The Files: Contract Unknown - Who's the Hunter and Who's the Prey

Story by Killerwolf1020 on SoFurry

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Warning: This Story contains mild rape (meaning that the character being raped didn't want it but gave into the rapists demands.), bondage and male/female sex. If you don't like the story because you don't like this kind of stuff then don't ridicule but I do appreciate Constructive criticism

Hope you enjoy the story. Any Questions just ask

See Journal for more detail on my series The Files

The Files

Contract Unknown: Who's the Hunter and who's the Prey

It was a cool spring morning as NightRose ran along the rooftops of the apartments that overcrowded the neighborhood. Her feet tapping softly each time she landed a leap from the previous building. NightRose heaved a great sigh as she closed in on an old Victorian home. Out of place, the old house was overgrown with vines that wove in Celtic knots, creeping up the house and connecting at the roof top. This house had been standing for hundreds of years and was considered a historical landmark but it had been converted into a contract house for whores and assassins. NightRose leapt of the adjacent building and latched onto the coiled vines. She scaled the wall with cat's ease and pulled herself onto the windowsill. Inside her contractor, a lanky Red-Winged Blackbird, hopped about his desk signing papers and occasionally pecking at the seeds skewed about his desk. Around the room males and females of different species lounged on pillows and blankets. Some of the loungers were entangled in each other's arms and legs. Others lay by themselves either eyeing the ones entangled with envy or cautiously watching NightRose as she rested on the windowsill. Many of the loungers moved their bodies erotically as NightRose left the windowsill, daring and inviting her to join them. NightRose breathed in, the scent of cherry smoke filled the room faintly hiding the tint of sex in the air. She wrinkled her nose at the smell, it excited her but she was not here for the sex, she was here to receive her pay and next contract. Tugging her mask further up the bridge of her muzzle, NightRose sauntered toward the desk where the blackbird still hopped around, oblivious to her presence. Half way there, a low whistle caught her attention. A large male rabbit, a buck, slouched alone on his pillow. He wore tight crotchless pants which exposed his erected dick. The buck smiled slyly and curled his index finger, inviting NightRose to join him. NightRose met his eyes, she longed to join him as much as she wanted to hunt him. She growled a throaty interest but turned her back on him, swishing her tail along her ass, teasing him. She could hear him sigh as she approached the contractor's desk, the buck had lost his target but she still felt his eyes on her, she knew they would be on her till she left. NightRose leaned in on the desk and cleared her throat. Now aware of her presence the blackbird jumped back, startled almost falling off the desk fear in his small beady eyes. NightRose chuckled, she enjoyed the fear that she brought to her "superior." Her mask pulled as she smirked, NightRose reached into her cloak and the blackbird flinched. This time her laugh echoed in the room, how easy it was to scare the little bird. Pulling her hand out her cloak, NightRose dropped a small pouch on the desk.

"From your last contract?" the blackbird's voice was high and nasally, hurting NightRose's ears. She nodded as the blackbird spread his wings and flew over to a curtain in the corner of the room. A young female tiger purred at his approach and tugged at a rope, retracting the curtain revealing a hidden room. The blackbird flew through the door and disappeared into the dark room. Not keen on waiting, NightRose walked over to the secret room but as she approached the curtain, the tigress stood up and blocked the doorway, placing a hand on her hip.

"Sorry hun, no visitors allowed." She purred, pressing her body close to NightRose. She cupped NightRose's breasts in her hands. She slid a leg up her leg up NightRose's body, letting her wet pussy rub against NightRose's crotch.

"I am no common sack," NightRose growled, she had used the slum word for a customer to distinguish herself as a fellow "worker."

"Maybe so, but you are not good enough for that place pup."

The tigress's attitude was starting to annoy NightRose, as excited as she was from the tigress's advances. A few seconds passed by and finally, the blackbird emerged form the room, a cloth pouch in one talon and a rolled parchment in the other.

"Here you go Assassin," the blackbird placed the pouch in NightRose's open hand, "your latest payment and a new contract. Now off with you, you disrupt my workers!"

NightRose took the rolled paper form the blackbird. The tigress pulled away when NightRose met her sexual gaze with her own pricing death glare. NightRose turned and began to walk towards the window she had entered through.

"I may scare your little sluts, but if I were you..." reaching the windowsill, NightRose turned to look back at the contractor and the tigress, "...I'd keep my 'employees' in check. They lack everything but their stupidity." NightRose leaned on the windowsill and unsheathed a small dagger; she liked the click as the sheath released the blade. Twirling the knife between two fingers, NightRose gazed into the shine of the blade as if lost in a dream.

"Also," she pointed to the blackbird without taking her eyes off the dagger, "you should lean some manners and respect bird, else this blade will be in your body next we meet!"

The dagger stilled and was sheathed, NightRose leapt out the window to the adjacent building.

NightRose reached her safe house by noon, she was starving and tired, plus she had another job this night and not much time to spear. Unlocking the door, NightRose dragged herself into the house. It wasn't large with a total of five rooms. The front door opened into a small lounge, a large training room, a small kitchen, and a medium sized bed room branched off each side of the training room. NightRose looked around the lounge. Sleeping on a couch at the far left end of the room, a large wolf, probably Regis snored loudly a stream of drool drenching his pillow. Sighing, NightRose crept past the couch her feet silent though it probably wouldn't make a difference whether she made a sound or not. Regis was dead to the world.

