2.0 The Plot Thickens or 'Keeping up Appearances'

Story by WhiteArcticFox on SoFurry

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Okay: Sirius is slow-going for now. I hope this is a distraction enough to some of you.

No actual sex; but intimacy and innuendo. Nudity, homosexuality, furry. All the '~y's So just sit back and enjoy, I guess.

Under 18? Don't like boy-on-boy action? Furries tie your pubes in knots? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions then turn back now. (And if you answered yes to the last one, get yourself checked out 'cause that can't be healthy...)



The Plot Thickens or 'Keeping up Appearances'

Dad had handed me and Nex a pair of boxes with 'Cam's Room' scrawled in black sharpie. And on up we went; up the wide steps and through the door; my room was about twelve by fourteen, and since the age of twelve I'd had a queen-sized bed.

I set my box down on the bed and smirked to Nex. "Go ahead and set down on the bed. I need to find a knife, or something... to get this open," I said, looking around the room quietly. Nex placed the box down and chuckled, dragging a sharp claw across the tape; opening the box quickly.

"I guess you've never had to go without knives for a week," he chuckled, folding back the flaps. "You learn just how useful your claws are," he added, pulling a rectangular frame from the box.

I flushed brightly, wondering why I'd forgotten about that. "Heh, yeah; I guess I just never think to use them," I admitted quietly, walking over and doing the same to the box I brought up.

He examined the picture quietly and after a moment he asked, "Friends of yours?" pointing to the wolf and red panda in the picture.

The panda had his arm around my shoulders on the left side of me, and the wolf was mussing up my hair from the other side; myself in between the two. We were all grinning wide, but the guy on the left wasn't even looking at the camera.

I blushed a bit and took the picture gently; looked at it a little nostalgically. "The wolf there called himself Ten, we all called him by the name his parents gave him; Kitten. Anyone would be embarrassed about that I guess. We were close," I sighed a bit, avoiding the conversation that I knew was coming.

"And the red; you and him close too?" he asked, hopping up on the bed and pulling out another framed photograph of the youth. The question made me sigh softly, and I just swallowed hard and placed the picture on the dresser beneath the window.

"His name was Heiro; we were really close. I'd known him since we were maybe three years old; on the last day of the school-year a year ago we started dating," I swallowed hard again and sighed before I continued. "Two months later; before school started up again after summer break this year; he moved away, and about a month ago I got a letter from him," I quietly sat on the bed.

Nex just looked at me quietly, before noticing something in the box beside him. "And that'd be this, right?" he asked, holding up an envelope with a torn edge.

"Yeah... don't bother reading it. He didn't love me, he moved on. Found someone in his new town. He was basically telling me he was sorry, that he didn't want to hurt me. I suppose I'll never blame him for that," I said, twitching my white tail a bit.

Nex looked over at me and within three seconds of that final word, he was next to me, holding me close and just comforting me. It scared me, and at first I thought he was attacking me, but he began to speak. "Sorry for bringing it up... you gonna' be okay?" he asked, stroking my back gently.

I blinked a bit and pushed away, looking up at him. For the first time in a few weeks I felt a bit of warmth. Even when feigning happiness, I'd been empty since that letter. I slipped my arms around him and thought, 'I am now...' before I told him, "I will be," and gently buried my nose in the crook of his neck.

He smelled woodsy, almost wild. He had this scent to him that was enigmatic, he smelled like city, but under that he smelled like the forest. To this day I've never stopped loving that scent.

"Cam?" he asked quietly, looking down at me with a bit of concern.

"Yeah?" I asked, almost like from a dream. "What is it?" I added.

"Your dad's in the doorway," he said, and I just shrugged.

"Hi dad," I said quietly while flicking my tail. He'd found out about Heiro too, he didn't really care. Dad was good like that. "What's up?" I asked, just hugging Nex quietly.

"I just came up to tell you that we were going to order Australian for dinner, feel like anything specific?" he asked, smirking.

"I've never even heard about an Australian restaurant," said Nex, barely above a whisper.

"Dad likes to eat unorthodox," I answered quietly and said, "You know I don't like shrimp, I'm not feeling antsy for anything really."

"Alright; since Nex is here anyway, Ms. Castor and him are just going to stay the night," dad announced and smiled. "But from the looks of it, Nex may have been staying anyway," he slyly grinned.

He turned and left us be then, and I was quietly grateful for that.

"Cam?" asked the fox I was clinging to, and I looked up.

