Life's Tough With The Odds Against You - Chapter Two - Great News At The Worst Time

Story by ZyferWulf on SoFurry

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#2 of Life's Tough With The Odds Against You

Life's Tough With The Odds Against You - Chapter Two - Great News At The Worst Time

I opened the door and walked into my house, a smile plastered across my face. I put my bag on the ground near the door and walked to the kitchen for some food. My stomach made sure it's tantrum was heard from being denied lunch, so I quickly threw open the cabinet door and searched intensively for something to eat.

"A ha! You are mine now." I said, grabbing the bag of barbecue-flavored chips. My hands had become shaky in anticipation. I licked my lips as I tore the bag open, accidentally ripping down the side in the process. I walked over to the couch and sat down, shoving an entire paw full of chips in my muzzle, the delicious taste amplified by my hunger. The door swung open and Cindy walked in, smirking lightly.

"Hey Cindy." I said before cramming more chips in my muzzle.

"Hey to you too Ierlex." She said back with a slight wave. "So, anything happen today worth of talking about?"

I roughly swallowed down my mouthful of chips. "Well, I kicked Zach's ass at lunch."

"Yea, so I've heard." she said as she grabbed an apple from the counter. "I mean what else happened, like within the last ten minutes."

"You mean me and Alexis?" I said; paw reaching into the bag again, already digging halfway down to reach more chips. "What about it?"

"Don't be like that silly, I saw you two. I wasn't more than a few hundred yards behind you lovebirds. So why all of a sudden now? I thought you knew her since like kindergarten or something."

"Well, I guess we just never realized what was had was more than friendship till now. Hey, where's mom? Her car's not in the driveway."

"I don't know, she's normally back from daytime errands by now." Our ears perked up as we heard a car pulling up the driveway. "There she is." She said, sitting down next to me and grabbing some chips. The door swung open and our mother walked in, smiling enthusiastically.

"You two, I have some great news!"

"What is it?" Cindy and I asked simultaneously. Another figure walked into the house.

"I got promoted and don't have to travel anymore!"

"Dad!" We shouted, running up to him and hugging him.

"And I have more news. We are all moving to their headquarters at the end of the week!"

While my sister began jumping in happiness, my legs turned to stone, my arms went limp, and my stomach twisted in thousands of ways. The bag of chips spilled over the floor while Cindy and my father were talking about how amazing our new lives were going to be, but my mother had noticed my sudden uneasiness.

"Ierlex, what's wrong?"

"We can't leave, not now. No, I'm not leaving."

"What do you me?"

"Oh, this must be about his new girlfriend." Cindy said, almost in a mocking tone. My mother looked at the other two and motioned for them to leave the room.

"So, is this that one Melissa girl I've been hearing about?"

"No." I said, sitting down. "It's not."

"It wouldn't be Alexis by chance?" I nodded; the pain of what might be started swelling in my chest.

"Well, when we move, your father will be around more, and there's always more than one person in the world that you can have a good relationship with."

"You don't understand, I've known her for more than half my life, and I love her. You can't just split us up like this. She's as much of a part of me as I am myself."

"You're not honestly asking this family to decline a promotion that would bring us closer together just because of a little high school fling?" She asked, losing her patience.

"It's not just a fling mom, we're different. We're not the same as all the other high school relationships, this is love!" By now she was done with me.

"Listen, your father is accepting this promotion, you are saying goodbye to your friends at school, and we are leaving as soon as possible alright!" She stood up and stormed over to the kitchen while I stomped to my room, slamming the door.

There was no way I was just going to leave Alexis, not now that we've truly discovered how we feel about each other. My eyes began to water as a lump lodged itself in my throat. I was going to stay with her no matter what, nothing will ever separate us. I would do anything for her, and that meant anything. My mind was set; I knew what I had to do.

I wiped the tears from my muzzle and opened the window, swinging my legs over and dropping to the ground. I quickly snuck around the house and dashed across the road, then rushed to Alexis's house.

I knocked on the door, double checking my composure. I heard noise from behind the door before it was pulled open by Alexis's mother.

"Oh, Ierlex! We weren't expecting you. Alexis here was just telling us the news.

Would you like to come in?" she said, stepping to the side.

"Actually, I was wondering if I could talk with Alexis, sorta privately?"

"Um, ok I suppose. Alexis, Ierlex wants to talk with you!" I heard someone thumping down the stairs before Alexis moved around her mother to stand on the porch in front of me.

