic? My vagina? My pussy? My cunt?" she asked in a soft seductive voice. " might want to cover up." he said. "So innocent. I'll have to change that. Tell me, sonic, do you want it?" she asked moving her hips toward him slightly. "Er, um...I I..." he stuttered, unable to look away from her pussy, which was only a foot from his face. He tried to look away but couldn't find anything else to focus on. The room behind her was pitch black and the only light source was a lamp that hung above him. To Amy's left, there were a few computer monitors and mixed equipment. One of the monitors displayed a heartbeat and pulse. Another showed a shot of the space between his legs, his genitals currently hidden from view inside him. There was a third monitor showing something else but it was to dark to see any detail other than a dim yellow color. "Hey! Pay attention!" said Amy. She put her hand on the back of his head and moved forward, forcing his face into the moist, pink crevasse between her legs. "Mmmrph! Mmmrph!" he yelled. "That's right, inhale the stench, smell my scent!" she said. There was no shortage of smell in her nether region. It carried the stench of salmon and nickels. "Normally I would keep myself "Fresh" but your time down here is intended to be a punishment, and I'm done trying to earn your approval." she said. She released his head and backed away. He drew in a deep breath of fresh air and hyperventilated for a moment.

"The point of this is to twist your mind. To force you to be mine. To take away your choice. To take away your will to make choices. And I'll start with your sense of arousal. If your going to be my pet, you need to learn that when I'm aroused, you're aroused," she took a syringe from the desk with the computers and walked back to him. "Wait! Amy, no!" he yelled as she put the needle in his neck and pushed down the plunger. She took it out and set it back on the desk. She then moved around him and crouched near him. She reached under him and moved his leg slightly away from the other, to get a better view. Sonic could only watch the screen focused on that area. The hole keeping his genitals ensconced moved open to allow his balls to slip out. He had obviously not been aroused in awhile and his penis was coiled up into his genital cavity. "Aw, let me help you with that," she said as she reached over with her free hand and inserted two fingers into his hole. She gently pulled out his penis and then watched as it grew erect. "Thats better," she said and walked back in front of him. She grabbed a tall glass from the desk and moved behind him again. She placed it directly beneath his cock "Waste random intervals, the injection I gave you will cause you to cum at certain a few days, you will have nearly filled this cup," she said as she walked back in front of him. "Please...just let me go!" sonic pleaded. "I've brought you here for a specific reason...I'd like to call it sex but you will resist a first...however it is only a matter of time before you no longer define it as rape," she said. "What are you gonna do? Shove my face in that stink pit you call a vagina?" he said mockingly. She scowled "No!" she yelled. "Then what? Get a strap-on?" he said, trying to sound as through he wasn't terrified.

"Close, but no cigar, sonic. You see...I have a I have kept from nearly everyone my whole life," she said. "And what is that?" he asked, partially afraid to find out. She reached down between her legs and began fingering herself, using her palm to rub her clitoris. He was unprepared for what he saw next. She inserted a third finger in her vagina and seemed to be grabbing at something. As she removed her hand, she had something in her three finger grasp. It was a seven inch, fully functional penis, complete with foreskin. It was completely erect and smelled slightly worse than her vagina. "Dear god...what is that thing?!" sonic said in disbelief trying to turn his head away from the smell without taking his eyes off the phallus. "It's my cock, secret," she said smiling down at it. "This is insane! Just let me go!" yelled sonic. "What do you think? It beautiful, isn't it?" she asked, gesturing to her foul cock. "It's disgusting! It's unnatural!" he said. Her penis was a light pink color, only a shade or two lighter than the rest of her body. It was no imitation, it looked just like any other cock. He could see the hole at the tip hiding just inside the moist opening of the foreskin.