"Thanks, Nex..." I said quietly, before slipping backward and rubbing my arm a bit. I felt better already, but suddenly it felt very awkward to have done that. I was looking down and away from Nex a bit, blushing like I always did when I was nervous.

"Cam... you shouldn't feel so betrayed. He must have cared about you to send that letter. He didn't want you to wait for him, and besides; now you're here, and you've got a group of friends already who are more accepting than the GSA at the school," he prodded, and I giggled a bit.

'There's a GSA at the school?' I thought silently before I slipped the rest of the pictures out of the box. There were a pair of photos of Heiro and me alone, and I made sure to set them on the dresser aswell. My going-away photo from my friends was by far the largest; the size of those big portraits you often get with school pictures. The twelve of them smiled at me from the page, and I just smirked a bit and set it in the centre. It was in an all-glass frame, six little clips around the edges holding it together. I loved how they framed it, absolutely adored it. I missed them already...

"You sure you're gonna' be okay?" I heard Nex ask, and I turned around to see him barely a foot away from me. He was smirking a bit with his paws in his pants pockets. He looked down the three inches between our heights and smiled at me.

I nodded quietly and smiled back up at him, a genuine smile. "Of course I'll be okay, I've got you here don't I?" I said, and then flushed a bit. Was I flirting? That was really uncharacteristic of me.

Nex just let out a chuckle and slipped an arm from his side around my waist, hugging me again. "You've got my number, and we're moving in upstairs anyway, so you can always count on me to be there to talk to," he promised, and gently nuzzled the top of my head.

I just smiled a bit brighter and hugged him again, inhaling that earthy scent for a second time. I also caught a whiff of something hot, something edible.

"Hey kiddos!" called my dad in a fake Aussie accent. He pulled it rather well, mind you. "G'down 'ere and dig in," he added with a bit more strain on the accent.

The two of us chuckled and I led Nex back down the stairs.


I really don't remember what I ate that night. I don't think I was ever told what it was. I know Nex had some shrimp, which grossed me right out; but whatever I was eating was a bit tough and, like the old cliché goes, tasted like chicken.

We chatted about nothing in particular, the parents were curious what we'd done at school, and how we'd run into eachother. I told them that Nex was being hassled by a couple bullies and I 'swooped in and saved the day'. Nex chuckled a bit at how 'true' that was.

Not once did my dad even mention anything about Nex and I, he was good like that. He didn't even let on that I swung from that side of the fence, and Ms. Castor was following suit about Nex. Later on we found out she'd had no idea about Nex, but we were both relieved when we could vanish to my room again.


I didn't mind at all that Nex was handling my clothes. He was passing me the articles that I had packed away while I put them into the long, low dresser. He wasn't really saying much of anything, really just listening to me as I prattled on about all my friends back where I used to live.

"Well, you know about Ten and Heiro. The iguana is Matthew, we weren't too close but we counted on eachother a lot. There was Ash too, the racoon, and his adoptive older sister Merina, the squirrel," I said, listing off my friends.

Mina, a tall black-lab with a tomboyish charm; Erich the Border collie; Phil the Great Dane; Samuel, oldest of the lot of us at nineteen; that's when I'd met Nex of course. Sammy was a bear, and he was a great guy to be around.

"And the pair of mice towards the right-side there?" asked Nex, handing me a stack of blue and black dress shirts.

"Oh them? They grey one's called Lance, and the brown one's Vince. They're brothers, a year apart," I explained.

"They know about you and red back there?" he asked, kinda nonchalantly.

I pressed my ears back and sighed. "They do now. Everyone but Sammy, Erich, and Vince pretty much insulted me when I told them. I did it just before I piled into the 'rover to move," I confessed a bit, stroking over one of the shirts quietly. "Ten seemed cool with it too; he actually congratulated me when he found out. He'd known about Heiro and me since the beginning; I told him everything. He was a cool guy,"

"Well, you should try to stay in contact with those guys; good friends are hard to come by, despite popular belief," he smirked. He seemed much older than me. The one-and a half years that separated us was barely anything to me; I'd matured a lot quicker than everyone else my age. I was essentially on par with everyone in my new group, maturity wise.

"Yeah; well once we get my computer in here I'm going to make sure that happens," I smirked and shoved the shirt away, closing the drawer.

Nex stepped up behind me and slipped his paws around my waist. This caused me to yelp a bit, but only out of surprise. The second I realized what was going on I leaned back and sighed quietly.

The fox gently nuzzled my neck and I was in heaven in an instant. I smiled and hugged his arms, letting out a soft murr of enjoyment. "J-just whaddya' think you're doin'?" I asked, not really wanting him to stop.