"And he calls himself an assassin..." NightRose shook her head and entered the bed room, slamming the door. No noise, what a lazy oaf. After hanging her cloak on the back of the door NightRose flopped onto her bed, NightRose pulled off her clothes and tossed them to the floor.

"Good Daecearose! Do I ever get any down time?"

NightRose rolled on the bed, stretched and hugged her pillow. She and Regis shared the bed as well as everything else they ever owned. There was no marriage between the two, just a partnership that was better kept. It saved them the trouble of another rival on their tail as long as they worked together. Slinking off the bed, NightRose opened the closet and pulled out a fresh pair of her assassin attire. They were a dull black, almost dark gray. Both shirt and pants were slightly tight on her body but held some slack as to give it a baggy feeling. Still dressing NightRose left her room, the couch was now empty and sizzling could be heard coming from the kitchen, the sweet smell of bacon emitting form the pan. Entering the kitchen, NightRose found Regis, still half asleep and naked, cooking bacon. Shaking her head, NightRose walked over the Regis and hugged him from behind. A kind gesture but also a precarious one, approaching Regis, half asleep or otherwise was often dangerous. His short temper and recklessness often caused severe injuries to the unwary. Regis grumbled something and NightRose slid her arms down his body, eventually letting them fall down to her side.

"I have another contact tonight Reege,"

"So?" Regis growled, his tone was more tired than grumpy.

"So, I won't be back till tomorrow night at the latest."

"What's the deed?"

"I don't know."

"You didn't even read your contract yet, have you?"


"You're useless."

"And you can do better?"


NightRose picked a strip of bacon off the pan, much to Regis's dislike. She didn't have time to argue with him. Walking back to her room, she unhooked her cloak and slipped into it, removing the contract she had received. She left the house, looking back only to see Regis plop back down on the couch, bacon in mouth and paw rubbing up his body from crotch to chest his eyes on hers, inviting her to come to his lap. NightRose lifted her tail and mouthed "later". Later she would take his offer but now she had other things on her mind.

NightRose traveled along the roof tops, it felt great to have the wind rush along her body. She reached the highest point in the city, the bell tower on the city hall. Scaling the building, she pulled herself to the lookout at the top of the tower. Sitting down in the corner of the lookout, she opened the contract and read.

Greetings Assassin, visit the apartment on Northbound Plaza and you will find your target in the fifth room on the second floor. Your job is to kill the target in two day's time while making it look like a suicide. Attached to this parchment is the location where you can find more information on your target. May the shadows bring the truth.

-The Guardian

How gracious, more work. NightRose snapped her fingers and a small flame emitted form the tip of her index finger. Turning the parchment over she saw the location of the info she sought: "The BloodLetter." Another assassin, one who was known for his "detective work." She burned the parchment and tossed the ashes out into the air. She pulled herself up and jumped on the edge of the watchtower. Looking out over the city, she found the street she was looking for. Tensing her body, two wings melted out of her body out of red ooze quickly turning back and formed into a vaporous form. Wings now full, she stretched them out and jumped off the tower, gliding in the wind. Within minutes she had reached her first stop. A small apartment complex below her, she descended and landed on the roof. NightRose continued to the fire escape and climbed down the stairs to the first floor. She taped on the window and backed up. The window slid open with a loud creek and NightRose entered the room. It was a large room with a great round bed to the far side of the room, its sheets dark red. Someone was expecting company tonight, NightRose walked over to the bed smoothing her hands across the wrinkled sheets.

"Comfy assassin?" a smooth voice behind her grew closer, a large presence pressed himself against her body his breath warm against the nape of her neck.

"I'm not here for comfort BloodLetter; I'm here for information on my target."

"But I'm lonely and your sent is enthralling. I will give you the information you seek if you do me a little favor."

NightRose was pulled around swiftly so that she now faced the BloodLetter, he was a large muscular rabbit the one she had seen in the contractor's office. The large rabbit had brown fur coat with a light brown muzzle and chest. His back was dark brown with his ear tips black. He still wore his crotchless pants and his cock dangled between his legs moving slightly as he stretched his body.

"By the way, my name is Gabriel; you can call me Gabe sweets." Gabriel gazed into NightRose's eyes, his own soft and lulling.

"NightRose." NightRose was starting to get agitated, she had a job to do and she had no patience to lay around with a rabbit.

"I smelled your excitement earlier today, it was a delicious smell. I could just imagine myself getting drunk in your juices. Let me have one go, I promise, just one, then you can all the info you want."

