What are brothers good for?

Story by Tayu on SoFurry

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OHMYGODIWROTEANEWSTORY! Yeah, that's kind of how I feel. Even if it is kind of short, and plotless, I am satisfied that I was able to finish something, instead of leaving it on my desktop to rot.

Contains sex, which is like, for only 18+ apparently Please enjoy! And leave a comment! And rate it! And... and... yeah! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Devin grumbled slightly as he walked up the stairs to his apartment, tail flicking back and forth in annoyance. Tonight had been one of the most frustrating nights of the year and the warm, summer air wasn't helping with things. He growled slightly as he continued towards the top floor, paws clenched as he thought about the club he'd just left.

Two weeks ago, his girlfriend broke things off with him. Devin didn't really care on an emotional level, she'd been rather clingy and overwhelming at times, but not having someone around to fuck at night was starting to wear on him. The whole reason he'd even gone to the club was just to find some cute girl for the night and head back to her place for some fun.

The night had looked promising at first, too, when the first girl he approached, a short cheetah, started hanging off of his shoulder, dancing along-side him, and calling him "Wolfie". He bought her a few drinks and he was about to ask her if she wanted to leave the club, when her boyfriend showed up. Thankfully, he was none-the-wiser, and Devin wasn't about to break things to him. The next three chicks he talked to seemed completely uninterested and he gave up shortly after.

The wolf didn't understand it, and he trudged up the last flight of stairs, tail lashing back and forth in irritation. He was attractive, or so he'd been told. His fur was a light grey all over and he'd worn a pair of tight jeans with a dark blue muscle-shirt. He worked construction as a full time job, and had gotten quite a nice physique over the past few years. Sure, it wasn't a glamorous job, but it kept him in shape and gave him enough money to support himself and his younger brother, who was still in high school.

When he made it to the top floor he reached into his pocket for his keys, growling when he realized he must have left them inside before he left. He pounded on the door, sighing irritably. "Hey twerp. Open up."

It took a few seconds, but the sound of a chain lock being opened was heard, and a dead-bolt being unlocked. Issac opened the door, looking up to his older brother with a slightly-dazed expression, like he had almost fallen asleep. "You're home early..." The younger canine said, stepping aside before Devin knocked him out of the way. He shut and locked the door behind him, yawning and stretching upwards, the large shirt he was wearing raising high enough to show that he was at least wearing boxers under there.

"Yeah, well... if things had gone as planned, I wouldn't be here." Devin said grumpily, flopping down heavily onto the couch and grabbing the remote. He flicked through the channels before he found the news, idly listening to some of the upcoming headlines before shutting the TV off.

The younger wolf had sat down on the opposite end of the couch, his ears perked up slightly as he scritched the back of his head, hair slightly mussed from laying down. He had short brown hair that he normally spiked, but let lay down when he was lazy. Devin preferred to keep his hair completely shaved off because of his work. "What do you mean? Where'd you even go?"

Devin leaned against the arm of the couch, sighing and reaching a paw down to adjust himself nonchalantly. "Well, since Keri and I broke up, I haven't gotten to fuck someone, so... if tonight had been good, I'd be out doing THAT right now." He stated bluntly, looking to Issac before standing up and turning side to side to pop his back.

Issac knew about his brother's sex life, even if he didn't have one of his own, besides pawing in the shower. All the same, it made him blush hotly at the thought of his brother in those situations. "Oh... um, I'm sorry..." He replied awkwardly, not entirely sure what to say to console his brother.

"Heh... whatever... I just... ugh, I'm going to go to sleep... I don't work for the next few days, so I can at least sleep in." The older wolf stepped around the couch, leaving Issac behind as he walked into their shared bedroom. It was a decent size, and had a walk-in closet which they shared, along with a king size bed which they also shared. When their parents had passed away a few years ago, Devin moved back to the state to take care of Issac, who was only 11 at the time. He had just moved out of the house not more than three months earlier, on his nineteenth birthday, when he got the news.