He made a throaty laugh, gently pulling me closer, before he whispered into my ear. "Making someone special feel welcome," came his voice; so pleasant and smooth; I blushed heavily.

"Nex... we barely just met; maybe we should slow down a bi-" I started; but he cut me off by pressing his index finger against my lips.

"Cam, you're reading too much into it. You're special to me," he started, "that's a fact. All of my friends are; but you a little more so. I don't want to jump into a relationship with you; I, too, would like to take things nice and slow..." he paused a bit and kissed my neck gently. "But I also do want to try. Nothing for sure right now though, okay? Just you and me being close friends."

I shivered and gently pressed back against him, murring happily. 'That's it; I love this guy,' I told myself in my head. 'He's known me all of twelve hours and we're standing in my room in a close embrace, talking about "taking it slow".' I think I may have been a bit hasty on my decision at that point, but I've never regretted it. 'Yeah, I'll take a chance. I like him, nothing big right now but... soon,' I decided, and gently rubbed my left thumb over his wrist.

"There's a storm warning in effect, so I've offered to let Nex and his mom stay for the night," informed my dad standing in the doorway again. Nex almost leapt back but I held onto his arms and turned my head to look over his shoulder.

"You wouldn't have a problem if he stayed in here, would you?" I asked, comfortable in Nex's arms.

"Not a one," voiced the older fox. In his deeper voice he sounded like a much larger version of myself as he added to his statement, "but you're cleaning your own sheets." Before either of us could respond he'd disappeared down the stairs again.

"Sometimes I think he thinks I'm a slut," I ribbed, chuckling a bit.

"You mean you aren't?" joked Nex with a snicker. "Well damn! Guess I'll just have to try harder!" he added, licking my neck once. That shocked me; the fact that he'd say that wasn't really what bothered me. He was joking, after all; I just didn't catch on to that as fast as I should have.

"N-nngh. Nex... you are joking right?" I asked, gently moving away from the lick. Suddenly I was afraid all he wanted was to brag, or something like that. I was really naïve for that.

Nex released me briefly and spun me around, looking down into my eyes. "I told you... slow. Of course I'm joking Cam; I'm not some pervert," he said with that smile you get after someone has told you that you mean the world to them.

I glanced at the alarm clock over his shoulder, and this caused him to turn around and look aswell. In that instant I gently kissed his cheek and nuzzled close. "Thanks... Nex..." I said, closing my eyes and just drinking in that scent again.

It was something like a quarter-after ten, and he chuckled when I pressed my nose against him. He seemed to enjoy it, and I wasn't about to let up; I couldn't get enough of his scent.

He let out a healthy laugh and held me tight, smiling. "What's the dress-code?" he asked, perhaps a coy way of asking how I preferred to sleep. By this I figured he was okay with sharing the big bed.

Personally, I preferred to sleep 'au natural', in the nude; with nothing but the sheets and blankets covering me. I thought about telling him I liked to wear pants to bed, but my mind wasn't entirely under my control at that moment.

"I-I... like to sleep naked," I admitted quietly, and nuzzled his chest gently. Nex just looked down at me and grinned, he seemed to never be phased by anything. He just slid his paw under my shirt in the back and stroked the fur on my lumbar.

"Well, me too. I was just wondering if you thought it'd be weird," he asked, his other paw resting on my hip; stroking gently down my side. It was curious that he was still holding me. I felt content, but at the same time I felt so exposed and I felt like it was so very wrong. We had only just met that morning, and he was holding me like a lover. 'Well maybe not exactly...'

"Heh... I know I don't care. I like my anatomy plenty, and I'm sure yours is just as nice a view," I hurriedly said, beating myself up inside. 'One of these days, little man, you're going to get us both in a lot of trouble,' I told myself.

This time Nex blushed. He slipped his paws off of me and took a quiet step back, looking down and away silently. He looked adorable, the small amount of redness showing through in his ears, and on the white of his under-muzzle.

He stuttered, and that surprised me more than the blush had. He just kept his eyes off of me as he spoke. "I-I've... never been in the same room as another naked guy... I even avoided the showers in that gym class they made us take in grade nine," he admitted embarrassedly, and I just snickered.

Truth be told, I'd only let Heiro see me naked before. We'd been friends for years, and when I was growing up we didn't exactly have a lot of money. Me and him sometimes shared a shower when he stayed over; to save on the water bill. That wasn't to say I was shy about exposing myself like that; I knew I was attractive. I wasn't narcissistic about it, but every one of my friends; male and female alike; told me in one way or another than I was a good-looking guy.