She took hold of the base and moved closer to him. He rubbed the tip of her cock on his check and he tried to turn away. "Ugh! Please! Just let me go!" he yelled. "Oh, sonic...I intend to keep you here for a long, long time. Let me give you an example," she said, walking away from him into the darkness. A click was heard as she switched on a light. The light revealed something almost as shocking as what she had revealed only moments ago. It was cream, the rabbit. She had a collar around her neck keeping her chained to the wall. The chain had enough slack to allow her to stand up, however she only sat silently on the ground. The look in her eyes was so vacant that sonic would have thought she was dead if it weren't for he shallow, slow breathing causing her young, budding breasts to rise and fall. Her fur was stuck together in many places, bound by a white substance. Her mouth was slightly agape and although her eyes were open, she seemed not to notice anyone or anything around her. "About two months ago, she confessed to me that she thought you were cute. A few years down the road, after puberty, she may have stolen you from me. So I decided to take her out of the running early in the race. I brought her here shortly after she made that statement. At first she cried and begged for freedom, but, over time, she fought less and less. As you can see, I have allowed her free use of her appendages. But after one too many game of "Cream the rabbit"...pun intended...her young mind couldn't handle the trauma. She now lies silent, eats, breaths, sleeps, and sucks when I put my cock in her mouth. The screen that was previously dark due to the lack of light, now displayed creams young, abused vagina. The fur around it was cum stained, like the rest of her. "I believe she may be child of course. That's the only reason I keep her around. I'll use her to breed over the coming years until I get tired of it. But enough about her...I just wanted to give you an idea of how long you'll be here." said Amy. "You're sick! She's just a kid, barely 12 years old!" said sonic. Amy shrugged "We all lose our innocence someday." she said. "Your a monster! You're not the Amy I know!" said sonic. "You never knew me. You always ran away...but now I've caught you. No more running sonic...just you, me and my cock," she said as flicked off the light and walked back over to sonic.

"I've waited far too long for this. Open your mouth," she said. She placed a hand on her cock, just below the rim of the dead. She pulled her foreskin back slowly, revealing the head pinkish purple head of her cock. As the skin slipped over the rim of her cock head, it revealed something else that disturbed sonic greatly. It was a thick, gooey, white substance that smelled slightly worse than the rest of her reproductive system. "I told you I hadn't been washing. What you're seeing is called smegma. It is a cheesy substance that grows under foreskin. I have been cultivating it just for you. Honestly, you should consider yourself lucky...most people go their whole lives without tasting it. You, however, get a whole serving," she said. She then reached over with her other hand and used her index finger to swipe up a small amount of the cheese. She raised it to her face, flared her nostrils, and inhaled deeply, savoring the scent. She then put her finger into her mouth and sucked at it for a moment. "Very lucky indeed," she said as she took the finger out of her mouth. "Now...lick!" she commanded, putting her cock near his mouth.

"Not in a million years. This is fucking disgusting...get the shot away from me before I throw up," he said. "That's not very nice...I've worked hard to make all this for you and you insult me? Tsk tsk, that just won't do at all. You are completely defenseless in your current position. Would you rather service me and be fed regularly or disobey and starve to death?" she asked. He knew she was right...he had no choice. He slowly extended his tongue outwards, toward her waiting cock. She used the hand gripping it to lower her cock slightly. This angle exposed more of the cheese to sonic's tongue. The tip of his tongue dipped into the goop. He gagged and pulled his tongue back instantly. "Aww, don't be shy now. Clean me up," said Amy. Once more he extended his tongue and again he made contact with her cock. He slid his tongue across the cheese. Amy smiled as she watched it collect in his tongue. "That's it sonic...get it all," she said. He winced in displeasure, he was sure he'd never tasted anything more disgusting in his life. He had licked up almost all of the smegma from the top before she pulled away slightly. "You've got a fair bit of it on your tongue. It's time to swallow it," she said. After a moment he pulled his tongue back into his mouth. He shut his eyes tight before forcing himself to swallow the disgusting cheese.