Devin closed the bedroom door behind him, knowing the younger wolf would just come in when he was ready to sleep, which he assumed would be soon. He peeled the shirt off and tossed it next to the closet door, dropping his jeans and kicking them over as well. Only in his boxers, now, he lay down on the mattress, pulling his thin bed sheet over his waist, not needing even that, with how warm it was. His ears pressed against his head and he idly thought about pawing off real fast to relieve the tension, but now that he was laying down, he realized how exhausted he was. The last thing he heard before falling asleep completely was the door open as Issac wandered in to get some sleep as well.

The younger wolf was too shy around his older brother to wear anything less than his boxers and a shirt. He lay down gently on his side of the bed, pulling his sheet up over his body and sighing contently. When Devin came home he was on the verge of heading to sleep, and was quite tired himself. It wasn't long before he fell asleep on his side, tail twitching slightly in the spacious gap between him and the older wolf.


Devin grunted slightly as he rolled onto his back, eyes opening slowly. It was still dark outside and a quick glance to his nightstand told him it was almost four in the morning. He felt his cock throb beneath the sheets and he ran a paw down his chest to give the half-exposed shaft a firm squeeze through his boxers. The wolf let out a soft murr of pleasure and slowly pulled back the sheets to stand up. His boxers were tented up a little bit and there was a small damp spot where pre had been dripping out against the fabric.

The wolf scritched at the back of his head as he walked into the bathroom, half-shutting the door as he flicked on the light just long enough to relieve his bladder. Once he was finished, he made his way back into the bedroom, glancing over at the bed. Issac was still asleep, on his chest with his legs spread slightly and the bed sheet kicked off. His tail twitched ever so lightly over his rump and Devin got an idea. He slowly walked over to Issac's side of the bed, looking down at the way the younger wolf peacefully slept.

Devin's sheath swelled slightly at the thought of what he was about to do. He'd never really considered himself bi, even though he had a friend in high school who would occasionally blow him. The older wolf had never returned the favor, but was always happy to fill the shepherd's muzzle with cum. There was nothing to stop him from having Issac now, the younger wolf never had a girlfriend, so maybe he wouldn't object.

Devin's paws moved to either side of his boxers and he gently tugged them down, exposing his hefty sheath and balls, the tip of his cock peeking from the damp entrance. Issac's head was close enough to the edge of the bed that he was able to lean forward and press the belly of his sheath against Issac's lips and nose. The result got the younger wolf's nose to twitch slightly as his tongue darted out to lick his lips, the pink band of flesh lapping over the underside of Devin's sheath and making him murr in excitement.

Issac shifted around a bit, tongue lapping out against his nose and over the tip of Devin's cock before he slowly opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was the black fur of his brother's thigh and he leaned back slightly to see what was going on when he noticed his brother's sheath in front of his face. He reeled back in disgust, sitting up as his brother's paw caught his shoulder to hold him there. "Whoa, what the hell are you doing?" He asked, looking up at Devin, his tail tucking between his legs, thinking the older wolf was just playing a joke on him. His ears flattened when he saw that Devin wasn't smiling like he normally was during such jokes and he shivered under the paw.

"Look, it's been like two weeks or something, and I need this, so... just do it, okay?" He said, grip tightening on Issac's shoulder as he spoke, voice cool and deep as he guided the younger wolf closer again.

Issac's paws reached up and pressed against Devin's thighs in protest, letting out a soft whine. "What?! No! I'm not doing that!" He said quickly, tail tucked between his legs as he tried to make his way out of Devin's grasp, his own sheath swelling slightly from the situation.

Devin let out a soft growl, his other paw reaching down to grab one of Issac's wrists as he released his brother's shoulder, grabbing the wolf's other wrist. The damage was done, he'd already gone too far and he figured he might as well get what he wanted. "Yes. You are." He spoke clearly, watching Issac struggle and tug at his paws as he tried to make his way away from the older wolf. Devin growled a bit louder and forced Issac onto his back, one paw holding him down by his chest as he lifted a leg over his younger brother, sitting on his stomach and pinning him down.

The younger wolf whined out, ears flat against his head and eyes squeezed shut as he tried to swing his paw at his brother's muzzle. Devin caught his paw and brought both up above his head, pinning them there as he leaned over Issac's head. His sheath was right in front of the younger wolf's muzzle, a little more of his shaft exposed as he growled slightly. "If you bite me..." He threatened, thinking about what he was going to finish up with, but abandoned the thought as he felt his brother's tongue tentatively lick over his exposed tip.

