Dragon in the forest

Story by FalconMage on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: I do not own How to train your dragon and any of its characters but I do own the plot though.

Next part is up but bear with me. This is my second time writing a F/M story and it's kinda mediocre in a way but I'm trying to expand my horizon. So, again, bear with me. It's a continuation from Dragon in the barn.

Dragon in the forest

The cock crowed all morning long as the day began with a few hustle and bustle of the town villagers. There weren't much to do around Berk. Actually, there isn't much that one could do here around this town. When dragons were rampaging around the village, Vikings trained themselves hard to defend their beloved village. As Stoick had said: we're Vikings, it's an occupational hazard. True enough, it's hazardous to our health when we're trying to fight against the almighty dragons but now, what's more to the village than just dragons?

As the town fell into a peaceful land, their daily lives ran as usual but with a better assurance of knowing that their hard earned products wouldn't be pillaged by monsters any longer. Just as the sun began to blind some of the villagers, it's high time that the training ground would be filled with metal clanging and bashing on to each other.

Snotlout bashed onto a wooden dummy and it broke into tiny little pieces. He stood proud and loud, both hands placed around his waist, "Not bad huh? Think you can top that?"

Astrid rolled her eyes, "Don't give yourself too much credit. I don't 'think' I can top that," she took her axe up and smashed into another training dummy that was left just beside her. It broke into tinier pieces and splinters flew everywhere, strewn all over the ground, "I know I can top that."

Snotlout snorted at her comment, "Na-ah. I'm better and you know it."

"Sez who?" She retorted.

"Sez the almighty me!" He posed with a right leg stomped over an unmanned shield, "Behold, my superior power. No one can stop me, not even Thor!"

"Clamp it, dumbnut." Astrid placed her weapons back to where it belonged.

"Hey hey, it's Snotlout, not dumbnut. Get it right."

"You're getting annoying by the day, aren't you?" The female Viking poked his chest.

"Oh dear, you're jealous," he wrapped his large arms around her waist, "let's me, you, go out for lunch. I heard that a new place just opened up just around the corner. Wanna grab lunch?"

"Can it buster. You know I'm with Hiccup." She pushed away.

"Whoa whoa whoa. What's he got that I don't?"

True, Hiccup wasn't the biggest and meanest of them all. Compared to him, that boy is weak. He doesn't have what it takes to take on a full grown man and what Astrid sees in him utterly boggles the mind. Ever since that faithful day, Hiccup and Astrid has been together for the longest time. She cared for him, nursed him to health, help trained the boy on using his metallic legging; she did it all out of love.

Astrid whipped her hair back and glared on to Snotlout, "What he's got you don't? Passion for something. Deal with it."

He was about to retort that comment but all that he could muster was a grunt and a crossed face. Yep, she won for sure.

"Speaking of Hiccup... where is he anyways? He should be here by now."

"Who cares if he comes or not. It's not my problem." The boy gave another snort and threw the shield on to the ground.

"Snotlout! Pick that up! Didn't your mother ever tell you to pick up your toys after you've used them!" Gobber howled from above.

The dining room was silent, saved for a few clatters of metal against metal as Hiccup played with his food. He wasn't that particularly hungry for that matter and there were a lot of thing running around his head, especially about what happened last night. Last night was just an accident. He should have known better than to moan that loud. They were bound to get caught when their lust filled desires were slowly satiated but for a hefty price.

Hiccup slowly looked up to his father, Stoick, the large and leader of the Vikings, the protector that helped build this village for what it is now. Just as the large man finished up his breakfast, usually consists of bacon meat and topped over with some eggs, he got up and started cleaning his dishes. A deafening silence roamed around the room and Hiccup just couldn't stand not having a conversation about what happened last night.

Right after they were caught fucking around with each other, Stoick grabbed on to Hiccup, dragged along with his remaining shirts, and threw him in to his room. It wasn't pleasant or anything and better yet, there weren't any yelling. He half expected a long lecture about mating against a beast and the blasphemy of it but there came none. All his father did was throw him back in to his room, lock the door and left him there till morning came along and now, there he was, sitting right in front of his father for breakfast. It was unusual to say the least.

He's thinking of a way to make me talk, that's for sure... Hiccup mused.

The boy stopped playing with his food. Looking up to his father, he let off a defeated sigh, "Okay dad. Talk to me. Scream at me. Whatever you want. I know what I did was wrong and you have every right to do what you want with me. Just... don't keep me in the dark."