"Hey, what's up?" she asked happily. She looked at her mother, signaling for her to go back inside.

"There's something important I need to tell you." I said as I started to move backwards.

"I guess." she said, unsure of what I meant.

She walked beside me as we slowly moved down the road while I contemplated how to tell her what was going on.

"Ierlex, what's on your mind?" I stopped moving and faced her, taking her paws in mine.

"My dad got a promotion, and it requires us to move to their headquarters, which is located halfway around the world." her eyes noticeably saddened, but she let me continue. "There's no possible way of me being able to stay here, but I'm not going to leave you." She nodded, a few tears growing in her eyes. "I would follow you to the ends of the earth, through hell and back, I'd give up all I own to be with you. For you, I'd fight ten thousand bulls to keep you safe, and I'll love you forever and forever, no matter what life tries to put between us. What I'm asking is, do you trust me?" She took a moment to take in what I'd just said before she spoke.

"For you, I'd do whatever it takes to spend my entire life with you. I trust you, I trust you with my entire being, because I love you, and that won't change, no matter what happens."

"Then run away with me."

"What?" She said, stunned. I took a step back.

"I'm not about to leave you. We'll pack our things tonight, grab all the money we have, and take the midnight train north and start a new life, our new life, together." I held out my arm. "We've gotta hold on to what we've got. It doesn't make a difference if we make it or not. Take my hand and we'll make it I swear. We've got each other, and that's all I need to live. My love, I ask you again, do you trust me?" Hesitantly, she reached her paw out to grasp mine, nodding. I pulled her into a hug, wrapping my arms around her, lightly scratching her back to calming her as she began to whimper.

We slowly made our way back to her house, her sniffles had stopped but I kept my arms around her, lovingly. I kissed her softly on her cheek before she went back inside. I took a deep breath before heading back to my house, creeping around back, and crawling in through my window.


Dinner had been quiet as I shoveled down as much food as I could. After that I retreated to my room, grabbing some clothes and my wallet, and threw it all in my bag along with anything else I would be needed. Now I was lying in my bed, the clock slowly clicking closer to twelve. Half an hour ago I heard the last of the lights go out, and now the rest of my family should be asleep. Quietly, I got out of bed and grabbed my bag. I crept out of my room and across the hall to my parent's room. As slow as I could I opened the door and slipped in, hearing the two of them snoring lightly. I moved to their dresser, sliding my bag off and opening it. I reached out and grabbed my father's Rolex watch and a few of my mother's rings and dropped them into my bag, causing the metal to clang together in the dark of the night. I froze as my parents stirred in their sleep, hoping they wouldn't awaken. Thankfully the muffled sounds of snoring filled the void once more as I closed my bag and tip toed back out of their room. I swiftly moved across the living room and opened the door, slipping out into the night.

I jogged down to Alexis's house, arriving just as she was closing the door.

"Are you ready?" I asked. She nodded as she walked to me and wrapped her arms around me, digging her face into my shoulder. Instinctively, my arms reached around as I held her tightly; reassuring her that everything would be alright.

Silently, we began walking down the road, knowing the seriousness of the situation, we continued without a doubt that we would love each other unconditionally, and that love would get us through this to the other side all right.

I took another quick mental count of the money I had. My wallet contained three fifty's, a few tens, and some ones. That made near a hundred eighty dollars, then whatever I could get out of the watch and jewelry.

We passed by the school, leaving behind our friends and memories for something greater. Besides, I was still going to try to keep in touch with Melissa and Reiken, but I knew if either of our parents found out where we were then they'd have the cops on us to bring us home, but what they didn't understand was wherever I wound up with Alexis, that would be my home, our home.


"Yes, that's two tickets, one way." I said to the man behind the counter.

"That'll be seventy six dollars and twenty-nine cents." I pulled out my wallet and gave him a fifty and two tens. While he was making change I heard Alexis start breaking down in tears. I put my arms around her and pulled her close. She buried her muzzle in my chest again and began crying.

"Babe, it's ok, it's all right. I won't let anything happen to you. It's going to be ok." I said lovingly. The man behind the counter gave me a strange look.

"Sir, should I be concerned?" he said, handing me the change. I shook my head as I put the change in my pocket and moved to one of the benches, Alexis still in my arms, slowly calming back down.

"I-I'm just afraid. I don't know, but I know that you will be there for me, and that's enough for me to believe that we'll be all right." She smiled at me, her tear filled eyes twinkling in the midnight light. I smiled back, kissing her on the nose. She giggled lightly, kissing me back. I sat down on the bench, her sitting on my leg and leaning on my chest as we waited for the train to take us away to our destiny.