"Nex... how about we call it clothing optional, and I'll wear a pair of boxers or something?" I said, stepping closer to him again. I just had to be closer, those eyes were just too good to resist. I watched them quietly flicker back and forth, as though he were examining every inch of me as he brought his eyes upward. The green circlets of colour around his pupils just moved steadily upward.

He looked up at me and smiled a bit; his blush was gone entirely. He gulped once before tugging me close and brushing his nose against mine. I thought, perhaps, he'd try to kiss me again; instead he smiled and said, "Never said I didn't want to... just wondering how you'd feel about it..."

I stared up into his eyes and blushed a bit before stepping back. The yawn hit me like a wall; I didn't even see it coming. It was a bit loud, but it had startled me; sometimes yawns have this way of sneaking up on you. Especially when you're singing, that's just annoying as fuck.

I smiled and shook my head before slipping off my shirt. "Well, I'm tired. If you don't mind, I'm going to go to bed," I said matter-of-factly. I was about to slip off all of my lower gear, but I caught myself before I did. I simply undid my pants and let them drop before stepping out of them in my soft, mint-green and black tiger-stripe cotton boxers.

I flicked my tail a bit before I slowly began to move the boxes off of my bed. Nex just stood and blushed a bit, watching me. After about half a minute, during which I had grabbed one of my bathrobes and wrapped it around myself, he spoke. "You look nice..." he said, shyly. This time I grinned. Now I knew how he felt every time I blushed.

"Well, you can wear your clothes or strip down to just your underwear. Either way, I'm going to go brush my teeth," and I went and did so. Halfway to the bathroom on our floor it hit me what I'd just told him. 'Do I really mean to say I'm comfortable enough with you that I'd share my bed with your half-nude ass?'

I headed left down the hall, the stairs being directly in front of my room. The first door on my left was the bathroom, with another door to the right and one more on the end of the hall. The stairs to the third floor were opposite the other ones; leading up to the dark upper floor.

It was really an attic, but before we bought the house we found out that the previous owners had completely finished it; insulation, heating, water. It was not much more than a bedroom and a four-piece bathroom; but I for one wouldn't have minded it as my own.

Coming back from the bathroom I saw Nex just sitting on my bed, fully clothed still; a bit to my disappointment. He looked up at me from the picture in his paws and he smiled. "Um, I actually don't usually wear underwear. Too restricting, and even if it's boxers I don't really see the need... I was... wondering if I could borrow a pair?" he asked, blushing again.

I laughed and on my way past him to the dresser I grabbed my photo. It was the one of Heiro at Halloween, dressed up in a pair of blue overalls. He had gotten a pair of clip-on fox ears and attached them to his own, as well as dyed his usually pinkish hair a deep orange colour. He tied it back in a long ponytail and was smiling almost evilly at the camera.

My costume that year was perhaps the better of the two. Oversized top hat, black vest, and a pair of pants that matched my fur-tone; maybe not exact to who I was trying to be but it was close enough to be recognized. That was our group theme-costume for the year. We all dressed up as characters in comics.

As I set the picture down, I rummaged through my drawer and produced a pair of white cotton boxers with Canadian flags patterned all over. I tossed them deftly over my shoulder and heard Nex yelp quietly. Turning around, I saw his nose peeking out from under the mask the garments created. I laughed a bit and smirked.

"You can hold onto 'em for awhile, if you want," I said, slipping the robe off and hanging it on one of the posts of my bed. I hopped onto the mattress and then slid under the blankets, stretching out gently. "And don't feel like you have to stay in here. If you'd prefer, there's a couch in the room across the hall," I added, sounding noticeably uninterested in the prospect.

He hit the lights and closed the door, the only light filtering through coming from the odd car on the street and the moon. He just silently pulled off his clothes; I could see his fur shimmer in the moonlight. I caught a definite musk at one point; he had taken off his pants. I was actually tempted to turn the light back on, but I just lay there and watched the silhouette silently, giving him his privacy. He slipped into the bed a few moments later and nuzzled my cheek before lying back and yawning.

By the time he had finished, my eyes had adjusted to the low light. Just late enough to miss the show, but not late enough to miss his tail flicking away a square of cloth with red marks just before he climbed into the bed.

I set my alarm, and rolled over to nuzzle his shoulder. We slept, nothing more. He slipped his arm around me and we slept.