There... he said it, he broke the silence that lingered in the air.

Stoick definitely heard what his son just said but pretend to ignore his words. Instead, he surprised the boy with another question, "Astrid is looking for you?"

"Uh... what...?" Hiccup stared absentmindedly towards his father.

What does that mean...?

"Astrid should be in the training ground by now. Why do you ask?"

"For no reason." He continued to clean his dishes. Eventually, the last of the plates were washed clean and dried off with a clean cloth. He turned and walked towards the table, pushing the chair back to accommodate a substantial space between him and the table, "Why did you do it?"


"Do what dad?"

Hiccup deliberately did that!

Stoick fumed at his son's words, rubbing an eyebrow with his beefy fingers. He wasn't in the mood to actually berate against his son but for the better judgment, he should probably clarify his words, defining them even clearer.

"Why did you mate with that beast?"

A moment of silence literally dropped from the sky. Hiccup didn't say a word to his father but continued playing with his food. It looked as if like it was barely touched by him, saved for a few missing strands from the plate. Besides that, it looked untouched. The tension was beginning to tighten and both males could feel the tension building up within their veins. That beefy man stares incredulously while the boy sighed aloud.

"I did it because I love Toothless, that's why I did it."

The truth has finally been revealed.

"You what?"

"I said... I love Toothless." Hiccup placed his utensils down, repeating his words once more.

"Son, do you even heard what you just said?" Stoick got up from his chair. Uh-oh, it seems that things are beginning to turn ugly, "Do you understand what you just said...?"

This time, Hiccup did the same, imitating his father; chair pushed back and he stood up proudly, chest heaved up high, nose flaring, "I know what I'm saying and I'm going to say it again: I love Toothless. He's more than just a mere dragon, dad. Don't you see how sentient Toothless is?"

"Don't you see what you're doing! Son of mine!" He slammed a fist on to the table, "Don't you see what you're doing! We! We are Vikings! We do not and I repeat again, do not mate with dragons. We mate with our own kind, our own human flesh, not with some beast that came from the wild."

"So what if he's from the wild, dad! So what if Toothless is a beast! He's mine and I love him. We have a mutual relationship with each other and nothing could stop us from having that," Hiccup paused for a moment, "Not even you... dad..."

At this point on, the leader of the Viking, chief of the tribe, was more than furious at him. His nose expanded and if he could, he'd flared fire from his nostrils. He grabbed on to Hiccup and he hung by the point of his arms, body limp like a dead body. Both father and son looked each other in the eye, exchanging daggers and not one of them wanted to lose to one another. Hiccup was relentless. His squinted and stared like he meant it while Stoick did the same. They were equally matched in stubbornness but hey, it runs in their genes.

"Why do you do this...?" His father finally asked.

"Because... it's my life, and I want to do what I like." The tone of his voice downed to a whisper.

"You're threading on dangerous waters... literally..."

"I could always move out and go away..."

That struck a chord between both of them and in the end, Stoick exhaled loudly, as if like he was holding his breath right from the beginning. He placed his son down and let him go. It was difficult to understand what this all means to him. For one thing, it's definitely his destiny to be a dragon rider. As Gobber had said to him the other time when they were alone: each and every one of them stubborn misfits are born better than any one of us here in the village.

It was true. Without Hiccup, they wouldn't be here right now, talking to each other; probably dead in the battlefield but thanks to him and his friends, they were alive. Stoick couldn't fathom the whole concept of beast mutually existing between humans but its happening. It was hard for him to take it all in but he was slowly accepting the fact. However... till the point of mating between each other? He might as well call down the mighty Thor and smite him with his thunderous hammer!

He sighed and looked away, staring blankly on to the floor.

"D-Dad...?" Hiccup gently placed his hands on to his right shoulder.

His father didn't respond directly but the boy knew that he was listening.

"If things comes to worse, I will leave the village. Toothless and I know of a great place to stay and could be safe together."

"Hiccup, it isn't about that but rather, how are you going to face the reality of it all."

"Dad, this is reality and I know it."

Another moment of silence.

Stoick took a deep breath and exhaled, "Alright. You could do whatever you want."

A triumphant victory! Hiccup jumped for joy but it didn't last long.

"But that doesn't mean that you're not under my probation," he continued, "You're still my son and you can do whatever you like... a-as long as you're still alive."