The larger wolf sighed contently, closing his eyes as he kept Issac's paws pinned down. The younger wolf felt a few tears appearing in the corner of his eyes as he slowly opened them, staring at the thick tube of flesh in front of his muzzle. Devin's sheath was definitely bigger than his own and it hung slightly away from his body, two inches of pink wolf-cock exposed and almost touching his nose. Issac couldn't help but feel a little bit of excitement from the situation, his own sheath swelling as he leaned forward, tongue traveling up the underside of Devin's sheath.

Each lick along the furry holder seemed to coax out another inch of wolf cock until it was almost eight inches long, the base still hidden in his sheath. Devin leaned against the window, the blinds bending against the glass as Devin watched Issac work. "Better pull back my sheath..." He whispered, grinning slightly as pre started dripping now that he was fully hard, matting down his brothers face and neck fur in places.

Issac's cheeks burned with embarrassment and he looked down at the base of the wolf's cock, tail flicking around between his legs. "B-but... you're holding my paws... I... can't do-" Issac was cut off by surprise as Devin shifted his hips, pressing the tip of his cock into his muzzle and sinking a few inches forward. The wolf let out a soft whine around his brother's flesh as he felt it slide between his lips. Little droplets of pre coated the roof of his muzzle and he gagged slightly as that tip sunk further back and pressed against the back of his throat. The younger wolf struggled a bit, paws trying to pull away but held fast by Devin's stronger pair.

"Mmm, just relax..." Devin said, waiting for Issac to stop struggling before he pushed the last few inches past his brother's lips, unsheathing himself completely in the wolf's muzzle. He pulled back until only the tip was in Issac's muzzle, listening to him gasp slightly for air. "See? That wasn't so bad..." The older wolf whispered before pushing himself back in, a bit quicker this time.

Issac was more prepared the second time and he managed not to gag or choke as his brother's cock pressed into his throat. His own cock was hard as a rock and pre was staining his boxers, secretly starting to enjoy the way Devin was treating him. He hesitantly started running his tongue along the pre-drenched underside of his brother's cock, lips forming more of a seal on it as he started sucking gently.

Devin was surprised by the change and pressed more of his cock into Issac's muzzle, balls resting against the young wolf's chin as he was content to feel him struggle for air and squirm beneath him. He pulled back and gently started humping into Issac's muzzle. "Mmff.. good boy, just keep sucking..." He said, snickering a bit as he let his balls bounce gently off Issac's chin, slowly gaining more speed.

The older wolf's knot was starting to grow and he could no longer force it between Issac's lips as he ground his cock forward, pre becoming more voluminous. Devin's tail was wagging back and forth in excitement as he felt his orgasm starting to approach. His tail flicked over his brother's crotch unknowingly, making Issac jump slightly and force himself down on Devin's cock. The wolf grunted happily and took that as a sign to start humping a bit more forcefully, gagging Issac on each thrust as the thick knot pressed against his lips.

Issac let out a soft whine of excitement, knowing his brother wouldn't be able to tell the difference. He kept lapping along the wolf's cock, ears flat against his head as he felt the knot against his lips, kissing it lightly. His cheeks were still red with embarrassment that he was enjoying the situation, rock hard in his now-damp boxers, tail curled between his legs. Devin was humping into his muzzle a bit harder now and he could hear the older wolf pant slightly as he held both of his paws with only one of his, the other behind his head for better leverage.

Devin looked down at Issac, who quickly shut his own eyes, sucking gently at the wolf's shaft as Devin growled slightly. "Mmff... get... get ready..." He said hoarsely, his tail flicking back and forth excitedly as his orgasm drew close, balls doing the same to his body. He gave a few more hard thrusts into Issac's muzzle, the younger wolf gagging slightly as the tip pressed into the back of his throat.