I guess when you're used to waking up to somebody else banging on your door; an alarm clock right beside your head scares you out of your wits. I had rolled on top of Nex during the night, my hips against his; and the sudden jolt of him waking up just caused me to whimper with a slight desire. I reached over and hit the snooze button.

Dreaded morning wood plagued us both, but we just snickered to eachother and looked one-another in the eyes quietly. Through the thin fabric of my boxers I could feel his hot length rubbing up alongside my own; knot barely formed as it was brushed against mine. He was a good two inches larger than me, at least. Not that I cared to measure at all. Ever.

He was biting his lower lip and holding back a possible groan when I decidedly ground against him, feeling a tiny damp spot forming at the tip of my own fox-cock. That broke his concentration and he audibly moaned, shivering with his arms around my waist.

He was so amazingly attractive when he was trying to hold back a moan. The sound of it turned me on more than the throbbing against my own member. He looked at me through half-lidded eyes. I slowly lowered my nose to brush against his, looking him in the eyes, and he smiled up at me.

"You're... pretty decent-ugh-decently sized..." he whimpered just as I began to feel a second wet spot just above the waistband on my boxers. His breath felt warm on my lips; a feeling I had missed from lying with Heiro. That red panda could take any situation and make it better with a single word.

Remembering my ex, I silently pressed my lips to Nex', murring as I turned my head slightly; let the kiss linger for longer than our first had. As if instinctually, he parted his lips a bit and licked at mine; caused me to blush and open my mouth barely, accepting his tongue in.

As I was about to let my tongue caress his, the shrill whine of the alarm clock sounded again. It startled me and I was jolted upward and gasped. I slammed my paw down on top of the annoying machine and it silenced. I immediately had thought that what I had done was a bit too forward, so I silently, but quickly slipped out of the bed and over to my dresser.

As I quickly tried to find a pair of pants to wear, I felt heat nestled between the cheeks of my rear; a pair of arms slipped round my waist as the older, taller fox hugged me.

"How about the black turtleneck, blue jeans, and that light-purple dress-shirt?" he said into my ear; barely above a whisper as he kissed my cheek. "And perhaps another kiss, maybe?"

"Hey Nex?" I said quietly, my tail flicking against his ribcage. Out of habit I'd always kept my tail held high. It had started when I began to wear looser clothing; it kept trying to fall down. I just used the appendage to hold it up while I walked; seemed logical right?

"Hey yeah?" he replied, his own tail lightly curled around my left leg. I knew he was naked, but like I said earlier; he was attractive. I leaned back on him and smiled a bit, feeling his strong chest supporting me. I was quietly wishing I could just strip nude and lie down with him; my back flush with his chest.

"I think I'm in love with you. That's the first time anyone's picked out my favourite outfit on their first try," I said, emitting a small murr of joy as I felt his arms tighten around my waist.

He licked the rim of my left ear; what would be considered an erotic act if we were still in the bed was right now just a show of how he cared about me. "I just thought it'd look good on you," he said in a low voice; I began to feel a slight wet spot in the rear of my boxers now.

'I'm thinking you'd look good on me too...' I thought quietly; feeling the wet-spot just made me quiver in a quiet lust.

"Hmm? What was that?" he asked, as if he'd overheard me.

'Oh shit! Did I say that out-loud?' I thought, this time for certain in my head before I said, "Oh, n-nothing really."

I breathed a few times, hoping he'd bought it. The fact that neither of us heard coming what was about to happen shows just how engaged we were with one-another.

Now, dad doesn't get surprised often. He's usually a lot more levelheaded than most people. I figure he'd been standing there a good few minutes, doorknob in paw, watching us.

"Cameron?" he said quietly, and Nex yelped and leapt back, curling his tail around himself. I flicked my tail a bit anxiously as I turned slowly to face my father. The look on his face made my fur crawl; he looked so incredibly angry it wasn't funny.

"Y-yes... d-dad?" I stuttered my reply, looking up at him somewhat fearfully. He's what you'd call a 'gentle giant.' He's big-muscled but wouldn't hurt a fly; this expression just made me want to find somewhere safe to ride out the assault.

"Care to explain why our accountant and to-be boarder's son was embracing you nude?" he said, simply. Suddenly I began to laugh nervously. Nex quietly yelped and turned around, looking down at the ground as he spoke.

"We-we weren't doing anything, Mr. Rhodes. C-Cam said he wanted to take things slow and... I do too. I-it was just a hug... I'm sorry..." explained the somewhat flustered mismatched fox.