"Good boy. Now get the rest," Amy said, moving her cock closer to him again. This time however she raised it slightly. "Can't forget about the bottom, sonic. Now start cleaning," she said. He reluctantly began licking again, as he did she moaned slightly. "Oh, sonic...that feels so good!" she said. Before he knew what was happening, she moved her cock forward, using his tongue to guide it into his mouth. "Licking is taking too long. Suck the cheese off," she said. "Mmmmrrrphh!" he yelled, trying to pull his head up and get her cock out of his mouth. "Quit struggling...suck on it, now!" she commanded. She moved closer and grabbed the back of his head, forcing his forehead onto her lower stomach. She felt his nose rubbing her clit and began to gently hump at his face. He could barely breathe, nor could he stand the smell. He had no choice but to suck the disgusting substance from her cock. He began to suck at it, and move his tongue around it. He could feel her shivering with pleasure as both organs were satisfied simultaneously. Eventually, he licked off and swallowed all the smegma. A few moments later, she pulled out and looked down, moving her cock and tilting her head, inspecting the phallus. "Good job...however, it has been awhile since I've been sucked by anyone other than cream or myself. And yes, I am that flexible. So, your going to finish me off," Amy said.

"No! That's not fair! I did what you asked! Let me go!" said sonic. "Not fair? You leaving me in the dust whenever I tried to show my love for you, that's not fair. I only wanted to be with you and you treated me like an obstacle. Well now you can't escape from me!" she said angrily. She grabbed his head and thrust her hips forward. Her cock slipped past his lips and glided over his tongue. She humped his head, moaning while the vibrations from his screams pleasures her cock. Sonic felt his own cock twitch and pulse before spewing a load of cum into the cup below. Amy looked over her shoulder and watched as his cock spilled its seed into the cup. With each twitch, it spit out a few drops. "Oh, sonic, you came quite a need to masturbate more often. I bet I can make more than you," she said as she began to hump faster and reach her climax. A few moments later, she reached her peak. She pressed his head against her as her cock spewed cum down his throat. *spurt* *spurt* *spurt* she seemed to have a limitless supply. The entire time sonic struggled violently against his restraints. Finally, the cum stopped flowing. Amy's eyelids were half shut and her tongue slightly lolled out of her mouth. She backed away, slowly. Her cock started to go limp and it fell from his mouth, leaving a strand of cum stretching between her penis and his lower lip. Her cock slowly retracted back into her vagina "How did it taste?" she asked. Sonic only answered by looking at the ground. "You need to be a more obedient slave. If your not willing to speak, I'll have to give you a few more oral sessions tonight," she said with a giggle. "No, please, no more!" begged sonic. "Too will you learn if I just let your mistakes go unpunished?" she said.

For the next hour he tried to beg and bargain for freedom but she ignored him. She only sat on a chair browsing the Internet on a laptop, laughing each time sonic was forced to cum. He made a face to match his uncomfortable sounds and motions. He tried to fight the climax but failed each time. His cock would pulse and twitch and add more cum to the glass below. "Well, I think I'm ready, how about you? She asked. "Look, if you just let me go, I won't tell anyone, I swear!" said sonic. "Hush now sonic, it's time for your punishment," she said as she got herself hard. "No, no, no! No! No!" he yelled as she approached him. He tried to move his head to the side but Amy grabbed him and turned him back toward her. She let her cock, drooling precum, loom in front of him, savoring the sound of his screams. She thrust forward once again, penetrating his mouth. She grabbed the back of his head and began humping his face. She could feel her heart beating in tandem with the throbbing of her cock. She could almost feel the veins bulging with each beat. She had not felt ecstasy like this in a very long time. The slamming of chains as sonic tried to flail about only made her hump at him faster. She could feel her climax approaching. Her whole body began to heat up, vaginal fluids flowed out around her cock, and ran down onto his face. She could contain it no longer. She threw her head back as cum exploded out of her. With each heart beat, more squirted out. She began to pull back, dragging her cock across his tongue. She kept the head in his mouth, letting it spit more cum onto his tongue. "Yes...drink it does it taste sonic?" she asked as he kept his eyes shut tight, still trying to pull away from still-spewing cock. Finally, the last bit of cum was spilled on his tongue and she pulled back. She smiled, looking with half shut eyes at the strand of cum that stretched between his lips and her cock. He made a strange face and she realized he was about to spit. Quickly he put a hand over his mouth and pinched his nose "No, no sonic. Swallow your medicine," she said. He had no choice. With a shudder, he swallowed the ooze. "Good...I think that's enough training for tonight...sleep tight, sonic. I'll see you in the morning," she said as she shut down the monitors. She delivered another shot to his neck, continuing his state of forced arousal. She then walked over to the stairs and turned off the lights, leaving him in the dark. Disturbed and afraid, sonic fell asleep.