Hiccup gave a toothy grin and hugged his father as tightly as he could. This was the moment that he had been waiting for, to gain a much needed approval from his father! All these times, he couldn't do anything right but with Toothless, he could do it all.

"Thanks dad..."

The chief of the tribe smiled, "You've got my blessings. Make sure that Astrid knows, okay?"

"Yeah... about that..." Hiccup untangled himself and frowned. He wasn't sure what he should tell Astrid... what should be tell her...?

Toothless scratched on to the nearest available tree, panting and drooling like he was struck with some sort of disease. The surrounding area was completely tarnished with a few uprooted flowers, some bended trees; it's amazing that a gnarled looking tree was untouched through the dragon's unusual behaviour. Something was extremely odd about the dragon and from the looks of things; he wasn't going to hold on to whatever his urge were.

The dragon growled and snarled, hissing and snapping at no one. Claws extended over and started clawing at the thickest tree that he could find. Something was definitely wrong.

From afar, something or rather, someone, had started to investigate the mysterious snarling and growling that came from this particular clearing and who would have known that a certain female was the one that came out of curiousity. Astrid pushed a few branches off from her view and by the time she had arrived to her destination, she gasped and quickly hid herself.

What on earth is Toothless doing...? She mused.

From her vantage point, it looks like the dragon was about to go feral and could probably kill anything in sight. The area was destroyed and her scaly friend was more than just angry. There was something different about him but she just couldn't think of anything else besides being hurt. Toothless moved to the other side and stopped clawing against the bark of the tree, turning side way, going on all four and started grinding his hips against the ground.

"What on earth...?"

What she saw next completely left her flabbergasted. Mouth agape, her eyes was being fed by a massive looking dragonhood that belonged to Toothless. Well, it is Toothless' male hood but she wasn't even prepared to know any further. The dragon was humping the ground, most probably horny but the whole concept of Toothless being horny and needy escaped her mind so many times that at one point, she even thought that dragons do not have any urges at all. Clearly, she was wrong about that concept.

Dragons are pretty much like humans but in a way, they have a certain needs that they craved and wanted to fulfill and at this moment, Astrid saw a needy dragon.

"I guess... that's what causing all the snarling and growling," she whispered to herself, "But... does that mean that he needs to mate...?"

All of a sudden, a crunch came from behind her and she turned, scrutinizing her surroundings, preparing for any attack that may come. Eyes squinted; the female warrior heightened her senses. Something was out there... that's for certain. There's another, here, in this woods, besides herself and Toothless. She was about to grab hold of her weapon when a shadow loomed pass her, darkening her vision for a split second. Surprise attacks: she was always prepared for it. She was trained to do this, to fight in situations where the enemy knows her position but her, not knowing them.

It kills her from the inside to know that the enemy had the upper hand but... make use of the situation at its best, that's the best way.

Just as soon as she grabs hold of her axe, the female was quickly pinned down from shoulder point, landing on her back with a loud thud.

"Argh! Get off!" She yelled.

She struggled. She squirmed. Trying to break free from the very clutches of her enemy. Legs flailed uncontrollably but soon enough, she was pinned down completely, unable to move.

"What do you want!" Astrid opened her eyes.

What she saw... in front of her eyes... couldn't have prepared her for even a thousand years. A gasp, followed by fear.


That's right. Toothless, the mighty night fury, had snuck up upon Astrid and overpowered her down. It wasn't an effort taking task but the fact that he had somebody below him sent tremors down his spine. The dragon whined and started licking the human, tasting and lathering her neck with saliva. If that wasn't enough of a shocker to both of them, Toothless had started to grind his massive malehood against her body.

The fact that it was leaking pre all over another body was enough to push Toothless into another frenzy. It was weird but felt right at the same time too. This wasn't something that he would do to another person, especially to someone that he trusted a whole lot but he had no other choice. His mighty urge to practically fuck the brains out of anything that moves shrouded his mind like a darkened cloud. His tongues slithered like a snake tasting its prey, tickling the female.

"Toothless! P-Please... l-let me go... what are you doing...?"

She was afraid, very much afraid. However, the mind of the mighty night fury was completely hazed, judgment clouded by lust. Her cries for help utter drowned.

"Let me go! Toothless! Stop it!"

I... I can't...