NightRose growled and curled her lips, revealing her teeth. She did not like where this was going, she had to get her information and get out of this place quick, but she didn't really have a choice did she? Gabriel pressed his body close to hers moaning softly into her neck. He pushed NightRose onto the bed and bit into her neck. NightRose yelped and scratched at Gabriel's chest. She hit him in the groin and he pulled back, on hand covering himself. His soft eyes turned dangerous and his sweet smile went evil. NightRose rolled to her side and lay down close to the sheets on the bed. Gabriel crouched into a low stance, and then he sprang at NightRose. NightRose was pinned in an instant; she had not even tried to fight back. Gabriel unlaced NightRose's sword and belt and placed them on the bed. He then striped off her clothes and tossed them to the corner of the room. He forced her to the bed, rolling her over on her back. He unbuckled his pants and threw them over her clothes. Bending over her, Gabriel grabbed his cock and started rubbing it his other hand rubbing against NightRose's vagina. The sound of a door creaking open sounded form behind Gabriel and NightRose strained to lift herself to see who was entering. Two more rabbits entered the room. One was a maroon brown colored one with a small tuff of hair that grew out long and flowing down his back, he was wet from a shower and stood naked next to his companion, also naked and a lighter sand color with a dull brown stomach and long dark brown hair. Seeing the two on the bed, the Sand furred rabbit growled a throaty interest and walked over to the bed, the maroon rabbit following quietly.

"Ronin, Vincent," Gabriel greeted his two friends without even turning, "Look what I caught in my bed...a sweet little assassin looking for information."

Ronin and Vincent chuckled and advanced toward the bed.

"We should help her find the info she seeks, shouldn't we Ronin?" The sand colored rabbit kneeled next to Gabriel, his hand holding his erect cock. The maroon rabbit, Ronin, hesitated but then took a seat on the other side of Vincent.

"If it pleases you two, but shouldn't we keep her restrained?" Ronin cocked his head to the side, "She is still a wolf and a dangerous one at that. We should tie her up"

NightRose shot her eyes open and she struggled to get out of Gabriel's grasp, but he only griped tighter biting in to her throat and pressed her deeper into the blankets. The bed groaned as someone got off the bed. Hands came over her eyes and she groaned as Gabriel's penis pressed against her wet vagina. Her weight shifted as someone settled on the bed, the hands remained but now a leather muzzle forced its way on her. She howled in anger and tried to bite the muzzle off but she couldn't even manage to open her mouth enough to bite a pinky. She felt the cold of metal as the muzzle was fastened into place. He body was lifted and arms pulled behind her back and tied tight with a cloth. Still blind, NightRose heard the snap of leather as it was pulled tight, Gabriel licked his lips and let go of her throat and licked down her body. The cold of leather startled her as it wrapped itself around her body.

"That should hold her," Ronin sighed; he seemed relieved that she had been tied down. The hands over her eyes released her and her sight returned. Looking around she found Ronin looking down on her, his eyes showing a hint of worry. She chuckled a bit, was it worry for her or for his own safety?

"You fear me prey?" NightRose growled from under her muzzle. Gabriel chuckled and trusted swiftly, forcing her cock into her. She cried out and tensed her body. Gabriel moaned as she tensed herself around his cock. Pulling out and pushing back in. Over and over again his cock left her body than returned for more. The lover half of her body was lifted as Gabriel grabbed her and forced in once again his cock pressing down towards her spine. Pain erupted through her body as his large cock pressed and stretched her body.

"I can't take much more of this!" Gabriel screamed out, throwing his head back and arching his body forward. "I'm gonn'a cum soon."

Gabriel groaned and thrusting once more wilted his seed seeping out from NightRose and wetting the bed white. He held himself in NightRose and pushed in deeper forcing more of his semen out as more went in. Finally, Gabriel pulled out and letting his cock fall between his legs as he fell back, still dripping from both of their juices.

"She's a tough little slut, isn't she?" Vincent smirked and rubbed his cock while is on pre-cum seeped out if his cock and slicked his pink cock. "Is it my turn yet to give her a go?"

"No, you guys already had your fun tonight..." The two boy's smirked and winked at NightRose, "she's tired now and I promised her that it would just be one round. Anyway, she needs to get her contract done," Gabriel looked toward NightRose, "Even someone as lovely as you need to make money." he smirked and got up off the bed.

"Can you boy's free her from her bonds?"

Ronin and Vincent heaved a great sigh and unstrapped her. Free to move now NightRose let her body lay on the bed for a bit. She rolled over on her side, curled up into a ball and closed her eyes.

Gabriel looked back at NightRose, a soft smile on his face. He lay down next to her and wrapped his arms around her. Vincent and Ronin curled around her too, snuggling into her fur and licking her body.

"Sleep well my little wolf." Gabriel smiled again and closed his eyes.

Possessed StoryLine

THIS IS ONLY THE STORY LINE. THIS WILL BE A COMIC AND WILL LATER COME IN PAGE BY PAGE. DO NOT FLAME ME IF YOU DO NOT LIKE IT. JUST LET SLEEPING DOGS LIE. Possessed Story line Two young wolves, one is a werewolf the other is a demon/Werepyer mix....

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Smokin (Story only Version)

WARNING: IN DEPTH SEX SCENE. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT DON'T READ IT. I'm going to put it in Mature but if you thing it should go into adult please let me know. ALSO. I LOVE. Feedback. Please comment AFTER you have read ALL the way through before...

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