Suddenly, the light snapped on, causing sonic to wake up. Amy walked down the stairs. She didn't have a single article of clothing on. Her body was perfect, but sonic knew what she hid. She was holding a tray as she came down the stairs. On the tray were to biscuits, covered in a rich, but oddly goopy gravy. Next to that was a semi tall glass of milk. "Good morning sonic. I brought you some breakfast. I hope you like gravy, the only pot I had left was kind of big, so I made a lot," she said. She used a fork to cut a a piece off of one of the biscuits. She slid it around the plate, soaking it in the gravy. She held it in front of him. He hadn't eaten in over a day and was very hungry. He though for a moment that it may be poisoned, but then realized that she wanted him alive. He slowly opened his mouth and she put the fork in his mouth. He closed his lips around it, allowing her to pull out the fork, while leaving the food in his mouth. She smiled as he chewed on it. It tasted strange, but good. He swallowed it and she cut another piece. He finished all three biscuits and she began gathering the left over gravy and putting it in his mouth. After she got most of it off the plate, she set the tray down and picked up the glass of milk. She put it too his lips, tilted it slowly, and allowed him to drink. It tasted different. Sweeter, but at the same time, there was almost something keeping the flavor the same as generic milk. "I hope you liked your meal. I made the gravy with a special ingredient," she said. He looked at her over the glass of milk. As he drank the last bit, she took it away from his lips and set it on the tray. "What ingredient?" he asked. "Well, it was mostly just conventional gravy stuff, nothing special. But as i tasted it, I felt it needed a little something extra. So, I let out my cock, and began to pleasure myself. I let out quite a large load, which I mixed into the gravy. I even got the pre-cum in there. I think it made it great," she said with a smile as she watched Sonics facial expression fall to a frown. He began to feel sick. He wished she was lying but he knew she wasn't. "What about the milk? Did you like that?" she asked. "That was a totally original recipe. Fresh squeezed, right here at home," she said as she cupped and squeezed her breasts. Her implications were confirmed as a small drop of white fluid dripped from one of her nipples. "However, I tasted it and thought it needed a little something extra as well. And just like the gravy, I added the only sensible ingredient I had. I was feeling a bit perky too, so I added a double dose. Just another benefit of being me...I can produce milk without being pregnant. So how did it all taste?" she asked.

