Raising Above The Bar Chapter 2: Dash Returns, Angel Vanishes, I Take The Bar Examination, The Bar’s Team Gets Bigger, and I go on a short vacation.

Story by Jake Shadow Wolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Raising Above The Bar

Raising Above The Bar Chapter 2: Dash Returns, Angel Vanishes, I Take The Bar Examination, The Bar's Team Gets Bigger, and I go on a short vacation.

Legalities: Alright most of you have probably read my stuff, but for those of you who haven't I have a few things that you should know. First All the characters except for a few I'll explain about later are copyrighted to me. Second the story is copyrighted to me. Third, this is an adult story, so if you're underage either get lost or don't get caught. Fourth, I want you guys to comment on the story if you find it interesting or whatever. Fifth some ideas for this story were inspired by 'So a husky walks into a bar" So go check it out. With all that said I guess we can get onto the story.


I woke up and stretched running my hand along the side of the bed expecting to find Angel laying next to me. Instead I found a piece of paper, that felt extremely soft and silky. I sighed and sat up holding onto the note then studied it carefully. I could tell the hand writing was Angel's, however I didn't recognize the paper. I slowly turned it over in my hands until I caught my name over the seal on the back then sighed and opened it. Inside was a sheet of really smooth velum that reminded me of how Angel's voice sounded. I shivered and slowly read the note while wondering why she left. The note said "Jake, I decided to take the job I was offered, however I couldn't say goodbye. I'll never forget our night together, but I think it would be best if we both moved on. Sincerely your friend and one time lover Angel."

I folded up the note and set it on my pillow then got up and took a much needed shower. The shower lasted about half an hour because I was trying to clean my mind, soul, heart, and body all at once. I succeeded only in the last. When I got out of the shower I stood in front of the mirror and studied myself for the first time since I was back in high school with the guys. I'd grown about two or three inches since then, my hair was a slightly darker dirty blonde, my eyes had turned from forest green to gold, my fur had turned midnight black, and my figure had become slightly more toned. My fur had also spread from just around my waist, to slight further down my legs and up my torso to my belly button. I glanced at my arm then quickly wrapped bandages around it not focusing on the mark that had been branded there at the crater.

With that done I walked into my room and got dressed then grabbed my phone to check and see if I had any messages. There were five missed calls on it. One was from my little brother Gabe, Two were from my mom, and the other three were from my friends who'd left town. I listened to the messages from Gabe and my mom first. They basically said the same thing, which was to ask me if I'd "come home". I just deleted them then played from Dash which was next on the machine. Dash's voice came on and said "Hey Jake I'll be in town this Monday. I guess I'll drop by on my way to check on the house. Anyway see you then." I smiled to myself then played the second message from Vince. Vince said "Hey Jake, I'll be dropping by in a few days. Mind if I stay at the bar for a few weeks? I promise I'll work for my room and board. Thanks." I sighed and cursed softly to myself.

Finally I listened to the one from Kev which was pretty short. He just sighed and said "Hey Jake. I just wanted to let you know I got into the secret service. I really need to talk to you about that incident we all went through. You know, the one with the cops? Anyway I'll drop by your bar when I'm in town and if anyone else is there we'll all discuss it. Later." Then the machine turned off. I sighed and got up deciding I needed a cell phone with how often I received calls. I slowly pushed those ideas out of my mind, deciding that it'd be better to just focus on what I could fix rather than what I couldn't. I walked downstairs and opened the bar, then headed into the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. I pulled out some bacon, eggs, and bread for toast then started cooking. As I cooked the door of the bar opened and someone sat down at the counter then tapped on it a few times. I sighed and yelled back to them "Hold on a few minutes and I'll be right with you." They replied "Sounds good." and left me to my work.

I sighed and turned off the stove as my toast popped up, and the rest of my food finished frying. I slid it all onto a plate and walked out to see who was at the bar. I blinked as I saw it was a young husky who seemed surprised to actually be there. I sat down on the stool that was two over from her and said "Good morning. I'm Jake, and this is Jake's Place. How may I help you?" She blinked as she heard my voice then turned and said "I didn't expect someone who was so young to be running this sort of establishment." I could help but snicker at that and explained "I may only be in my early twenties, but I already have multiple degrees. Now since you got to say your thoughts let me express mine. You're a nice young lady who doesn't seem the type to let less than reputable people near her, so why are you at my bar?"

She blinked and said softly "I need a job, and this is the only place in town that was hiring. I also heard from a few people in town that you were a good man who stood up for anyone you thought needed help." I blinked slightly taken aback then sighed and said "Yeah I'm the local vigilante I guess. Then again, without Dash or Vince it's a lot harder than it used to be." She blinked seeming surprised that was true and asked "Are you really a licensed attorney?" I nodded and she said "That's amazing. Why didn't you have to go to law school?" I shrugged and said "A friend of my mom's helped me get my degree passed through. However he's putting his ass on the line for me, so I can't screw up."

She stared at me surprised and said "Most guys don't think about it when people put themselves on the line for them. Why are you so worried about him?" I shrugged and glanced at the wall then said "I owe him a lot. My old man used to throw me out every couple of days and he'd let me stay there. When he put himself on the line by helping me get my license and start a practice, I decided I couldn't let him down. So here I am with a law practice no one goes to, a bar that lost it's only two workers, and a degree that's worth nothing. So I'll ask again, why do you want to work here?" She shrugged and said "I was looking for a new start. I thought maybe this would be a good place to get that start since everyone in town knew about it. From what they said, you've been doing rather poorly because you have no help."