"Arcturus, settle down a bit. I trust my son enough to let him choose his friends," dad started, before replacing that look with a quiet grin. "Besides, I was just trying to find out how honest you were," he added with a laugh.

I slipped up behind him this time, having tugged on a pair of blue jeans while he and dad were talking. I just hugged him gently and nuzzled his neck before I spoke. "Nex; I think dad likes you."

He blushed a bit, wringing the tip of his tail in his paws as it draped over his groin. He looked up at dad and saw his smile; started to chuckle a bit at how gullible he'd been. "You mean--you don't... care?" he asked, and this made me laugh a bit.

"He's known about me for years," I said simply, and released him to begin dressing for the day. It was then, standing at the window, that I noticed the four feet of snow blanketing the ground outside.

December is usually the best season for any kind of snow day. For us, returning in late January, a snow day was a rare occurrence. We were kind-of lucky, though; after all this was southern Ontario. As far as I could tell power was still up.

"By the way guys, I just heard on BT; all of the schools in the county are closed for today. Teachers' cars are buried, buses aren't running; even the ploughs haven't been dispatched yet," dad informed, chuckling. "They say it's a record snowfall, I hear up in Collingwood people can't open their doors-the snow's so deep."

"So Nex and his mom are stuck here for awhile?" I asked, almost hopefully.

Dad chuckled and shrugged. "Well, I suppose if they wanted to leave they could, but I don't think either of them are in any big hurry to get outside right now," he turned and flicked his tail a bit, dressed in only a pair of flannel pyjama-pants with red checkmarks. "Nex doesn't even look like he's in any hurry to leave your bedroom," he said, and I just snickered a bit.

"Oh fuck," Nex yelped, leaping under the blankets again.

I turned to look at him and let out a hearty laugh, watching dad leave out of the corner of my eye. I grinned at the fox in front of me, my tongue resting between my loosely closed teeth as I began to walk towards him. "You've got a nice ass," I said, honestly. A little tidbit I'd left out; when Nex had been talking to my father, I managed to get a good look at his hind-features.

The white fur that covered his front slipped up between his thighs and made a sort of 'fleur-de-lis' just beneath his tail. It was absolutely adorable, and the shade of rose he had turned from just that statement alone made me want to strip down and curl up with him all over again.

Except this time, I did.


I suppose the normal fur would get around to sexual intimacy after about the second hour lying nude with somebody they cared about like that. I just lay there, groin to throbbing groin, staring into Nex' eyes as I spoke to him about whatever he asked to hear.

"No, I've never actually had sex," I admitted, and giggled a bit when he ground against me again.

"Good to know; your go," he said, licking my nose gently.

We had just been taking turns asking one another questions and letting our paws wander. I'm pretty sure that neither of us was actively thinking 'sex would be entertaining right around now.'

It felt so good, I mean even though we'd only just met; it was comfortable lying with him like that. I thought quietly, wondering what I could ask him in reply. He seemed to be pretty open to answering anything I threw at him so far. 'And he did just ask me...' I rationalized. Even before I could think to stop, the words were seeping from my mouth; "What about you?" came my straightforward, no nonsense question.

Nex just looked up at me and seemed to lose a whole lot of joy. He looked to the left a bit and whispered quietly, "You... could say that I have..." His ears drooped a bit and I gently nuzzled his chest in an attempt to bring him back to me. He hugged me tighter and emitted a quiet, somewhat ashamed sigh.

With a silent press of my nose to his chin, paws curled in his chest fluff; I kept him from speaking. I drank in his scent for a moment, revelling in it quietly before I spoke. "You don't have to tell me, Nex... Not unless you think I should know," I told him, and he slipped his nose under my chin this time.

"I'll tell you soon, blue-eyes. Real soon... just gotta' work up the nerve," he said, and I could see a quiet hope in his eyes, mixed with a bit of hopelessness. He seemed so lost in that moment; so alone and afraid.

'Blue-eyes,' I thought, smiling quietly before gently kissing him. "Alright, Arc; whenever you feel like talking about it..." I said, and twitched an ear. I could hear the sounds of food coming from the kitchen on the main floor. I looked Nex in the eyes and grinned.

Nex just looked at me and blinked a bit as though he'd heard the single most confusing thing in the universe. "Did you just call me Arc?" he asked, looking a bit peeved at first.

"Yeah," I grinned; I was a lot more confident with him when we were literally toe-to-toe like that. "What's wrong with that?"