Sonic wanted to puke. He couldn't muster a response, as he was too busy trying to keep his cum filled food down. He finally conquered the queasy feeling just before a hand grabbed his chin and jerked his head, moving his gaze to amy's angry glare. "I believe I asked you a fucking question! You answer me when I talk to you!" she yelled. "You may be the worst slave ever! You didn't even say thank you for your meal. I mean, honestly, you are really pissing me off sonic," she walked away from him then stopped and turned her head. She was displaying a rather evil smile. "Perhaps required," she said. Sonics expression turned to horror as he sealed his lips tight, fearing her cock. "Oh, don't more oral for now. No, that would be letting you off easy," she walked behind him and put her hands no more than a few inches from either side of his anus. "I was going to wait until you were more...mentally numb. However, you have been bad, therefore you must be punished. And I've always wondered what that tight ass of yours would feel like," she said as she looked at his tail hole. She pressed her hands against him and moved them apart, causing his anus to spread open slightly. Her mouth be fan to water and her cockhead emerged from its hiding place. "Amy wait! Please, think about what you're doing! Just let me go, and I won't tell anyone. Just please don't put that "Thing" in me. I've never had anal before," he pleaded desperately. "'ll be nice and tight, just like I always imagined. Just like I always dreamed," she said. Her voice was quiet as she daydreamed about what was about to occur. Her cock had fully emerged now, and pulsed visibly. She snapped back to reality and swallowed the saliva that had been collecting in her mouth. She touched the head of her cock to his ass, moving it slightly and smearing some pre-cum around the rim of his hole. "Is it going to hurt?" sonic whimpered. "Yes," she said softly. She then thrust forward, forcing open his sensitive hole. He let out a yell of pain at the same moment that she let out a yell of pleasure. She moved her hands to his hips and began humping him. She looked down at her cock. Each time she pulled back, his anus stretched the tinniest bit outward, forming a mound that stayed firm on her cock. As she thrust forward, it returned to its normal shape, only to be harshly tugged out again. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth as she fulfilled her desires. Over and over again her hips moved, back and forth, back and forth. The sheer girth of her cock caused Sonics ass to spread very far past the point of discomfort. "Oh, sonic! It's better than I could have imagined!" she yelled. She felt her climax coming and her genitals began to get warmer. All sonic could do was yell in pain and get out the occasional "Stop! Please, stop!" but his pleas fell on deaf ears. The sound of her body slapping against his each time she thrust into him, drove her closer to her orgasm. The contraption sonic was in kept him from moving forward during her thrusts. This made for the perfect snout of resistance when she thrust forward. She humped faster and faster, as she reached her peak. Then it happened...her cock quivered as cum exploded from it. She let out a loud scream of pleasure as her seed filled his ass. Sonic cringed as he felt his insides warmed by the thick cream. She slumped down, fatigued after her massive climax. She left her cock inside him for a moment and said "That was amazing...we're going to do this every day. I won't stop until your anus prolapses. And once it does that, I will amuse myself by pushing it back in with my cock. Yes...I think the pink sock would be a good addition to your cute little ass...a perfect sleeve for my penis. It will serve another purpose as well, but that's a secret," she said. She slowly backed away, watching her shaft emerge. His anus formed the mound once again and there was a small *plop* noise as her cock head popped out. This caused her to giggle. Soon after, her cum began to ooze out of him. She quickly bent down and grabbed the collection cup from under him. It was nearly have full with cum. "Your dick has been hard at work. Allow me to help," she said as she put the cup just under his hole, allowing the seeping cum to dribble into the cup.

After most of it had come out, she left some behind. She liked the sloppy look of her cum on his ass. She placed the cup below his cock and injected his neck with another dose of the ejaculate-inducing drug. She then stood in front of him and said "Now clean me off. There's a fair bit of cum on there, and as pleasurable as it is, an ass is an ass. I want you to suck me clean," she said. When he refused she tapped her foot impatiently do you want me to tap the ass again?" she said. As miserable as letting her go ass-to-mouth would make him, it could not match the pain of her performing more anal on him. He shivered as he sucked the mixed sexual flavors from her cock. She shivered as well, but only from pleasure as she forced him to swallow her newest load of cum, brought on by his "Cleaning". Sonic began to think about how he was doomed to a miserable existence of being Amy's sex toy. But then he realized that if he gave up he would become what his poor rabbit friend, cream, had become. He became depressed as he realized that he had begun to accept his fate. He was amazed that Amy's plan of brainwashing him was actually working. He tried to put it out of his mind, but kept thinking of how Cream must've tried to fight as well. How scared the poor girl must have been as se watched Amy impregnate her. She was just as helpless as he was now. How long had she held onto the hope that he would escape before she finally gave in and fell into her current vegetative state? Amy ripped the innocence from her without a second thought. As the day wore on, Amy dispensed many loads of cum on or in sonic. She left his ass alone however, as she wanted to preserve the tightness of the hole. At the end of the day she went up the stairs to take a shower and go to sleep. Sonic, now sticky with cum, tried desperately to think of a way to escape. The dark made it hard to think, and after a while, he fell asleep.