I nodded then said "Mind if I eat while you talk? I only got up a little while ago, so I'm famished." She nodded and I motioned for her to continue as I dug into my eggs. She sighed and said "I know it sounds like I'm trying to say you need me more than I need you, but honestly that's not why I'm here. I really need a job, and I heard you were offering free room, board, and food to anyone who you hired." I nodded and motioned for her to continue with my left hand while shoveling more food in with my right. She blinked and said "When was the last time you ate?" I stopped and thought about it then said "About three days ago, it was just before I started remodeling. However on the second day one of the girls left." She nodded in understanding and motioned for me to finish, not seeming to mind that I was eating right in front of her.

I went back to eating as she continued her earlier comments "I also heard you were willing to fund a health insurance, and dental." I nodded and finished the eggs then started on my toast thinking. about how to keep the bar open. She sighed and said "You haven't said anything about me working here. Should I take that as a find somewhere else." I glanced up with my toast sticking out of my mouth slightly and turned my head to the side as if asking 'Did I ever say that?' She started laughing when she saw the combination of the toast, the angle my head was turned, and how big my eyes had gotten when she mentioned that. She smiled and said "Why'd that surprise you so much?" I set my toast down and explained "I never said anything like that. I wouldn't mind if you worked here, I was just thinking on how to expand customer base. I was also trying to eat, which is why I didn't say anything."

She nodded in understanding and I continued "If you want to work her, I'm all for it. I just have to warn you that I probably won't be able to pay you right away." She nodded in understanding and said "I just need the room, and food more than anything right now." I nodded and said "I figured as much. I'm guessing you ended up just getting to town this morning." She nodded and I said "Then why don't you go to bed in the back. There's a few open rooms that I don't plan on using anytime soon." She smiled and said "Thanks. I guess I'll head back and take a long nap." I nodded and said "Well, why don't you tell me, your name so I can place it on the door." She blinked surprised that I wasn't asking for an interview then she smiled and said "I'm Kristine. I think we'll do well together." I grinned and said "Welcome to the team Kris." She smiled slightly and said "Oh yeah Jake, you mispronounced the name of the bar. It's Jake's Playce not Place." I snickered and said "Just wanted to see if you noticed the difference."

She smiled then walked to the back as I finished my breakfast, and thought about the future of the bar. As soon as I finished, I walked back to the kitchen and washed my plate. Then I headed upstairs and gave myself a much needed shave, since I'd forgotten to do so earlier. As I started to shave I heard someone moving around down in the bar. I sighed and yelled down "HOLD ON A FEW MINUTES AND I'LL BE RIGHT WITH YOU. I'M KING OF HELD UP RIGHT THIS SECOND." They didn't respond but I heard the sound of one of the stools being pulled up next to the bar. I finished shaving and walked downstairs

I blinked as I saw it was a cheetah sitting at the bar. I couldn't tell if they were male or female, however I could see a few of their spots. The spots brought three people to mind, and all of them were in Dash's family. I sighed and sat down on the stairs trying to remember the difference between his, his sister's, and his father's spot patterns since they were all similar in some ways, but different in others. Finally I just decided I'd head down and find out who it was, because I couldn't tell anything from what little I'd seen. I walked the rest of the way downstairs with a slight yawn, then stood behind the bar counter, and, without taking my eyes off the counter top, said "How can I help you?" I heard a slight snicker then they said "What did I suddenly get ugly when I left town?" I grinned slightly and looked up into Dash's emerald green eyes and said "No, sadly you can't get any uglier than you were the last time I saw you. However your clothes do look a hell of a lot shabbier. Have you fallen on hard times, you old pervert you?"

Dash burst out laughing and said "Hell no, I just thought I'd wear my worst when I came to see a sleazy bar tender like you." I snickered and actually studied my old friend to see how much he'd changed since he'd left town. The first thing I noticed was that he sat straighter, his eyes showed he had more confidence, and he didn't seem to be trying to hide his 'You want to play hard, I'll throw it right back to you.' attitude, like he did when he lived with his old man. The next thing I noticed was that he'd gained about an inch or two of height so now he was almost six foot even. Then I studied his figure since I wanted to get a feeling of just how much this change in confidence had effected him. His figure was a bit more muscular, however he still had the same runner's build.

I grinned and said "Well it appears you've gotten stronger kitty boy. You hear anything from Kev and the others while you were off traveling the world on a quest for a cushy office job?" Dash glared at me with a slight indignant look that didn't reach his eyes and said "I'll have you know that while you sat here getting people drunk, I was off learning how to be the best computer technician in the world." The he grinned and said "Joking aside, it's great to see you Jake. How's everything going?" My grin died a little and I said "Most of the girls left the bar, however I got a new waitress. Her name is Kristine, but I've started calling her Kris." He nodded and yawned then I said "So how long have you been in town? I mean I just got your message this morning, which isn't saying much since I've been out of it the last two days."