The larger wolf growled out before barking once, cum splashing into Issac's muzzle and making the younger wolf choke and cough a bit. Issac struggled to pull his muzzle back, cum splattering against the back of his throat as he coughed a few times, some cum spraying from his nose as he tried to force the wolf back. Devin obliged of his own accord, slowly dragging his cock back from Issac's muzzle, a thick spray of cum filling the younger wolf's maw before it slipped out of the warm orifice. The paw previously on the back of Issac's head gripped around his shaft and stroked it a few times to milk a few more strands of cum over Issac's face, the younger wolf closing his eyes and flinching slightly at the feeling.

Devin panted as he came down from his orgasm, squeezing his shaft to force a thick drop of cum out onto Issac's lips, using the tip of his cock to smear it around. The smaller wolf whined out, trying to swallow what had filled his muzzle as his tongue instinctively licked out across his lips and inadvertently over Devin's cock. He kept his eyes closed tight, embarrassed by what just happened, afraid that his brother would realize that he himself was hard.

Devin sighed happily and sat back on his brother's stomach, careful not to crush him as he grinned down at the embarrassed wolf. "See...? That wasn't so bad..." He snickered, tail wagging happily and over his brother's crotch as he felt it pass over something hard. Issac whined slightly and the wolf turned to look back, seeing the soaked from of his brother's boxers tented up. "HA! And you enjoyed it!" Devin laughed out, releasing Issac's paws to press one firmly against the younger wolf's bulge. He felt it flex back against his paw and heard Issac whimper pathetically.

"N-no I didn't..." He tried to say, whining out as he tried to push his brother off of him. Devin ignored the weaker paws pushing at him and turned to look back down at Issac, grinning wickedly. The younger wolf pulled his paws up to his chest, a little worried about the look on Devin's face before he felt the older wolf's paws grab at his shoulders and start to roll him over.

The action took him by surprise and he was on his side before it dawned on him what might happen. Issac tried to struggle and get back onto his back, but Devin had more leverage and he found himself pressed against the bed, cock trapped beneath him. "D-Devin? What are you doing...?" He whined out, trying to look behind him, cum smearing into his face and pillow.

Devin didn't answer as he kept a strong paw on Issac's back, legs stretching out beneath him as he straddled his brother's rump. His free paw reached down to tug his boxers down, Issac lifting himself up slightly in defeat as he whimpered into his pillow, eyes squeezed shut. The older wolf was growling excitedly and he pried Issac's tail away from between his legs to nudge the tip of his cock up under his tail. "Just relax, alright? It might hurt a bit..." The wolf said softly, leaning down to nuzzle affectionately against Issac's head.

"Please don't..." Issac whimpered, tail trying to curl down between his legs, trapped in Devin's paw as his chest was pressed firmly into the bed. "You're really big... it'll hurt... a lot..." The younger wolf whined, eyes squeezed shut as he shivered slightly in fear. He hadn't ever fooled around with anyone, but he had been online plenty of times, and heard stories of people who'd been fucked before, and most described it as painful.

The wolf pressed the tip of his cock to his brother's virgin hole before slowly pulling back. Issac felt the wolf let up from his back slightly, but didn't move, afraid of what would happen. He felt Devin slide off of him and felt two paws grip his furred rump, spreading them slightly before Devin leaned in and lapped slowly across his tailhole. Issac's eyes opened for a split second before he closed them again, letting out a soft groan and shivering at the feeling. "Wh-what are you doing?"

Devin kept his eyes closed as he lapped slowly over the younger wolf's entrance over and over, having done this to Keri a few times when they'd tried some different things. He pulled back and gently ran a paw up under Issac's shirt, scritching the small of his back. "I told you to relax..." He said again, leaning back down to slide his tongue against his brother's rump, slowly pushing the thick band of flesh up into him.

Issac had been panting slightly in the odd pleasure as his flagging erection started to come back rather quickly. He pushed his rump back into Devin's paws, letting out a soft whine as his brother tongued him slowly. After a few minutes of this, Issac's cock pressing insistently against the bed and leaving a wet spot against the surface, Devin pulled away and slowly moved back over his brother.

Issac had calmed down enough that he was able to close his eyes and relax, head turned to one side on his pillow as his arms extended up to lightly grip the edge of the mattress. Devin slipped the tip of his cock against the wolf's passage and he slowly started pressing inward, the head of his shaft encountering a bit of resistance before it slid in. "Oof... just relax..." He reminded Issac, who cringed slightly at the feeling.