He woke to see Amy standing over cream. Her penis was in creams mouth and cream suckled on it, just as Amy said she would. "Oh, your awake. Well I've got some things I need to get done today. But don't worry, I'll pound your ass real good tonight," she said. After she left sonic tried to talk to cream. She wouldn't respond. Nothing he could say would rouse her from her trauma-induced paralysis. Eventually he gave up and tried looking for a way to escape his bonds. It seemed hopeless at first, but then he found that the cuff on his right arm, or it's connection to the chain, felt a little looser than the other pieces. It was his best, and only, hope of escape. All day he worked at freeing his right arm. He felt some progress just as the door opened. She immediately striped off her clothes and moved behind him. He clenched his teeth and thought "Just one more time...then I'm free,". He tried to prepare for the pain that was to come but he knew that he could not. "Ready?" she asked. "No," he responded. She watched with a smile of sick pleasure as her cock head caused his anus to stretch. He let out a yell of pain, once again in tandem with her sound of pleasure. She humped at his defenseless rump, clutching onto his hips for support. "Yes! Yes, sonic! Milk my cock with your tight ass! I want every last drop of cum to fill your cute ass!" she yelled as her climax approached. Her cock pulsed wildly as cum seeped out of her dickhole. She pulled out, savoring the *plop* sound her head made as it exited his ass. Once again, she forced him to "Clean her cock" and, reluctantly, he did. After that she went upstairs and left him in the dark. He spend all night trying to free his right arm. Suddenly it happened. The link connecting his cuff to the chain broke. He began trying to use his freed hand to remove the bonds on his other limbs.

Just then, the door opened and Amy came down the stairs. As he put his hand back down, she noticed that the chain was broken. "What the hell?!" she yelled. She was furious. She ran ran back up the stairs and flames the door. Desperately sonic tried to free himself. Before he could, the door flew open again. An angry Amy rose came down with two things, a chain-and-cuff and a funnel. She tossed the funnel aside and grabbed his arm. She growled as she renewed his predicament. He frantically tried to apologize. Over and over he said he was sorry for trying to escape. "Too late!" she grabbed the red plastic funnel off the ground and walked back over to him. She reached under him and picked up the collection cup. In the middle of one of his frantic "Sorry's" she shoved the tube piece of the funnel into his mouth. She then Did what sonic believed was the unthinkable. She tilted the cup and let the cum pour slowly into the funnel. After being in the cup for a few days, it had developed a sort of frothy foam around the edges. The putrid mixture of his and her semen flowed down the funnel. It poured into his mouth and over his tongue. It tasted worse than it smelled and sonic could barely hold back from vomiting. "Swallow it! Drink it all down!" she said as she pinched his nose. He shut his eyes and began to swallow the horrible concoction. "You really fucked up this time sonic. This is only the start of your punishment!" she said. She watched his throat move as he swallowed the cum. The sight caused her cock to snake out of her pussy, and precum began to ooze out. "Today we'll have two anal sessions, one right after the other...then you'll blow me. After that I'll stroke myself and give you a nice facial. After that I'll have to about a third anal session? Sound good?" she taunted as he swallowed the seed. Hope began to fade from his mind. Depression set in as he started to lose the will to go on. She poured the last bit into the funnel and set the cup down. She began to stroke herself as she watched him drink it. When he swallowed the last bit, she yanked the funnel away.