He snickered and said "I know, I heard from old lady Jones that you seemed in a daze when you came in for your groceries. She seems to think someone broke your heart, so she's going to set you up with her niece." I blinked surprised and muttered "Wow it appears that everyone in town wants the bar to do good." He snickered as he heard that and said "No, most people in town want you to do good. Not the bar. Despite what your old man always said, they like you and know you're a good guy. Also I heard about you standing up for Marissa Lenix. Why didn't you call me and let me know the usual assholes were up to their old tricks?" I shrugged and said "Because I figured you had enough to worry about."

He blinked and said "Wow. I didn't know you cared so much about what I worried about. I'm touched. Now why don't you tell me all the reasons you didn't call me up." I sighed and said "1. I thought you had enough on your plate when your sister said you're aunt died. 2. I figured I could handle it, which I did. 3. I didn't feel like dragging you back here when you had nothing waiting for you. Finally 4. I didn't know feel like making you and the others worry about something I figured I could handle." He stared at me surprised and I shrugged, then started wiping down the bar with a clean rag I kept under the counter for just such a need. He smiled slightly and said "Well then, why don't you give me a beer and tell me what all's been going on. I'm in town for my aunt's will reading, but I'm thinking about sticking around. So I guess it would be a good idea to know what all is going on."

I thought about it then nodded in agreement and finished wiping down the bar. Dash snickered and said "So what day do you think it is?" I shrugged and said "Friday." He laughed then got serious and said "Jake it's Monday. Which means you've been on autopilot for three days. Good thing you didn't have any customers on either Saturday or Sunday. You're little bro and Marissa told everyone you weren't feeling to good, so the bar would be closed. It worked out since you're obviously feeling better." I nodded and closed my eyes thinking about how to explain what I'd felt like then opened them quickly and said "SHIT! I told Kris that Angel had only left yesterday. I'll have to explain about my mental lapse when she wakes up."

Dash nodded then said "I think she'll understand. After all you aren't the type to lie on purpose." I blinked and said "Since when?" He snickered and said "Ok let me rephrase that, you aren't the type to lie about something important on purpose." I nodded in agreement then snickered at his earlier comment and said "Well I'm not as much of the type to lie on purpose as you of course, maybe that's why you said it." Dash burst out laughing and said "Don't even say that. I may be bad, but only when it came to my father and family. Vince was the true expert liar of the group." I nodded remembering all the times Vince had gotten us into, and out of trouble by lying.

I sighed and Dash said "I know, I miss him to. However he called me and said he'd left you a message asking for a place to stay. You going to give it to him?" I shrugged and said "I'm not sure. I mean the bar has plenty of rooms, but I don't know if I can handle Vince living in the same place as a beautiful woman who works for me." Dash snickered and said "Oh god, the poor bastard would be hounding her ever hour of the day." I nodded then Dash stopped and said "I think Vince would be a good roommate for you, after all the two of you both like to gamble, Vince has lots of people he can call in, and you need someone who knows when you're out of it." I nodded sighing then said "I guess it might help if I have someone who knows me here."

He grinned and said "That's one of the reasons I'm moving back. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't stick around despite my Aunt leaving her estates to me. However since I'm staying, my grandmother plans on leaving me her stuff as well." I nodded and he continued "Also I'm thinking about opening a computer shop here in town. I've got a reputation now, so it will pull more tourists in. Although I'll probably do consulting jobs all over the country eventually. So I guess this is more my home base than anything." I nodded in agreement then yawned and said "So, what do you want to do today?"

Dash looked around then asked me softly "Has your mark been doing strange things recently?" I raised an eyebrow confused and he explained "Has it changed at all since we left the crater?" I thought about it then said "Not really, but then again I haven't looked at it since I bandaged it up. Why?" He sighed and rolled up the sleeve of his shirt revealing his mark which when I'd last seen it had just showed a single figure filled in. Now it showed a masculine figure, a feminine figure, and a feral cat. I blinked and Dash nodded then said "Ever since my mark changed I've been having weird dreams of running through the wilds of Africa as a feral cheetah." I blinked and muttered "Strange. You've never even been to Africa from what I can remember." He nodded and said "Never had a reason to go. It's just weird to me."

I nodded and asked him "Talk to Shal, Shan, Kev, or any of the others about this?" He shook his head and I said "Then we may as well keep it quiet." He nodded and the two of us left it at that. The two of us stayed there in silence, Dash sitting and I standing, thinking our own thoughts. Suddenly Dash said "Think anything interesting is going to happen this month?" I nodded and said "I've got to take the bar exam if I really want to be a practicing lawyer, and as you know Vince is planning on staying at the bar. So that'll cause problems and I'm thinking about seeing if I can get more people." Dash grinned and said "Then why don't I install some electronic stuff? After all I haven nothing else to do." I smiled and said "If you're sure you want to work for the bar then work away."

He nodded and leaned over the bar then said "Ok, I'm just glad I have a boss with a nice ass. So when do I get to meet Kris?" I shrugged and said "When she feels better I guess. Anyway quit screwing with me, by acting like your fully gay or I'll smack you." Dash looked at me with a slightly sultry look on his face then said "I'm not screwing with you. I wish I was, but I'm not doing it right now." Then he got a slightly more serious look and said in a questioning tone "However if you wait five minutes for me to strip we can start." Then he fell off of the stool onto the floor laughing his ass off. I tried to glare at him, but ended up bursting out in laughter because he definitely got the best of me with that one. He got up and I calmed down then said "Good to have you back, and sorry if the gay comment insulted you."