Devin's cock was much thicker than his tongue and it felt like he was being split open as the wolf let his hips gently push forward. It wasn't as painful as he thought, and he was able to relax, breathing slowly through his nose. He felt his brother's knot press against his tailhole and he opened his eyes slowly, amazed he was able to take it without feeling too much pain. It was an awkward feeling though and he could feel his tailhole trying to close properly, wedged open by the thick piece of meat under his tail. Devin groaned softly above him, still a little sensitive from cumming earlier. "You okay?" He heard the older wolf ask, making him blush as he nodded slightly.

The wolf slowly pulled his hips back, paws on either side of Issac's chest before those hips pushed back in. His cock slid effortlessly into his younger brother and he moaned softly, leaning down to nuzzle between the wolf's ears, panting a bit. He started pulling back again, getting a slow rhythm going as he listened to Issac gasp and whine beneath him. His arms slid around his brother's chest, hugging him tight as he picked up speed.

Issac was starting to enjoy the feeling a bit more, each thrust pressing hard on his prostate while the motions rocked his hips back and forth, cock sliding against the wet patch on the bed. His sheath had been tugged back against the sheets and his knot was fully engorged now. He never imagined he could get this kind of pleasure from having something inside him and his hips started jerking slightly, trying to push back against Devin's.

Devin complied with the wolf's motions and started thrusting harder, his balls starting to slap against Issac's slightly-smaller pair, knot pressing threateningly at his brother's once-virgin entrance. "You... enjoying this...?" Devin asked between pants, his tail flicking and forth as his hips continued to slam down against Issac's. His second orgasm was approaching rapidly already and he ground his hips against Issac's after each thrust to tease that knot in a bit further.

Issac gasped out as each thrust felt like a spike of pleasure, his tail wagging despite being trapped between them. He nodded quickly, but remained silent, too embarrassed to say anything as he panted softly. Devin grinned and nipped one of the younger wolf's ears, hips picking up a bit more speed as he started panting louder. Both their hearts were racing as they each climbed closer to orgasm, Issac a bit closer as he hugged the pillow against his face, humping slightly against the bed as he felt his cock surge. Cum pumped out from the tip of his cock, matting down his stomach and chest fur as he soaked the mattress beneath him, tailhole squeezing down harder on Devin's shaft.

The wolf almost came from the increased tightness around his cock and he gave one final thrust forward, sinking his knot into Issac's passage during the apex of his climax, making the younger wolf yelp slightly as his cock continued dampening the sheets. Devin growled out and bit down on Issac's shoulder to stifle a loud howl as he came hard, spilling his second load of the night inside his brother yet again. His knot thumped and pulsed inside the younger canine and he hugged him tightly, feeling the wetness against the fur on his arms as he panted and released Issac's shoulder.

It was a few minutes before either of them had the resolve to speak, and Devin nuzzled against Issac's neck quietly. "I hope you're not mad at me..." He whispered, still locked deep inside the smaller wolf as he rested atop him.

Issac thought for a moment about how he actually felt, smiling shyly and nuzzling back against his brother's head. "No... I... always thought you were... hot... but, I just never... really thought about anything like this..." He admitted, blushing deeply and hugging his pillow tightly.

Devin sighed and closed his eyes, rolling slowly onto his side, pulling Issac onto his as he held his brother against his chest. "I... don't know, I mean, I never... really thought of myself as, well, bi... but, I do love you... and if I think about it, you're pretty damn cute..." He said, petting over Issac's chest and tracing a finger through the drying cum on his stomach.

"What do you want to do about it?" Issac asked, unsure of what was going through Devin's head, his tail curling around his side as much as it could.

"Well... if you... want to try to make something of this... we can try. If not, I'm fine with that too." Devin said after a minute of thinking. "It might be hard to adjust to, but... never know. And you'll always be my brother, no matter what."

The younger wolf's tail wagged a bit and he smiled, closing his eyes. "We'd still get to do this either way... right?"

Devin laughed and pushed forward, eliciting a gasp from the young wolf. "I don't mind that one bit." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hope you enjoyed! Please rate and comment :)