"Hmm...I just thought of something...a fitting addition to your punishment," she said. She began stroking herself faster and faster with her right hand. She reached up with her left hand and put her index finger over his left eye and her thumb under it. She then moved her fingers apart, causing his eye to stay open no matter how hard he tried to close it. "I've heard that getting cum in your eye can cause blindness...I've always wondered if it was true. Let's find out shall we? And don't worry, I'm sure it will hurt plenty as well. Maybe next time you'll think about what you're doing," she said as she stroked faster and faster. "Amy! No! Please!" Sonic yelled. But it was too late. A thick strand of cum shot out of her cock and into his eye. A burning sensation set his eye on fire. He began screaming and yelling, she released his head and began laughing hysterically, doubled over with her gloved hands on her stomach. He immediately started trying to blink the cum out of his eye. She ascended the stairs, still laughing, and left him to his pain. She did not come back down for several hours. She laughed when she noticed that he had his eye closed. "You're not even going to say hello? That's pretty rude sonic," she said. "You won't get away with this. Someday soon, you'll get caught. Someone will come and save me," he said. "Oh, I doubt that. The cops have been by several times. When I gave them my tearful bullshit about wanting to have my sonic back, they gave me a pat on the shoulder and told me they were trying. I was also informed that I was not a suspect. Now...I think it's time to pump that cute butt of yours," she said with a smile, moving around behind him. "But first, I want to check something," she said. Without warning, she inserted her index finger into his anus. "Hmmm...well I've got some good news. I can feel that you're starting to loosen up. Well on your way to our goal. A prolapse. Oh, I can barely wait. Let's make some progress, shall we?" she said, sliding her finger out and using her other hand to ready her large penis. She pulled his cheeks apart and lined up her cock with his hole. "Amy...please, not again" sonic begged. She sighed and said "When will you learn?" she thrust forward and slid her full length into his ass. This forced a yell out of him and a moan out of her. She began humping, sometimes sliding her cock all the way out before penetrating him again. For a moment she thought she saw a bit of pink at the tip of where his anus formed the mound when she pulled back. She smiled, then moved forward again. This went on for several minutes before she felt the pressure building in her cock. The inevitable orgasm was coming. She let out one last moan as she thrust forward. The veins on her cock surged as cum flowed towered the tip. It exploded out of her, flowing steadily into him. She pulled back and watched the cum trail stretch between her and him. "Well I suppose I'll be back in a few hours and we'll do this again. See you then sonic," she said, giving him another injection and walking up the stairs, ignoring his requests for freedom.

True to her word, she came back down the stairs, walked behind him, and pushed her cock into his anus. Ecstasy for her, hell for him. She smiled as she could feel both her climax and her "Project" coming along steadily. "Only a few more sessions and you're prolapse will be formed. I can barely wait," she said. "Please...please, don't cum in me again!" sonic pleaded. "Not an option. Very soon, i'll pull out of you and see a beautiful, wet, pink sleeve. I have plans for it, once it emerges from you, all you have to do is relax...submit to me, sonic. Become mine!" she said. "No! No! Never!" he said. This brought a scowl to Amy's face. She pulled back slightly and reached down with one hand " wide!" she said tauntingly as she inserted her index finger next to her cock. After she did this she saw even more of the pink she wanted each time she pulled back. Through protest and whining, she continued to rape him. She eventually removed her finger, but only because it allowed her to hump faster and help her reach her climax. Once again, her cock pumped in the thick, buttery cum. Each time she came in him, he lost a little bot of hope of ever escaping. This was her goal. She fed on his misery. This continued several more days before Amy's work paid off. She came down the stairs one night with a cattle prod. "Hey! What are you doing with that?" he asked. "This is to motivate you to listen to me. Today we're doing something special and I need your cooperation. Today's exercise will end with a kiss," she said. Sonic felt slightly relieved. If all she wanted to do was kiss, today would be bearable. Then a spark of hope appeared. *maybe she's developing a genuine love for me. This could lead to her trusting me enough to release me.* a small smile appeared on his face. "What are you so happy about? Never mind, I don't care. It's time for all our recent work to pay off," she said as she walked behind him. "I thought you said we were kissing!" he said as she moved out of his sight. "I said it ends with a kiss. A particularly erotic one too," she said. She arrived behind him and spread his cheeks to inspect him before she began. His anus had begun to puff slightly outwards. "It appears to be on track, but I think it's time for the physical portion of this inspection," she said with a devious smile. She lined up her cock with his ass, then moved forward and rubbed the head on his hole. Then she pushed in without warning. As she moved her hips back and forth, she made a bit of a circular motion. "Yes, it feels right, too. Now all I have to do is climax, and I'll give you your goodnight kiss," she said with a giggle.