He waved away my apology and said "I knew you weren't really mad. Although I think you set yourself up with that one." I nodded and he continued "Anyway I was wondering if you were willing to give me a beer before I have to go to the funeral." I nodded and slid him a cold beer straight form the tap. He took a long drink then said "Damn I didn't expect you to have Corona. So when are you going to the bar exam?" I shrugged and said "Tomorrow morning. Tonight however I'm reopening the bar and advertising like mad" He grinned and said "Too bad you don't have an artist here. I'd love to have them do some designs I could scan into my laptop to create us a website." I smiled slightly and said "I can probably find someone."

He nodded then finished his beer with a soft burp of contentment. He stood up and left a ten on the table. I started to tell him the beer wasn't ten bucks when he held up a hand and said "That's for you to start my tab." I nodded and wrote him a tab slip then set it behind the bar. He sighed and said "I guess I'll see you later Jake." I nodded and he walked out with a wave over his shoulder. I sighed and wiped the bar down again, then slid his mug in the sink and sat in front of it thinking. I couldn't get the fact that I'd been out of it for the whole weekend out of my head so I didn't notice when the door opened until the girl who opened it said "Hey buddy, do you think you could tell me where an old friend of mine is? He should own the bar, but from what I heard he may have ended up selling it."

I looked up to find myself face to face with my friend Vince. Vince was a large black wolf with blue markings on his fur and bright blue eyes. His eyes were more haggard than the last time I'd seen him, and his physique had gotten more muscular, but he'd also lost some of the baby fat he'd had on his face when we were younger. He smiled slightly and said "You're staring. I hope Dash hasn't convinced you to start going after your own team." I shook my head and continued studying him. I noticed he had more scars on his arms than last time we'd seen each other and said "I'm guessing you've been getting into a lot fights?" He shrugged and the two of us grinned, then he said " So you alright with me staying here."

I nodded and said "Sure, just stay out of my room and don't bug the new girl." He raised an eyebrow questioningly when I said 'New girl.' then asked "Why can't I bother her?" I sighed and said "Because when you bother people they tend to want to kick your ass which causes me problems." He snickered and said "I guess that's true, but can you blame me?" I sighed and said "I guess not since, I'd probably do the same thing if I was as much of a horn dog as you. So how have you been you old crazy wolf?" He grinned slightly and said "I'm doing great. What about you?" I shrugged and said "Better than I was a few days ago. I still can't believe I was out of it to the point where I was working on autopilot." He grinned and said "I don't think many people noticed, since Gabe just said you were feeling sick when anyone asked. So I guess you're little brother knows you better than just about anyone."

I nodded and closed my eyes thinking to all the stuff Gabe had done for me then said "I guess in a few days I'll have to visit home, and let him know he's welcome at the bar anytime." Vince grinned and said "The cops will give you hell for it." I shrugged and said "I'll get mom to give parental consent." Vince grinned and said "That's one of the reasons you'll make a great lawyer. You always think of how to do something, not the ways it can go wrong." I nodded without opening my eyes then opened them and said "So what the fuck are you here for Vince. I'm not in the mood to play games, and I know it's got something to do with your history." He blinked then said "I need you to head down to the docks with me."

I raised an eyebrow and said "Why?" He sighed and said "I'm worried someone or something's going to be waiting for me there. Also I just get the vague feeling if you aren't there something bad is going to happen." I glanced at his wrist and saw the symbol of three eyes. I blinked and mumbled "Third eye maybe? Second sight?" I shook my head and said "I'll come down after you leave Vince. Let's not let them know you have back up until after you get there. Just incase, you understand right?" He nodded with a slight smile then said "I'm heading to bed. So I'll see you tonight." I nodded and watched as he walked to his room then hopped up and walked to the local store.

I walked in and the clerk, a tiger who I'd gone to high school with name Jenny, said "Hey Jakey. I'm glad to see you looking better. I heard from you're little brother you were sick. So what got you up and out?" I shrugged and said "I finally decided to get a new cell, and I needed to get out and let everyone know I was still alive." She laughed at that then said "The cell phones are in the back. If you need anything else just let me know, ok?" I nodded and smiled in appreciation. Then I headed to the back, and started looking for a good phone that wouldn't cost to much. After about ten minutes I grabbed a black phone with a camera, and a few other features, then headed back to the front.

Jenny smiled at me as I walked up then rang up my purchase and said "Would you like anything else?" I thought about it then shook my head and said "Nah, but if I need anything later I'll come back." She smiled and said "Great, so I guess you're taking that test tomorrow? Dad told me you just needed to pass it to become a certified lawyer." I nodded and said "Yeah I'll take the bar exam, then I guess I'll officially open my law practice." She rang everything up as we talked, then wrote something on my receipt and handed it to me. I pocketed it along with my change and said "See you late Jenny." She nodded with another smile, then I headed back to the bar.