He just shook his head a bit and licked my nose once. "Nothing's wrong with it, just kinda weird hearing it," he said before we heard light footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Art! Cam! We made breakfast!" came Nex' mother's voice as she was climbing up the stairs. We had to think quickly, really quickly. I don't think either of us were intent on being caught like this.

I slipped out of the bed and grabbed the pair of pants I had gotten out, tugging them on deftly and clasping them a mere second before she came into view of the landing. I looked over at her and smiled a bit. "Thank you Ms. Castor. Me'n'Nex'll be down in a minute," I said, trying to buy some time.

"What are you two doing in here anyway?" she asked, about to peek her head in through the door. I looked over towards Nex, and I was actually very surprised to see him standing in a well-picked-out outfit made up of my clothes.

"Well, since I don't really have a change of clothes; Cam was letting me try on some of his, seeing what looks best and all that. What do you think mum? Too much?" he asked, motioning towards his outfit.

He had one of my many dress-shirts on; this one a dark purple. Underneath he was wearing one of my white band T-shirts. I know, I know, but they weren't for some alternative group or some boy-band or something. The ones I owned were for small, not too well known bands. He was also wearing a pair of my black jeans.

She looked him up and down, then glanced at my topless form and shook her head. "I'll never understand teenaged boys," she laughed towards us, and we both chuckled.

It was around 8:30 now. I always set my alarm for 6:30, but recently I've pulled it back to 6:15, at least until I get into a routine about the new school and all.

"Well, hurry up; we're going to help with the electronics today since we've got the day off," she said, and chuckled a bit. She was dressed in her black turtleneck and her tan business skirt. She'd left her blazer downstairs, but she actually looked attractive; in a completely platonic, not creepy kind of way. I had my eyes on someone else anyway, not that I'd have ever considered her to begin with. I mean... um... back to Nex and his excessive hotness. Yeah, that'll work...

Elegance is something I look for in people. It's usually the polite people who speak in complete sentences that have the best chance for lasting friendships; at least, when I consider that I'm a polite person who speaks in complete sentences.

Nex laughed at me a bit as his mom left the room, and after she'd disappeared down the stairs I suddenly felt a pair of arms around me all over again.

"No more naked cuddling for this morning. I'm hungry, and I don't think we're ready to fulfill those needs for one-another quite yet," he teased. He'd learned in under twenty-four hours how to make me laugh, squeal, moan, whimper, blush, and grin. He'd also learned how to make me feel happy without saying much of anything.

This was a blushing moment, and I laughed a bit at it aswell.

"Just let me get a sweater and I'll head on down," I said, turning to my dresser. I grabbed out the first one I could find and pulled it on, a tight-knit but loose-fitting powder-blue fleece sweater.

We headed downstairs


Now I'd like to take a moment to better-describe my house. This is, of course, just for colour and such. It had a simple layout, entrance in the southeast corner with a covered porch. From there you can head directly into the kitchen or turn left and enter the living room; we have a large entry-hall. The stairs are nicely inconspicuous; a deep ebony colour against the parquet hardwood floors; stained a dark colour to begin with. They just have a simple cream runner going up the black steps, with the maple railing adding that touching accent on the side that was not against the wall.

From the kitchen you could access pretty much every room on the main floor. Clockwise we had Dad's study in the southwest corner; followed by a large room which he was using for a bedroom, it was likely a bedroom or den of some kind in design. Next was the almost solidly glass wall leading to the three-tiered porch. From the middle floor and up you could see the waterfront from the back of the house; landscape rolling downhill just past our house.

Because of the landscaping, we actually didn't get much of a usable back yard. What we did get was a lot of bushes out the back and nice deciduous tree line.

To the right of the huge window we had the dining room and right of that was where we were putting the laundry room. The floors in the kitchen were genuine ceramic tiles; some of them cracked from wear and covered in a resin to preserve the tile. They were an almost midnight blue colour, matching the blue hued granite counters.

Now when I said dad and I weren't rich, I wasn't kidding. We were perhaps in the upper end of society, but far from having several hundred thousand lying around at any given time. The house was huge for us though, so I was very curious why dad had bought it.

"It feels right" he answered whenever I'd asked. I just trusted his judgement.

I sat down at one of the colour-coordinated long-legged chairs by the island counter, just looking at what had been prepared. Nex had already seated himself and was happily eating the food that had been made. I just watched him silently for a few moments, grateful for the massive snowfall, and for dad's decision to move.