"What are you talking about?! What have you done to me?!" he yelled. She didn't answer. Amy didn't want to spoil the surprise, so she just continued to enjoy herself. " it comes, sonic!" she said as she could feel the climactic pressure building. She sped up her pace and let her cum burst forth into him. She then pulled out and got down on one knee. "Now push, sonic!" she demanded. "What?" he said confused. "After all our fun, you have developed what is known as an anal prolapse. I want you to push it out. Do it, or I'll shock you with the prod!" she said. "What?! Why have you done this to m-aaaarrrgghh!" sonic's inquiry was interrupted by a painful shock on his back. "Okay! Fine, fine! I'll do it!" he said. He did as she asked and tried to push out the prolapse. She watches with pure joy as the pink tube of flesh began to slip out. "Yes, that's it sonic! Just like that!" she said. He continued his effort as she looked on in pure erotic joy. Finally, the prolapse reached it's farthest point. She saw her cum begin to ooze out, which was her cue to begin "The kiss" that she had been preparing for. She quickly moved in and closed her lips on the base of the prolapse. She began to suck on it. The odd sensation came as a shock to sonic, who knew what was happening, and in his horror, could find no words. She continued to suck at his anus, savoring the cum, her cum, that flowed out. She kept all the cum on her mouth and continued sucking until she could feel no more cum flowing from him. She hurriedly moved around him, placed moth ands on his face and moved in. Before sonic knew it, they were locked in an open mouth kiss. Her tongue transferring the cum to his mouth. Amy's penis had retracted and her pussy began leaking fluids of arousal as she listed to his horrified screams mix with her passionate, feminine moaning. The kiss lasted an eternity. Amy continued to use her tongue to move the cum back and forth between them. Finally, she moved away. From him, swallowing the cum that was still in her mouth, and covering his mouth with her hand, telling him to swallow as well. He did and she smiled. "Good boy, sonic. It's time for me to go to bed. Goodnight," she said as she ascended the stairs. He was mortified. Escape was an impossible dream. He began to think about his life in the foreseeable future. Maybe being a slave wasn't so bad. Maybe Amy was right to capture him. These thoughts were barely his own...the kiss had broken him. He was now in the final stage of becoming exactly what she wanted. Even if he was set free of his bonds, he would more likely stay in the basement than leave and be free. Sonic, body and mind, was reduced to Amy's property.

Conquest of Fur

This is the 3rd story in this series. This one caters to some more extreme fetishes as per reader requests. If you don't like a certain part, skip forward. Comments, ratings, hearts and cums are appreciated. Enjoy! Conquest of fur ...

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world of fur

The long awaited sequal to my last story "island of fur", enjoy. i will also begin work on the third story in the series World of fur "Devine ones...the machine is ready." said Peltac. "Good...very good." said Tali "Finally, we have what we...

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The island of fur

okay so i know my last story kinda failed, but i spent two weeks on this vore filled tale and i hope you like it. if you like it enough, dont forget to add to the cum counter and if you like stories like this add me to your watchlist. if you...

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