As soon as I got through the door, the bar's phone rang. I ran over and answered saying "Hello, this is Jake, owner of Jake's Playce. How may I help you?" The person on the other end said "Heya Jake. It's Kevin. Guess what? I managed to get into the CIA. I heard from Dash that you are taking the bar exam tomorrow. Good luck with that, bro. Anyway, just wanted to let you know I sent a package, so I'll see you later." I grinned to myself knowing how much Kev hated to talk on the phone then said "Alright Kev, I'll talk to you later. However next time you'll be talking to a certified lawyer, bro." I heard him laugh then say "Prove it. Anyway, later." then hung up. I cursed him for always having the last word, then hung up the phone and activated my cell.

It took about twenty minutes and by the time I was done my little brother Gabe walked in with a black eye. He was a young husky with a black and bluish tint to his fur, light blue eyes, white belly fur, white paws, and black hair. I growled softly and said "What happened to you?" He sighed and said softly "Dad's been beating up mom, so I stood up to him. He punched me in the eye when I did though, so I came to get you. You mind coming over and knocking him down a peg?" I sighed then nodded and got up. He smiled sadly and said "Thanks bro." I nodded and motioned for him to lead on, though I couldn't forget the way to my old house and all the memories it held. As we walked Gabe must have seen my feelings in my eyes, because he said "So how's everything going with the bar?" I grinned and said "The bar exam, or the bar you were just at?" He smiled back and said "Both bro. I really want to know, because if business is good I'd like a part time job."

I sighed and said "I'll talk to mom about it. If nothing else it'll get you out of the house, but I thought you had a job at the skate shop." He blinked and said "I do, but it's only on Friday through Sunday. I was wondering if I could work at the bar Monday through Thursday, and when study when things were slow." I sighed and said "Again, I'll talk to mom. However I make no promises, since she's already set against me owning the bar in the first place." He snickered and said "No she also doesn't want you to be a lawyer. She still thinks you should be a doctor, meet a nice girl and settle down." I glanced at Gabe and we both burst out laughing our asses off at the very idea of me settling down. After a bit Gabe stopped and said "Here's the house." I studied my old home holding back feelings of deep pain and sorrow. The house was an ordinary two story house with white trim around the roof, and light blue siding. It didn't look like the home of an evil bastard who beat the fuck out of anyone who crossed him when he was drunk, was distrusting, and abused his family. Then again, most places like that don't exactly have signs advertising the fact.

We slowly walked into the house and I had to resist the urge to run that suddenly welled up inside me. Gabe opened the door slowly then walked in. As I followed him over the threshold I felt years of pain and terror slam into me and had to hold onto the doorway to keep from falling over. Then my wrist started burning and I wondered if my past had any correlation to my mark. I shivered at the thought then took a deep breath and followed Gabe to the kitchen. As soon as I walked in I smelled blood and looked at the table where my mother was wiping up a red stain on the table. I walked over and gently pushed her into a chair then cleaned the table and tossed the rag in the sink. I knew my old man wasn't home, other wise she wouldn't have let me make her sit down, and Gabe wouldn't have gotten me. She looked up and I smiled at her over my shoulder. She smiled back tiredly then said "So, you finally decided to come home?" I nodded and said yeah, but you've changed a lot since I left."

I wasn't joking. Her fur which used to shine with it's own inner light was dull and lifeless. The black looked like it was gray, I could tell it hadn't been brushed for days, the white was dull, her raven's wing hair was in total disarray, and her cheeks were sunken in. I sighed and said "Mom you need to eat more. I can tell you've been slowly resisting the urge to eat, and that you haven't been taking care of yourself. If that bastard has anything to do with it then I'm going to kick his ass." She stared at me surprised then sighed and said "So I'm guessing you still agree that he isn't your father?" I nodded and said "That's the only reason he and I have ever agreed. We are nothing alike except for that."

She smiled sadly and said "You're right about that. He's always been one to look out for himself, while all you care about are your friends. Also you never wanted to impress anyone, yet he must impress everyone he meets. I didn't see it when you were younger, but it really showed when you met your friends in high school. It also left a mark on your little brother, so why are you here?" I grinned and said "You asked me to come over, and Gabe wanted me to ask if he can work at the bar after school. He won't quit his job at the skate shop, but if he doesn't keep his grades up I won't let him work."

I sighed and mom said "Do you really want to do this?" I shrugged and said "I don't know what I want anymore, mom. All I really know is that I'm glad I don't hear the old man bitch, I'm happy my friends are back, and I'm worried about getting my license. That's honestly all I know." She smiled slightly her eyes lighting up for the first time since the day I'd left and let out a small laugh. I raised an eyebrow and said "Is something funny, mom?" She smiled then said "You've grown up so much, yet you still act like the little boy you once were. I remember that up until you met Dasher and the others you always second guessed yourself. What makes you think the test won't go well?" I shrugged unable to express my thoughts and she said "Old doubts, I'm guessing?" I thought about it then nodded and she got up then hugged me and said in my ear "You're better than either of you ever thought. You've always doubted yourself, and he always thought you were no good, but look how easily you got through everything."