His tongue grazed on to her shirt and nipped by the side, tearing away that flimsy Viking shirt. Astrid gasped and blushed heavily under the dragon. She was humiliated beyond her wildest imagination and there was nothing that she could do about it. All she had now on top of her was a horny dragon that needed a hole to fuck and what more could be said about her own body. At that thought, she trembled and struggled even more.

Toothless! You're too big to get that in me! Her mind screamed. If she could scream right now, her voice could have been heard about miles away but that piercing scream could put her in a much dire situation.

The dark scaled dragon lowered his body, both upper paws still pinned on to the human, crushing her in the process. A strong whiff of the female and Toothless knew what his desires were; to fuck someone with abandonment. His lips opened up and pursed itself around her breast, suckling on those hardened nipples. Despite her position and danger she was in, her body was beginning to adapt to the changes. If she didn't know any better, her body wanted it as well but her mind wasn't!

How on earth could she be so turned on by this... this monster molesting her private parts and better yet, his lustful need to mate? It's out of the question but she couldn't stop herself from biting her lips. Her breathing became rapid in a few seconds as Toothless caressed the female with joy. He was definitely a tongue expert because wherever it went, it sent uncomprehended surge of pleasure through her body and veins. Evidently, her juices started to flow.

At this point, Toothless released his massive paw pads from her shoulder, caressing those fairly large breasts. It wasn't big or anything, still in the process of expanding, if that's what he was thinking but enough to satiate his hunger. A little tweak on those hardened nubs and Astrid let loose. If she held it on any longer, she'd probably turn into a nice shade of purple but she couldn't. Finally, her voice broke off and yelled a scream of pleasure.

W-What! Toothless snapped all of a sudden, Oh shit! What have I done!

The dragon quickly got off from the human as he came back to his senses. It took a while for him to register what was happening and what lay in front of his eyes wasn't what he wanted to see. Astrid was squirming and moaning at this point on, probably being horny by herself and that proved his point even further as her finger gently pushed in to her most sensitive part, namely, her vagina. Copious amount of female juices leaked out from those pink lips and if he didn't know any better, Astrid was pleasuring herself.

"Fuck... why didn't I do this before training..." She gasped and moaned even louder.

All Toothless did was blushed and tried to run away, hiding his shame from striping the female off from her garments, not to mention displaying his massive cock at the same time too. It wasn't the mere shame being such an exhibitionist but rather, to be seeing a female in her prime, performing such acts in the middle of the woods.

"You're not going anywhere," Astrid came to her senses just the same and got up, crawling sensually towards the dragon, "You started this, you finish it. Understand?"

Toothless grunted half way through when he felt the human touched against his maleness. It was back to throbbing in fullness and another trickle of pre flowed from the tip to the hilt. The pure white liquid made Astrid shudder and she did something that was out of curiousity. Her hands flicked on to the head and scooped a few droplets of dragon pre. She was overwhelmed by the scent itself. Opening up her jaw, that pre coated finger was licked off... and she loved it.

It was slightly salty in a way but toasty in another. A slight tinge of roasted flavouring; probably due to the fact that he was a dragon and breathes out fire. She liked the taste just as much and she wanted to savour that cock now. If pre tasted that good, the meat itself should be self sufficient. Her soft tongue grazed upon the length of that cock, inhaling that musky smell that intoxicated her nostrils. It was definitely too big for her to handle but she just... gotta try and get the head in.

Astrid braved herself and got on to her knees, staring at that massive shaft, the cock slit oozing another wave of pre. She stuck her tongue out and quickly lapped at the fresh batch of liquid, slurping hungrily as if this was her last meal. Tip of tongue gave another sensual lick before slowly going down to the head. Her lips pursed tightly against the head and another spurt of pre burst from the slit.

Toothless clawed against the ground and lets off a guttural moan of pleasure, sinking deeply into his own desired world. Hiccup was the only human that had ever taken his cock this way and that's a fact. As of now, it seemed that, there's another person that could take it the very same way. Maybe it's just them or maybe it's the fact that human tongue and mouth had a certain effect against his cock but whatever it is, it's pushing him to the limits. No matter how much he tried to suppress his joyous moan of pleasure, it wasn't working very well.

Soon, the horny dragon was laid on his back, cock poking in to the air obscenely like a flag pole. Astrid was more than happy to service the dragon but mere licks weren't enough to push the dragon into oblivion. Instead, she wanted to try something else. Pushing her body forward, cupping both her breast with ease, she tried to fit that massive shaft in between them. It was a little hard to get it in to position but soon, she got what she wanted.