Nex' mother was standing there too, smiling as her son enjoyed the food. She glanced at me and asked happily; "Would you care to try some, Cam?" She shifted a plate piled high with breakfast sausages and a hefty chunk of a mozzarella-cheddar omelette; which at first I simply stared at in bewilderment.

"Did--was... Did you make this, or did dad?" I asked, somewhat stupidly. If you ever get the chance to meet Nex' mom; she is a remarkable woman. She's funny and sweet and you wouldn't imagine how loyal she is to her friends. Her one downside is; if you question her cooking, she'll probably throttle you; but not before a very short warning.

"Why? Is there something wrong with it?" she practically spat at me. I hopped back a bit and Nex looked at me with a bit of a shocked look.

I shook my head very vigorously and tried to explain. "N-no! Nothing is wrong with it. In fact, that is my favourite kind of omelette. I j-just wanted to know how you knew..." I stammered; I wanted just disappear in that moment.

She calmed down quickly and looked at me with an apologetic look. Her voice was quiet and sincere when she spoke, and she said, "I'm... sorry, Cameron. I actually didn't know, I just ran out of cheddar and all that was left was mozzarella."

I nodded and flushed a bit before I sat down beside Nex, who had finished long before. He just watched me eat; almost in a loving way as though he were savouring every morsel of my meal.

I had to admit that he looked pretty good in my clothes, and as I ate I thought, 'he looks better out of them, though.' As though he could read my facial expression, Nex stealthily undid the button on the jeans and pulled the T-shirt up a few inches; smiling at me just as warmly.

I felt the blood rush to my cheeks again and I just forked another bite into my maw, trying not to stare. He was making it hard for me not to stare, but his mother didn't even seem to notice. She was too focused on me.

Dad happened to walk into the kitchen from his bedroom, on our side of the island. He took a quick glance at Nex and shook his head before taking a seat aswell. "I'll have what they're having," he said with a smile, and the Vixen held the plate out of his reach.

"Uh-uh. Not unless you give us another of your impressions," she said, chuckling victoriously as he looked at her. With dad sitting, they were about eye-to-eye. Remember that these seats are a bit taller than regular seats; and the island has a high side.

Dad half snickered at her and cleared his throat. "Alright... If you'd like me to do an impression..." his voice changed in an instant and he grinned, "I hope this is to your liking, Mr. Rhodes." She blinked a couple times and handed him the plate, flushing.

"I do NOT sound like that!" she argued, and Nex and I started to laugh.

"Ya' really do mum," came Nex' reply, as dad began to eat. I don't know why, but I had a twinge run through me. I felt like I was in a family again, for the first time in years.

Nex quickly did up the button and stretched a bit as I was finishing the food. Turning to me as though for guidance, I smiled at him and tilted my head twice quickly. "C'mon. Time to take my computer up," I grinned to him; and boy was he in for a surprise.

After about three hours of connecting, reconnecting, adjusting, plugging in, unplugging, further adjusting, and finally several failed attempts at a startup; my CPU was humming happily. Call me lucky; call me spoiled; my computer is a thing of beauty. Three, count 'em, three extra hard drives, top quality graphics/audio drivers, three monitors, 2 GB RAM, and all the bells and whistles. I'd bought this machine with Christmas money; and Nex just stared at it quietly.

"You know..." he started, leaning on my shoulders as I sat in a roller-chair. "You might be the luckiest fuck I've ever met."

I tilted my head back a bit and looked up at him with a snicker, before daring to say, "Promise?" I let out a quiet chuckle and he smirked and brushed his nose against mine.

"Well duh," he replied, before licking my lips, his bottom lip brushing my top and vice-versa. "Just not right yet," he added, whilst giving an upside-down stare.

Curiously; on signing into my computer, my instant messenger opened. Curious because we weren't supposed to have an internet connection yet. I blinked as I heard the ping of a message received; before moving to look at the screen.

'Fifteen emails...' I thought, quietly; that is what the popup told me though. Looking to the first; that is, the left most screen, I opened a browser window. Returning to the message window; in a heartbeat I might add; I noticed who had sent the message and let out a quiet squeak.

Fallen Heiro: Finally! Can we talk?

I blinked; and I looked back at Nex. He obviously didn't know who it was at first glance; but all I could think to say was: "This could be... interesting..." and that was an understatement of what was to come.


There you go... Too forward? They're horny and in love for sake of the Gods! :P Hope you enjoyed it. I know I'd enjoy being cock-to-cock with a cutie like Nexie.

;) Comments are appreciated; bu-dah-buh-bah-bah (you get the drift :P)

With love and cookies