I smiled slightly and thought "Mom's always known me better than anyone. Maybe I should listen to her, and just calm down." Her smile grew brighter and some of the worry lines on her face faded away as she watched me. I slowly pushed her into a chair and propped her feet on up on another chair. She looked at me confused and I just motioned for her to relax. She sighed and let her tension fade, then I pulled on one of her old aprons and started cleaning up the kitchen. She started to protest, but Gabe seemed to understand and sat don next to her. I smiled at him in appreciation, then went throughout the house cleaning everything up to the best of my ability. When I got through with the last room I walked downstairs and took started to take off the apron. As I was pulling it on over my head I heard a voice I'd not forgotten, and never will forget say "Have you become that much of a loser, boy? Did your business fail to the point you had to work for your bitch of a mother for money."

I slowly finished taking the apron off my head and slipped it onto the hook Mom set it on. She started to stand up but I motioned for her to stay down then turned around and said "No, she was always to much of a man to do that. It was just listening to you bitch all the time, made me decide to help out my mother. Do you have a problem with that, old man?" He growled and I snarled back feeling old hatreds rise. My father, the old man as I called him, was a full bread husky with black and gray fur. His eyes were red rimmed, the tips of his ears were already gray, and his fur had a dingy look to it. I watched him as he slowly walked into the room and smiled darkly. He took a step back surprised and I said "I'm not some little kid who you can whip anymore, my friends helped me grow. Now I'm ready to kick your ass if you lay a hand on my mother, my brother, or anyone I care about."

He stared at me taken aback and I growled deep in my throat. I bared my teeth in a mocking grin and said "If you ever need help, don't call." I then turned and walked out the back door without a second thought. The old man called after me, but I just kept going without glancing back, or listening. As I opened the door. I heard footsteps coming at me. so I ducked and slammed turned around with my fist leading. He stared at me over my fist in his gut and I said "I've been waiting years to do that." then walked out.

I slammed the door behind me and walked back to the bar, my mind focusing on everything but what I'd done in my parents house. As I got close to the bar I saw Dash, Vince, Kris, and someone I didn't know standing outside talking. I blinked and muttered "Wonder what's going on with those four. Guess I'd best pull my mind back to the present, otherwise I won't be ready for whatever they're doing." I sighed and shook my head, then put one of the trademark artificial smiles all lawyers could pull off, and walked over to where they were talking. They stopped when they saw me and I said "Afternoon everyone, can I ask why you're all standing outside my bar in the middle of the day where anyone can see?" Kris and Vince looked slightly abashed while Dash grinned and said "You're already acting like a lawyer Jake. You'll pass the bar exam with flying colors."

I ignored the silver tongued feline and instead studied the new figure. He was a tall Clydesdale. His fur was somewhere between light and dark brown, and he had white tufts over his ankle hooves. He looked sort of thin, but, from years of experience with people who didn't show their true size, I knew it was muscle. His eyes were hazel and seemed to see through people, yet they also showed a kind heart. I walked over and held open the door as everyone went in, then shut it behind us and turned the sign to closed. We all sat down at the center table and I said "Alright what's going on? Who's the horse, and why were you guys gathered outside? Dash you'd best start."

Dasher grinned and said "Well the four of us were discussing how to expand the bar. I told them you wouldn't want anything done until you got your license, but Vince seems to think you won't do anything until you can become a P.I. Want to explain?" I blinked and said "I was thinking about becoming a Private Investigator after I got my law degree. Gabe mentioned it was one of the classes he was planning on taking and I thought it was a good idea. Why?" Dash sighed and said "You realize that means you'll have to go through several extra background checks?" I nodded and he shook his head then said "Alright with that out of the way, when are you going to start working on the bar?" I shrugged and said "Whenever we start getting more people, why?" Dash grinned and then pointed at the horse and said "This is James Jackson. He's a former SEAL, and has a contractor's license. He was wondering if he could, A. join the bar's staff, B. help expand the bar, and C. he could get a place to stay."

I shrugged and said "I don't see why not." Meanwhile I was thinking "He's nine feet tall, that's going to require a lot of room. Well at least the bar has plenty of that to spare." Dash seemed to know what I was thinking and said "You have plenty of rooms here at the bar, and it will only be until he can find his own place." I thought about it then smiled and said "Sure. I don't have anything important going on, and I'll have a steady cash flow once I pass the bar examination." Dash raised an eyebrow and said "What field of law did you specialize in?" I shrugged and said "Patents, criminal, and corporate. Why?" He grinned then said "Good because I need a lawyer for the first and third, while I know a few guys who could really use the second." Vince nodded in agreement with that then the two of them started whispering to each other.

I glanced at Kris and said "You ok with all that Kris?" She nodded and leaned back in her chair then said "Since this chat is over, can we open the bar up? I'm sort of in the mood to work, and it's already seven o' clock." I blinked and looked at my watch then let out a soft whistle. I'd must have spent more time at my parent's then I'd thought because Gabe had come to get me at one thirty, and it was only about a twenty to thirty minute walk from the bar to my parents place. I nodded at Kris to turn the sign back to open then looked at James and said "So what would you like to be called James, and you mind working as part time bouncer?" He smiled slightly and said "James, or JJ, Jake. Doesn't really matter to me, just to those that don't know me to well I'd prefer to be known as James. I wouldn't have any problem being a bouncer by the way, but is it ok if I keep my gun on me while I work?"