We heard the undeniable sound of a train whistle, soon accompanied by the rumbling of the track and the light turning the corner as the train slowed down, stopping and opening the doors. We were the only ones at the train stop, and no one got off the train. Together we rose from the bench and walked on to the empty train, sitting down as the doors closed. The train slowly began moving out of the station and the thunks of the rail became more and more rhythmic.

She laid her head on my chest; closing her eyes and drifting to sleep while mine watched the silhouettes of the hills outside roll on by. A strange feeling came over me, now knowing that my family had turned their backs on Alexis and me, so in turn we turned our backs on the life we once knew, but deep down I knew it was the right decision, because if it meant being with Alexis for the rest of my life, then it would always be the choice I'd make. And perhaps, just maybe, some twenty years down the line or so, we'd go and find them once again and hope that they still know I'm their son and realize why I did what I did.

Eventually, the reoccurring lullaby of the tracks got to me as I rested my head on my soul mates, my breaths becoming closer and closer in sync to hers, and finally drifting off into an uneasy sleep.


I woke with a start as the train suddenly stopped. I looked around, finding the midday sunlight flowing through the open doors, the sign above the doors showing it was our stop. I shook Alexis lightly.

"Wake up, we're here." She murmured before rising from my chest. "Are you ready?" I said as I got up and grabbed our bags.

"So, this is it, no longer can we turn back." I nodded, taking her hand as we moved off the train. The bright light battered our waking eyes, causing us to squint and cover them until we found the shade of buildings alongside the street. First thing I knew I had to do was find a pawn shop, then try and find some job interviews because we we're going to last long on a little more than a hundred and a Rolex. But by some gracious stroke of luck we had taken shade under the pawn shop of the city. We walked in as I dug around in my bag, pulling out the loot.

"How much can you give me for this?" I said to the lion behind the counter.

"Hey, kid, you didn't just take this out of your mothers jewelry box did you?"

He said, suspiciously.

"No, it's all mine, I just want cash for them."

"Look, I get kids like you all the time, now answer me, are these stolen?" I took a deep breath.

"Yea, it's stolen. But I've come a few hundred miles, so there's no chance that this'll come back to you. Now c'mon, please man, do me a solid. We need this money more than you might think." He looked us over before sighing.

"Damn. Ok, look, I'll do you this, but only because I can almost feel the love you two share radiating outwards and also because I know what you're going through. I once loved someone back in high school, but she had to move really far away, and I just let her go. It takes some real love to run away together on your own. So, I'll give you, hmm, about 325 for it ok?"

"Nothing short of 400."

"What????? I'm going out on a limb here and you're trying to barter with me?"

"365 then, you'll easily make it back and you know it."

"I can't believe I'm about to do this," he whispered to himself. "Fine, 365, and if you dare try and jack it up any higher I swear I'll kick you out myself." I smirked and nodded.

"365 it is."


"So, why should I hire you over the college level graduate who I just interviewed?"

"Sir, I may not be as old as what you're looking for, may not have as much education as you'd expect, but I do have a story like none other you've ever heard." I wrapped my arm around Alexis, who was sitting next to me. "I need this job because we ran from our homes, took a train, and wound up here, and now we're making a new life together. This is my fourth interview today, and every one of them has looked at me with that face and immediately judged me as being irrational, irresponsible, and a drop out. But the truth is, I love her, and I will do anything to get us through this, and if that means if I get job offers from all four of the interviews, I'll take it and work 23 hours a day, seven days a week. So, if you don't hire me, then I understand why, but if you want a truly dedicated worker who has a reason to work a hundred and twenty percent, then I am ready, willing, and able." He leaned back, thinking hard on what I'd just told him. From the look in his eyes I could tell he was doubtful. I stood up, Alexis by my side. "I'm sorry for wasting your time; enjoy the rest of the evening." We walked to the door before he spoke again.

"Hey, I like your guts, and I believe you'd be a valuable asset. Come back tomorrow and we'll figure a schedule for you." I smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, sir."

We walked out the door, the setting sun shimmering beautifully on the horizon, giving the streets of our new home city a relaxing feel. But then I realized, we still didn't have anywhere to sleep. Uncertainty swept over as I knew I'd forgotten to look for someplace to rent.