Oh yeah... that's how a cock should be taken care off. No pawing, no self pleasure; just full pleasure and pressure on that erection. She moved her body up and down, masturbating the dragon with her breast while stopping occasionally to lick against the head. Going down all the way, Astrid got more than just the head into her mouth this time. Her lips engulfed a third of that length before pulling off for air. She obviously wasn't experienced in this kind of sexual encounter but her instinct told her to continue whatever she was doing and she was right.

Toothless submitted his body entirely to lust as the female tried to make the dragon cum all over himself. It was taking a few efforts to get him into a paradise climax but soon enough, it would come along...

"You... have got to be kidding me..." Hiccup sat on the ground, leaning his back against a gnarled tree; pants gone, shirt gone, naked in the woods, not to mention an erection displayed for all to see.

The scrawny boy looked straight ahead. You know... all those immaculate thoughts about Astrid being innocent and what not was swept away completely and he watched the female Viking serviced over to the dragon. It was a completely accident. One hundred percent, complete utter accident that he found both of them around in this clearing, fucking along the way.

After Hiccup left the village, he knew that Toothless would roam around the nearby clearing to clear his thoughts. Either that or, he would stay deep into the cold running river above the mountains. That's usually what the dragon did early in the mornings but through his journey of searching for him, he found along the path a female masturbating over to a dragon.

Her screams of pleasure was a dead giveaway to Hiccup as he followed over to that sound and soon enough, here he was, leaning over a tree while playing with his own cock. It was disgusting in a way since he was being such a pervert, hiding behind some bushes, watching both creatures fucking against each other. By this time, Astrid vigorously masturbated that huge shaft with earnest, trying to coax that plentiful semen out.

Her pace got quicker... faster... going in to a blur.... Hiccup stared at himself, whimpering and gasping whenever he touched his own maleness. Pre coated over the head and a few managed to flow freely over to the base. Without much effort, Hiccup had the wonderful urge to cum already. The best part? He barely started. He had no idea what came over him but the display was as hell shit hotter than him fucking his own dragon.

Toothless started gasping and grunting in need. What more could he want but to cum all the way through? His claws dug deeply onto the ground, squirming and body quaked in little tremors. Soon, it was going to hit a certain point that he could not hold it on any longer. Hiccup licked over his parched lips. He braved himself and got closer, settling in like a sneaky peeping tom. Actually, it's more of a peeping Hiccup but who cares that, right?

"Shit... faster... He's gonna cum... just a little bit more..." Hiccup whispered to himself.

He was right though. The dragon was already on the verge of hitting his climax and he didn't disappoint. There were so many signs; breathing in bated breath, grunts and growls were incoherent, tip of cock flared uncontrollably, why do you make yourself suffer!

"Cum! Just fucking cum dammit!"

"Toothless... C'mon. You know you want to just release all those pent up tension, right? Don't mess with it. It could kill you. Now be a good dragon and give Astrid what she wants."

You expect me to cum just like that when you threaten me so? Toothless half hissed to himself.

"Come on! Release it all!"

Argh! Fuck! How on earth do you handle my cock so well!

It was a battle between the need to cum and the other need of not wanting the human to know how well she was doing to him. In other words, the dragon didn't want to lose a simple fight like this to her. However, what's the point of fighting a losing battle, right? It's pretty much written in stone already as his cock throbbed and bounced like an impending volcano filled with male cream.

Astrid tried her level best to make him cum and cum he did. A loud and thunderous roar cried out through the sky as Toothless gave voice to his orgasmic pleasure. Trees shook, ground trembled, the sky sent into a whirlpool of confusion; it was so powerful that the very earth acknowledged his need.

Shots after shots, followed by strings of cream blasted off from the tip and covered the female with it. She tried to catch as much cum as she could but it was definitely a feat not capable by just mere humans. Her eyes were closed, her body smeared and caked with cum. Meanwhile, Toothless' body was the same as well. He didn't just cover Astrid alone but nearly covered himself with cum too. Strings of cum was evident along his belly, followed all the way up to his chest. He murred and groaned in passionate pleasure, unable to shake off the feeling off cumming like he never cummed before.