I nodded and said "Sure James." He grinned and walked over to the door while I went behind the bar and Dash sat down in front of me. I raised an eyebrow and he said "One corona Jake. I have a feeling it's going to be a long night, so just open up my tab." I nodded and got him a corona straight from the tap then watched as Vince and Kris grabbed on a pair of apron's and started to clean up the tables while we waited for customers. After about ten minutes people started coming in and ordering drinks. The bar didn't allow smoking inside, but I had a special covered patio out back for those who wanted a smoke, so a few people came right up to the bar and ordered. I gave them their drinks and they headed out to the back. Dash, who had been smoking since we were in college, went with them. I noticed as he left that he eyed both guys and girls and couldn't help but snicker.

After about half an hour the bar was full and a few of the people talked about coming back regularly. I smiled slightly and decided that if I passed the bar exam I'd definitely talk to James about expanding the bar. Then I got wrapped up in serving everyone's orders to them as quickly, and efficiently as possible with the help of Kris and Vince. After a while people started asking if we had a kitchen and I explained that we'd start serving food on another day, but tonight we were just to short handed. At about eleven o' clock about three guys walked up and one of them said "Hey Jake, why weren't you open on Saturday or Sunday? I mean you were barely hear on Friday, and weren't willing to explain what happened to Angel so we're kind of worried about you."

I grinned and studied the three of them, realizing that they'd been some of my first customers. The one who'd spoken was Terrance Leos. Terrance, known as Terry by his friends, was a large black dragon with red markings on his wings, light blue hair, gold eyes, and red markings all across his upper and lower body. The one to his left was his little brother Leroy Leos. Leroy, most of us just called him Le, was a large lion with a thick mane, a black pelt, which was uncommon in lions, and white markings on his muzzle and paws. The third member of their trio was Nick Jackson. Nick was a raptor with mottled brown skin, black markings, and gold eyes. He was about as tall as Leroy who only came up to Terry's shoulder. No surprise since Terry was as tall as James.

I grinned at the three of them and said "Just a few problems in paradise. They've all been solved. Anyway, what's up with you three?" Terry and Le grinned while Nick just yawned and said "Mind getting me a bottle of rum Jake?" I nodded and slid him the bottle then Le and Terry said "So what are you're plans for this place." I shrugged and said "Expand it, then get some more girls, add a game room, and install my law practice and P.I. office upstairs next to my room. Why?" Le grinned even bigger and said "Well dad says the twenty acres on the edge of town just went up for sale, and that the owner is selling it really cheap. So if you're willing to buy it we'll give you a lone to help you out." I thought about it for a while then said "Tomorrow, if I pass the bar exam I'll call you, and we'll right up a contract." They nodded then we all shook hands and they headed out with Nick still carrying the whisky.

I snickered as everyone started following them out and the smokers started filling through. Dash stopped in front of me and the two of us started discussing what Le said. After a while he said "I'll buy the land and put it in your name Jake, count it as me paying off that favor from when we were in college." I raised an eyebrow and said "Which one, there were about twenty." He cursed softly and said "Thought you wouldn't remember that. Although taking you to Lucky's counts for five so only fourteen left with this one done." I nodded and Dash got up. I looked at him questioningly and he said "It's late, so I have to get some sleep before the reading of the will this morning. Later." I nodded and he walked off then Kris and James walked over. I glanced at them and said "You guys head to bed, same for Vince. I'll clean up." They nodded and Vince just waved.

I watched them head to bed, then cleaned up the bar and walked upstairs. As soon as my feet touched the top of the staircase I was hit by waves of tiredness. I dragged myself to bed then passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow. As I slept I dreamed about our journey in the crater, and the other members of the group. I saw Kev sitting in an office going over paperwork and hating it. I saw Len in the middle of the dessert with a gun, then I saw Dash pacing in his room and muttering as he tried to figure out an algorithm for some new software. I sighed softly then the dream ended up back at the point where I'd spoken with the voice in the crater.

However instead of saying anything this time I just watched the light and waited. The voice laughed softly and said "So you are a bit more cautious this time. Wise. What made you come back to my domain?" I shrugged and leaned on the whiteness all around wondering how it could support my weight. The voice sighed and asked "Are you here to learn more about your gift? If so, I can't help you until you learn more about yourself, and choose to come here in person. So I guess until that time you will be even further in the dark than your friends. Although unlike you they chose to bear their marks proudly." I snorted at that and said "No they just didn't realize what these things are. I know they've got some tie to our pasts, but not sure of what sort it is." The voice just laughed and everything faded into Blackness

I woke up at about five in the morning. My test wasn't until eight thirty so I had plenty of time to just relax. I sighed and got up then did my usual routine. I took a shower, shaved, and got dressed, then headed downstairs to grab myself some food. As I ate I heard someone moving around down the hallway everyone else slept in. I yawned and sat on the bar as I finished my usual glass of milk and my eggs. I heard someone let out a soft expletive and snickered to myself. I heard the sound of the boards creaking and someone coming toward me. I yawned and saluted whoever it was with my glass then walked back into the kitchen and cleaned up my stuff.

As I walked back out I saw James sitting at the bar staring at the wall seeming lost in thought. I sat down next to him and said "What's up JJ? Something on your mind?" He shrugged and said "Just thinking about the future, I guess." I nodded in understanding then said "How long you think it would take for you to build a new bar, and a house on twenty acres of land?" He thought about it for a while then said "Two to three weeks, why?" I grinned and said "Tomorrow I'm going to take a vacation. If I pass the bar exam I want you to start building while I'm gone. If I don't, then I won't take the vacation. Ok?" He nodded and I handed him a bottle of water then walked out and headed for the courthouse to take my exam.