"What's wrong Ierlex?" She said, somehow knowing I'd lost my nerves.

"We don't have a place to sleep tonight. I forgot completely to look for an apartment or something. I- I'm sorry."

"Don't worry, it's ok." She said, hugging me. "As long as I have you my dream home could be a park bench for all I care."

"Thanks. That really means a lot to me, my love." I said, kissing her on the nose. She giggled, still holding my waist tightly as we wandered down the streets, homeless but happy.

We wound up walking into the more residential section of the city as the sun faded from view, taking it's guiding light away with it. We stood in the streets, unsure of what to really do. I looked from the sidewalk around a house, seeing in its' back yard a well kept garden, large bushes and hedges surrounding it.

"I have an idea, be quiet though." I said, slowly creeping towards the line that separated sidewalk and lawn. I looked at the windows and saw no one was looking, so I dashed quickly to the side of the house, sliding right next to it. I motioned for her to go, watching for signs of detection. She swiftly moved to my side, flawless as an angel. We moved to the edge of the house, making a final charge to the parting between the hedges.

We were safely inside the cover of the plants, or so we thought. As we laid down together in a patch of grass, I heard a door fly open, the yellowed light spreading across the lawn.

"You better not be tryin to wreck my garden, it'll be the last thing you do ya hooligans!" We froze, hearts racing as the owner of the property drew closer to us.

"Stay here." I whispered to her, rising slowly.

"A ha! There you are! I outta club ya!" She yelled as my head slowly showed over the top of the hedge. I looked at her, seeing a very angry horse holding a metal baseball bat above her head.

"Please, I didn't mean any harm, I swear."

"Then what in Davy Jones locker are ya doin in my bushes?!?" she yelled, still angered. I motioned to Alexis, taking her hand as we walked into plain sight of the equine.

"Oh, so that's what you're doing! A little meet up spot for a romantic little

night of sex?!? In my garden!?! I don't think so!!" she screamed, moving closer to us. Naturally, I moved forward in front of Alexis to protect her, but she put her hand on my chest and took a step closer.

"Ma'am, please. This is all just a big misunderstanding; please give us a chance to explain it to you." She pleaded in a calm voice. The horse's face softened, thinking for a moment. She brought the bat down to her side, looking us over good 'n hard before speaking.

"Fine, but you better have a good explanation for this." She said, walking back towards the open door. "Well come on you two, in ya go."


"... So that's why we are here, we were just looking for a place to sleep for the night, we swear to you we weren't looking for trouble." Alexis said, taking a small sip of the tea that the horse was brewing before she had found us. She then took my hand, interlacing our fingers together while the horse thought about what she'd just been told.

"Well, if you two just needed a place to stay, then all you had to do was ask sweetheart. I've got a spare bed, and besides, ever since my husband passed it's been quite lonely around here, so stay for as long as you need."

"Thank you very much, Mrs.?"

"M' names Geana, Jean for short."

"Thank you, Geana." I said again, drinking the last of my tea.

"Well, I'm just about ready to turn in, so unless you need anything else I'll be off now." she said, rising from her chair.

"We really, really appreciate your help, Geana." Alexis said.

"It nothing much honey, really." she said as she walked to her room, closing the door behind her.

We collected the cups and placed them in the sink before heading to the extra room. We put out bags near the foot of the bed before Alexis jumped up on it, pulling the covers back.

"I think I'll just sleep on the couch." I said, not wanting to put anyone in a weird situation again today. I grabbed a pillow, kissing Alexis goodnight, who was obviously a slight bit disappointed, but still respected my choice.

I walked down the hall and tossed the pillow on the couch, plopping down on it. I closed my eyes, waiting for night's force to take me, but I laid there awake. The constant ticking of wall clock signaling the time I stayed restless. I checked the hands in the dim light, seeing I'd been laying here for almost forty minutes. I sighed to myself before hearing someone coming down the hallway.

"Ierlex?" came the soft voice of Alexis through the darkness. "I can't sleep."

"Neither can I." I said, rolling my head back at her.

"Can I pretty please sleep next to you?" she said in an adorable pleading voice. I moved over some, patting the open space next to my chest. She smiled, walking to the couch and crawling next to me, moving snugly against my chest and wrapping my arms around her. She placed her own hands over mine, holding them softly as she snuggled my neck a little bit with her muzzle before lying her head down and closing her eyes. With her next to me, a subtle peace overcame my restless mind, drawing us both into a calming sleep, lovingly wrapped in each other's arms.

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