It's quite cliché but who the hell cares at this very moment! All Toothless cared was trying to get his cock back down because despite the tip slowly dripping some remnant of seed, he didn't go limp at all. One would have known that after such a powerful blast of seed, his balls would have been emptied by now but that wasn't the case for this mighty dragon though. He was throbbing and quaked with another round of need. Ears laid flat on his head as he tried to think nothing more than just sex.

Despite his efforts, it wasn't going to go the right way though. As he looked forward, he saw Astrid fingering herself back again but this time, her body covered with dragon seed. It was definitely a sight to behold upon and it didn't help with his current situation. Better yet! It stimulates him even further! This is going to be a long day and he wasn't going to stop what he was doing.

If this human wanted more cock, he would be more than happy to provide for her need.

"Holy fuck... Toothless... You never cummed like that for me..." Hiccup laid on his back, legs sprawled to the side as his body came down from the afterglow. There wasn't a single doubt that this smaller boy Viking was masturbating to the scene that was just unfolded right in front of his eyes. It wasn't the right thing to do but who was he to defy his own naturalistic needs?

He didn't cum as much as he thought that he could but it was better than nothing. Few ropes of creamy seed splattered across his chest and a pool lay right above his belly, filling the curvy shape of his body. For the moment, he was satisfied with himself. This was even better than stroking himself off to some hot chick bathing right across a public pool. Yeah, this boy is a pervert, leave him at that"Ungh... I guess I better get back there and get Toothless out of this mess. Both of them might as well know what's happening anyways and... whoa!" Hiccup gasped and fell back once more. What he saw practically made his cock jump right back up to attention and he kid you not when he was hard all over again.

"A-Astrid! You're joking... right?"

"Fuck me! Harder!" Astrid cried and pleaded as if her life depended on it, "Fuck me! I can handle you large cock! Ahh!!"

Birds flee from their respective branches as the screams of pleasure emanated through the forest. A sudden gale of wind swept through the land and brushed against Astrid's hot body. She was creamed with cum from upper torso to her lower one but that wasn't the reason for her sudden shudder. Right up to her opening, a large cock was embedded inside of her. It was, by far, the largest that she's ever taken. Not to say that she's much of a virgin but she's been along the trail before.

That female Viking was daring enough and went beyond her capabilities. She managed to lodge herself on to Toothless' cock and that's only half way in. Her vagina stretched as far as it could and this practically stimulates her clit up to no end. Juices of pure female liquid drenched on to the cock, mixed with a few remaining cum. As she tried to position herself even better, Toothless decides to take it up to his own paw.

Grabbing on to both sides of her body, he positioned Astrid into a better placement and evidently, managed to breathe a sigh of relief. He looked up and smiled warmly right at her face, his spicy breath puffed into a ring of smoke. Astrid looked right up at the dragon and tried to break back a smile of her own. It was a little hard to actually make a good one since... all she could think of is a cock fucking deep into her bowels. It one would to take a closer her, there's probably a slight bulge right up her belly.

Oh shit... you're kidding me... right? This is a little looser than a male hole but damn it's moist! My whole cock is practically covered with her juices and she's got more in her than a bucket full of water!

He pulled her up and impaled that lithe body down. It was hard to actually keep a straight face and if Toothless was right, he actually made Astrid into quite a slut. She was practically moaning like there's no end to her needs and eager for more... Heck, she even tried to penetrate herself deeper than what Toothless cared for. He didn't want to break her in half but by the gods she's a great fuck. Her hole is what he needed all along and all of a sudden, the need to mate had regained its revenge.

The dragon breathed in hard, panting and growling with lust. Claws suddenly extended and gently clamped on to her side, pumping her body a little faster now. He was gaining a far better momentum than before and he wasn't about to stop right now. What he wants... he's gonna get it and there's no stopping him now. As Astrid rode away, she was in heaven just the same. She caressed over to her slightly bulging stomach before groping herself on to her defined breast. Soft little pinches of ecstasy on her nipple drove her wild and she didn't care how hard Toothless was fucking her.

She was quite aware of what was happening and she knew all too well that he was using her merely as a hole to fuck to. Her moist clit gape open wide as more of that cock was enveloped in. Astrid moaned once more, her body quaking unearthly as the dragon rock her up and down. Her legs were a little cramp right about now but Toothless made it all better. With his strong arms, she was lifted right up till the tip and in a few seconds, an exchange of grin but for Astrid, a world of horror overwhelmed her. Within seconds, she was pumped right back in, opening her hole once more.