When I got to the courthouse they handed me the test and a pencil then directed me to a desk. I sat down and started working right away. About ten minutes into the test the questions tested my memory as much as my general knowledge. I sighed as I kept working on the test then finished after about an hour and a half. I handed my page to the proctor and walked out. I sighed and wondered what to do for the rest of the day while I waited for the results, then decided to head to the bar and relax. I slowly walked back to the bar, enjoying the spring air, and wondering how to get more people to work for the bar. When I got in Vince was sitting at the bar reading a magazine and muttering to himself. I glanced around looking for Kris then heard the shower going and said "I'm guessing you lost out to Kris on the shower?" He nodded and continued reading the magazine.

I snickered and sat down then said "Well now we just wait to see what the proctor says when he calls." Vince put the magazine down and looked at me then said "You really think you're not going to pass? JAKE YOU BLOODY WELL NO MORE ABOUT THE LAW THAN ANYONE ELSE I KNOW! You fucking read law books for fun back in high school, and from what Dash says, you plan on getting a damn Private Investigator's license when this is done." I nodded and he sighed then asked "Why?" I shrugged and said "Never know what could happen. I mean, the bar could fail, and if I don't pass the bar, I'll still become a P.I." He just shook his head and closed his eyes seeming to be asking god why.

I snickered and said "Wrong person Vince. I know you're a desperate catholic like you're mom, but it's somewhat reserved. Anyway you and I will probably go to hell." He laughed at that and said "True." I grinned then the bell above the door rung and Vine let out a whistle then said "Nice outfit kitty boy, what's the occasion." I turned around expecting to see Dash in a suit and tie, and instead found myself seeing him in his same old vest and shorts. I just shook my head then reached behind me and smacked Vince. He yelped because I got his nose then I turned back and said "Morning Dash."

Dash walked over and sat down then stretched and said "Morning Jake, Vince. Just thought I should let you know that a big truck pulled up in front of the bar, and two people are getting out." I nodded in thanks then got up while Vince slid Dasher a bottle of beer. I muttered about the two of them, then turned and watched the door. A large male white bengal tiger, and a vixen walked through slowly. The tiger was watching everything while the vixen looked as if she thought she owned everything infront of her, including us. I growled softly not liking the feeling I got whenever her eyes went over me then put on a smile and said "How can I help you two?"

The two stopped and looked at me, so, I gave them an appraising look back. I knew that Dash and Vince were probably studying the two of them carefully. Well, Dash probably was, Vince was probably staring at the vixen's rack. Which I couldn't help, but noticing myself. Besides that she had dark green eyes, black hair, dark red fur, black feet and hand paws, white belly fur, a really elegant tail, and an hourglass figure that would have made a gay guy straight.. She was about 5'7 maybe 5'8 which was really tall for a fox and wearing a shirt and shorts, that showed off her ass-ets. The Tiger however was about seven to eight feet tall, had sunglasses hiding his eyes, a very muscular build, a suit, and a tail that probably dragged Dash's eyes to his ass. I sighed and stared into the girl's eyes. She seemed to find this as a good trait and smiled slightly. I just watched her then said "I guess you guys didn't hear me. So, I'll repeat myself. Who are you?"

The girl glanced at the guy and nodded for him to speak then grabbed a seat. She motioned for me to sit but I just watched the two of them. The guy sighed then said "The name's Ronald. The vixen's Sam. We're looking for a place to work, saw you're add, and decided to ask about it." I raised an eyebrow and studied Ron more closely then mumbled "Former service of some sort." I then studied Sam and muttered "Fighter all her life, and wishing to do so much more." Sam looked at me surprised and I smiled.

I closed my eyes and thought then said "What kind of licenses do you have?" Ron smiled slightly and said "I can be a bouncer, and Sam's got a bartending license." Sam just nodded and I walked over to the bar then drew up a contract. They went over it then Ron said "This works." and they signed. After that they walked back out to their vehicle and headed for wherever they were staying. I walked upstairs and plopped down on my bed wondering who I just hired, and if it was a mistake. As I laid there thinking my phone rang. I answered it quickly and the voice on the other end said "Mr. Jake, S. You are officially certified by the bar." I nearly dropped the phone then said "Really?" The voice answered "Yes. Which means your backer is officially reinstated as well." I grinned and said "Thank you." then hung up.

I walked downstairs and said "Dash call James and tell him to get to work on the new bar because WE'RE GOING ON VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!" However I didn't realize just how big an endeavor that vacation would be.

To Be Continued................................................................

Author's Note: Alright Kiddies first and foremost time for the gods forsaken copyrights. FIRST AND FOREMOST my story is copyrighted to me, as are almost all the characters. Gabe is copyrighted to my little bro Gman2014, Dasher is copyrighted to Dasher Cheetah, James is copyrighted to James Jackson, Shanden and Shalendra, are copyrighted to Shalendran Kitranth, If I forgot anyone I'm sorry but my memory sucks. With that said COMMENT!!!!!! Anyway Guess I'll see you next upload, whichever of my stories it is. Later.