Up and down she went... it felt as if she was torturing herself with a large pole, trying to dig her inside. Toothless rammed right in once more, slamming himself till the female screamed out loud. Her clitoris was aroused up to no end and copious amount of her own juices spurt forth and covered his shaft completely. Astrid whined and moaned simultaneously, biting in her fingers gently as pleasure overcame her.

"Ungh... That was amazing... harder... make me cum all over again ya' sexy horny dragon." She concurred.

It was different, truly different for her to act that way. All these while... Astrid was always the composed type to think before doing and not once did she let her own lust overcome her own goal but this time, it was different. This was another side of her that no one had seen her before, besides Toothless and the dragon was merely happy to experience Astrid's needy side. He moved forward and started licking her breast again. His rough tongue drove her senses up to the top of the hill and her body shuddered violently, as if her body was about to fail and spammed like crazy. Pants followed by whines broke her vocal chords and without her knowing it, she came a second time in just a few seconds.

Toothless felt the watery fluid around his cock and he had had enough. He wanted to cum again and there's no stopping him right now. With a loud grunt and growl, he pushed the female on to the ground and slammed right back in. Both paws pinned down along her body and he started ramming into oblivion. It was rhythmic at first but after a few minutes, all judgment has been lost between their passionate love making. Soft and wonderful thrust was replaced with a rough hump as he ploughed right in; little gentle licks on her breast turned into a drooling maw of saliva, coating her body with it; everything was beginning to spur into a blur.

You ready for my seed... bitch?

Astrid yelled, "Fuck! Toothless!"

Beg for it?

"Toothless!" She continued screaming.

Louder! Bitch!

"Toothless!! Ahh!! Harder!!"

That's what you want don't you! Scream for it and you shall receive what your heart desires!

Astrid nearly passed out from the sheer intense pleasure as her body began to slowly fail her. Toothless fucked harder, faster... rougher... and it all boils down to one moment of pure enjoyment...

Oh yeah!!

Toothless pulled just in time and splattered heavy cum on to her body yet again. If one would think that the first load of cum would be overwhelming, the dragon's second load for the day could easily defeat that notion. The cock head flared and came like it had never came before. Two shots, followed by three, four, five... six! Nearly seven and if you would want to count the small spurt, that would be eight. About eight shots of cum blasted off from the tip and his heavy balls were finally satiated. Astrid was finally covered in cum from head to toe and this was all gifts from the mighty night fury himself.

Small dribbles of seed finally drooled from the tip and flowed on to the ground, blanketing the place with his own male seed. Looking downwards, he saw a cum covered female lying motionless. It scared the dragon for a minute as he tried to regain his composure. Chest heaved up and down, trying to inhale as much air as he could. His scales glistened from the perspiration that he had gotten from this session and he sniffed the air as much as he could. The striking scent of sex lingered around the forest but something else had bothered him about the smell. There was a mixture of male dragon... a female... and... vaguely... the afterglow scent of another male.

It seems that somebody has been watching their actions from afar and he finally saw who it was. From the corner of his eye, he caught another motionless body on the ground, with a boot sticking out from under the bushes. He growled and pounced over to the human, grabbing on to his leg and dragged him out.


The boy yelped and tried to run away, "Whoa! Toothless! I'm sorry!"

What are you doing here?!

"I-I-I-I... I was..j-just... watching..."

You were watching us... as in... watching us... watching me fuck Astrid...?

The boy blushed crimson and tried to turn away, "Yes, I was watching you fuck Astrid."

Toothless sighed and hugged the boy from behind, carrying him up and cradled over to his belly. Despite his limping cock and a naked human male on top of him, he wasn't ashamed of their nudity. If there were to share about each other, let it be that their bodies mingled with each other.

"Toothless... I'm sorry if I peeked on you like that..."

But you had fun... look at your cock... Toothless pokes over to the boy's cock for emphasis.

"Hey, stop it," he swatted that paw off, "I've cummed twice from watching you both fuck around. I need to shower..." Hiccup looked to the side and blushed one more, "And... we need to clean Astrid up..."

It would be my pleasure....

Toothless murred and playfully licked along Astrid's face, tasting the tangy scent of cum, musk and most of all... sex...

There you have it! R&R please! I would graciously welcome any critics or flamers or whatever you guys are cause I at least want to know what you guys think about this story. I'm terrible at writing F/M and feedback is most welcome. Enjoy!

Cookies for all!